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November 22, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-22

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TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 1937

- - --- --- -----

NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Badauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart yitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
f golden, Mary. Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers s
fEd Macal, Accounts Manager Leonard P. Segelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ingManager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
an Circulation Manager.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
. staff and represent the views of the writers
The Yardstick
Trial Continues . .
nooga last week presented a point-
by-point justification of each charge made by the
counsels for the nineteen power companies which
are seeking to enjoin the TVA from further gen-
eration, transmission and distribution of electric
The principle complaint of the power com-
panies was that the TVA "yardstick for measur-
ing power rates was "dishonest, unfair, unreason-
able and confiscatory." William C. Fitts Jr. who
headed the government lawyers Wednesday in
the absence of James Lawrence Fly, chief coun-
sei for the TVA, argued that the complaint was
irrelevant to the issue at stake.
"The question whether the rates are fair or
unfair, reasonable or unreasonable, high or low,
can have no possible effect upon the question
whether Congress has the constitutional power
to authorize the construction of the dams being
constructed, or the power to dispose of water
power created by those dams. The sole question
is whether that power is the lawful property of
the United States. Congress has complete dis-
cretion to dispose of that power at any price
it may see fit. It could give it away if it wanted
The three-judge Federal court accepted Mr.
Fitts' objection and excluded from the trial rec-
ord exhibits offered by the companies to show
savings of millions of dollars to consumers in re-
cent years from rate reductions by the Appala-
chian Electric Power Company and associated
Newspaper and lawyers in Chattanooga are
agreed however that the government case re-
ceived somewhat of a setback when the court
permitted the companies to introduce as evidence
statements made by Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, TVA
chairman, which, they argue, prove their conten-
tion that the electric business is a primary rather
than an incidental part of the agency's projects
and that the program therefore represents an
unconstitutional usurpation by the Federal gov-
ernment. Mr. Fitts' answer to this was that the
plans and hopes of government officials did not
constitute proper evidence unless they were
translated into action. He cited a Supreme
Court decision that, if the court went into the
motives of government officials or agencies it
would cross the line from judicial into political
The counsel for the utilities presented on the
opening day of the trial evidence intended to
show that if the government had really mad
navigation its primary object, it could have con-
structed a low dam project "for $75,000,000, as
estimated in the engineers' report, instead of
spending $400,000,000 more on the TVA project."
According to Mr. Russell Porter of the New York

of words for a good while. Meanwhile there are
certain aspects of the situation which interest
the entire nation. Of immediate interest to the
millions of consumers of electric power and to
the producers is the President's plan to make
electric power available at greatly reduced prices.
The President has also offered the industry the
Administration's cooperation on condition that
it change the basis upon which it evaluates prop-
erties for rate-making purposes. Without a doubt,
however, the issue that is really being decided
in Chattanooga, and which must ultimately be
decided by the Supreme Court and the electorate
is the question of how far the government may
compete with and replace private enterprise.
Elliott Maraniss.
As Others See It
'News' Vs. 'Propaganda'
ASIANS and Africans are to have an oppor-
tunity to compare news as presented under a
democracy and as offered under a dictatorship.
Britain, disturbed by Italian propaganda broad-
cast to native populations of the British Empire,
will also broadcast in a number of languages,
but, London announces, only "straight news."
During many months of Italian broadcasts
Britain has refrained from taking action beyond
requesting Rome to stop. Italy has continued,
even going so far as to circulate atrocity stories
of British actions against native Arabic popula-
tions. British agents report much trouble among
the impressionable and illiterate natives of Asia
and Africa.
Some Arabs apparently have come to look
upon Premier Mussolini as a sort of protector
of Arab populations. A "straight news" broad-
cast in Arabic at any time during the past two
years might have prevented such a belief from
becoming prevalent. A series of broadcasts con-
cerning the civil war in Spain or recent Ethio-
pian uprisings and their suppression no doubt
would cause the Arab world to think twice be-
fore accepting Italian broadcasts at their face
Now Britain is to present its side, apparently
in a manner traditional with democracy. & This
would mean presenting news as it happens, per-
mitting the listener to draw his own conclusions.
Airlines Progress
GOVERNMENT support for ocean air commerce
in the form outlined by the United States!
Maritime Commission raises hopes for rapid
expansion- of transoceanic travel on a sound
commercial basis. With practical pioneering
foresight, it purposes to lead the way in co-ordi-
nating surface and air services on important
trade routes.
Pan American Airways' success in the Pacific
helps to justify the ambitious future the Com-
mission envisions in its report to Congress. The
proposal is the maritime counterpart to the sys
tem which many now believe should have been
adopted by the railroads when aviation first
began to compete in its field.
Such a program also promises to do much to
keep competition among prospective airlines, as
well as between them and surface lines, within
reasonable bounds. The Commission has worked
out a sound cost estimate to justify such an un-
dertaking. And it is encouraging to observe that
it does not anticipate a need for subsidies to
encourage the building of flying boats on the im-
portant'North Atlantic route. The demands it
makes upon Congress are mainly for authority
to direct developments in this promising field of
War's High Cost
XX TAR IS BECOMING a luxury the world can
ill afford. In 1914-1918 it was possible to
stage something notable in that line for a

