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November 27, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-27

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exas Gas Fields Are Deemed
Logical Ann Arbor Fuel Source

The Business Of China Stops For Nothin

atural Product Furnishes
Greater Heating Value Heroism Of Ann
Than Artificial Mixture other Is Rc


from Texas fields secured
1 already existing pipelines is
atly the logical solution to the
n of a fuel gas supply for
bor, an analysis of the situa-
Prof. D. W. McCready of the
al engineering department in-

Three paths are open to the Wash-'
tenaw Gas Co., which now holds the
franchise for furnishing the fuel to
Ann Arbor consumers. The first is to
continue under the present plan of
manufacturing it from soft coal. The
second alternative is to make use of
gas from Michigan fields. The third;
is to connect with pipelines fromj
Artificial Gas Is Mixture
Fuel that is now manufactured in!
11x.. 4 ---;- ? A Y~n -,'. h wand {

One thousand dollars and the Kate
Smith national hero award were be-
stowed Thursday night upon Mrs.
Bernice Weber, formerly of Ann Ar-
bor, for her courage in saving four of
her seven children from the burning
Horseshoe Lake Cottage in which the
three others perished Sept. 27.
Mrs. Weber, who was severely
burned in her rescue efforts, received
$250 a month ago when her story
was dramatized and she was intro-
duced to the radio audience on Miss
Smith's program. The rehabilita-
tion of the family has been aided by
contributions of more than $600 fromj
Ann Arbor residents.
French Revolt


business as usual, despite the inconvenience, this Chinese cl(
through the barricade separating the French concession from

g-Not Even War Causes Of Present "Recession
In Business Listed By Hoover
(Continued from Page 1) possibilities for gain from this are of
course largest in the industries which
by $1,000,000,000 in social security are not practicing active price com-
taxes. Until this fall business in- petition, but I do not expect to see it
creased its borrowing and spending occur there by voluntary action," he
and expanded to take up this slack, said.
Professor Hoover said. Now, how- For the administration, Professor
ever, business is receding. Hoover believes one recovery measure
The piling up of inventories on a might be the entry of the govern-
speculative basis is a recurring phe- ment into low-cost housing provided
nomenon that in the past has been that this entry "did not dry up pri-
vate investment correspondingly."
a factor in bringing on industrial "The fundamental problem in this
slumps, Professor Hoover said. The project is the long range question of
process operates something like this: whether or not the government should
Discusses Economic Factors go into the housing business."
I "Trade improves (possibly in the
erk obliges troops by selling them present case because of government
a native area. spending) and demand exceeds theErection f r
supply of basic materials. Prices To Be Started Next Week
bers of the Choral Union in good therefore rise; there is a sellers mar-,
standing who call personally at the ket. Manufacturers and dealers, ex- Erection of the Murfin gate to
office Monday, between the hours of; pecting a continuance of the rise, in- adorn the developing University dor-
9 and 12, and 1 and 4. After 4 crease their orders and build up their mitory quadrangle as a testimonial
o'clock, no tickets will be given out. inventories. The increased demand to Regent James O. Murfin, retiring
pushes prices up higher. Slowly, how- ( next month after 20 years on the
ever, supply overtakes demand and University governing board, is expect-
Academic iNotices prices stop soaring. Manufacturers ed to start next week.
no longer feel the rush to get their A gift from the student dormitory
Sociology 51: Make-up mid-semes- orders in before prices get any higher. fund, the gate will be located at the
ter examination, Saturday, Nov. 27 at They stop buying to sell their in- entrance to the quadrangle on E.
2:00 p.m., in Room D, Haven Hall. ventory. Thus the basic industries j Madison Street, between Allen house
Students must bring excuses for have to curtail production. The re- and the south wing of the Union.
missing the regular examination. j sulting unemployment cuts the de-
mand for consumers goods." AY LADDIE, WE'LL TRUCK
Activity on the stock-market was WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-Scots,
IConcert analagous to the speciauation in in-
ChoralUnionConcvnsrofes esaid look to your bagpipes! A Scotch com-
Choral Union Concert: Fritz Kreis- ventories, Professor Hoover said. "A pany inquired at the commerce de-
ler, Austrian violinist, with Carl Lam- premature wave of optimism was partment today about opportunities
son, at the piano, will give the fourth overdone and a mass of buying on a for buying American saxophones for
program in the Choral Union Con- rising market, brcught a panic of sale in Scotland.
cert Series, Monday evening, Nov. 29, selling as the rise was seen to be ex-
at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The aggerated." 1
public is respectfully requested to be However, high prices, Professor 1
seated on time, as the doors, will be Hoover pointed out, are not due solelyA RR
closed during numbers. to this "speculative anticipation of A RM O KY
increased future demand." Increased , A L *a If m


