The Weather Increasing cloudiness, some- what warmer today; tomorrow cloudy and unsettled. - -A Li ian Iati Editorials That Old Football Game,.. VOL. XLVHL No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS France Upsets Extremist Plot ToReseat ing ThroughForce Raids Show Plan For Coup Similar To Spain Revolt; Discover Arms Caches Search Carried To Border Territories PARIS, Nov. 23.-(iP)--A plot to overthrow the Republican Govern- ment and restore a king to the an- cient throne of France was uncov- ered tonight in an inquiry into an armed revolutionary body, Minister of Interior Marx Dormoy in a statement assured the nation that plans for the coup d'etat had been nipped. Raids extending from the German frontier through the capital to southern regions near Insurgent-held Spain continued, however, indicating that the People's Front Government was still on the hunt for leaders of the conspiracy. Papers Reveal Plans Papers found in the office of Ed- ouard Deloncle, prominent engineer- ing consultant, finally broke the case after raids disclosed arms caches and underground fortifications, of- ficials said. The papers revealed plans for an uprising like that which plunged Spain into civil war with the goal of establishing a fascist dictatorship under a monarchy similar to the Italian regime, these officials stated. Lines of suspects were brought be- fore Surete Nationale inspectors for questioning. Four persons, includ- ing Sergt. Raymond Cheron of the air force and three civilians, were ordered to hold themselves at dispo- sition of the investigating magistrate. Identities of the real leaders of the movement remained a secret. Dormoy declared, however, that the Government had the situation well in hand. Coty Villa SearchedI Previously Dormoy told the Cab- met and President Albert Lebrun that a raid "somewhere in Paris" had netted a large number of documents of great importance to the govern- ment's drive against the armed, sec- ret organization. Operative also searched a villa of the late Francois Coty, perfume man- ufacturer, on the outskirts of Paris. Coty founded the semi-fascist French Solidarity League which, a few years ago, asserted it had 300,- 000 members. The league was dis- solved June 18, 1936, and its members drifted over to other extreme Right- ist organizations. Labor Disputes Hit Greyhound, For-dAnd Postal UAW Set For Ford Battle In St. Louis; Expect At Least 2,000 Pickets Out UAW Ford workes in St. Louis and employes of the Greyhound Bus lines prepared to go on strike today, while difficulties were being adjusted by the striking employes of the Postal Telegraph Company in Detroit and St. Louis. In Cleveland a strike of 1,300 members of the Brotherhood of Rail- road Trainmen employed by eight Greyhound Bus lines was called, ef- fective at noon today. The strike was called at midnight last night after conferences between the union representatives and the bus officials had reached no agreement. Meanwhile, P o s t a 1 Telegraph- Cable company union employes in St. Louis returned to work last night after a six-hour recess called by CIO officials. John McLaughlin, regional organ-! izer for the radio union, called it a' "work stoppage, not a strike." Triumphs Over Injuries Campus Issue Business Aid Balks Model, Seen In New Senate Plans TaxFormul Administration reatens d 'Stock Exchange Reform., a Leaders Divide On Matter Bill Seeks To Repeal Levy Of Discussing L o c a 1 On Corporation Profits, Problems At Meetings Using Alternate Measure FRED C. JANKE * * * Janke Elected To Lead Eleven For Next Year Phil Woodworth Succeeds Fred Colombo As Grid Manager;_DuBois Aids Fred C. Janke, '39, of Jackson was elected by his teammates yesterday to captain Michigan's 1938 football team. He succeeds Joe Rinaldi, '38, of Elkhart, Ind. Phillip Woodworth, '39, of Bad Axe will succeed Frederick Colombo, Ralph Heikkinen, husky 180- pound right guard from Ramsay, was named by his teammates yesterday as the most valuable player on the Varsity football team for 1937. Heikkinen's name along with these of the most valuable play- * ers of the other nine Big Ten teams will make up the list from which the Chicago Tribune will choose the Conference's most . valuable player this year. '38, as the team's manager, with Ralph DuBois, '38,aas the alternate. Woodworth's junior assistants are Norman E. Kewley, '40E, Eugene L. Klein, 40E, William M. Delbridge, '40, and Carl Wheeler, '40. Janke's selection was the consum- mation of a plucky three year battle which the husky tackle has made for gridiron recognition. Constantly hampered by injuries, he finally came to his own at the tag end of the sea- son and convinced all of his true ability. Last