THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC. 5, 1937 ____________________________________________________________ I HE MICHIGAN DAILY I Twenty Days Until Christmas. I Vie. I1 em e om u- - Edited and managed by students of the University of ichigaen unde the authority of the Board in Control of tuden" Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the biversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All ghts of republication of all other matter herein also aserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as .cond class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 1.00; by mail, $4.50,. Vember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESGSSNT D fOR a,.i..... National Advertising Service, i.ic College Publis' "-+x Representative 420 MAISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON . LOS NGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors ,ANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES DITORIAL DIRECTOR............TUURE TENANDER ITY EDITOR................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER WS EDITOR.................ROBERT P WEEKS OMEN'S EDITOR ..................HELEN DOUGLAS PRTS EDITOR ....................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department IUSINESS MANAGERr.............ERNEST A. JONES REDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER PVERTISINGMANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY OMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Will Great Britain Give 'Til It Hurts? .. . IT MUST BE APPARENT by this time that Great Britain at least recognizes he 'validity of the German claim to African olonies. Every dispatch from London and Ger- nany this last month has been concerned with he ways and means of making this recognition ake the form of accomplished fact. Yet it is nuch more apparent that the British Government as no intention of making any serious economic r colonial concessions to the Reich. P 'haps the best delineation of the British ttitde and posstble British action is that con- ained in a book called Britain Faces Germany y A. L. Kennedy, who until recently was special eader writer on foreign affairs for the Times f London. The Times has long been recognized s the semi-official voice of the government and he official voice of the interests to whom an ,greement between the two countries .would be f material benefit. The underlying thesis of Mr. Kennedy's book is hat the peace of Europe and the welfare of he British Empire can best be served by an un- lerstanding with Germany. He declares that the irst step in this direction should be the grant- ig of certain territories to Hitler-not outright fut under a League mandate. Mr. Kennedy lists Iaese territories as (a) that portion of Togoland iandated to Britain after the war (b) that por- on of the Cameroons likewise under British Mandate (c) the British colony and protectorate f Gambia, (d) the British colony and protec- orate of Sierra Leone. Mr. Kennedy does not attempt to answer the atural question-will Germany be satisfied with hese concessions?. After the war Germany lost 50,000 square miles in Africa alone. The pro- osed area is 80,000 square miles, and each of the our territories is small and surrounded by po- entially hostile soil. What Germany wants back r Africa, according to F. T. Birchall of the New ork Times are the territories of Southwest Af- ica and Tanganyika, both of which are large and ruitful. Germany won't get them, of course, be- Ause the former, mandated to the Union of South frica has become an integral part of that Do- uinion, while the latter, a British mandate; abuts pon both Kenya and Northern Rhodesia and es directly on the Cape-to-Cairo route. Mr. Kennedy, and the British government too. vague upon another fundamental issue raised y Ralph Thompson, an American reviewer of his ook. Mr. Thompson points out that "Hitler's ndest ambition is expansion in Eastern and outheastern Europe. A gift of a few thousand iuare miles of tropical jungle can hardly be ex- ected to* make him forget this ambition. And ntil he does forget it the peace of Europe hangs y a thread. Unless, of course, Britain is pre- ared not only to give up a few African colonies ut also to look studiously the other way when ermany decides to invade Czechoslovakia, Aus- 'ia or Poland." . Pdssibly Mr: Kennedy may have had that in iinA when he remarks that Central Europe can e "'conomically organized" only under "German ireetion." Not only Mr. Kennedy, however, but ealistic political observers in Britain also have xpressed the belief that the only natural alter- ative left to England is to ask whether Hitler ill leave off "bothering us if we do not inter- re, and indeed if we use our influence to pre- ent France from interfering, if circumstances T WENTY MORE DAYS 'til Christmas! Twenty days is a very short time to allow the world to prepare itself for the seasonj of "peace on earth, good will toward men." Tventy days is a very short time for the United States to "right" itself and sail into the holidays on an even keel so that Christmas joy will not be superficial and hollow, to be dropped quickly along with New Year's resolutions. With two horrible wars raging and militant nationalism quite evident, it appears doubtful that, in the -short space of 20 days, a genuine feeling of "camaraderie" can be