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November 25, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-25

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At The Crossroads.. .



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G6 '7 IA5 RT ix f Vi[C j 6VNIOA5XN MAMQ0; o,o , .. ..,r. '
Edited and managed by students of the University of
.chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
# dent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
rversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
.Or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
hts of republication oftall othertmatter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
od class mail matter,
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
';; by mail, $4.50.
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingService, hi.
Cllee Plisy-s Reresentatve
Board of Editors
lliam Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
:GHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Oilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
.ol, Albert Mayo , Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
'ORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
PMEN'S DPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Mary Alice Ma-
kenie, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen. Marian
Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voorhees.
Business Department
~IT MANAGER .......... ...... DON WILSHER
Departmental Managers
I Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Segelman,
Local Advertishig Manager; Pli p Buchen, Contracts
IMAnager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
Ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Use fu1 Trade. .
teresting, to say the least, forms of
ild labor exploitation in America has just been
icovered by Walter Davenport, writing in Co-
r's Weekly for Nov. 27th. Down in Ellisville,
Oss., high school students, both boys and girls,
ave been recruited to work in a hosiery mill
, a stated wage of four dollars for a 40-hour
orking week.
If this sounds too incredible, there is an ex-
anation. Although the building looks like a
)siery factory, it really isn't, Mississippi .poli-
cians will point out; what it really is, in fact,
a school--a vocational training school, de-
gned to meet the needs of Mississippi youth
r teaching them an honest trale. The fact
at in gaining valuable knowledge about the
'ofession of hosiery making, they benefit a
rge hosiery concern by giving it two 40-hour
,ifts of cheap labor seems to be beside the
But the hosiery company is doing its part and
>1lbtless deserves something in return. Its
rt amounts to fulfilling the following condi-
Jns, as laid down in the contract with the
unicipality: it has installed 36 hosiery-knitting
achines, transferred from its plant in Pennsyl-
nia, which, by a coincidence, has been troubled
strikes lately; it furnishes all raw materials
eded in the process of education; it pays the
nstructors" of the school, known merely as
remen in Pennsylvania; finally, it guarantees
"reimburse said school for all amounts expend-
for pay rolls, parts of machines, supplies, oil,
wer, light repairs on building, insurance of all
ids and any other and all direct operating
sts entering into the production of hosiery." As
. educational institution, of course, the plant
The "vocational school" is a part of a county
ricultural high school and junior college, which

pplies the labor for the school's machines. Al-
ough students are supposed to earn the muni-
ent sum of eight dollars a week after gradua-
in, that is, after satisfactorily learning the
ide of hosiery-making, they must go elsewhere
earn it, for graduates cannot be allowed to
urp the places of undergraduates, especially
double the wage.
There seems to be some suspicion that not
. of the sum received every week from the
siery company goes into four dollar a week
tges and light building repairs. The politicians
ectly connected with the school have declined
reveal the figures involved.
Ihe construction of the school was paid for
WPA money, $26,000 of it. At present WPA
cials, having watched the school in opera-
n, are trying to get their $26,000 back. Perhaps
the future pet' projects of local statesmen
11 be ekamined with a little more care. Even
ch worthy and useful ones as vocational train-
Joseph Gies.
Editor's Note

