THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN THaEs M. ya T CH T. C S1.amN I11..JA I 1PG EEE Softer Fabrics To Be Favored In T W I wide Variety - y a Now IF You (oe's Winter Suits whose family exchequer limits you to NECKTIE LABELS PUT TO USE GIFT BOXES USEFUL a mere trip to Atlantic City and (our Labels on neckties are usually Up-to-date manufacturers have economic system does falter in spots, tlought of as purely advertising but made available on the market today according to rumors) . . . well, there a local men's clothing store has com- a number of smart packages which just isn't much a style expert can do ined utility with advertising by pla- contain their merchandise, and these wihol 5 fyumnyt oking the label on the back of the large cnantermrhnie n hs with only $50 of your money to work part of the tie making it possible to packages may be used after the gifts with. slip the small end through it. are removed. ., .. . I -M Of . Ma terials r asnion nounca- UL)T p P JGo To Florida T Be Popuila r,, By MORTON LINDER x vorites in the three-button models. This J in ter. . . We are watching with great in- I The tendency in jackets has been to- Cheviots, Tweeds Among terest the rising growth of a style ward a longer loosely-hanging coat, By ROBERT PERLMAN consciousness among American men, devoid of all pleats, vents, and other Fabrics Scheduled For In previous years, the so-called' weak- such embellishments. Again we face that perennially dis- Service Next 4 Months er sex had a virtual strangle-hold on' Spring jackets promise to be even turing problem of what. the well- the style market, with the men plainer in style, although the pat- dressed Michigan Man should take By ROBERT TCHELL shunted to the background. In the terns and colorings will leave a large with him to Palm Beach for the 1 RBR MICEL last few years, however, the men have Chdris'tmas vacation. arg ; Softer fabrics will do the thing in emre from h staeof satori field for individual experession. Christmas vacation. young men's late winter and spring oblivion to take their place as dis- Herringbones will top the list with Every December thousands of stu- straight cloths, thhard perals as criminating stylists of correct dress. the tweed coming up close behind. engyose families durigi te e pre- serviceable as the soft weaves, are' In this noticable swing toward Gabardine will still be quite popular just reward (say $25,000) for the slated to give way before the pop- placing the male in the fashion sun,i although it will lose some of its pre- sacrifice and waiting involved in in- ularity of the latter in the college the college man has taken the lead. I vious prestige in favor of the more vestment, storm our offices for advice man's wardrobe. The new materials I Most innovations in young men's rugged materials. on how to spend their money most which will be in vogue include for clothing originate in various cam- SLACKS: Slacks have come in prudently on clothes and accessories the most part cheviots, shetlands, puses throughout the country, with strong this season as an adjunct to for the Florida trip. saxonies, and tweeds. These weaves Yale and Princeton taking the top the "studied carelessness" in dress. permit an easy fit and finish, and are pcsition. From these and other style As usual, the posibilities of varia- A every year we look at the latest good for a wide variety of color pat- centers each fall emanate distinctive tions in slacks have been tremen- avic reports before we give that terns. Patterns will be mainly greens creations and variations of already i dous, with the tweed in a small advice. At the time of writing the tans, and light blues for the spring, accepted styles. These are popular- hcunds-tooth check and the gabar- temperaturenhin Tampa) is 74 de- with darker winter shades. Checks ized throughout the country, and dine in all colors leading the parade. arees Fahrenheit, the sky is "clear" herringbones, heathers ands tweed soon all leading stores are advertis- In general, the tendency in slacks has and the barmeter reads 30.12 inches. patterns will predominate. ing "authentic university-styled" been for added comfort; hence, deep- at warm the for our jn Th.e tlswl erdclydf clothing. er pleats and fuller trouser. rather warm weather for our jaunt E The new styles will be radically dif cohn.e las n ulrtosr to the land of the Everglades and al- ferent from this year's vogues. The This fall has been no different and The new crop of slacks ranges from jitofss waspy waistline and the built-up we find the college man again lead- strictly British tweeds to strictly 'igators. shoulders are through as men's styles ing the - field in style trends. Below American wash-slacks. Checks, plaids, The first thing you simply must and will give way before the straight are presented the main trends of plain colors and overtones will all do after arriving in Florida is to dig English drape models. Coats will be fall and winter clothes with a few receive their share of attention. up divots at the nearest golf course. three-button for the most part, with predictions for the spring. Slacks for spring will be a trifle windbreaker few two- and four-button models. HATS In the everyday hat, the longer with the popular "peg-top" with culer sleeves and zipper or an The firsto two buttons will be use felt, welt-edged or plain, with low whic~h is on the way out. odd jacket with hand tailored buttonI for buttoning usually. The coat crown and wide brim, is still the most SLholes (which has the unqualified en- openings will be high. O S:LreAglpaishv dorsement of John Montague, La popular. The midnight blue Hom- again been the thing this season andVrne o in cotgso , lor Coat shoulders will be natural, with! burg is more and more gaining favor w Verne Moore in ortr, in white the old shoulder-stuffiing done at a.1 as a dress hat. For full dress, of spring styles. English ribs will be minimum. The fronts will be full course, the top hat is strictly correct especially popular in new light and and