developed. In our own country, after enjoying a few brief years of respite from the '29.'33 holocaust, we find ourselves facing another period of serious depression, perhaps even more serious than the last. With labor and capital at constant odds, with the stock market doing barometric gymnas- tics, and with the withdrawal of temporary relief measures, we find ourselves on the verge of an- other business slump, the effects of which have been felt already. To cite an example close to home, it is feared that the auto manufacturers are determined to "teach the striking laborers a lesson" and close down their plants entirely. It is needless to set down the consequences of such action. Even here in Ann Arbor, usually the last place to feel an economic set-back, the general condition of the country is being felt by the manufacturers and small business men. So we have 20 more days to blanket all our uneasiness, fears, and suspicions with Christmas cheer. It seems a shame to fool a trusting soul like Old Saint Nick. Morton L. Linder. eI THE FORUM I, Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential uponrequest. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the camDus. A Cheer For The Union To the Editor: May I take this opportunity through your Forum column of complimenting the manage- ment of the Michigan Union upon the reduction of prices recently effected in its tap-room. I am sure that many students who protested when the prices of the two s'pecial meals were raised last year will welcome this new step. -R.M.S. Student Model Senate To the Editor: The members of the Executive Committee of the proposed Student Model Senate are desirous of hearing opinions of leaders and students af- filiated with campus organizations in regard to the formation of the Senate to crystallize and express campus opinion on national and inter- national topics and their local aspects. The current questions to be discussed are the mean of selection of representation in the Senate. For this purpose, an open meeting of the Ex- ecutive Council to discuss and plan ways and means of Senate representation will be held in the League, Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. Interested members of the faculty and students are invited to attend and join in the discussion. It is also important that leaders of campus organizations, and especially those having a vote in the Execu- tive Council, attend. -Martin B. Dworks, chairman, Executive Council. music Calendar TODAY Radio City Music Hall Symphony, Erno Rapee conductor, Viola Phiol soprano soloist. All-Si- belius program of the "Seventh Symphony," "Swan of Tuonela," "Finlandia," "Five Songs." 12:30-1:30, NBC Blue. New York Philharmonic-Symphony, John Bar- birolli conductor, Charles Wakefield Cadman and Mischel Piastro guests. Overtures to Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro," Wagner's "Rienzi," Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole, Dvorak's Symphonic Variations on, an Original Theme, Cadman's "Dark Dancers of Mardi Gras," Faure's "Pavane," 3-5, CBS. MONDAY Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri- son conductor. 3-4, NBC Blue. Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski conducting, Tschaikowsky's Symphony No. 5 in E Minor. 9-10 NBC Blue. TUESDAY . Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Goos- ens conductor. Berlioz' "Roman Carnival" Over- ture, Debussey's "Fetes," Finale of Franck's Sym- phony in D Minor, Scarlatti's Suite "Good Hu- mored Ladies," Overture to Rossini's "Italian in Algiers." 3:30-4:30 CBS. Symphonic Strings, Alfred Wallenstein con- ductor. Handel's Concerto Grosso No. 13, Saint- Saen's "The Deluge," Serenade in E Minor by Fuchs. 10-10:30 MBS. WEDNESDAY Choral Union Concert by Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky conductor.. Si- Ii/feenyto M Heywood Broun The novelist has always had an edge on the playwright. He, or more accurately she, doesn't have to worry as to who will play Scarlett O'Hara. The story teller's chronicle can't be cluttered up with people who are not the type.; Without any more beating about the bush let me say that I certainly recommend John Stein- beck's "Of Mice and Men." It may well be the best play of the season, and yet I liked it better on the printed page $ than on the stage. To be sure, I read the book before I saw the play, which may dis- qualify me from a fair judg- ment. I have been told that Stein- beck thought of his plot from the beginning in terms of the theater and that the novel was almost a kind of workout to put himself in shape for the main event. If so, I feel that he left something in his fight in the gymnasium. I didn't like his timing in the ring. * * * * Picking A Quarrel At this point my quarrel may lie with George Kaufman, who staged the piece, rather than with the author. Mr. Kaufman has justly earned a reputation as one of America's leading direc- tors. He saves himself a lot of work by casting with great shrewdness in the first place. He never bawls out actors during a rehearsal. He makes few suggestions, and he has a high talent for giving pace to the proceedings. But that's just where "Of Mice and Men" let me down. I could be all wrong, for there is a well established tradition that whereas farce should gallop, tragedy must move with stately. tread. Nevertheless I would like to see George Kaufman put on "Hamlet" in