THE MICHIGAN DAILY 3E MICHIGAN DAILY N I zz "'-1 3II Edited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of tdent Publications. ;Published every morning except Monday during the Lvesity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ;ts of republication of all other matter herein also erved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as eond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $4.50. ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 F r "PRZOUNTen OR nn+ ,.. ational Advertising Service, Ic. College Publish".. Reresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON" LOS AhGELES - SAN FRACISCO Board of Editors &NAGING EDITOR .............. JOSEPH S. MATTES ORIAL DIRECTOR.........TUURE TENANDER ~YEDITOR.'.. ............... WILLIAM C. SPALLER S EDITOR.................ROBERT P WEEKS BMENS EDITOR ..................HELEN DOUGLAS ORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department 3SINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES tEDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER )VERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......BETTY DAVY OMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. he Student enate.* A T A MEETING of the executive com- mittee of the proposed Student odel Senate a resolution limiting senate dis- assions to national and international affairs as tabled till the next meeting Nov. 30. This solution would exclude altogether campus af- 41s from consideration by the Senate. As originally proposed, the Senate, composed I 1'wo students from each state, would consoli- te student opinion on campus, national and in- rnational issues, but the executive committee as split by debate as to whether campus ques- ons should be disregardeL in the senate. This organization would not fall into any tegorica group such as liberal, radical or con- rvative. It will be representative, nationally, of ie sectional interests of the country, and in re- ard to the campus, of a true cross section of the (udept body, since effort will be made by the Cecutive committee to see that every school and lajor field is represented by the senators. The function of providing a clear insight intq he sectional interests of the country and of giv- ig the students a working model of the U.S. enate to observe will, of course, be a definite mtribution to awakening the average student's ational interests. But by far the most important function that ie student senate could perform is that of .ystallizing student opinion on campus affairs, nce it is so representative of the students. It is be hoped that the executive committee when it eets Nov. 30 to consider the question of including r excluding campus affairs from senate dis- Ission will see fit to open the senate to the tatters which concern the students directly and Ill give them an organ to make their opinions down to the University as a whole. Carl Petersen. razil's Bloodless soup d' Etat. ROBABLY the best way to under- Istand the so-far bloodless revolution hich has overtaken Brazil is through the in- Mnsistent, turbulent and stormy career of its ader. After the Revolution of 1930, caused by :onomic depression in Brazil, Dr. Getulio Var- as came to power as a Liberal and "divided ie fruits of victory among those imbued with ie revolutionary spirit." The Buenos Aires Her- .d has declared, however, that his test of rev- utionary preferment was vague; some of the cipients were fascists and others were com- .unists but "all were united in the wish to see aat their friends shared in the new order." Vargas' first action in 1930 was to dissolve ongress, suspend the Constitution, and subject ie country to his own executive control. San aolo, the state which represents the most pow- ful economic interests in Brazil, revolted gainst his dictatorship. Vargas triumphed and as surprisingly merciful-there were no repri- Instead, the Government called an As- :mbly which formulated the Constitution of 34. This constitution, which has now been ispended, defined the President's powers and is relations with the States, and provided for a gislative body to be elected by a suffrage that as to be "universal, equal and direct, except for eputies representing agriculture, industry and )mmerce, the professions and public function- ries, elected indirectly by their own associa- ons." A short while later, what the Manchester pletely suppressing it the government declared it had discovered evidence of communism in Brazil. Commenting on that incident the London Times declared editorially: "There is little real communism in Brazil. The Integralists, how- ever, who support totalitarian fascism, have be- come evidently stronger." This year, directly preceding Vargas' successful coup, the economic condition of Brazil was be- coming increasingly worse. The coffee industry was in a practically hopeless position, and it was becoming more and more difficult to pay the in- terest on foreign loans. The situation was man- ifestly ominous. Action of some sort was needed. The manner in which Dr. Vargas faced the situa- tion however has a distinct totalitarian color, despite his protestations that his only desire is to establish "a strong regime based on peace, jus- tice and work." His first act was to introduce a new constitution which dissolved the old Cham- ber and Senate. This constitution, which is to be submitted to a plebiscite, provides for a new Chamber of Deputies