haggling, the Brussels peace parley
will close up shop, retire from the mediation scene
and admit ignominous defeat.
That the conference would accomplish nothing
was virtually a platitude before President Paul
Spaak brought down his gavel and called the first
meeting to order. How could it be otherwise
when representatives from countries with such
widely divergent views as are professed by France,
Russia, Germany and England attempt to find
common ground for discussion? Granted even
that a flimsy agreement on some measures might
be reached, nothing tangible could have been
accomplished. Vaunted moral principles and
high-sounding verbiage are preposterously inane
in the face of a six-inch shell starting on its
path of destruction. There must be provision
for teeth and claws in measures agreed upon or
the wjorthy representatives can parley until it is
June in January and Japan will continue her
greedy tactics uninterrupted.
From fiascos such as the Brussels conference
comes a pressing question. Is pure pacifism
practicable? When the "have-not" nations can
be as certain as they seem to be today that the
bugaboo of war will infallibly chase the democ-
racies of the world from a concerted stand is
not fascism working with a blank check?
As the Chinese representative at the confer-
ence, Dr. .Wellington Koo, aptly remarked in
what will undoubtedly be remembered as the epi-
taph of the conference, "Just as the maintenance
of domestic peace and order requires something
more than laws upon the statute book or de-
crees on official bulletin boards, so in the face of
international violence mere words are impotent
to restore peace and justice."
Democracies in contemporary diplomacy are
woefully lacking in the convictions necessary to
consecrate words with active effort and preserve
the principles. of international law. Diplomats
representing a group of blatantly anti-bellum
governments go to bat with two strikes against
them when attempting to negotiate with men and
nations in whom military glory has been incul-
cated to the core.
We won't want to fight. But inevitably we will
be forced to fight if the democracies stay in their
corners, chant the praises of pacifism and refuse
to engage in concerted, purposeful action for
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Fantastic Football
IF THE EXPERTS were not such "stout fellas,"
they would retire from the gridiron, a baffled,
beaten crew. Football is not the game it was.
Once it ordered its affairs with almost mathe-
matical precision. If, for example, A vanquished
B, and B rolled over C, it was a blue-chip cer-
tainty that when A and C met, C would drink
the dregs to the melancholy obligato of the dirge.
The day of previous performance's rule is gone.
Football is now "uncertain, coy and variable as
the shade by the light, quivering aspen made."
The trade term is "upset"; it blooms with the
profusion of the dandelion on the citizen's most
cherished lawn.
Saturday wrote a new chapter in the book.
Here and there a still small voice whispered Har-
vard, but the unprejudiced and calculating con-
sensus was that Yale would win. After a ferocious
growl or two, the Yale "bulldog" behaved as
prettily as a pet bunny.
Down from Columbia stalked the Missouri
Tigers to gorge on the Washington Bearr, The
predicted feast flared into a whale of a fight,
with 'Missouri victorious by a waferish margin
that scrawled something like moral destitution.
And Princeton, cuffed contemptiously week-
end after week-end through the sere and yellow
autumn, was to be sunk without trace by the
Navy's devastating guns. Where are the Mid-
shipmen? Physically at Annapolis, but spiritually
they are in the same boat that Pompey piloted
after Actium; they're like the Soldan of Byzan-
tium at Lepanto, like Sopwith's Endeavor off
Is football a delusion and a snare, an anomaly
and a sphinx? Well, isn't it?
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

A $5,000 House
A SCONGRESS reconvenes with housing among
its problems, someone may well remark that
"what this country needs" is a good five thou-
sand dollar house. However, reminiscent of a
well-known statesman's quip, it is a fact con-
ceded by a majority of housing experts today.
Ample evidence exists to show that small, well-
planned, soundly constructed homes can be built
for this figure to include a fair-sized lot of land.
Thus far there has been very little concerted
effort in planning developments of this type of
home except where undertaken by large indus-
trial concerns to house their own workers. It is
noteworthy, however, that a number of such de-
velopments sponsored by private enterprises have
proved successful both as to the quality of their
homes built and the class of buyers who have
been attracted to these communities.
The development of such residential neighbor-
hoods within easy distance of the great urban
or industrial centers would tend tobring building
construction back to somewhere near pre-depres-
sion figures, and at the same time meet a vital
housing need.
Such communities of low-priced houses em-
bodying many of the latest conveniences, afford
the worker in the lower salaried brackets an op-
portunity to purchase a little place of his own
with a small down payment and monthly install-
ments covering principal, interest and taxes

