The Weather
Cloudiness, cool with rain in
portions of the forecast region
today and tomorrow.
A6F 4w
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Democracy Vs. Fascism .
Opportunist Or True
Liberal ...
-- -- - -- - - c~mnnr~r~fl04 0 2
,a awa vau s a r .+ e+ .+
T V i.Ua " aa+ ,.. . - ... .
Enrollment Mark
Nears New Record
As 9,997 Register
14 Men Listed
For University
Lecture Series
Name Speakers, Dates Still
Ind(efinlite; Nobel Prize
Winner Will Talk
KentuckyJury League Attacks Bombing
Mine LeadersOf Chinese Cities A s p
Wagner Act Violations In
IHarlan County Charged
To 40 Men, 22 Firms
Planes Again Rain Death
243 More Students Enter
As ThreeDay Total Tops
Last Year'sHigh
Engineering College
Shows Largest Gain
The largest enrollment in the his-
tory of the University appeared cer-
tain yesterday after three days of
registration, when 9,997 students had
enrolled, according to figures released
by Registrar Ira M. Smith.
This mark was an increase of 243
or 2.5 per cent gain over the enroll-
ment of 9,754 for the corresponding
period last year. The enrollment of
women students showed a larger in-
crease with 126 than did the men
with 117, or a percentage gain of
4.7 and 1.7 respectively. The total
number of men enrolled was 7,187
and 2,810 women, during the first
three days of registration.
Last Year's Enrollment
Last year's final and complete reg-
istration for the first semester was
10,644, larger than any previous en-
rollment, while the number registered
for the whole year reached a total
of 11,339 students. With a corre-
sponding number /of late classifica-
tions this semester, the largest en-
rollment on record would be reached.
During 1930-31 the enrollment
reached 10,107 but decreased during
the depression years, and did not
reach the 10,000 mark again until
1935-36 when 10,401 students were
The largest increase in enrollment
was noted in the engineering college
where 1,824 students registered in-
cluding four women, a gain of 180
or 10.9 per cent over the same period
last year. All schools and colleges
in. the University showed increases
excepting the Law School, College
of Pharmacy, School of Dentistry and
the School of Education, where there
were slight decreases.
The literary college registered an
increase of 20, or a total enrollment
of 4,523 students, 2,769 men and 1,-
754 women. The total number of
men was a decrease of 41 under the
enrollment last year, but 61 more
women were registered this year than
for the corresponding period last
Several Show Decreases
The medical school showed an en-
rollment increase of four students;
the Law School a decrease of 63; the
College of Pharmacy a decrease of
12; the School of Dentistry a decrease
of four; the College of Architecture
an increase of 46 or a 17.9 per cent
gain; the School of Education, a de-
crease of 17; the School of Business
Administration, an increase of 12 or a
10 per cent gain over last year.
Talky On Spain
Today To Open
Liberals' Slate
Daduk, Chief Of American
Loyalists, Will Address
Progressive Club
Twenty-five-year-old Steve Daduk,
commander of all Americans, among
them three Michigan students, fight-
ing for the Spanish, government, wil
open campus liberal activity for the
Investigation Begun
Into Local Murder
An investigation into Washtenaw
county's only unsolved murder of re-
cent years opened yesterday in Cir-
cuit Judge George W. Sample's Court.
The slayer of Richard Streicher, of
Ypsilanti, whose body was found
under a Huron River bridge. March 7
1935, has never been discovered.
Richard Streicher, Sr., was the
only witness called yesterday. - He
was questioned by Assistant Attor-
ney General Albert D. Wing and
James P. Stewart. Attorney Gen-
eral Raymond W. Starr, who has said
he would question some of the wit-
nesses, will be here today. Also pres-
ent at the hearing was Albert J.
Rapp, Washtenaw County prosecutor.
Four To-Ops'
Care For 700
Swedish Scientists X500 Bond Is Set
Featured On List For Sheriff', Owners
- - I
Wolverine Will Feed 625 'i
At New Location;Womenz
Form Cooperative
Seven hundred students will en-
gage in cooperative eating and room-!
ing this year on the Michigan cam-!
Four groups, the Wolverine, the
new Women's Cooperative, the Roch-
dale Student Cooperative and thec
five-year-old Socialist House, are or-
ganized here on the non-profit basis
of the international "co-op" move-l
A $6,000 loan made by faculty
members and other Ann Arbor resi-
dents to the Wolverine has enabled
the eating cooperative to move from
Lane Hall to 209 S. State, the former
location of Chubb's, and almost to
double its last year's membership of
Membership Lists Closed
The membership list closed Satur-
day night with 625 students, 75 of
them workers. At present there are
95 on the waiting list. Membership
will be opened "as soon as technical
problems are ironed out," according
to Donald R Murdock, '38; treasurer.