mere $190,000,000,000, if you figured just the
direct expenses, and only $340,000,000,000 includ-
ing the broken bric-a-brac. But nowadays!
Well what can you expect, with ammunition
running $800 to $1,000 a ton? One day's fighting
at that price would run up a charge slip of $2,-
000,000 for purely destructive indulgence. Of
course, the Associated Press points out in its
compilation of war-cost figures, men who wanted
to extend their war experience without finan-
cially burdening their countries could make that
much ammunition last a week by practicing self-
restraint. A fourteen-inch shell for naval use
costs about $120, complete with detonating
charge, but it takes a pretty live-wirish execu-
tive a whole year of his peacetime life to earn
the price of a torpedo-$12,500.
Of course, this is the cost of war in money
alone. But some people think it unpatriotic to
compute war's cost in terms of man power con-
sumed, so let that pass. One thing becomes
clear as the figures add up and up: The accusa-
tions against armament makers as war makers
lose some of their weight as one sees what they
are doing to stop war-which is, pricing their
merchandise of war at presumably prohibitive
figures. But like securities in a runaway bull
market, it seems to be at the top that most
would-be speculators can be induced to buy.
--Christian Science Monitor.

I/ fecin to Me
Heywood B ro un
STAMFORD, Conn., Nov. 22.-I worked at
least thirty-five minutes this morning cutting up,
a tree for firewood, and this makes the first
full day I have ever put in at manual labor. Al-
though proud of myself, the man whom I will
envy from this day forth is that fellow in the
circus who saws a woman in two.
There's your true lumberjack. After all, in ad-
dition to the saw, I had an ax, an iron crowbar
and an old mashie niblick.
Moreover, I was working on a
maple, which is nothing like
.?? as tough as a circus per-
To be sure, if the man saws
the same woman in two at
every matinee I assume that
in time he becomes familiar
with the grain. It was
George Kaufman who said
that this particular performer was the first ever
to use the phrase, "Shall we join the ladies?"
Still we are getting off the point which con-
cerns my ordeal and not the job of the man in
the circus. The first ten minutes were easy
enough. Indeed, I sang at my work as I raised
the ax and let fly. I did the "Anvil Chorus."
It's from "Trovatore," isn't it? At any rate, it's
the one that begins, "Ring, ring, ring,' and goes
along for quite awhile in about the same vein.
*"* * *
Nearing The Goal Line
But presently I could no longer continue as the
singing woodsman. I couldn't remember the rest
of the words, and there was no air in my
lungs. Indeed, I felt as I had in the last two
and a half minutes of the game against the Yale
freshman basketball team which we played
thirty-one years ago. And so I engaged in the
fantasy of pretending that the tree was the Yale
Yule, i.e.) log, and I was the alert Harvard
aggregation. Every time I slammed the maple
with the crowbar I would cry, "So you're the great
Clint Frank, are you?"
But, even so, defeatist thoughts crept in. "Co-
lumns are made by fools like me," I mused, "but
only Paul Bunyan can demolish a tree." And
as I though of the terrific labor of the loggers
who strip the forests to make a newspaper piece
possible my face grew very red.
But at this point help loomed up over the hori-
zon in the form of a friend. Along the Ridge
came driving my good old Ten Percent Bye, the
literary agent, in his new high-powered car.
. *
Those Silly Qu$estions
"What are you doing, Heywood?" he asked. I
eyed him coldly and, answering with more bitter-
ness than wit, replied, "Manicuring my finger-
nails." This struck him as funny for several rea-
sons, but even as he laughed he leered. "Don't you
know," he said, "that just down at the foot of
the hill there's a little store where you can get
a whole armful of logs like that for a quarter?
I'll take you down. In fact, I'll lend you the
I'll grant I was tempted, but I felt that I stood
as a symbol for all men and that the time
must come for us to make up our minds whether
we are lice or loggers.
And so I answered, with deeds rather .than
words. Raising the ax above,my head, I took a
full swing before I let drive at the tree. I didn't
miss it by much, but it's lucky I wasn't wearing
sneakers. The doctor thinks he can save the
big toe and the little one and that with proper
nursing I'll be walking around again in a month.
On The Level

