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November 30, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-30

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TTTESDAY, NOV. 30, 1937





Edited and managed by students of the University of
'ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
tuent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled t6 the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ghts of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
c=nd class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
1.00; by mail, $4.50.
(ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, 0no.
College Pul/ishrs Representative
Board of Editors
TY EDITOR ................... WILLIAM C. SPALLER
3WS EDITOR ....................ROBERT P. WEEKS
.O.TS EDITOR . . . ...................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Stg ress

which the President called for the
;urpose of speeding the enactment of reform
egislation previously considered in regular ses-
sion, appears to be turning into an instrument
for the leverage of the reactionary bloc not
only to halt the progressive advance but actually
o turn it into a retreat by the repeal of laws
already passed.'
The question is not one of the relative worth
of arguments for and against this or that
particular piece of legislation so much as of the
general attitude of the conservative members
of Congress. The feeling among them seems to
>e that the time has come for a Thermidor
against reforms so far accomplished, and that
he path from now on should be back to the old
way, which they regard as the safe way, chiefly
by virtue of its being the known way. This is a
nanifestation of a well-known historical phe-
aomenon, the incredulity of a part of the leaders
of the old society in the reality of any change.
'he clock' must eventually be turned back once
nore, tley feel.
Thomas Carlyle expressed this in a passage
n his History of the French Revolution, in which
he said: "The Right Side, as we find, persists,
with imperturbablest tenacity, in considering,
md ever and anon shows that it still considers,
all these so-called Decrees as mere temporary
whims, which indeed stand on paper, but in prac-
tice and fact cannot be."
Joseph Gies.

pear very likely but the possibility is most cer-
tainly still therk.
The ways out, if direct national prphibition of
child labor (that is, labor for hire of those under
16 years old) cannot be accomplished, seem to
be two. A prohibition of interstate commerce
in products of child labor might be held to be
within the present power of Congress, according
to Miss Grace Abbott, former chief of the United
States Children's Bureau.
The second plan would follow the method util-
ized for prison-made goods, i.e., the passage by
Congress of a measure giving to the individual
states the right to exclude from their territories
goods made by child labor. Widely supported of
late as the constitutional and, at the same time,
most practical method of eliminating child labor,
it has been particularly favored by those who
have had experience in the administration of
labor laws. Theoretically it seems sound and
at least it would have little chance of being
summarily declared unconstitutional as were
the NRA and AAA, both of which included
stipulations regulating child labor. And certainly
it would fill a great gap-in the nation's social and
economic structure.
Stan Mitchell Swinton.
The Price
Of Milk,. .
ANN ARBOR DAIRIES have just an-
nounced an increase in milk prices
of one cent a quart. This is explained from an
increase in costs, which is causing a rise in milk
prices in many parts of the country. As far as
this is true, the increase is doubtless necessary,
and consumers can make little complaint. ,
However, it is not altogether certain that an
increase is justified at this time. While it must
be conceded that cost of distributing necessitates
a considerably higher price per quart for delivered
. milk than is obtained by independent non-dis-
tributing farmers, the discrepancy at present pre-
vailing is rather a wide one. Dairy customers are
paying 12 cents a quart, while farmers are
selling directly to consumers at prices as low
as 25 cents a gallon, hardly more than half
as much.
The question of milk prices is an involved one,
and an adequate solution to it is not easy to find.
A suggestion which might help would be a law
requiring the printing on bottle caps of the
share of the price which goes to the farmer.
A public accounting of the income and profits
not only of dairies but of other similar corpora-
tions trading in staple products is becoming a
more widely considered answer to the problem
of fair market prices.
Tuure Tenander.
President' s Attitude
Both home and foreign comment, on the sit-
uation at Washington and on Wall Street, has
stressed the fact that the obvious remedy forI
existing financial troubles, removal of punitive
taxation, is being resisted by certain factions
in Congress, that the costly and highly contro-
verted Administration plans are still pressed,
and that the very recent indiscriminate denun-
ciation of large business has been only partially
abated. The attitude of an important part of
House and Senate, to put aside the "must bills"
and devote all energy to relief of business through
remedying past mistakes, has been encouraging;
but the consensus of intelligent judgment is that
the President's message of Nov. 15 was extremelyj
disappointing, and ill-adapted to restoration of
financial confidence.
President Roosevelt still has opportunity, in
his message of this week, to grasp the situation,
to set matters straight by postponing or abandon-
ing further costly and controversial experiments,
to recognize that the wise executive will adapt his
policies and utterances to the circumstances
which may have arisen. Theodore Roosevelt un-
derstood this fact. He too had denounced and
defied Big Business; he had coined the phrase
"Malefactors of great wealth."
Must Know When To Stopf