The loan of $6,000 was secured to
give permanence to the cooperative
and to aid in the purchase of the
building from the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation for $15,500,'
$5,000 of which is the down payment
The building was bought at the uni-
form six per cent land contract under,
which the F.D.I.C. operates. The;
contract, Murdock stated. will be
liquidated in approximately 12 years.;
Five apartments +and a single room
in the building are "the Wolverine's
property and rents from them will
constitute a part of the organization's
revenue," Murdock declared.
To Institute Book Exchange
"We plan to institute a used book
exchange," the Wolverine treasurer
said, "very possibly at the beginning
of the second semester."
Ann Arbor's new women's cooper-
ative opened this semester at 517 E.
(Continued on Paae 7)
y -
Two Teachers
Join Political
Fourteen men, prominent in their
various fields and one of them a
Nobel Prize winner, are expected to
lecture here this school year on the
regular University Lecture Series, ac-
cording to Dr. Frank Robbins, as-f
sistant to the President.
Featured in the series this year
will be several Swedish scientists and
scholars that are touring America in
1937 and 1938 delivering the Swedish
rercentenary Lectures.
Lecturers Named
The list of lecturers expected here
luring the year follows:
Dr. Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn,
professor of experimental physics at
the Swedish Academy of Science. Dr.
Siegbahn, who was awarded the
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1924, is the
discoverer of many X-rayed spectro-
scopic principles. He received his
Ph.D. from Lund University in 1910.
Prof. Gunnar Asplund, of the ar-
chitecture department, Stockholf In-
stitute of Technology. Professor As-
plund received a C.E. degree from the
University of Stockholm in 1909, and
is a member of the Swedish Academy
of Free Arts.
Wood Chemist To Talk
Dr. Erik Hagglund, professor of
cellulose technique and wood chem-
istry at the Stockholm Institute of
Technology. He is a member of the,
Academy of Engineering, was award-
ed the gold medal by the Chemical
Society of Sweden and is the author
of many scientific articles and mon-
Dr. Knut Lundmark, professor of
astronomy at the University of Lund.
Professor Lundmark is a member of
the Commission of International As-
tronomical Union, and author of
many astronomical works.
Dr. Christian Jacobaeus, head of
the Stockholm Hospital, and presi-
dent of the nominating committee
for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. He
is a corresponding honorary member
of the Royal Society of Medicine in
England. Dr. Jacobaeus will appear
here sometime in March.
Dr. Eli Heckscher, president of the
(Continued on Page 7)
Phi Sigma Delta
FRANKFORT, Ky., Sept. 27.-(9)
-The Federal Grand Jury investi-
gating the labor situation in Harlan
County today returned indictments
against approximately 40 individuals
and 22 coal companies, all of Harlan
They were indicted on charges of
conspiring to deprive employees of
the civil rights guaranteed to them
under the Wagner Labor Relations
Among individuals indicted were
Sheriff Theodore Middleton and 23
men identified as deputy sheriffs or
former deputies of Harlan County.
Those indicted also include 24 ex-
ecutives of various coal mining com-
panies involved. Bond of $5,000 each
was set for the executives and Sheriff
Middleton, and at $2,500 each for the
other individuals indicted.
Conditions in Harlan County were
given a thorough airing several
months ago before the United States
Senate Civil Liberties Committee,
headed by Senator Robert M. LaFol-
lette, Wisconsin Progressive. 0
The Harlan mine area has been the
scene -of recurrent violence for years.
Charges that public officials have
been in the hire of the mining com-
panies have been frequent, and evi-
dence supporting the charges was
given the Senate probers.
The coal operators have been ac-
cused of using oppressive measures
to prevent unionization of the mine
Offer Courses
Report 100 Dead As Japs
Drive To Cut Off Armies
From Supplies
300 Are Slain As Sub
Sinks Fishing Junks
SHANGHAI. Sept. 27.-(P)-Jap-1
anese bombing planes attacked scat- the world in her staunch resistance
tered points in Eastern China today, to "the flood of Japanese aggression,"
killing an estimated 100 to 200 civil- Gung Hsiang Wang, Chinese Consul
ians in a drive to shut off suppliesI General in Chicago, declared Satur-
from China's , armies. da
The new attacks were part of a j
Tops Fraternity
Scholarship List
With a general scholastic average
of 81.9, Phi Sigma Delta jumped
from 14th place in the 1935-36 school
year to first place last year to lead
general campus fraternities in schol-
arship, according to a report issued
recently by the office of Registrar Ira
M. Smith.
The scholastic chart, which gives
an A 100 points, a B 85 points, a C 70
points, a D 50 points and an E 20
points, placed Kappa Nu in second
place with an average of 81.0 and Sig-
ma Alpha Mu in third place with 80.3
as its average.
