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December 03, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-03

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F A Y, DEC. 31 1937


FRIDA, DE. 3___3


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1 .



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter,
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.,
College Publish"- Reresentauive
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR..................ROBERT P, WEEKS
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Hitler Wants
Peace, But.. .
DISPATCHES from London and Berlin
of the past week seem to negate each
other and paint an ironical background for the
attempts at securing peace in Europe
From London comes the report of the renewed
solidarity between the English and French as
a result of the oonference completed Tuesday.
An agreement seems to have been reached, fol-
lowing upon the Halifax conference with Hitler,
whereby the democracies will trade with Ger-
many-colonial appeasement for a general mu-
tual assistance pact for security in Central and
Eastern Europe.
Lest the seeming optimism of Tory "muddlers"
lead us astray, we should note two Berlin dis-I
patches of last Tuesday that form revealing com-
mentaries upon the hopes that Nazi Germany
desires peace and is willing to give up its Eastern
pan-German ambitiokis.
Wallace R. Deuel in, the Chicago Daily
"The Nazis have the right to intervene in
behalf of 'Germans' in foreign countries
even if these 'Germans' are citizens of the
countries in which they live and not of the
Reich," Dr. Wilhelm Frick, minister of the in-
terior, declared in a speech in Gleiwitz over
the week-end.
Dr. Frick's warning was presumably ad-
dressed primarily to the Polish authorities
just over the frontier from Gleiwitz .--
Ralph W. Barnes in the Herald Tribune:
"The bluntest statement of the Nazi mil-
itary militarist creed yet to appear was made
by Lieutenant Colonel Walter Jost, press
chief of the War Ministry, in a lecture before
students of the University of Berlin tonight.
He said, in effect, that nearly every step
taken by the Nazi authorities since they came
to power was intefided to gird the German
nation for war-a war of defense of course.
It was announced that the lecture would not
be reported in the German press."
S. R. Kleiman.
For Slides.. .
bor is at present considering con-
struction of a toboggan slide in the Arboretum.

According to the plan of Mayor Sadler, city en-
gineers will select the most suitable course and
clear it of obstructions and then ice it.
The toboggan slide for the campus section of
the city has been needed for a long time. Each
year a great amount of tobogganing is under-
taken without regulation and every so often
students suffer serious injuries. Two years ago
a woman student was only by miracle saved from
death after a toboggan accident.
We urge the Council to pass on the proposal.
Although the construction of the slide will in-
volve some expense, the campus deserves this
consideration fully as much as other parts of
Ann Arbor where slides have already been built.
Horace W. Gilmore.
I'm The Law,
3 7
av R es AA n1'10t-

years ago-that puts it far enough into the
safe and sane past, doesn't it-one of the older
professors was assigned a seminar course in Ori-
ental politics. It was quite a popular course with
Chinese students, for the professor was-and is
still--a genuine wag. No one knows whether it
was the gags that delighted them so much or
the phenomenon of the delivery. Deaf students
had been known to sit expectantly waiting for
the wide, grim mouth of the professor to set into
a strong line, open at one corner like a Chicago
gunman's, the two arms to wave in the air and
the descent of the eyebrows as he waited for the
laugh to subside. At any rate, Chinese students
are rather reticent and retiring. It is hard to
say just what it was that attracted them, though
they flocked to the course when it was an-
Before the first meeting of the class, his col-
leagues must have found the professor particular-
ly preoccupied. He was warned, or he knew,
that it might be difficult to lecture if the stu-
dents had only an imperfect knowledge of Eng-
lish. It would be a problem. And the other
members of the department wondered how he
would meet it. But he explained nothing and
when the first class met, when all had seated
themselves in the seminar room, he stepped over
and shut the door carefully. Then at the head
of the table he stationed himself, nodded boun-
tifully to the gatherings, smiled and lowered the
eyebrows. Then clearing his throat, he held the
text book up to the class, "You readee book?
You takee course?" he said.
AND THEN we have on the campus an eminent
geologist who for years has been a roaring,
thumping protagonist that life does not begin
at forty, eight-forty, or in bed, but in the jungles
of Greenland. He is also known for the inac-
curacy of his earthquake prognostications. Some-
times we think it is all in the spirit of good clean
fun, but we have heard that he sometimes tries
to justify himself with long discourses on the
dirty nature of Mother Earth who just can't un-
derstand the King's English and never hits it
when he does. It was after a particularly har-
rowing experience-when the quake failed to
come through at all-he was discoursing on earth-
quakesto a certain dean of a local law school.
Now this dean had a little nervous habit when
he was sitting listening to things like that, of
jiggling his legs up and down on the balls of his
feet. At the height of the geologist's oral trea-
tise of earthquakes, he saw this movement of
the dean's and leaned forward, triumphantly.
"Feel the seismiatic motion, hey?"
AND THEN in an English class, the course led
on into Browning. The professor was ab-
sorbed completely in his lecture. He had come
to the point of the elopement with Elizabeth Bar-
rett and he was explaining Browning's deep
belief in the infallibility of love at first sight.
Browning adhered to the idea that the momen
he saw what he wanted, he was conquered-there
was no resisting the attraction and they were
meant for each other and all that. The pro-
fessor was trying to explain how positive the
poet was about this. "Look," he said, "here was a
man of thirty-six or seven . . . the prime of his
life. There. . . there was a woman.. . an invalid
a woman of forty. He came into the room
and he saw her there . . . and her brute of a
fatherwho had made the Barrett house prac-
tically a psychopathic ward. Browning came in
and . . . remember this woman of forty . . . he
stepped in and literally picked her up . . . after
knowing her personally only a very short time ...
he carried her off." He fell into a moment of rev-
erie, an amazed look on his face. He ran a hand
through his hair nervously. The amazement
changed to horror. He looked up, "My God," he
said, "look at the chance he took!"
AND FINALLY the inevitable Professor A. Law-
rence Lowell comes into this. As professor
of government at Harvard College he was on the
examining committee that was interviewing an

