FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY zi -y. # I - rn ,U~'GiORTI l1RD fSN'~' ONTL r$URW&UScAqm y Rx 4NAW' MO£r .. ,, _... Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board II Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled o the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 hEPRESENTED FOR N OR NATIr,.. ......._ NationalAdvertisingService,ic. College Publis-s Representative 42o MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHCAGO - BOSTON - LOS AGELES SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors ..MANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ...... ...... TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ................... WILLIAM C. SPALLER _TEWS EDITOR. ................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMENS EDITOR .................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR .................... IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER . .MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROY SIZEMORE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Institute Of Human Adjustment.. .. W HILE PREPARATION for the de-. struction of human life in future wars is progressing with terrifying apidity in all parts of the world today, here in Ann Arbor an outstanding institution for saving life and for re- habilitating individuals is progressing with grat- ifying thoroughness. Since its founding last year The Institute of Human Adjustment has attracted world-wide attention as the most unique and significant or- ganization of its kind. Prof. John H. Muyskens heads the organization and is largely responsible for its creation as a part of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. The Institute is designed "to discover means of applying the findings of science to those prob- lems of human imbalance related to its fields of research." At present its work is primarily in the field of individual fractional development resulting from speech and hearing difficulties. The major portion of the work is research with a view toward permanent service to society. The individual is likewise benefitted as well as the waves of oncoming generations. Coupled with the conception of correction of fractional adjustment of the individual is the idea of preventative knowledge to forestall the repeated recurrence of fractional adjustment. It is as much toward the training of experts in pre- ventative work as the training of experts in cor- rection that the research is directed. Much of the value of the Institute's work comes from its close cooperation with other depart- ments of the University. Such departments as psychology, speech, music, chemistry and the schools of dentistry and medicine are assisting the Institute in research projects. For the first time anywhere the psychology department is working in a joint effort in the measurement of the kinds and nature of the in- dividual fractional development to aid in the eventual complete integration of the individual. Research to determine the occurrence and fre- quency of fractional development, the differen- tiation in muscular adjustment, the relation of the sucking muscles to speech. the physiological condition that causes the vibrato, the voice of the singer and its relation to speech are among the projects already begun. Of especial value is the work being done by the dental school in correcting cleft palates and obstructions to speech caused by faulty oc- clusions and improper growth. The work of the Institute is not limited to the laboratory at 1007 Huron St., but extends throughout the state. Already numerous public schools are cooperating. Children are being ex- amined by physicians, dentists, psychologists and fractional development experts from the Insti- tute. Thorough examinations have been made of 100 children in Redford, 60 in Plymouth and 25 in Remus as part of research projects and the assistance the Institute is rendering the state. John Flowers. Labor. Cooperation . . W HILE CIO AND AFL leaders strive to reconcile their differences at Wash- ington, examples of cooperation between the factions appear in various localities throughout THE FORUM.] In Re 'The Spanish Situation' To the Editor: On Nov. 7 the Daily published an editorial on "The Spanish Situation" containing several statements to which exception might well be taken. However, at this time, it will suffice to point out one or two inaccuracies. The editorial reads in part as follows: "Several months ago a statement given out by the Vatican declared that 11 bishops and 17,500 priests and nuns had been executed by the Government. Another ac- cusation of the same nature was contained in the now-famous 'pastoral letter' of the rebel bishops at the end of August, but in this docu- ment the number was quoted as only 6,000 priests and nuns . . . Significantly also, no mention was made in the letter of the 17 bishops supposed to have been slaughtered in their dioceses." Obviously the purpose in thus contrasting the figures in the two statements is to discredit that of the Vatican. Now the pertinent passage in the Bishop's letter runs as follows: "The murdered priests .. . will sum up, of the secular clergy alone, about 6,000." (Joint Letter of the Spanish Bishops- English