I feernr/o Me
Heywood Broun
The Morgan Library has just opened to the
public its collection of autograph manuscripts,
and this is a show I recommend. It is a good
many years since I've seen these treasures, but I
still remember that I felt much like "Stout Cor-
tez" when there was spread before me the Keats
manuscript of "On First Looking at Chapman's
Homer." There are first edi-
tions as well as manuscripts,
but the books mean nothing
to me, or, at any rate, very
much less than the sight of
Dickens' own first on the
original pages of "A Christ-
mas Carol." And near at
hand is "Ivanhoe," just as it
came from the pen of Walter
Scott, and Thackeray's
"Vanity Fair." And the swaggering script of By-
ron. Thackeray may have written long novels,
but he was parsimonious with paper, and his
hand is that of a watch repairer. These are the
tracks of an unhurried pen, and there is never
a page which suggests that the master was saying
to himself, "Gosh, but I'd like to go back to bed
and sleep off this one."
Words Beneath Words
I have no great faith in those who undertake
to read character by handwriting. This may be
based in part upon the feeling that my own
calligraphy suggests the frightened efforts of a
backward moron. And such an interpretation
would be a slight exaggeration. Still one cannot
look at the pages where Byron's pen went by
without getting the distinct impression that here
was a young man disposed to shock the prim
and puritanical.
And in the later manuscript of Scott there is
almost visual evidence of the points at which he
sat down wearily and said to himself, "Hot or
cold, this one I've got to write to lift the mort-
gage." There is a small passion among collectors
for modern manuscripts no matter what the
potential position of the author in the estimation
of posterity. Or, at any rate, they fight shy of
authors who have typed their stuff. To me this
indicates a lack of understanding and imagina-
tion upon the part of the bibliophiles.
As far as the reading of character goes I'd
much rather take a shot at guessing the per-
sonality of a man from his typed sheets than
from his penmanship. After all, there is such a
thing as touch. People who compose on the
machine are much as pianists in their technique.
And the keys very distinctly register their moods.
The expert's eye can readily detect 'the days on
which the man in question was bearing down and
giving his stint all the strength of his soul and
shoulders, and the passages which were set down
simply to hold the franchise are equally apparent.
Much more than in the case of handwriting it is
possible to tell which parts of a typewritten
manuscript were flung out in rapid fury and
those portions pecked out slowly under a lagging
Running True To Typewriting
I have no intention of setting up as a super
Sherlock Holmes in the business of type detecting,
but I will wager that if a total stranger will bat
out for me, "Now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of their party," I can tell with
small margin of error whether he beats his wife
and is mean to waiters. And I also will under-
take to predict whether or not he is happily
married. This is entirely apart from the problem
of whether or not he beats his wife, because that
occasionally makes for tranquility in the home.
Like Conan Doyle's here, I have no desire to
make a mystery of my methods. I. am looking
at a typewritten manuscript now. This man un-
doubtedly loves his wife, or at least ought to,
because obviously she is a treasure who puts a
new ribbon in his typewriter at appropriate in-
tervals. Elementary, my dear Watson.

On The Level
There are quite a few who hitch-hiked into De-
troit and various other towns throughout the
State for today's vacation. The bus fare into
Detroit is ninety-five cents. In this particular
case the old adage rings true-"A hitch in time
saves ninety-five cents."
One of these hikers was overheard singing
a line or so from Hoagy Carmichael's "Star
Dust" as he stood on the corner of Wash-
tenaw and S. University yesterday-"Thumb
times I wander wide and I spend lonely
hours . . ."
The movie review of "That Certain Woman"
which ran at The Maj this week, was headlined,
"Suffering Motherhood at The Majestic Theatre"
by The Ann Arbor News. This cops the headline
of the week prize.
* * * *
Prize description of the week goes to the
person who saw "Disraeli" during one of the few
seconds he played football this year and said,
"He's got the body of a Caterpillar tractor and
the mind of a V-16 Packard-1922 model."
*h* e* *a
For the heighth of naivete, the feathered

