The Weather Generally fair, slightly warmer today; tomorrow cloudy and unsettled, possibly rain. A6F 4hp Awf. Itr4t an iIaitt; Y Editorials The Yardstick Trial Continues .. . l VOL. XLVIII. No. 50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ,TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Students Plai Model Senat4 To Sound Ou Local Opinioi Four . Department Head Other Faculty Member Back Campus Movemen Group Is Modeled On Federal Senat A student-initiated move to co solidate undergraduate opinion national, international and camp affairs through the formation of Student Model Senate was hearti endorsed by four department hea and other faculty members, Mart B. Dworkis, '40, chairman of ti executive committee in charge of a rangements, announced yesterday. As currently planned, the propos will establish a group modeled aft the Federal Senate, comprising t students from each state, elected fro the entire student body by petitio At the outset, the organization w be a quasi-political body whose on outside activity would be the encou agement of and assistance at t Spring Parley, Dworkis explained. "There is a definite need on cam pus for a body to represent stude opinion democratically. This pr posal contacting as it does, studen from every section of the countr can act as an indicator of nation trends. The group also may ser as a sounding board of local affair though it will not be committed any action," he said. An executive council, formed of ti heads or representatives of camp organizations and extra-curricul activities will meet today to form definite petitioning scheme; to d cide on the time and place of t Senate's first meeting and to draw u a temporary credentials committee. The temporary committee whic drew up a charter and made arrang ments. for the initial meeting co sisted of: Doris Daitz, '38, Dworki Lawrence Gubow, '40, William Je ell, '38, Virginia Krieghoff, '38, Hana H. Landau, '39, and Angelene Mali zewski, '38. Faculty comment follows: Prof. Roderick Mackenzie of t sociology department: "I wish to add my word of com mendation of the projected Stude Model Senate. Any effort on the pa of young people at this time to ga a clearer understanding of some the great issues that affect the nato is, to say the least, reassuring." Prof. J. R. Ifayden, of the politic science department: "The Student Model Senate co tains great possibilities for the d velopment of political consciousne among Michigan undergraduate The fact that it is being organize spontaneously by students indicat that there is a genuine demand f such an instrumentality for the d velopment and expression of opil ions upon national affairs. Should Become Important "The Senate should become an im portant agency for the clarificatio of student ideas upon the many im portant national issues that are b fore the country today, and shou increase among the members of th campus community a consciousne of their responsibilities as citizens. is to be hoped that the organizati will attain the success which th merit of the idea behind it shou make possible." Prof. Charles F. Remer of the ec nomics department: "The department of economics is wholehearted sympathy with the pr posal to establish a Student Mod Senate of the United States and-wi be glad to see the plan tried on th campus. Proposals of this sort whic arise from the student body deserN such initial support as will assu them a fair trial." Junior Engineers Will Meet Tonigh The junior class of the engineer ing college will have an assemblyi Room 348 in the West Engineerin Building at 8 p.m. today. Business Aid Expected To Give StrikersLeave Boost To Construction Work e Factory After I Prof. lRatcliff To Favor Praises Plan Large - Scale Contracting Concerns 1i By JOSEPH N. FREEDMAN President Roosevelt's forthcoming announcement which proposes en- s, listing business to aid t. finance rs building construction, through an ex- tension of present facilities, will It probably give impetus to expanded construction activity, Prof. Richard EU. Ratcliff of the business adminis- tration school, and formerly housing e economist for the Federal Housing Administration, declared yesterday. The mst important provision of n the building program, according to on Professor Ratcliff, is the move to en- us courage formation of large-scale con- a struction corporations financially ly strong enough to carry on mass build- ds ing projects and responsible enough in to enter into "annual wage" agree- he ments with their workers. r- Others which "peck" at solutions to the problem of depressed construc- al tion are the moves which Professor er Ratcliff termed extensions of cur- No rent facilities. They are: m n. 1. Reduction of capital require- ill ments for federal mortgage associa- ly tions from $2,000,000 to about $500,- r- 000 and an amendment to the present he act allowing these associations to is- sue their own securities not to ex- ceed 