Translation, 1937, The American Press, New York, p. 14). It should be noted that nuns are not included in this total, whereas in that given out by the Vatican they are. Further, it should be noted that the Vatican total includes priests without any distinction, whereas that in the Bishops' letter includes members of the secular clergy only and not members of the regular clergy i.e. .those who observe a common rule (regula) of life, according to the Order of Congregation or Society to which they belong, such as the Benedictines, Dominicans, Francis- . cans, Jesuits, etc. Thus the difference between the two sets of figures might be accounted for. As to the "bishops supposed to have been slaughtered in their dioceses," mention is made of them in the letter, thus: "the ten bishops .. . who died forgiving them" (i.e. "all those who .. . have done the gravest damage to the Church and to their country.") (p. 25) -W. A. McLaughlin. Are They 'Pensioners'? To the Editor : In the interest of properly informed public opinion it is important to answer certain allega- tions recently made by officials of the University Buildings and Grounds Department. These offi- cials have maintained in essence that a good ma- jority of the men in their department have, "out- lived their usefulness." They have dubbed these employees "pensioners." The tactic used by thpese officials is obvious even on superficial inspection. They are raising this cry to dodge and camouflage the real issues. After many years of efficient, loyal service the needs of the men who clean and maintain the buildings are dismissed summarily with the charge that they have outlived their usefulness. Is this the regard of gratitude bestowed for years of worthy service? The real issues involved are inadequate sick leave and vacations, substituting of favoritism for seniority, and a sub-standard living wage. The enthusiasm and determination which have greeted the organization of the custodians under the banner of the CIO is testimony to the need for the correction of these abuses. Enlightened administrative policy dictates that governmental officials shall meet and negotiate with their employees to insure a reasonably sat- isfied staff and efficient public service. The State, County and Municipal Workers of America commends such liberal and far-sighted policies. Such methods insure smoothly functioning public agencies and contented government employees. Although labor in industry is frequently forced to fight for access to the council room, labor in gov- ernment expects the council room to be an established institution where the representatives of the employing public and the designated rep- resentatives of its employees will partake of the fare of the council table. Only the intrusion of Girdlerism into the government service, barring the council room door, will make it necessary for the government employee to cast about for ways to force that door open. President Roosevelt himself has strongly en- dorsed unionization of public employees. In a news release on September 6, 1937, he said, "The desire of government employees for fair and adequate pay, reasonable hours of work, safe and suitable working conditions, development of op- portunities for advancement, facilities for fair and impartial consideration and review of griev- ances, and other objectives of a proper employee relations policy, is basically no different from that of employees in private industry. Organiza- tion on their part to present their views on such matters is both natural and logical." The problems of the custodians-such as the complete absence of sick-leave, abuse of seniority privileges, and insufficient salaries to maintain their families in decency and health-will not be solved by tossing brick-bats and epithets in the press. Nor will they be solved by dismissing the matter ostrich-like and labelling employees "pen- sioners." Most of these men still have a good number of fruitful and productive years of serv- ice to contribute. The State, County and Muni- cipal Workers of America will spare no trouble or expense in the effort to establish fair and equitable conditions of labor, and a harmonious working relationship between these men and their departmental heads. -Michael Kamn, Regional Representative, State, County and Municipal Workers Jfeemr of H-eywood Broun During the Thanksgiving recess I came into brief contact with a young relative of mine who is a sophomore at one of the minor Quaker col- leges near Philadelphia. I believe their football slogan is "Beat Elder's Ridge Normal School for Defective Children." This year, I understand, my friend's potential alma mater failed in its objective, and so I expected to, find him sunk in that pessimism which has so long been associated with the younger generation. Indeed, I found him chipper and un- abashed. It is dangerous to general- ize when one uses a member of his own kith as the experi- mental guinea pig, but I have made a few outside re- searches in larger educational institutions, such as Yale and Princeton, and two weeks ago I met a Vassar freshman at a conference of American labor leaders. It is my impression that the younger genera- tion is not what it used to be but infinitely better. In foreign lands the students often