The Weather
Fresh to strong N.W. winds;
occasional snow today.
S14r igirn
Will Great Britain
Give 'Til It Hurts?...
Twenty Days
Until Christmas.. .
____________________________________________________________ I
Stevens Tells
Of Relgion's
Social Outlook
Kenneth Born, American
Student Union Official,
Also Addresses Group
Calls Chief Objective
Defeat Of Fascismi
Delegates at the opening session of
the state-wide Liberal Students' Con-
vention yesterday in the League heard
A. K. Stevens of the English. de-
partment describe the newer develop-
ments in religion as a social phil-
osophy striving for the day when all
men shall "walk the world with dig-
nity," unhampered by poverty, regi-
mentation and race discrimination. '
The convention, called to consoli-
date the liberal student movement in
Michigan, heard Kenneth Born, mid-
west organizer for the American
Convention delegates, who ar-
rived yesterday from Michigan
universities, colleges and high
schools, will meet at 10 a.m. to-
day -in Rooms 319-325 in the
Union to hear Florence Meyers
of Wayne University's American
Student Union discuss a model
ASU. Open discussions on peace,
security and student government
and academic freedom will fol-
low. At 2 p.m. in the Union the
convention will split into two
groups to consider establishment
and improvement of liberal stu-
dent organizations in this state.
Student Union, name the defeat of
Railway Act Affords Suggestions
For Present National Labor Strife
I. L. Sharfman Assists
In Bringing Year-Old
Controvery To Close
Harrassed employers and workers
deadlocked in labor disputes might
take a few hints from the smooth'
functions of the Railway Labor Act
machinery, the most recent triumphs
of which is the settling of the con-
troversy between the Pacific Electric
Railway Company and the Brother-
hood of Railway Trainmen.
The year-old controversy was
brought to a close last week by the
'President's Emergency Board, of
which Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman
of the economics department, was
In the abstract, the act provides
that if direct negotiations between
employers and employees are unsuc-
cessful the services of the National
Mediation Board may be invoked by
either of the two groups. Usually one
man is appointed by the Board as
mediator. If he fails to bring to-
gether the disputants in agreement'
the National Mediation Board may'
propose arbitration. If both parties
accept, then the Board strives through
hearings and research work to bring
the parties to a satisfactory settle-
ment of their differences.
There is yet one more resort upon
which the disputants may fall back
before taking drastic action in one
way or another as a strike or lock-
out, if the National Mediation Board,
a permanent functioning organi-
zation, fails in its turn.
This is an Emergency Board which
is appointed by the President. The
Board is composed of experts in rail-
way labor problems and is small
enough to insure a maximum of effi-
ciency in its work.
In the Pacific Electric Railway
Company versus the Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen case, the union
had after a year of negotiation withf
the company issued, in accordance
with the affirmative results of a strike
ballot, a notice of strike scheduled
for August 28, 1937.
The company appealed before that
date to the National Mediation Board,.
whose mediator, consequently ap-
pointed, was accepted by both parties.
On Oct. 12, an agreement not having
been reached, the Board itself, inj
its full membership, proposed arbitra-;
tion which was accepted by the union
but declined by the Company, as it {
wished arbitration restricted to dis-
cussion of wage rates in the passenger
service only.
As a consequence of the exhaustion
of the facilities of the Board and its
machinery, the original strike order
was to have become effective on Nov.
2. Because of the grave importance'
to the public of the disruption of
transportation service which would be
inevitable under the strike, the Emer-
gency Board composed of Professor
Sharfman, Dester M. Keezer, presi-
dent of Reed College in Portland,
Oregon, and John P. Devaney, for-
merly chief justice of the Minnesota
supreme court, was appointed by
President Roosevelt.
The Board collected 1,216 pages of
(Continued on Page 2)
Victor Heiser,
To Talk Here'
Noted Leprosy Authority's,
Autobiography Was A '
Best Seller For Last Year
Dr. Victor G. Heiser, author of "An
American Doctor's Odyssey," non-fic-'
.tion best seller last year, will speak
on the third program of the Ora-'
torical Association Course, at 8:15'
p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Heiser first gained prominence
as director of health of the Philippine
Islands years ago, when he began the
work of rehabilitating the large native
leper population. Starting a colony
for the segregation of the victims of
the disease at Culion, =he has made
great strides toward the solution of
the problem during his stay on the
islands. At present the Culion colony
is the largest in the world and more
than 1,500 lepers have been released
.from it as cured.