Indian student for his doctorate. The Indian
was the coolest specimen that they could possibly
have encountered. His answers were unimpeach-
able, remarkable in their exactness. There was
nothing wrong, there was no need of further re-
quests for enlargementIon the answer when he
finished. Through it all he was nonchalant and
unflustered. The committee sent him from the
room when they had finished. "There is no doubt
that he is to get his degree, gentlemen," Profes-
sor Lowell asked. There was not. But Lowell
was displeased. The Indian coming before a
professorial board for a doctorate examination
had no right to remain so cool and to be so
correct. "Gentlemen, since there is no doubt,
may I be permitted to ask this chap just one
more question, one that will upset this calm ex-
terior and put him in his place. I assure you he
will not answer this one." They nodded and the
Indian was returned to the room. "Singh, just
one word more," Lowell asked, "Tell us what you
know about the state of local civil government in
Sumatra." Singh looked out the window beside
him and nodded. "Do you mean," he said icily,
"do you mean before the reforms of 1807 or
-Mr. Disraeli.
"Cramming students with facts isn't enough
. the aim of education is to oroduce men and

ifeeimrio Ate
Heywood Broun
Pay no attention to the familiar proverb. As a
matter of fact, the burnt child is fascinated by
the fire and will continue to scorch his fingers
over and over again. Unfortunately, mistakes are
more often habit forming than cducational. If
this were not true we should not have again a
resurgence of the monstrous
twaddle about charitable or-
ganizations being capable of
taking over the work of relief.
This system broke down ut-
terly in the years following
the crash of 1929.
I speak in part out of a
certain amount of personal
observation, since I helped to
run an employment bureau
for a few months in 1930. Our motives were
excellent and our utility almost negligible. Dur-
ing the period of the experiment we cooperated
closely with most of the large charitable organi-
zations, and many of the men and women who
worked in these bureaus were extremely candid
in admitting the limitation of their own groups.
I am not contending, of course, that Com-
munity Chests and similar drives do no good at
all, but their scope should never be and can never
be more than supplemental. Private and semi-
public welfare organizations are always built
upon the conception that they are dispensing
charity. That in itself is an inadequate corner-
stone. It starts off on the wrong foot. Relief is
justice. It should never even be thought of in
terms of charity.
'The Deserving Poor'
Again, I feel that the sharp separation of
Church and state is just as important in relief
as in education. It is extremely difficult to keep
denominational religion out of private charity.
And with it comes the phrase "the deserving
poor" and the notion that in very many cases
poverty is a kind of divine visitation which is
sent as a punishment for sin.
It has been said that under federal relief there
is a tendency to regiment all unemployed per-
sons into support of the administration in power
If this is true it is a grievous fault.
But 1 wonder whether the cause of freedom
would be much promoted if we were to drop that
system and take over another in which all the
hungry were obliged to sing a hymn for their
supper. I am well aware of the fact that some
of the large private charities, although religious
in character, try hard not to mix evangelism with
the stew. Even so, the odor of sanctity does creep
into the soup kitchen.
Man Of Broad Human Sympathies
In 1930 the Rev. Randolph Ray, rector of the
Little Church Around the Corner, ran a bread-
line. He was a man of broad human sympathies,
and' he tried his darndest to give out the tickets
entitling each recipient to a 20 cent breakfast
without any catechizing whatsoever.
But he admitted to me that on one certain
morning a kind of reportorial curiosity overcame
him, and as he dispensed the crumbs of comfort
he said to each man, "I beg your pardon, but
would you mind telling me your religious affilia-
tions, if any?" It was his intention, of course,
to give to every man a ticket regardless of the
answer, but it so happened that the first unfor-
tunate in the line said "Baptist" in a loud, clear
voice. He got his breakfast card and went on.
The man behind him took the answer to be
the password, and before the astonished eyes of
Dr. Ray there then passed without a break two
hundred and seventy-six Baptists. In the ad-
ministration of relief I maintain that this is too
many Baptists.