20 times their capitalization in- - stead of the present 16. n- 2. Revamping the Housing Act to ts give FHA power to insure larger 'y, mortgages and reduction of the basic al interest rate and service charge on ve FHA's mortgage insurance. Also an s, extension of total coverage of mort- to A -- he Housing Expert a Cites Problems e- he In Land Usage h New Land Economy Need n- Of U.S., Prof. Aronovici Tells Architect Students in Speaking yesterday before 150 ar- s chitectural students, Prof.rCarol Ar- onovici, noted housing expert and lecturer on urbanism at Columbia he University, stressed the point that though much progress has been made - in city planning and housing since nt 1900 much has yet to be learned to rt make such projects truly adequate in and useful. Of Among the many problems that on must be coped with in city planning and housing, Professor Aronovici said, al is the development of a new economy of land usage. The idea that New n- York City, for example, is terribly e congested and overpopulated is ridic- s ulous in the face of statistics which ls show only about 57 people to an acre, d he declared. es The mistaken notion that city plan- or ning and housing is the province only n- of the architect and engineer should n be dismissed from our minds before such programs can be realized, he Isaid. n- "City planning" Professor Arono- n vici stated, "must be in complete har- - mony with the cultural, social, polit- e- ical and economic life of the people ld affected." e a Preuss To Open ie l Union Forums Id Topic Of First Discussion o On Sunday Is Germany el ill Prof. Laurence Preuss of the po- ie litical science department will start h this year's Union forums at 4:15 p.m. e . Sunday in the small ballroom of the Union, speaking on "Germany and gages to 90 per cent instead of 80 perI cent on total valuation of propertyi for low cost houses. "The fundamental problem is two- fold," Professor Ratcliff asserted. "First, the current lag in building industry is a result of rising build- ing costs which seem to be out of proportion to the major price read- justments we are experiencing now. Second, there is a vicious circle in current building activity which re- sults from lack of confidence in in- dustry, in turn, causing a lag in business, which finally destroys con- fidence. "We can solve the first problem in, two ways and only partly by the pro- posed scheme," he suggested. "The government could assume the re- sponsibility to lower present building costs directly, a conceivable, though' not practical step, or else, we must wait for the passage of time to level building costs and make them appear more nearly in line with other costs." Much of the depressed construc- (Continued on Page 6)} Crop Control Le.islation I S Expected Soon, Senators' Anti - Lynching Filibuster Halts To Allow Action On Farm Bill WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.-()P)- The Senate's blustery and ternporar- ily successful filibuster against anti- lynching legislation halted tonight to: permit action on the top item of the President's special session program -crop control. Martin's Plea Pontiac Strikers Evacuate As Mediator Is Named To Arbitrate Dispute Threat Of Expulsion Sways Rebel Group PONTIAC, Nov. 22.-(P)-Homer Martin, international president of the United Automobile Workers of America, led 200 sit-down strikers out of the General Motors Fisher Body plant today as a dramatic demonstra- tion of the union's determination to curb unauthorized strikes. Vandenberg Hits Attitude Of President Senator Puts Challenge To Present Administration Into 10-Point Program Chinese Surrender Urged By Jap Note; Parley Nears End -N Asserts Business Must Have Freedom WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.-(:)- Sen. Arthur J. Vandenberg (Rep.,C Mich.) chalenged the Roosevelt ad- ministration tonight with a 10- point "opposition" program designed to *give honest business a chance to create stable prosperity." The Senator, who has been men- Democratic Leader Barkley ar- i ,, ranged to bring up the farm bill for{ debate tomorrow, and predicts it would be passed within a week. ; On the House side of the Capitol, however, farm legislation still lagged. Chairman Jones (Dem., Tex.) of the agriculture committee there report- ed his group was taking its time but hoped to get a bill ready for action this week, if not in the next day or two. Nevertheless, there were strong in- dications the House would get downj to action on administration matters tomorrow. It was whispered about the legislative halls that the Demo- cratic leadership was planning a coup on the bill to regulate minimum wages and maximum working hours. That measure is caught in a rules committee trap sprung by a com- bination of Republicans and South- ern Democrats. If 218 House mem- bers signs a pending petition, the committee will be forced to release the measure, and permit action on the