THE MICHIGAN DAILY AN DAILY ti, _~ +, y i 61 - NW Edited and managed by students of the University of Mi higan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTiu..u sY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers RePresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ............TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ...................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS :Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Moyio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. 3PORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES .REDIT MANAGER ....................DON WLISHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE of its leaders brought it into disrepute and rele- gated its fiery crosses, white robes, kleagles, and klonderos into what most Americans hoped was a permanent obscurity. When Mr. Black was nominated by President Roosevelt to fill the va- cancy caused by Justice Van Devanter's retire- ment, there was some talk of questioning his fitness to sit on the Supreme Court until his membership or non-membership in the Klan could be ascertained. The nomination was rat- ified in the closing days of the Congressional session this summer and only when the syndi- cated articles on Mr. Black appeared did the real fury of the present issue break out. Mr. Black has so far refused to comment in any way whatsoever on the materials which have appeared, though he is now returning to this country from England and it will be difficult for him to maintain silence very much longer. For the liberal and progressive who saw hope in President Roosevelt's court plan, the Black ap- pointment seemed ideal in. placing a compara- tively young, ardent New Dealer on the bench to offset the opinions of older justices whose opinions leaned too much to the right in their support of the privileges of the "economic roy- alists." Now, however, the whole situation has changed. If Mr. Black is a member of the Klan his whole reputation as a liberal is endangered. If he honestly believes in the principles of the Klan, then his liberalism has been but a sham and a cloak to cover desire for personal reward. If, alternatively, he joined the Klan, as is often suggested, only because no one could hope for election in Alabama in 1926 without the friend' ship of the Klan, then he is made out to be but a political opportunist of the type that could hardly be trusted to follow out the .wishes of a "people's mandate" to interpret liberally the powers of Congress under the Constitution to regulate American life. Whether this opportun- ism will change Mr. Black's liberal outlook of the past decade,as revealed by the new justice's Senate record, remains to be seen. The whole problem is a most complex one which opens up an almost unlimited vista of possibilities. Not the least interesting matter of speculation is the course of action which the President, who has so far remained silent, will take if and when Mr. Black speaks out. UNDER4 THE CLOCK with DISRAELI SECOND GRADERS UNITE: OR THE LIB- ERTY LEAGUE FOREVER. In Flint, city of the great relaxation, they're at it again. This time the UAW is sympathizing with a group of ousted and maligned school teachers who were bounced for affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers. There is talk of sympathy strikes and sit-downs among the school children. Union members are urged to keep their children out of school until things are settled. We are sitting on the proverbial edge of our chairs waiting for the school board to or- ganize the class monitors into vigilantes who will swarm about Public School No. 14 with sling shots and bent pins, making the way clear for loyal, 100% American kiddies to their inalien- able, irrepressible right to go to school. And after it is all over-when the closed shop and collective bargaining have been won-we can envision Miss Rosie Mallarkey of Grade 4B de-. manding of her class why they had left their Union cards at home. Or, Miss Maria McBattle- axe of the snooty seventh conducting a hearing during recess with her class steward, concerning her rights as operator to keep the first two rows after school for skinning the cat while she was out of the room. Gosh, and when the little chap with the horn-rimmed glasses (class mon- itor and stool pigeon) raises his hand with the answer that no one else could get, will there be cries of "Fink" or "Rat?" And then will he bare his shiny Junior Liberty League button to them all with snarls of "Red" or "Bolshevik" or some other cute little phrase children some- how do pick up? * * * * A sign on a bookstore in town says: LOVE ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Yeah? And whose gonna make me? * * * * IT TOOK Dave Underdown to classify the col- lege-and