Foetn ruPlan Interinational Dinner T ansD11 aneleicBalLit fParos Formner Student Marrie
F einGop j haksgvig, ane In a Ls atosAnn iAror"Yesteday
Will Hear Talk h*. Will Be High-Lights This Week For Soph Pro111 Vivian Lesperance, daughter of Mr.
"___________________ ______and Ms George Lesperance of Annm
By Er'nest Price hr ,aVe To A de ILeague ballroom into a formal gai 1 inc d Arbor. and Ferdinand Otto son of
rro.liauedAd e nwhere oe Sandes,1"the oflCleftMrs. Louis Otto, also of Ann Arbor,
Fresman Roudtabe dn, ner ~io Sader. "te oe' eftwere married at 9 a.m. yesterday in
Prof. Haydenl To Preside Frsm n R udal adr ilpa.Snesadhs
Ni9:ght. odyhaer" avwilloy.Snder asoand Rege hidss cist St Thomas Catholic Church. Mr.
Nigthwk9hvelog'ee asoia-M.gieThldsdraeyraOtto attended the University. Miss !
At International Dinner edwthtelckaketarnto
Be eld Wenesay d iththeBlckhwk esaurnt f'Is Chosen For Dance Celia Sullivan of Ann Arbor acted as
To Be Terelisa decied lac of big in- Chicago's Loop, where he has played: r ce maid and William Scott of
y____lcta feig eoeteAn for years. Following the dance, the, To Be Held Dec. 10 ntaiteOtoabstm .
/ a Ate7 w il..hritesrsolfmnizedninhthe
,Abhout 400 To Attend public this week-nota concert; sororitie ilhv rafssi hi
an Oratorical Association lecture is catrhue ra h ege Patrons and patronesses were an- lucib e.Atu ekne
f cl ien Bette Davis returns to the Majestic nounced yesterday by Paul Park, pa-i united in marriage Miss Lesperance's
Dr. Ernest Pr ice, Director of the;givn.1 screen in a new picture-"That Cer-, trons chairman, for the annual Soph; brother, Harold. and Miss Ruth Som-
International House in Chicago, will j'La t week among the places to go ain Woman." In it she co-stars with' prom to be held Friday Dec. 10 in:nr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C.
a s listed the water color exhibition n er od.SuprigMs a
be the speakei at the International AlmiHl.Tdyar ~.Sl HnyFna uprigMs a the Union Ballroom. Somimer of Milan.
dinner whch will e held at6:30 plm:min thevis whoaiycurrenty making-Jeze-iRegweoCiilscandehisorchestrng- - -
dnrwihwl esdy heldnion. 0pm.ster Jerry will give a talk i tebel" rumored to be a steal from David weiplyfoChdance hioch wl estra_________________
Wensa tte no.cVJrth and South galleries of that [wl lyfrte ac hc ilb
Dr. Price will speak on "Which i wilding on these paintings. Mr. Withithe lng-timre day uner an held from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Cruzan;
Way Lies Peace." Prof. Joseph R. I f. ferry who is a painter and water: With thuie.Wn, r anHne n Alexander. general chairman, has an-
Hadnwl xedth reig f PO. OEHR ADN cor artist himself, was the former Anita Luise. that tickets will go on ge-'
aadnwl xedtegetndo RF.JSP . AD t .t n o h at w er a oucd~Eilm O/
the University to the representatives lirector of the Kalamazoo Institute of: eral sale at the Union after Tuesday. lr u c
of hevarou naioal rops ndyr ad fr he as tw yarswa! ate Of Last. Patrons and patronesses for the
through themh to the countries they s he estate director of the Federal Art, dance include Regent and Mrs. Ju-
represent. The reply to this wel-j. lz;--. ..?roject. Admission is free to students.' .F " nius E. Beal, Regent and Mrs. Frank -
H gene Ta
come will be made on behalf of the s< f~2~.... To Hold Conference .Iyg ICSL fin M. Cook, Regent Ester M. Cram;
students by Sarah Chakko, Grad., of, p; The Frehman Roundtaole confer-i .nioiie and Mr. L V. Cram, Regent and Mrs.,
Professor Hayden of the political} x K tiill feature a talk by Prof. Wesley H-.;~ Charles F. Hemans, Regent and Mrs.
science department and formerly ' Maurer of the journalism depart-' James 0. Murfin, Regent and Mrs.I
vice governor-general of the Philip I ..4, .... ... nt. Following the talk, discussions j xe pio Eailat i Richard R. Smith, Regent and Mrs.1.
pine Islands, has been asked to pre-' v~ . ill be held in which the freshmen) n Ralph Stone, Regent and Mrs. John
side. a nd upperclassman advisers will par- For Lectures Will Be D. Lynch, Regent and Mrs. Edmund
Nelson Plans Decorations I Aicilpate. The Student Religious As- C. Shields.
