The Weather Occasional snow today and tomorrow; colder tomorrow. L _Mgdbh- A6F Ap 4 u an 41it r t zit Editorials Great Britain's Attitude... i -r-- VOL. XLVIII No. IA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DEC. 7, 1937 1 1 PRICE FIVE CENTS NankingWalls Under Siege By Japanese Invaders Take Eastern Suburbs Of Chinese Capital; City Ablaze Sun Yat-Sen Shrine Taken By Soldiers SHANGHAI, Dec. 7.-(Tues- day)-(P)-Great Britain today protested to Japanese naval au- thorities against the aerial bomb- ing of two British merchant ships and damage to a British gunboat at Wuhu. The British protested against bombs that struckatheariver steamers Tuk-Wo and Tatung Sunday during a Japanese aerial bombardment of Wuhu, 60 miles southwest of Nanking. SHANGHAI, Dec. 7.-(Tuesday)- (A)-The vanguard of Japan's legions today reached the massive walls of Nanking and prepared to lay siege to the capital from which the gov- ernment of China fled two weeks ago. Japanese correspondents with. the troops reported Nanking's eastern suburbs, including the mausoleum of Sun Yat-Sen, father of the Chinese republic, and the mansion of Gen- eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, already were in the invaders' hands. The $3,000,000 tomb of Sun Yat-Sen, one of the world's most im- pressive monuments, set on the slope of the famous purple mountain, has been considered the shrine of modern China. Nanking In Flames The district surrounding it, con- taining many fine government build- ings, held the outstanding material achievements of the Nationalist gov- ernment of China, the regime of Nanking and Chiang Kai-Shek which many Japanese leaders have said must be destroyed. , Correspondents said fires were rag- ing in Nanking, throwing up smoke columns that could be seen miles away. A brief dispatch from within the city said the great gates were being closed and strengthened with sand- bag barricades. The Chinese appar- ently were preparing for a stand with- in the city, with its 32-mile-long walls, from 30 to 50 feet high, the greatest in China. Nothing was known of the where- abouts of Generalissimo Chiang, who had declared China's determination to resist to the last. City Bombarded Japanese correspondents predicted capture of Nanking by tonight. A Japanese army spokesman in Shang- hai said fighting in Nanking streets was to be expected today. The last stage of the Japanese surge toward the capital apparently met with almost no resistance. From Ku- yung, 22 miles to the East, which fell yesterday, the little brown warriors of Nippon must have advanced almost as fast as they could march. They approached Nanking by way of Kao- chiaomen, a village three miles to the southeast. A Japanese spokesman here said Nanking had been bombed from the air and fuel tanks set afire. Koussevitzky To Give Suite To Play Prokofieff's New Work For First Time Here A new score 'of Prokofieff, the or- chestra suite "Lieutenant Kije," will be presented for the first time here by Serge Koussevitzky when he brings4 the Boston Symphony Orchestra to Ann Arbor for the fifth Choral Union concert at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Prokofieff wrote the music for the Soviet film, "Lieutenant Kije," in 1933. The film, and consequently the music, is light and satirical in char- acter - the movements describing "The Birth of Kije," "Romance," "Kije's Wedding," "Troika," and "Burial of Kije." The lieutenant was an imaginary figure, springing from a misunderstood remark made by a military aid to the Czar. The obse- quious courtier, fearful of pointing out to the Czar the mistake he hadI made, invents an officer by that name. Engineering Faculty Delays Curricula Vote Without voting on proposed U. S. Boycott Against Japanese Would Feed Hate, Speaker Says Court Reveals U.S.Contracts Can Be Taxed Dr. Brumbaugh Believes Rising Cost Of Materials Is Reason For Conflict By ALBERT MAYIO A United States boycott against Japan would only increase its ani- mosity against the United States and would probably not be effective in stopping the Far Eastern conflict, Dr. Thoburn T. Brumbaugh, director of the Methodist Wesleyan Foundation in Japan, told an audience in the League yesterday. For one thing, the boycott would fail, he said, because other nations would most likely continueto sell to and buy from Japan, which, al- though weakened, would still be able to fight. 'For another thing, even if Japan were brought to her knees, the fundamental problem would not be solved but only temporarily deferrd to become a more serious menace at' another time, Dr. Brumbaugh said.