~AGZ~WOTHE MICHIGAN DAILY It' A Dog's Life, Inquiry Into Girl's Death I'Good Paper Makes 1pride to a "filler" on page one: "If all acri Iieoerre InPhildelpiathe people in the world were put in us that T T But D og Gets Break RependIhiaep Debut In Ann Arbor( North America the population would lazy-I PHILDELPIA, ov. 4-(.P)-Wilbu T WW 11v B R I At HelenPIADLHANv 2 -- ___ tl not be as thick as in England." motf Ath lnNewberry' Coroner Charles H. Hersch announced: Continued from Page i) But already dissension has gruffly edsot ____________________________________________today he would reopen the inquest k-- - raised its ugly haunches in the coun- his edit inSpinthsueayiiteycon a position that any maninotedahffv-yrolNnc Daily" are now being signed by the ci roms of our fellow journalist, 'newspap~ Spn pan hOccupyingy out n n awriter.gie isrihtTrhatoth ditso fveryarol NnunusualTatisvey nuund n Spain gifts fo oe Postoffice officialsi for, is Helen Newberry's Kerry Blue Glenn for which blonde Mary K.! was never done before.' IIENDAYE, Franc-Spanish for- announced today that parcel post: terrier Kerry. O'onnor is held without bail. The social consciousness of the: der. An Insurgent communique as- service has been suspended. Kerry was brought here tnis fall; Late today Mayor S. Davis Wilson "good paper for good people" is aptly Today! serted Tuesday that Barcelona wasI from her home in Connecticut by her! announced he would have a ,Cnew demonstrated by a page-two plea for so close to famine that in the lastt L.ansing owner. Miss Ruth H. Danielson, social! five "more traffic lights in our city."I ~' Week 200 civilians fainted in the APITETo .J eae ietro ee ebry er a charge brought against Miss O'Con-i Yesterday's accident story runs: "On streets from lack of food.i of Grand Rapids as receiver for the: only three pet peeves-cats. squiirl o n e red r.MreKbe odyngt o.1.acrgi Great Britain Michigan Securities Investment Cor- and saxophones. Whenever the house Phillips, 25 The charge has no direct thirty-five miles an hour on Ford poration was announced by Oti- holds an informal dance she wil connection with the death of thei Road went off the road and into a LONDON-Unemployment has de- cuit Court Judge Leland W. Carr., not go near it.. child. The Mayor said it was basedthtree. One man was badly' hurt, an- alined 25.6 per cent in the depres- Neil Wagenaar, secretary and treas- As a rule dogs are not allow ed in, on ai incident that witnesses toldter twonotoo bdly etweean i sioe-stricken areas of England and urer of the corporation and directing dormitories but Dean Lloyd will make int a curda uiia u aei napet a a. Wales, but returning prosperity has head during the illness of the i- a special case of this one as ong as - i r~ hairdly touched masacod ny oa otb it thevestment manyt.rsdnt ge there are no complaints. mer camp for children last summer. The resourceful editor pointed with 81s tet~cm 'k George Gillett, commissioner of the_____________ impoverished dsrcs WOMAN DROWNS IN MIL LPOND '1A~hEETOPSPND MU S ICAL I NSTRUM EN TS a nd rr c ns OOr Fa cHLLDLMc.Nv244) inElection of freshman class officers F /1>e®r Frn eHLSAE ih o.2-3- nthe Architectural School has been E Cb ARSTeFec GoenetMsMaeLacse,5,was foundI postponed until next week, Hugh ALL SUPPL IE and REPI~RS-\Itrhe P"r by Th rhearmlarked $60,000,000 yesterday in a Ms ae drowned in a millpond at Litchfield,i Rader, president of the Men's Coun- / heJ 't allt cr thlird attempt to satisfy demands of north of here today. cil announced yesterday. or id' s 'U gi Crs, e ay the popowerful ermGovernment' S cmpaloyes' eM u ic_0%__eunon,_frpayincreses,_hrrymyeh______him_ IENNSB3RUCK-Police with swing- t_33EstLbety - Phn_61 ing clubs today cleared the principal ______ __ ___ street of striking Innsbruck Univer- NOTICES 6019 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa! sty students and other disturbers as 164----------- stdn tie pedoe uti.TYPING-Carefully and accuiately; TYPING, neatly and accurately done. +nca. u s done. L. M. Heywood. 