Deans and administrative officers .octinsoorthecnfecs At4:0T oro President and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean
of the University and representatives ' °....which will continue every Sunday 'adMs .A useDa n
of heRoaryClb nd f hetom ° mx morning through Dec.2.. An exemption examination for thean Mrs. J. A. Buroson , Dean andr.:
ofteRtrAlbado h o To Lift At Bnwomen's hygiene lecture series will be Ms .B dosn enadMs
munity will act as hosts. The decora- E. H. Kraus, Dean Henry C. Ander-!a
tive scheme, which has always been ': . Wednesday is the day before I given at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the sn enAieC lyDa n
a feature of interest, is the work of (' .T. Thanksgiving, and because of that Natural Science Auditorium, Dr. Ms .R upryDa n
th oneo t oeg tuet, ,~fact the auto ban will be lifted from" Margaret Bell. medical advisor for Mrs. A. . Hm es, Dean andi W.
Prof. J. aleigh Neson, assited by : ~ ~.A I12 p.m. until 8 a.m. Friday. For people: women, announced.B.RaDenndMsC.TOl-
Mr.. lei N lonwarth. e Mor .ReeanadMs .T.Om thn .. . . . .4{eman n rnprain
400 ccetancs hve een eceved. .~ . -v wit th. 1The test will be given to all fresh-
40 ccpane.hv.be.rcivdDetroit and points east or west willI men who did not take it in the physi- se.Cl n r.B .Ewrs
for the inner. probably be their source of amuse-I cal education classes and to all up-;Prof. and Mrs. A. H. White, Prof. >.
T u retan neranmn.Hoee perclassmen who are deficient in and Mrs. A, D. Moore, Prof. and Mrs
Guess wo wll it t te had th Unon s gvingan nfomalhygenereqireent Ths wll1Robert C. Angell, Prof. and Mrs. A.
table include President and Mrs. teUini iiga nomldance itheir hgeerqurmn.Thswl1
Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. PROF: J. RALEIGH NELSON from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Wednesday, be the last time the examination will, L. Dunham, Prof. and Mrs. R. A. ;., .
Burle, ea Aic Loy, rs Brlfor those who plan to stay. Two: be given and all those who do not Dodge, Prof. and Mrs. M. B. Eichel- 111 y ' "
Buchrse,PrDEaniC.oy dad,.yr bands will play-Bob Steinle and Al take it will be automatically enrolled berger, Major and Mrs. R. E. Hardy, u ;
BachroessrandProf. Nedwin, C. Gdard i S h olS n Cowan. The price will be the same: in the lecture series. Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Muyskens, Prof. /
as for the regular dances. This is the first year that an ex- and Mrs. R. S. Swinton, Mr. Jhn F.
Mrs. Price, Nelson Fuson, Grad.,-Miss Wemr r n rs .L ai,}
Chakko and Professor and Mrs. Hay-1Sessions TU Learn Thursday is Thanksgiving with al mtotalfeshmben woenwre-iMraetBl.sr'ilimW
dnI Tosingle day of respite from classes. t hs. l 'Bhe oenwr e-D.rga e t elDDr.MiDlrfeeW.
HossnFr DnneTJjIr Panhellenic Ball is on Friday night. quired to attend all six lectures and:Bac and Dr and rs. M.L. Due.
