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December 04, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-04

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The Weather
Intermittent rains today,
warmer; southerly winds.

Sftr igan


Civil Service
Qualifications ..
In Newspapers,..



Progressive Movie Actress Comes To Town
Stden And 8_ReportersFall In Lc
Students Open
1 Eleanore Whitney Is Too students rushed to the auditor
l~usy or Roance;Mien"getad look at the freak."
A i- iciegan Busy For Romance; Men d around the stage aski
* .-. - Of Michigan Are 'Swell' :nine questions and the boysv

Aum to
ing as-
"But I
gin to

Ileeting Here By STAN SWINTON
Eleanore Whitney came to Ann Ar-
bor yesterday afternoon and eight
Hold Two-Day Convention Daily reporters fell in love.
To Consolidate Liberal Pressed into service when an auto-
graph-hungry mob of local movie'
Movement In State fans milled around her to get a glance
of the petite Hollywood dancing star,
First Session Hears the Daily representatives acted as a
bodyguard and finally managed to
Stevens At 2 P.M. escort Miss Whitney safely to a wait-
i But first they spent a half hour
The Liberal Students' Convention, interviewing her in a room of the
called by the Progressive Club to co- Mayfair shop, which arranged her
ordinate the liberal student movement visit as a publicity stunt. And the
in Michigan, will open at 2 p.m..today1 result was a compilation of the epi-
in the Garden Room of the League grams, philosophy, ambitions and
with a talk by A. K. Stevens of the ideas of a 20-year-old ;girl whose
English department on "Visions and nimble feet brought her sudden fame
Visionaries-A Saturday Sermon for although four years ago "nobody
Scotomatous Studerits." knew or cared who I was."
The two-day convention will bring "College men? I haven't had any
to Ann Arbor delegates from Michigan chances for romance with them or
State College, Wayne University, Oli- for romance at all, for that matter.
vet College, Albion College, Calvin A few years ago I went to a lot of
College, Flint Junior College, Jack- fraternity parties in Philadelphia and
son Junior College and Central and Boston, but now I haven't any
Northern High Schools of Detroit. chance."
A. K. Stevens To Talk How about college men's clothes?
Mr. Stevens' sermon, an appraisal Do you think they're outlandish?
of the student movement, will be Miss Whitney turned and grinned at
based on a text from the Old Testa- her questioner. "Have you ever seen
ment from the Book of Joel 2:28. what we wear in Hollywood?" she
Following Mr. Stevens, Kenneth asked.
Born, mid-West organizer for the "I flew into Cleveland from the
American Student Union (ASU) coast Wednesday. My stomach came
will discuss the history of the student in two days later," Miss Whitney ex-
movement and the part that the plained to an old friend. What did
ASU has played in the United States she think about love? "Love is here
Reports by representatives of each to stay-or is that pretty old?"
school on the state of liberal organiza- A frightened reporter from the
tions on their campuses will close the Ann Arbor High School paper was
first session. Florence Meyers of the rb igh Shol pape
Wayne University ASU chapter will ushered in. Miss Whitney stopped
be chairman of the convention, talking to shake hands. After that,
A radio dance with entertainment someone asked her what she thought
will be held at 8:30 p.m. in Unity Hall of Michigan men. She smiled broad-
at the corner of State and Huron ly at the group around her. "They're
Streets. wonderful," she giggled.-
Meyers To Discuss ASUShe launched into a description of
A talk on the model organization how she visited Cleveland Heightsr
fnr an ATU nhaVn*erwill e Lrie hb high school a few days ago and the

ered "How about a date toots?
told them off," she said.
"Alutoarnh fiends?9 I'll bec

worry when they don't come after
me. Anybody who says he or she
doesn't like that kind of stuff is
(Continued on Page 2)
Student Killed In Crash

