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December 01, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-01

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The Weather
Incereasing cloudiness, snow
In north, continued cold to-
day; tomorrow unsettled.

Lk /


j MI at

Trade Agreements .. .
The Newspaper
And Accurate Reporting...



Senate Rebels
At President's
Plan To Slash
Road Building,
Backs Plan To Stimulate
Business By Reducing
Cost Of Home Making
Roosevelt Hits At
Premature Spending
WASHINGTON, Nov 30 -(P)-_
Congressmen found fault with one
item of President Roosevelt's pro-
gram for helping business out of its
slump today but made all prepara-
tions for passing another quickly.
Hardly hid the President asked a
deep cut in road building expendi-
tures than Senators Hayden and Ash-
urst, Arizona Democrats, announced
their opposition and Chairman Cart-
wright (Dem., Okla.) of the House
Roads Committee issued a sharply
critical statement.
Building Plan Exceptable
All was well, however, with the
President's proposal for reducting the
cost of home building in the hope of
stirring up a construction boom that
would have a generally beneficial ef-
fect. Hearings were begun, and the
legislation was put on the list for
enactment at the special session.
The President's anti-depression
program, as announced in recent days
consists of five points: housing, gov-
ernment retrenchment (to which the
road building cut is related), imme-
diate purchase of some $245,000,000
worth of government supplies, a re-
vision of taxes and encouragement
of public utility construction pro-
In a special message to Congress
today on road building expenditures
Mr. Roosevelt objected "strenuously"
to the practice of incurring advance
obligations for this purpose without
reference to the condition of the bud-
Are Authorized EarlyI
The practice has been to make
"authorizations" one to two years
ahead of time for federal assistance'
to the states in building secondary
roads. At the beginning of each yearl
the sum authorized has been appor-
tioned among the states by the Sec-
retary of Agriculture, tQ be followed
by actual appropriations.
Existing law says that on Jan. 1,
Secretary Wallace must apportion to
the states $214,000,000 of the 1939 au-
thorization. The President asked that
before that date, Congress cancel the
authorization. He added a reouest
that Congress limit to $125,000,000 all
(Continued on Page 2)


Bryan Lecture
Wil Be Tonight
Tickets Are Still Available1
For Talk About Japan
A number of tickets are still avail-
able for the Julien Bryan lecture at
8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium,
Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the speech'
department and business manager of
the Oratorical Association, said yes-
Mr. Bryan will speak on "Japan,"
and show motion pictures which he'
filmed himself in the Orient. He will
discuss Japan's rise to her position
as leadingFar Eastern power, and the
political trends which have led up to
the. present war.
Mr. Bryan's lecture is the second of
the present Oratorical Association
Course, one previously scheduled,
that of H. V. Kaltenborn, having been,
indefinitely postponed because of the
illness of the speaker.
Tickets for the lecture today are onI
sale at Wahr's Book Store on State
Japs To Return{
American Ship
Taken By 'he
SHANGHAI, Dec. l.-(Wednes-
day)-(P)-Diplomatic sources said
today they understood Japanese offi-
cials had decided to return an Amer-
ican-owned steam launch seized by
Japanese yesterday.
American Consulate officials con-
firmed Japanese assertions that Jap-
anese sailors had not thrown the
United States flag into the Whangpoo
River when they took over the ves-
-cl. It was said the flag was handed

Junior Class
Repoll To Be
Balloting Is From 3:30
Until 5:30 P.M.; Vote
Comes After Protest
Art School Juniors
Will Ballot Today'
A repoll will be taken of junior
class literary college electors from
3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. today in
Room 18, Angell Hall, after the first
vote of that class was thrown out by
the Men's Council Nov. 16, follow-
ing a protest by the Washtenaw
Washtenaw's protest came as a
counter-protest to that of the State
Street party who claimed that nurses
voting when the polls were held open
in the evening of the election, Nov.
10, were not eligible. ,
Hugh Rader, '38, president of the
Men's Council, declared that the eve-
ning votes were invalid, and pro-
claimed the State Street party elect-
ed, in view of the fact it was ahead
at the close of the polls at 5 p.m. With
the evening's ballots, the Washtenaw
party slate won the election.
Following Washtenaw's protest
against the casting out of ballots of
,the evening, the Men's Council met
on Nov. 16, and decided that a new
!election should be held today.
Candidates include: for president,
Bud Wells on the Washtenaw ticket
and John Thompson on the State
Street ticket; for vice-president,
Margaret Cram on State Street and
Margaret McCall on Washtenaw; for
secretary, Helen Owston and Ralph
Erlewine, Washtenaw and State re-
spectively; and for treasurer, Wal-
lace Bash, State Street, and Fred
Thomson, Washtenaw.
State Street's candidates for the
J-Hop positions are Arthur Colman,
Marcia Connell, Ted Madden, Bar-
bara Heath and Betty Shaffer;rand
those of Washtenaw are Marietta
Killian, Joe Osburn, Jack Wilcox,
Marie McElroy and Marvin Reider.
Junior class elections in the archi-
tecture school. .will also be toda.v
Balloting will be from 3:30 p.m. until
5:30 p.m. in Room 347 of the Archi-
tecture Building.%
Candidates are for president, Mike
Chadwick and Don Bostwick; for
vice-president, Marjory Barowsky;
for secretary, Richard Black; for
treasurer, Conrad August; and for
J - Hop committeeman, Lawrence
Fear Japan May
P f*7* * ,J,