are the most active force in all political fermentation. That is not true here as yet, but the undergraduate practice of sitting out each social change is rapidly diminishing. By now I have seen a good many younger generations come and go. We neither knew nor gave much of a damn what went on outside the border of the Ivy League. If there had been a CIO in 1900 we probably would have assumed that it was the traditional rival of V.M.I. and let it go at that. * * * * Not Much For The Betterr The coming of the war changed out the under- graduate roster from colonel to drummer boy, but not much for the better. This was a more way-wise generation, but it fell into the depths of cynicism and despair. Scott Fitzgerald was perhaps the most articulate and eloquent spokes- man for the young pessimists. Just the other day I was looking over his extra- ordinary undergraduate novel, "This Side of Paradise." and found: "Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, learning the old creeds through a reverie of long days and nights; destined finally to go out into that dirty, gray turmoil to follow love and pride; a new generation dedicated more than the last to the fear of poverty and the worship of success; grow up to find all gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken . . ." M Not The Mood Of Today That is not the mood of the young men and women of today. If all the sad young men of Scott Fitzgerald's day were destined to go out I into a gray turmoil, the outlook of the moment is hardly brighter. But the undergraduate of today, as I have seen him, is going to win and not lose or draw. Nor is he thinking of the coming struggle as a purely individual effort. To a greater extent than ever before he is willing and eager to throw in his lot with his fellows. He and his team- mates have no intention of punting on the first down. If this younger generation finds itself backed against its own goal line, it will have the courage and the audacity to throw a forward pass. And a long one at that! Its faith in mankind isn't shaken. It has just begun to fight. The secondaries of an inept civilization hold no terrors. To these eager recruits the safety man of tradition is a pushover. You can hear the cheering section shout, "We want a touchdown!" and I'll lay ten to one they get it.' The month of December promises THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1937 Department of Philosophy, Univer- 15 shows for Broadway production, VOL. XLVIII. No. 57 sity of Chicago, will speak at a lun- not to mention six musical comedies Apparatus Exchange: The Regents cheon at 12:15 today at the Michigan I Aparaus Echage:The egets;Union. All faculty persons interest- and revues. Probably not all of then at their meeting in Marcn, 1927, au-, ed in meeting him are invited to at- will arrive, and of those that do, their thorized an arrangement for the sale tend. Sixty-two cents per plate. quality remains to be seen. The lat- of scientific apparatus by one de- Please make reservations by calling est information on plays and dates r no .tthe Union or Univ. 303. follows. partment to another, the proceeds of Edna His Wife. Cornelia Otis Skin the sale to be credited to the budget Association Fireside Session: Pro- ner's solo-drama of Margaret Ayre account of the department from fessor Edward Scribner Ames will Barnes' novel. At the Little Theatre, which the apparatus is transferred. speak informally at the Fireside Ses- Siege. This is Irwin Shaw's play Departments having apparatus sion at Lane Hall tonight at 8:00 about the Spanish conflict. He wrote,I which is not in active use are advised p.m. All students are welcome. if you remember, "Bury the Dead." to send description thereof to the Infrared SeminarPr Produced by Norman Bel Geddes, University Chemistry Store, of which learwi seak Professor W. W. which insures its success. At the Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The Sleator will speak on Resolution Longacre. Chemistry store headquarters are in Something for Nothing: By Harry Room 223 Chemistry Building. An meterluding adiscussion of the :15 in J. Essex and Sid Schwartz. This is effort will be made to sell the ap- te Pi Stf, today at 4: one of the precarious plays: date and paratus to other departments which the Physics Staff Room. place of opening not yet decided. are likely to be able to use it. In Three Waltzes. From the Shubert some instances the apparatus may be meetsa4he :s tody inth Obera- atelier. Musical show with a score sent to the University Chemistry tory lecture room. by all three of the musical Strauss store on consignment and if it is not Miss Catherine Stillman will clan. . Margaret Bannerman and sold within a reasonable time, it will' talk on "TheEclipse Expedition to Michael Bartlett will have the prin- be returned to the department from the Soviet." Tea will be served at cipal roles. "Three Waltzes" comes which it was received. The object1 4:00. to the Imperial Theatre. of this arrangement is to promote4 The Housemaster. Another Shu- economy by reducing the amount ofs r t 3 bert show. A comedy by Ian Hay. unused apparatus. It is hoped that Directingthe lBroay-Valntine B. The cast includes Phoebe Foster and departments having such apparatusWidAst anPr.oeeh. Frederick