Hosts and hostesses for the dinner Appleecorations__will__changethe
DeanandMrs J.B. dmoson year the lectures were given the first I
are DenadMs).B dosn
Dean and Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, Dean A series of Swing Sessions for the i semester, instead of the second, as is( BE PROUD OF
nigh school students of Ann ArborP tr n being done this year. y
and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean I a nePa r n Another new feature this year is Y UR HAND
and Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Dean and Mrs. waznone esedyb og
ClrneYau.las Gregory, '39, the director of the" that the women who attend the le-
Prf n r.LusHpis rfsessions. -F or IlVusiCale tures will be divided into groups of Kee , hands soft, smooth, ad '
and Mrs. Robert B. Hall, Prof. and' Gregory said that this new series: abut 7. The purpose of this, Dr. lvl ihPcunsHn
MsJon hpadPrfan Mr.Iof six sessions is scheduled to begini Bell explained, is to make the work'caspifl capn fet
CrRuuPoand Mrs. Earl V.i at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29, in the 1v uovmr agbe aedsusosps of wate. Vanishing A little<s>
~~ Concert sible and stimulate further outside ge a
Moore, Prof. and Mrs. C. 0. Carey. League Ballroom, and that the' Series Toaegn.odaeradng
Prof. and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Prof. League sponsors it. SeieTBgi_ Tdaradng
and Mrs. George Carrothers, Prof.' "it is to give the high school stu- TelsofptnsCN
and Mrs. William Hoad. dents of Ann Arbor the opportunity, Tmh iofnptonsws aoruheLited to To Speak 9C >
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg, Dr. of dancing in the League and it will ysteymhitoncert nounhed
and Mrs. Howard Lewis, Dr. and introduce them to college atmo-jyse a h irtcneto h Here Tomorrowl 3c7
Mrs. Dean Myers,, Dr. and Mrs. sphere." he said. "The same steps ara mittee. fThhe first t-concertt of cthe~n7 J(eJiyi eri euao : ...'..' 77,i l~
Charles A. Sink, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. will be taught to them as arc taught,eiswilb elt8p .tdy M ss and hear etri euaddres ;h
Bunting, Dr. and Mrs. John Sund- to the college students, such as the adhat okrwl drs h+
wal r n r. ae rcDr Big Apple, the Michigan Shiag and' the Eelu ntieHsyRomi physical education club and all S
and Mrs. Malcolm Soule, Dr. and! Truekin'.' iht tedat9am oorwin~ Miller Drug Store30SOT S
Mrs. E. W. Blakeman, Dr. and Mrs.i A special price is being offered to The patrons are Dean Henry C.' Sarah Caswell Angell Auditorium in' 727 N. University Phone 9797_________________
Warren Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. H. these students, Gregory .announced.' Janenean ierr Cr. BLl o xiS abu ynsu._________________
B. Earhart, Mr. and Mrs. Edward They may. come either in couples or JantePry r.Br x Miss Mayer is superintendent of ________________
Staebler, Mr. and Mrs Emory Hyde, stag, and the price is the same for Bacher,a Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sink, health and director of physical edu-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B. Shaw. ever yone-$2 per peirson Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Dr. cation for the elementary grades in
.... .-- and Mrs. Palmer Christian, Dr. Mar-1 Detroit. She is in charge of this works
garet Bell, Miss Louise Cuyler, MrI for both boys and girls and superin-'
~ o~r ° 0 o° °i 0 o Glen McGeoch. Mr. Otto Stahl and tends the training of new teachers.
('j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waltz. i Although the lecture is being given)
YA T ableI The Little Symphony Orchestra isi primarily for the physical educationI
A r~ under the direction of Thor John- majors, all who wish to arc invited to!
O 'Fit Ford King" rf- son, an instructor in the School of attend. JX N
Q You won't be ashamed to serve ductor during the season of 1935-36, 'education work for a long period of,
your friends on our RUSSIAN and last year was on a leave of ab- time. She was in charge of and di- * JiiI
AHAND WOVEN table cloths and: sence studying in Austria and Czech- rected a pageant given by the D-
U luncheon sets.U oslovakia as the holder of a Beebe troit school children for the 1922
We have some unique blockc Scholarship. National Education Convention.
prite lnes ha ay ir wul The orchestra is made up of stu-' _ _ __ _ _ _
Uo routd lnn to ny grlwolddents in the music school. There is
ALL FAST COLORS. ( no admission for the concerts. I
r hey make popular Christmas gifts 0 k
A r IN N S O The archery club will hold a picnic a :0pm nTedy none h o f .a
I Ruth Carr, manager. The picnic will.
I10 NICKELS ARCADE ' take the place of the last meetikg,
-.of the season. Members of the club'jfrte o e b
Y and their friends are invited. {frth o e b
, ..IN FACT, even if you've never been on
a pair of skiis... even if you only
intend to climb the hills of the Arbore-
tum and throw snow balls, there's no
reason why you shouldn't be in good
* form, figuratively speaking, of course.
you look like the snow queen herself.
Gabardines, imported woolens and
tweeds, all waterproofed, in dark shades
s with startling flashes of high colour.
i perfect to keep you warm and dry, and
s s E looking lovely!
.95 to 1750. ,
} ? Heavy Woolen Socks and Stockings. .
............................. ....... .... ....... 59c to 2.00 pair
Bass Regulation Ski Boots .... 8.95 pair
Heavy Woolen Mittens and Goe.
...................................1.00 to 1.95 pair
Il I i .. 1 N U1 IL/ " . U Uf