It seems rather a pity that Pittsburgh didn't
accept the bid to play at the Orange Bowl this
New Year's Day, and that Michigan State was
selected to play there instead. It would have
been very apropos to have Pitt in the Orange
Bowl-or are the Florida fruits seedless?
Tonight and tomorrow night will find all
the sophomore judies refusing dates to be
"gigolettes" at the Sophomore Cabaret, and
most of the other girls refusing dates so
they can work in concessions at the League
Fair. This means that more stags will be
seen this week-end than have been spotted
all hunting season,
However, the gals promise a lot of fawn if the
stags will spend a little doe at the League during
the next two nights. And now that the Moose
dances have ended, the stags will have no other
place to go.
The Daily advertisements for The Cabaret
and Fair boast: "300 Lovely Gigolettes!" Either
the word "lovely" is an exaggeration, or girls
have been imported for the affair.


The Bells Peal Forth
Tonight, "Let Freedom Ring" by
Albert Bein will be presented by the
Detroit WPA Federal Theatre at the
Masonic Temple, S. 4th St., Ann Ar-
Students of the drama should feel
it imperative to take themselves to
the Masonic Temple to witness "Let'
Freedom Ring." For not only will
they be seeing one of the most stir-
ring contemporary American plays,I
but they will also be participating in
the perpetuation of the Federal'
Theatre. At this moment the WPA
Theatre is going through one of its
severest crises. It is no longer a
matter of how much money should'
be appropriated to the project, but
whether or not it will survive at all.
And in order to pull through this
crisis. the Federal Theatre needs
your support; you can do your part,
in keeping this vital and necessary,
organization on its collective feet by!
attending its shows. Ann Arbor has
never before had the opportunity to
support the WPA Theatre, but with
the presentation of 'Let FreedomE
Ring," we certainly should indicate,
where our sympathies lie. Should;
the Federal Theatre die, America will
let slip through its.hands one of the;
most potent factors in the theatre
world. Tickets for "Let Freedom
Ring," are 40 and 25 cents and may

VPT"AXr Y*Wi" 9. 109ri

r'R DAY DEC L . .3. 1937 payment of test fee must be present-
VOL X.LVIII. No. 58 ed at the door.
To The Members of the Faculty of Faculty, School of Education: The
the College of Literature. Science, regular luncheon meeting of the Fac-
and The Arts: 'ulty will be held on Monday, Dec. 6,
The third regular meeting of the; at twelve noon, at the Michigan
faculty of the College of Literature Union. * A full attendance is desired
Science and the Arts for the aca- as many important matters are to be
demic session of 1937-38 will be held n
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Dec. 6,~ ~
1937, at 4:10 p.m. I Phi Eta Sigma: Students who were
Edward H. Kraus. inducted into Phi Eta Sigma before
Agenda: last March, and who want their mem-
1. Adoption of the minutes of the bership certificates (shingles) please
meeting of Nov. 1, 1937, which have get in touch with Allen Cook, secre-
been distributed by campus mail 2ta2t of the active chapter. Phone
(pages 379-388).
2. Rports. I

Publicaton in the n P ili . cott ri notce to all men brs of the
University. Copy received at Ih° ote f th eassistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 arm on Satur'dav.

