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December 02, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-02

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The Weather
Unsettled, slowly rising tem-
erature today; tomorrow pos-
ibly rain.


4hr 4
g an


The Institute
Of Human Adjustnent..
Labor Cooperation ...



To Hold State
Meeting Here
Group To Discuss Issues
Facing Students' Clubs;
Plan To Present A Play
Conventions Begins
At 2 P.M._Saturday
The Liberal Students' Convention,
called by the Progressive Club to con-
solidate the liberal student movement
in this State, will bring delegates
from six colleges and several high
schools to Ann Arbor Saturday and
Sunday, Dec. 4 and 5, for a two-day
open session of talks and roundtable
discussions on the problems of pro-
gressive student organizations in
Groups at Wayne University, Olivet
College, Albion College, Calvin Col-
lege, Flint Junior College, Jackson
Junior College and Detroit and Ann
Arbor High Schools are sending rep-
resentatives to the convention.
A Saturday Sermon
"Visions and Visionaries-A Satur-
day Sermon for Scotomatous Stu-
dents," a talk by Albert K. Stevens
of the English department, who will
present the teacher's appraisal of the
student movement, will open the con-
vention at 2 p.m. Saturday in the
League. Mr. Stevens will base his
sermon on a text from the Old Testa-'
ment, Book of Joel 2:28.
Reports from the various schools on
the status and activities of their lib-
eral organizations will follow Mr. Ste-
vens' talk Saturday morning. Ken
Born, mid-West organizer for the
.American Student Union, will discuss
"The Student Movement in the Unit-
ed States" at this session.
The cultural comnuttee of the Pro-
gressive Club will present a play
written by Norman Rosten, Grad., as
part of a social evening at Unity Hall
Will Discuss Peace
Peace, security, education and aca-
demic freedom and civil rights, par-
ticularly in relation to labor, will be
discussed at roundtables from 10
a.m. to 12 noon Sunday in Rooms
319-325 in. the Union. The conven-
tion will split into two sections Sun-
day afternoon; one will consist of
delegates from schools where there
are no liberal student organizations,
the other will be comprised of rep-
resentatives from institutions that
have progressive organizations, who
will discuss methods and experiences
at their various schools.
Student - Faculty
Political science
Group Formed
Graduate Students, Seniors
Eligible To Membership
Upon Departmental Bid
Formation of a new Political Sci-
ence Club to promote closer contacts
between faculty and advanced stu-
dents interested in the problems of
political science was announced yes-
terday by Prof. Joseph R. Hayden,
chairman of the department.
Graduate students and seniors con-
centrating in political science can be-
come members upon invitation by
the department, Professor Hayden
said. All members of the political1
science faculty are automatically
made members.
The former Political Science Jour-

nal Club, upon which the new or-
ganization is modeled, has not func-1
tioned for more than a year. It dif-
fered from the present organization
in that membership was required on
the part of all graduate students.
The new group is organized on an
honorary basis.
Professor Hayden said that the
club hopes to hold larger meetings
when distinguished visitors come to
the University.
The executive committee of the
group which held its organization
meeting on Nov. 11 consists of Rich-
ard M. Scammon, Grad., chairman;
H. Murray Campbell, '38, and John A.
Perkins, '38, formerly secretary to
Sen. Arthur W. Vandenberg.
Vandenberg Denies
Presidential Aims
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 1.-(i)-
Sen. Arthur H. Vapdenberg of Mich-
igan disclaimed any candidacy to-
day for the Republican nomination

