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December 03, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-03

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The Weather
Cloudy and warmer today;
south to southwestern winds.


Li4t igan


Hitler Wants Peace, But...
A Vote For Slides ...
I'm The Law,
Says Boss Hague .. .


VOL. XL VIII. No. 58





Defying U


Room Rents Vary With Student
Enrollment, Dean Olmsted Says

England, Jap
Troops March
In Settlement'
Victory Parade' Makes An
Embroiling Incident A!
Dangerous Possibility
Procession Symbol
Of Nippon Conquest

Only Dorms Built At Low
Cost Can Reduce Room
Prices, Olmsted Says
A survey of Ann Arbor's much-dis-
cussed student room rents for the last
11 years shows that they tend to rise
and fall with the number of students
on campus, Prof. Charles T. Olmsted,
assistant dean of men, declared yes-
At the same time he pointed out
that dormitories must be built at a
lower cost than at present before
they can cause much influence on the
rent situation, and said that it was


impossible for the University to set
BULLETIN a maximum return on housing in-
SHANGHAI, Dec. 3.-(Friday)- vestment or force landlords to lower
(')-A bomb exploded in Nanking rentsghest room rents came in 1929,
Road today as 5,000 Japanese troops Dean Olmstead stated, being an av-
marched through Shanghai in a vice- erage $4.95 a week in that year. At
tory parade. The parade scattered' the same time there were 7,412 men
students on the campus. In 1934,
following renewed business recession,
SHANGHAI, Dec. 3.-(Friday)-(A) rents had fallen to .$2.90, and therel
-More than 5,000 Japanese troops were only 6,835 men students.
paraded through the main streets of Between these two years, with the
Shanghai's International Settlement number of students decreasing each
today in celebration of their nation's year, rents fell from $4.80 to $4.70,
victories here and elsewhere in China. $3.15 and 'down. A substantial in-
The "victory parade' -was held de- crease in men students lately has
spite protests of American and other brought rents back to approximately
foreign officials and municipal au- "$3.90, about half-way between the
thorities who held the demonstration high and low marks. Men's enroll-
provided oppornpity for a possible Iment last year was 8,011, while this
fateful incident. year it is 7,756.
Tanks and armored cars escorted Thus, while the last two years' en-
the stocky little Nipponese through rollments are higher than ever, rents
the settlement while warplanes flew have only risen part way back to
overhead. their highest figures, Dean Olmsted
Officially, the parade was described pointed out. Factors such as busi-
as a "transfer of troops from Jessfield ------------ft
to Hongkew" (from the west of the
International Settlement to its east- M edical Group
Japanese officers, however, said theo*
conqess in Cias ymnd of Japan'se Hold s Aptitude
procession was symbolic of Japane's
might. Exms Today
Early today British troops on guard
duty at Jessfield, on the border of the
Western defense sector, where the Test Is Set Requirement
parade entered the foreign area, re-'
moved barbed wire barricades under At Michigan And Most
direction of Major-General A.P.D. Medical Schools
Telfer-Smollett, commanding British Other
troops here.
Whenj the parade passed the out- The medical aptitude test, spon.-
post, a British squad turned out and sored by the Association of American
presented arms in accordance with Medical Colleges, will be given from
military courtesy. 3 to 5 p.m. today in Room 1025 An-
British, Chinese and Sikh police gell Hall.
lined the roaite of march and police The test, a requirement for admis-
patrol cars were stationed at inter- sion to the University Medical School
vals to guard against possible inci- and practically all others, should be
dents. The parade took 30 minutes taken by all pre-medical students whof
to pass a given point. expect to enter a medical school next
On the westward-moving battle- fall. It is not necessary that all pre-
front between Shanghai and Nanking medical requirements be completed
fron beweenShagha andNaningat the time the test is taken if they
the war was fought mostly in the air.!atlthe timetedtin timn forhe-
will be completed in time for en-
trance to medical school in the fall
of 1938.
Franco Initiates The aptitude tests were adopted
by the Association of American Med-
nR ical Colleges in 1930 and have been
Insurgent Rule given throughout the United States