Fair And Warmer
Whoever concocted the title of the
musical comedy, "Right This Way,"
playing at the Cass theatre in De-
troit this week, forgot to add "to a 1
half-baked show." "Right ThisI
Way" has potentialities, it has
prospects of hitting Broadway cri-
teria; it has a few catchy tunes; itf

has some stunning sets and some I
gaudy ones; it has some fetching
costumes and some blaring cheap
ones. As a matter of fact, "Right
This Way" is just the sort of musical
comedy one would like to see hit the
boards on all eight cylinders, but just
can't make the grade.I
Primarily, the book by Marianne
Brown Waters is the old stock-in-
trade story of a fashionable Parisian
milliner (Tamara), who lives in sin
with a news correspondent (Guy
Robertson), who convinces her to
marry him and return to home
grounds ofood old Boston. There
he out-columns Broun, Winchell,
Pegler, and Mrs. Roosevelt, forget-
ting all about his lovely little wife,
who finally leaves him for the lure!
of the milinery business in Paris
again. And of course he follows her
and there is the traditional reconcili-
ation. Perhaps a musicomedy should
be this way. But surely there must
be some ingenuity attached to the
threadbare tale. And "Right This
Way" is sadly neglectful of this in
every respect.
There is no one who can dance in
the whole musical; even the chorus is
so routine as to be deadening. Therei
is no one who can sing-forgive me,
I had almost forgotten Tamara, of
late and happy "Smoke Gets in Your
Eyes" fame. That is just how Ta-
mara strikes you: as being incidental
when she should be fundamental to
the success of the show. As for Guy
'Robertson, he is very reminiscent of
"an old beaded bag"; faded, never
to regain its old beauty and charm,
but still usable in emergencies. Joe
E. Lewis, the playbill informs, is the
comedian of "Right This Way." I
?have seen worse comedians, but very
seldom. (To fling back at Mr. Lewis
one of his own quips.) Mr. Lewis is!
first rate burlesq1.e enterpreneur, I
second rate vaudeville, and third
rate musical comedy. But God bless
"Right This Way" for Blanche Ring
and Leona Powers, who add what
little comedy and merriment there is
to it.
There are four catchy tunes which
should have proved a boon to the
show but failed to click because of
bad placement and poor presentation
by the local leads. They are, "I
Can Dream Can't I," "Some Day,
Some Where, Some How," "You
Click with Me," and "Right This
It is unfortunate that Alice Alex-
ander, producer of "Right This
Way," has freighted it with such
expensive sets and generally seduc-
tive costumes. It is also unfortunate
that she did not freight it with some
first rate stars, which would have
been a better investment. As things
stand now, Miss Alevander might
possibly hold the show over for an-
other week at the Cass, before bring-
ing it to Broadway, to straighten the
various and sundry affairs men-
tioned above.
Nov. 26. The Nell Gwyn Players'
revival of Sheridan's "The Rivals."
At the Lydia Mendelssohn.
Dec. 3. The Unity Hall Board and
The Progressive Club unite to spon-
sor the Federal Theatre's "Let Free-
domr Ring." At the Masonic Temple,
South 5th St., Ann Arbor. Tickets
are 25 and 40 cents.
Dec. 6. Heather Angel, Valerie Tay-
lor, Hugh Sinclair, and Leo G. Car-
roll are featured in a new comedy,
"Love of Women." Prior to Broad-
way. At the Cass Theatre, Detroit.
Dec. 13. The incomparable Helen
Hayes in, of course, "Victoria Re-
gina." Also plays the Cass.
Dec. 20. FredericeMarch and Flor-
ence Eldridge leave the screen to
appear in "Your Obedient Husband."'

Supported by Dame May Whitty and
I Martin Wolfson. Still the Cass.
Pity The Poor
How the world turns! Take the
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, whose
comings and goings have excited
comment of late. His title, Mufti, is!
the old Arabic term for an expert onI
Islamic law who gives legal opinions
when asked hypothetical questions by
the Judge.
Because the Muftis wore loose,
comfortable clothing, British army
men in India, wearing tight uniforms
designed in a distant northern land,
nicknamed civilian clothes "mufti."
Yet the latest wirephoto of the
Grand Mufti of the Holy City shows
him trussed up in a high collar with
two bands crossing each other stiffly
on his breast, for all the world like
a British redcoat of the India Com-
pany days.
-Des Moines Register
r. ic r.'.. Ah f'.LT.T\ 7 TT