floor. So, it was reported, Democratic Leader Rayburn of Texas intended to marchato the rostrumtomorrow, sign the petition and then make a speech. However, t h e Administration's Wage and Hour Bill suffered a major blow tonight when William Green declared the American Federation of Labor could not longer endorse the measure in its present form. Responding to a Congressional re- quest for a statement, the A.F.L. Spresidentsaid it was not safe to en- trust a government board with de- terminations which would be neces- sary in administering the legislation. The Southern filibuster against1 the anti-lynching legislation was con- tinued today Lovell Named To ATEE Post i ,, { l j The international board of the tiuone as a 1940 Republican presi- union in a. statement, had said its dential prospect, presented his pro- position was "jeopardized" by the gram in a nation-wide radio address "unsanctioned strike." in the Washington Star Radio For- Strikers Defy Officers um. The strikers had held the plant At the beginning of his speech, since Wednesday evening, defying Vandenberg said he was ready to "go internationa y officers of the union, for\vard with any 'party'-old, new, ithe executive board which was called or fused-which promises liberalism into emergency session Sunday, and with saism" ocial-mindedness with- even their own strike committee. out socialism" and a restoration of "equitable economic fundamentals." Today, however, an intermediary "Business must not be permitted to sent word to Martin that the men run the government." he said, "but wished to hear from him. An hour unless it is permitted reasonable lati- and a half after Martin entered theu plant, the men emerged and the tude to run itself-free from an am- company was notified that the strike bitious collectivism which creates was over. more problems than it solves-pros- perity will die on the vine." H. J. Klinger, president of the Pon- He outlined his 10-points as fol- tiac Motor Car Co. said that not until lows: "the latter part of the week" could' 1. An end to governmental "hymns all of the 14,721 men thrown into of hate" and bitter attacks on busi- idleness by the strike be returned to ness which have created a "jittery work. The Fisher plant produces state of mind" among business men. Pontiac automobile bodies and the 2. Progress as rapidly as possible strike necessitated the closing of toward a balanced budget. both plants. 3. Amendment, or repeal, of the 'All Good Union Men' surplus and capital gains taxes, and Willard E. Hotchkiss, retired presi- substitution of "incentive taxation" dent of .the Armour Institute, of for "punitive taxation." Chicago, will attempt to arbitrate 4. Amendment of the Social Se- some of the issues which led to the curity Act to eliminate the "needless strike. In Detroit, Hotchkiss, who drain upon the resources of com- has acted as mediator in several rail- merce and labor." road strikes, said he had been accept- 5. Revision of the Wagner Labor ed by both the union and General Law to make for greater certainty in: Motors as an arbitrator. "long-range industrial planning." Although Martin had been in- 6. Abandonment of the wage-hour formed that the strikers were so bill and substitution of legislation to angered by his refusal to sanction protect states from the importation the strike that they might inflict of goods produced by substandard1 personal violence on him, he said he labor. found them "all good union men." 7. Repeal of many of the Presi- dent's emergency powers in order to free business from "executive despot- Fsm which is at warswith every tenet FrancoaRegime of the American system." 8. Reasonable and practical farm S e e n G ain ig relief, without bureaucratic controls, ~Y ~ UN m~ processing taxes, financing of ex- Inportable surpluses, and return of the In Recognition domestic market to the producer. 9. Foreign policies that will keep America out of war through pursu- HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron ing "an insulating neutrality" rather tier, Nov. 22.- P-Generalissimo than sanctions. Francisco Franco today announced 10. "Frank abandonment of all progress toward better relations of anti-constitutional activities and in- his Insurgent regime with world trigues which shatter democratic faith." powers while his armies marked time awaiting the signal for their long- promised general offensive. M arket Leaders The diplomatic cabinet at Sala- manca said the Spanish Charge En D'Affaires at Tokyo had reached "an absolute accord" whereby Emperor Hirohito soon would sign an act recognizing the Insurgent govern- Many Hit New Low For1 ment on the basis of treaties exist- 2-Year Period With Losses ing between Japan and Spain before -_P iit ss the Civil War began. NEW YORK, Nov. 22.