ness conditions and Lhe price level
must be accounted for in these fig-
A Daily survey has shown that
rooming house profitsaverage 11 per
cent for the houses chosen even at
last years comparatively moderate
Room rents tend to rise or fall ac-
cording to the enrollment of the year
preceding, Dean Olmstead showed.
Thus, the low $2.90 rent of 1934
followed on the low enrollment of
6,287 in 1933, and the increase in
rents this year follows the large en-
rollment of 8,011.
Proposals th: t the University set
a fixed maximum percentage return
.for landlords on their investments
,are not practicable, Dean Olmsted
declared. Houses which are com-
pletely filled one year may have sev-
eral vacant rooms the next year or
may operate under high costs and
(Continued on Page 6)j
Higher Culture
Needs Religion,
Ames Contends
Philosophy Professor Says
Civilization, By Faith,
Seeks Sources Of Life
Despite the widespread industrial-
ization of present existence, civiliza-
tion still seeks through religion to
find the sources and conditions of
life, Prof. Edward Scribner Ames of
the philosophy department at the
University of Chicagodeclared yester-
day before 350 persons.
"Religion," Professor Ames main-
tained, "moves in cycles with culture.
There is no such combination as a
high religion and a low culture,"
"Just as the American Indian con-
sidered maize sacred and originated
ceremonies about it, so does every civ-
ilization build ceremonies about its
important objects. The most human
approach to religion," Professor Ames
maintained, "is through these cere-
, r~O

France Moves
On Continent
Delbos Heads For Eastern
And Central European
Allies To Push Security
General Diplomatic
Settlement Sought
PARIS, Dec. 2.-UP)-Foreign Min-
ister Yvon Delbos headed for War-!
saw tonight for the first of a series
of visits to France's Eastern and!
Central European allies designed to

Soph Cabaret
pens Tonight
At The League
'French Follies' Features
20-Minute Floor Show,
Five-Cent-A-Dance Girls
Two PerformancesI
Go On Tomorrow'
The Sophomore Cabaret, "French
I Follies," under the direction of Jean
Smith, general chairman, will open at
9 p.m. today in the League Ballroom.
the production will be given from

Heads Cabaret

Supporters Tear
House Wage Bill
From Committee

Petition Signed By 218
Assures Vote On Issue
Held Up By Opponents
Charge 'Log Rolling'
Enticed Signatures

bring them in line with Anglo-French 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today. and from
efforts for a general diplomatic set- 2 to 5 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to midnight

tlement with Germany.
Informed diplomatic sources said!
that Delbos carried a joint Anglo-
French guarantee to Poland and the
Little Entente-Czechoslovakia, Yugo-
slavia and Rumania-that Germany
would not be given a free-hand inf
Central Europe.
A Third Chapter
His swing about the Continent was }
the third chapter of negotiations to
set up a new European peace struc-
On Nov. 19 the British Lord Presi-
dent of the Council, Viscount Halifax,
had an exploratory conversation
with ReichsfuehrerrAdolf Hitler. In
that private and informal interview,
Hitler was understood to have ad-
vanced German claims for colonies
and a free hand to the South and
East as the price for any collective
security agreement based on reduc-
tion of armaments.
Delbos and Premier Camille Chau-
temps met British Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain and Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden in London
Monday and Tuesday of this week
and, after hearing Halifax' report,
announced a further canvass of the

tomorrow. A 20-minute floor show
will be presented at 11 p.m. today and
4:30 and 10:30 p.m. tomorrow. The
entertainment, under the direction of
Ella Stowe, assisted by Maxine Nel-
son, will include five dancing acts
and a chorus of 20 voices. The lyrics
used in the singing numbers were
written by Jane Nussbaum.
Central Committee Named
The central committee for the pro-
duction is composed of the following
women: Betty Slee, assistant chair-
man; Elizabeth Rouse, ticket chair-
man: Jane Jewitt, hostess chairman;
Miriam Finkledey, finance chairman;
Harriet Sharkey, program chairman;
Miriam Szold, costume chairman;
Florence Brotherton, decorations
chairman; Miss Stowe. entertainment!
chairman; and Suzanne Potter. pub-
licity chairman.
Patrons and patronesses will bel
,.President and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean
and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and
Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean and
Mrs. Wilbur R. Humphreys. Dean and
Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Walter B.
Rea, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Prof. and
Mrs. Robert C. Angell, Prof. and Mrs.
Emil Lorch, Prof. and Mrs. Preston W.




Labor's Chiefs
Meet To Sift
Peace Termis

situation was needed. Slosson, Prof. and Mrs. Howard Y.
Poland Claims Colonies McCluskey, Prof. and Mrs. Philip E.
A source close to Delbos said the Bursley, Prof. and Mrs. Karl Litzen-
Foreign Minister is prepared to hear berg, Prof. and Mrs. Ivan H. Walton,
Poland's claims to equal rights with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sink, Mrs.
Germany for colonies because of her I Lucille B. Conger, Dr. Margaret E.