In 1935-36 Kappa Nu was in ninth
place, and Sigma Alpha Mu was in
The general average for all frater-
nities last year was 75.9, the general
average for independent men stu-
dents, 75.9 and the average for all
men students, 75.7.
The general scholastic average for
all fraternities was: Phi Sigma Delta,
In Far Eastern
Tongues Here,
Following the great popularity of!
Chinese and Japanese language,
courses in the Far Eastern Institute
last summer, two courses in each ,
language will be offered this year in1
the Oriental Civilization concentra-
tion program, it was announced yes-
Late addition of these courses,
which further entrenches Michigan's
position as a leading institution in1
Far Eastern studies, was made pos-
sible by grants from sources outside
the University, Prof. Robert B. Hall,
chairman of the concentration pro-
gram board, said.
The courses in Chinese will be
taught by Dr. Y. Z. Chang, who was'
an exchange instructor last year and
who was induced to remain here to!
teach these courses. Dr. Chang for-
merly taught at National University,
Nanking. 4
Dr. Chang will teach a one-year'
course in elementary Chinese lan-
guage and another in intermediate
Chinese language.
Joseph K..,Yamagiwa, an editor in
the Early Modern English Dictionary,
now in the process of compilation,
will teach similar courses in Jap-
Both elementary courses are for
three hours' credit each semester and
are "designed both for students seek-
ing practical knowledge of the lan-
guage and for others interested pri-
marily in their linguistic aspects."
The intermediate courses are for
two hours' credit. All are in the
Oriental Languages department.
Dr. Chang will also institute a
course in Chinese literature in Eng-
lish the first semester and will again
offer a course in Chinesescivilization
during the second semester.
campaign announced yesterday by' t
Rear Admiral Tadao Honda, Japan-(f
ese naval attache, who warned that s
bombardment of military objectives s
will be carried out regardless of lossa
of life.
300 More Killed t
Survivors declared another- 300 c
nen, women and children were killed t
when a Japanese submarine sank a t
fleet of Chinese fishing junks on the I
south China coast. t
Fifty civilians were killed in at-
tacks on the environs of Nanking, C
China's capital, but the city itself t
was spared. Rainfall during the 1
night prevented a renewal of the I
bombardments. I
Chinese reported at least 50 were l
killed at Chuhsien, and 40 at King-
hwa, approximately 100 miles south-
west of Shanghai. The terminus of{
the Canton-Hankow railway at Can-
ton, China's southern metropolis, was
set on fire by Japanese bombs. The
extent of civilian casualties was not
Reinforcements Rushed
In Shanghai itself, Japanese rein-
forcements were rushed into the lines
to step a counter attack. Japanese
warships and land batteries opened
fire on the crowded north station
area. Japanese bombers dropped
four big projectiles just outside the
International Settlement, along the
Woosung railway.
The report of the submarine attack
on fishing ships off the south China
coast came from 10 survivors taken
to Hongkong on the German liner
Scharnhorst. They said the sub-
marine rose to the surface off Chee-
longkau Point and sank junk after
junk, steaming away while the
wounded and dying struggled in the
Three Children
Burn To Death
In Cottag e Fire
Three children were burned to
death and three others and their
mother seriously injured at 9:30 p.m.
yesterday, when their cottage at
Horseshoe Lake, nine miles north of
here, was destroyed by fire.
The dead, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Weber, Detroit, are Louise,
four years old; Judy, two years old;
and Jackie, two months old. The
three, seriously burned, now at St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Ann Ar-
bor, are Arthur, 10 years old; Bob,
eight years old and Dorothy, six
years old.
Donna, who escaped unharmed,
said that sparks from a fireplace set
the bedclothes on fire.