-V 4-4 C-- - --


a. Executive Committee, by Pro-
fessor J. F. Shepard.
1. Consideration of recommended
change in wording of announce-
ment relative to freshman elec-I
b. Executive Board of the Grad-
uate School, by Professor F. E. Bar-
c. Advisory Committee o n
University Affairs, by Professor Ar-
thur S. Aiton.
d. Deans' Conference, by Dean E.
H. Kraus.
X 3. Report on Karpinski resolution
of October meeting by Professor J. R.I

be procured at various
and at the box office.

i...,..t a.-----

book stores JIHayden.


4. Suggested revision of regulations
jconcerning repetition of courses with
D grade.


Faculty, College of Engineering:
The adjourned meeting of this Fac-
ulty will be held on Monday, Dec. 6,1
at 4:15nm in Room 348 West En-

By THOMAS Me CAN.Y QU21 .1. l
r ~HEgineering Buildin
HE MUSIC of Paul Pendarvis from A. H
the new Terrace Room of the
Statler in Detroit, where you must First Mortgage
dress on Saturday nights or go some sity has a limite
other night in your old clothes, is to loan on mode
typical motor city entertainment. A Arbor residential
very unified reed section. and an1 at current rates.
extremely weak brass division were Office, Room
our impressions of the Pendarvis University Hall.
band. IUiest al

111V~~i11 J-YO, V UL 1
. Lovell, Secretary.
Loans: The Univer-
d amount of funds
rn well-located Ann'
property. Interest,
Apply Investment
100, South Wing,

Academic Notices
Economics 175: The class will meet
this Saturday in the Angell Hall lab-
E. M. Hoover.
Ann Arbor Art Association presents
a double exhibition: Prints -from
Durer to Derain; and a Survey ofthe
Michigan Federal Arts Project--
Drawings, Photographs and Sculp-
ture; in the small galleries of Alumni
Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 through 15;
daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. Carl Mayer
of the Graduate Faculty of the New
School for Social Research in New
York City will lecture on the "So-
ciology of Religion" on Friday, Dec.
3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium under the aus-
I pices of the Department of Sociology.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Karl'Paul
Link ofethe University of Wisconsin
Will give a public lecture on "Recent
Advances in the Chemistry and Bio-
chemistry of the Hexuronic Acids" in
the Chemical Amphitheatre, Room
165 Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m.,
Monday, December 6. The public
is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: "Cultural Rela-
tions between the East and West
During the Crusades" by Dr. John
W. Stanton. Sponsored by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art.
Monday, Dec. 6, 4:15 p.m. in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
School of Music Program,
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
today at 4:15 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Professor Anning
will speak on "Solving the Cubic by
Fair Means or Foul." All those in-
terested are invited to attend.

Apparently the grossly over-exag- Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.:j
gerated rumors that Benny Goodman Elections of courses for the second
ws to open the Terrace Room, and semester must be approved during
that the minimum charge for the the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in
opening was to be 35 dollars were a Room 9, University Hall. To prevent
pipe dream and a nightmare respec- congestion in the office of the coun-
tively. selors, individual postcards will be
* *mailed daily to a small group of stu-
There's no use flipping a coin five 'dents. Each card will be dated seven
or six times until it comes up with days after the day of mailing. To be
Hal Kemp on one side and Alice Fayeadmitted to a conference with a
on the other-tonight is the night counselor, a student must present his
that everyone listens to the Hal card not later than the date it bears.
Kemp-Chesterfield program, and all If he comes after this date an inter-
you have to do is to tune in on WJR view will be granted only if there are
at 8:30. no others waiting at the office.
LI r d n order to make an intelligent se-
'ILLNESS has irecently depler~td he lection of courses each sophomore

ranks of Red Norvo's "subtle
swing" organization, but after hear-
ing this soft-spoken group the other
night, it seems that the substitutes
are well up to the Norvo standards.

should give careful attention to his
next semester elections before meet-
ing with his counselor.
J. H. Hodges
E. A. Walter
A. Van Duren