Modest Jayvee
Player Saves
2 From Death
Modesty is usually a very desirabk
trait, but in the case of Harry K.
Mulholland, '40, a Junior Varsity
football player, this trait wNs carried
a little too far. He didn't consider
the spectacular rescue of two drown-
ing men a feat worthy of more than
the most casual mention.
At about 8:30 last Thursday night,
Mulholland saw the automobile in
front of him on the Saginaw-Bay
City road skid into adeep canal lead-
ing to the Saginaw River. As he
reached the scene of the accident he
saw that the car was almost entirely
submerged and the occupants trapped.
He ran to the side of the canal and
saw that two men had gotten out of
the automobile but were still trapped
under the ice. In a style probably
reminiscent of Douglas Fairbanks, he
broke the ice and leaped into the
water, helping the two victims of the
accident to the shore.
In a few minutes the state high-
way patrol appeared and Mulholland
was relieved of his responsibility.
Without even waiting to hear the
names of the men whose lives he had
undoubtedly saved, he returned to his
car and drove away. When questioned
upon the haste of his departure, he,
said, "It was cold."
Mulholland's modesty was so ex-
cessive that even the members 'of his
own fraternity, Chi Phi, did not dis-
cover his heroic action until four days
after it happened.
Tag Day Drive
For Youngsters
The tenth annual tag sale conduct-
ed by Galens, junior and senior hon-
orary medical society, will be held to-
day and tomorrow on -"the campus
and in the downtown district to raise
money for children's workshop,
Christmas party and book shelf at the
University Hospital.
The goal for the drive has been set
at. $2,000, Roger W. Howell,, '38M,
president of Galens, said last night.
Last year 618 children used the work-
shop on the ninth floor of the hos-
pital, which amounted to approxi-
mately 8,000 working hours, he stated.
The workshop familiarizes them with
manual training experience which
they would otherwise receive at
school. Funds from- the Galens tag
sale enable the social service depart-
ment of the hospital to provide this,
instruction to the children. Many
children make toys, bookends andI
other articles to take home or sell.!

Model Senate'
Will Consider
Local Issues
Campus Problems Must
Be Initiated As National,
International Questions;
Representation All
That Is Unsettled
A compromise move to permit dis-
cussion of campus affairs by the Stu-
dent Model Senate was passed yester-1
day by the executive committee after1
the body last week tabled a motion1
limiting the Senate's jurisdiction toi
national and international issues.
By an amendment, passed unani-
mously yesterday, provision was made
that "issues discussed in the Student
Model Senate be initiated as national
and international issues." It was left
to the Senate to decide whether
national and international affairs will
be interpreted through local prob-
Motions passed by this committee
are not binding upon the Senate but
are merely recommendations. The.
first meeting, held last week, pro-I
posed that the Student Model Senate l
be formed to consolidate undergrad-
uate opinion.
The group left as unsettled bus-
iness the manner of choosing repre-
sentatives to the Senate until a com-
mittee had consulted with members
of the faculty. The committee con-
sists of Hope Hartwig, '38, William
Jewell, '38, S. R. Kleiman, '39, Clar-
ence Kresin, '38, Virginia Krieghoff,
'38, and Phil Westbrook, '40.
Original plans for representation 1
on the basis of states, similar to the
Federal Senate, had the intention of
reflecting sectional interests in the
body's vote. Alternate proposals, sug-
gested yesterday, would draw mem-
bers from campus organizations, pro-
portionally from states or propor-
tionally from the schools and colleges
on campus.
The body also moved to get faculty
opinions on the plan and to have ad-.
(Continued on Page 5)
Dr. Ruckmick
Tells Of Movie
Psychologist From Iowa
To Speak At 4:15 P.M.
In Science Auditorium