what with all that those sour pusses in Waterman Gym had done to him-when that suave interlocutor of the Gargoyle's "man-in- the-street" program nabbed him in front of the Parrot. "What," asked the smooth Jim Boozer, "have you learned in college? Has it been worth- while?" Right back at him came Dave, "Ain't learned much, but, boy it's, certainly been worth- while." * * * * Then that smoothie Boozer asked a nice little freshman girl where she was from and the winsome lass replied sweetly enough that she was from Ann Arbor. Then smoothly Jim coun- tered, "And how did you get here?" Modestly, we are sure, the little one answered him, "Gee, do I have to tell you that too?" * * * * 'Tis said that water is the best of gifts That man to man can bring But who am I that I should have the best of anything Let princes revel at the pump Let kings with wells make free But wine, or gin, or even beer Is good enough for me. -Old Folk Tune. * * * * Fluff, duff and stuff. What has happened to the good old day of the go-getter, when the Daily and Gargoyle salesmen used to be so enter- prising? Why yesterday we woke up at seven and found only two sitting at the foot of our bed. -Mr. Disraeli. On The Level TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1937 VOL. XLVIII. No. 2 To Users of the Daily Official Bulletin: The attention of users of The Daily Official Bulletin is respectfully called to the following: (1) Notice submitted for publica- tion must be Typewritten and must be signed. (2) Ordinarily notices are pub- lished but once. Repetition is at the Editor's discretion. (3) Notices must be handed to the Assistant to the President, as Editor of the Daily Official Bulletin, Room 1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m., (11:00, Saturdays). Attention University Employes: Whenever possible charge all person- al long-distance telephone calls and telegrams placed through the Univer- sity telephone system, to your resi- dent phone. Herbert T. Watkins. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Ar- bor property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Faculty Directory, 1937-38: In order to insure an early publication of the Directory, heads of depart- 'nents are urgently requested to re- turn faculty directory cards and :heck lists to the Editorial office, 108 Mason Hall, before the due dates- Oct. 6. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: No- tice is hereby given that appoint- ments to these scholarships will be :nade on Oct. 1. Before that time all applicants who,have not person- ally interviewed the undersigned this fall are asked to do so. Frank E .Robbins, Assistant to the President. United States Army Veterans' Scholarships. Notice is hereby given that appointments to these scholar- ships will be made on Oct. 1. Since only veterans of the World War who have the recommendation of the Ad- jutant General of the Army are eli- gible, presumably only those who are now on the recommended list can apply. Such persons should notify the undersigned at once. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President. Seth Harrison Scholarships: Notice is hereby given that no applications for these scholarships will be received after Oct. 1. Only lineal descendants of Seth Harrison, in whose memory the scholarship was founded, may apply. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President University Symphony: All persons interested in playing in the Univer- 7ity Symphony Orchestra should re- oort for try-outs at the first rehears- RADIOJ I1mocracy Fascism .. . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Satur4ay. HE TACTICS of the fascist pow- ers are being brought into sharp elief these days by the type of warfare that ascist nations are waging in China and in Spain. Motion pictures coming from those centers of onflict show the expressions of terror on the aces of women and children as they watch Berman and Japanese planes hover overhead eady to drop bombs from which there is no scape. The inhuman murder of .thousands of ivilians continues. The fascist governments lave abandoned even the few "rules of war" in- ended to protect non-combatants and hospitals. Progressives and believers in democracy are riven by such conditions to work for the defeat f fascism at home and abroad. They see the conomic and political consequences of fascism s foretold by the situation in Germany, Italy nd Japan. They are aware of the tactics util- ed by these countries to enlarge their spheres. f domination. "But what can we doabout it?" ask new and Id students at the University of Michigan. A great deal. We must educate ourselves and the entire unpus in the causes and forces that lie behind %scism. We must be ever vigilant against any ttempt at deprivation of our political rights. Te