Leister. will realize the advantage to them-, d, s P_ p F Who's Who. A revue byLeonard selves and to the University in avail- I Cercle Francais: There will be a Sidman and Elsa Maxwell, who did ing themselves of this opportunity. meeting of the Cercle Francais "New Faces" last season. The cast tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan has Erika Mann and Jack and JuneSophomore, Junior and Senior En- League. Refreshments will be free. Blair in it.gner:Mdsmse reot fo______ One Flight Down. Jack Pearl, the gieers: Mid-semester reports far radio comedian, will make his debut grades below C are now on file and Scimitar: There will be a Scimitar as a dramatic actor. open to inspection in the office of the meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Union. Between the Devil. Another big Assistant Dean, Room 259, West En- Full attendance is desired. musical, with Jack Buchanan in theI leading role. It is by Howard Dietz Faculty Women's Club: There will and Arthur Schwartz. 'e a meeting of the Art Study Group Pre-Medical Students: The Medical at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Sink, Love of Women. Aimee and Philip Aptitude Test sponsored by the As- 12 lvaAetdy t2pm Stuart's play, which was to have come Attd etsosrdb h s 1325 Olivia Ave., today, at 2 p.m. tuat' pay wih wasthave come sociation of American Medical Col- to the Cass. With Heather Angel and leges will be given Friday, Dec. 3, at!PiEslnKp:Thrwllb Hugh Sinclair. Golden Theatre is the 3 'cwlleginFrdyDc.,at Phi Epsilon Kappa: There will be HughSinlai. GldenThetreis he3 o'clock in Room 1025 Angell Hall. a meeting of the National Honorary place. Both "Love of Women" and Identification cards and receipts for Physical Education Fraternity, Phi "Between the Devil" are sponsored by { payment of test fee must be present- Epsilon Kappa, tonight at 9 p.m, in the Shuberts. ed at the door, the Michigan Union. Room number Tough to Chaw. Mrs. Harry Moseso lein presentation of Richard Carlson's l Girls desiring to be in the Girls' on bulleti. drama. The cast so far includes Cooperative House second semester Union Coffee Hour: Mr. G. M. Wryley Birch and Van Heflin. may apply for membership by filling!IBeke' n .S ulsfehe A Doll's House. Jed Harris' produc- out applications before Dyc 13. Ap- Bleekmens and H. S. Bull's freshmen tion, seen early this season in De- ications may be obtaine at the orientation groups No. 3 and 4 re- troit. With Ruth Gordon, Dennis i o eaeo spectively are to be special guests at King, Paul Lucas. and Sam Jaffi h ie of the Dean of Women, or at the Union Coffee Hour today from To occupy the Morosco Theatre. the Girls' Cooperative House, 517 4:30 to 5:30 in the small ballroom of Your Obedient Husband. Horace F East Ann. the Union. As always all men stu- Jackson's play, which brings Frederic Seniors: There are only a few days dents are welcome. March and Florence Eldridge. to left until the deadline set for Ensiarl Broadway. Detroit will see this Dec.i Hillel Foundation: Thursday Ev 20th, at the Cass, and then New York nn ning-Discussion Groups. will have it, to hold or not to hold your appointment today and assure 7:30 p.m., Dr. Bernard Heller. Shadow and Substance. Eddie Dow- yourself of havNg your picture in Topic, "Dramatic Moments in ling's production of Paul V. Carroll's the yearbook. No appointments will Jewish History." Irish play, in which Sir Cedric Hard-I be accepted after Saturday, Dec. 4. 8:30 p.m., Dr. Raphael Issacs. wicke, Sara Allgood .and Julie Hay- ,. Topic, "On Jewish Literature." den (of "The Scoundrel" fame) will iAcadem c iNotces appear. Freshman Girl's Glee Club: There Shoemaker's Holiday: Thomas Anthropology 31: Mid-semester will be, a meeting tonight at the Dekker's Elizabethan comedy, pro- make-up examination will be given in league at 7:30. All members are re- duced by the energetic Mercury 306 Mason Hall, Thursday, Dec. 2, at minded that the fine for lateness goes Theatre managers, John Houseman 4 p.m. into effect tonight. and Orsen Welles. The Greatest Show On Earth. This Concerts Congress: Independent Men's Or- is merely the title: let's hope it car- ganization: There will be a meeting ries a fraction of what it implies. It Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, of the Social Committee tonight at is by Vincent Duffy and Irene Alex- University Carillonneur, will give a 7:30 in Room 306 of the Union. ander, recital on the Charles Baird Caril- THEATRE By NORMAN T. KIELL Prelude To Broadway DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubiication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to ial nimbers of th University. Copy received at the office of the As Ltant to the Pr("Adent until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday By THOMAS Mc CANN Bing Crosby will be leading th lon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday evening, Dec. 2, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Lectures Professor Edward Scribner Ames of the University of Chicago will speak e on "The Relation of Religion to Cul- 1. I' Figure Skating: There will be a demonstration of figure skating at the Coliseum on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. by several Detroit expert skat- ers with the view of starting