1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ m_ _ _ One" Pitts Confident IDaily Staff Writer Sees Europe LoyalistVictory Masking Fear Of In Spain Near Tourists Being Enveloped Confident that the Loyalists will Iy Government-Inspired win the Spanish Civil War, Dr. Don- Propaganda Methods ald H: Pitts, chief of two base hos- pitals of the Madrid area, in ahtalk (Continued from Page 1) - Friday, stressed the need for physi- ians and medical supplies to relieve it takes no sleuth to discover that' :oldiers and non-combatants. German families are tired of fatless; nhbiant nof-ci ae c n meals and blood purges. However, -Inhabitants of Madrid are certain ,~toa oils ok eas t that it will not fall, Dr. Pitts de- -National Socialism works because it clared. They have surrounded the put the people to work and gave city with fortifications and have bar- them a feeling that they were mas- ters of their own destiny again. he said, so that only bombs and shells And in London you can learn a lot' (.an destroy it. by watching the people who are be- I "We do not have enough ambu- ing asked to sell their bedsteads and lances to care for all our patients," bath tubs to supply metalfor Brit Dr. Pitts told the audience of 120 aT's huge rearmament program. persons. "But we expect to build sev- They are unlike the men and women oral mobile ambulance units for front that walk up and down Michigan line work with money npw being col- Avenue or Forty Second Street. An' lected. These will consist of operat- airplane overhead will seem to make ing truck, power generator for X- them blanch as they look up andH rays, and kitchen, each large enough perhaps attempt to recall the Home to accommodate the doctors and Secretary's list of instructions of nurses'"- h r what to do in case of an air raid. Pomp and circumstance cannot make Impending War China's Consul Seeks Support Tn Fi ht Jn NEWS IN BRIEF 1 t 1 Typewriters id Pens -Pencilst South State Studeni I p their island immune to bombs. 'Britain's Number One Liar' It would be well if Americans who wish to make significant remarks on 302 the British state of mind would spend Suilis a few hours in Hyde Park as well as outside St. James Palace watchingI the changing of the guard. ForI CARBURETOR U S. Pat. No. 2,082,106 YELLb-BOLE $j2s LATEST DISCOVERY IN PIPES This new way of burning tobacco gives you a better, cooler, cleaner smoke. Updraft of air from bottom cools smoke, keeps bowl absolutely dry, takes rawness out o any tobacco, improves com- bustiohi. Carburetor Yello-Bole also gives you the famous honey-treated bowl. Nothing else has ita flavor. At dealers' now. though you marvel at the splendour g 1 -1 op of the empire and its traditions at St. James, in the Park you may listen (continued from Page 1) to convincingioratory addressed to - "Auld Lang Swine, the Archbishop of; and for its consistent policy of non- Cant," and you can hear "Honest aggression. Stan Baldwin" being upbraided as The trouble all began with the Jap- "Britain's Number One Liar." Or anese invasion of Manchuria, Mr. spend Sunday afternoon in Trafalgar Wang declared, and will continue un- Square where more citizens are lend- til Japan becomes so involved in her ing attentive ears to sentiments that campaign that she becomes conse are not in keeping with the pomp and quently weakened. At that point of circumstance tradition. uetywand.Athtpito .cs.tiodecline, Mr. Wang added, Japan can- With a little careful observation it not ignore the protests of the major is obvious that the French abandon world powers-Britain, France and is not complete even in Paris on the United States. streets such as the Rue de la Paix Combined with these international and the Rue Royale where the stream (r.obndwt hs nentoa of life runs swift and shallow. The difficulties, he continued, Japan's in{ shop windows are full of frivolous ternal situation, rising costs of living,! wares, but I noticed that many of increased taxation to carry on the them were equipped with grim look- war, will cripple the nation's war ing sheet metal shutters. I learned machine.I that these were used for protection Japan's stated intentions for her during governmental crises and on "undeclared war" in China, the Con- other occasions of national concern sul said, are based on her contentions when the people rioted. These are that China is (1) non-cooperative, apparently frequent enough occur- (2), anti-Japanese and (3) com- rences to warrant the construction munistic. The real and significant of permanent protective devices. intentions of the Far Eastern empire, Not Philosophic Calm Mr. Wang said, are to crush China I found that the unperturbed atti- before it becomes too potent for Jap- tude of Scandinavia toward war is anese invasions, and to "grab off" ex- not so much philosophic calm as it i clusive trade rights. is passive despair over the militaristic Mr. Wang's refutations of the three tactics of its neighbor countries Ger- Japanese charges are:j many and Russia. Advice is given to Japan wants cooperation on the the citizenry of Copenhagen on what basis of cooperatior( between