But in April, 1906, wnen the disordered money
market and rapidly falling prices for investment
securities were plainly foreshadowing coming
trouble, it was he who said, to a Congressional
audience, that "the men with the muck-rake
are often indispensable to the well-being of so-
ciety, but only if they know when to stop raking
the muck." Except for the railroad law of 1906,
his administration thenceforward applied itself
to the relief of business-not always wisely, but
always with the direct purpose of removing diffi-
culties. He was fully aware of what happens to
an administration, or its successor with the same
party leadership, if industrial reaction goes
beyond certain bounds.
It is generally conceded that the present sit-
uation has resulted from a financial reaction
widely ascribed to increasing distrust of nu-
merous past governmental policies. Ordinary
political prudence should point the way to
change in both respects such a situation. No
President could have been more truculent than
Andrew Jackson, in his attitude toward large bus-
iness in his earlier messages. But in December,
1836, when the financial stormclouds were gath-
ering, even the hot-tempered Jackson devoted
his annual message to setting forth how the dan-
gerous consequences of some hastily contrived
policies of his Administration might be abated.
Jackson Used 'Persuasion'
Jackson was arbitrary, sometimes high-hand-
ed in method; he had chafed repeatedly at the
restraints imposed by the Supreme Court. In his

Ii feeinr to Me
Heywood Broun
Walter Prichard Eaton used to say that his,
mother always insisted on subscribing to thet
Boston Transcript because "it sets so well on
the pantry shelves." In the same sort of generous
spirit I want to pay a tribute to the New York
Herald Tribune. Of all the newspapers which
I have tried it is far the best for starting a fire.
I don't know why, but up to date I have used
the Nashville Banner, the Daily Worker, the
Stamford Advocate, the Chicago Tribune and
the New York Times. None
of these compares with the
Herald Tribune. It will do
the trick even when there is
little kindling and all the
logs are wet and green.
This may not seem im-
portant to you city dwellers
who can have your heat
merely by turning a little+
knob on the wall. Here alongI
the frontier we must learn how to get an open
fire going, and how to get it quickly. Until the
chill is off the room I cannot break the ice in
the pitcher and get down to my daily ablutions.
Both Tinder And True
Of course, the entire credit does not belong to
New York's most inflammable paper. To some
extent I have improved my own technique of fire
making through dint of necessity and experi-
ence. A month ago I could hardly start a decent
blaze with anything less than all the Sunday
sections. Now simply by twisting the editorial
page a little I can create a conflagration fit to
set Nero to fiddling or East Indian widows toI
However, it is more fun to use the entire paper,
because the Herald Tribune burns much like a
driftwood log. Your eye detects blue and purple
flames, and even a hint of red upon occasions.
Then will come a loud pop like the sound of a
bandit's gun. This I explain upon the theory
that one of the paper's many gifted columnists
is exploding under fire.
Of course, I will have to do a great deal more
before I am prepared to hazard even a theory
as to which of the features burns the fastest and
the hottest. Visitors who sit about the open
fireplace are inclined to say when some part
of the kindling merely smoulders, "You've either
struck a knothole or Walter Lippmann." That's
not fair, and in my house I demand cricket on the
Good To The Last Cinder
Nor do I think that there is any evidence to
prove that a flame which dances now this way
and now that can certainly be identified as the
combustion product of Dorothy Thompson's "Let
There Be Light-Installment Ten." No ,it is my
belief that the Herald Tribune burns as an entity
and not primarily because of the carbon content
of any of its individual contributors. Which is
as it should be.
Still, I will admit that in touching a match
to the bait I generally try to ignite one corner
of Mark Sullivan's alarm from Washington, asI
this part of the paper actually seems to burn
at a somewhat lower temperature than the rest.
Before discarding the Times as useless, save as
a journal of record, I shall have to give it one
more chance. It might do ever so much better
in a coal fire. Indeed, the Sunday Times is
almost as good as a pine log once your blaze has
begun. Isn't there a song some place which
goes, "Throw another Sunday section on the
Others may reserve their enthusiasm for such
heady perfumes as "Kiss Me Quick" or "Cher-3
chez Moi," but for me there is no scent so pleas-
ant as the burning leaves of an opposition paper.

