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November 24, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-24

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WEDNESDAY. NOV 2.4,19'374



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NCS~MN~ ~ sta~~nr. or~w < j t ,

edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Uflversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited- to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
,second class mail matter,
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
44.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
RE8en:D PO tAT' ''
National Advertising Senice, -
college Phb"l T " Represearwive
Board of Editors
William Spaler' Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, arl R.
'ilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edwad Mag-
do1, Albert Mayjo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Penman
And Roy Sizemore.,
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson. Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel; Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara PatersonhJenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
' Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Maa Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Shgelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contra~ts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
That Old
Football Game .. .
HE CURTAIN officially falls on the
sixty-ninth season of American in-
tercollegiate football Thursday. Encores, as usual,
there will be aplenty. The Rose Bowl, Sugar
Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Orange Bowl, Dust Bowl and
Bacarydi Bowl will all play host to an assortment
of elevens whose impressive string of victories
commends them to the public's further attention.
Sixty-nine years has chronicled a spectacular'
metamorphosis in the game of college football.
It isn't the naive sport of entrepreneurs it used
to be. Its outlook now is business-like and profes-
sional. But let us turn back the pages a minute,
observe the game in its adolescence and note for
ourselves the changes that time has wrought.
The date is Nov. 22, 1890. The scene is the
bustling town of Springfield, Mass. The mighty
men of Yale and Harvard are about to meet in
the "most gigantic" football spectacle yet wit-
nessed in this nation. The grandstands groan
with their overload of 8,000 persons. Prices have
skyrocketed to one dollar per head and still the
spectators mill onto the field.
Blankets, trees, carriages and fences all hold
their fill of enthusiasts. At game time 13,000
pairs of eyes seek out the 21 players, 11 from
Harvard and ten from Yale. The eleventh
Yale man, it seems, stopped off at Hartford to
see 'his girl and missed the next Springfield
train. Fortunately there is a crew man from
New Haven handy and he is preparing to enter
the lists and 'complete his alma mater's repre-
sentation. Harvard, by the way, pulled a fast
one and arrived last night instead of coming up
on the Boston and Albany train this morning
as is the custom. The rough and tumble gets
under way -and Harvard wins. There's a round
of cheers and player and spectator alike pack
their bags and hurry to catch the last train

The scene changes. It is Nov. 13, 1937. Football
de-emphasis is being bandied from coast to
coast. Iconoclasts have been battering at the
institution of college football for eight years now,
ever since the University of Notre Dame grid-
sters traveled 8,300 miles of railroad ties, played
before 600,000 and grossed $2,000,000 in one sea-
son. The scene is Philadelphia where the Univer-
sity of Michigan is slated to meet the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania in an intersectional football
game at 2:00 this afternoon.
The Michigan entourage, 40 strong, entrained
from Ann Arbor last Thursday morning, in two
special Pullman cars. Included in the personnel
were 34 players, and also. included three coaches,
three managers, two trainers, one scout and a
team doctor. The scout has scarcely seen the
Wolverines in action, so busy has he been at-

This is the column which was to have
appeared yesterday, but which was cen-
sored. The editors thought we were deal-
ing too much with personalities. After
thinking it over they decided that there
were no personalities concerned. It is pre-
sented in its expurgated form-you know,
like Boccaccio.
NE "AUTHOR": When more girls of a certain
sorority are embarrassed you can be sure
that a certain person was behind it all. When
he wrote his own notice in his own little tour de
force, Who's Who, And So What, he commented
that he must be a nice guy because a certain
person thinks so. We wonder what she will think
of Mr. Hero when she hears that almost every-
day her "own little god sidles up to us with eso-
teric tales of her house-with numerous hushes
and furtive glances at her. "Don't use my name,"j
is a bromide of his ovn coinage and every morn-
ing one finds him sitting at a Gargoyle business
office desk-his, for no other reason at all that
we can ascertain-scanning the columns to see
if his dirt was printed. Invariably it isn't-
there are the University authorities to consider
and the Daily is not the Police Gazette. Besides
the news has to preserve some element of truth.
Thirty years from now if you ask him what his
biggest moment in college was, he will probably
tell you that November 23, 1937, because at last
someone took notice of him beside himself-we
mean the printing company which is trying to
collect the $172 due it for printing the nasty
remarks he and his colleague think up about
other people.
* * *
THE OTHER is known as a man of horse-
sense, modesty, and possessing a sense of
humor. His horsesense, he showed in writing his
own notice in the BMOC blunder. It would have
been hard to find anyone else to have done it for
him. His modesty is attested by the very casual
understatement of all the activities that have
seen fit not to need him during the past five
years he has been snuggling up close to seniorf
editors and other senior whatnots. Once, it is!
rumored, he had a petition turned down for
chairman of a League committee. He is not
popular at all with the girls who work for the
Superior Dairy Company. In the way of successes,
his greatest has been the football team, for
he is the only man in newspapers able to
produce ream after ream about football and
football players, while knowing absolutely noth-
ing about the game. He was doublecrossed here
however, when th team won a few games and
that left him only the campus politicians to kick
around-which everyone else had finished doing
two years ago. Finally, his sense of humor
puts him above the common herd of cattle and
he is to be lauded for the exceptionally fine pas-
sages he lifted from last year's BMOC Blue Book
-with which he had nothing to do. They were
the funniest things in Who Who.
O. K., folks, they're all yours.
-Mr. Disraeli.
On The LevQAel
The President of the United States has pro-
claimed tomorrow as a national holiday for
Thanksgiving and there isn't much the Univer-
sity authorities can do about it except take roll
on Friday to see how many stayed home for the
entire week-end.