which is to be elected- by in- direct suffrage on the model of the corporate state. Minister of Justice Campos has furnished il- luminating insight into the nature of the change by demanding "active patriotic cooperation from the press." Dictatorships and military rule are no new thing in South America. But Dr. Vargas will do well to remember that Hispanic-American history has been one long saga of revolt against totalitarianism and the suppression of individual liberty rElliott Maraniss. On The Level By WRAG, Friday was one of the most gala social days to ever hit Ann Arbor. First, the new campus dime store opened its doors early in the morning. Then the Progressive Club put on a dance at Lane Hall for the cause of China, and the sorority Judies topped the aay off with the Pan-Hell Ball. The Kresge grand opening had the great- est attendance, but the Pan-Hell was the most crowded. The girls jammed so many couples into the League that one Beta waved at a brother and had to hold his hand in the air for the rest of the night. * *: * * With over a thousand people on the dance floor, the committee women couldn't even get out of the mob to lead a grand march. However, a picture was taken, and the people were jammed so close together that the photographers were able to use a time exposure and not be afraid of having anyone move. *L * * * A couple of the men at the dance had hiccups and everyone on the floor could feel a slight change in pressure each time they hicced. But the gals put on a swell party and by selling 500 tickets they saved money because they didn't have to pay for Benny Goodman in order to have a jam session. Using actual players in their regular positions who have played football throughout the coun- try this year, "On The Level" chooses what cer- tainly should be the All-Time All-American football team. This line-up-especially the back- field-should make any other mythical team stand in awe. L.E.-Jackson ..................Haverford L.T.-Whitehouse ..................Centre L.G.-Hamilton .................Gettysburg C. -Adams..................Pittsburgh R.G.-Grant....................Purdue R.T.-Webster ...................Syracuse R.E.-Bryan ........................Texas Q.B.-Washington ................U.C.L.A. L.H.-Harding ................... Harvard R.H.-Coolidge ............ Michigan Stte F.B.-Jefferson .............. Northwestern ft feeinr lo Me Heywood B rou n What this country needs is a good $5 stock.1 Of late certain efforts have been made to turn the blue chips into white, but most of the gilt- edge securities are not yet down to the ginger- bread levels where we commoners can eat our cake. Once I owned a hundred shares in a silver mine. They cost a dollar a share each at the time of my purchase, and after going much lower, eventually dis- appeared. It seems the edi- tion ran out and there was not sufficient demand for an- . other printing. Still, I was never bitter at the evaporation of my in- vestment, because from the very beginning I had an inkling that some such thing might happen. My reasoning was, "John Doe silver could go up a hundred points. It can go down only once. The percentage is entirely in my favor. This is an overlay." And I still feel that there is more room at the top than at the bottom, and so I am about to buy a low-priced oil. The man tells me that although selling in the neighborhood of eight, we will make almost five dollars a share this year. But he has warned me that, of course, we won't distribute all that. A Thing Called Depreciation It seems that there is a thing called depre- ciation. That's a law. If you take oil out of a well there is no longer as much oil in that well as before you took some of it out. The man also says that we must savesome of our oil andl some of our profits for posterity. I'm against that. Did these generations yet unborn-your grandchildren and my grandchil- dren-fight the Indians, conquer the wilderness, raise up oil derricks on land which was once barren and hideous? You know that they did not. What right, then, have they to come around sniveling about depreciation? Let them dig their own oil wells. Moreover, I don't know whether the president of our company is familiar with some recent figures issued by Harvard University in regard to the offspring of alumni. It seems the average graduate has decimal point 692 children. That is, those who take the regular college course. Men from the dental school have decimal point 849. But in either case I think it unreasonable that we should be called upon to stint ourselves much for children who are at best potential and also fractional. Our company is not listed yet, but we have a nice roomy office with two stenographers who overlook Park Ave. The Chairman Of The Board Above the fireplace is a large photograph of the chairman of the board. He would be in his early 40s, and he is clean shaven. A very pleas- ant smile animate his countenance. Apparently he is thinking of the five dollars a share which we are almost certain to make this year. Our product is varied. In addition to oil three of our wells are bringing in salt water. We may decide to produce taffy as a sideline. The man says that if I get in now on the ground floor I can come to the directors' meet- ing and have a voice. He says that the officers want to know the stockholders and that if the stockholders knew the officers they would be surprised. t We are much more clubby than