the to do in the event of an air raid master and the serx'ant, and this as it is in England, but unlike Eng- China cannot countenance.! land and France, Denmark has not Anti-Japanese activities have been devised ingenious taxes in order to support an air or sea force. She pre- able practices in the invasion of fers to direct her energy toward socialaeacicean the ina.iTherf rather than anti-social works. Manchuria and North China. There But, just as many of the tourist's has been considerable smuggling of stereotyped ideas and casual observa- opium and other harmful durgs tions in Germany, France, England there. and Denmark are partially untrue, Japan's definition of Communism many of their notions about this is so broad as to take in any activity country need revision. German prop- which is distasteful to Japan. agandists besides informing their people that hordes of Russians are FoureCo , s starving to death, has created the neat myth that Mayor La Guardia is a notorious well poisoner.C Thilik Demoeracy Dead C Some of the Frenchmen have con- cluded that the liberal American de- M e I 011 mocracy that Lafayette fought for has long since perished. They have read in their papers that in the (Continued from Page ) United States many of the factories are operated by the workers who sat Ann St. with 19 girls chosen by ap- down on the job last winter and plication and with the consent of the spring and refused to work unless office of the Dean of Women. Room they could also rule. They don't and board are $11.50 for two weeks. think the workers' victory was an Cooking and housework, divided easy one for they gasped at the news- among the members, require one reels of the Memorial Day massacre hour's work a day. in Chicago, for these films were re- Twenty men forming the Rochdale leased in England and on the con- Student Cooperative have rented a tinent even before the Senate inves- 22-room house at 640 Oxford Road tigators saw them. and have 50 students still on the Britishers who ten years ago waiting list. thought that cowboys and Indians Certain Work Required roved the streets of Chicago have Five dollars a week and six hours' now advanced to a different type of work, it has tentatively been decid- misconception. Many of them now ed, will be required of members. Stu- believe that gang wars and machine dents will supply their own sheets guns are to be seen every week in and blankets. most mid-western cities. Last year the cooperative was lo- And the Danes who perfected a cated at 545 Catherine St. Instead national system of old age pensions of taking their "profits" out in divi- and unemployment relief when Dr. dends, the members voted to use the Townsend and Harry Hopkins were money for expansion this year in. knee pants, consider the United Members are chosen on the basis States in many respects a socially of financial need, financial stability With misconceptions on all sides, and their ability to fit in with the because of ignoranceas well as prop- others in the group. Meetings are aganda, it is most difficult to con- conducted Quaker-style onimportant elude from what you could see and matters; house officers and a specia read what the true state of affairs committee handle minor problems. was in any country. I tried to regard . To Enter Social Affairs the paradoxes between what I had The Rochdale Co-op exists not only learned and read before and what I to save its members dollars and cents saw in Europe like Hegalian theses according to some of the students in and antitheses that though appar- the house, but the group will hold ently inexplicable must be resolved social affairs and will be represente into some higher synthesis of truth. in the Intramural baseball compe Perhaps by using this method and titions by its own team. reading and studying diligently for Michigan Socialist House, 355 E the next few years I shall be able Ann St:, going into its sixth year a to understand and interpret what I the oldest cooperative on campus, ac- saw during my two months in Europe. commodates 20 students admitted or the recommendation of former mem- ASKS PREVENTION bers. GRAND RAPIDS, Sept. 27.--(P)- President-elect Henry Cook of the I - -- Michigan state medical society found fault today with Michigan's anti- tuberculosis program in that the state spends heavily for care of vic- tims but little for prevention of the d' ease. __-- 4. MICHIG AN Industrial-Agricultural Balance- onttnued troi Pa. Gov. Hugh L. White of Mississippi Economic Institute of Stockhclm, Dr. was in Detroit yesterday seeking Heckscher will be here soirgi in Heniy Ford's counsel on his "indus- X. aFebruary and will speak on Mme trial-agricultural balance" plan for phase of political and economic ais- Mississippi. . tory. He was president of the cm- "Mr. Ford said the governor of mittee of the League of Nation, for Mississippi was absolutely on the 1926 for traffic of the Rhine, and right track," White said, following a author of many books on political righ trck, Whte sidfolowig ascience and economic history. discussion that lasted through the si Enlecon