Publication in the Inulletn '' con'~ t in nxeixice to a'! memnb , ot the
University. Copy received at th' office of the Assistant to the Presidnt
until 3:30;11:00 a.m. on Saturday
THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1937 j1mailed daily to a small group of stu-
VOL. XLVIII. No. 52 dents. Each card will be dated seven
days after ,the day of mailing. To be
Library Hours: On Thanksgiving admitted to a conference with a
Day, Nov. 25, the Main Reading counselor, a student must present his
Room and the Periodical Room of1 card not later than the date it bears.
the General Library will be open If he comes after this date an inter-
from 2:00-9:00 p.m. The Depart- view will be granted only if there are
mental Libraries will be closed. i no others waiting at the office.
Books from other parts of the In order to make an intelligent se-
building which are needed for use lection of courses each sophomore
on that day will be made available should give careful attention to his
in the Main Reading Room if request next semester's elections before meet-
is made on Wednesday to an assist- ing with his counselor.
ant in the Reading Room where the w . H. Hoges
books are usually shelved. E. A. Walter
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. A. Van Duren
Pre-Medical Students: Registra- Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu-
tion for the Medical Aptitude Test dents: Announcement is made of the
American Medical Colleges closes, annual contest for the Charles Lath-
Nov. 27. Application may be made in rop Pack Foundation Prize in For-
Room 4, University Hall. A fee of1 estry, the conditions for which may
one dollar will be charged. f be secured from the Recorder of the


oSchool of Forestry and Conservation,
Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.:248NtrlcineBldg.Tp
Elections of courses for the second 2048 Natural Science Building. Top-
semester must be approved during nics, which may be decided upon in
the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in consultation with members of the
Room9, nivrsiy Hal. o pevet ifaculty of the School, must be filed in
Room 9. University Hall. To prevent Ithe office of the I4ecorder not later
congestion in the office of the coun- than Dec. o18, 1937.
selors, individual post cards will be! n -89


Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
"The Government and Labor Dis-
putes," Margaret Elliott, Prof. of
Personnel Management and Prof. of


Air Lines: Clark Dennis, who has Freshman Girl's Qlee Club: There
stepped up the rungs fast in his two will be no meeting tonight because
of the .holidays.
years with NBC, has replaced Perry
Como on the McGee show. Dennis is Thanksgiving Day: Presbyterian
the pride and joy of West Branch, students and their friends are invited
Mich., and got his start in Flint to spend the evening with Dr. and
"Baby Shoes" Rogan, sound-effects Mrs. Lemon and Miss Elizabeth Lein-
"BabyofCS hathatsondeffles!dbach at the Ethel Fountain; Hussey
man of CBS, had that handle blessed room at the Michigan League from
on him because he gets size 12 foot- 7:30 to 11:00. A program of musical
coverings when he buys new shoes numbers, stories and stunts has been
. . . Saxie Dowell, Hal Kemps comic j arranged.
tenor man, is an ardent handball
fan . . . Loretta Lee, popular CBS CoEvents
song-singer formerly with George
Hall's band, hails from New Orleans.1 Hillel Foundation: Services this
She was "found" in a New York song evening at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Heller will
shop by Hall and gained coast-to- speak on "What Can Bring Peace to
coast fame. She is now on the west Palestine." Sigma Alpha Mu Fra-
coast looking picture-way . . . Ray ternity will act as hosts at the social
Ferrington, member of the Horace folowing the services.
Heidt chorus, is the terror of en-
gineers and producers of the series Baptist Guild: Fun, Frolic and
his laugh can break up any Food will prevail in the Roger Wil-
masr' asi...nm iillhue1iiiyngta