Organic Chemistry, Feb. 15. k
Physical Chemistry. Feb. 18.
Those planning to take any onec
of these examinations are requested
to consult with the chairman of the!
Graduate Committee in Chemistry
not later than Jan. 15, 1938.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-

the city contains 39.4 per cent hyaro-S ATURDAY, NOV. 27, 1937
carbons, 47.6 per cent hydrogen, 2.6 Group IracedVOL. XLVIII. No. 53
per cent carbon dioxide, 6.1 per cent
carbon monoxide and 4.3 per cent -a p r . First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
inert gases. Heating value of t~s hacK 1 .iiein sity has a limited amount of funds
fuel is 530 British Thermal Units per _1to loan on modern well-located Ann
cubic foot(Continued from Page 1) Arbor residential property. Interest
Natural gas, on the other hand, isI at current rates. Apply investment
composed of 100 per cent hydrocar- _-- a urn ae.ApyIvsmn
bons, and its heating value is 1060 De La Rocque, whom he charged with Office, Room 100, South Wing,
B.T.U.'s per cubic foot. accepting government secret funds.! University Hall.
Artificial gas is definitely a isn Others under arrest were:
which has a cumulative effect nd at I Eugene Deloncle, 47, an engineer- Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.:
the same time has a disagreeable ing consultant, described as the Elections of courses for the second
odor. Natural gas although having a founder and chief of the "Csar" (Le l semester must be approved during
suffocating tendency has neither a Comite Secret D'Action Revolution.- the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in
poisonous effect nor an odor. An odor- naire), a member of the Legion of Room 9, University Hall. To prevent
iferous substance will be added to the! Honor and, the holder of a World congestion in the office of the coun-
fuel in order to facilitate detection of War Croix de Guerre. selors, individual post cards will be
a leak. I Gen. Edouard Duseigneur, retired mailed daily to a small group of stu-
i A-en I -1, -aci A c-llwin Ali+_A eu sven


Chief Draftsman, $2,600 a year;J
Principal Draftsman, $2,300 a year;
Senior Draftsman, $2,000 a year;
Draftsman $1,800 a year; Assistant
Draftsman, $1,620 a year.
Junior Scientific Aid (Fossils), $1,-j
440 a year; U. S. National Museum,
Smithsonian Institution.
Senior Steward, $2,600 a year;
Junior Steward, $2,300 a year; Sen-
ior Cook, $2,000 a year; Prison Serv-
ice, Department of Justice.
Associate Entomologist (Taxon-
omy), $3,200 a year; Bureau of En-
tomology and Plant Quarantine, De-
partment of Agriculture.
For further information, please call
at the Office, 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Kreisler concert Monday
night, will be given out to all mem-