Nearly 4,000 students signed petitions for a
three-day vacation but these lists did little else
than impress the faculty board with the large
number of men and women here who can write
their names, and the fact that nearly 3,000 of
these claimed to live in California and that they
all wanted to go home for the week-end, also was
a shock to University authorities..
However, the Dean's Committee faced the tre-
mendous decision as to whether there would be
a three-day vacation, and without flinching
deemed that Friday's lectures on the history of
Esthonian lace-making would be more important
in the future than giving the students a chance
to sit home and read the comics.
Of course all the errors in this year's Directory
can not be listed in a space smaller than the
book itself, but if one looks at the names gathered
under the Tri-Delt House, one will find that
Hope Petrouleas has been given the very sug-
gestive cognomen of "Hope Petnouless."
Then there was the fellow who asked for a
can of "Jack Thom Pipe Tobacco" at the Union
counter the other day. The clerk didn't under-
stand what the fellow wanted until the fellow
pointed to a tin of "Union Leader Smoking To-
bacco" and laid down a dime.
"In college the student must acquire a measure
of idealism for it will serve him later . . . you
must learn to think also for others as well as for

Iifeenis zo Me
Heywood Broun
Lin Yutang, the Chinese columnist, gave a
luncheon Saturday for Dr. Wang, his country's
ambassador, and a group of New York writing
men. Lin maintains that there is a far greater
psychological difference between the Chinese and
the Japanese than between the people of China
and America. And he holds that one of the
basic gulfs between China
and Japan is that the Jap-
anese are utterly devoid of
any sense of humor. The lit-
erature of China abounds
with quips and gay sayings,
and I still remember a dinner
in-Nanking as the best party
to which I ever was bidden.
I couldn't understand all
the jokes, but the audience
was infectiously responsive. I also liked the
hot rice wine. Lin Yutang speaks with authority,
since he does a regular newspaper stint for home
consumption and also has published successful
books here. Indeed, I am told that in Shanghai
he is known as "The Chinese Westbrook Pegler."
In the course of the luncheon one of the
favorite anecdotes about the Japanese was put
in evidence. It concerns the American and the
Japanese passengers on a steamer. The latter
expressed a belief that a storm was brewing,
while the American disagreed. But the Oriental
Cassandra stuck to his gloomy forebodings to
such an extent that the American remarked, "Is
it possible that you are a poor sailor?" The
Japanese drew himself to his full height and1
answered stiffly, "I'll have you know I'm a
first-class passenger!"
Chinese Are Individualistic
Dr. Wang believes that the people of China are
instinctively in favor of the democratic forms of
government. In his estimation the Chinese are
the most individualistic of all people. But even
more, he feels that the Chinese sense of humor
is a bulwark against any permanent dictatorship.
If there is soundness in this formula, I am
afraid that there is actual need for worry about
the preservation of our traditional institutions. I
do not go with General Johnson in his recent
statement over the air that an anti-lynching bill
means Fascism in America. Nor am I moved by
the complaint of Congressmen that. if the work-
ing day is shortened we will all become slaves.
The thing that worries me is a rapid increase of
blind spots in our national sense of humor, or
sense of proportion or whatever you mean to call
it. These spots have more effect upon the lives
of us all than the blemishes now to be noted
on the surface of the sun.
In particular I view with alarm the more recent
reactions of the Herald Tribune's goblin editor,
Mark Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan is a newspaper man
of long training, and in his own right a person
of infinite tact and charm.
Whatever I may say about him always will be
conditioned by the fact that at the Liberty
League dinner he personally went out of his way
to get me a seat right at the feet of Al Smith.
And so, when a man who is almost a journalistic
institution begins to look under the bed, even in
broad daylight, there is reason for widespread
It's Just Hearsay
I have in mind his most recent column, which
ran under the headline. "Move Toward Revolu-
tion Seen," and in the bank I found "White House
counselors, under the guise of reforming cap-
italism, seek to substitute Communism or Fas-
cism." That seemed to me almost first page stuff
until I found that it was taken from an editorial
column by Arthur Krock who in turn, although
not present at the conclave, had "reliably heard"
the tale.
Moreover, Mr. Krock was heartened because,
on good authority he was informed that both
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins had
shouted down with great vehemence the two

