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December 01, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-01

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TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1937







Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publish ms Reresentative
Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR ........ ...............IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Trade Agreements...
F ROM LONDON and Washington have
come simultaneous announcements
that the informal stage of discussions on Anglo-
American trade agreements have been completed.
The announcements have been welcomed on
both shores of the Atlantic and with good reason,
for they have great economic and political im-
portance. So far only a notice that an agree-
ment is cdntemplated has been announced. The
conclusion of the agreement is not likely to come
for several months, but since the delay is due in
part to afford the American public and all in-
terested parties an opportunity to express their
views on the subject, a discussion of it at the
present time is entirely in order.
The treaty-making machinery of this country
has been formulated with the express purpose of
giving the nation and the treaty-makers ample
time to exhaust all the implications and possi-
bilities of every agreement entered into. Further-
more, although President Roosevelt has received
great power in his ability to make reciprocal
agreements and lower the tariff up to a half, he
must work within the limits of Congress' delega-
tion of its authority..
The United States can offer Great Britain a
wide field of useful reductions in our tariffs on
%oods that are not seriously competitive with
our own products, on goods of which England
supplies only a small portion of American con-
sumption, and finally, on goods upon which
American tariff rates are intolerably high. The
United States could in return expect similar re-
ductions. All this could be accomplished with-
out arousing any formidable opposition here. The
Reciprocal Tariff policy of the Administration is
perhaps its most salient and least-criticized fea-
The difficulty in this case seems to be on the
British side. Before England can reduce the
duties against the United States it would have
to have the consent of the Dominions to a mod-
ification of the preferential condition they now
enjoy under the Ottawa agreements. English
economists and journalists are of the opinion,
however, that the discussions at the Imperial
conference seem to indicate that the Dominions
are willing to accept the agreement with the
United States, not as a purely United Kingdom
negotiation, but as an Empire negotiation. This

should be welcome in England and abroad be-
cause, as the Round Table points out, it avoids
a crisis in the Commonwealth and makes the
Empire less exclusive.
Closer economic relations between the British
Empire and the United States is a highly desir-
able thing, of course. But the political implica-
tions are equally desirable. It is a gesture of
cooperation between two democracies. It is an
effective answer to the "closed economy of the
totalitarian states, a strengthening of the ties
of sentiment and commercial interest that bind
free countries together."
Elliott Maraniss.
The Newspaper
And Accurate Reporting...
I NACCURACIES and exaggerations of
scientific material in the lay press
occur constantly with resultant distress among

of the essential equipment in various fields of
scientific inquiry.
Prof. Hans Zinsser of the Harvard Medical
School and authorof "Rats, Mice and History"
recently wrote concerning inaccuracy in the lay
press, "Every conscientious bacteriologist has
been at one time or another enraged by ac-
counts of long-known principles presented as
newly discovered fact, by the romantic descrip-
tions of utterly unjustified claims for thera-
Seutic advances and garbled reports of work
honestly reported. And in our first reactions,
especially when work in which we ourselves are
engaged is referred to, we are tempted to blame
the whole thing on members of the press. As a
matter of fact, whenever one comes into direct
contact with the supposedly offending represen-
tative of the daily newspaper one is persuaded
that the evils, though partly due to the desire
of too rapid publication, are actually to a large
extent due to helplessness on the part of the
papers to obtain information through the proper
channels. There has been an extraordinary im-
provement in certain weekly and daily papers
in this regard which indicates that a solution
of the problem is entirely feasible and members
of individual newspapers and the Associated Press
very often make earnest attempts to submit copy
to the investigator directly interested . . . A proper
system can be established only by cooperation
between scientific bodies and the newspapers, a
cooperation which editors, I am quite sure, desire
and are ready to accept."
This is a frank acknowledgement of the rights
of the papers to regard scientific activities as
news. It is likewise a realistic comment on the
harm done to men in scientific pursuits by re-
porters ill-equipped for the exacting task of
writing up matters beyond their complete com-
Here is plainly seen the need for truly edu-
cated journalists. The day of a front page de-
voted entirely to sensational material, such as
fires, rape, etc., will pass as quickly as journal-
ists capable of reporting accurately and writing
simply of complex matters appear on the scene.
Robert Weeks.
UN DER s q
T'S A RARE OCCASION when the movie ver-
sion of life corresponds in some remote way
with reality. That goes particularly for collegeS
life (vide "Varsity Show"). But it's also an occa-
sion when things in Ann Arbor swing around
and fit into the Hollywood mould.
The foregoing is a general introduction that
most of you will be sorry you spent the time
reading. So we'll get to the point.
Friday last in one of the more elite rooming
houses on Oakland a freshman, College of Lit-;
erature, Science. and the Arts, was calling a
friend who was arranging a blind date for him.
The frosh was gathering all pertinent informa-
tion, such as the girl's name, likes and dislikes
and general background.
With the information in hand, he went up-
stairs to clean up for the date (a process that
took an hour as is his wont), little thinking that
a freshman law student from the third floor
had overheard the telephone conversation and
had also taken down the facts of the case.
While the representative of the class of '41,
College of Literature, Science and the Arts, con-
tinued to prepare himself for the evening, his
friend from the third floor was on his way
to the girl's house, where he presented himself
to the girl as the expected freshman, College
of ILiterature, Science and the Arts.
Back in his room in the Oakland maison, the
frosh was wondering whether to take the girl
beering or dancing and so he dialed her number
to get her angle on the question. Standing
half-dressed at the phone, the freshman, Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the Arts, was
informed by a voice at the other end that he had