Gov't Taxes
On Securities
House Issue
Constitutional Amendment
Seen As Way Of Taxing
Tai. Exempt Securities
Borah Says Crop
Control Is 'Suieide'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-(PA)-The
question of giving the tax collector
a chance at the income from federal,
state and municipal securities made
its special session debut today. It
bobbed up in the discussions of the
House subcommittee on taxation, and
produced an apparent concensus that
if tax exempt securities are to be made
taxable it will take a Constitutional
amendment to do it.
While House and Senate debated!
the Farm Bill and other committees
worked on- the Administration hous-
ing program, the tax group spoke of
recommending such an amendment,
unless a forthcoming Supreme Court
decision points to another solution.
Totals Announced
A total of $14,854,000,000 state andl
municipal securities and $35,548,000,-l
000 federal securities are outstanding.
The Roosevelt Administration has
consistently urged .thatthe, present
tax exempt features of these securities
be removed.
The farm debate drew from Sen-
ator Borah (Rep., Idaho) one of his
increasingly rare orations. It is "na-f
tional suicide," he said, to reducel
crops "when there are millions ofI
hungry and needy persons in the
country." Farmers who failed to com-J
ply with acreage allotments fixed byl
the Secretary of Agriculture would bel
sujected to "government blackmail,",
he added. And besides, he said, the
whole thing is unconstiutional.
House Reads Farm Bill
The House, reading the Farm Bill
for amendment, debated at length a
proposal by Representative Andresen
(Rep., Minn.) that benefit payments
to any one farmer be limited to $5,-
000. Representative Patman (Dem.,
Tex.) suggested that the limit be'
made $10,000 instead. Finally the
House decided to split the difference
and set the figure at $7,500.
Before the House Banking Commit-1
tee, Marriner Eccles, chairman of the'
(Continued on Page 2)I

Green Urges
Wage - Hour
Measure Would Provide
40 Cents An Hour Wage
And 40 Hour Week
AFL Executives
Appraise Measure

Of Da ily

For Sale On Dec.13

Goodfellow Edition



Haber Declares
Co-Op Trouble
Is Inefficiencv

Ann Arbor Needy Will Get
ntire Proceeds Of Sale
By Volunteer Vendors
$1,800 Set As Goal



drastic wage-hour bill with formid- In 10-Hour Drive
able teeth in it will be urged upon LANSING, Dec. 3.-(M)-Rep. Ver -______
Congress by the AF of L, President E non J. Brown, Rep., Mason, resigned A merrier Christmas and a hap-
William Green disclosed tonight. from a legislative council investiga- pier New Year for underprivileged
The measure would provide a fiat tion of the affairs of the Wolverine Yea ndhopialega-
Themesur wul prvie a fatCo-operative Exchange today becausef.iie, sudnts and hospital pa-
minimum wage of 40 cents an hour, he said, the investigators were taking tients in Ann Arbor have been adopt-
and a flat maximum work week of ;in too much territory. Gdfas the goals of the third annual
40 hours, for workers engaged in in- After listening to a lecture by Dr. hope to collect $1,800 by the sale of
terstate businesses. William Haberg former director of the Michigan Daily Goodfellow Edi-
If an employer violated the law, sion, Brown remarked that he could tion on Monday, Dec. 13.
the worker would simply report to ! think of no reason why the council Campus honorary societies and
the nearest representative of the Dd- subcommittee should investigate "the publications will cooperate again in
partment of Justice, and that de- whole cooperative idea in the United the 10-hour street sale of the Good-
partment would prosecute the em- States." fellow Edition to help these three
ployer, Green explained. Haber, the only witness at today's groups by raising funds formerly col-
The measure differs in major re- 'hearing, said cooperatives had been lected by scattered student organiza-
sects from the bill now pending be- "complete flops" as to efficiency. He tions that attempted to aid only the
fore Congress The latter would i e defended federal contributions to less fortunate children in the com-
an administrative board wide discr1their operation as a "good relief in- munity.
tion in fixing minimum wages of 40 vestment," however. Funds Will Be Divided
cents an hour or less and maximum1 The funds will je divided this way:
hours of 40 a week or more. DemocracyaVs.mEfficienc1. The Social .Service Department
hors of40aewektiormo. l D e ocracyVsE of the University Hospital will receive
The AF of L executive council dis- .,.1-lf- - -


-Ann Arbor Daily News Photo.{
When the truck he was driving
was overturned in a collision, near
Chelsea, Paul F. Pielemeier, '41,
was instantly killed.
Student Killed.
In Automobile
Near Chelsea,
Paul F. Pielemeier, '41, of Chelsea,
was instantly killed at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday when his truck collided with
a trunk on US-12 near the southern
village limits of Chelsea.
Pielemeier left Ann Arbor with
Frederick Streiter, '40E, also of Chel-
sea, and was leaving the village i-n
his family's light pick-up truck when
the accident occurred. He was pinned
beneath his overturned machine and
was dead when removed from the
His truck was hit from the side by

cussed that measure today, and
Green said it was definitely opposed
to establishment of a federal boardl
because of our "disappointing and
distressing experience with the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board."-
Lewis And Green Confer
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.- (AW) -
John L. Lewis and William Green
ended their face-to-face peace con-
ference tonight, announcing they had
reached no conclusion or recommen-
dation for a united labor movement.
Emerging from the conferencel

Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department told the Daily last
night that his statement at the Legis-
lative Council investigation of the af-
fairs of the Wolverine Cooperative Ex-
change applied only to the efficiency
of cooperatives and not to their value
or desirability.
In his experience with cooperatives
in Michigan Professor Haber said
that he has found no justification for
the existence of "self-help coopera-
tives, viewed from the standpoint of
efficiency." At one time there were
eleven such organizations in the state
and all have gone out of existence.
Professor Haber declared that the

Miss Meyers at 10 a.m. tomorrow in
Rooms 319 to 325 in the Union. Open
discussions on (1) peace, (2) security
and (3) student government and' ac-
ademic freedom will be held follow-
ing Miss Meyers' talk.
The convention will split into two
groups at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union; one group of delegates from
schools where there are no liberal or-
ganizations will consider problems of
establishing such organizations, an-
other group from institutions that
have progressive organizations will
discuss ways of improving their or-
ganizations. I .
A final joint session will close the
convention later tomorrow afternoon.
RuthvenTo Be
Frosh. Round
Will Speak On 'Education
And Religious Life' From
Scientific Point Of View
President Ruthven will give the
talk which will be the theme of the
fourth Freshman Roundtable at 9:30
a.m. tomorrow in the Union Ball-
room He will speak on "Education
and Religious Life" from the point of
view of the scientist.
The program of the Roundtable
conferences, which have in their pre-
vious sessions discussed the problems
of personality, success and the con-
cepts of; right and wrong, is pre-
faced by a talk by some faculty mem-
ber. Professors Howard M. Mc-
Cluskey of the education school, Wes-
ley Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment and De Witt Parker of the phil-
osophy department addressed the
first three sessions.
The talk is limited to a half-hour
and sounds the keynote for the dis-
cussion -by freshmen men and women
for whom the Roundtables have been
planned. The discussions are con-
-ducted by means of 15 small groups
or roundtables, each of which is di-
rected by one or two upper classmen.
The upperclassmen who will lead
,the roundtables are Warrington Wil-
lis, '39, Robert Walker, Grad., Rich-
ard Blanchard, '39L, Charles Buck,
'40, Ralph Erlewine. '39, Frances Orr,
'40, Ann Vicary, '40, Mary Johnson,
'38, Constance Bryant, '40,, Howard
Holland, '36, William Jewell, '38,
Sarah Chakko, Grad., Frances Bur-
gess, '39A, Ruth Carr, Ed., Ernest
Jones, '38, Charles McLean, Grad.,
Nelson Fuson, Grad., Emily Morgan,

