THE MICHIGAN DAILY FIE MICHIGAN DAILY I r> ~ iIf Edited and managed by students of the University of .chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of udent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the alversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matter herein also served. Entered at the Post Officeat Ann Arbor, Michigan as eond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $450. ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NAT1kNAL n.,. NationalAdvertisingService, In College Publish ,fReresentaive 420 MADISON AVE NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS AGELES - SAN FRANCiscCO Board of Editors *NAGING EDITOR............JOSEPH S. MATTES )ITORIAL DIRECTOR ....f.......TUURE TENANDER 111lam Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas GHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio,Robert Mitchell, Robert Perman and Roy Sizemore. TORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf,.Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. OMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonistee, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miher, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeoy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- .hees. Business Department MSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES rEDIT MANAGER.................DON WILSHER VERTISING MANAGER ... .NORMAN B. STEINBERG OMENS BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY OMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers I Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Adverti- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, NationalAdvertising and Circulation Manager. NIGIT EDITOR: ALBERT MAYIO The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. he Nobel' eaie Prize .. . T HURSDAY the Nobel Peace Prize for 1937 was awarded to Viscount Cecil Chelwood for his valuable work in establishing League of Nations. The prize was 15,000 vedish kroner, or about $40,000. It is significant that Lord Ceci should receive e prize for his part in establishing a body which s distinguished itself chiefly by its inability to complish anything toward constructive peace ort. It would seem that there was no one in 37 who tried sincerely to promote peace. The bel prize committee has tacitly admitted that ere are few prospects in this direction. It is also significant that a body that has failed erly in the last few years should be recognized the foremost agency of peace today. The ague does not seem to have prevented Mus- ini from executing the theft of Ethiopia; and et today, the now-defunct Spanish blockade omed a weak effort, and even seemed to offer her backhanded assistance to the Fascists in .an it be that the constructive efforts of the kcemakers have ceased? Can it be that they ve lost sight of their goal in their insane race promulgate their own immediate doctrines? all sides the two major political camps are gning themselves, even to the extent of intra- bional splits and dissension. In France the tocratic popular front has gained the upper fd. In England there are numberless petty its between, the adherents of the two major nps. In Germany the government is only e to maintain its ascendancy over the liberal ients by its strangle hold on the civilian pop- tion. Both of these forces now battle on the anish proving ground. It would seem that the rid has forgotten the noble cause of peace. Ve suggest that the Nobel prize committee ive its peace award until a worthy champion peace arises. Dennis Flanagan. iAll Relations- Board, which, after an investigation, ordered a plant election to be held to determine which union should represent the workers. In announcing its decision, the Board declared the AFL group to be in essence a revitalization of the company union, with officers' salaries paid by the company. The AFL leadership has accepted the ruling with a minimum of grace, accusing the Labor Board of pro-CIO bias and joining company offd cials in a pledge to fight the decision as a breach of contract. The morality as well as the legality of a con- tract reached in the manner this one was, and founded upon as slight a basis of equality, is open to question, while the fairness and efficacy of the ballot in determining democratic majority opinion scarcely are. The AFL did not protest when a large number of workers in the Consolidated Electric plant were laid off recently. Its vociferousness at present, coming in the midst of an attempt to solve the problem of dual unionism, is not reas- suring to those who believe in the Federation's capacity to contribute its share to the advance of organized labor. Joseph Gies. pulling A Fast One.. . IE PRESSURE IS ON! Michigan civil service employees are at last be- ginning to realize that Governor Murphy of the Civil Service