To Resist Japan
China must receive the support of
Chinese Consul
Asks World Aid
Strongly Worded Message
Will Be Sent Tomorrow
To Assembly
Document Attacks
KillingOf Civilians
GENEVA, Sept. 27.-(P)-Japanese
aerial bombardment of Chinese cities
was condemned by the League of Na-
tions Advisory Committee today in
iy in an interview here- de
At the same time he expressed con- ci
fence in the ability of Chinese
rces, by virtue of holding greater bo
ipplies than Japan and a marked am
if sufficiency, to win China's "life w
id death struggle." to
China looks to America for inspira- to;
:n in its tasks, the Ponsul said, be-
use America, as a democratic na- ga
on and as the chief power behind an
e Nine Power treaty, has in the ar
st quarter of a century commanded Si
e respect of the Chinese people. fa
Mr. Wang, in response to a question la
i the recent presidential embargo on
'ansportation of arms to the Far
ast in government ships, said that, ai
hile it worked to the detriment of si
is nation, he could see and under- t
and America's desire to care for itst
wn interests. M
The Chinese-Russian Non Aggres- co
on Pact, signed this summer, the c
onsul said, showed the sympathy of be
e Russians for China and served to
iterate the Chinese desire for peace a
(Continued on Page 7)
legents Acceptt
$14,000 Gift s, wCt
5 Resignations r
dumnus Give $5,000 To d
Student Religious Aid; h
Menge, Isbell Leave t
The Board of Regents accepted
ifts totaling nearly $14,000 and ac-
epted the resignations of five faculty
nembers at their regular meeting
The largest single donation was
nade by Emory J. Hyde, president of
he University Alumni Association.
le gave $5,000 as an endowment for
tudent religious work.
The Georgia Warm Springs Foun-
ation, Inc., presented the University
vith $2,500 as an addition to the In-
antile Paralysis Research Fund, and
he engineering research department
ontinued for the school year 1937-38v
:heir fellowship of $1,500 in highwaya
ngineering research.
$500 Donatedc
The Parke Davis Co. donated $1,-
300. Of this amount, $500 is to con-s
inue their fellowship in pharmacy
for the coming school year, and $500t
is to be used for research in localF
The Upjohn Co. of Kalamazoo gavel
$750 to continue their fellowship in
pharmacy, and the Michigan Gas As-
sociation renewed their $750 fellow-t
A $500 donation was given by the
University of Michigan Club of Chi-
cago for their dormitory project, and,
$192 was presented by the Student
Dormitory Committee of 1936-37 to- '
wards footings for Murphin Gate.
Stearns Company Gives Money
The Fred Stearns Co. of Detroit re-
newed their fellowship in pharmacy;
of $500 for 1937-38, and the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek
gave $450 to be used as salary for a.
lecturer in the Calhoun Co. Health'
Department. This project is under
the direction of Prof. Howard Y. Mc-'
Clusky of the School of Education.
The sum of $359.38 was added to
the Mosher-Jordan scholarship fund
1y the two dormitories, and the
George Davis Bibin Foundation, Inc.i
of Cleveland, O. donated $300 for the
Bibin Fellowship in Child Develop-
Herman W. Kothe of Indianapolis,
Ind. and Miss Rose Miller of Wil-
mette, Ill. presented the University
with $50 and $35 respectively. Mr.
Kothe's money will be used to estab-
lish the Kothe-Hildner prize fund
in Germanic languaes and liter-
strongly-worded resolution which
nounced the killing of "innocent
The resolution, declaring such
mbardments have aroused horror
id indignation throughout the
arld, was prepared for submission
the League of Nations Assembly
Dr. Wellington Koo, China's dele-
te, urged the League to brand Ja-
an the "Wrong doer of the World"
id the aggressor in the undeclared
no-Japanese war, if it cannot go
rther and "enforce international
w and principles of the covenant."
Other Countries Denounce Japan
Denunciations of Japan's repeated
r attacks likewise came from Great
ritain, France, Sweden and Rus-
a. Sentiment was so pronounced
hat Foreign Minister William
unters of Latvia, president of the
mmittee representing 23 nations,
died a recess so the resolution could
drawn up immediately.
Prepared by Munters, the British
nd the Russian delegates, the reso-
.tion asserted:
Resolution Quoted
"The Advisory Committee, taking
to urgent consideration the ques-
on of areial bombardment by Jap-
nese aircraft of open towns in
1hina, expresses its profond dis-
ess at the loss of life caused to
anocent civilians, including great6
lumbers of women and children, as
he result of such bombardment, and
eclares that no excuse can be made
or such acts, which have aroused
orror and indignation throughout
he world ,and solemnly condemns
Rlussia Attacks
Jap Bombings,
Tension High a
Diplomats Reduce Threat
Of War; Report Troops
MassingAt Border
MOSCOW, Sept. 27.-P)-A So-
viet warning against "lawless" Jap-
anese bombardment of Nanking in-
creased tension between Russia and
Japan tonight, but diplomatic circles
nsisted the crisis was "not alarm-
They pointed out that other coun-
tries, including the United States, had
protested the bombardment. They
professed to believe that the two
countries will avoid hostilities.