the same tempo as that which animates, "You Can't Take It With You" or have the privilege of watching "Romeo and Juliet" treated by George Abbott in the man- ner he handled "Room Service." In operas and sad plays people take a fearfully long time in dying. Please don't tell me that nature often orders it so, because surely that old harridan has never been rated among our finest producers. * * ' The Professor's Theory In his course for budding playwrights the late George Pierce Baker used to insist that when one came to his big scene he must hang on to it with both hands and squeeze the life out of it. But. after all, that was Lennie's little mistake in the Steinbeck book, and I don't think that the play-i Wright and the producer should have emulated him. I think that when a playwright is done with an orange or a big scene there still should be something left for the sweeper. And the same goes for the player. Surely the art of acting has enormously improved since fletcherizing went out of fashion. There is a difference between the dramatic pause and the stage wait. I didn't have my stop watch with me in either instance, but I am under the impression that Julius Caesar dies in just about one-tenth the time it takes to shoot old Candy's dog in "Of Mice and Men." , Shakespeare was probably a good director, be- cause he set the pace in "Macbeth" wheni he wrote, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly." Maybe Shakespeare would also have been a good dramatic critic. At any rate, we agree. RADIO By THOMAS McCANN According to ratings from the Crosley popular- ity report, Edgar Bergen, Charley McCarthy, Don Ameche and Nelson Eddy lead with a per- centage of 36.7; Jack Benny is second with 31.3; Major Bowes third with 25.3; Bing Crosby and Bob Burns, 25; Eddie Cantor 24.7; Theatre of the Air, 23.5; Fred Allen, 22.5; Rudy Vallee, 21.4; Burns and Allen, 20.8; Louella Parson's Hollywood Hotel; 18.3; and Al Jolson, 17.4. We can't, of course, doubt the work of the Crosley organization, but thbre are two points which seem, frankly, a little fishy. It doesn't seem humanly possible that the Major Bowe's Amateurs could outrank the Bing Crosby show, and the other small wonder is how the splendid talent of the Rudy Vallee hour could be ranked in such a low position. The trouble, of course, is that we're prejudiced. "A can of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup is a thing of beauty and a joy for eating" is our nomination for the silliest commercial plug of the month. It was given to us by Miss Mary Gies, Kappa Alpha Theta's most rabid radio fan, who spends much of her time with ears glued to the loudspeaker, listening for the oddities and humorous errors of the air waves. She described the Campbell plug as being "particularly lus- cious." (Miss Gies said she was also crazy about picking out technical flaws in the movies.) According to a recent poll, the four most pop- ular tunes being broadcast are "Once in a While," first; "If It's the Last Thing I Do" and "Ebb Tide," tied for second; and "Nice Work If You Can Get It," fourth. "Josephine" seems to ba malkin- a aremarkahle cnmehrk in Ann Arhr. This afternoon at 4:15 the Univer- (Continued from Page 3) Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 12 o'clock in sity Symphony will present its second Russian Tea Room, Michigan League concert of the year under the direc- to 3:30 p.m., Dr. Maddy's music class. tion of Thor Johnson, with Prof. Was- Building. Prof. Arthur Aiton of the sily Besekirsky as violin soloist. The Events Today History Department will speak in- program will comprise Rimsky-Kor- formally on Spain. sakow's Fantasy for Violin and Or- International Council: The Sun- i ____ csra Brah ritins n day evening discussion groups of the Theme by Hadyn, Glinka's Overture International Council are to be the to "Ruslan and Ludmila," the Prelude supper guests of the Congregational Church of Christ (Disciples) In to Act III of Wagner's "Die Meister- Young People's Fellowship at 6 o'clock the absence of Rev. Cowin Professor singer," and Bach's Brandenburg this evening. The members of these Bennett Weaver will occupy the pul- Concerto No. 3 in G major for String groups are asked to assemble at Inter- pit at 10:45 a.m. The subject will be national Headquarters Room 116, "Prisoners of Hope." i r As was customary in the time of Bach, the strings in the Concerto will be reinforced by a cembalo, played by Miss Alice Banderbach upon an in- strument made by John Challis of Ypsilanti, from a "figured bass"-that is, and ordinary bass part upon which the complete harmony is indicated in musical shorthand. "Cembalo" is only one of the many terms used denoting the various key- board instruments, 9ll known under the general term of "clavier," which were the predecessors of the piano. About the beginning of the 16th Cen- tury the two most important of these instruments arrived at a fairly mature stage in their evolution, and thus helped to inspire the development of the field of instrumental music, which at that time was yet in its infancy as compared with vocal music. HERE'S HOW TO PLAY A CLAVICHORD One of these instruments was the clavichord, in which the sounds were elicited by slender, upright pieces of brass which, when raised by pressure upon the keys, struck a string, caus- ing to vibrate, and which at the same time marked off the exact