Former University Student Wins
Plaudits As Play Set Designer

IJames Doll Prepares Set
For 'Let Freedom Ring'
To Be Presented Here
This is the story' of the local boy
who made good.
The young man is James V. Doll, a
native of Ann Arbof and a graduate
of the University, whose deft hand
designed the sets for "Let Freedom
Ring," the folk drama of the South
which opens for one night at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Masonic Temple.
Doll last year conducted the The-
atre column as part of his duties as
drama editor of the Daily. At the
same time he was spending endless
hours designing costumes back stage
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater
and in the Play Production Workshop.
His creations for the Gilbert and Sul-
livan operettas and for "Henry VIII"
won him widespread praise. He was
also a Hopwood prize winner.
At present Doll is Art Director of
the Detroit Federal Theatre which is
producing "Let Freedom Ring" in Ann
Arbor for its first offering on a tour
of the State. He joined that group
last summer after having served as
assistant to Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector of Play Production.
While from the Masonic Temple
emanates the hum of activity in prep-
aration for the showing of Albert
Bein's play about Carolina plain folk,'
Doll is already working on sets for
"Anna Christie" and "The Tragical
History of Doctor Faustus."
"Let Freedom Ring" was. described
by The New York Times as "the first
American play which has attempted
to deal with Amgerican material and
American 'peasants' who had under-
gone the historic process--crashing
the timbers of a grinding social sys-
tem. The impact of these people
Special Session
Calm Appears;
South Stubborn
Break On Wage Deadlock
Is Predicted As House
Sees Vote By Christmas

Returns To City

FCC Member
Demands New'
Code In Radio
George Henry Payne Says
Law Will Be Used To Lift
Standards-If Necessary
Asserts Ether Waves
Are Public Property


CHICAGO, Dec. l.--(i)-A blunt

Varsity Teams

C icago Philosopher

upon industrial life which inevitably
tends to destroy and uproot their tra-
ditional habits of thought, is tremen-
dous. A new world thrust itself bru-
tally and without transition upon
Jap Hanghtiness
Enrages China,
Bryan Observes
Cameraman Tells 2,700
That Nipponese Will Not
EmigrateTo Mainland
The Japanese attitude of superior-
ity and condescension toward natives
of the conquered sections of North
China and Manchuria has engen-
dered in 90 per cent of the Chinese
people a feeling of deep resentment
and hate for the Japanese, Julien
Bryan, international cameraman and
commentator ,told 2,700 persons last
night at the second Oratorical As-
sociation presentation in Hill Audi-
Japan's occupation of Manchukuo,
where she is losing $50,000,000 a year
exclusive of tremendous military
costs, Mr. Bryan said, has not and
will not bring any appreciable mi-

WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.- UP) - gration from the island empire pri-
Signs of a break in the House dead- marily because Japanese peasants
lock over the Wage-Hour Bill-and fear that they will be reduced to the
a partial clearing of the confusion of 'extremely low standard of living of
the special session-appeared for the Chinese coolies.
first time tonight. Movies snowing modern Japanese
In response to a determined effort department stores not far from
by Northern members who busily farms worked by almost medieval
buttonholed their colleagues in cloak-agiutrlmhoswepeendl
rooms throughout the day, more than by Mr. Bryan;, roving photographer
a dozen names were added to the pe- for "The March of Time." The pic-
tition intended to bring the measure tures showed -life in Japan and then
before the House. switched to Manchukuoan mines,
At the close of the day only eight railroads and other Japanese invest-
more were needed to bring the total ments, emphasizing the wide social
Ao 218, a majority of the House mem- gap that the Japanese maintain be-
bership, and assure a vote on the bill tween themselves and the native
sometime before Christmas. It al- Chinese.
ready has passed the Senate. The people of the four islands,
While the movement for signatures where every available inch of arable1
advanced, the ever-conflicting econ- soil is cultivated still providing only
omic interests of the industrial North one acre per person, greatly respect
and the agricultural South became the higher standard of living in the
involved in the controversy to an ex- United States, Mr. Bryan declared,
tent that at one time to endanger but resent the feeling of condescen-
both the Wage-Hour Bill and the sion that Americans show toward
pending crop control measure. Orientals and particularly dislike the
Increasingly irritated at the South- United States act excluding immi-
ern opposition, which with some as-1 gration of Chinese and Japanese.
sistance from other section,s has thus ;
far successfully bottled the Wage-
Hour Bill in the rules committee, the'
Northerners threatened to sabotage First Day Galens
the cotton provisions of'"the farm
measure., Sales Total $70
Belligerently opposea to the Wage-sa
Hour measure, on the ground that it
would remove existing North-South Contributions Will Help
wage differentials, to the competitiveCotiuon WllH p
disadvantage of the South, the Cheer Convalescents
Southern members were still for-
lornly hopeful that a sufficient num- Returns from the first day's sale of
ber of signatures could not be ob- tags conducted by Galens, junior
tained and senior honorary medical society,
amounted to about $700, Roger W.
Howell '38M, president of the group,
State Chemists said last night.
Although this sum is less than that
received on the first day of the sale
M eet Saturday last year, the Galens appreciate the
response of the students, Howell de-