must teach ourselves to discern the manner i which fascistic groups manifest their true esires. We must teach ourselves to face other sues, akin to fascism, which we will have to ,ce when we leave Michigan. Immediately, we can join with other like- inded students in existing campus organiza- >ns to demonstrate our resistance to every ove toward war, toward curtailment of our vil liberties, toward the economic strangula- n that fascism brings to the masses of people. Tonight, for instance, we have an opportunity hear the truth of what is being done to read the tyrannical grasp of fascism in a nmocratic nation. Steve Daduk, a young Amer- m who has returned momentarily from fight- g fascism in Spain, will speak in the Union llroom at a meeting conducted by the Mich- an Progressive Club. Let us prove to ourselvesj d to others that we are interested in this vital By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER To say that the development of a love for and a taste in fine music is an essential fabtor in the cultural growth which a college education is supposed to promote, is merely the trite repe- tition of an axiom. To aid this development in its students the University sponsors, through its School of Music, a variety of concerts and re- citals of all sorts (to be described later) in addi- tion to the ordinary academic activities intended for those with professional ambitions. But may we point out that such a development does not come about by the student's merely exposing himself to the music thus provided, any more than the love of football comes from idle gazing at the antics of a lot of men on a. gridiron. The football fan derives his intense enjoyment of the game not as a mere spectator, but as an imaginary participant in all that oc- curs on the field. To so project himself imagina- tively into the game he must know something of the rules and regulations, undrstand the com- mon principles of gridiron strategy, have his own idea about what to do when it's third down and five to go on your own forty yard line. His is not such a thorough and detailed knowl- edge as that of the actual players, probably, but still it must be enough so that he understands a good part of what he sees. The enjoyment of good music, likewise, re- quires more than mere attendance at a concert. The capacity for an emotional response to a musical stimulus is, we believe, inherent in every human being. But, as in every other activity, that native capacity needs to be cultivated and augmented by the development of an intelligent familiarity with music, a knowledge of its status and scope as a form of artistic expression, and at least some understanding of its technique. That is asking no more than football asks of its intelligent fans, and is merely re-expressing the old adage that "you get out of anything just what you put into it." Lawrence Gilman, veteran critic of the New York Herald-Tribune, has said that musical criticism (i.e., musical enjoyment intellectually distilled) depends on "the relation of two variables"; which, being translated, means that the listener is just as important in the re- creation of a piece of music as is the performer. And the listener who expects only an idle, sensu- ous pleasure from hearing music played, who turns up his nose at such terms as "art" and "aesthetics" as being "highbrow," is but robbing himself of illimitable enjoyment of a far deeper, permanently enriching kind, as well as betraying either an empty head or an inferiority complex. How to develop this quality, which usually goes by the outmoded title of "musical appreciation"? Certainly by a formal study of musical subjects if such a thing is possible. But at any rate, by reading books about music and musicians, by following music's own march of time in news- paprrs and magazines, by studying actual music itself, as you would read, in book form, a play which was really intended for stage presentation. Then by applying this fund of extra-musical knowledge whenever music is heard-by listen- ing "with the eyes" as well as with the ears at concerts, to the radio, records, or informal per- formances. By thinking about music as much as possible, giving it a chance to grow and ripen in the warmth of one's personality; a phi- losophy of music and of aesthetics is a part of every mature philosophy of life. But, best of all, a love for and a knowledge of music is stimulated and developed by personal participation in some form of actual musical expression-even if it is no more than singing al, Tuesday, 2 p.m., on the second floor of Lane Hall. Earl V. Moore. Unidentifiable mail is being held in Room 1, University Hall, for the fol- lowing addressees: Leslie Abell, Jr. John Adams Edwin Allen Lucius E. Allen Mary Mallet Prevost Allinson Molly Allnson Enar