Arms Thrown Out
As Parisians Fear
Government Drive
PARIS, Nov. 30.--(R')-Arms sei-
zures in the government drive against
a secret revolutionary organization
accused of plotting to set up a dic-
tatorship in France led to new conse-
quences today.
Many Parisians who kept arms as
war souvenirs and others with arms
supplies dropped them in streetsand
parks, fearing they might be con-
nected with the plot if the arms were
found in their homes.
A total of 576 loaded hand gre-
nades was discovered lying on the
grass in peaceful Bois De Boulogne,
Police i'imediately issued an ap-
peal to Parisians to call at the nearest
police station or city laboratory if,
they wanted arms supplies removed,
instead of dropping them in the city1
where they might be found by chil-
Free University

Labor Conflict
Rages As CIO,
AFL Battle On
5 Chief Issues
Three Buses Fired Upon
While Strikers Consider
Ultimatums From Line
UAW Investigates
'Wildcat' Strikes
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.---)-
The labor peace conference outlined
the principal issues between the AFL
and CIO under five headings today
and decided to discuss them one by

Of Civil Service

Act Provisions

Michigan State Also Given
Exemption From New
Bill By Attorney General
LANSING, Nov. 30.-(/P)-An opin-
ion handed down today by Attorney
General Raymond W. Starr exempted
employes of the University and Mich-
igan State College from provisions of
the State Civil Service Act.
Starr said employes of the Mich-
igan College of Mining and Technol-
ogy, the state normal colleges and the
teachers' colleges are subject to the
act with the exception of presidents,
deans, registrars, professors, instruc-
tors, teachers, research assistants and
student employes.
Starr gave his opinion at the re-
quest of State Civil Service Director
William Brownrigg.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department last night
told the Daily that the opinion "is
essentially what has been generally
accepted for a long time.""
Professor Pollock added that "it is
the same kind of opinion that was
given earlier to the Civil Service
Study Commission when it made its
recommendations." Professor Pollock
was chairman of that body.
"Despite this opinion," Starr said
in an informal discussion later, "I see1
no reason why the University should
not avail .itself of the facilities set
up by the Civil Service Commission if
the Regents desire."
Starr pointed out that the Supreme
Court frequently has held that the
Board of Regents of the University

The CIO contention that all the
workers in each large industry should
belong to one big union without re-
gard to traditional AFL craft lines
topped thelist of controversial points
made public by George M. Harrison,
chairman of the AFL peace commit-
This industrial union issue was re-
sponsible for the split in the AFL
ranks that led to the formation of the
CIO two years ago.
Other issues on the list:
1. The CIO's insistence that it
remain a semi-independent agency
under the AFL after peace is made.
The AFL demands that the CIO be
2. The CIO's request that the
powers of the AFL executive council
be curbed by amendment of the AFL
constitution if peace is effected.
3. What machinery should be set
up to make an agreement effective.
Neither side has made public its views
on this question.
4. How many votes the CIO unions
would have in a joint convention that
would be called to ratify any agree-
ment the peace conference made.
Philip Murray, chairman of the
CIO peace delegation, emphasized
that even an accord on those five
points would not mean the end of the
labor war.
Other significant developments on
the national labor front include:
Non-striking Greyhound drivers re-
ported three buses were fired upon
today as strikers considered an ulti-
matum from the nine affected lines to
return to work or lose their jobs.
Carriers rolling over Pennsylvania
mountains were targets of gunfire,
L. T. Shreve, Gettysburg, Pa., bus
dispatcher, said. Two of the ma-
chines were struck but no one was
injured, he reported.