year he was heralded as the sophomore sensation of the Michi- gan line and lived up to allexpecta- tions in the first two games. Against Minnesota he incurred a bad shoul- der injury and was out of action for the remainder of the season. He was succeeded at that time by Don Siegel, who substituted in brilliant fashion for the rest of the year. This fail, he was shifted to full- back and remained there during the first two games, although his services were minimized again because of another injury, this time an abcessed arm. When it was decided that his (Continued On Page 3) Mexico Asks League Intervention In War Petitioning Means Republicans Vote bowriOaicsl grestT Subject Of Debate Immediate Repeal Power Official Agrees To Common Law Valuation Debate as to whether the proposed WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-()-AI For A New Rate Scale Student Model Senate should discuss new tax formula, designed to helpj campus as well as national and in- both big and little business, took firm;Governuent To Sell ternational affairs divided the execu-othigadyintesinestokhe can- tive committee in charge of arrange- outline today in response to the con- ments yesterday. gressional demand for legislation to Of Plans were announced yesterday improve economic conditions. for the new organization which is be- While the House saw a renewed WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.- (P) - ing formed to consolidate student drive for enactment of wage and hour President Roosevelt reported distinct opinion on campus, national and in- legislation and the Senate began de- progress today toward composing dif- ternational issues. It is expected that bate on the crop control bill, the Iproress tway theAdmini- the Senate, composed of two students House subcommittee on taxation ferences between the Administration from each state, will serve as an in- reached its most important decision and private power interests. dicator of national trends.' of the session to date. The President told a press confer- A resolution limiting Senate dis- Tentatively, it agreed upon a plan ence after an hour-and-a-half talk cussions to national and international'which would all but abandon the tax with Wendell L. Willkie, president of affairs was passed by a vote of eight on the profits which a corporation re- the Commonwealth & Southern to six, but was tabled for further tamns to put back into its business orth Comnelh & Suer consideration at the group's next to provide a "depression cushion." Corp., that Willkie, speaking for him- meeting, Nov. 30. Thfself, had agreed with the President's Led by Martin B. Dworkis, '40, the The formula would apply, instead, theory of common-law valuation for Led by Martn B. Dworki, '40, thea normal income tax rate of 12%V to utltewo aemkn p urpones. committee approved a petition form 14 per cent on orporations with ne utilities for rate-making purposes. toe filed bysapplicants for seats iincome of less than $25,000. Larger He said that Willkie also hads the Senate as representatives from corporations would pay 16 to 20 per agreed that the Government shouldi n rtheir state. Amuigty, hav e adi- cent, in proportion to the extent to sell power from its various projects. cants declare their eligibility, instead whichit disburses its profits as divi- Asserting that although the dis- of their, scholastic average, was passed' dends. cussion was only in theory, the Presi- unanimously. First semester fresh- s men will be excluded from member- At present, there is a normal in- dent said that they got down to cer- ship because of University eligibility come tax rate ranging from 11 to tain fundamentals, including an un- requirements,15 per cent. But it is supplemented derstanding that between $1,250,000,- As current plans have it, the by a levy of 7 to 27 per cent on earn- 000 and $1,500,000,000 could be spent proposed body will be modeled after ings withheld from stockholders. The usefully for utility construction. the Federal Senate, comprising two latter feature has been widely con- Eliminate 'Write-Ups' students from each state. Petitions demnd as an important factor in Frank R. McNinch, former Federal from each state will be accepted by the current business recession. Power Commission chairman Who at- a credentials committee, although While the subcommittee was at tendeid the Roosevelt-Willkie confer- members of the Senate will eventually work, administration leaders were ence and also the press interview, be elected at large. wrestling with another pressing prob- said, and the President agreed, that At the first meeting, the time and lem, how to get the wages and hours Willkie favored eliminating all of