Sociology Told
To Study Forms
Religon Takes



Prof. Maer Urges A Shift a car drien by Thomas P. Lloydof
Albion, who was attempting to pa Strong London
In Emphasis From Study the truck, unaware that Pielemeier in tgd
Of OriginsOf Religions tended to make -a turn onto the Chel-
sea-Manchester Rd. Ice Club Faces
Sociology should shift its study Coroner L. C. Ganzhorn, who wasr
Soiooy hul hitit tuycalled on the case, declared ,that *
from the origin of religion to a con- Pielemeier's death was causedythat
sideration of the concrete forms re- PileeursIdathe s a dbek.TNht
ligion has taken, Prof. Carl Mayer of fractures of the skull and neck. No
the radute aculy o theNewinquest, he said, will be held.
School for Social Researchtin NewCapacty Crowd Expecte
York City said yesterday in an ad- To Witness 2nd Contest 1
dress on "The Sociology of Religion" Prof- icader I OfSe o Atris.
in Natural Science Auditorium. .tJeasoi t Cohseum
All attempts at a rational explan- k ' d By BEN MOORSTEIN
ation of religion must necessarily CSpe aks Tackling a much stronger opposi-
fail, he declared, for religion is a given tionatonightth tdiglastweek,
reality. When religion becomes or-'
ganized. however, and society deter- To Hoior Miss Stoddard the Michigan hockey team meets the
London A.C. of London, Ont., on the
mines what course it shall take,dthen, At Luncheon In League Coliseum ice in its second game of the
Dr. Mayer said, religion is contam- -. T gi s rm
inated with social, political and racial Prof. C. L.seasn.Thehamewillds-aBtda
forces. Dr. Mayer set as the task of Meader of the speech de- Based on last Saturday's affair
the sociologist the interpretation of partment will deliver an address on another full house is expected for to-
the concrete forms which society has "New Emphasis in Speech Rehabilita- fight's tilt. Playing before 1,7001
given to religion. tion" at a luncheon in honor of Miss against the University of Western
The two chief rational explanations Clara B. Stoddard director of Speech Ontario, Michigan won handily by
of CaraB. toddrddirctorof peeh *a 3-0 score in its first game.
of the theory of religion were cited by I.p'oveme-t inrehm DtsrorttPgame.
Dr. Mayer as the Marxian and the Improvement i the Detroit Public Visitors Are Strong
Durkheim. Schools, to be given at 1 p.m. today Now that the sextet has had two
The Marxian, he said, considers re- in the League. full weeks of practice and is rapidly
ligion as mere ideology, apart fron A large number of friends of Miss approaching top shape, Coach EddieI
the sphere of reality. This theory Stoddard, and those interested in her Lowrey's boys are sure to furnish the
contends that religion reflects the so- professional work are expected to at- Londoners with a real battle. How-
cial structure which produces it, he tend. She has been directing speech ever, the visitors will also be sport-
continued, and is always the expres- improvement for almost thirty years, ing a strong aggregation.t
sion of the governing class, and there- and today's luncheon is in honor Three new players and plenty ofi
fore, according to Marxian interpre- of the outstanding contributions she last year material will give the On-
(tation, an untrue reflection of society has made in the field. tario clubmen a great deal of strength
Iand an instrument of oppression. The luncheon is being sponsored by in ,every position. The London A.C.
The Durkheim explanation of re- the Speech Clinic of the Institute for is a union of two London amateurt
ligion, Dr. Mayer explained, contends Human Adjustment of the Horace H. outfits of last year, containing the
that at its root there is some reality, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, best of both plus the new men.
and this reality is society. The social and the Department of Speech and Michigan Lineup Will Be Same
and religious, he said, are identical General Linguistics. Prof. John H. Jack Koyl, a former member of the!
to the Durkheim school. They con- Muyskens of the speech department f New York Rovers, Barry Kelly, a well-t
sider religion as the product of society, will act as toastmaster, while Prof. G. i (Continued on Page 3)
the great power in the life . of man E. Densmore, also of the speech de-7
upon which his whole life rests. partment, will extend the depart-
ment's greetings to Miss Stoddard. Rings To Be Given '
Spanish Investors' At Football Bust'
Compensation Due Christmas Is Deadline
! For S enor'- y r ±u ' uuuai 1uabUn u ll r w-ic

room separately, the American Fed- funamentalreason or the fa
eration of Labor Presidenttsaid that of these establishments is due
he and Lewis and their two aides, conflict between a desire for der
comprising a special subcommittee, racy and a desire for effii
would report the results of their two "Those cooperatives which are fi
days of negotiations back to the full while those which are democra
negotiating committees on Dec. 21. not efficient," he said.
Asked if the peace negotiations In amplification of his stater
were left in status quo, Lewis re- that the cooperatives have bee
plied, "that is a fair assumption." "good relief investment" Prof
their big task was finding an ac- I Haber disclosed that the Federal
ceptable method of bringing Lewis' ernment has made available $40
ditions facing the conferees said in drafts and loans to self-help
Labor experts familiar with con- operatives and has in the proces
new industrial unions into the AF of fected a saving of $2,416,000 in d
L fold and preserving their identity relief costs.
and functions.
The ten International unions
which threw their support to Lewis Strange Illness Is
two years ago and formed the nuc-
leus of the CIO still are technicallyl Cause Of Deat)
affiliated with the Federation, al-(

to a
is are
en a
s af-

$150 to purchase toys, pictures, ad-
ditional work shop facilities and
books for underprivileged patients.
These needs are not met by state
funds available for medical and sur-
gical care for these patients.
2. Twenty-five per cent of the re-
maining funds will go to the Deans'
Discretionary Fund to help needy
3. The rest of the money will be
sent to the local Family Welfare Bu-
reau to be used for the purchase of
Christmas baskets and clothes for
Ann Arbor families and for the year-
round work of the Bureau.
Goodfellows will again pick up
shoes, clothing volunteered by per-
sons who call the Goodfellow Editor
at the Daily, 2-3241.
The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
Award, a loving cup, will be present-
ed to the student organization show-
ing the most cooperative spirit in the
drive, in the judgment of a special
First Goodfellow In 1915
The first Goodfellow Edition of
the Daily Appeared in 1915 but the
practice was discontinued until 1935.
More than $1,370 was raised by the
sale of 6,500 Dailies in 1935 when
Senior Society won the Award.
The $1,650 collected last year over-
shot the goal by $75. More than $700
was contributed by fraternities, sor-
orities, campus organizations, League
houses and individuals even before
the Goodfellow Edition went on sale.
The Men's Council was awarded the
cup for its cooperation. Eleven hun-
dred dollars of the money, collected
at a cost of less than $11, was given
to the Family Welfare Bureau; $150
went to the Hospital fund and the
rest to the Deans' Discretionary
Remer To Lead
Sunday Forum
American Policy In Far
East To Be Discussed