called for the girl and that they had left thej
house together for regions unknown.
A kiss, a sigh,
A fond goodbye.
A smile, a curl,
Another girl.
Time marches on.
Under the Engine Arch again two were talking.
A review of the football season was in order.
"Lousy," one engineer said to the other. "Ugh-
ugh! grunted the other expressively. "Yeh, lousy,"
said the first. "Ugh-ugh," chimed in the other.
"Yeh, you know what the trouble with this
University is?" "Ugh-ugh," the other negatived.
"Well, it's gone intellectual." "Ugh-ugh," grunted
the other.
-Mr. Disraeli.
Origin Of A Rumor
r[HE SUGGESTION that Dorothy Thompson
should be the next Republican candidate for
the presidency was started by John Gunther and
me at lunch in New York and might as well
end here. I had been to see Dorothy Thompson
in a hospital; and when Gunther asked me how
she was, I said, as a joke, "I wouldn't be su'rprised
if the Republicans didn't nominate her to run
for President in 1940," and John said, as a joke,
"If they do, she'll probably be elected."

1-eywood Broun
It is surprising to learn that Harvard made
money during the fiscal year of 1936-37. The
amount was hardly sufficient to make a dividend
payment likely. To be precise the income was
$10,272,341 and the expenses $10,246,929. And
that leaves, as nearly as I can figure it in my
head, $25,412 to be'set down in the black. At
the same time the book value of funds rose from
$134,000,000 to almost $142,000,000. Obviously
the university is big business and a going con-
Although the profit represents a small return
on the invested capital, it is disturbing to find
education yielding any fi-
nancial return whatsoever.
In my undergraduate days it
was frequently pointed out
to me that Harvard was
spending three times as
much for my training as I
was contributing. It has al-
ways seemed to me that it
as a bad bargain for both of
But the immediate point is what should the
university do with the $25,000 surplus with which
it is stuck. Obviously Harvard cannot afford to
go on making money hand over fist. John, the
founder, would climb down from his pedestal
in front of Memorial Hall to protest that when
he bequeathed his library lie was not actuated
by the profit motive'.
Pundits For The Plungers
A few years ago the answer would have been
easy. It was then that Lucius Beebe, an under-
graduate, suggested that Harva'rd send Yale three
professors and $50,000 in exchange for a back-
field. Bill McGeehan publicized the plan and I
believe the proposal was carried almost two to
one in a referendum of the student body. Nothing
was done about it at the time.
Now Harvard has a backfield, or at least it had
one in the closing game against Yale. Still, an-
other season looms ahead, and no one can quite
laugh off the suggestion that the twenty-five
grand be entrusted to Dick Harlow as foundation
for a Harvard School of Acting and Sleight-of-
Hand in which another Vernon Struck might be
developed. It is pertinent to remember that the
Crimson's great spinning carrier was half foot-
ball player and half distinguished thespian. He
was a combination of Albee and Edwin Booth,
retaining the best features of each.
But since Harvard tried the dangerous experi-
ment last year of playing students and managed
to get away with it, the conservatives are likely
to remain in power and permit no scouting for
recruits. But that suggests that another field
might well be opened up for Harvard ivory
hunters. Why shouldn't the authorities at Cam-
bridge copy the technique of the professional
ball clubs and begin to comb the bush leagues
for promising professors?
Those Mute Miltons
In some obscure Texas high school there may
well be a southpaw economist who is ready for
faster company. Out on the coast the educa-
tional scout from Harvard might well unearth
an instructor in English with a deceptive deliv-
ery. Surely the department needs arkther
Charles Townsend Copeland if, indeed, the land
affords some Copey who at the moment is mute
and inglorious and born to blush unseen.
To be sure, the larger universities do make of-
fers to men in the smaller institutions, but they
judge the prospects almost entirely on some
paper or book which they have written. As far
as I know there is no check-up on these peda-
gogues in action, and the test of a teacher is
what he does in the classroom, rather than what
he can produce at home in his library. Nor
are potential teachers confined to academic
circles. Copey, I believe, was snatched from a