U. S. Steel. Be- ing a member of that organization is about as exclusive as belonging to the Yale Club. You can't possibly know all the fellows. You wouldn't care to know some of them. I am talking, of course, of Big Steel and not of the Yale Club. Yale democracy I admire very much, and I like their clubhouse. It is extremely convenient to the Grand Central Terminal, and I know of no better place in which to wait for trains. I can't agree with those who maintain that the station rest room is more homelike. Our offices are also convenient to the sta- tion. The man says that the .president of our oil company always likes to have a railroad sta- tion handy just in case it becomes necessary for him to leave town in a hurry. RADIO 1 By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: Frances Langford, CBS lady of song, is doing five shows a day at the Paramount in New York. After the personal appearance tour, the southern singer will go to the deep South before returning to the air on the Hollywood Hotel show . . . Boake Carter spends most of his spare time aboard his 60-foot sloop-now that winter is near, he has put up the ship until the next hot season . . . Heddie Cantor is doing a 2,000 word story on his protege, Deanna Durbin, for a soon-issue of Collier's . . . In a contest conducted by the Santa Barbara News-Press, the Lux Radio Theatre romped home with first posi- tion as the best-liked show on the air waves at present. Frances Langford got the nod for the top songstress and Jeanette MacDonald stole a march on Lily Pans in the class side . . . Skinny Ennis, drummer ? ? ? with Hal Kemp. has been signed by Paramount for a flicker. Movies continue to take over radio . . . Edwin C. Hill, brilliant reporter and interpreter of world events, has been signed for a new series of "Your News Parade" broadcasts to be in- By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Enter The Met To the accompaniment of much (Continued irom Page 3) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. jewel-flashing and lorgnette-peering, Fred Cowin, Minister. that old American custom knownl Dr. Maddy's Class in Elementary 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class, fondly as "the Met" will raise the Singing. H. L. Pickerill, Leader. 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. curtain on its 53rd season tomorrow Sunday Forum: Professor Lawrence! 6:30 p.m., Professor Howard Y. night. Those who shift their eyes Preuss will speak on "Germany ands McClusky will speak on "Courtship occasionally from the box-studded National Socialism" at 4:15 Sunday. and Engagement." This is the sec- diamony horeoet the sted ofNov. 28, in the small ballroom of and of a series of programs on the diamond horseshoe to the stage of'the Michigan Union. general theme "Love Courtship Mar the Metropolitan Opera House will There will be discussion and coffee ge anhemeL Burtding."ar- see a performance of Wagner's Tris- service. The public is cordially in- terested anstudents areBuildingwelcome. vited tereste tdnsaewloe tan und Isolde, with Kirsten Flag-- stad and Lauritz Melchior in the title HillelFoundation First Baptist Church, 10:45 Sun- roles and Artur Bodansky conduct- 3:00 pi. Reception and Program day. Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Min- ing. open to all conducted by the B'nai ister, will preach on the subject, It is the second successive year B'rith Women's Auxiliary of De- "Love That Perfects Life." and the third time in history that troit. The program will feature 9:30 The Church School meets un- Wagner, once a "highbrow" and now Rabbi Leon Fram of Detroit. the popularest of the popular, has 8:00 p.m. Open Forum. Speaker- der the direction of Dr. A. J. Logan, been chosen as the composer for the Professor H. M. Dorr. Topic-"Why superintendent. gala and society-eventful opening are You in College?" 4:30 p.m. Intermediate young night. Underlying this choice is not people. only the fact of Wagner's long-won Panel of the International Council: 6:00 p.m. High School group. popularity, but also the Met's swing The second Panel of the Interna- of the last few years in artist strength tional Council for the semester will Roger Wiliams Guild, Sunday away from the rightist Italian opera be presented in the Grand Rapids noon. Student Class meets with Mr. to the German left-wing. The first Room of the Michigan League at 4 church wor 4 e t uld reason, of course, is Flagstad, but o'clock this afternoon, Sunday, No-hurch worship. Meet at Guild there are also Melchior, Lotte Leh- vember 28. The subject is "The aHouse. 6:00 p.m. The Guild will man, and Kerstin Thorborg. Growing Influence of Women upon hold an evenng meetig at the Guild Not to be out-done by the Phil- the Affairs of the East." The speakers House. Rev. Howard R. Chapman, harmonic-Symphony Society, which are Miss Sarah Chakko, India; MisL Pastor for students, will speak and this year lengthened its season from Nakibe Topuz, Turkey; Miss Primi- a i s 24 to 28 weeks, the Metropolitan has tiva Demandante, Philippines; Dr. Early Witness." re-added 2 weeksto the 14 which Hazel Lin, China. p The usual social hour with refresh- were all that was left after the de- The panel is open to the general ments served will be observed. pression caused the breaking up of public. eo 4-weekFirst Congregational Church, cor- the ld 2-wek seson Thechif i __er 01cut-,4,,-Ao1w7,1am MUsic DAILY OFFICIAL BUILETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mibni h's of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on: Saturday. ii item of the season's advance news isI concerning the series of three Rich-f ard Strauss operas-Salome, Elektra,j and Der Rosenkavalier-with whichl Manager Edward Johnson hopes to arouse for Richard the Second an enthusiasm approaching that now rampant for Richard the First. Pre- viously, no more than one Strauss opera has been heard at the Met in, Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- I bers: The regular luncheon meetingl will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. 