Oh, I forgot to add that the Nashville Banner
is best for training the puppy.
On Th Lve
The whole world has been wondering why the
Chinese and Japs do not call the present con-
flict between their two countries "war. Neither
country can pronounce the situation as "war"
for the simple reason that there is no "R"
sound in either nation's system of phonetics.
With this in mind, it is easy to see why
China hasn't been able to effectively say
"Scrrram"! to Japan and have it mean any-
thing to the Japs.
As far as the United States is concerned, China
is the sentimental favorite. The Japs claim that
this is due to the fact that there is a tremendous
amount of "yellow journalism" in U.S. and it all
favors China.
A new humorous note has been inserted
into the German situation. Last week Adolph
Hitler officially took over the Arnold Bern-
stein Steamship Line with Mr. Bernstein and
his friends in a Berlin jail. The first thing
that Hitler did was to change the name of the


The same Fritz Kreisler who, for TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1937 of the Graduate Faculty of the New
nearly a half century has been thrill- VOL. XLVIII. No. 55 School for Social Research in New
ing audiences the world over, re- York City will lecture on the "So-
, turned to Ann Arbor last night and First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- ciology of Religion" on Friday, Dec.
convinced all skeptics that there is sity has a limited amount of funds 3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
but one Kreisler. to loan on modern well-located Ann Science Auditorium under the aus-
That warm and intensely personal Arbor residential property. Interest pices of the Department of Sociology.
quality which one always associates at current rates. Apply Investment The public is cordially invited.
with Mr. Kreisler's playing was in no Office, Room 100, South Wing,
way lacking in last night's concert. University Hall. , Coming Lecture: Dr. Edward Scrib-
The first half of the program ner Ames, Professor of the Philosophy
which included the A minor Concer- Student Teas: President and Mrs. of Religion at the University of Chi-
to of Bach, three movements from Ruthven will be at home to students cago, will speak on "The Will to Be-
the Partita in B minor of Bach and Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. lieve" at the Natural Science Audi-
the Conus Concerto in E minor was torium, Thursday, Dec. 2, at 4:15 p.m.
much the more interesting: possibly Sophomore, Junior and Senior En-
because it contained music of a more gineers: Mid-semester reports for University Lecture: Dr. Karl Paul
substantial character. The Bach grades below C are now on file and Link of the University of Wisconsin
Concerto was played with finesse and open to inspection in the office of the will give a public lecture on "Recent
with a degree of emotional restraint Assistant Dean, Room 259, West En- Advances in th Chemistry and Bio-
which seemed at all times in good gineering Building, chemistry of the Hexuronic Acids" in
taste. The same can be said for the -- the Chemical Amphitheatre, Room
numbers from the Bach Partita. It The Bureau has received notice of 165 Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m.,
mnust be admitted however, that in the folowing Civil Service Examina- Monday. December 6. The public
the Conus Concerto, Kreisler found tions Iis cordially invited.
material more completely in accord Associate Biochemist (Syphiis Re-
with his own spirit and style. The scarch), $3,200 a year; U.S. PublicETo a
Concerto itself is of considerable Health Service, Treasury Depart- vents
greater worth than its reputation ment. University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
would indicate. The wistful lyricism Principal Specialist in Maternal "Science Discovers Wood," William
of the slow section brought Kreisler and Child Heath, $5,600 a year; Kynoch, Prof. of Wood Technology.
to the foreground for really the first Senior Specialist in Maternal and
time in the evening. Child Health, $4,600 a year; Freshman Luncheon Clubs: There
The second half contained a group Specialist in Maternal and Child will be no meeting today, but both
of numbers of a lighter and more Health, $3,800 a year; clubs will meet on Thursday, Dec. 2.
sentimental character. Of these, the Associate in Maternal and Child
Kreisler Romance in E-flat major Health, $3,200 a year; Children's Faculty Women's Club. The Play-
and the Three Slavonic Dances of Bureau, Department of Labor. Reading Section will meet on Tuesday
Dvorak (arranged by Kreisler) were Associate Entomologist (Taxon- aftrnoon, November 30, at 2:15, in
outstanding both as to musical worth omy), $3,200 a year; Bureau of En- the Mary Henderson Room of the
and performance. Certainly no one tomology and Plant Quarantine, De- Michigan League.
can rival Fritz Kreisler when it comes partment of Agriculture. _
to the expression of the lyrical or Junior Construction Inspector, $1, Michigan Dames: The Child Study
romantic in music. 860 per year, (For duration of Sew- Group will met Tuesday evening, Nov.
At the conclusion of the recital age Disposal Project); Senior Con- 30, at 8 p.m. at the home of Dr. La-
Mr. Kreisler responded to the en- struction Inspector (Heavy Construe- vinia MacKaye, 1715 S. University.