( That fundamental problem of a poor but highly industrialized Japan, only recently emerged from an isolat- ed feudalism, is its lack of natural resources to compete with nations of the West. Japan's side of the Far EasternI story, in a nutshell, is: We are a poor country in all except labor. To compete withj industrial nations of the West we must pay heavily for our raw materials. To compete success- fully, we must produce goods for export cheaper than our com- petitors. To compete successfully, then, in view of the heavy cost of our raw materials, we must produce at the cost of lower wages and a lower standard of living. But now costs of materials have risen higher. The cobdi- tion of the masses is getting worse. We must raise our stan- dard of living. But to raise our standard of living would mean that we couldn't produce cheaply enough to compete in the world market. Therefore we will fight for cheaper raw materials to raise our standard of living and still compete with the industrial na- tions of the West. -Dr. Brumbaugh named three main forces in the internal set-up of Ja- Pan, the wealthy industrialists, the! militarists, and the lower middle- class laboring-class alignment. Eighty per cent of the wealth of Japan is controlled by five per cent of its families, Dr. Brumbaugh said, and 90 per cent by 15 per cent of its families. Though the family in the Oriental sense is a large unit like a clan, the figures above nevertheless indicate the intense concentration of wealth into the hands of a few. These few are the industrialists who, when Japan emerged from its feudalistic isolation about 70 years ago, grasped control of the govern- ment from the hands of the feudal barons, unfit by temperament and philosophy to compete in the individ- ualistic tradition of capitalism. As a result of the concentrating process the condition of the masses has become worse and that of the upper middle class, the industrialists, increasingly more prosperous. The militarists are the army, Dr. Brumbaugh said. It is a fallacy to say that the militarists are a small (Continued on Page 2) Committee Heads Named To Sponsor And Supervise Speaks Here Today New Field Of Revenue May Bring In Nearly $50,000,000Annually Congress Marks Time Meanwhile WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-(P)--A Supreme Court decision declaring that in certain instances states may tax in- come which contractors receive from the Federal Government proved of in- tense interest today to legislators casting about for new sources of rev- enue. Whether it would open up even- tually a broad new field of taxation was a question much discussed thought at first reading of the decision, irany observers believed it was strictly lim- ited in scope. A House tax subcommittee consid- ering the idea of Federal taxes onI state employes' salaries (and vice! versa) had awaited the decision for r guidance. However, the decision seemed to draw a clear distinction be- tween taxes on contractors, and taxes on "an agency of government." The court's 5 to 4 ruling upheld im- position of gross income taxes, by Washington and West Virginia, on companies that had contracted with the federal government to build Grand' Coulee dam in Washington and locks and dams on the Kanawha and Ohio 1 Rivers in West Virginia. Some authorities have estimated the Federal and state governments would pick up some $70,000,000 each by application of income taxes to the more than $50,000,000,000 of tax ex- empt or partially exempt securities of al types. Good fellows Will Help This Child.. . Affair Seeks To Provide DR. VICTOR G. HEISER nonii~ ,rzA J t1h)n Annual Goodfellow Drive ...If They Get Your Help L.FWIUu~r -.z4UU.ItL " I Congress Votes Bonus SpasTdyWASHINGTON, Dec. 6-P-o- gress voted itself today some $222,000 for traveling expenses to and from the n A dventu res special session-at 20 cents per mile per member. . House lRepublicanshdsmeaty Dr. Victor Heiser, noted authority.Hue~pulcn had some nasty lr V and author no"An athings to say about the action-in- on f Ae-leprosy ndyssey,"wilAnsAer luding the imputation that it can Doctor's dyssey will speak at amounted to an appropriation for 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium on Christmas trips home, which in fact, "More of an American Doctor's Odys- would not actually be made. In the sey," under the auspices of the Ora- Senate the measure passed without torical Association. comment. Born in Pennsvlania in 1873 .Dr. fOtherwise. the day was devoted to s eOg raphers Will Meet Here Dec. 28,29,30 Annual Gathering To Hold Banquet Meeting; Hall Arranges Program Dean Bates Speaks To Professors On Student T raining .DUI 11 111 i Gi111aJ' 1 V Zirllltl, lii 10 1 J } Ll . Heiser attended school in his home state and took his doctor's degree in medicine from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1897. TheI following year he entered the U.S. S A or Fa E stMarine Hospital Service and was onj special detail for the next two years, reporting on European emigration to Declares Collective Action the U.S., studying the plague in Might Stifle War Egypt and working in Canada on the _ _emigration problem. From 1903 to The most desirable course in rela- 1915 he was chief quarantine officer tion to the Far Eastern situation for the Philippine Islands, and for a! that the United States can take is decade was also the Island's Director collective action through any possible of Health. means, Prof. Charles Remer. of the From 1915 until his retirement inI economics department, told the sec- 1934, Dr. Heiser was Director of theI ond Union Forum Sunday. International Health Division of the He pointed out that this action can' Rockefeller Foundation. Over this still be taken by a committee re-' period, he inaugurated a number of maining from the Nine-Power Brus- movements to save and prolong hu-1 sels parley, and urged that it be man life, gaining international fame. done because failure of collective ac- He was connected with the work of tion might lead to another world war. stamping out smallpox, plague, Leading a discussion of American cholera, the building of the Philip- policy in the Far East with the group other Island institutions.a attending the forum, Professor Remer }otersladistiutins gave 13 propositions for the purpose of clarifying thought on American Stanton Talks policy in the Far East. They are: I 1. It is desirable that war be abol- an Islaic Art ished. 