Boston newspaper.
In spite of its rigid amateurism, academic Har-
vard is beginning to lag behind athletic Harvard.
No surplus should lie idle until one of Conant's
couriers has discovered somebody who can teach
philosophy one-half so well as Richard Harlow
teaches football.
On The GLev

By NORMAN T. KIELL rTu)incation in theB ulletin is constructie naice to aln members of the
Unhver.t'Iy. Copy received at the ofie of the As,.tant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 n.m. on Saturday.
haRumorls it Broadway producers WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1937 1165 Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m..
are putting ashes on their collective VOL, XLVIIL No. 56 Monday. December 6. The public
heads and tearing their clothes to is cordially invited.
shreds for dearth of good plays. With Student Teas: President and Mrs.ay i
tl approach of the Christmas holi- Ruthven will be at home to students Public Lecture: "Cultural Rela-
days, Michigan student drama-goers Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. I tions between the East and West
are well aware of this rarity of good During the Crusades" by Dr. John
plays, and should plan their theatre The Bureau has received notice of i W. Stanton. Sponsored by the Re-
going accordingly. A few suggestions the folowing Civil Service Examina- search Seminary . in Islamic Art.
might be in order. tbona: Monday, Dec. 6. 4:15 p.m. in Roo
I The most convenient way of secur- Associate Biochemist (Syphilis Re- D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
ing tickets is by mail order. The last" search). $3,200 a year; U.S. Public; free.
minute rush and disappointments Health Service, Treasury Depart- -

that usually mark the harried Christ- iment. Events Toda
mas theatre-goer can easily be Principal Specialist in Maternal I .1
avoided by this precaution: or else and Child Heath, $5,600 a year; A.S.M.E. Meeting: Tonight at 7:30
the theatre-goer will have to pay a Senior Specialist in Maternal and' at the Michigan Union. Speaker:
high price or wind up by going to Child Health, $4,600 a year; Maxwell C. Maxwell, Assistant to the
some of the poorest shows, which Specialist in Maternal and Child President of Yale and Towne Com-
would be worse. Health, $3,800 a year; pany, on "Loxology" - the history
If it is possible to make plans now Associate in Maternal and Child and manufacture of locks. The lec-
for evenings you know you can give Health, $3,200 a year; Children's ture will be illustrated by models and
up to the theatre, the matter of Bureau, Department of Labor. diagrams.
getting tickets is very simple. Just Associate Entomologist (Taxon-
order the seats now directly from the omy), $3,200 a year; Bureau of En- Chemical and Metallurgical En-
box-office, enclosing a money order tomology and Plant Quarantine, De- gineering Seminar. Professor L.
or check and a stamped envelope. partment of Agriculture. Thomassen will address the Seminar
Not only will you be able to get the Junior Construction Inspector, $1,- for graduate students in Chemical
cheaper seats but yof will get better 860 per year, (For duration of Sew- I and Metallurgical Engineering today
locations in whatever section youl age Disposal Project); Senior Con- at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng.
order. More than that, you will be struction Inspector (Heavy Construe-, Bldg. His subject will be "X-Ray In-
aved the trouble of going from one tion), $2,460 per year; Assistant Art l vestigations of Electroplated De-
box office to another because, as Curator (European), $2,640 per year; posits."
you probably know, there is no cen- City of Detroit, The Civil Service
tral place where you can buy seats Commission. University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
at established prices, except for those For further information, please Class in Diction and Speech, Prof.
at "cut rate." call at the Office, 201 Mason Hall. G. E. Densmore.
Below will be found a summary of Bureau of Appointments and
concensus of opinion relative to a few Occupational Information. Luncheon for graduate students
of the shows that will, in all prob- today at twelve o'clock in the Russian
abilities, be playing in New York dur- Attention University Employes: Tea Room of the Michigan League.
ing Christmas vacation. From time Whenever possible charge all person- Cafeteria service. Professor Arthur
to time more of these will be run. I al long-distance telephone calls and E. Wood of the Sociology Depart-
* telegrams placed through the Univer- ment will speak informally on "Im-
The first "rave" notices of the sity telephone system, to your resi- provements in the Outlook for Penal
1937-38 season, went to, of all things, dent phone. Herbert T. Watkins. Administration in Michigan."
William, Shakespeare's "Julius Cae-
sar." Brooks Atkinson of the Timest Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- Assembly of the gudents of the
writes that "of all the young enter- gineers: Mid-semester reports for' School of Dentistry will be held at
prises that are stirring here and there, grades below C are now on file and 4:15 on Wednesday, Dec. 1, in the
this is the most original and the most open to inspection in the office of the Dental School Amphitheatre. The
dynamic and the one likely to have Assistant Dean, Room 259, West En- address will be given by Professor
an enduring influence on the gineering Building. Charles F. Remer of the Department
theatre." Orsen Welles and John of Economics on the subject, "The