To th
ities of1
| "First, 1


i r

In Formal Rites
Nationalist Planes Sweep

for the past several years. They were
planned to measure the student's
ability to learn material similar to
that which he will have in medical

imal lif
query o
"The S
pony. I
plea is
ated an
a fox, r
all who
and wh
offer th
least, t
All f

e query "What are the qual- population problem. Bell, Dr. and Mrs. George M. Stan-
human life thataare most -.Yugoslavia will be sounded on her ley, Mrs. Martha L. Ray and Miss
Professor Ames answered, relations with Italy and Russia, par- Jean E. Keller.
ove or sympathy and, second, ticularly on the liklihood of her ad- Flowers To Be Sold1
ge or intelligence." and add- herence to the German-Italian-Jap- The spirit of Paris has been car-x
anese anti-Communist pact. Delbos ried out in the tickets, decorations and1
rn we recognize that the high- also is expected to ask whether Yu- floor show. Sophomore women will
(Continued on Page 2) ,goslavia, as part of a general settle- serve as hostesses for dancing and
_ - ment, would be willing to assume de- will also sell fresh flowers to the
fense obligations for Czechoslovakia. guests. The tickets which will bet
dren s Theatre In Czechoslovakia, where Germany sold at the door for 25 cents will be1
in the form of passports, with a place
G. *' claims a special sphere of influence to sign the wearer's name. The League
*s ls'W ld A nim a and which it calls the "Western out- (Continued on Page 5)
*, A1 post of Bolshevism," Delbos will seek
ie Inl nnA iror l "circumspect" treatment of the Ger-
man minority in order not to give E xiled G
re do they keep the wild an- the Reich any "founded grievances." jxi Germ an
e in Ann Arbor" is the present Economic Help For Rumania
f the property committee for Rumania, whose leaders are pic LecturesToday
ecret Garden," second Chil- tured by the French as turning to-
Theacre production. ward Germany because of trade in- AbatRel'g'o
ta Wood, '40. chairman of terests, is to receive assurances of out g1 n
es, and her cohorts are on a AngloFrench economic sympathy.
for a gentle "sugar eating" From all Delbos hopes to obtain re-E
f anyone chances to know the newed promises of support of theirMayer,Edt Of ournal
bouts of such, the committee's alliances with France in exchange for Of Social Research, Will
"'give." A market for a stuffed the assurance that France and Brit- F 'Give Talk At 4 15 P.M
has also suddenly been cre- ain did not plan to abandon them to! : i .M.
ad as for other necessities- Germany to gain local Western set-!
ed not silver, is greatly in de- tlement. Dr. Carl Mayer, of the Graduate
The French Minister was reported Faculty of the New School for Social
n talents may be revealed if carrying with him a none too warmly Research in New York City, will speak
can imitate a robin's warble supported plan for a nine-power Eu- on "The Sociology of Religion" at 4:15
aistle a "yes" and "no" will, ropean security pact which Britain p.m. today in the Natural Science
ieir service. And last but not (Continued on Page 2) Auditorium.
he wild life search party has Dr. Mayer is one of the so-called
h cal fr as"garhatd nohA "faculty in exile" of the New School
call fora "guaranteed non- I for Social Research, being one of a
"craw to complete the com-! Art Exh1 itio;;; g r sn n f
s demands. group of scholars who has left Ger-
demands. many in recent years. While in Ger-
'indings may be reported to
pO ensToday many he was a professor of economics
at 2-3119. and sociology at the Institute for So-'
cial and Political Science at the Uni-
1E Dinner Features Federal Art Survey, Print versity of Heidelberg. From 1929 to
1933 he was a lecturer at the Academy
en Season On Profs' Exhibition Are Featured of Labor at the University of Frank-