2. It is desirable that the United Terms Crusades A Bridge States be at peace.e 3. So long as wars are carried on, Between East And West the United States may have to par- ticipate. Using the Crusades as a bridge 4. The abolition of war will not be connecting Eastern and Western cul- brought about by policy based upon tures, Prof. John W. Stanton, of the the principle Hof isolation. This history department, yesterday in the means that non-participation of the Islamic Art lecture in Alumni Me- United States in war cannot be as- morial Hall showed the tremendous sured by neutrality legislation. influence exerted on modern day life 5. Te abliton o wa wil beby both Near and Far Eastern civili- 5. The abolition of war will be zations. brought about by a policy based upon Terming the inception of religious the principle of collective action to freedom as one of the main results of Ienforce peace. the Crusades, Prof. Stanton briefly 6. The United States chose openly reviewed the beginning, of religious not to enter the League of ,Nations1 sects in the 13th century in Armenia (Continued on Page 6) and Bulgaria. The Crusaders, he said, were gradually assimilated after -* * .~ they had conquered the land, and Martili iscusses I brought the teachings of the various sects back to Europe. Fascism Before YCLIThe western armies, he asserted, wrangling over the Farm Bill, a House The 34th annual meeting of the As- subcommittee decision to make two sociation of American Geographers simplifications in the much-criticized will be held in Ann Arbor Dec. 28, 29 1 capital gains and losses tax, and the and 30 at the Union, it was an- approval by the House Labor Com- nounced yesterday. mittee of a revised Wage and Hour The Association is a national or- Bill eliminating the proposed Admin- ganization of geographers, with mem- istrative Board. Ibership acquired through election by the group. Its membership of 150 in- {ieludes not only professors, but pro- Ilegent S Luy fessional 'geographers as well. . Members of the Michigan faculty Group Annuity Fwho are in the group are President Ruthven, Prof.-Emeritus William H. Hobbs, of the geology department, For Employes ;and Prof.Kenneth C. McMurray, Prof. SRobert B. Hall, Prof. Stanley D. Personnel Blanks Mailed Dodge, Prof. Henry M. Kendall and Po.Preston E. James, all of the To Staff Members To Aid geography department. PlanFor ew nsurnce The committee on arrangements is Plan For New Insurance headed by Professor Hall,who will be . assisted by Professor Kendall and by Possible extension of annuities and asse yPoesrKnaladb P sibl exenson f anuiiesandProf. Charles M. Davis, of the geog- group insurance to cover all Univer-roph aren.Dasomeeg- sity employes was disclosed yesterdayI raphy department. All meetings ex- following the distribution of person- cept the Tuesday evening symposium nel blanks to all persons on the Uni- Iand the banquet are open to anyone versity payroll. interested.H The information asked for on the Professor Hobbs will deliver a paper blanks will be used by University on "The Antarctic Continent." Pro- officials to determine what plans will fessor Kendall will discuss "The Sur- be used. Iface Configuration of Belgium" and Staff members, including Building [Professor James will present a paper and Grounds employes and Univer- on "The Sao Paulo State, Brazil." sity Hospital workers, were told that Professor Dodge will present "Some, "It is important that every question Problems in Population" and Profes- which concerns the individual receiv- sor Davis will talk on the "Cities and ing the blank be answered as the Towns in Michigan." study must be complete to be of any value." T 1 1* Faculty members already contrib- ILink Deser es uting to an annuity jointly with the' University were asked to fill out the ni Aeids confidential blank as "it is the desire o tXm e hJIIoe a d R of the committees of the Board of Re- gents to make a study of several types Tells Of Their Importance of insurance and annuities not now in effect."n Cet es in efect."In Scientific Fields Loyalits*e R us Research that he has been carry-j LF~yalsts Refuse2 ing on in the hexuronic acids was described in a University lecture yes- Franco Ultimatum Iterdav by Dr.Karl Paul Link. of the I I Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law School, addressing a dinner meeting of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors last night at the Union, said that students should be turned out bet- ter prepared to live productively and happily. Prof. Roy D. Sellars, of the phil- osophy department, talking on the philosophical approach to education- al objectives, declared that the edu- cational system should be the birth- place of a free intelligence, irony, skepticism and other attitudes very essential to the further reaches of true education and mental maturity. President Ruthven spoke to the meeting "off the record" and Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journalism department, acted as mas- ter of ceremonies. Model Senate