As far as the score of Saturday's game was
concerned, everyone felt just as Hearst and the
Republican Party did after the last presidential
election; they knew it was coming, but they
didn't think it was going to be so big.
But those in the stands had a lot of fun
watching Norm Purucker punt and then
tackle the receiver, or punt and then run the
length of the field to down his own kick.
During the last quarter, most of the people
stayed and froze merely in the hope that
he might forward pass and then run out
to catch his own toss for a touchdown.
* * * *
For consistent play over a very inconsistent
season, the stands should doff its infrequently
doffed hat to Michigan guards, Heikkinen and
Brennan. These boys were the lone Michigan
players who had the ability to decipher the
opponents' plays and remember Michigan plays
at the same time. Between them, these two
have made more tackles than the Theta House,
and intercepted more passes than the Alpha Phi
But no longer will the campus have to
wonder about "next week's game." The whole
football situation has revolved into a bridge

In Defense

To the Editor:_I_____
I have just received a clipping from
the Chicago Tribune of Nov. 10 con- TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 1937 from the collection of the Detroit
cerning the subsidization of athletes VOL. XLVIII No. 50 Institute of Arts, in the North and
at Michigan. I know only what I First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- South Galleries of Alumni Memorial
have read about the situation, but I sity has a limited amount of funds Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. Open
do take exception to the view appar- to loan on modern well-located Ann 'daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5
eny heldyIt so sdfor called "cliqe,;Arbor residential property. InterestI p.m.. always free to students.
I lades."Itis ardformeto eliveat current rates. Apply Investment L cue
that any person or group could haveatfc e nRoom .100, Iou t W ng
such an insipid idea. That idea is ,I
that they cannot understand why University Hall. University Lecture: Dr. Christian
boys would come to Michigan fromsT A. Ruckmick, Professor of Psychology
Kiski when Princeton and other east- Ceat the University of Iowa, will lec-
ern schools are so near. tificate for February and June 1938 tune on "Emotions in the Motion
You will find that there are a num- t poste in oono ncue one Picture Theatre" on Wednesday,
ber of boys from Mercersburg Aca- Elementary School, should report at Dec 1. at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
demy in Pennsylvania, as well as once to the Recorder of the School Science Auditorium under the au-
other eastern prep schools, in Michi- of Education, 1437 U. E. S. {This spices of the Department of Psy-
gan every year. I attended Mercers- notice does not include School of chology. The public is cordially in-
burg for four years and chose to at- Music students.) vited.
tend Michigan dispite the fact that
I was on the Princeton enrollment pre-Medical Students: Registra- University Lecture: Dr. Carl Mayer
list from the time I was quite young. tion for the Medical Aptitude Test of the Graduate Faculty of the New
Would these same people deem it sponsored by the Association of School for Social Research in New
strange that there are a number of American Medical Colleges closes York City will lecture on the "So-
men and women here in Wyoming Nov. 27. Application may be made in ciology of Religion" on Friday, bec.
that have been or are Michigan stu- Room 4, University Hall. A fee of 3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
dents? one dollar will be charged. Science Auditorium under the aus-
I am proud of the fact that I went pices of the Department of Sociology.
to Michigan; and I cannot help but Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu- The public is cordially invited.
fel that such statements show utter dents: Announcement is made of the l
disregard of Michigan's reputation. annual contest for the Charles Lath- Events Today
How can such a thought as this be rop Pack Foundation Prize in For-
grounds for suspicion of subsidiza- estry, the conditions for which may Botanical Journal Club: Tonight,
tion? be secured from the Recorder of the 7:30 p.m. Room 1139, Natural Sci-
You might also have these intellec- School of Forestry and Conservation, ence Building.
tuals study comparative costs of at- 2048 Natural Science Building. Top- Reports by:
j tending colleges and of attending ics, which may be decided upon in Merry, James. Stalfelt, M. G. Der
Michigan. consultation with members of the Gasaustausch der Moose.
All in all I hate to see the U. of M. faculty of the School, must be filed in Usami, S. Ueber die Atmung und
rating given so little credit. There the office of the Recorder not later die Tokyo.
are some people that want to go to than Dec. 18, 1937. ' Jotter, Mary Loise. Burgoff, H
Michigan-without being paid for it. Ueber Polyploidie bei Marchantia.
J. T. Bishop, '36. Students School of Education: Harvey Leroy. Davy de Virville,