Leaders Of Rival Unions
Hold Long Discussion;
No Conclusions Reached
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. -'P)--Gov.
Frank Murphy of Michigan, here to
address a dinner tonight, declined to
speculate on what part, if any, he
might have in mediating the Com-
mitte for Industrial Organization-
American Federation of Labor dis-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.-P)--John
L. Lewis and William Green, the rival
leaders of organized labor's civil war,
met face to face today and talked
peace terms.
In prolonged conferences broken by
an afternoon recess for lunch, they
searched for an agreement to unite
Green's American Federation of La-
bor and Lewis' Committee for Indus-
trial Organization.
At the conclusion of their initial
session broad - shouldered L e w i s
shouted at interviewers that he and
Green had engaged in general con-
versation and reached no conclusions.
"It was an interesting discussion,"
said Green, blinking at the movie
lights and chewing gum vigorously.
Later in the day, the two men had
another conference, then recessed un-
til 8 p.m. tomorrow without reaching
an agreement.
* Lewis was accompanied by white-
haired Philip Murray, ace conciliator
of the C.I.O.; George M. Harrison,
chief of the A.F. of L. negotiators in
previous peace conferences, was with
The four formed a committee
whose deliberations are certain to go
far toward deciding whether organ-
ized labor is to end the factional strife
of recent years and present a united
The C.I.O. has been fighting for or-
ganization of all the workers in each
mass production industry into one
big union, while the A.F. of L. has
been advocating organization along
craft lines.
Green and Lewis, one-time coal
miners who now have a combined
(Continued on Page 6)
Former Austrian

majority of the House excitedly pried
the wage-hour bill from the grasp of
its enemies today and, simultaneous-
ly, voted down a proposed investiga-
tion of how the feat was accom-
The last eight of 218 signatures
were scrawled upon a petition auto-
matically assuring a vote on the bill
which has been trapped in the rules
committee since summer by a com-
bination of Rebublicans and south-
ern Democrats.
But, although the committee must
now relinquish it, anything but,
smooth sailing was in prospect for
the measure. Everyone expected dras-
tic amendments would be added.
As passed by the Senate and as
urged by the President in his mes-
sage to the special session, minimum
wages and maximum hours would be
prescribed for various industries by
an independent five-man board. But
there was obviously powerful support
in Congress for substituting a one-
man administrator in the labor de-
Numerous other changes and con-
troversies over them also were in
prospect, including a proposal that
the law itself stipulate in exact fig-
ures what minimum wages and max-
imum hours should be, instead of
leaving that subject-within limita-
tions-to the board of administrators
The House investigation was pro-
posed by Representative Fish (Rep.,
N.Y.). He asserted that Representa-
tive Dies (Dem., Tex.) and Represen-
tative Robertson (Dem., Va.), op-
ponents of the wage-hour bill, were
quoted in the papers as saying ex-
travagant offers had been made to ob-
tain signatures for the petition.
Dies was quoted as saying the sup-
porters of the measure had offered
reluctant signers "everything but the
capitol" and that some signatures
(Continued on Page 2)
Try For White
-House Is Hinted
By La Guardia

Mediterranean Coastal1Galens Drive
Towns InBombing Raid
BURGOS, Spain, Dec. 2.-(R)- Grosses 1,600
Generalissimo Francisco Franco to- -
day inaugurated his Insurgent regime Is Largest Fund Collected
as the nationalist government ofB SinceLa
Spain in formal religious ceremonies1 By Group 'ie30 Peak
at the historic monastery church of The two-day Christmas tag sale
Huelgas. conducted by Galens, junior and sen-
Galloping Moorish cavalry, tur- ior honorary medical society, brought'
baned and white-caped, formed Fran- in $1,600 for the aid of children inj
the University Hospital, Roger W.
co's escort to the 11th century mon- Howell, '38M, president of Galens,
astery, where a Castilian king once said last night after a meeting of the!
took the oath to support the charter group.
and laws of Spain. Although our goal was $2,000 this
With his right hand on the gospel year we are pleased with the results
altar, Franco took the oath as "El and wish to thank all of the student!
'Caldillo"'-leadeorcheftain s body and townspeople who contrib-
'Ca1dilo"~la~dr o chiftan. uted to the fund," Howell declared.!
"Then 50 members of the new na- ! This was the largest amount collected'
tional council, the consultative organ by the Galens since 1930 when the
of the retime, were sworn in. The peak, $1,825, was reached. Last year
council afterward held an executive $1,300 was realized from the sale of
session with Franco presiding. The ! tags.
council will name .six of the 12 mem- The money is turned over to the
bers of the supreme political com- social service department of the Uni-
mittee, Franco the others. versity Hospital which arranges the