notice that the standards of radio
programs must be improved-by law,
if necessary-was served upon the na-
tion's broadcasters today by Federal
Comunications Commissioner George
Henry Payne.I
Contending the ether waves were the'
inalienable property of the public, he
told the National Conference on Edu-
cational Broadcasting:
Must Change Ideals
"The ideals of the broadcasters
must be changed, even if such changes
are made at the risk of a severe jolt
to these gentlemen. Like the moving
pictures, the average program of the
broadcasters is addressed to an intelli-
gence possessed by a 12 year old child.
It is important to raise this average
to the adult age; otherwise there is
the danger that radio will perpetuate
mental immaturity in the grownup. '
"There is the danger that radio
and the movies will in time make us
a nation of grownup children. Radio
must be prevented from stopping the
growth of the American mind."
The program standard, he asserted,
must be elevated to a plane corres-
ponding with the industry's technical1
standard. He added:
"The broadcaster should be re-
quired at regular intervals to account
for his stewardship and if he has not
met the standards set, the frequency;
he enjoys should be thrown into the
public domain and made available for
assignment to those who can and willI
meet the program standards, for pro-
gram standard are more important
than technical standards.
Legislation May Be NecessaryI
"I hope all this can be done by the
Federal Communications Commissiony
under existing law. If it cannot, then
further legislation may be necessary."
If the matter were left to the broad-
casters, Payne contended, "You willi
have more and more entertainment
of a lower order, the kind of enter-
tainment that appeals to the masses
counted in millions;and you will have
less and less entertainment of the
kind that appeals to the intelligent,
who are comparatively few; more and
more of the blare of advertising and
no educational programs worth men-
,Junior Literary
Elections Won
By Washtenaw
The Washtenaw Party slate com-
pletely swept the junior class literary
college elections yesterday, taking
every class office and all J-Hop posi-
tions from the State Street party can-
Bud Wells was elected president,
defeated John Thompson by a vote of
177 to 145; Margaret McCall took the
vice presidency from Margaret Cram;
Helen Owston was named secretary
over Ralph Erlewine; and Fred Thom-
son was selected treasurer, defeating
Wallace Bash.
Marietta Killian, Joe Osborn, Jack
Wilcox, Marie McElroy and Marvin
Reider were elected to the J-Hop
committee defeating Arthur Colman,
Marcia Connell, Ted Madden, Bar-
bara Heath and Betty Shaffer.
In the College of Architecture jun-
ior class elections, Robert Trowell was
selected president; Virginia Bensley
was named vice-president; Richard
Black was chosen secretary; Conrad
August was elected treasurer; and
Lawrence Lackey was selected treas-
Voting machines were used in the
literary college elections.

May Schedule
Irish Contests
Spring Sport Coaches Get
Permission To Arrange
Games In Near Future
Expect Resumption
Of Football Ganes
Possibility of a renewal of athletic
relationships between the University
of Michigan and Notre Dame during
the present year was revealed last
night by Michigan's Director of Ath-
letics, Fielding H. Yost, who said that
he had discussed the matter withl
Notre Dame's director, Elmer Layden
and that both were in agreement.
Michigan's spring sport coaches
have been granted permission to
gather with Notre Dame coaches at
the winter meeting of Big Ten
coaches and directors in Chicago this
week-end with the object of arrang-
ing games between the two schools as
soon as schedules will allow.
Met Last In 1924
Although football schedules of both
schools have been arranged through
1940 it is understood there is nothing
to preclude a meeting in that sport
after that date.{
Michigan has not met Notre Dame
in scheduled competition since a
baseball series in 1024. The last
football game between the schools
was played in 1909.
Other Meetings Possible
Immediate relationships are pos-
sible in track, baseball and golf and
those possibilities will be considered
between the coaches of the respective
schools this week-end. An indoor
dual track meet early in March, and
home and home series in baseball
and golf in the spring probably will
be sought.
.Two years ago, the Daily cam-
paigned for a Wolverine-Irish truce,
pointing out that Notre Dame had
removed any objections which Mich-
igan might have had in refusing to
play here. These objections con-
cerned chiefly Notre Dame's laxity in
complying with Big Ten rules of
competition. When the agitation
subsided the matter was quickly for-
gotten until yesterday's announce-
ment that the way was finally paved
for renewed amity.
Ruchmich Sees
.But Little Art In
Our Photo plays
The motion picture industry of this