A tirelesspropagandist in his cause,
T.r TNalcfl h1Ho 1P(ot manAi 0ntt I
Local Sermons
Today Feature I
Varied Topics
Pucksters Put
But Lose, 3-2
Wolverine 6 Sneaks Goals
By London Defensemen
In 1st And 3rd Periods
Capacity Crowd Sees
Season's Second Tilt,
Using a four-man line in a vain
power-play attemp to overtage Lon-
don A. C., the Michigan hockey team
succeeded in scoring a goal in the
final 40 seconds of play but was un-
able to reach the visitors and lost by
a 3-2 score last night at the Coliseum.
The defeat was the first in two starts
for the Wolverines this year.
Another capacity crowd, filled every
seat in the arena.
Although the margin of defeat was
only one point the relative abilities
of the two teams Were not so close.I
Michigan, decidedly the weaker team,
showed, however, that it can comef
back in the pinches and proved that
it will be a harder combination to
stop as the season progresses. The
Michigan line looked a great dealI
better than it did in its opening gamet
last week but its timing and coordina-
tion still need improvement..
The game was just the thing Mich-
igan needed. Many mistakes were
brought out that wouldn't have been
apparent against a weaker opponent.
London, a member of the interme-
diate "A" division of the O.H.A. was a
strong all-around team and gave theI
Varsity real workouts in every phasei
of the game, thus showing just where
the Wolverines were weakest.s
Gib James Scores
Gib James, playing the Michigan
left wing, scoring the first goal of
the game on an assist from Johnnyt
Fabello and receiving an assist on
Smack Allen's goal in the last period,
again showed that he will be right
in the thick of things throughout the
Spike James, Gib's brother, again
proved to be a real goalie, even'
though three, shots did go through
him. His smooti play in the nets
was one of the highlights of the
Collins Proves Strong'
The work of James was oversha-
dowed by the Clubmen's star left
winger, bespectacled Ted Collins.
Strong defensively and powerful of-
fensively, Collins, time after time,
carried the brunt of the London at-
tack down' the ice and figured in
two of the winning goals, scoring the
first and assisting on the third. The
work of the London goalie, Fred Bib-
bings, was as cool a performance of
net minding as was ever seen on the
Coliseum ice. Bibbings broke up in-
numerable Michigan attempts 'by his
easy-looking saves and accounted in
all for a total of 17.
(Continued on Page 6)
Winners Of League
Contest Announced
Sally L. Weidlein, '41, won a gold
formal at the League Fair Clothes
Contest, at 11 p.m. last night with the
lucky number 1406, and Earle B. Luby,
'38, a top hat and white gloves with
the number 660.
Other prizes in the women's divi-
sion were an angora sweater, plaid
Financiers Say Recession
May Keep Up 4 Months
But Will Not Continue
Majority Predict
Upswing In 1938
CHICAGO, Dec. 5.-UP)-The na-
tion's leading bankers, replying to a s
questionnaire today, expressed belief
that the current slump in AmericanI PRESIDENT RUTUVEN
business will run its course for fourE E U
months or more but will not develop* *
into another major depression. .R nthven Talks
A majority predicted an upturn in
138. r
This was a consensus of the presi- To Frosh Group
dents and chief executives of 125 of I
the most important banks in 44 states
having aggregate deposits of more President To Lead Forum
than $12,000,000,000. The survey was, Discussion After Speech
conducted by Reuben A. Lewis, Jr., ex- -_
ecutive vice president of the Metro- I
polian TustCo. f Cicag. President Ruthven will lead the dis-
politan Trust Co. of Chicago. 1cussion of the Fourth Freshman
Lewis said the opinions of indivi- Roundtable at 9:30 a.m. today in the
dual bankers could not be made public Union Ballroom when he prefaces the
but the majority expressed the belief1 general conference with a talk on
that an upturn in business could notI "Education and Religion."
come before late in the spring. About A-
one-fifth said the upturn would not A breakfast open to the partici-
be felt before next fall; five said injpants in the Roundtable will be given
1939; chief executives of two banks at 9 p.m.