Commission really mean business. Those who, in the past, may have scoffed at the action of the commission are now nervously attempting to hang onto jobs which, at the present, are very insecure. All this worry is being brought about by little classification blanks which were distributed to all state employees at the first of this week. The purpose of these blanks is to place each job in the proper relationship with other jobs in the de- partment and the state service. It is hoped that such procedure will in the future guard against a junior clerk getting a senior clerk's salary for doing nothing but the simplest kind of work. It is this evil which has been most prevalent in state civil service in the past and has brought about most complaints from employees in the service. Present employees who are guilty of this type of fraud, are vainly striving to pad out the lists of duties they have on their present jobs. However, these lists will be thoroughly checked by the commission and no employee will be able to pull a fast one. Employees who are holding jobs legitimately have nothing to worry about on this score, but the others realize the instability of their status and their fears are justified. However, these classification blanks signify only the beginning of a great deal of worry for state civil service employees. Early next year qualification tests will be held to determine the personnel of the service. These tests do not help the jittery condition of those employees who feel that they are not earning the money which is being paid them by the taxpayers of the state. Those who get by now may not find it so easy to slip through when these tests are taken. Indications that the tests will be legiti- mately administered to determine whether pres- ent employees are up to the standards set by the commission does not help to alleviate the present tension. That these tests are to be strictly adhered to also comes as a blow to many opponents of civil service who voted for the present measure believing that politics could still play a part in job distribution behind the scenes. All in all, it seems that the only fast one being pulled is being done by Gvernor Murphy, Personnel Director William Brownrigg, Prof. JamesK. Pollock of the University of Michigan. who drafted the present bill, and members of the Civil Service Commission. Richard Mann. Ii feejmu io Ale 1-leywood Broun I liked the President's message to Congress a good deal better than I liked Secretary Morgen- thau's speech before the Academy of Political Science. They did not differ enormously in principle, but in phrase and manner the Secre- tary of the Treasury suggested a man in full retreat, while Mr. Roosevelt still had his hands up. There seems to be every indication the New Deal is going to be under heavy pressure during the special session, and many of its most dangerous foes are Demo- crats. Conservative forces in this country are much better organized than they were last year. It is useful in a democracy to have an intelligent and articulate opposition. Anti- administration forces are now articulate, but it remains to be seen whether they are intelligent even from their own point of view. There is a good deal of Samson psychology in the opposition. Some of the men in Con- gress and some of the groups which they repre- sent are prepared to pull everything to pieces and are quite ready to let the rafters fall on their own heads if only they can get Roosevelt in the process. This legion of death does not really want recovery to' proceed at the present time. They want an issue for Congressional elec- tion of 1938 and are even prepared to run the risk of hard times right up to the national elec- tion of 1940, if only that weapon will put a crusher on all progressive policies in this country. * * * * Peace Dove Riddled With Shot Such q course takes nerve, but it is just as well not to overexaggerate the courage of the Old Guard. In spite of the moaning across the bar the boys in the higher brackets do not actually suffer as much as the underprivileged during depression years. Much has been said in crit- icism of Franklin D. Roosevelt as a man who has created class-consciousness in this country, but surely some of the financial and industrial leaders have ridden off to these wars with a good deal of whoops and hallooing. At such times as the dove of peave has been loosed at the White House the bird has fluttered back to its nest all riddled with buckshot. To my ear the message which Secretary Morgenthau de- livered to the diners of the Academy of Political Science was at least more than 50 per cent con- ciliatory. Indeed, it seemed to me that the Cab- inet member was tossing sops around like con- fetti at a New Year's Eve celebration. But he failed to get his hearers to enter into the carnival spirit. He was treated with