1 in the Founders' Room of the Michi-: gan Union. All faculty members interested in speaking German are cordially in- vited. i any one season. Marjorie Lawrence, Rosa Pauly, and Lotte Lehman will Deutscher Verein: will meet 'Tues- have the leading parts in the operas dayNov. 30, at 8 p.m. in Room 319 as named, in the Michigan Union for a social Revis s negathering. A program of entertain- Revivals of the year will include ment and refreshments are provided. Verdi's Othello and Force of Destiny, Everybody interested is welcome. Mozart's Don Giovanni, Gounod's 'Romeo and Juliet, and Rossini's Bar- Faculty Women's Club. The Play- ber of Seville. Two works in English Reading Section will meet on Tuesday will be produced: Walter Damrosch's ftern o NnvembrO 3 a 't 2:15 in 10:45 a.m., Service of Worship. "Nothing Ever Happens Here" will be the subject of Dr. Leonard A. Parr's sermon. 6:00sp.m., Mr. Tsu-ying Hu, prin- cipal of the largest elementary school in Shanghai, China, will speak to the Student Fellowship after the supper at 6 o'clock on "The Christian Youth Movement in China." All students are cordially invited. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 So. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30, subject, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mes- merism and Hypnotism, Denounced." Golden* Text: Proverbs 14:22. Sunday School at 11:45 after the morning service. First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Your Leader." The Man Without a Country, which had its premiere during the Met's Spring Season last year, and Gian- Carlo Menotti's Amelia Goes to the Ball, which was first presented last year by the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, of which the young composer is a graduate. The weekly Saturday afternoon! broadcasts from the stage of the Met- ropolitan Opera House, which have made the Met a national institution1 in the fullest sense, will begin im- mediately on next Saturday after- noon. The opera will be Massenet's Manon, with the new diminutive Brazilian soprano, Bidu Sayao, in the title role, playing opposite our re- cent visitor, Richard Crooks. Sup- porting will be John Brownlee and Leon Rothier, Maurice Abravanell conductin g. Calendar! (Obviously this list does not pre- tend to include all the worthwhile musical programs on the air during the week, but only the most out- standing. Choices are based upon the quality of the music, not the fame of its performers). Today Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee conductor, Henrietta Schumann and Edwina Eustin, piano and soprano soloists. Symphony No. 3 and Two Songs of' Sibelius, plus the Strauss Burleska for Piano and Orchestra. 12:30-1:30, NBC Blue. New York Philharmonic Symphonyl Society, John Barbirolli, conductor, and soloist. Haydn's "Oxford" Symphony in G major, Poulenc's, Concerto for Two Pianos and Orches- tra, Franck's D minor Symphony. 3-5, CBS. Monday Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harrison conductor. Harty'sI Suite from Handel's "Water-Music," Borodin's "On the Steppes of Central Asia," Beethoven's Symphony No. 8 in F major. 3-4, NBC Blue. Choral Union Concert, Fritz Kreis- ler, violinist. 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditor- ium. Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski conductor, Fernando Ger- mani organ soloist. Bach's Prelude for Organ and Orchestra, Satie's "Gymnopedies," Debussy's "Sunken Cathedral," Albeniz' "Fete Dieu a Seville," Saint-Saens' "Danse Maca- bre," Stravinsky's "Petrouchka." 9- 10, NBC Blue.t Friday Bamberger Symphony Orchestra, Leon Barzin conductor, Joseph Le- vinne piano soloist. Overture to Goldmark's "Sakuntala," Liszt's E fiat Piano Concerto, Polovtsian Dances from Borodin's "Prince Igor." 10:15-11:15 p.m., MBS. Saturday Metropolitan Opera, first broad- cast of season, Massenet's "Manon," with Bidu Sayao and Richard Crooks. 1:55 p.m., NBC Red. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge String Quartet, plus Frank Sheridan, pian- alell~l o V~ w nu, U -.1, I the Mary Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Michigan Dames: The Child Study Group will met Tuesday evening, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. at the home of Dr. La- vinia MacKaye, 1715 S. University. Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student Mrs. F. W. Peterson will speak on Class under the leadership of Mrs. modern methods of story telling. Carrothers. 