Group Meets To Discuss Two Proposals For Representation Responsible heads of campus or- ganizations were urged yesterday by Martin B. Dworkis, '40, chairman of the Student Model Senate Executive Committee, to attend the organiza- tional committee meeting at 4 p.m. today in the League. Tonight's meeting will decide the type of representation the Sen- ate will use. Under one plan students from the various states would apply to a cre- dentials committee for permission to represent their home state in the Senate. The credentials committee would appoint two students from each state to the body. Cheer For The Poorer Children On Christmas Special Edition Of Daily Will Help The third annual Goodfellow drive to make Christmas "and after" hap- pier for Ann Arbor's underprivileged families got off to an active start last night when an executive commit- tee of 18 campus leaders was formed to endorse and support the campaign. First step in the traditional under- taking was the announcement of a meeting of the committee at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union when Mrs. Gordon W. Brevoort, executive secre- tary of the Family Welfare Bureau, will make an address preliminary' to a concerted drive for funds which will be climaxed by the publication of the Goodfellow edition of the Daily on Monday, Dec. 13. Ten-Hour Street Sale On that day a ten-hour street sale of the special edition of the Daily will be conducted by members of campus honor societies and other campus- wide groups. The active leadership of the com- mittee will be in the hands .of Rob- ert Weeks, '38, Goodfellow Editor; Hugh Rader, president of Mens Council; Frederick V. Geib, '38, secre- tary of the Union; and Bruce Telfer, chairman of the Men's Dormitory Committee. A coupon for contributors to use will appear on the front page of the Daily every day until Sunday, Dec. 12. Approximately 200 letters will be mailed out to members of the faculty, fraternity and sorority presidents and dormitories, making a special plea for organized contributions of funds. On the Goodfellow Committee will be the presidents of the League and. the Union, Hope Hartwig, '38 and John Thom, '38. Hugh Rader, '38, president of the Men's Council, Helen Jesperson, '38, head of Assembly, women's independent organization, and Phil Westbrook, '40, secretary of Congress, men's independent organi- zation, will also be members of the Goodfellow Committee. Honor Societies To Aid Fraternity and sorority groups will be represented on the body by Harriet Shackleton, '38, president of Pan- hellenic Association, and Roy E. Fra- zier, '38, secretary-treasurer of the Interfraternity Council. Honor societies will have the fol- lowing leaders as representatives on the committee: Earl Luby, '38, pres- dent of Michigamua; Angelene Malis- zewski, '38, of Senior Society; Harriet Pomeroy, '39, of Wyvern; Wally Hook, '39, of Sphinx. Mortarboard, national honor so- ciety for senior women, will be repre- sented by Elizabeth Gatward, '38; Druids, by.Robert E. Cooper, '38. John Parker, '39E, will represent Tri- angles; Tuure Tenander, '38, will be on the committee as a representative of Sigma Delta Chi; Frederick W. Smith, '38E, of Tau Beta Pi, Elizabeth Strickroot, '38, of Theta Sigma Phi, and Carl H. Clement, '38E, of Vulcans will also serve. Students Discuss Cooperative Houses The value of cooperative houses in offering a pleasant place to work and to practice self-government and in- dependence was stressed in a discus- sion led by Rena Rubenstein, '38, at a cooperative education meeting Sun- day at the Michigan Socialist House. The function of the consumers' co- operative in alleviating want ends The interest of Italy, Germany and Japan in the recently signed pact against Communism is to cover up i'eturned with many other Eastern ideas, some of which have vitally af- fected the growth of western culture. Among these were new agricultural crops, new industrial aids and mili- HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- tier, Dec. 6. -(R) -Generalissimo Francisco Franco's ultimatum which Insurgent sources said demanded un- conditional surrender of the Govern- ment under threat of a new offensive expired today without any apparent change in the Civil War situation. As far as could be learned at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Link outlined new methods he has used in analyzing the hexuronic acids, which are complex materials derived from sugar substances, and told of their importance in various widely different scientific fields. The acids, he said, are important in normal body processes because they are formed from sugar in the blood The other plan would eliminate the with making a limited income go scheme of having the members of the farther than it would if spent in an Senate represent the various states ordinary store, Tom Downe, '38, and instead would have them direct- 'stated in evaluating cooperatives fly elected from the campus at large from the economic standpoint. It can by some means of proportional rep- do nothing, he added, to help the resentation. jobless who have no income.' To The Goodfellow Editor: I wish to lend a helping hand to students, children and families for whom there would be no,, Christmas otherwise: Enclosed find my contribu- tion of$ 'ml . 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