length of the vibrating string much as does the violinist's finger on the fingerboard. This instrument was descended from the ancient monochord, a single- stringed affair with the vibrating lengths marked off by movable bridges which with the addition of a key (clavis) to facilitate striking the string (chord) became a miniature "clavichord." The modern piano, by the way, while resembling the clavi- chord in general construction and ef- fect, is thus derived in principle not from the clavichord-monochord, but from the dulcimer, w h os e vari- lengthed strings were struck directly with hammers held in the hand. The companion instrument of the clavichord was the harpsichord, called in France "clavecin," in Germany "fluegel," and in Italy "arpicordo," "clavicembalo," "gravicembao," or merely "ceimbalo"; the last term came to be most used. In the harpsichord, descended from the ancient psaltery, the strings, instead of being struck as in the clavichord or pianoforte, were plucked by quill or leather plectrums operated by depression of the keys. The harpsichord did not, therefore, possess any capacity for dynamic var- iety, as did the clavichord and as does the piano, but it hd instead strength and virility of tone which gained for it a place in 16th, 17th, and 18th cen- tury music analagous to that occupied today by the grand piano. It was often constructed with two keyboards, and even with "stops" in the nature of those 'used on the organ. HARPSICHORD USED IN ORCHESTRAS When the first opera and the first oratorio were performed, in Italy about 1600, the harpsichord; or cem- balo, had a place in the orchestra as a supporting instrument, and it held that place down to the middle of the 18th century, even in purely instru- mental music such as the Bach Bran- denburg Concertos (written in 1721). Its part in these was not at all that of a soloist, but it was used simply to add piquancy and strength to the tone of the strings, and to bind them together. An instrument identical with the harpsichord in principle of construc- tion, but possessing little more than half of that instrument's four-octave range and having a less powerful tone, was the spinet, known also in Eng- land as the "virginal," probably from its frequent use by young women. It was by the latter term that it was most known in the time of Queen Elizabeth, who seems to have been a performer of some talent upon it. A State's Contribution DURING the last five years tiny Delaware has contributed $130,- 000,000 toward the cost of relief in other states of the Union, according to Pierre S. du Pont. Its citizens paid $160,267,000 in federal taxes while their state was receiving only $28,- 400,000 from the Federal 'Government for recovery and emergency purposes. Prima facie, this appears a strong case of inequity. But it would be interesting to know by way of comparison how much rev- enue Delaware has drawn away from other states by her policy of lax cor- poration laws, chartering - for a' fee - corporations to do business un- der almost unlimited powers in the rest of the United States. And how minh of the vlief lnad f nther states Michigan Union, at 5:30. They will Disciple Guild: go over together to the Congregational 12:00 noon, Student Bible Class. Church . 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. Hillel Foun fation will hold meetings today as follows: 3:30 p.m.-Palestine Club. 5:00 p.m.-Independent Club 5:30 p.m.-Independent Cost Supper 8:00 p.m.-Open Forum with Kenneth Morgan of the Student Religious As- sociation, Topic: "God's Chosen Peo- ple: The Hindus." Suomi Club: Program commemor- ating Finnish Independence Day, Sunday, 7:15 p.m., Dec. 5, 1937; Mich- igan Union, Third Floor Glee Club Room. Refreshments. 6:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Pickerill will conduct the third discussion of the series of programs on "Love, Courtship, Marriage and Home Building." First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 So. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject, "God, The Only Cause and Creator." Golden Text: Psalms 19: 1, 3. Sunday School at 11:45 after the morning service. First Congregational Church, 608 Scalp and Blade: Organization of I E. w iams Buffalo, N.Y., men. Smoker at 5:301 10:45 a.m., Service of worship. Dr. p.m. today in Union for all Buffalo Leonard A. Parr will preach on "The menintresed n te oganzaton.Arch Heresy of Our Time." Musical men interested in the orgaization. selections include an organ number Room to be posted. "Communion" by Guilmant; a choir Corning Events rendition of "Lo, How a Rose E'er I Blooming" by Praetorius; and a bari- American Association, of University1 tone solo by Donn Chown of Sander- Professors: There will be a dinner ton, e n nasturend" meeting of the local chapter of the son' "Green Pastures. A.A.U.P. on Monday, Dec. 6, at 6:30L 6:00 p.m., "The Greatest Problem p.m. at the Michigan Union. Presi- in the World" will be the subject on dent A. G. Ruthven, Dean Henry M.' which Dr. Leonard A. Parr will speak Bates, and Professor R. W. Sellars to the Student Fellowship this eve- will speak on "Educational Objec- ng. The Foreign Students e to b tives" and there will be opportunity' the guests at the supper tonight at for a general discussion. This is an1 6 o'clock in the Church Parlors. All oreneeingradsaulsmn.mThrs ofstheForeign Students, as well as all