marked coolness and grave discourtesy. On at least two occasions his speech was interrupted by loud, raucous and mocking laughter, with a few boos thrown in for good measure. At one point he was moved to depart from his script into a bit of ad lib defeatism when he said, "All right, you try it." The great heart of the assembly went out to the pure Bourbonism of Senator Byrd, of Vir- ginia. There should be no disposition on the part of administration leaders to say, "All right, you try it." Challenge To Progressive Policies The Hoover clique had its chance to deal with a depression. There seems to be no reason to believe that the painful record made then can be bettered by any second administration of the same philosophy. I am not contending that no concessions should be made and that every suggestion from a con- servative source is inevitably without merit. But I do hope and believe that in the contest to come President Roosevelt will be shrewd enough not to give a single inch, if that particular bargain is going to be used to snatch away from America every pillar of progressive policies. RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: Ted Husing, Columbia's ace sports commentator, was given a traveling bag at the Downtown A.C., New York City dinner recently -an appropriate gift for a traveling man of sports . . . Yvonne King is plenty on the warm side these days-she has her first fur coat. She of the King Sisters Trio with Horace Heidt is only seventeen and the older sisters tell her what she can and can not wear. Boake Carter, CBS professional on-looker of world doin's, is looking for a family in the U.S. who haven't heard of radio . . .'Jack Oakie is talking turkey these days. He is going to giff all his leetle chums a bird for the Turkey holiday-from his San Fernando ranch. Jimmy Wallington has been signed for a part in the flicker, "Stop Cheering"-he is the an- nouncer-man and stooge on the Cantor show ... Joe Penner was born in Hungary-started out as ,a choir boy in a cathedral choir. Got his start by winning an. amachoor contest. Can't quite imagine Penner singing his own inimitable style in a choir-WOW! Jimmy Grier, Penner show maestro, is a Stanford grad. Band Bits: The Palomar in Hollywood has fea- tured some great bands in the past. The cream of the nations' jazzsters have played the spots from the stand for the flick stars, but the Pal- omar sure did get some skim-milk of something or other when Clyde McCoy tooted his little valve-bugle in that spot a .while back.# Hal Kemp wasn't stooge enough to continue on MUSIC DAILY OFFICIAL BULLET'IN Little Symphony Publication in the Eull-tin is corstructiv' notice to all mn-Ill)- of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Prcsident By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER until 3:30; 11:00 aa.m. on Saturday IN THESE days of "100-men," Wag- (Continued from age 3) Church School at 9:30 a.m. in charge super-super orchestras, of Wg - __ _ ___.. - _. of Dr. Logan, nerian thunderbolts, and Stokowsky- will be posted on the bulletin board _fDr__gn Bach transcriptions, a great deal ofII Church of Jesus Christ of Latter first-rate music lies untouched on the' Meeting:3Suomi Club, Lane Hall i Day Saints: Sunday school and Dis- library shelves. Untouched not be-!_ cussion Group Sunday morning, cause it is unworthy of performance, , 9:00 a. m. Little Chapel, Women's Coming Events,-1Leg. or because history's onward trek has . eague. left it with interest only for the an- Dr. Edward Scribner Ames, pro- fessor at the Divinity School at the Roger Williams Guild: Noon class tiquarian, but simply because it lacks University of Chicago will present a omitted on account of absence of 'a medium peculiarly adapted to University Lecture at 4:15 p. m. on Mr. Chapman. bringing forth its especial beauties. i Wednesday, December 6th. 6:15 p.m. Guild members will meet The little symphony, standing as it l- and a Thanksgiving Service will be does midway between the ordinary German Table for Faculty Mem- j observed conducted by the students. ensemble group and the full-fledged bers: The regular luncheon' meet- A social* hour will follow the pro- symphony orchestra, is uniquely!in. will be held Monday at 12:10 pm. gram when refreshments will be equipped to give such music its ideal ingwd1served. performance. With emphasis upon in the Founders' Room of the Michi- the beauty and clarity of each in- gan Union. All faculty members in- First Congregational Church dividual instrumental line, detailed terested in speaking German are cor- Corner of State and Williams. precision of ensemble, and the more dially ivited. 