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting. The Romance Club will meet on This will be a music program and Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 4:05 p.m. in Prof. William Doty of the School of Room 108, R.L. Music will speak on "Music and The program will be as follows: Worship." Fellowship hour and Professor Rovillain: "Lettres inedites supper following the meeting. de Beaumarchais." Professor Adams: "Old French Mathematical Terminol- First Presbyterian Church meet- ogy." Graduate students are invited. ing at the Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave. Phi Lambda Upsilon Important 10:45 a.m., "The Ideals of God" is Business Meeting Tuesday, Novem- the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's ber 30, 7:30 p.m. Room 303 Chemistry sermon at the Morning Worship Building. Initiation of D. F. Boucher. Service. Music by the student choir Refreshments. under the direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. The musical numbers will be as fol- The Interior Decorating Group of lows: Organ Prelude, "Christ is the Art Division of the Faculty Wo- Coming" by Bach; Solo, "Veni Im- man's Club will meet Wednesday, manuel" Traditional; Anthem, "How Dec. 1, at 2:30 in the Michigan Can I Fitly Meet Thee' from "The League. Mrs. Ralph Hammett will Christmas Oratorio" by Bach. speak on "Principles of Interior Dec- 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu- oration." Mrs. M. W. Senstius is dent group, supper and fellowship leader of this group. hour. At the meeting which fol- lows at 6:30 there will be a student Association Book Group. "Vincent! symposium on the subject "The Ap- Van Gogh" by Meier-Graefe to be re peal of Hinduism to America." viewed and discussed by Mr. Netter Worthington at the meeting of the Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Association Book Group at the Mich- Services of worship today are: 8:00 ign League, Tuesday, November 30, a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. 4:15 p.m. Church Schoo. 1 1:00 a m.Winder- I I TH-IEATRE P '1 By NORMAN T. KIELL Federal Theatre Appeal From New York, the Federal Theatre Project issues a call to the college students of the coun- try to get busy on American folk drama, the idea being to develop the folk drama on the one hand and supply the Federal Theatre with scripts on the other. Every college of consequence in the land will get an appeal from John McGee, as- sociate national director of the Federal Theatre, suggesting they either include the writing of plays as part of the drama curriculum or en- courage the art as part-time activity. Plays are wanted based on the method of the Living Newspaper, collectively written works, combining the functions of the research special- ist and the playwright. The first play accepted will be staged in New York City by the Living Newspaper Unit. One such play is already in preparation at the University of North Carolina, where Paul Green is assisting students to de- velop a drama of the share croppers. Tonight, from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m., the Radio Division of the WPA Federal Theatre will pre- sent the radio premiere of James Truslow Adams' "Epic of America." It will be broadcast by Sta- tion WOR and the complete Mutual Broadcast- ing System. TD- Adams granted gratis to the Federal The- The Congress: Independent Men's Organization: There will be a meet- ing of the Publicity Committee Mon- day at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. The Congress: Indepent Men'sI Organization: There will be a meet- ing of the Social Committee Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. "The Radio Club will meet Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m. in room 1041 of the East Physics Building. Mr. James L. Lawson will describe the cyclo- tron." Badminton: Mixed badminton club for men and women students will start on Wednesday evening, Dec. 1 at 7:15 to 9:15. The club for women students will start on Friday, Dec. 3 at 4:15. Barbour Gymnasium courts are now open Monday, Tuesday and Fri- day evenings for any men and wom- en students wishing to play. Players must furnish own birds but rackets can be rented at the gymna- sium. A medical recheck for 1937-38 is es- sential for playing badminton at any of these hours. Cercle Francais. There will be a meeting . of the Cercle Francais Thursday evening at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Refreshments will be free. The Acoustical Society of America garten, 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer and Sermon by The Reverend Henry Lewis. Harris Hall: There will be Open House at the Student Fellowship Meeting tonight at seven o'clock at Harris Hall. Refreshments Will be served. All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Lib- erty at Third. The morning worship begins at 10:45. Pastor Brauer has chosen for his Advent Sunday theme:- "Behold Your King." The Student Club will hear Mr. Elmer Krause of Detroit speak on his recent trip to the southwest sec- tion of our country and Mexico. Mr. Krause is a graduate of the college of Architecture of this University in the class of 1931. Several of his drawings have won first prize. The talk will be illustrated. All interest- ed are welcome. Supper and felow- ship at 6 o'clock. Trinity Lutheran Church corner of Fifth Ave. and Williams St. Services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by the pastor on "The Call of Advent." Lutheran Student Club will meet Sunday eveningat Zion Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Rev. Norman Mentor of Salem Lutheran Church, Detroit will be the speaker. Rev. Menter has done Graduate work in the Univer- sity and is well qualified to speak to a student group. 4'