Fraternities and sororities were

to a Chinese launch close by. nMcanvassed last night by the mem- Dr. Christian A. Ruckmick, profes- within the scope of its functions is Two b
Ters of the group. Last year two sor of psychology at the University of co-ordinate with and equal to the leg- side the
ing vessels needed to transport sup- WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.- ()-Ap- houses gave $1 per person and others Iowa, will speak on "Emotions in the islature and "not subject to any of- bus ne
Coi logyS plies and troops to the interior, the prehension grew in official circles to- also were very generous, Howell said. Motion Picture Theatre" at 4:15 ficer of the state or any act of the reportec
olub Japanese also seized two vessels fly- night that Japan, following up her p.m. today in the Natural Science legislature, except that the legislature side o
ing the Italian flag. military victories in China, may have Auditorium. undoubtedly could attach conditions Waynes
Italian authorities were under- j begun closing the historic "open door" 1 * I The study of the emotions is Dr in making appropriations." Greyh
Angell, McKenzie To Take stood also to have protested. against the goods of other foreign W olverines 1 O O Ruckmick's special field of research, "It is my opinion that those per- the Bro
The launch, owned by the China nations. and he is an authority on the subject. sons having positions with the Uni- men for
agForeignSteampship Company, an Apparently heading toward a show- IK eyed Up Clark He has written several studies on versity of Michigan are employes of wage in
American organization and agent for down with Nippon on what may prove e) motions and several books and texts the Board of Regents of that Univer- as the
EAST LANSING, Nov. 30-M P)~~ the Roosevelt line, was moored off to be the most critical internationali on the subject. sity," he said. states t
Ernest B. Harper, of the Michigan the bund in the French concession. issue of the present Far Eastern' e G rUdd e S He is a graduate of Amherst Col-a
pr se t Faaas ene is a gr dutoolm h r t o -h-aving
State Collgtoyinogadizatmn tWlilam Hunt, head of the steam- strife, Secretary Hull sought to- de- lege and received his Ph.D. degree.
announced today an organization to ship company, made a strong protest termine officially whether Japanese- from Cornell University. He has Druids Hold Fall Ride;
be known as the Michigan Sociologi- to Gauss. He declared a Japanese controlled North China already had Other Talkers At Football served on the faculties of Cornell, Invite 8 Seniors To Join
cal Society would be formed at a naval force attacked the Chinese accorded tariff advantages to Jap- B Wellesley College, and the Universi- DETR
meeting here Dec. 4 'crew aboard the craft and then de- anese imports. Bust Include Kipke, Yost ties of Illinois and Iowa. He has Druids, senior literary college hon- United
Harper said representatives of liberately hauled down the American Reports that such concessions had! And Charley Gehringer been editor of the Psychological In- orary society, held its fall ride last ica sen
several Michiga r colleges would s flag and tossed it into the river. been made were published in the dex and the American Journal of night and invited eight seniors and Saginaw
the oe-daspession H e s at United States only a few hours after "Maybe they were too keyed up for Psychology. one faculty member into member- effort t
the one-day session. He said a pro- TO HOLD SPEECH MEETING the Secretary of State revealed that certain battles," said Earl "Dutch" He is also to give an illustrated le- ship. once an
ered and officers would be elected. A meeting of all interested in join- this government had made vigorous Clark. coach of the Detroit Lions in ture of the Psychological Journal Those asked to join were Ernie Home
ding a speech society will be held at representations to Japan against any regard to Michigan's varied success Club at 8 p.m. today in Room 1121 Pederson, Manny Slavin, Dean Glid-
Members, of the constitution com- X7:45 p.m. today in the Alpha Nu room attempt to alter the existing Chinese on the gridiron this fall, in addressing Natural Science Building. His sub- 'den, Tom McCann, Bob Weeks, Bill
mittee are Abbott P. Herman, of of AngelaHall. maitime customs system. the third annual Football Bust of ject will be "Facial Expression of Spaller, John Fabello and Herb Gibbs.
Hillsdale College, Robert C. Angell, ofAg. al r
Hivrsity CofMga, andr C.arper., the U. of M. Club of Ann Arbor, last Emotions." Both talks are open to The faculty member was Prof. Joe
University of Michigan, and Harper. night in the Union Ballroom. the public. ! Davis of the English department.
Speakers will include Arthur L.desp-AcousticsGroup Seesov esClark had particular reference to Lo
Andrews, president of Grand Rap-.th MineGroupm, wichwasth
the Mneoagmwihwste ~r a is
Western State Teachers' College; E. Of Vocal Cords At Final eetin chance he had of seeing the Local Woman Was Among First Ms
D. McKenzie, University of Michi-- Wolverines in action. of prof
gan and C. Deforrest Platt, state Appearing as a last minute substi- TAof the I
no y. By S. . KLEIMAN of the vibrator button and for dif- tute for Mickey Cochrane, who was nght

bullets shattered a window be-
driver of a Pittsburgh-bound
ar Cashtowni, the dispatcher
1, while a bullet struck the
another vehicle between
boro and Gettysburg.
ound, opposing demands from
therhood of Railroad Train-
) a closed shop agreement and
creases, fixed noon tomorrow
deadline for strikers in '16
o return or "be considered as
IOIT, Nov. 30. - VP) -The
Automobile Workers of Amer-
t committees to Pontiac and
v today as part of its avowed
o "end unauthorized strikes,
d for all."
r Martin, international presi-
(continued on Page 2)
E. C. Goddard,
ng Ill, Succumbs
Edwin C. Goddard, '89, wife
'Emeritus Edwin C. Goddard
Law School, died late Monday
t her home, 1212 Hill Street,