Wage Increase
Given Drivers
As Bus Strike
Is Terminated

Edward Ames
Sees Religion
As Vital Need
Determination Of Major
Values Of Life Is Right
Way, Chicago Man Says
A return to religion in a new and
deeper sense of the word is a vital
need of the contemporary age, Prof.
Edward Scribner Ames of the Univer-
sity of Chicago philosophy depart-
ment, told 30 representative student
leaders at noon yesterday in the
A determination of the significant
values of life and how they can be
realized would be the way to this
"right religion," Professor Ames said.
The part of religious experience is to
confront the individual with the
whole universe and give him some
sense of "this great inclusive world,"
he stated.
The era in which we live isnew and
synthetic, Professor Ames declared.
Schematic outlines are characteristic
of the era and they have found a
place in colleges under the name of
"survey courses." Such courses give
freshmen and sophomores an outlook
which was never. before possible of
achievement and contribute to the
desired awareness of the world. This
awareness and a sense of the whole
are phases of every "right religion,"
he declared.
"A widespread return to religion
occasioned and conditioned by ex-
periences in this world-war, the
great depression, the present depres-
sion-has taken and is taking place,"
Professor Ames said. This has re-
sulted in many throwbacks to tradi-
tional religion. However, thousands

Company Refuses Union's
Closed Shop Demand;
Contract Begins July 1
Minimum Rate For
Extra Drivers Up
CLEVELAND, Dec. 1.--(P)-The
16-state strike of Greyhound bus
drivers was settled tonight with the
companies granting wage increases
of one-fourth cent a mile for all driv-
ers, but refusing the Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen's demand for a
closed shop.
Federal Labor Conciliator John L.
Conner, who negotiated the settle-
ment, issued the following state-
"I am glad to announce a complete
settlement of the strike now existing
on the Greyhound lines. I have re-
ceived the sincere cooperation of both
sides in my efforts to bring about the
tettlement. The accord reached is
satisfactory to both parties."
Strike Began Thanksgiving
The wage increase becomes effec-
tive July 1, 1938.
Bus drivers affiliated with the
Brotherhood went on strike Thanks-
giving Day. Their demands includ-
ed a 5.5 cents a mile minimum for
drivers with three years' experience.
R. E. Cochran, company spokesman,
,aid the one-fourth cent a mile in-
creases raised the lowest bracket
from 2.6 cents a mile to 2.85, and the
highest bracket from 3.9 to 4.15 cents
for three-year drivers.
Drivers on nine affiliated Grey-
hound Lines were affected in a broad
,area from St. Louis to Portland, Me.
The settlement came a few hours
after the deadline set by Greyhound
for drivers to return to work or "be
considered as having resigned." The
contract, dated today, will be in force
'for one year.
"This contract broadens the base
in the lower brackets," Cochran said.
"Roughly, it will mean an average of
$15 a month more per man."
Concessions Listed
Other company wage concessions,
he said, included guarantee to extra
men of an $80 a month minimum in-
stead of $65. The union's demand
for a guaranteed minimum of 200
miles each working dlay was rejected,
he said.
There were scattered instances of
violence during the_ strike. Missiles
were thrown at buses in several lo-
calities and non-striking drivers re-
ported that three buses were fired
upon in the Pennsylvania mountains
Five men went to a Boston hospital
today after a street fight between
men convoying a Greyhound bus and
a number of unidentified men. A
police riot squad arrested eight men
and booked them as suspicious per-
I sons. One of the injured had a pos-
sible fractured skull.
NLRB Intervenes
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 1.-(A)-The Na-
tional Labor Relations Board inter-
vened today in the week-old strike
of the United Automobile Workers of
America against the Ford Motor Com-
A complaint, issued by Dorothea de
Schweinitz, labor board regional di-
rector, cited the company to appear
at a hearing Dec. 16 to answer alle-
gations of unfair labor practices in
dealing with the employes of its St.
Louis assembly plant.
The company was given five days
in which to file an answer to the
complaint, which embodied charges
submitted to the board by the CIO
union Oct. 25 and made the basis for
its strike call last Wednesday.