(Reports from Tokyo declared Rus-
sia and Japan were concentrating
troops along the frontier between Si-
beria and Japanese-dominated Man-
choukuo. The Japanese newspaper
Hochi said the Siberian port and
Soviet army post of Vladivostok was
seething with anti-Japanese feeling.
(Another Tokyo newspaper said
Russia and China had negotiated a
secret military alliance. A Japanese
foreign office spokesman said he had
"'much information" about the re-
ported pact).
Russia's warning to Japan was be-
lieved to be in response to a Chinese
appeal asking Russia to "take mea-
sures" which would help end quickly
such "barbarous and inhumane ac-
tivities" as Japanese bombardments.
The Soviet government registered
"determined protest" against any
bombardment of the Soviet Embassy
at Nanking, and declared it would
hold the Japanese government re-
sponsible for any damage resulting
from such a bombardment.
Officials of the Embassy, the note
declared, had been instructed to re-
main at their posts.
Independents Will Meet
A+ 19 . g nn Mir T T-T *
year when he speaks at 8 p.m. today 81.9; Kappa Nu
in the Union Ballroom at the Pro- Science Staff (contin
gressive Club's first meeting.
A short film, "A Day With the Two instructors in the political sci- Di
Lincoln Battalion," made by Herbertence department began their careers,
Kline of the New Theatre magazine, inteUirsywthheonngf
will be shown at the meeting. niethe semester yesterday. pn fM a
Daduk, a graduate electrical engi- ThnwmnarDvdM.Fnh,
neer of the City College of New York,! The new men are David M. French,
turned down a job upon graduating last year an instructor of politicalB
to become an aviator i Spain. A science in Western Reserve Univer- EDITOR'S NO
leg wound, one of six injuries he re- sity, and Howard M. Kline, instructor ber of The Dail)
ceived in action, forced Daduk to sme nEr
give up flying. He started as a pri- and graduate student since 1931 in sonieshis ih
vate in a German division and ad- the School of Citizenship and Public Europe today
vanced until he was in command of Affairs at Syracuse University. many a foreign
the American troops, the Abraham Both men have prepared and com- powder magazi
Lincoln and George Washington Bat- pleted studies for their Ph.D. degrees, when the sparl
talions, and the Canadian-American Mr. Kline having worked on the sub- the greatest ex
MacKenzie-Papenau Battalion. ject of Congressional investigating known.
Objectives Proposed committees, and Mr. French having But to theI
Proposing as their objectives, peace, spent two years at Harvard, after. covers eight co
security, racial and social equality three at Oxfoid University in Eng- this may not
and the preservation of civil liberties land. cause unlike th
and academic freedom, the Progres- Floyd E. McCaffree will leave for in the country
(contnued on Page 8 one var and go to Washington. D.C. the tourist keel
u, 81.0: Sigma Alpha
ued on Page 51
Staff 11
7r iter Sees Europeans
sking War Fears By Surface Calm
TE: Mr. Weeks, a mem-
y staff, vacationed this
ope, and presents here
ressions of the various
at continent.
has been likened by
correspondent to the
ne that it was in 19141
k at Sarajevo set off
plosion that man has
American tourist who
intries in two months
be so apparent, be-
ie journalist, who lives'
about which he writes,
ps moving and is often
get dollar bills for eighty cents. After
walking down Berlin's Unter den'
Linden and seeing al the smiling
happy faces you conclude that the
horrors of the Third Reich were ex-
aggerated. This conclusion is streng-
thened by the discovery that your
hotel menu offers variety that sur-
passes most State Street caterers,
thus disproving the accounts you
had read of the shortage of eggs,
butter fats and other food essentials
in Germany.
England's Pomp And Circumstance
In England, you are thrilled by
the pomp and circumstance of the
press the tourist with their disregard
for armament races. This attitude
is made extraordinary by the factt
that Scandinavia lies within easy
reach of Russia and Germany.
However, you have seen no more'
than the travel folders promised
when you have seen nothing but the
might and main of England, the gay-
ety of France, the cheerful industry
of Germany and the tranquility of
Scandinavia. By talking to fish wives
and school boys, by reading the in-
side pages of some of the newspapers1
and being observant at the theatre,
particularly during the newsreels