Union Barber Dies, U. S. Boycott Against Japanese Ending Tradition SEighteen ould Feed Hate, Speaker Says A Michigan tradition died Suidy. (Continued froin Page 1) lation would entail a horrible human For 18 years Joseph H. Hooper clique, he continued, for the army is The army is not against capitalism ministered to' the tonsorial wants a conscript body in which one out of j and the industrialists who are profit- of the campus until, at his passing. every three each year receives train- ing most from it, but they do wish to he was manager of t .w Union bar- ing. The conscripts are from the curb the latter. Their one real way masses, many of the younger officers out, however, as they see it, is to ob- ber shop. And in those years he saw being from the lower middle class ta, by force if necessary, the cheap- the gradual metamorphis of Michi- which feels itself economically al- er resources which they believe they gan men from a spirit of collegia to a ligned with the masses. Ican get in China. spirit, in many cases, of study: saw It is the army to which the Japan- Thus have they led the move for it while he was giving Joe and John- ese people as a whole have turned for j'an aggressive policy in China which ny and Tomand a host of others that relief against their increasing pov-! they believe will be profitable in that well-groomed appearance that only erty. Revolution against their indus- it will ultimately mean higher stan- "Mr. Hooper" could achieve. trial lords, the people rule out, Dr. dard of living for the masses and con- At 3 a.m. Sunday he died at a Brumbaugh explained, for they be- tinued competition in the world mar- private hospital. A month of illness lieve the very density of their popu- ket. that had kept from his regular du- - --------- ties ended in heart failure. Funeral services will be held at 2 YPSILANTI NORMAL CHOIR I III SINGING UNACCOMPANIED 200 VOICES CHRISTMAS MUSIC FREDERICK ALEXANDER, Conductor Nativity Music from Many Lands. Old Music - Young Voices PEASE AUDITORIUM, Ypsilanti No Reserved Seats Thursday, Dec. 9. 8 P.M. Sharp Admission 25c Ii' I1 i 11 jll , Neatly Laundered For Only...... A CRISP, CLEAN SHIRTS are the first requiste of neat Cpersonal appearance of the well - dressed University man. And cit this tow price, you cannot afford to go the least unkempt. N1t only is the saving available on shirts, but on ALL yu lundry. We strongly suggest that you use the Student "ROUGH DRY" Bundle, in which Shirts, Handkerchiefs, and Socks are completely finished to please the most criti- cal . Underwear and Pajamas are washed and foldei ready for wear-all at the modest rate of ten cents per pound, with charges for extra finished laundry marked ac- cordingly. Why pay for delivery charges alone in express to your hinn when it costs only a few cents more to make use of gris highly satisfactory service. TROJAN LAUNDRY I Phone 9495 2 3 6 3 I& A 00 - &U2 ' DINEHART . Dour.LAa d I A ffhltA . - A E"UC I U9F I A I U1 k..l I& AI L: . U ... 'I --r- 1 I111111