brash and wholly unidentified persons who had
wildly hazarded the opinion that maybe cap- .
italism never would work.
If revolution can be built of such shadows,+
I warn Mark Sullivan never to venture into the
editorial offices of his own paper.
I can testify that I have "reliably heard" that
Walter Lippmann in a mellow mood once said,
"Maybe we are all wrong and the entire scheme,
of things is cockeyed."
I think Mark Sullivan ought to take a sleeping+
pill and leave word not to be called until the1
tumbril comes.
j I
Air Lines: Tomorrow giffs a leetle Have-Fun-
Day with turkey and trimmings-Detroit U. and
Duquesne will play a ball game in Pittsburgh
and the CBS will have Ted Husing telling about
it all at 2 over Col-mbia's WABC net . . . The
Warner Brothers air spectacle has finally been
put on the dotted line to replace the Hit Parade
on Wednesdays . . . rehearsal will start as soon
as Dick Powell returns from a spotting at the
Cleveland Auto Show . . . Frank Parker is due to
be on the Whiteman show-to take over the cig
reins after the fine work of Hal Kemp & Co... .
Louella Parsons wants $5,000 weekly instead of

'Let Freedom Ring'
On Friday evening, Dec. 3, at the
Masonic Temple in Ann Arbor, the
Detroit Federal Theatre will give Al-
bert Bein's "Let Freedom Ring." After
a successful run in Detroit, the play
has been on the road, playing to
Flint, Pontiac, and other cities. It is
brought to Ann Arbor under the joint
auspices of the Unity Hall Board and,
the Progressive Club of the University
of Michigan.
There are twenty-three members
in the cast, directed by Vernor Hal-
dene. James Doll, formerly dramal
critic of, the Daily and costume de-
signer for Play Production, serves as(
Art Director. Carl Nelson, also active

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.. on Saturday

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1937
Smoking in University Buildings.
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-!
versity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking roomsl
where precautions can be taken andl
control exercised. This is neither aI
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and'
enforced solely with the purpose of
nreventin fin- In ith tt fiz <0r

rop Pack Foundation Prize in For-
estry, the conditions for which may
be secured from the Recorder of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
2048 Natural Science Building. Top-
ics, which may be decided upon in
consultation with members of the
faculty of the School, must be filed in
the office of the Recorder not later
than Dec. 18, 1937.
'Graduate Students in Psychology'
-Any person wishing to take his
preliminary doctoral examinations
this semester, please report to Pro-
fessor Maier. Room 2123 N. S. in the