among the ten largest in the country, The Roundtable is an attempt to
declared the upswing would come dur- erase some of the difficulties of first
ing the first quarter of 1938. year students in the opportunities
Lewis said the replies indicated which it offers for upperclassman and
faculty contacts.1
Bankers Claim
Present Slump
Is Not Lasting
Heads Forum
fascism at home and abroad and the
prevention of war as the immediate Dr. Brumbaugh To Speak
objectives of progressives. To Weslyans On Stake
Conducting his talk as an open
forum, Mr. Stevens drew distinctions Of Christianity In Eastl
between the older concepts of reli-
gion, often nationalistic with conser- Dr. Thoburn T. Brumbaugh, direc-
vation of old values and the idea of tor of the Wesley Foundations in
heaven as. two pillars,.and.the new- Japan, guest speaker at the
er concepts with their emphasis on 10:40 a.m. service of the First Metho-
the here and now, aiming at a de- dist Episcopal Church today, talking
velopment of the individual personal- on "Christianity's Stake in the Or-
ity. Conversion by individual exper- ient." He will address the Wesleyan
ience, he said, is an important ele- Guild, meeting at Stalker Hall, at 6
ment in both forms. p.m. on the subject "The Youth of
Distinguishing between visionaries Japan Faces Crisis."
and those who hold "true visions," Dr. Brumbaugh has been in Japan
Mr. Stevens saidI that visionaries are since 1924 as a missionary of the
prone to formulate social problems in Methodist Episcopal Church.
dogmatic terms without seeing the D. s
whole problem and ,that they often Dr. Brumbaugh will also speak at
want to use armed force for the ac- the League at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow.
complishment of their ends. Those Dr. Kenneth D. Miller, executive
who hold "true visions," he said, be- secretary of the Presbytery of Detroit,
lieve in the democratic process and will be the guest speaker at the Morn-
thei inviolability of the human per-, ing Worship Service, at 10:45 a.m., of
oan ers u eeve an upturni n usiness
is dependent upon a demonstrated
change in attitude on the part of the
administration toward business.
Ranking first among recovery
measures suggested, Lewis said, was
repeal of the undistributed earnings
tax; next, balancing of the budget;
third, lowering of taxes on capital
gains; fourth, increase in rail freight
rates to provide reasonable return on
investment, and fifth, encouragement
to utilities to promote expansion.
Replies also stressed necessity of
a satisfactory settlement of the labor
problem.. Lewis quoted the head of
a large middlewestern bank as saying
"the responsibility of labor unions is
still a major factor which retards
recovery," and another banker said a
change in governmental attitude to-
ward the labor question was neces-
Hopi Cultures
Being Studied,
In addition it strives to foster a
feeling of group unity among thel
freshmen in the discussions which
deal with campus problems and the
individual student. Clarence Kresin,j
'38, president of the Student Relig-
ious Association which sponsors the
Sunday morning sessions, said yester-
Remer Speaks
At Union Today
Discussion Will Follow His
Talk On Far East I
Prof. Charles Remer of the eco- I
nomics department will speak oni
"American Policy in the Far East"
at the second Union forum at 4:151
p.m. today in the small ballroom of!
the Union.
The program will last for an hour.
Professor Remer will talk for part of
British Mercy
Ship Sprayed
By Shots From
Blind Source
Boat Makes Unsuccessful
Attempt To Evacuate
9 French-Canadian Nuns
Gunfire Hits Crew
And Passengers
SHANGHAI, Dec. 4.-(-P)-A Brit-
ish mercy ship was sprayed with bul-
lets today while unsuccessfully at-
tempting to evacuate nine Fench-x
Canadian nuns from Japanese-occu-
pied Tsungming Island, near Shang-
Gunfire from an invisible source
killed the steamer Siushan's Chinese
chief officer and wounded a sailor and
several passengers.
The sudden attack turned back the
rescue attempt led by a British con-
sular officer, E. R. Boothby, and a
French-Canadian missionary, Father
Adrien Sansoucy. The nine nuns have
been marooned for three months on
the Yangtze estuary island.
The incident came as International
Settlement officials attempted to
keep peace with the Japanese con-
querors of Shanghai, who demanded
freedom to enter the International
Settlement at will. Twice American
and French troops have balked their
Three Japanese staff officers apolo-
gized to Brig.-Gen. John C. Beau-
mont, United States marine com-
mander for their troops' intrusion on
the American defense sector Friday
after a hand grenade had disrupted a
Japanese "victory parade."
In a brush with French authorities,
five Japanese army trucks at first
were prevented from entering the
French Concession but finally were
allowed to pass through under French
military guard.
Council Gets Demands
The demand for unrestricted entry
was made to the Shanghai Municipal
Council at the same time a Japanese
army representative demanded that
police take steps to prevent occur-
rences such as marred the Friday pa-
In Nanking American citizens werd
warned to be ready to evacuate on
short notice, possibly tomorrow, in
the face of the Japanese. advance to-
ward the virtually abandoned capital.
Japanese planes bombed military
obejctives in the city but no casualties
were reported.