10:45 a.m., Service of Worship. delicatetorchestral and dynamic hues, F: Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on rather than upon broad colors and Faculty Women's Club: The Book'"ou ret!uston. grandiose mass effects, the little Shelf and Stage Section will meet at 8:00 p.m., After supper at 6 o'clock, symphony is the true democracyl the home of Mrs. Milton J. Thomp- the StudentFellowship il have th !among instrumental groups, and fills i son, 1511 Morton Ave., on Tuesday pleasure of listening to Mr. William a place into which neither chamber Nov. 23, at 2:45 p.m. Mrs. Claude Wed fd k "senin ton r.h iiam ensemble nor large symphony can fit. Clark is assisting hostess. WodarToday o .Cristianityhn During the present year the spent 16 years in Japan, traveling ex- University of Michigan Little Sym- Michigan Dames: General meet- nsively both in the rural and urban phony, under the direction of Thor sections, and only this spring visited Johnson, will present a series of Grand Rapids Room of the League. Korea and Manchuria viewing con- concerts comprising music, much of Initiation of new members will take ditions there. The public is cordially it of the above-mentioned, neglected be given out. invited. type, of all ears-from the virginal begienut pieces of William Byrd, one of the! .eFirst Methodist Church: Morning first great instrumental composers,!Michigan Dames: There will be a ts thegratestmeffrts ofntourcom meeting of those members of theishares will preach on What'sGo to he atet ffots f ur ontm-Bridge Group who wish instruction sae ilpec n"htsGo? poraries. The first of the series will Bingcontracthatwthe Le streon at 10:40 o'clock. t be heard this evening in the Michi- night at eight o'clock. The room will Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 gan League, and will present rarely- SakepoHted:onttdenbuCletsnaboar4. heard compositions of three great b s nheu ad a. m. Prof Carrothers will be the 18th century writers-Johann Chris- Polonia Literary Circle will meet leader. tian Bach (youngest son of the great at the Michigan League, Tuesday Sebastian), Wolfgang Amade Mozart, evening, Nov. 23, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.l and Andred Ernest Modste Gretry. Raymond Kontrowicz will give a! Miss Sarah Chakko of India will j In addition there will be played the special piano recital, which will be akn"Problems of Christian Stu- Allegro Scherzando movement from followed by bridge, dents in India." Fellowship hour the Dixtuor for chamber orchestra ___ and supper following the meeting. of Theodore Dubois, French organist, Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, All Methodist students and their teacher, and composer of the last Nov. 23, 7:30 p. m. Room , friends are cordially invited. century; four of the eight Russian Natural Science Building. folk songs which Anatol Liadov, pu- Reports by: First Presbyterian Church meeting pil of Rimsky-Korsakow and the Merry, James. Stalfelt, M. G. Der at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Russian nationalist school, arranged Gasaustausch der Moose. Fourth Ave. at the behest of his government in Usami, S. Ueber die Atmung und 10:45 a.m., "Wisdom That Is Oth- 1906; and the "Lament to a De- i die Tokyo. erwise is the subject of Dr. Lemon's parted Doll" from Eugene Goosens' Jotter, Mary Loise. Burgoff, H. sermon at the Morning Worship Kaleidoscope Suite. Ueber Polyploidie bei Marchantia. Service. Music by the student choir under the direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. 6YMPHONY WRITTEN BY YOUNGER BACH T HE SYMPHONY of the program is that in E flat, Op. 9 No. 2, of 'Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782)., 'Undeservedly neglected in the rush to pay tribute to his more illustrious father and elder brother (Karl Philipp Emanuel). Johann Christian; has been known for the most part through musical dictionaries rather than from program books. Yet dur- ing his lifetime he was perhaps the most widely known of all the family being termed the "European" or "London" Bach. Like Handel, whose career has more resembles than that of his father, and whom he succeed- ed in London, his musical training was irrevocably Italian and his ac- tivities cosmoplitan. The Sinfonia in E fiat is among the, earliest of the instrumental works which J. C. Bach composed after going to London, where his last two decades were passed, in 1762, having previously served in Italy as organ- ist and composer of ecclesiatical andI popular operatic works. Written when the sonata and symphonic forms were still in their formative period, the Sinfonia is in the Italian three-movement pattern, but theI third movement is a "Tempo di Men- uetto" betraying the influence of the1 earlier dance suites which was a lit-I tle later to culminate in the frank addition of the menuet as a fourth, Harvey, IeRoy. Davy de Virville, A. Recherches sur le parasitisme chez les muscinees. White, S. S. Clee, D. Leaf arrange- ment in relation to water conduc- tion in the foliose Hepaticae. The