in Play Production in previous yearsj 15 ohev ±tL of 50 rse dor, near'future.
is in the cast. as is Louise Hunting- of the total of 50 fires reported, or
ton, who has appeared here a num- 30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes Faculty Table: Because of the holi-
ber of times in connection with the or lighted matches. To be effective, day the Faculty Table group will not
annual Spring Dramatic Season. the rule must necessarily apply to meet at the Union on Thursda4 of
. this week.
ITS MASS SHAMED bringing lighted tobacco into or
THE OXFORD DICTIONARY through University buildings and to C Hour Announcement: There
Coffee Hu noneet hr
In Feb. 1935, Albert Bein sent the lighting of cigars, cigarettes, and will be no Michigan Union Coffee
Worthington Minor a script of his pipes within buildings-including Hour on Wednesday, Thursday, or
play, "Let Freedom Ring." As Mr. such lighting just previous to going Friday of this week.
Mnrremembers it, "it was delivered____
by a couple of piano movers. It was outdoors. Within the last few years Library Hours: On Thanksgiving
nearly as thick as the Oxford Dic- a serious fire was started at the exit S Day, Nov. 25, the Main Reading
tionary and twice as heavy. Typed from the Pharmacology building by' Room and the Periodical Room of
at home on paper one cut below card- the throwing of a still lighted match the General Library wil lhe open
board, it bulked up to some 236 pages. into refuse waiting removal at the, from 2:00-9:00 p.m. The Depart-
Three days later, after a cursory run- doorway. If the rule is to be enforced mental Libraries will be closed.
through of the manuscript, he called at all its enforcement must begin at Books from other parts of the
up Albert ein and agreed to do the the building entrance. Further, it building which are needed for use
play. It was reduced to acceptably is impossible that the rule should be on that day will be made available
Gargantuan size, financed and ulti- enforced with one class of persons if in the Main Reading Room if request
mately produced by the Actors' Rep- another class of persons disregards it. is made on Wednesday to an assist-
extory Company, the same group that It is a disagreeable and thankless ant in the Reading Room where the
I later did the successful "Bury the task to "enforce" almost any rule. books are usually shelved.
Dead" and the unsuccessful "200 This rule against the use of tobacco Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Were Chosen." within buildings is perhaps the most
Four hundred years ago," writes 1thankless and difficult of all, unless 1 den Not
Mr. Bein himself, "the English peas- it has the winning support of every-
ants and yeomen were torn away one concerned. An appeal is made to Economics 53: There will be no lec-
from their land by what we know as all persons using the University build- ture this week. Shorey Peterson.
the enclosures, or shee ,andings-staff members, students and
thrust into the new factories for others-to contribute individual co-
weaving cloth that were springing up opes o this efo to dprotect
all over England. In order to compel University buildings against fires. The Ann Arbor Art Association
the easantsadhe nomen to enser This statement is inserted at the presents an exhibition of modern
requesis tenbhmCpnsdAmerican and German water colors
tal, Draconian laws amen pvagdrequest of the Conference of Deans., from the collection of the Detroit
rancy and beggary, often making Shirley W. Smith.
these "crimes" punishable by death. Institute of Arts, in the North and
"Down the corridors of history, one Students, School of Education: South Galleries of Alumni Memorial
can still hear echoes of thaty reat Courses dropped after today will be Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. Open
mass exodus of the time: the tramp recorded with the grade of E except daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5
of thousands of homeless people, the under extraordinary circumstances. p.m., always free to students.
cry of hunger of the lost on the roads, No course is considered officially
thecrahin tibes o a ocil ss-dropped unless it has been reported L cu e
the crashng timbers of a social sys- in the office of the Registrar, Room
born. Four hundred years ago, those 4, University Hall. University Lecture: Dr. Christian
peasants and yeomen went through A. Ruckmick, Professor of Psychology
the agony of being forcibly trans- Students, College of Literature, at the University of Iowa, will lec-
planted out of 'the golden age into Science and the Arts: Courses ture on "Emotions in the Motion
the age of iron.' Fdropped after today will be recorded Picture Theatre" on Wednesday,
with the grade E. Exception may be Dec. 1. at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
AMERICAN PEASANTS made in extraordinary circumstan,- Science Auditorium under the au-
ARE PORTRAYED ces, such as severe or long continued spices of the Department of Psy-
"That period of English history, illness. chology. The public is cordially in-

that intense and tragic drama of so-
cial upheaval has been pounded into a Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.:
terrific play: Ernst Toller's 'The Ma- Elections of courses for the second
chine Wreckers.' But 'Let Freedom semester must be approved during
ing' is the first American play which the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in
has attempted to deal with American Room 9, University hall. To prevent
material and American 'peasants' congestion in the office of the coun-
who have undergone the some his- selors, individual post cards will be
tonic process." mailed daily to a small group of stu-t
Mr. Bein's play deals with the Car- 'dents. Each card will be dated seven
olina mountaineers, and it is the days after the day of mailing. To beI
"sawmills eating and devouring the admitted to a conference with a
forests and the arable land that is counselor, a student must present his
the instrument history has chosen card not later than the date it bears.
in our day to rip an agricultural If he comes after this date an inter-
people out of their rooted mode of view will be granted only if there are
life." The impact upon these people no others waiting at the office.
of an industrial life, which inevitably In order to make an intelligent se-
tends to destroy and uproot their lection of courses each sophomore,
traditional habits of thought and should give careful attention to his
their traditional loyalties, is tremen- next semester's elections before meet-
dous. ing with his counselor.
Clifford Odets has said of the play, J. H. Hodges
"I don't know what will make the E. A. Walter
great American play. But I damnl A. Van Duren
well know a good American play whenA._____n
I see it; and I saw it when I went to pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu-
see Albert Bein's "Let Freedom Ring." dents: Announcement is made of the
annual contest for the Charles Lath-