thusiastic ovation accorded him byy tion), $2,460 per year; Assistant Art Mrs. F. W. Peterson will speak on
playing three encores always asso- Curator (European), $2,640 per year; modern methods of story telling.
ciated with a Kreisler concert. One City of Detroit, The Civil Service
of these was his own composition the Commission. IInstrumental Group of Music See-
Schoen-Rosmarin. For further information, please tion of the Faculty Women's Club
In attempting to discuss the more call at the Office, 201 Mason Hall. will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m. at the
technical aspects of Mr. Kreisler's Bureau of Appointments and home of Mrs. Lewis Simes, 1617 Mor-
playing, one feels impelled to discard Occupational Information. ton Avenue.
those standards by which most ar-
tists are judged. There are few con- Biological Chemistry 121, Section The Interior Decorating Group of
cert artists today whose technique A: Laboratory refunds may be ob- the Art Division of the Faculty Wo-
cannot be isolated from those other tained from the storekeeper, Room man's Club will meet Wednesday,
elements comprising style and judged 228 West Medical Building, from 1 Dec. 1, at 2:30 in the Michigan
in itself. Kreisler's technique is to 5 p.m. daily, beginning Nov. 29. League. Mrs. Ralph Hammett will
unique in that respect. His technical speak on "Principles of Interior Dec-
virtuosity is an inextricable part of Seniors: Help make this year's En- oration." Mrs. 'M. W. Senstius is
his justly famous style. sian your yearbook by having your leader of this group.
own picture in it. _--:-
Saturday, Dec. 4 is the deadline set The Romance Club will meet on
make yours at once! Room 108, R.L.
The program will be as follows:
A teacher at the last Columbia Notice to Junior Chemistry and Professor Rovillain: "Lettres inedites
University summer school performed Chemical Engineering Students: Phi de Beaumarchais." Professor Adams:
an interes ng psychological experi- Lambda Upsilon, national honorary "Old French Mathematical Terminol-
ment. He exhibited before a class chemistry society, awards each year ogy." Graduate students are invited.
the historic news reel of the fight be- a prize to the junior chemist and
tween pickets and police at a South chemical engineer with the high- Deutscher Verein: will meet Tues-
Chicago steel mill last Memorial Day, est scholastic average. This prize day, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. in Room 319
when 10 persons were killed. Ques- consists of a handbook or other bookl in the Michigan Union for a social
tions were asked to check each be- pertaining to the field of the winner gathering. 'A program of entertain-
holder's impressions, the results have and is given during the second sem- ment and refreshments is provided.
now been published in Social Fron- ester. Everybody interested is welcome.
tier.. Part of the questions and an- ---- -
swers follow: Phi Lambda Upsilon: All members Union Coffee Hour: Mr. H. C.
Did the police appear to be armed? of other chapters now enrolled at the Adams and L. A. Baier's freshmen
f Yes, 98; no, 0: uncertain, 2. University are invited to registrtheir orientation groups No. 1 and No. 2
Did the pickets appear to be armed? names with the secretary of Deltarespectively are to be special guests
Yes, 7: no, 80; uncertain 13. chate, . . ayor Room 4201,1at the Union Coffee Hour today
Did the advancingtpicket line ap- ;EasEngineering Buildingfrom 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the small
pear to threaten injury to the po-~~~- ballroom of the Union. As always all
lice? Yes, 2: no, 88: uncertain, 10. Extension Courses: Imen students are welcome.
Who appeared to start the fight? The following extension courses are
Pickets. 1; police, 60; uncertain, 39. being offered by the Women's De~ The Washtenaw Historical Society
Did the police appear to be brutal patment of Physical Education: and Ann Arbor chapter of the Sons
in their attack on the pickets? Yes. : Monynde dn of the American Revolution will hold
96; no, 2; uncertain, 2.5l a joint meeting at Clements Library
Did it appear necessary for the po- beginning November 29th. 16 les- at 8 o'clock, Tuesday, Nov. 30. Dr.
lice to shoot into the picket line to sons for $6.00. Instructor--MrsAdams and Dr. Vander Velde will
disperse the crowd? Yes, 2; no, 87;! Stewart Hanley; Miss Jean Kyer talk.
uncertain, 11. (amateur) assisting.s_-__day._
A Chicago Coroner's jury has evening 8:30. Sarah Caswell An- Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
termed the killing of 10 workers in Hall Barbour Gymnasium ences: Those members planning to
the Memorial day battle as "justifi- make the inspection trip to Wright
able homicide." Do you consider this 8 lessons for $4.50. Instructor- Field and Waco Aircraft Corporation,
a just verdict? Yes, 3; no,.91; un- Children's Rythms - SaturdayDec. 10 and 11, will please sign the list
certain, 6. morning, ages 4 to 7-9:30 to posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
The virtual unanimity on most of 10:13; ages 8 to 12--1015 toImg Department Bulletin Board. All
these questions is a surprising de- 11:00. Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, reservations must be made by Wed-
velopment, considering the well- Barbour Gymnasium. 8 lessons nesday, Dec. 1, in order that plans
known fallibility of human observa- for $3.00 Instructor-Ruth H. may be completed.