other open meeting and all members of the stdns.r ms odal ini. faculty are cordially invited. students, are most cordially vited. Junior Research Club: December First Methodist Church: Morning meeting will be held on Tuesday, De worship at 10:40 a.m. Dr. T. T. cember 7, at 7:30 p.m., on the Third Bruba'Stake i the rient.''"hris- Floor of the Michigan Union. i MUSIC By DON CASSEL Of Claviers Publication In the Bulletin Is construci e notice to all m m er o the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Dr. C. B. Peirce, Associate Profes- sor of Roentgenology, will talk on "X-Rays and Tuberculosis." In addi- tion, there will be the initiation of new members, followed by a smoker. Gamma Alpha. Members and their guests are invited to an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 6. Prof. L. O. Case of the Chemistry De- partment will speak on "Some Modern Theories of Strong Electrolytes." Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Dec. 6 in the Grand Rapids Room of the Women's League at 7:30. There will be an informal reception for new members. Speaker: Dr. Lila Miller on the subject: "Enzymatic di- gestion of lacto-globulin." The Student Religious Association: There will be tryouts for the Admin- istrative and Activities committees on Wednesday, December 8, from 3:00 to 5:00 at Lane Hall. Freshmen and' Sophomores are especially urged to attend. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting1 will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold an, important business meeting, which is to be followed by a pledging service,' Monday evening, Dec. 6, at 7:30 in the Michigan League. Sociedad Hispanica: La Sbciedad Hispanica will meet Wednesday, Dec. 8, 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. The Monday Evening Drama Sec- tion of the Faculty Women's Club will meet 'at the Michigan, Union on! Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. Faculty Women's Club: Bibliophiles will meet at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, December 7, at the home of Miss Fredericka Billette, 1319 South Forest Avenue. Faculty Women's Club: The Garden Section will meet Wednesday, Decem- ber 8, at 3:00 p.m., at the home of Mrs. George Slocum, 328 East Huron Street. The Hillel Players will meet on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Founda- tion. In addition to the presentation of Eugene O'Neill's "Off Nags Head" there will be improvisations and a business meeting. To Student Odd Fellows: Tuesday December 14, the Otsenigo Odd Fel- low Lodge invites all Odd Fellows,' whether they be members in Michi- gan or other states, to attend a spe- cial meeting for your benefit at 8 p.m. held in the O.F. Hall at 209 East Washington Street. The Grand Master and Grand Sec- retary will be present. Refreshments, will follow. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. Mrs. T. T. Brumbaugh will lead the discussion. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh will speak on "The Youth of Japan Face Crisis." Fellowshiphour and supper following the meeting. First Presbyterian Church meeting at the Masonic Temple 327 South Fourth Avenue. At the Morning Worship Service at 10:45 Dr. Kenneth D. Miller, Execu- tive Secretary of the Presbytery of Detroit, will preach on the topic: "Magnifying the Lord." There will be special music by the student choir under the direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. The musical numbers will be as fol- lows: Organ Prelude, "Magnificat" by Reger; Anthem, "Forever Worthy is Thy Lamb" by Tschaikowsky; Solo, "If With All Your Heart" from the "Elijah" by Mendelssohn . Prof. Carl W. Rufus will speak at 'the meeting of the Westminster Guild, student group, at 6:30 of ex- periences in the Far East. This meet- ing is preceded by a supper and fel- lowship hour at 5:30. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all students of Presbyterian affiliation and their friends, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11:00 am:, Kindergarten, 11:00 a.m. Holy Com- munion and sermon by The Rev. Henry Lewis; 4:30 p.m. Choral Even- song and One Hundred Years of St. Andrew's Church School, and recep- tion in Harris Hall following, the service. Harris Hall, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, Professor James E. Dunlap of the University Latin and Greek Department will speak on "Virgil's 1 Messianic Prophecy" to the Student Fellowship. Please notice that the time of this meeting is changed due to the Parish Birthday Celebration in Harris Hall in the afternoon. All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. Unitarian Church, Sunday morning service, 11 a.m. Mr. Lon Ray Call of Chicago will speak on "What Liberals Want." 7:30 o'clock, "Building for Peace and Democracy"-a report on the Peoples' Congress in Pittsburg, by Ralph Segalman, Rena Rubenstein and Rafael Haskell. First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m. Worship and Sermon. Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister, will preach on the subject "The Greatest Thing in the World." The Church School meets at 9:30, Dr. A. J. Logan, superintendent. The Senior High group will meet in the church par- lors at 6:00 p.m. Roger Williams Guild Sunday noon. The class for University students will meet with Mr. Chapman at the Guild House for a 30-minute session. 6 -00 n m. Memhbesof the Guild and 6