Houseman, producers of "Caesar." Notice to Junior Chemistry and
have dressed it in modern tempo. Chemical Engineering Students: Phil
They have made of it the tragedy of Lambda Upsilon, national honorary
dictatorship and mob rule in politics. chemistry society, awards each year
Caesar, dictator of Rome, becomes a prize to the junior chemist and
Mussolini. Neutral fascist uniforms chemical engineer with the high-
have displaced the traditional toga. est scholastic average. This prize
Bare walls accentuate the acting and consists of a handbook or other book
lighting. "The Mercury Theatre has pertaining to the field of the winner
put new fire into the art of the and is given during the second sem-
stage," says Mr. Atkinson, "and pure- ester.

Economic Aspects of the Far Eastern

day, Dec. 1,
N.S. Bldg.
"Notes on

Seminar meets Wednes-
at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139,
Paper by W. R. Taylor
European Botanical In-

Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Those members planning to

ly out of gratitude every one interest- make tne inspection tip to vv igni
ed in the theatre will want to coop- Phi Lambda Upsilon: All members Field and Waco Aircraft Corporation,
erate and try to see their produc- of other chapters now enrolled at the Dec. 10 and 11, will please sign the list
tion." There are matinees Wednes- University are invited to register their posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
day and Saturday; prices range from names with the secretary of Delta ing Department Bulletin Board. All
55 cents to $2.20. chapter, C. L. Raynor, Room 4201, reservations must be made by Wed-
After several seasons of indifferent' East Engineering Building. nesday, Dec. 1, in order that plans
luck, the Group Theatre has re- . -- T i may be completed.
"Golden Boy." In his new play, Mr. ing: Information is available in the Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Odets tells of the rise and fall of a office of the Department of Aero- Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 4 p.m. in Room
prizefighter, and to his narrative he nautical Engineering, B-47 East En- 303 Chemistry Building. Professor
brings all of the fresh and vital gift gineering Building, in regard to the H. B. Lewis will speak on, "Biological
for the ceration of dialogue and course of flight training offered by and Chemical Relationships between
character that has made him so im- the Reserve Corps of the U.S. Navy. the Two Sulfur-containing Amino
portant a figure in the American This course is available to all quali - Acids of the Protein Molecule."
drama. "Golden Boy" is a pithy and fied students who have completed
th.oroughly absorbing drama that re- two years of their work at the Univer-
stores to the theatre a pungent the- f sity and have fulfilled other neces- The Psychological Journal Club will
atrical talent. It is playingeat the ary requirements. All those interest- meet Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m. in
Belasco Theatre. Matinees are ed in this work may obtain a state-1 Room 1121 Natural SciencekBldg.
Thurday nd Sturdy.went of requirements at the Aero-I Professor Christian A. Ruckmnick
Thursday and Saturday. at Eieen The fr of the University of Iowa will hold an
What has proven to be a happy nautical Engineering Office. The firstdh
class is scheduled to commence on informal discussion on the topic "The
synthesis of all talent necessary for Mass1s,1d38andteach succeedi Facial Expression of Emotions." His
a superb drama is found in Jahn month until October. It is important talk will be accompanied by slides.
Steinbeck's dramatization of his own that those students who are interest- All those interested are cordially
novel, "Of Mice and Men, directed ed indicate their intentions at the invited to attend.
by George S. Kaufman, designed by earliest possible date.
Donald Censlager, acted by Brod- Junior Group AAUW, Drama Meet-
erick Crawford and Wallace Ford, ing, Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1937 at eight
and produced by Sam H. Harris. Seniors: There. are only a few days, coka tehm f isRt
and rodued b Sa H. arri. Ileft until the deadline set for Ensian; o'clock at the home of M~iss Ruth
These men have made it a master- Hollister, 1772 S. State Street. The
piece of the New York stage. At the Senior Picture appointments. Make Hostes 17s hs te Stey The
(Continued on Page 6) your appointment today and assure hostess has chosen the play "Ta-
yourself of having your picture in varich" by Jacques Deval which will
the yearbook. No appointments will be read by the group.
be accepted after Saturday, Dec. 4. Those having copies, of the play
1 -IA t o l y : M - m t please bring them to the m eeting.
A cademic Notices I Forestry Club Smoker, Wednesday,
Anthropology_31:_Mid-________iDec. 1, 7:30 p.m., Mich. Union. Enter-