place of future gatherings and the bill out of the Rules Committee, the "write-ups" that the Federal scope of discussion will be decided. where there is a majority against it, Trade Commission found in utility Committees will also be appointed and on to the floor for action there. capital structures. at that time. Representative Rayburn, the ma- McNinch said that these "write- Actions of the committee on ar- jority leader, decided on a drive for ups" were from 10 to 15 per cent on rangements would be merely recom- signatures upon a petition to force an aggregate valuation of power util- mendations and would not bind the the bill out. A dozen or so signed, ities of around $12,000,000gi oO, actions of the Senate, Dworkis de- leaving the document about 50 signers Willkie said after the conference lared, short of the needed 218. that the discussion covered both rates v i . t i ,i . Police Return Wives To 'Bunco-Bachelors' CHICAGO, Nov. 23.-{(g)-The po- lice have decided to do something for the supperless husbands. They announced today they would ban bunco, a game played with dice for silk comforters, table lamps and I what have you, and which, some hus- bands say, have kept their women- folk at neighborhood halls in the af- ternoons well beyond the time for preparing evening meals. The new move was a part of the police drive to curb all forms of gambling in Chicago. Progressives sponsor Dance To Aid Chinese Group's Peace Committee Io Help In Local Drives For Medical Assistance The Chinese Night dance to raise funds for medical aid to China, at which Jimmy Fischer's Orchestra will play, will be held at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Lane Hall under the sponsorship of the Prcsoressive Club, it was an- nounced at a membership meeting of the club last night in Angell Hall. A forum to discuss the pro's and con's of a boycott against Japanese goods will be held next week by the Progressive Club. Until then the Peace Committee will continue to cooperate with the Chinese Students' Club and the Friends of China and Peace in the joint body known as the Conference to Aid China by formulating plans to bring speakers on the Sino-Jap- anese war to Ann Arbor and to raise money for medical aid to China's civilian population. The Progressive Club will hold reg- ular meetings every two weeks, it was voted last night. The executive com- mittee will include two members from each sub-committee, instead of one, and the executive meetings will be open to the general membership. A conference of liberal students from educational institutions in Michigan and nearby states will be sponsored by the Progressive Club during the first week in December, according to a report on the club's present and future work presented by George Mutnick, '39, chairman of the Civil Liberties and Academic Com- mittee. "Let Freedom Ring," the play (Continued on Page 6) British Agree To Jap Rule of China Customs Action Taken To Prevent International Crisis As Ministers Quit Nanking t 1f7 i rr7 t1- "a 1,;74 +<, Plants Remain Shut By Strikes! Fisher Body Dispute Ends; Other Disputes Go On DETROIT, Nov. 23. --(iP)-Five Michigan automotive plants, employ- j ing 17,300 persons, remained closed because of labor troubles today al-I though the most stubborn of the, strikes, in the General Motors Fish- er body plant at Pontiac, was of-' ficially ended. Plants closed because of labor dis- putes were: Bundy Tubing Co., De- troit, which produces automobile gasE and oil lines and employs 1,200 per-E sons; the Wilcox-Rich division of the Eaton Manufacturing Co., at Sagi- naw, makers of tappets and otherI parts, employing 1,000, and one de- partment of the Briggs Manufactur- ing Co. at Highland Park, employing 400, which does work on automobile bodies for the Plymouth Division of the Chrysler Corp. At Pontiac, E. R. Leeder, manager of the Fisher plant, said an inventory3 of material and equipment and a re-sorting of stock would be necessary before production could be resumed. Negotiations began this afternoon between E. R. Leeder of the Fisher plant and union representatives on such grievances as the suspension ofI four men accused of fomenting a previous unauthorized strike, thel speed of conveyors, and the laying off of men because of curtailed pro- duction schedules. I i S,,, thepossibility 0f business ex- hnrisitoas Day n in the utility field. Willkie declined to give his own r ' opinion of Mr. Roosevelt's recent Custom ro en suggestion that methods of private power property valuation, for rate- making purposes, should be changed. By' usicB ody The conference followed by a few hours submission to Congress by "The Creation" by Haydn will be President Roosevelt of a