Tory. Englishman To Talk afternoon. "Mr. Ford had the same Prof. William A. Robson of the idea as I did on Mississippi. Mr. Ford; London School of Economics and Po- is interested in any agricultural prod-! litical Science. uct that can be utilized in industry." aDr.Eustache De Lorey, professor The Mississippian and what he arge of the Oriental depart nt calls "my caravan"-which includesh, his "goodwill representative," Miss D.a My of the Bibliotheque Nationale, P. is. Elaine Russell of Gulfport-will leave f Dr. Carl Mayer of the New Sc' or Detroit this morning for Jackson, for Social Research of New ormi Mis. IEdward J. Dent, professor ,f nirusic Miss. at Cambridge University, Carabridge. Eng. Lansing-Governor Murphy. home HAROLD D. SMITH Prof. N. L. Bowen of the University for the first time in six weeks to of Chicago. wrestle with appointments, asserted putes of the mnoment yesterday to Dr. Paul Link of the University of goal of a balanced budget wouldpeak of "the bigger oectives of Wisconsin be "surprisingly close" to realization. Aean fPei eIo cioi T. Olmstead of the ri- Parold D. Smith, director of t he Idaho capital. ental Institute of the University of Michigan Municipal League and ! "We have been a wasteful nation," Chicago. State Budget Director, was especially i Mr. Roosevelt said. Human and na- Dr. Donald Wyman of the Arnold praised by the Governor.1 tural resources, he asserted, had been Arboretum of Harvard University. e Murphy refused to discuss his wasted, and travel through the coun- will talk on "The Arnold Arboretuim" plans for a special session of the try had refreshed his thoughts for and will appear here Oct. 20. I Legislature. "the next generation and the gen- In addition to these lecturers sev- R. M. Smith, state geologist, yes- eration after that." eral talks on chemistry by members terday announced an aerial survey of Washington, he said, is "one of of the American Chemical Society the Michigan copper area in an at- the narrowest places in the world," will be given, as well as one Univer- tempt to find new beds of copper and adding that he gained strength "by sity lecture at the Michigan Acadtrny other ore. "We know there must be I meeting the American people." of Science. more ore in those counties than in the proven areas," he stated. - *:l The Federal government moved :.": . yesterday to speed the purchase of a surplus apples that have glutted a Michigan's market. Postmaster James YOUR LAUNDRY'S A. Farley will dedicate a post office at Saginaw and speak at a Demo- cratic rally there Thursday night. BACK LONDON BACK"... Safe With All Hands-Endeavour I, unsuccessful challenger in 1934 for the America's Cup, lost since Sept. 13, was reported safe last night. j E Tir~ra nFT~nrtn nctrf hp M .S9: . t fior The Newest Costume Jewelry, College and Fraternity Jewelry, Watch, Jewelry, and Optical Repairing. Lloyds of London posele mubgv that reported the yacht 260 miles off the coast of Ireland. Yesterday's report was the first di- rect word from the yacht since her _ tow line-70 fathoms of steel cable, which pulled her prow into the sea -broke off Nantucket. BERLIN Solidarity Forever-Benito Musso- lini and Adolf Hitler, in an exchange of banquet toasts last night, reaf- firmed solidarity of the Fascists and Nazis. Both said the Rome-Berlin axis is impervious to any attempt to play one nation off against the other;4 that the alliance is capable of sup- porting even wider European cooper- atnon. HENDAYE Insurgent Victory-Insurgent Gen- eralissimo Francisco Franco's head- quarters announced tonight the cap- ture of Ribadesella, 'important Bis- cayan coast town 30 miles east of Gijon. The Insurgents reported advancing up the east bank of the Sella River, where they have been encountering strong resistance, and taking the town. NATIONAL t Boise,, Idaho-President Roosevelt, invading Senator Borah's home state, spurned 1"petty quarrels" and dis- T r Delt Rushers Find Joy Is Boy At Butler d INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 27.-( ')- Members of Delta Delta Delta soror- ity at Butler University couldn't un- derstand why Joy Lively failed to s respond to their invitations to attend - "rush week" functions. n They finally investigated and found - that Joy was a boy-fraternity tim- ber instead. oArcade feweler 16 Nickels Arcade 9727 1, ___ DRUGS KO DA KS sue' -%i ,,. ,r \\ ' I $ oo 6PgY BROWNIE i ,ter _._-,. I HERE'S A CAMERA we know you'll like. And, it's Eastman-made for only $1. Baby Brownie uses Kodak "Vest Pocket" Film, making eight 1 5 8 x 2 1 72 inch pictures per. roll It's light, compact, smart in appear- ance. Let us show you the Baby Brownie next time you're downtown. Let us develop your films. Print your pictures. Expert finishing in our own dark rooms. This is a business with us-not a side line. SHORTHAND TYPING Courses for ir. ; .tAnt 11(f ROU Ps one of typewritten school pa- pers-the other of handwrit- ten. Which will get the better grades? For $1.00 a week buy a Corona and let your paper join the typewritten group. 1938 PACEMAKER SPEED MODEL CORONA Ii. 0. D.4MO RRILL III I I IN I i I