Congress: Independent Men's Or-
No one, of course, really knows Pre-Medical Students: The Medical ganization: All men selling tickets to
what "swing" is, but in our opinion,Aptitude Test sponsored by the As- the Congressional Fling return all
it's Red. The Norvo band has prac- sociation of American Medical Col- money, stubs, and tickets you will
tic ally no outstanding men, with the oitoofAeia MeiaCo-ntbaleoslloRom36F-
exception, of course, of Red and per- leges will be given Friday, Dec. 3, at not be able to sell to Room 306 Fri-
hapscebie Hayeur, oned ond there- I3 o'clock in Room 1025 Angell Hall. day between 3:30-4:30 p.m.
taps Herbie Haymer, one of the bet- Identification cards and receipts for
ter tenor men. The fact that the !Congress: Independent Men's Or-
band is composed of men who are all ganization: The Congress Bulletin
of practically the same ability, be- U Board has been placed in front of the
caise it has a unified organization, I ij hj lditiProb~es North Lounge of the Union Lobby;
and because it is led by that conta- ; All members are urged to watch this
gious xylophone of Mr. Norvo, we Beg sr boaid for committee meetings and
further describe it as soft, subtle or- B s u other important notices.
ganized "swing."__
rt-u-es I Baptist Guild: Open house at 8:15
Court ltonight. Refreshments will be served.
A4 C } " e Needed To Plan Laws IBring your friends.
Another "outlaw" strike in an au- LANSING, Dec. 2.-0P)-Circuit Services at the Hillel Foundation at
tomobile plant has taken place. About Judge Leland W. Carr upheld today Canto Bernard S. Rubiner
450 employes in the Fisher Body plant the State Legislative council's right Speaker, Dr. Bernard Heller.
in Pontiac, Mich, have been engaging to conduct investigations to aid it in Topic, "The Chanukah Spirit."
in a sit-down strike which forced preparing a program for the Legis- f Hostess, Mrs. M. Levi.
suspension of operations in the plant. , lature.
As a result, anti-unionists all over His ruling was included in an opin- Stalker Hall: "Friday Nighter"
the country have been announcing ion denying a petition of the Wol- program tonight. Class on "Through
loudly that collective bargaining is verine Co-operative Exchange for an the Old Testament" at 7:30 o'clock.
impossible, since the men won't obey injunction restraining a subcommit- Party at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. T. T.
their own union officials, etc. Actual- tee of the legislative council from Brumbaugh, director of the Wesley
ly, the story isa good deal more com- dipping into its affairs. i Foundation in Tokyo, Japan, will be
plicated than that. It is true that the Attorneys for the co-operative wihudrngtshoradwl
United Automobile Workers' union charged that the investigation was in show slides during this hour and will
has been doing what it could to pre- the nature of a "personal inquisition o . of the student work in
vent minor stoppages and that a s and challenged the council's right to__
good many of these have taken place inquire into the affairs of a private
in spite of the union's efforts. It is corporation. C m gE e t
also true, however, that in many The Court pointed out that a stat- A Co in E ens y
plants workers feel that they have ute creating the council in 1933 en- Professors: There will be a dinner
genuine grievances and that the em- dowed it with broad powers of i- meeting of the local chapter of the
ployer refuses to listen to them until quiry in connection with its primary A.A.U.P. on Monday, Dec. 6, at 6:30
they bring the belt line to a halt. De- purpose of preparing a legislative pro-
mands are heard that the union keep gram to be submitted at the ensuing p.m. at the Michigan Union. Presi-
unionu no- session of the Legislature. I dent A. G. Ruthven, Dean Henry M.
its ork rs u d er co n rol, b ut no -B ates, an d P rofessor R . W . S ellars
body proposes that the General Mo- Judge Carr ruled that the council BP.
tors Company, for instance, shall might, for the purpose of preparing wilspeak on 'Educational Objec-
keep its foremen under control, and legislation governing co-operatives, tives" and there will be opportunty
prevent them from persecuting in- l call upon the Wolverine Exchange for a general discussion. This is an
dividual workmen under them. In- for information concerning its oper- open meeting and all members of the
deed. e t suggestion is heard that ations. He held that it could not beacuty ae cordiy invited.
with the whole contract between GM assumed that the council would trans-;
and the UAW up for negotiation, the cend the limits of its authority by, Les Voyageurs: Be sure to be at
corporation is by no means sorry to making its inquiry judicial in nature. the Cabin before 2:00 on Saturday,
see trouble like that of the past few "It may not, in other words, be: as there is some important business
days, for its value as a bargaining assumed that it will carry on a ju- to attend to before the proceedings
point. It remains true that the only dicial proceeding rather than a proper of the afternoon.
way for industry to operate success- islative inquiry" the court ex
i plained. "If any attempt is made tol Annual Hillel Charity Carnival will
its workers they will get fair treat- go beyond the limit of the authority j be held at Lane Hall from 9:00 to
its__f. ore thywl- get-fairtreat-granted by the act, a question will 120on nn Saturdaoy venin n mj A

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