Almdale Jance Anslnger Norman Auerback Warren Austin Barrnger, W. T., Jr. Samuel A. Barksdale Bill P. Paxter Neal E. Bayard Harnian Bayer Kenneth H. Beach Julius Becker Joanna Beem Dr. F. R. Bichowsky Henry C. Billings Mrs. Robert E. Bogue Charles V. Boykin Manlif L. Branin Warren BZriedenbach Wendell S. Brooks Katherine Burnett Ben Carcell William Carbough Casey Carter Esperanza R. Castro David C. Chandler (Mrs.) Daniel J. Clarke M. Clough 'Mrs. E. M. Condra Martha Jane Cook Peggy Cornelius Thomas Dane Dorothy Davis Alfred DeVito Barbara E. Dittmann Pete A. Duerksen Katharine Edbrooke A. G. Ellick, Jr. Bill Elliott John J. Engelfried Chester Ensinger Mrs. Elaine B. Evans; Miriam Finkeldey] Miriam Gabriel Duncan M. Gage Walter Galson Naomi Gans H. K. George Nathanial M. Glaser Edith Glenn Jack Goldsberry1 F. C. GouldI Thomas N. E. Greville] Pauline Griffins Edward H. Groth1 James Gifford Roland E. Gifford] Morris N. Green1 Mrs. B. Hamilton Mrs. Ann Hardy John Harper Ruth Hatfield George S. Heller1 William W. Hodges Alice Hopkins Malcolm Hormatz R. C. House Gertrude I. Hyde Charline Ihnkent Allan M. JacobsI Douglas Jeffrey, Jr. Frank Johnsont Chas. A. KaneI Robert KeetchC Glen Kendall Clark Kendrickt Leonard L. KimballI Mrs. Jessie KingL Howard F. Kirk, Jr.s Harry Hleins Rosalind E. Konheim Ruth Kraft James Kreiger2 George L. Lake1 Peter LeDuke Muriel Le Feure Louis Londy Charline Lorber1 Mary Alice Mackenzie James McDonald " Annabelle Mandscheina Enid Hawkes Marcoute Michael Massap Martin Marks Frederick Martin Charlotte Ann Meredith Earnest MillerC Morris MillerA Wilson S. Miller Standley Mleszke Mrs. Carl Moyer Harold Mueller f William Nimnick Roger S. Norton, Jr. James Ogle Victor W. Olsen, Jr. F Robert Osgoodw Virgil Owens R William Palmer f Beatrice A. Parsons t Don Percival Barbara Peters Abe Plious S Jas. Pulford t Marguerite Rabe t Ray Rapaport U Murray Ratwein Miss G. Ratzke Hercules Renda c Anna Rizzardi e Jack Rothacher c Barbara Rundell 1h Anita Samson S Jason L. Saunderson David Schlicting Frances Schneirow d Victor Schulty Miriam noldnnr Ruth Thomas Alvin Thiessen John Thompson Hiram Todd Art Towner Eva Tuttle Numeriano Valin William Waltman James Waterman Jean Webster Ethel Weintraub Joan Werblin Arthur A. Whiting Bill Williamson Alan F. Wilson Alan F. Wislon Russell Wislon Mayard Winchenbach Betty Lou Witters C. W. Yung Alvin Zander Katherine Ziff Jack Zubon Saturday Class Committee: For the period Sept. 27-Oct. 16 members of this committee may be consulted as follows: Prof. N. R. F. Maier, Tu.W.- Th. 2-3 in Room 2123 N.S.; Prof. G. R LaRue, M.F. 10:30-11:30 in Room 1119 N.S. George R. La Rue, Chairmanu Aeronautical Engineering Stu- dents: Students electing work in Aero. 12, 14, or 19, with Professor Thompson, will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 4:30 p.m. in Room B-308 East Engineering Building, for ar- ranging hours. Aeronautical Engineering 15: Stu- dents electing this course will meet in Room B-308 East Engineering Building, Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 5 p.m. Assignment of Desks in General Chemistry. Chemistry 3, 5 and 5E. Each student must obtain one $5 Chemical Laboratory Coupon at the Office of the Cashier of the Univer- sity, and then report at the first pos- sible laboratory period assigned to his section after the opening of the University. No desk can be given out without the coupon. P. F. Weatheril Insurance Courses: The following courses, which are not included in the announcement, will be offered in the School of Business Administra- tion this year: in the first semester, Principles of Insurance (Bus. Ad. 171), 3 hours credit, T Th S at 11; in the second semester, Life Insurance (Bus. Ad. 172), 3 hours credit. Mr. Hampton H. Irwin, Non-resident Lec- turer, will be in charge o fthe courses, which are open to students in the School of Business Administration and to those in other units who have at least fourth year standing and permission of the instructor. Real Estate Courses: The follow- ing courses, which are not included in the announcement, will be offered in the School of Business Administra- tion this year: in the first semester, Real Estate Fundamentals (Bus. Ad. 191) 3, hours credit, TThS at 8; in the second semester, Real Estate Problems (Bus. Ad. 192), 3 hours credit. Asst. Prof. Rateliff will be in charge of the courses, which are open to students in the School of Business Administration and to those in other units who have at least fourth year standing and permission of the in- structor. English Seminar 300B will meet in 2215- A.H., Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 1 p.m. J. R. Reinhard. 