--R)-Stock (Previous dispatches predicted Ja- market leaders went into a nosedive pan's recognition would be an- in today's market, many landing in nounced Nov. 25se-German anti - communist new low territory for the past two Jmyears or longer with losses running Another Salamanca statement said to s points generally. A few were commerce between Britain and In- Another sharp decline in steel mill surgent Spain was increasing daily operations exemplified sagging busi- as a result of the recent agreement ness trends and touched up the fresh to exchange commercial agents. relapse in the list. Production for Numerous British ships, the state- the current week was placed at 31 ment said, have been calling at Bil- per cent of capacity, off 5.4 points, bao and other recently captured Bay the lowest level since Dec. 3, 1934. of Biscay ports and taking on car- It was the tenth consecutive week's New Guessing Gam' Out With Today's Gargoyle What is a "gam?" The Gargoyle says it is a leg, and produces several feminine examples to prove its point in today's issue.' "Gargoyle has turned into an educa- tional journal," editor George Quick, '38, said yesterday, pointing out that so few individuals on campus know the meaning of many all-important colloquial English words, that the Gargoyle is going to undertake to clarify. them-as far as the staff is able. An epic. battle: Stan Swinton vs. Jane Nussbaum, no verbal holds barred, on which is the greater li- ability to Michigan, co-eds or men, proves something or other, possibly, in the Gargoyle. "From Dawn to Bed with a Michigan Co-ed" is the somewhat captivating title of an article which gives the low-down on the "majors in co-education." Freshmen Pick Class Officers In Vote Today Callander And Carr Run For Literary President, Architects Also Vote Following a heated campaign in which one new party was formed and many organization meetings of all parties were held, freshmen in the literary college and the architecture school will choose class officers today. Two slates are being presented in both schools. In the literary college, Glenn Callander and Don Carr are running for president. Callander, a member of Psi Upsilon, is the candi- date of the United Independent and' State Street party, the new party in the campaign, and Carr, a Lambda Chi Alpha, is running on the Wash- tenaw party ticket. Candidates for vice-president are Anita Carvalho an independent on the Washtenaw ticket, and Elinor Se- vison, an independent running on the new party's ticket. Betty Mandel of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sue Flanningan, DeltaI Delta Delta, are the candidates for secretary on the State and Washte- naw parties' tickets, respectively. Those running for treasurer are Irv- ing Gerson of Pi Lambda Chi on the Washtenaw ticket, and Jack Laro, an independent on the State St.'slate. Balloting will be from 3:30 p.m. 'until 5:30 p.m. in Room 35, Angell Hall. Identification cards are re- quired forvoting. Candidates for the presidency of; the first year class of the architec- ture school are Andrew Hinshaw and Bob Hague. Those running for vice- president are Herbert Bentley and Frances Haskins; secretarial candi- dates are James Neilson and Ann Wills; and those seeking the treas- urer's position are Don Metz and Wilson Arthur. Adjournment At Brussels Checked By Refusal Of Chinese Envoy To Vote Nanking Def ense ReportedFaltering Three major developments in the Sino-Japanese war took place yester- day, according to Associated Press re- ports. 1. Refusal of the Chinese delegate to vote, temporarily prevented ad- journment of the Brussels conference without any action having been taken. 2. Chinese lines between Shanghai and Nanking were reported by Jap- anese to be crumbling before the on- slaught of the Nipponese army. 3. Japanese planes flying over Nanking dropped notes urging sur- render by Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek. Brussels BRUSSELS, Nov. 22--(M)--China's dramatic appeal for eleventh-hour aid again Japan today failed to swerve the Brussels conference from all but final approval of a report admitting failure of its efforts to end the Far Eastern war. Only refusal of the Chinese dele- gate to vote before consulting his gov- enment prevented the conference from approving the document drafted by the United States and Britain and then adjourning for an "indefinite recess." Final action was deferred until Wednesday, when it was thought the Chinese delegate, Dr. V. K. Welling- ton Koo, would have heard from Nan- king Dr. Koo appealed to the conference at today's session to reconsider its admission of failure, declaring an "abortive ending of this conference will unwittingly augment the already prevailing sense of general insecur- ity. Koo told the conference that adop- tion of the report of the conference's failure might "indirectly place small or weak states more at the mercy of the strong and aggressive and make all peace loving nations feel more in- secure than ever." Shanghai SHANGHAI, Nov. 22 -(P)-The Japanese army tonight reported an- other