though on the suspended list.
Black Legion's
Chief Accused,
As Syndicalist

"f Ten Irl antsi

CHICAGO, Dec. 3.- RP) - The
death of 10 babies in St. Elizabeth's
Hospital spurred physicians striving
to save the lives of eight others suf-
fering from a mysterious intestinal
malady today.
Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, presi-
dent of the Chicago Board of Health,
-announced the fatalities, reported

fethey had occurred within the last 11
Effinger Surrender Leads days and related scientists had joined
Detroit Attorney To Try in an heroic effort to check the out-
To Get H For Trial break.
TFThe tiny victims of the deadly
i disease ranged in age from nine days
DETROIT, Dec. 3.-(/P)-Prosecutor I to 24 days.
Duncan C. McCrea said tonight he "It seems to be a very acute, viru-
would prepare to bring Virgil H.I lent inflamation of the intestinal
(Bert) Effinger, reputed commander I tract, with intense toxemia (poison-
of of the Black Legion, to Detroit forI ing), with death usually ensuing
trial on charges of criminal syndical- in 4 h sde . udlsensuing
ism s son ashe as ntifid ofi - within 24 hours," Dr. Bundesen said.
ism as soon as he was notified oi "No one seems to know what causes
cially of Effinger's surrender at Lima, it. It may be a very virulent ultra-
Referring to the electrical contrac- microscopic filterable virus."
tor's disappearance during an extra-
dition hearing at Columbus, O., last E Students
year, t e Wayne County prosecutor Eco omicsSu n
said " haven't. forgotten the run- I
around they gave us the last time. Bid To Coffee Hour
Effinger and 21 others were indicted
by Circuit Judge James E. Chenot of All economics and pre-business ad-
Detroit, sitting as a .one-man Grand ministration students are especially
Jury. One defendant has died. The invited to the Union Coffee hours
others never have been brought to next week when Economics Week,
trial will be observed, Eliot Robinson, '39,
The indictment, based largely on i of the Union Executive Council, an-
affidavits made by Dayton Dean, two- nounced yesterday.
gun confessed Black Legion "execu- During the week, Mrs. Shorey Pe-
tionpr," charged violation of Mich- terson, Mrs. R. S. Ford, Mrs. L. L.
igan's criminal syndicalism statute I Long and Mrs. W. B. Palmer, all
and conspiracy to overthrow the gov- wives of members of the economics
ernment. department, and Prof. Margaret El-
Dean quoted Effinger as telling liott of toe department will act as
meetings of the hooded night riders hostesses at the coffee hours.
that "we would do away with poli- The following pre-business orien-
ticians and government officials." tation groups are especially invited to
By the date Dean said was set for the Tuesday Coffee Hour at - which

1 v 11A 11lvV~d~il he annual football bust at which
nine football team seniors will re-
MADRID, Dec. 3.-(P)-The re- No sittings for senior pictures for ceive Michigan rings will be held at
mote prospect of foreign investors' the Michiganensian can be had after 6:30 p.m. today in the Intercol-
being compensated for their Spanish Christmas Vacation, according to legiate Club in Detroit.
property seized at the outbreak of Irving Mathews, '38, business man-
the civil war appeared slightly near- ager of the 'Ensian . Ira M. Smith, registrar, will give
er today. The original deadline set was to the principal address at the dinner,
Madrid newspapers published a I have been today, but it was extended which will be attended by the entire
Rar,,R-nnaa ina ia -m I i,.- ...1_ r m..I. -_ _ coaching staff and foothall souad.


The second of the winter series of
Union forums will be held at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in the small ballroom
of the Union with Prof. Charles Re-
mer of the economics department
speaking on "American Policy in the
Far East."
Professor'" Remer will talk during
part of the hour and will then lead
a discussion of the topic for the
remainder of the time, James Hol-
linshead, '39, of the Union Executive
Council, who is in charge of the
forums, said. During the discussion
period, coffee will be served.
Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history
department will discuss the Spanish
problem Dec. 12 at the last of the
winter series.
Last Sunday, Prof. Lawrence Preuss
of the political science department
spoke on "Germany and National So-
cialism" before a large crowd.
SeralOf Campus
Life Again On Air
"Joan and Jack at Michigan," the
dramatic sketch written and directed

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