22 Miles Of Pipe Needed f
Twenty-two miles of pipe would
have to be laid to reach the Texas
conduit as against 110 miles which
would have to be put in to reach
the Michigan supply. The estimated
cost of laying pipe is $6,000 per mile,
From a standpoint of supply, the
Texas fields clearly hold the upper
hand. Their reserve is expected to
last 20 years. A conservative esti-
mate places the total remaining at
20 trillion cubic feet. The supply
in Michigan is estimated at 100 bil-
lion cubic feet. With the present
demand, according tohthestate ge-
ologist, this supply would last seven
(Continued on Page 6)
TYPING-Carefully and accurately
done. L. M. Heywood. 803 E. King-
sley St. Phone 8344. 106
DRESSMAKING: Alteration and
repairing. Expert alteration of knit
wear. Mrs. C. Walling, 118 E. Cath-
erine. Call 4726. 133
WANTED: Position as cook, frater-
nity or sorority, by white woman.
Neat and capable. Good references.
Seven years experience. Phone 7226.
TYPING, neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. 3x
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting for you.
Phone Sam. 630. 2x
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Will call for and de-
liver. 4863. 162
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.
LOST: Black patent leather purse,
containing $10.00 and glasses, near
League. Reward, 1017 Oakland. Call
2-2281. 192
LOST: Hamilton wrist watch. Gold
brown leather strap. Reward. Great
sentimental attachment. Phone
FURNISHED suite for men. Private
bath and shower, steam heat. Call
8544. 422 E. Washington. 189

former chief of staff of the air min-
istry, said to be the chief of Les
Cagoulards (The Hooded Ones) a
group believed to be one section of
the larger body of revolutionists, per-
haps the "Csar." He was described i
as one of Deloncle's aides.
Pierre Parent, Rouen architect,
seized for questioning concerning a
large store of arms found in his lux-!
urious Paris home.
Henri Deloncle, Cannes jeweler,
brother of Eugene.
Radio Broadcast Today
Features 'Joan And Jack'
This morning's University broad-
cast over WJR at 9 p.m., again pre-
sents the serial story entitled -"Joan
and Jack at Michigan," with Nancy
Schaefer, '39 and Bob Corrigan, '38,
respectively taking the parts of Joan
and Jack.

dents. Each card will be dated seven
days after theday of mailing. To be
admitted to a, conference with a
counselor, a student must present his
card not later than the date it bears.
If he comes after this date an inter-
view will be granted only if there are
no others waiting at the office.
In order to make an intelligent se-
lection of courses each sophomore
should give careful attention to his
next semester's elections before meet-
ing with his counselor.
J. H. Hodges
E. A. Walter
A. Van Duren
School of Education, Seniors: Sen-
ior class dues will be collected on
Wednesday, Dec. 1 in the School of
Education and on Thursday, Dec. 2
in University Hall. The dues this
year are $1 and it is urged that you
pay your obligation promptly.


Lectureswages and shorter hours for labor
Scturfes are another factor. In addition "the
University Lecture: Dr. Christian diminution in the intensity of rrice
A. Ruckmick, Professor of Psychology competition" in quasi-monopolistic
at the University of Iowa, will lec- industries probably contributed to the
ture on "Emotions in the Motion rise. He subscribes to the Broking
Picture Theatre" on Wednesday, Institute's view that "prices are too
Dec. 1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural high for business' own good."
Science Auditorium under the au- I The best thing business could do
spices of the Department of Psy- to start the upswing again would be
(Continued on Page 4) 1 a voluntary lowering of prices. "The I




The supporting cast for today's Graduate Students: The next pre-
presentation will be Ella Mountain, liminary and qualifying examina-
'38, Clayton Hepler, '38, and Ted tions for the Ph.D. in Chemistry will
Grace, '40. Morley Baer, '38, will be be held as folows:
the announcer for the broadcast. Analytical Chemistry, Feb. 11.
U 1

Numnber One
CoumnisV /

TODAY! 2:00-4:00-7:00-9:00 P.M.




Shirley's Best Picture - A Hit for Everyone!












PAUL MUNI "Life of Emile Zola"


H E Business Statistical Bureau recently asked 150,000 newspaper

readers to name their favorite columnist. They were carefully selected to
constitute a representative cross-section of intelligent public taste. Their
first choice was Heywood Broun, for his column IT SEEMS TO ME.
So readers' ballots confirm our editorial judgment that Broun is one of
the most interesting, stimulating, vivid minds writing in America today.
Whether it's about the League of Nations or Joe Louis, about painting or
poker-playing IT SEEMS TO ME has invariably something new to Say,
and says it in a new way.

"V ... X11 . , . , ,. Y ,. ,- ,- .- - . 't. - ' T' ! h r :

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