It is getting close to
the year when J-Hop
making their annualz

that time of
people begin
musical mis-

Well, Monday night gave the campus
thing from Sphinx to stinks.


The worst part of the whole bombing at the
Kreisler concert came yesterday morning when
.one of Michigan's better newspapers had a
"typo" in its story and said, "The veteran artist's
poise, as he stood smeling on the platform for
more than five minutes to allow the fumes to
dissipate . . ." .
However, Kreisler should be gratified to
know that the playing of no other artist over
the long history of Choral Union Concerts
has ever brought more genuine tears to the
eyes of an audience.
At first everyone in the audience thought the
gas was that of a stink-bomb and they were
all waiting for a vocalist to start singing Kreis-
ler's own composition, "The Old Refrain," with a
little change in the words- "I often think of

takes in the selection of bands, and
in the light of this, we have decidedl
it is high time that we chose our~
ideal ALL-CORN BAND for 1937.
This will serve, we hope, as a sort of
woIrking foundation. At least, itj
should give those people somethingf
to work for.
Our 1937 All-Corn Band t
Trumpets ............Henry Busse
Clyde McCoy!
Saxophones ........... Wayne KingE
Ted LewisA
Violin ..... . ....... . Guy Lombardo
Trombone . ...........Russ Morgan1
Piano. ........ Eddy Duchin
Guitar ........ . . . ..... Alvino Ray'
Drums ...... .... Abe Lyman
The band wouldn't be complete, of i
course, without the services of that,
inimitable "Shep" Fields and those
peculiar bath-room effects of his. We,
will let our sympathies go hog wild
then, and put this modern. musical
madcap in front of the organization
as its leader.

make-up examination will be given in tainment and refreshments. cmn5-
306 Mason Hall, Thursday, Dec. 2, at sion by Club membership card.
4 p.m. I
4_pm._Union Coffee Hour: Mr. Harold
L t eAllen's and Mr. N. S. Bement's fresh-
Lectures men orientation groups No. 25 and
Oratorical Association L e c t u r e 26 respectively are especially invited
Course: Julien Bryan, Roving Re- to attend the regular Union Coffee
porter for the March of Time, will Hour from 4:30 to 5:30 today.
appear in Hill Auditorium tonight at , All menastudentshare cordially in-
8:15 p.m. His lecture on "Japan" vited to attend these daily gather
will be illustrated with unusual mo- ! ings.
tion pictures. Tickets are now on
sale at Wahr's.i Polonia Literary Circle will meet at
saetWa__.the League Wednesday evening at
University Lecture: Dr. Christian 7:30 p.m. This will be an important
A. Ruckmick, Professor of Psychology ,meeting and all members are urged
at the University of Iowa, will lec- to be present.
ture on "Emotions in the Motion
Picture Theatre" on Wednesday , University Girls' Glee Club: There
Dec. 1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural will be a meeting today at 7:15 at the
Science Auditorium under the au- League. All members are urged to
spices of the Department of Psy- Ibe present. Plans for singing will be
chology. The public is cordially in- discussed.
____Congress: Independent Men's Or-
University Lecture: Dr. Carl Mayer ganization: There will be a meeting
of the Graduate Faculty of the New of the Activities Committee Wednes-
School for Social Research in New day at 7:15 p.m. in Room 306 of the
York City will lecture on the "So-, Union.
ciology of Religion" on Friday, Dec.i
3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Decorations Committee:tMembers
Science Auditorium under the aus- of the Sophomore Cabaret decora-


Described by most program an- pices of the Department of Sociology. tions committee should come to the
nouncements as being dinner music, The public is cordially invited. League every afternoon this week to

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