an in- structional group in figure skating for all interested. The Racial Equality Committee of the Progressive' Club is holding a meeting tonight in the Michigan Union at 8:00 p.m. to discuss its gen- eral policy. It is urgently requested On. The Level By WRAG The week's Dumb Dora prize goes to a Chi Omega who didn't know her football very well and thought that a "delayed buck" described a dollar she lent to her roommate last month. The grossest exaggeration of the week award goes to Wally Weber for his descrip- tion of a giant footballer who got so mad that "he took a regulation billiard ball in one hand, squeezed it, and threw the dust into the guy's face." Biggest faux pas of the week is awarded to Sphinx's tapping crew who refused to believe that Max Hodge was Max Hodge when they came around to invite him into membership. Max finally showed them his identification card and the boys went ahead with their tapping. Most casual acceptance prize goes to Tom McCann who was torn out of bed by Druids early Wednesday morning, had his pajamas torn off, was rolled around in the snow on the Deke's front lawn, and doused with icy water. As he walked back into his house after the tapping, he turned to the boys calmly and said, "Rather chilly out tonight, isn't it?" I i s i { 4 If i 1 r t I 3 i I Kraft Music Hall crew, Bob Burns. ture" at Natural Science Auditorium John Scott Trotter, et al., this eve- Thursday, Dec. 2, 4:15 p.m. ning at the usual hour, 10. The best _ outlet for Ann Arbor listeners will be Lectures Today: Prof. Walter A.! WWJ. Reichart will speak today at 4:15 in It has been the enjoyable custom Room 2003 Angell Hall on: Reisee- on the Kraft show for Bing to sing. indrucke von Deutschland. This is near the end of the program, some the first of a series of five lectures tune from way back in the dim Jazz sponsored by the Deutscher Verein. Age, of the type which Louis Arm-I strong would probably describe as be- University Lecture: Dr. Carl Mayer ' ing an "old time good one." Such of the Graduate Faculty of the New tunes as "Louisiana" and 'I Don't School for Social Research in New Want To Get Well" are classics from York City will lecture on the- "So-I the days of the Paul Whiteman ciology of Religion" on Friday, Dec. Rhythm Boys of which Bing was such 3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural a conspicuous figure, and there's Science Auditorium under the aus- nothing like them extant in the realm pices of the Department of Sociology.I of popular music today. The public is cordially invited. Harry Barris, the tenor of the fa- University Lectuire: Dr. Karl Paul mous Whiteman trio, is still hanging Link of the University of Wisconsin around. and can be seen in the movies will give a public lecture on "Recent frequently as a sort of general all- IAdvancesy o th Chemistry and Bio-n around extra, but Crosby has become chemistry of the Hexuronic Acids" in an American institution in a musical the Chemical Amphitheatre, Room e ,and unless someone kidnaps 165 Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m., him or muzzles him or something,. he cordlle ember 6. The public will remain the musical figure he is. Public Lecture: "Cultural Rela- It's always the theatrical with theions between the East and West. 'ole left hander." When we asked During the Crusades" by Dr. John1 Pim to play 'Nobody Loves A Fat W. Stanton. Sponsored by the Re- Man" last Friday night, he was verysI sorry but the star of the thing, a fat rchy Semiar in4 Islmin rt, man naturally, was no longer with Monday, Dec. 6, 4:15 p.m. in Room man atuall, ws n logerwith D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission the band. Joe gave us a very touch-1fieeH ( ing story how the boy, at the request I of his old mother. had leftthe San- Today der's organization, 'a very heart EventsTo a broken boy." Professor Edward Scribner Ames,' Not that we didn't trust the leader'__ of the Nighthawks, but perhaps be- cause we had nothing better to do, U vers1ty Receives we asked Larry Adler, Joe's masterful Two Of harmonica player what had hap- Gifts $l100 pened, and he told us, without flour- that all members be present. Crop and Saddle Ride: The regular ride will be held Thursday at 5 p.m. Meet at Barbour Gymnasium. All those wishing to go will please call 7418. J-Hop Committee meeting p.m. today, Room 323 Union. Coming Events 7:30 International Relations Club: Con- trary to the announcement made yes- terday, the International Relations Club will not meet today, but will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 8. H. B. Calderwood. Graduate Students in History: The next regular meeting of the Grad- uate History Club has been post- poned from Sunday, Dec. 5, to Sun- day, Dec. 12. Junior Mathematics Club will meet Friday, Dec. 3, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor Anning will speak on "Solving the Cubic by Fair Means or Foul." All those in- terested are invited to attend. A.A.U.W. International Relations Supper, Sunday, Dee. 5, Michigan Union, 6 p.m. Prof. Preston E. James will speak on "Political Turmoil in Brazil." Call Union for reservations. Students and public welcome. Annual Hillel Charity Carnival will be held 'at Lane Hall from 9:00 to 12:00 on Saturday evening, Dec. 4.