voluminous presented as a Christmas offering report by the New York State Power by the University Musical Society at Authority, charging "widespread 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 in propaganda" by private power utili- Hill Auditorium instead of the tra- ties. ditional "Messiah." which for many Government Power Cheaper years has been heard at Christmas Disputing the alleged propaganda, time, it was announced yesterday by the authority contended that Gov- Charles A. Sink, president of theIernment hydro-electric power could music school be produced at about half the cost of The University Choral Union of 300 private steam power.I voices, the University Symphony Or- An accompanying letter from chestra of 75 players and soloists Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the from the faculty of the School of power authority, said that the au- Music will all participate under the thority was "forced to take cogni- directorship of Prof. Earl V. Moore zance of widespread propaganda fos- of the music school. tered by the committee of utility ex- I I Comnnissioner Asks Action To Prohibit Fixing Of Stock Price Regulation Corporate Surplus Tax Death Forecast WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.--(A)- The Roosevelt Administration cracked down on Wall Street tonight, serving an ultimatum that the stock ex- change must reorganize or be reg- ulated much more drastically. "Adequate safeguards" must be thrown about this and other ex- changes, either by the marts them- selves or the Securities Commission, said William O. Douglas, chairman of the commission. The surprise move recalled that Wall Streeters and New Dealers have been hurling recriminations, blaming each other in part for the present business recession. Some adpinis- tration advisers have accused Wall Street of "leaning on its shovel," while their critics have blamed restrictions imposed by the government Announcement Precipitated The Douglas announcement capped a series of rapid-fire developments, all bearing on the business situation: 1. President Roosevelt conferred with President Wendell L. Willkie of Commonwealth and Southern Cor- poration and reported progress to- ward an understanding between pri- vate power and government. 2. Mr. Roosevelt announced that to encourage home-building he fa- vored permitting the Federal Housing Administration to insure mortgages up to 90 per cent of the value of homes, instead of 80 per cent as at present. 3. A House Committee decided tentatively to wipe out all but a trace of the undistributed profits tax, target of business criticism. Sixty- two House Republicans unanimously demanded outright appeal of the levy. Douglas, in announcing his ulti- matum to the exchanges, said figures on the activity of exchange members in recent stock market slumps "serve only to fortify further the conclu- sion, indicated repeatedly in our studies, that members of the exchange trading for their own account either create the daily price fluctuations or else contribute materially to their se- verity." Prefers Self-Reform He asserted he would prefer to have the exchanges reform them- selves to prevent artificial fluctua- tions but indicated they were not ready to assume the responsibility and that more extensive commission control may result. The demand for reorganization re- sulted from failure of secret negotia- tions between certain New York Stock Exchange members and the SEC. The commission rejected as inadequate the exchange's proposals,' for im- proved administration of the "big board." Douglas specified that an accept- able plan would have to include: 1. Strict punishment of members (Continued on Page 6) Plan To Establish SAE Branch Here Negotiations to establis, a branch of the Society of Automotive Engi- neers at Michigan may begin soon as a result of the interest shown by 30 automotive engineering students, Prof. Walter E. Lay of the engineer- ing college declared yesterday. The SAE, he said, performs many functions for the automotive engi- neer such as distributing various pub- lications, doing extensive research work, and conducting a placement service. A branch at the University would be especially significant because Ann 0 The soloists will include Thelma Lewis, soprano, who has been heard at May Festivals, Arthur Hackett, tenor, and member of the musicE school faculty and Hardin A. Van Deursen, baritone, who joined the music school faculty this year, after having served as a member of the faculty of Albion College. Palmer Christian, University organist, will preside at the organ. TWEDELL HEADS GOPHERS MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 23.