THEIFMITCHIGIAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1937 [,n' fB4 Visit West Virginia Ilomcsteaders ASME To Hear Lecture Change Suggested N-- WT N ~ i~~ On 'Rdianee Of Locks' In English Journal NEIk IN' BR EFJ The American Society of Mechani- cal Engineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. A change in the administrative set- today in the Union. Maxwell C. up of the council controlling the Maxwell, assistant to the President policy of the English Journal and sails today on the Queen Mary for of the Yale and Towne Manufactur- g a business trip to London. ing Co., will speak. aggressive action on the part of the MORE THAN 60,000 DEER and the Twenty alleged members of an in- Mr. Maxwell will talk on "Loxol- council toward making the college ternational narcotics-smuggling syn- ogy-The History and Romance of edition of the Journal more appeal- lives of 12 hunters dicate operating out of Shanghai, Locks and Their Manifacture." ing to instructors was suggested yes- exacted by Michigan's 1938 deer China were seized 'yesterday in simul terday by Prof. Paul Mueschke of hunting season which closed yester- toneous raids by 60 Federal agents. JANIT __UNONT__ EET_ te E yg Prof PaM usk. day. From the sportsmen's stand- Certain New York customs agents, JANITOR UNION TO MELT I the English department. dy., itisrsaid the sao n's ond- it was said, engaged in the conspiracy A meeting of the University Jani- Professor Mueschke also presented of te mst sucdesasn years. Ten and provided customs stamps for get- tors' Union will be held at 7 p.m. to- his program at the meeting in Buf- of the most successful in years. Tnting" trunks of narcotics into New day at Unity Hall, Don Reynolds, falo last week of the National Coun- thousand more deer were killed than York. president, announced yesterday. cil of English Teachers. last year. Other animals slain by the__ sportsmen included 100 bears, one bull moose. Wolves, coyotes, wildcats and foxes were bagged in unestimated numbers. Tacit and surly Anthony Cheba- toris, bank robber, heard sentence of death pronounced upon him yester- day by Judge Arthur J. Tuttle. He will be hanged next July 8 at the Fideral Detention Farm at Milan Chebatoris thus becomes the first man doomed to die under the new National Bank Robbery Act-the sec- ond white man's execution in Mich- igan history Failure of the Michigan Public Util- ities Commission to follow the lead of the Federal Communications Com- mission in lowering long-distance tel-! ephone rates has resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars to Michigan business men, the De- troit Free Press charged yesterday in a front page articie. New York i" " -.... . ,_ ...,... -- I I May We Suggest For Today's I LUNCHEON 39c Broiled Lake Trout Creole C Potato or Vegetable Rolls or Bread Salad or Dessert Coffee Tea DINNER 415c Roast Lamb and Mint Jelly Co Potato and VegetableF Salad or Dessert Rolls or Bread Coffee Tea Z9C ream Cheese and Nut Sandwich Soup Milk 39c rred Beef and Cabbage Potato or Vegetable Milk Mrs. Fr anklin D. Roosevelt and Mrs. James H. R. Cromwell (left), the former Doris Duke, smiled happily when they were enthusiastically greeted by ettlers at the Tygart homesteadt near Elkins, W. Va. Mrs. Cromwell, known as the "world's richest girl" wore a Russian mink coat over a knit dress, and the first lady was clad in a tweed suit with brown sable neckpiece. ELY CULBERTSON'S MARRIAGE partnership will be dissolved, but not the business partnership--Culbert- Senate Balks iss Tinker Among sons, Inc.-which nets him and his wife$100,000 or more annually, Cul- A Pl T Ceri Women bertson said last night. 11)11 A 1 ", Si "I have lost a grand slain doubled," ield s lagSpiesi the noted bridge expert commented. 1 ad BuiiidmFMrs. Culbertson is en route to Cali- Continued from Page 1) fornia by boat and will seek a divorce (decree in Reno while her husband (Continued from Page 1) probably became suspicious because she was a white woman traveling such authorizations for the fiscal year in Chinese clothes. 19I igha Comissioner Murray D. No detailed information about the Van Wagoner protested today, in a matter has been received here, Mr. formal statement and in telegrams to! Tinker stated, although mention was I members of the Michigan delegation made of it in a letter received here in Congress, President Roosevelt's yesterday. She probably does not dare proposal to lop $200,000,000 from fed- write more at present, for fear of eral aid for road building purposes. getting into trouble in the letter cen- Enactment of the President's pro- sos, he said. gram, Van Wagoner said, would mean Miss Tinker is a graduate of the I a 50 per cent reduction in federal University in the class of 1933, and appropriations for Michigan high- she also took work at Michigan State ways, beginning with the next fiscal Normal at Ypsilanti. After her grad- year. uation, she did work on the Univer- The Commissioner criticized the sity Museum collection of Chinese President's proposal as imposing a textiles. This collection is the larg- "special penalty" upon Michigan "be-, est in the United States and had not cause most of the states have lagged been touched before, since its dona- behind" in participating in the fed- tion to the University in 1885. eral aid program of highway con- She is expected to remain in China S struction. Other states, Van Wagoner three months longer before returning said, "have only themselves to blame." home. I (All Prices Subject to Michigan Sales 1ax) MICHIGAN UNION TAPROOM _..,._......._a I 4lsiid ments. Ready cash waiting for you Phone Sam. 6304. 2x LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low prices. FOR SALE Y o u men NIORS: r Ensian picture appolint- t must be in by December PONTIAC 1937 8-cylinder business I coupe for sale by original owner $595. Perfect condition. Deluxe heater, radio, clock, oversize oil bath. Call 8840 today, 7-10 p.m Graduate student must sacrifice immediately. 194 FULL DRESS SUIT and black over- coat, size 36. Call housemanager at 3807. 195 Daily 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 NOW PLAIYING!' The stqry loved by millions... NOW A PICTURE WE KNOW. YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! 4th. Make it today at . . , I I TEMPLE HEIDI A 20th Century-Fox Picture with Jea HERSHOLT RcTTu ARTHUR TJFAOCI-1FR DEY, RENTSCHLER, I1 I or SPEDDING . . . I I I I I