Imans rehearsal . .. liams Guild house Friday night at a
Band Bits: Benny Goodman, Little special day-after-Thanksgiving so-
Caesar of the Clarinet, has come a cial. All students and friends are
long way since he played with a five- cordially invited to attend the affair,
piece band on a Lake Michigan boat. which will begin at 8 p.m.
Born in Chicago in 1909 in a family
of eleven, Goodman had to shift for Disciple Guild (Church of Christ)
himself a little early. He has played The regular game night will be
with any band you can nietion and held on Friday evening from 8 to 11
every "cat" in the country knows o'clock. Students interested in the
the dark-haired wonder-man. He continuation of the discussion which
organized his own band in 1934 and was begun last Sunday on Love,
soon found himself getting ! plenty Courtship, Marriage and Home
close to the top of the heap. From Building will meet in the church par-
Chicago, Benny went to New York for at 8 o'clock on Friday evening.
and took it by storm, and broke all All students are welcome.
records at the Paramount. The name
Benny Goodman is synonomous with The Graduate Outing Club will
swing but he likes to play a bit of meet at the Intramural Building for
chamber music in his spare time. swimming and other sports on Sat-
Long-haired musicians marvel at urday from 8 to 9 p.m. Later irs the
his clarinet technique. His show at evening the group will assemble at
the Paramount is still the talk of the Lane Hall for other entertainment
White Way. At 7:30 in the morning, and refreshments. All graduate stu-
the crowd was lined up to buy the
card-boards and at 10:30 over 5,000 j
had been admitted to the show house. The Congregational Student Fel-
3 o'clock found over 11,0000 had! lowship will have a Hard Time Party
heard the Goodman band jive on ( at the Church Parlors on Friday,
the stage, and it was during this show Nov. 26, at 9:00. Every one is cor-
that the audience stepped aisle-way dially invited.
and danced. Lional Hampton was The Christian Student Prayer
found playing in a cafe by Goodman Grou w meet at 8:00 p ar
and was picked up then and brought day in the Michigan League. The
to the East. He plays all instru-! neo the roomhign Lwhich.The
mentsbut the vibes are his specialty. name of the ro m in which the
Speaking of swing, Goodman says meeting is to be held will be found
that it is a simple state of ecstasy- upon the bulletin board. All Chris-
some say that swing is any music tian students are cordially invited
played by Goodman-maybe so, but to attend.
there sure are other bands that twick
off a mean dig or so and more than Academic Notices
once in a while. Sociology 51: Make-up mid-semes-
Rudy Vallee has certainly given ter examination, Saturday, Nov. 27 at
some great names to radio. Milton! 2:00 p.m., in Room D, Haven Hall.
Berle, Gershwin, Alice Faye, Burns Students must bring excuses for
and Allen, Victor Moore, and Walter missing the regular examination.
O'Keefe all started on the road of
bright lights with a gentle push from
Vallee-wonder if he gets his 10 perC cer
cent? Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
Little Don Redman brought his University Carilonneur, will give a
band to A2 and believe you me, the recital on the Chares Baird Carillon
man had it! A colored band and that in the Burton Memorial Tower,
I had no "go" tenor man but a very Thursday, Nov. 25, from 7:30 to 8:30
fine bugler. A 10-page letter home o'clock.
is necessary to describe the "little"
girl who sang a long way out of thisiLectures
world-ah jive, keep coming right
along . . . Tommy Dorsey's air work University Lecture: Dr. Christian
i from New York continues to be A. Ruckmick, Professor of Psychology
strictly on the down beat . . . Paul at the University of Iowa, will lec-
Whiteman is creating a bit of a stir ttore on "Emotions in the Motion
in the band leaders' ranks these days. Picture Theatre" on Wednesday,
Returning to the air lanes soon, the Dec. 1. at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
ex-King of Jazz may pull a-thing-! Science Auditorium under the au-
that-shows-up-around-Easter out of spices of the Department of Psy-
the hat and the critics are getting chology. The public is cordially in-
all set near the typewriters armed vited.
with flowery-adjective dictionaries.
Martin Gould, Mutual Broadcast- University Lecture: Dr. Carl Mayer
ing System arranging genius, is in of the Graduate Faculty of the New
the Whiteman fold now and that School for Social Research in New
means something very fine . . . Radio York City will lecture on the "So-
presents some very good bands and C ciology of Religion" on Friday, Dec.
ouch, some very poor ones too. Some 3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural

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