GENEVA, Dec. 4.-(/P)-China pro-
tested to the League of Nations today
against Italy's formal recognition of
Manchoukuo, the protectorate Japan
carved out of Manchuria by a military
campaign in 1931-32.
The Chinese government submitted
a copy of a protest made in Rome
by the Chinese ambassador to Italy.
Express Doubt
Of Co-Op Idea
Held By Haber
Prof. William Haber's statement
that effeciency and democracy can
not exist side-by-side in a cooperative
as witnessed by the failure of the
Wolverine Cooperative Exchange, was
'questioned yesterday by three local
men interested in the cooperative
William Kemnitz, manager of the
Ann Arbor Cooperative Store, said
that the personnel was the reason
for the failure of the Wolverine Co-
operative Exchange. As the exchange
was established by the federal gov-
ernment in time of depression, its
members were people who would oth-
erwise have no jobs. They were not
schooled to work in a coperative and
naturally democracy proved relatively
inefficient he said.
The exchange was designed as a re-
lief measure, he stated, and this self-
help type of cooperative tends to lose
effectiveness as a depression allevi-
Although self-help cooperatives are
not as efficient as regular business
their efficiency is sufficient to save the
government large amounts of relief
money, he added, and as the Wol-
(Continued on Page 21
YCL To Hear Discussion
£-nj *u- . .. V - . -
Mr. Born asserted that extension of
federal aid to students, money-saving
cooperatives and freedom for instruc-
tors to teach what they believe, are
concrete objectives of the ASU. E
The convention attended a partyl
and radio dance last night in Unity'
Symphony Unit
To Give Second
Concert T o d a
Prof. Besekirsky To Play
Violin Solo; 75 Students i
Led By Thor Johnson
The University Symphony Orches-
tra under the direction of Thor John-
son will make its second appearance
of the year at 4:15 p.m. todayiny
Hill Auditorium with Prof. Wassily
Besekirsky, of the School of Music,'
as violin soloist.
The orchestra, in which 75 students
play, is under Mr. Johnson's direction
for the first tjme this year. He won
distinction in recent yearsthrough his
numerous appearances with the Little
Symphony, which two years ago gave
more than sixty concerts on a tourf
of the Middle West, covering more
than six thousand miles. He returned
from Europe last spring, where he
studied under eminent master con-
ductors as holder of the Beebe Foun-
dation which he won on a competi-
tive basis.
Professor Besekirsky was at one
time connected with the Conservatory
at Odessa, and supplemented his1
teaching duties there with concert;
performances throughout continental
the First Presbyterian Church. in n "ser a '- ec-" VVLumwnue
for years on the subject of leprosy.
He will preach on the topic "Mag- Recently he was elected president of
nifying the Lord." the International Leprosy Associa-
At 6:30 p.m., Prof. Carl W. Rufus, tion.
of the astronomy department, will. On his most recent trip, in addi-
speak at the Westminster Guild of tion to visiting various leper colonies
his experiences in the Far East. in Central Africa, Dr. Heiser was also(
In the absence of the Rev. Mr. Fred interested in studying the transmis-
Cowin, Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the sion of yellow fever. He foresees a
English department, will deliver the grave danger in the spread of air-
sermon at 10:45 a.m. on "Prisoners of plane travel with the possibility of
He transmission of anopheles mosquitoes,
Hope., from Africa to other countries.
'The Arch Heresy of Our Time" iDr. Heiser's subject Tuesday will be,
the sermon Dr. Leonard A. Parr will "More of an American Doctor's Odys-
deliver at the 10:45 a.m. service of sey," and will consist of an account'
the First Congregational Church. of some of the experiences of his col-
Dr. Parr will address the student orful career not included in his auto-
fellowship, at 6:00 p.m., on "The biography.
Greatest Problem iian Church also will
have a guest speaker, Mr. Lon Ray Third Islamic Art
Call of Chicago, for their 11:00 a.m.
service. Mr. Call will discuss "What Lecture Tomorrow
Liberals Want." At 7:30 p.m., a re-
port on the Peoples' Congress in,Pitts- Dr. John W. Stanton of the his-
burgh entitled "Building for Peace department will speak on "Cul-
and Democracy" will be given by tural Relations Between the East and
Ralph Segalman, Grad., Rena Ru- West During the Crusades" at 4:15
benstein, '38Ed., and Rafael Has- p.m. tomorrow in Room D, Alumni
kell, '39E. Memorial Hall.
This is the third in a series ofl
I n S clectures on the influence of Islamic
InfansStrickenculture on the far eastern and west-'
With Freak Illness er civilizations sponsored by the Re-
'Wit Fre k 11ness search Seminary in Islamic Art. Ad-
Reported Improved mission is free.
