TUESDAY,NOV.a30,1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lowery Pleased With Showing O oph Puclk PAGE THRI ster I, ASID E LINES 3y IRVIN LISAGOR -- JABBERWOCK To seldom look and often see Is corking good philosophy; But often look and seldom see Harms the vision pal-pa-bly.- * * * WE TAKE A FEW DAYS rest from vending to broaden our perspec- tive-and what happens? First, the1 Daily is deluged with letters corn- menting upon the general improve- ment of the sports page. Second, theE sports desk becomes littered with1 Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Wom- an's Home Companion (not an advt.),1 and until we spotted the Illustrated Football Annual hidden beneath them, we had begun to suspect that a switch with the women's department had probably been arranged in our absence. Then, while standing idly by munching a pencil and contem- plating the sports degeneration, in traipse two cubs doing a strictly or- iginal interpretation of the Big Ap- ple, no travesty intended. This, we decided, had to stop. So out we hurried to buy Esquire, Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang and two blood-and-thunder pulps which ought to revive the waning vir- ility in the sports dept. And we're resuming occupancy of thisj space because our readers can't intimidate us... Or can't they?? * * * ASSORTED SOUNDS disturb the grey haze of Yost Field House these chill afternoons as thinclads,1 cagers, baseballers and wrestlers ply their respective sports. And in the offing, championship visions. Charlie Hoyt, bedecked in that inevitable bluei slipova and cap, and ubiquitous Keni Doherty watch with quiet thorough- ness the track men. At the far end of the building Ray Fisher, Patience Ad Infinitum, catches the slants of a sophomore pitcher, instructing with illustrations. On the glistening hard- wood Cappy Cappon; with Bennie Oosterbaan assisting, directs his drib- blers and marksmen through stren- uous drills. And above the locker rooms, on the "Fieldhouse sun, porch," Cliff Keen and Port Robert- son come to grips with their grappling cast.< No tension here, no tears. Re-F prehensible newshawks - don't hold the coaches at the point of their pencils for a quotable bro- mide - which presumably adds light to the next big game. With- out ostentation, without fanfare, these coaches build reputable teams. And everyone enjoys play- ing. BILL DE CORREVONT, a Chicago neighbor, has a tremendous handicap attending his college foot- ball career ... He finished his high school grid days Saturday b e f o r e 100,000 charitable fans and scored three touchdowns, although in the game only 35 min- utes ...In nine