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to fli members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
'Until 3:36; 11:00 am. on Saturday

Courses dropped after tomorrow
Coal Nationalization will be recorded with the grade of E
Lzexcept under extraordinary cir-
For generations Britain's coal cumstances. No course is considered
heeofficially dropped unless it has been
mines have presented an economic!reported in the office of the Registrar
problem which has grown increasing- Room 4, University Hall.
ly serious in recent years. The in-
dustry has long been a sick one. As Students, College of Literature,
the richer veins have become ex- Science, and the Arts: Courses
hausted, it has become less and less -dropped after tomorrow will be
profitable to exploit the poorer and recorded with the grade E. Excep-
deeper veins that are left, particularly1 tion may be made in extraordinary
with antiquated methods. The indus- circumstances, such as severe or long
try, moreover, has had to pay royal- continued illness.
ties to more than 4,000 separate own-
ers. Each mine, for example, has Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.:
had tomake an average of five sep- Elections of courses for the second
arate leases with as many of these semester must be approved during
owners. The situation has been much the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in
different from that in the United Room 9, University Hall. To prevent
States, because so much of the land congestion in the office of the coun-
'on wlt'ch the mines are located is selors, individual post cards will be
entailed: it has been in the hands of mailed daily to a small group of stu-
the hereditary nobility for centuries, dents. Each card will be dated seven
and could not be freely bought or days after the day of mailing. To be
sold. As a result the argument for admitted to a conference with a
the nationalization of these royalties counselor, a student must present his
has seemed peculiarly strong'. card not later than the date it bears.
AGREE TO LET If he comes after this date an inter-
BOARD DECIDE view will be granted only if there are
no others waiting at the office. -
When the Baldwin Government In order to make an intelligent se-
first proposed to take over these roy- lection of courses each sophomorel
alties the owners asked a total of should give careful attention to his
150,000,000 pounds. But they finally next semester's elections before meet-
agreed in advance to accept the ing with his counselor.
prices established by a special arbi- J. H. Hodges
tration board. Taking a figure of E. A. Walter
4,430,060 pounds as the annual in- A. Van Duren
come from the royalties, the board'
adopted a capital price to be paid for The Educational Alliance invites;
toa 15 y66,450,000 pounds Te daled applications for assistance from its'
terms of the bill to consummate this scholarship and loan funds for stu-
transaction have now been made dents in Fine Arts, Architecture,
public. Aeronautics, Agriculture, Engineer-
It does not follow that the Govern- ing, Philosophy, Science (particular-
ment is to take over the mines imme-
diately and operate them. For the ly Chemistry), Social and Political
time being the existing royalties are Economy, Anthropology, Philology,
to continue to be paid to the private etc. Preference is given to juniors
owners. But having determined upon and seniors Any one interested