Milton N. Johnson, plant manager,
specifically denied each of the
charges. He said the company bar-
gained collectively with its employes
but did not recognize the authority
of union leaders, who, he contended,
did not represent a majority of the


country has failed to make any not- of people are returning to religion
able advances in creative art but has with a new intellectually critical atti-
succeeded in arousing the emotions tude because of the schematic influ-
ence, he stated.
of young movie-goers, Dr. Christian The luncheon at which Professor
A. Ruckmick, professor of psychology Ames spoke was given by Dr. Edward
at the University of Iowa, said yes- Blakeman, counsellor in religion, and
terday in an illustrated talk in Na- his wife to introduce student leaders
tural Science Auditorium, to Kenneth Morgan, director of the
turalSciece Aditoium.(Continued on Page 61
Dr. Ruckmick, who has done much(
research work in the field of emo-
tions, said that gate receipts and
commercial aspects have governed the' Am ericans
industry with little attention being4
paid to cultural and educational ad- In W a r- n
vances. He places much of the blamea
on the general public, stating "the
motion picture industry will try to
improve itself only when the people No Word Heard In Week
respond to such an attempt." From Stranded Group
In explaining the work that he has
conducted in his laboratory, Dr. Ruck- SHANGHAI, Dec. 2.- Thursday)
mick used slides showing various ap-
paratus and tests that have been ,em- -WP-Alarm was felt here today for
played in the study. the safety of 13 Americans, mostly
In theco efthietDr.women and children, marooned in an
k te course ofd theperiment r.- isolated region in the center of
IRuckmick has studied the blood pres-,Cie-Jpnsfghn.
sure and heart beat reactions of var- Chinese-Japanese fighting.
ious age and sex groups to such pic- Mission headquarters and the
tures as "Charley Chan's Chance," United States Consulate General ex-
i "The Road to Singapore," and "His pressed anxiety after more than a
Woman." He has found that the in- week had passed without word from
tensity of reaction to adventure pic- the Americans.
tures decreases with age and that They were last known to be in a
there is a corresponding increase in missionary rendezvous at Mokan-
the reaction of youths to romantic shan, near the Chekiang-Anwhei
or "erotic" pictures. Province border. Chinese and Jap-
Although there has been a tendeney anese have heen fighting an nll fi id




Will Hear Fajans
Bartell Lecture

The Michigan College Chemistry
Teachers Association will hold its
semi-annual meeting Saturday in the
ChemistryBuilding it was announced
The first lecture will be given atI

clared. Fraternity and sorority con-
tributions have not been determined
because checks from some houses are
still coming in, he said.
Funds from the tag sale provide,
the annual Christmas party, a book
shelf and a workshop on the ninth
floor of the University Hospital for
children who are convalescing theref
during the holiday season. Last year
about 618 children used the workshop,
making toys, book ends, baskets and
other articles to use at home and to
The sale will be continued with




Ga rg Staff Ph(
Brings Fan
To Editor

Oto in motion pictures not to promote'
artistic achievement, Dr. Ruckmick
Mail said that he holds much hope for
the future advancement of this cul-
Quick tural aim by the moving picture in-


10:30 a.m. in Room 303 by Prof.
F. E. Bartell of the chemistry depart-
ment. He will speak on "Modern
Plastics and Related Synthetics."


a-l -t'iau u, ±4lJSing Gn a slues
of Mokanshan and deserters from
the Chinese army, turned bandits,
have been reported looting there.
An American-owned steam launch,
seized by Japanese sailors Tuesday,
was returned to its owners yesterday
with apologies.
United States Consular officials
confirmed Japanese assertions that
their sailors had not thrown the
launch's American flag into the
Whangpoo River, as had been pro-

Gargoyle's recent burst into na-
tion-wide publicity via a picture of'
its women's staff in the Nov. 28 issue
of Life magazine already has brought
results from stricken students at non-
co-educational institutions.

6 Union Executives
At Purdue Parley!

'League Fair' To Present
Hore Than Fair Program
Martha Raye, Ed Wynn, Helen
'Morgan, Al Jolson and many other
celebrities are coming to town Fri-

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