The Acoustical Society of America ferent frequencies of vibration. unale to be present because o he
closed its meeting here yesterday with Other papers given at the after- Minor Leagues Meeting, CharleysBs T-
.Prof.Ami es the presentation of "slow motion" noon session were "Acoustical Re- Gehriiger, ace second baseman of the sistant at the University Museums,
pictures of the vocal cords in opera- search in Europe" by Harvey Flet- Detroit Tigers, and most valuable set out for China a year ago to col-
tion by W. Herriott and D. W. Farns- cher of Bell Telephone Laboratories; player in the American League last lect Chinese textiles. When she re-
Speas. ST y worth of Bell Telephone laboratories. "Resonant Frequencies and Damping season, stated that in his opinion, turns to the United States next year,
The "movies" were taken at the Constants of Vocal Resonators" by football was much the same as base- along with her textiles she will also
rates moi00700and4000picturesDon Lewis and Curtis Tuthill of Iowa ball, that in most cases it doesn't take have a collection of experiences as
Chicago Philosopher Talks rates o 4 ad 4,0 te State; and "On the Phase and Mag- much to transform a loser into a'one of the first American women to
per second in comparison with the niture of Subjective Tones" by Mr.; winner, sometimes just one spark-Ioeo h is mrcnwmnt
On Religion And Culture !normalirate of 16mpictures per sec- "is. pug.w A ansexme heused t be held as a spy in war-torn China.
I h amc L a-ewis. Pu.A neapl eue h;Miss Tinker sent six months in
ond to discover the dymThisa the William T. Richards of the Rocke- case of the Tigers, who were nestled' isinker spent s m mn, i
Prof. Edward Scribner Ames of the tion of the vocal cord. is the feller Institute made a summary at deep, in the second division until studying under the direction of Dr.
philosophy department at the Uni- first time motion pictures of the the morning session of recent con- Cochrane assumed the managerial Carl Shuster, head of the Oriental
versity of Chicago will deliver three larynx have been taken at this speed, tributions to several branches of reins and then suddenly leaped into division of the Pennsylvania Museum.
lectures on the theme "Religion and! the meeting was told. acoustics which have been useful to the limelight, grabbing two succes- In August she set out on a 1000-mile
Its Relation to Culture," today and The "shots" were taken through physics and to chemistry. In addi- sive pennants. journey to Chengtu, northern Chinese
tomorrow. the mouth using a "periscope"ar- tion,, Paul E. Sabine of Riverbank Director of Athletics Fielding H. city near the Tibetan border, to study
His first lecture will be given at a rangement whereby a strong light was Laboratories explained "The Effects Yost appealed to the high school ath- peasant embroidery. Before the trip
luncheon at noon today in honor of placed upon a mirror in the backof of Cylindrical Pillars in a Reverbera- letes present to consider Michigan was half over, she was arrested at

ities accused her of stealing a pass-
port. Again, the Chinese secretary
straightened out matters, and the
pair continued on their journey.
Upon reaching Hanchung in
Shensi Province, Miss Tinker wanted
to remain for two months to carry
on research work. Suspicious, Chinese
officials ordered her to leave.
Her money by this time ran out,
and early in September she found
herself broke and stranded in a ban-
dit-infested area of Shensi, still 400
miles from Chengtu, her final des-
tination. She managed to borrow
eight dollars from a Chinese walnut
peddler and spent it on getting to an
American missionary, where she got
more funds.

after a long illness.
One of Mrs. Goddard's chief in-
terests in recent years was in student
life at Adelia Cheever House. She
was president of the board of gover-
nors from the opening of the house
until her illness, made it necessary
to drop her activities.
Funeral services' will be held at 2
p.m. tomorrow at home, with the
Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the First
Congregational Church officiating.
'Good People's Paper'
Feels The Depression
The third issue of "The Neighbor-
hood Gazette." Ann Arbor's weekl

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