University Lecture: Dr. Carl Mayer
of the Graduate Faculty of the New
School for Social Research in New
York City will lecture on the "So-
ciology of Religion" on Friday, Dec.
3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium under the aus-
pices of the Department of Sociology.
The public is cordially invited.
Coming Lecture: Dr. Edward Scrib-
ner Ames, Professor of the Philosophy
of Religion at the University of Chi-
cago, will speak on "The Will to Be-
lieve" at the Natural Science Audi-
torium, Thursday, Dec. 2, at 4:15 p.m.
Events Today
Seminar in Physical Cheiistry will
meet in Room 122, Chemistry Bldg.
'tomorrow at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Herbert
Bandes will speak on "Newer views
on Overvoltage."
Infrared Seminar: Prof. E. F. Bark-
er will discuss "Near Infrared Experi-
mental Methods and Echelette Grat-
ings" on Wednesday. Nov. 24 at 4:15

Black Opines

- ---- -- --

! CU11 , '4Q y . 4 Y.e
Justice Black's first Supreme Court A 11 t1 M otion in the Physics Staff Room.
opinion, concurred in by all the other ______
members of the high bench, is one " Michigan Pames: The Homemak-
which will have the approval of s IR e j e e t e d In iing Group will meet Wednesday eve-
everyone who believes that advertis- ning, Nov. 24, at 8 p.m., at the Wash-
ing should be kept free of mislead- G s R a Tr ial tenaw Gas Co., 211 E. Huron, where
ing statements. Upholding the pow- a ' ate~ i~ Mrs. Bush, home economics demon-
ers invested in the Federal Trade strator, will give a candy making
Commission to protect the public, the , demonstration. Everybody welcome.
decision condemned the practice of Judge Refuses To DismissI
two looseleaf encyclopedia companies Companies From Court' Sphinx: Meeting at noon today
of representing their proposition as a in the Union. John Mitchell will
"gift" of the encyclopedia if sub- But May Release Heads speak on "Five Underlying Theories
scribers would agree to pay for the of Accounting."
supplemental service for 10 years. MADISON, Wis., Nov. 23.-U P)- I
Pointing out that the books and the All motions for directed verdicts of Coming Events
supplemental service in reality soldacutlfo16orrtedenns
for the announced price, the new Jus- acquittal for 16 corporate defendants International Dinner: Students at-
tice said that such representations remaining in the government's gaso-, tending the International Dinner are
were "contrary to decent business line price fixing case were denied to- urged to arrive between 6 and 6:30
standards." With this decision to sup- day by Federal Judge Patrick T. p.m. They should come promptly to
port it, the Federal Trade Commis- Stone, who then recessed court until the second floor lobby where they
sion is still further bulwarked in its next Monday and wished the defen- will be given their dinner tickets.
continuous fight to protectthe trust- t" y kBecause ofthe large number attend-
ing from fraud and deception. dants "Happy Thanksgiving." ing, it is again emphasized that no
The St. Louis Post-Dsipatch. Judge Stone withheld a ruling as one can be admitted who has not
to similar motions on behalf of the made his reservation in advance.
ARE STUDENTS 'SPOONFED'? 41 executives and employes of oil
"I expected to find a great vitality companies who are on trial here. In Junior Mathematics Club: Will not
and outspokenness in your students. delivering his opinion he said: meet this week Friday, but will meet
I believed that there would be more "The court is of the opinion that Friday, Dec. 3, at which time Profes-
horseplay and even a certain amount there is competent and substantial sor Anning will speak on "Solving
of vulgarity, but I do not find this evidence in the record to support a the Cubic by Fair Means or Foul."
to be true . . ." Professor Lavour-' finding of guilty as far as the cor-
Cade, visiting French instructor at the porate defendants are concerned. The luncheon for graduate stu-
University of Buffalo. thinks Amer-. "But as to the individual defen- dents will be omitted tomorrow be-


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