Gargoyles Evidently
CHICAGO, Dec. 4.--()-Eight in-
fants-survivors of a mysterious out-1 Don't Pay Their Way
break which brought swift death to
10 others at St. Elizabeth Hospital Gargoyle enters the business field
-showed definite improvement today. next Saturday with another venture,
One of them, 12-day-old Sandra Tras- Michigarg, the copyrighted product of
ka, was apparently cured. Editor George Quick, '38.
Sister Mary Adolphine, superior at This creation is a game, according
the hospital, reported the seven others to Quick, resembling monopoly, par-
stricken by an intestinal disorder had chessi and politics but containing all
taken a turn for the better. the difficulties besetting the college
No new cases were renorted but ZL_-_.
the period and the remainder will be
University Museums Are taken up in discussion of the topic.
Examining Structures I rDinthediscussion period, coffee
The University Museums, working One week from today at the samef
woringI time, Prof. Arthur Aiton of the his-4
with collections of ancient vegetable'tory department will speak at th
matter unearthed by the Harvard ex- last of the winter series of forums
pedition in north eastern Arizon, has on the Spanish situation.
uncovered new information on early The topic of this series is "Political
Hopi Indian agriculture, Volney H. Problems of the Day." Ithis being
Jones, assistant curator of ethnology planned by James Hollinshead, '39,
at the Museums, announced yester- ofathe Union Executive Council.
day.yi Last week, Prof. Lawrence Preuss
With two years of the excavation of the political science department
program still before the group, Mr. spoke on "Germany and National So-
Jones expects to complete the thor- cialism" before a large crowd.
ough investigation into the plant and In the spring the series will be
crop history of the area about the old continued. Hollinshead said.
Indian village Awatovi.
Thi-.. i l ~, TW*I..11
skirt, and ankle socks, won by Julia
Porgman with No. 1590 and a re-
versible topcoat won by Miss Ethel
A. McCormick, social director of the
~League, with No. 1526. tewn
Robert G. Fries, '41, was the win-
ner of a reversible topcoat with No.
429 and Ed Bradshaw, '40, sweater,
gloves, scarf and socks of Cashmere
wool on No. 528.
Dr. Peet Says Re
For Paralysis
Results of the zinc sulphate nasal,
sprayings in Toronto on 5,233 chil-
dren in the hope of preventing polio-
myelitis, or infantile paralysis, failed,
to offer conclusive evidence for or
against the use of the spray in this
disease, Dr. Max M. Peet, University
Hospital brain surgeon, said yester-
The tests, which took place dur-
ing an infantile paralysis epidemic in
Toronto, on children three to ten
years old, were under the direction of
Dr. F. F. Tisdall and Dr. Alan Brown,
of the Hospital for Sick Children,
Toronto; and by Dr. R. D. Defries,
ine rcuiationl Department o1
The Michigan Daily apologizes
for the late delivery of this paper.
Due to unavoidable mechanical
difficulties, the press run was de-
sults Of Spray
Are Inconclusive;
was required for each nostril.
The formula consists solely of a
solution of one per cent zinc sul-
phate, one per cent pontocaine hy-
drochloride, and one-half of one
per cent sodium chloride.
The incubation period of polio-
myelitis is generally accepted as be-
ing from 6 to 18 days, although some
extend it to 20 days, Dr. Peet stat-
ed.: "It is obvious that any child
developing the disease within the
incubation period should not be in-
cluded either in the results on
sprayed children or the controls.
Spraying performed during the in-
cubation period would not prevent
I -A. n 11
Willi Untoaatea (un
Costs $10 Or 10 Days
An attempt at "moral persuasion"
with an unloaded rifle brought a De-
troit youth into the hands of Ann
Arbor police last night.
Charles F. Strehl, Jr., 19 years old,
was brought in after he had "per-
suaded" Lee Sanford, proprietor of a
parking lot at 414 Maynard St., to
reconnect a distributor cap. Sanford
had disconnected the cap because he
was afraid Strehl would attempt to
drive his car out of the lot without
payment. When police arrived, they
searched the car and found a .12
gauge shotgun, a .22 rifle,' and five
boxes of assorted shells. The guns,
however, were unloaded.
On a charge of disorderly conduct
Justice Jay Payne gave the youth an
alternative of paying $5 fine and $5
costs or spending 10 days in jail. The
sentence was light, Payne said, be-
cause Sanford had no legal right to
tamper with the car and the guns
were unloaded.