A. Recherchessur le parasitisme chez
rles muscinees.
White, S. S. Clee, D. Leaf arrange-
ment in relation to water conduc-
tion in the foliose Hepaticae.
Electrical Engineers: The first
Electrical Engineering Colloquium
this year will be today at 4:45 p.m.
in Room 153 West Engineering Bldg.
Don Hughson will discuss "Sound
All students are invited. Refresh-
ments. For details see Electrical
Engineering Bulletin Board.
German Seminar 217 will meet in
Room 406 Library, Tuesday at 4 p.m.
Michigan Dames: General meet-
ing tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
Initiation of new members will take
place. Handbooks for the year will
be given out.
Attention Junior Engineers: To-
night there will be a Junior Class
'Assembly in Room 348, West Engin-
eering Building. Short business
business meeting and introduction of
the new officers. Professor A. D.
Moore will talk on "What Employers
Look For." All Junior Engineers are
urged to be there at 8:00 o'clock.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting at
the Union tonight at 6:15 p.m.
The Congress; Independent Men's
Organization: There will be a meet-
ing of the Executive Council tonight
at 7:30 in Room 306 of the Union.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m., League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty invited to attend
the services.
Lutheran Student Bible Study
Group will meet tonight in the
League at 7:00 p.m. See the bulletin
' board for room in which meeting will


I allu 0_IAAU10. - j -_ _
a total price, the Government within should write to The Educational Al- be held.
the next three and a half years (or liance, East Broadway and Jefferson
until July 1, 1942), will prorate its #St., New York City. Polonia Literary Cir le will meet
total figure among individual mines. i- - at the Michigan League tonight at
Even then it is not expected to take 'Graduate Students in Psychology' 7:30 p.m. Mr. Raymond Kontrowicz
over complete control of the industry -Any person wishing to take his will give a special piano recital, which
for half of the British coal output is preliminary doctoral examinations will be followed by bridge.
derived from mines where leases do this semester, please report to Pro-
not expire until 1950. fessor Maier, Room 2123 N. S. in the Progressive Club: General mem-

near future. bership meeting on tonight at 8 p.m.
CONSERVATIVEGOVERNMENT_______'Please note that the meeting place
TAKING RADICAL STEPS Coffee Hour Announcement: There has been changed to 231 Angell Hall.
The step is particularly significant will be no Michigan Union Coffee
because it is a move in the direction Hour on Wednesday, Thursday, or1 Coming Events
of State socialism made by a Conser- Friday of this week.
vative Government. Among the ad- s The luncheon for graduate stu-
vantages claimed for nationalization A cad einic Notices dents will be omitted tomorrow be-
are that it will enable the Govern- cause of the Thanksgiving holiday.
ment to close down uneconomical Economics 53: There will be no lec-
mines; that it will enable it also to ture this week. Shorey Peterson. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
G force the amalgamation of mines meet in Room 122, Chemistry Bldg.
where that course seems necessary, i Sociology 51: make-up mid-semes- tomorrow at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Herbert
either for efficiency of operation or ter examination, Saturday, Novem-' Bandes will speak on "Newer views
to get the coal otherwise lost between, ber 27th at 2:00 p. in., in room D,I on Overvoltage."
separate mines; that the Government I Haven Hall. Students must bring I
can introduce standardized modern! excuses for missing the regular International Dinner: Students at-
methods and machinery throughout examination. 'tending the International Dinner are
the mines; that the British coal in- ---- urged to arrive between 6 and 6:30
dustry can present a united front for Extension 'Course: The following I p.m. They should come promptly to
export sales, and that better and extension courses are being offered C the second floor lobby where they
more uniform labor relationships can by the Women's Department of will be given their dinner tickets.
be established. Physical Education: Because of the large number attend-
-New York Times. Golf-Monday and Wednesday 5:00. ing, it is again emphasized that no
S6.00. Instructor, Mrs. Stewart one can be admitted who has not
Hanley; Miss Jean Kyer (amateur), made his reservation in advance.
4 Reader Sneaks Women's Athletic Building begin-1
A"Iassisting. The International Council an-
We must change our way of read- Modern Dance (Adults)--Tuesday nounces the second panel in its pro-
ing newspapers. Instead of looking evening 8:30. Sarah Caswell Angell gram for the semester, next Sunday,
upgn itwsppors.tInstyafoNov. 28, at 4 p.m. in the Grand Rap-
upon it as opportunity for i'est and Hall, Barbour Gymnasium begin- ids Room of the Michigan League.
I passive receptivity, we should take up ning November 23rd. 8 lessons for Four of the newly appointed Bar-


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