803 E King-1 Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone Frta hnsiigFat ev United States sley St. Phone 8344 106 5244. 3x 3 nothing "undone." Have WASHINGTON - Christmas will1 MODERN Beauty Shoppe - Week CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any be. a disappointment for Americans Special Fitch or Drene shampop and, odadnwsis vrota 3 ________________ finger wave with lemon ring 50c' $,$5 aisfrcas yert ARBOR SPR INGS WATER! _nemaet$10 pes, old gold and musical instru- I~VI4IIN~ R DO RESAKNG ltrain nd ments. Ready cash waiting for you.I I On the Table repairing. Expert alteration of knit; Phone Sam. 6304. 2 PROGRAMS wear. Mrs. C. Walling, 118 E. Cath- LAUNDRY tcoein oivietBtlSzs.-Wi i Pefeti cas, tdi rine. Call 42. 133 LAUNDRiYi. 204.o darned. ! Joan BLONDE WANTE.. .. I Caeful IIIGI HEHRBE. EDW EV ___--- WAN-D __ Carfulwor atloNprcesTON__. ~DICK FORAN .E 6P0DyinRv.M. WANTED: Position as cook, frater- LOST AND FOUND ROBERTS . MAY JENKIN . ,icedb 1 6:0-aievewrb r Springs CL'titereenmo.b 6 15-Fatflnder. i nrity or sorority, by white woman. ---- --------Directed by 611cte 6:5-Liwell Thomae. Neat and capable. Good references.' LOST: Scotty pup,.fmale. Call 2-2320 A FIRST eceNATI or~ PICTUR. 7:00-Easy Aces. Seven years experience. Phone 226.1 Rewad. 18 416 WEST HURON POE87 7 :30-G'reen Hornet. -_______ _____ 8 :0-Hugh Johnson. ______________";s2,.__________________ :3-March of Time. AGENTS wanted to sell calling cards FURNISHED suite for men. Private - - -__________________________ __ :3-America's Tonvu~eetn and bookplates. Moderately priced, bath and shower, steam heat. Call 10:00-Pcadilly Music Hail. Liberal commission. Chestnut Press 8544. 422 E. Washington. 189 11:00-Tiomorrow's Headlines. ---_______ - iil:30-Bob Crosby Orch. 12:00-Lowry Clark. 12 :30-Garwood Van Orch. -,- I CKLW rContinuous 1:30-11:30 P.M. 8:i5-uf eote.$-News and Sports.W H T E :30-Waltz Time TATSTOAY 6 :45-Pleasant Valley Frolic. -' -, 7:00-Pacific Hawaians. 7:30-United Press Bulletins.y , 7:4-Rube Applebery. / 8 :00-Cherniavsky rch.a 8:30-Happy Hal's Housewarming. 9,30-Sinfonietta. 10:00-Dance Rhythms. Hr ' -1030-Henry Weber Music. SreO h er 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 1:30-Billy Swanson Orch. 12:00-Benny Goodman Orch* 12 :30-Wayneing Orch. (/!~j ~ P.M. TICKET! 6:00-Stevenson Sports. 6:15-Comedy Stars. 4-Wipering JckSmth 7:00-Poetic Melodies."L, 8;00-Kate Smith.YO G 9:00-Major -Bowes. 10.00-Buddy Clark.InToe mts 10 :30-Essays in Music. 11:00-Headline News. s f 11 :15-The mummers.t 11 :45-Lare Wardrop Orch 12 :00-Emery Deutsch Orch , I Vf 123-RdNov Oc.Important PM o o oSewt 6:15-Dinner Music., it from the start . B E U 6 :30-Bradcast.FetrSats 6:45-Heinrich A. Pickert. * Feateafor Startses cur 7:0-Amos 'n' Andy. 1:4 -43 ~- Get3redy frtebgetsr :15-"House Party."928pieadmsfuyo'ead1Y :45-Savitt Serenade. I er . adS A E O :0 0- N B e at r. THURSDAYNOV. 25, 1937 ig to Wilbur who confided in the assistant editor is "too feel like kicking him off." rsaid that 'he had to do the work. He proudly point- to us his lead news stories, orials, his makeup of the icr. ' BROaS ILv 4y { pc:b 444 I'; \ { S Continuous Today! 2:00 to 11:30 P.M. II -tr, a'A 3 5c ALL DAY - 1. d a ' 1 Style Show Today and Six Days a Week in the Pages Q Y OF The Michigan Daily... TODAY, in Ann Arbor you may purchase the same n yK dresses that are being shown in the smart Fifth Ave- nue Shops. Today in the display advertising of Ann 1 T~iSWAY 0 Arbor Merchants in the Michigan Daily you can #, s t1attend the. finest of style shows - a showing that j - " features the finest creations of outsanding designers. MAY0"SOEWith a year's subscription you may attend these . L (Jac~ernY rida) bing 13fashion shows every day but Monday at a cost of less scren ad evn mkesthan 2 %4~c per day. Don't miss a single issue of The 4+ '6"Michigan Daily - don't miss a single ad, because if 7/ Extra ____________you do you'll miss style news that is important to 1 Coo+oety LTL!POER your appearance and value news that is even more Coo oetLTL INE important to your budget.' Cartoon "Uncle Tom's Bungalow" ~ k I U oW 7 V