4 By WRAG Rushing is here again and all the backslapping is a lot higher up than it will be later on. It has to be because each fraternity and soror- ity has to impress at least 15 freshmen enough to get them to pay hundreds of dollars to learn a new way to shake hands. And because of this, everything is un- natural.. The food is good, rooms are clean, cigarettes flow freely, everyone smiles, and the freshie women haven't begun to realize their own importance yet. But soon the women will find that there is a 4 to 1 ratio of men on the campus, and they'll start accepting four dates a day. This would be all right, but the good looking girls will be going steady in a couple of weeks; and the ,others will fall into the category of blind dates. But, back to rushing for the nonce, freshmen should be warned not to say, "Boy! It sure feels good to be initiated" when they are given their pledge pin. The pledge pin merely means that you pay your money to that certain group and do a lot of work until they blindfold you and make you a real member. Then, when you are a member, you can wear a hot robe through useless three-hour meetings, and begin to worry about house finances. And remember-there is supposed to be no rushing after 8:30 p.m. Unless you're in a show where people can't see you very clearly. Accnrdino- tn a U n iMr n4n4Cn, hAh m,,- n By JAMES MUDGE Freshman and upperclassmen ! ! -matriculate in Oakie's College to- night at 9:30 via WJR. The dis- tinguished faculty of Professor Stu Erwin ,Georgie Stoll and Raymond Hatton will call the roll. Swing Prof Benny Goodman will conduct the class from 10 until dismissal at 10:30 ... The boy wonder, Lanny Ross and that very fine comic, Charles But- terworth, will be aired with Raymond Paige's band over NBC at the same time ... Barney Rapp and his New Englanders hit the air waves through WLW at 10:45-a fair jazz band but very commercial . . . The Columbia Broadcasting System brings one of the best swingin' bands in the land to the air at 11:15 in the person of Frank Dailey and his strictly on the beat organization ... Hal Kemp and his styled music go out over NBC's outlet from the Cocoanut Grove on the Coast at 11 . . . Andy Kirk, the band that made "Until the Real Thing Comes Along" famous, swings out at 11:30 via WENR in Chicago. Bits of bands: Benny Goodman moves into the Madhatten Room of the Penn hostelry in New York on October 11th ... Bob Crosby and his great Dixieland crew will occupy the stand in the Book Casino come Oc- tober 2nd . . . Casa Loma, with Glen Gray, open for the winter in New York atthe New Yorker, the first step down for a top-notch gang.. Jimmy Dorsey leads his Crosby Hour Swingsters into the Congress in Chi on October 2nd .. . A member of the Lombardo clan made the statement last spring that Hal Kemp would be out in the coldwhen his present contract with Liggett-Meyers expired but that doesn't sound very smart ... Eddy Duchin outdrew Mal Hallett in Detroit for a week by $14,000 . . Earl Kirk, former jazz trumpet man of Arbor town, is doing very nicely with Les Brown's Duke Blue Devils.. . Fall brings the opening of many . English Sept. 29, Hall. 293 will meet Wednesday, at 4 p.m. in 2235 Angell W. G. Rice. Opportunist Or 'rue Liberal,... English 196 will meet on Thursday at 3 p.m., in 2235 A.H. Students are expected to have read a considerable part of the first assignment. W. G. Rice. English 31, Section 16. Mr. Nelson's class will meet hereafter in 2215 Angell Hall. N. E. Nelson. English 259 will meet Thursday from 3-5 p.m. in 3217 A.H. J. L. Davis French 199: Students electing French 199, French Versification, will meet on Wednesday at 4 p.m. in Room 110 Romance Languages Bldg. or the purpose of arranging the ime. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: From Sept. 27 to Oct. 2 the Sophomore Classifica- ion Committee will meet in Room 9, University Hall. Students of Mathematics: The omprehensive examination in Math- matics for students entering upon oncentration in this field will be eld in Room 3011 A.H. on Thursday, ept. 30, from 4 to 6 p.m. Psychology 33L, 35, 37. All stu- tents in these courses will meet for he introductory lecture of the Lab- ,inrv wnrk, nn Ters.anvApnt RA u FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS cer- tain American newspapers have n carrying a series of articles containing what ny consider proof of membership in the white- ed Ku Klux Klan on the part of the newest mber of the United States Supreme Court, Justice Hugo L. Black. These articles, con- aing photostatic documents of seeming au- nticity, suggest that Mr. Black joined the n in 1925, withdrew in 1926 when he sought Democratic nomination for United States iator from Alabama, and, having been suc- sful in obtaining that nomination, came back o and received a life membership in, the mod- edition of the anti-carpetbagger night-riders he sixties and seventies of the last century.