Impromptu Speech Serves
As Medium For Notice
Of PossibleCandidacy
NEW YORK, Dec. 2.--UP)-In an
impromptu speech before a wholly
urban audience describing farm relief
as the greatest American necessity,
Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New
York tonight virtually served notice
that he has larger-perhaps national
-political aspirations.
La Guardia, who ascended to great-
ly increased prominence last month
when in the city election he became
the first man ever to defeat the Dem-
ocratic machine twice in a row, ap-
peared before the 25th anniversary
dinner of Survey Associates, a re-
search organization, with Gov. Frank
Murphy of Michigan, Prof.- Felix
Frankfurter and other nationally
known figures.
Almost at the strat of his address,
the Mayor brought the Presidency
into the consciousness of the audi-
ence by referring, obliquely to a state-
ment some time ago by William Allen
White, Kansas editor, to the effect
that La Guardia was a Presidential
"We have one man of great dis-
cernment here," said the Mayor,
smiling broadly. "He is Mr. William
Allen White of Kansas. He said I was

Plans for the annual "Roast Ban-'I From Durer to Derain," a retro- At present he is one of the editors
quet" of the local chapter of the spective print show, and a group of of the Social Research Journal. He'
American Society of Mechanical En- photographs, drawings, paintings and has written numerous publications on
gineers at which students are offered sculpture illustrating some of the re- social theory and the sociology of re-
an "open season on professors," were cn okdn ndrteMcia'ligion, including a German book on'
anoe se o w cent work done under the Michigan"Sects and Churches." He instructs in
announced yesterday by Myron Haw- Federal Art Project composed an ex- recent trends of European and Amer-
Committee chairmen for the ban- hibition opening today at Alumni Me- ican sociology and in the social teach-
quet, which will be held on Dec 15 morial Hall as the third feature of the ing of Christian churches, as well
, whih wl be hd onDc. 15 mrial H All astr o as in the whole field of the sociology


Marries Actress
VIENNA, Dec. 2.-UP)-Prince Er-1
nest Von Starhemberg, former vice
chancellor, was married today to the
pretty Viennese actress Nora Gregor


Auto Strike Hinges
On Parley Today
DETROIT, Dec. 2.-Uh)-The fate
of the automotive industry's first at-.
tempt to settle a labor dispute by
arbitration remained in doubt today
with the outcome hinging on he
result of a conference tomorrow

annual Christmas party for the chil-
dren who are confined in the hos-
pital. The fund also provides for
the children's workshop on the ninth
floor of the hospital and for a book-
shelf which gives young patients an
opportunity to read children's books
and magazines during their convales-
cence. Last year reading material
was provided for 3,000 children.
Hinshaw Elected Head
n e oA

in the Union, are E. L. Sinclair, "38E,1 Ann r rpor Art Assoc of religion. in historic St. Josef's Church, which good."
executive; G. N. Stuart, '38E, pro- season. Yesterday he made two addresses was erected as a memorial to his an- La Guardia had been asked to talk
|grams; John Stevens, '39E, tickets, The exhibition will be open from at group meetings. At noon he dis- cestors' victory over the Turks in on the subject "The shape of things
I Jack Young, '39E, dinner; and My- 2 to 5 p.m. afternoons, including Sun- cussed German sociology at a faculty 1683. to come," and he remarked imme-
I ron Hawley,''38E, publicity. day, in the North and South Gal-' luncheon group, and in the evening Von Starhemberg, long known in diately that what interested him was
Professor Axel Marin of the Me- leries until December 15. Admission spoke at a dinner meeting of Alpha Austrian politics as "the unpredic- what was going to come from Wash-
chanical Engineering department has is free to students and Art Associa- Kappa Delta, honor society for so- table prince," then left with his bride ington, adding in an aside:
been appointed "Roastmaster" for!, tion members. ciology, on the same subject. on a honeymoon. The time and place "If I had any sense at all I wouldn't
the affair. Announcement will be Included in the print exhibition are for the wedding was not made known discuss this at all."
made later. Nominees for the some 75 outstanding originals, chosen until a few moments before the cere-
'"Spoofuncup," which is given each to exemplify the best in engraving and Stokowski's Wife Obtains mony began.
year to the professor supposedly most print-making during more than four Uncontested Reno Decree The Prince's plans were not an- Kipke Speaks At Annual
unpopular. In actuality, however, centuries, it was announced. The' fnounced but his bride told friends she Speaks
the winner is one of the most popular groun is loaned from the collection of LAS VEGAS. Nev. Dec. 2.-{EP- would be back in Vienna in February al

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