-(1P- Francis Twedell, of Austin, Minn., a guard, was chosen to captain the' 1938 University of Minnesota foot- ball team today. ecutives lic into asserion er than designed to mislead the pub- accepting the unwarranted that steam power is cheap- hydro power and that, in consequence, the Government power program is unsound." "The power authority report shows° that this propaganda is based on in-I correct figures," Walsh asserted. BRUSSELS, Nov. 23.-WI)-Mexico sought tonight to carry the Chinese- Japanese conflict back to the League, of Nations as the Brussels parley on! the undeclared war drew toward a close.j Piimo Villa Michel, Mexican dele- gate, disclosed he had warned the; conferees in a secret session yesterdayI that failure to enforce respect for; treaties menaces the existence of weaker nations. . League of Nations powers, Villa SHANGHAI, Nov. 23.--(P)-Con- trol of Shanghai's customs passed in- W shten ~w Swee s to Japanese hands today by an ar- Srangement with Sir Frederick Maze, Freshman Electi oni British inspector general of Chinese customs. Sir Frederick appointed Yoshisuke The Washtenaw party swept the Akatani administrative commissioner Freshman literary college elections of customs for Shanghai, China's yesterday, taking every class office l wealthiest port, and Keiichi Kato Little is' Toy Soldiers Laid To Rest Band Starts Concert Season from the newly-formed United In- dependent and State Street party. Don Carr of Lambda Chi Alpha' was named president, defeating Glenn Callander of Psi Upsilon. Anita Carvalho, an -independent, t defeated Elinor Levison, also an in-! I t Michel declared, "were "duty bound" to L Ao to appeal to the League Assembly to y EARL R GI.MAN bemade un of about 90 members in- A -,Y JXR IU L . " 1lL1 1N 11~ ~t. l U ,rA~41dN , A1 Striking employes at the main of- search at once for ways to defend The little lead soldiers have been I cluding five flutes, two oboes, one i fice of the Postal Telegraph Co. in weaker nations and to safeguard col- laid away and the cardboard band English horn, two bassoons, 24 B flat Detroit, ended a four-hour "stand- lective security. box has been dusted off as the end clarinets, three alto clarinets, two up" strike yesterday. A. R. Bartold, -- of another football season marks the bass clarinets, eight French horns, 10 general superintendent of the local ceompletion of the University March- cornets, two trumpets, four euphon- office, said the American Radio Tele- State To Increase ing Band's activities for 1937 and the' iums. six trombones, five Sousa- graphers' Association, a CIO affiliate, beginning of the Concert Band's work. phones, two string bases, six percus- had been granted exclusive bar- Liquor Sales Hon 'rs During the marching season, Major sions, two harps, one marimba and gaining rights. Walter Farriss spent all his spare, five saxophones. time manipulating 125 toy lead sol- The concert band's first official Cuba's ExPr n LANSING, Nov. 23.-(iP--The State diers through intricate maneuvers venture this year will be on Dec. 121 Cubas s X- resident Liquor Control Commission, which and then passed these formations in the Union Ballroom when th'e Yields To Extradition embarked on a campaign three to the band. Now, however, Prof.* members will read more than 30 dif-. months ago to drive business into itsi rliam n ,, t n ,iof it h rnofi ,- ferent niecne fora . lini. o'fa oll th dependent, for the vice-presidency;' Sue Flanningan of Delta Delta Delta was elected secretary over Betty Mandel of Kappa Kappa Gamma; and Irving Gerson of Pi Lambda Phi was chosen treasurer, defeating Jack Laro, an independent.{ The freshmen election in the archi- tecture college, which was scheduled for yesterday, was postponed until Dec. 2. Engineering college freshmen will vote from 4 to 5 p.m. today in their assembly. Nominations will be made revenue accountant for the Shang- hai area. The appointments, it was believed, were made to prevent Shanghai cus- toms administration from becoming an international issue. Japan has demanded control of all government functions in Shanghai, including customs. Chinese revenues have been pledged to foreign govern- ments to guarantee government loans made abroad. United States Ambassador Nelson T. Johnson and most of his staff sailed from Nanking aboard the gun- boat Luzon, following the Central Government into the interior. John- son planned to establish a temporary office at Hankow. German, British, French, Russian, Italian, Belgian and Mexican diplo- Arbor is the geographical center of the automobile industry, Professor Lay added. Student members would have all the privileges of regular members in the matter of meetings, discussions and exhibitions. Two Navy Fliers Killed