of the Chinese defense systems shielding Nanking was crumbling. Chinese troops, heavily punished by Japanese airplanes, were said to be in flight from Wusih, keypoint of the north-south line between the Yangtze River and Lake Tai approximately half way between Shanghai and the capital of China. Although Wusih is 95 airline miles southeast of Nahking, Japanese of- ficers expressed belief their forces could reach the capital's gates this week in spite of heavy rains and quag- mire roads. So rapid was the Japanese advance over the muddy flats north of Lake Tai that airplanes were used to carry rations and munitions to infantry columns that had outrun their trans- port. Japanese officers said their air- forces had made a spectacular flight over Nanking to drop '"a personal message" for Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek in which Japan's army and navy jointly urged him to end hos- tilities and surrender himself to the Japanese. The flight was the first the Jap- anese have made over Nanking since the Chinese government announced last week its withdrawal to interior cities. United States Ambassador Nelson T. Johnson prepared to leave Nanking to follow the Chinese government in its withdrawal into the interior. He was expected to sail Tuesday for Hankow aboard the gunboat Luzon. Progressive Club Will Meet Today The Progressive Club will hold a general membership meeting at 8 p.m. today in Room 231, Angell Hall, to review its work and to make plans for the organization. George Mutnick, '39, chairman of the civil liberties and academic free- dom committee, will discuss the past and future work of the organization. The Peace Committee will report ,.. _ 4-- X - a Engineering elections will be tomorrow afternoon. Barbers Plan held the National State," it was an- Engineering Dean Elected nounced yesterday by James Hollin-; National Vice-President shed, '39, of the Union Executive Council. i The second forum will be Dec. 5. At that time, Prof. Charles F. Rem- r- er of the economics department will in discuss the Chinese-Japanese con- g flict. On Dec. 12 at the third forum I Prof Arthur Aiton of the history de- The assembly is primarily for the partment will speak on the Spanish purpose of discussing the business situation. relations of the class and to enable At these forums, a half an hour the juniors to meet their new officers, talktwlheer , a half it ws sad.Iank will be given, followed by a half it was said. an hour of discussion on the topic. In addition, Prof. A. D. Moore of During the discussion period, coffee the engineering college, will speak onI will be served. "What Employers Look For." wil b Tee. 'ha ,nin f -rimc xvil ha -nn Dean Alfred H. Lovell of the en- gineering college was nominated as vice-president of the American Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers by the Great Lakes District, a move tanta- mount to his election, the Executive Committee announced yesterday. The office, provided with a two year, tenure, becomes effective Aug. 1, 1938 and is unopposed in the election. Pro- fessor Lovell has already served as a director of the ATEE from 1932 to 1936 and also on several national committees. His nomination was decided on byI the Exvntive Council meetino-in Chi- goes of minerals. decline from the 80 per cent mark (In London an Insurgent spokes- reached last September. In somej man said the Franco government quarters it was suggested output may had been formally recognized by be nearing the bottom. Italy, Germany, the Vatican, Nicara- U. S. steel broke 50 for the first gua and Guatemala; that Portugal time in a year or so and ended with and Japan already maintained rela- a net loss of 4 3-8 at 48 7-8. Bethle- tions which the Insurgents inter- I hem was down 3 3-4 at 44. preted as recognition; that the posi- Trading was quiet until the final tions of Austria, Hungary and few minutes when a burst of selling Yugoslavia were uncertain. hit virtually all groups and put the ticker tape behind. Previously there had been a mild attempt at a rally Industrial Relations when declines were cut in half in Bureau Holds 3rd Meet some instances. No Price Raise Local Association Pledged To Keep Present Rates Contrary to rumors beings circu- lated throughout Ann Arbor, local barbers have no intention of increas- ing prices in the near future, Orville A. Moe, president of the Ann Arbor local of the State Barbers' Associa- tion, declared yesterday. Detroit barbers, under pressure from a racketeering group, according to Moe, are being forced to increase prices from the standard rates of 50 cents for haircuts and 25 cents for shaves to 65 cents for haircuts and 35 cents for shaves. Fear that Ann Arbor barbers would follow the De- troit trend has been responsible for tp a-,tvt r i na Kaa wnA er f. 1ne uion forjULums ~wilt rye con- The Bureau of Industrial Relations 1t its third eonferene on saarv do- Pianist Will Offer RecitalI I