tion. Far broader discrepancies Bloomer.
among eye-witnesses are brought out ____ "The Radio Club will meet Tuesday,
at almost every court trial or other U. S. Naval Reserve Flight Train- Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m. in room 1041 of
proceeding. ing: Information is available in the the East Physics Building. Mr. James
The conclusions to be drawn from office of the Department of Aero- L. Lawson will describe the cyclo-
the observations of these presumably nautical Engineering, B-47 East En- tron."
t:nbiased witnesses are the same as gineering Building, in regard to the - -
those reached by the LaFollette com- course of flight training offered by Pi Lambda Theta: Program meet-
m ittee, which used the news reel as a the Reserve Corps of the U.S. Navy. ing on Health, Tuesday, Nov. 30, at
major source of evidence: that the This course is available to all qual- 7:30 p.m. at the University Elemen-
police were guilty of an unprovoked fied students who have completed t &y Library. Hilda Burr, chairman.
assault and inexcusable brutality. two years of their work at the Univer-
The response to the last question sity and have fulfilled other neces- Pi Tau Sigma: Regular meeting to
noted also confirms the view that the sary requirements. All those interest- be held this Tuesday, Nov. 30, at
verdict of the Coroner's jury was a ed in this work may obtain a state- 7:30 p.m., in Room 301 of the En-
contemptible piece of whitewashing. ment of requirements at the Aero- gineering Bldg. Annex.
--St. Louis Post-Dispatch. nautical Engineering Office. The first Si
------------- class is scheduled to commence onp Sigma Rho Tau: Our annual post-
r * May 15. 1938 and each succeeding prandial pranks feed will be held to-
'im 1 ir Sei month until October. It is important night 7:45 p.m., at the Varsity Grill,
that those students who are interest- South University Ave. All members
Pictres f B ed indicate their intentions at thelshould come to enjoy the fun and
_________ earliest possible date.hfood.
Coinued fromn Page 1) The Security Committee of the
Lectures Progressive Club will meet Tuesday
of the Far East to release pictures of evnig-t 8 o'clock at theUnin It
their countries. He will bring an il Oratorical Association Lecture evenig a a e nion.
thencoutiis. e wioim an1 -is important that the full member-
lustrated story of the lives of the Course: Julien Bryan, Roving Report-
Japanese as individuals and as citi- er for the March of Time, will appear ship be present. Plans for a book
ini Hill Auditorium tomorrow night exchange will be discussed.
zens of the state. in Hi s eturo nht
He will show how the Japanese al-s at 8 :15 p.m. His lecture on "Japan" Attention, Students from Roches-
tered and trained themselves for the r will be illustrated with unusual motionYs
great test of strength which resulted, pictures. Tickets are now on sale at ;ter, N.Y, : All members' of the Genesee

Pubclcation in the Bulletin is Co lruti1( n Iu 'o all memb r- of tIe
University. Copy receivedl at the oilcc A ant to the Pesident
until 3 :30: 11:00 a m. on Saturdlay

Fritz Kr-eisler


Aitild Labor
1as Not Vanished...

T HE PRESENT business slump, which
has the possibility of becoming a ma-
jor depression unless industry and government
can ally and take firm steps to prevent such an
eventuality, brings once more to the fore the ever-
present problem of child labor.
Unemployment statistics for the United States
are unreliable. Until. the current unemployment
census is completed there will be no official fig-
ures, but estimates range all the way from 5,000,-
000 to double that number. It is here that pro-
ponents of child labor laws find their strongest
economic argument, for aside from the humani-
tarian aspects of the matter the mere fact that
667,118 children were gainfully employed at the
time of the last census, were holding jobs that
adults could have held, is a potent point in favor
of such legislation.
To the sociologist there are other factors as
important. Physical harm to immature bodies,
limited possibilities for education, small oppor-
tunities for activities which increase mental ma-
turity; these things and a dozen more are be-
moaned. Almost universally it is agreed that
child labor has no place in the contemporary
social system. Almost universally the general
public remains apathetic when legislation to
remedy present conditions is proposed or present-
In 1924 a Child Labor amendment giving to
Congress the authority to legislate on the sub-
ject was submitted to the several states. Widely
opposed, it was ratified by only five states prior
to 1930. Between that time and June of this year,
23 more passed favorably on. the matter. If
under the pinch of the present slump enough

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