a pullover "V" neck sweater. No and easy-fitting, especially in the soft and this season has found more airy colors. More brilliant colored greater breach of current style can materials. There will be few novelty "toppers" than ever before, stripes are also expected before they be made than to neglect packing a backs, mostof the styles calling for Spring fashions tend to show more wane in popularity pair of rugged reverse calf blucher straight backs with a deep center- coloring in hats with green especially n shoes with four eyelets, a handy item vent. There will be few side-vents. I coming forward. Tyrolean models, for golfing. The coats will be longer this year so popular the last few seasons, are _ NThe average Michigan Man will be than last also. Trousers will be full strictly on the down-grade. Newsphysically unable to get up the next and principally pleated. They will SHIRTS: The most noticeable 1 morning after playing 18 holes, so taper a bit at the bottom and should change in shirts this fall has been That Captured there's no use going through with the be at a length to just touch the top! the falling off of the ever-popular ;heap of suggestions we have for for- of the shoe, not above the ankle in Oxford cloth. Although this shirt is i le mal and town wear collegiate style. still quite correct, it is rapidly being Stym Of course, if you're one of those Accessories probably, will be much supplanted by college men by the'_fcourse, ___y______n________- the same as usual, with colors the madras and broadcloth. British thing. Cloth materials which will be stripes have perhaps been the most Stiff Collar Model Should in greens and browns this spring can popular shirt this past season, with Not Be Worn Informally be harmonized with shirts, ties, and both wide and narrow stripings used. handkerchiefs to match. Light-color New spring shirts, as usual, ac- Gives Finished Effect K blue, green, tan, and striped shirts centuate varied colors. Colorings in will go well with the soft-weave shirts will be especially popular this Below are shown three shirts in browns and green checks and heather spring with the widespread collar models destined to be popular this patterns of the coats and suits. once more coming into its own. winter. The uppermost of the three Although styles will be different, JACKETS: The British motif has.. with a turn to more formal, plain- been quite apparent in its influence is in solid blue and carries a pleated it is line trends, anything can go on the on jackets this season. The single- bosom and white starched French campus. Your soft weave suits will breasted, full box coat with plain fold cuffs. This shirt is a neckband be best, but college style will accept back has been "the" coat. Harris model and with it is. worn white 7 11 Co, Pr0 vnnwhton on nna mane nascas-o ~ame I ''T' Featuring a Finer Full Dress Suit at $45.00 J A CUSTOM-TAILORED SUIT will fit you Right! Made to your measurements of the Finest Fabrics, which must meet a Rigid Stan- dard; the difference between a First Rate Suit and a second rate stlit ! of _ i .-m- ---i VEN'S say ore Christmas, J] to W LAAXtA, V Ci YULL 1:11UUiC. V VV a~ii eri ngr LI5~~i i6 are une .iu- i Why not start r starched collar and wine satin tie.1 (The wine satin tie received great favor in London this season.) A small animal figure stickpin in gold is worn with this. This shirt is definitely snooty and to keep in step with Ann Arbor's un- written laws of dress should not be worn to class or upon similarly infor- mal occasions. The stick pin is like- wise extremely "smoothie" for the j m) L "Cj a mnatched set of Hartmann Luggage? ForHIM..For HER ... and all through the store, Each personal Santa is buying galore! For Grandpa a muffler as Scottish as heather, For Dad - pigskin gloves that defy stormy weather, For Brother, we mention some smart English hose, Or a few pocket handkerchiefs (not for his nose). For Uncle - a tie from a Far-East Bazaar, Or a new fangled golf shirt to help him hit par; And if it's the sweetheart for gifts you inquire, (You'll want him to look like a page from Esquire) Choosing for him induces a frown, Here's a tip that will win him- a new dressing gown! And if he is fond of chasing "Bright Lights," Silk lounging pajamas will keep him in nights. Buying for Christmas undoubtedly wakes-up The Peter Pan feeling that lurks in your make-up. You'll have to admit it's more pleasing than shocking To find yourself wanting to hang up your stocking! We humbly confess we've outdone ourselves, We've practically piled the whole world on our shelves! The choicest of gifts from far and from near, Whatever you're seeking is sure to be here. To top it all off, you consider how nice is The fact that you're paying the fairest of prices! The store is so festive with colorful holly, The wreaths and the crowds, so happy and jolly, That even the red-paper bells seem to jingle! (A perfectly obvious rhyme for Kriss Kringle). ,t's all so exciting-why shouldn't you cheer, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL tCANVAS DUCORD * Christmas is an ideal time to prepare for carefree, luxurious travel. We know of several husbands and wives who this year are "ex- changing" matched pieces of Hartmann Luggage ... gifts that will afford them years of travel enjoyment. SKY-ROBE (For Women).. $23.00 every day occasions for which most of us dress. The middle shirt is a white madrasj collar attached model with French cuffs, and is suitable for either town or country wear. With it is shown a cashmere tie, having large spaced figures of a pattern frequently found! in foulards. The third shirt is an English stripedf broadcloth model. Small stripes are1 set close together at wide intervals and achieve a smart and interesting effect. The collar on this shirt is the new London lounge model which has longer points than the usual one worn in recent years. Kit Of Basic Blends Of Tobacco Offered It has long been the preference of I connoisseurs of pipe tobacco to blend AND -w V A HAPPY NEW YEAR I Th"1