musical numbers will be as fol- lows: Organ Prelude, "Nun danket alle Gott" by Karg-Elert; Anthem, "0 Praise the Lord,' by Arensky; solo, "Thanks be to God" by Dick- son, 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu- Geology Journal Club: Meeting dent group, supper and fellowship Monday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. in Room hour. At the meeting which follows 3065 NS. Reviews of two palpers: at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Lemon will speak "Cambrian and Ordivician of Ver- on the topic "Religion in Current mont" by Chas. Schuchert reviewed Events." by Kenneth G. Brill, Jr. and "Igneous Rock Structure" by Robert Balk re- Hillel Foundation- viewed by Dr. A. J. Eardley. Refresh- 2:00 p. m. Concert of symphonic re- ments at 8:00. { cordings. 3:30 'p.m. Meeting of the Palestine Electrical Engineers: The first Club. , Electrical Engineering Colloquium 5:00 p. m. Luncheon Meeting of the this year will be held Tuesday, Nov. Hillel Independents 23, at 4:45 p.m. in Room 153 West4 8:00 p. m. Forum. Engineering Bldg. Don Hughson Students Symposium. T nir M~rl l~ctn rnvnnn will discuss All students ments. For Engineering "Sound Measurement." are invited. Refresh--I details see 'Electricall Bulletin Board. I I topic, lvorals, iLaw or c Speakers, Bernard H. F Erwin Ellman, '38Law. .onvenience ried, '38M i l MUSIC The luncheon for graduate stv- dents will be omitted on Wednesday, November 24, because of the Thanks-; giving holiday. Physics Colloquium: Dr. C. T. Zahn will speak on 'The Bucherer,1 Experiment for Primary Beta-par- ticles' at the Physics Colloquium Monday, Nov. 22 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics Building. Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold a Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today are; 8:00 a .m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. church school, 11:00 a. m. Kinder- garten, 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon by the Reverend Fred- erick W. Leech. Harris Hall: Sunday night at seven o'clock, Professor John F. Shepard of the Psychology Department of the University of Michigan, will speak at the Student Fellowship on the subject, "What is Belief?" All Epis- Calendar TODAY Radio City Music Hall Symphony, Mischa Violin and Mishel Piastro conductors, Edwina Eustis soprano soloist. Bach-Violin "St. Anne Prelude and Fugue, Sibelius's Suite for Strings and Tympani, Bach's Concerto for Three Pianos and Orchestra, Kreisler's Preludium and Allegro, songs by Wolf and Arnold. 12:30-1:30, NBC Blue. New York Philharmonic-Symphony Society, John Barbirolli conductor, Arthur Rubenstein piano soloist. Tschaikowsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Overture to Rimsky-Kor- sakow's "The Maid of Pskov," Arensky's Varia- tions for String Orchestra on a Tschaikowsky Theme, Liadov's "From the Apocalypse," Suite from Rimsky-Korsakow's "Le Coq d'Or." 3-5, CBS. University of Michigan Little Symphony, Thor Johnson conductor, John Krell flute soloist. Sinfonia in E flat, Op. 9 No. 2, of Johann Christian Bach, Concerto for Flute in D major of Mozart, Four Russian Folk Songs of Liadov, Allegro Scherzando from the "Dixtuor in D minor" of Dubois, Eugene Goosens' "Lament to a Departed Doll," and the Overture to Gretry's "Cephale et Pro- cris." 8:00 p.m., Michigan League. Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Eugene Ormandy conductor, Charles Kullman tenor soloist. All- Johann Strauss program. 9-10, CBS. MONDAY Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Har- rison conductor. New "Symphony in E minor" by Paul White, young American composer, Overture to Nicolai's "Merry Wives of Windsor," Entr'acte from Schubert's "Rosamunde," Tschaikowsky's movement. The original instrumen- compulsory meeting Monday even- corallyuinted i ouplndtoago tation is that customary to the mid- ing, Nov. 22, at 7:30 in the League,. cordially Rnvied, If you planov 18th century, four-part strings plus . onathe Ham., deSnty.I v.h27 two oboes and two French horns. Phi Espilon Kappa: The initiation at 8 p.m., please notify Mr. Leech and The opening movement is an Allegro ceremony of Phi Epsilon Kappa, Na- make your reservation for an evening with less regularity of structure than tional Honorary Physical Education of fun. later became customary, and of the Fraternity, will take place tomorrow simplest texture. The "Andante con night, Monday, Nov. 22, at 10 p. m. St. Paul's Lutheran, Liberty at 3rd. Sordini" is frankly in the Italian in the Michigan Union. The minister, Rev. Brauer, will rococo style, with an etherial wisp ofII speak on "Thoughts at the Close of a melody which dies away with faint The Congress-Independent Men's a Church Year" at the morning serv- pizzicati-to be brought back sound- Organization: There will be a meet- ice beginning at 10:45. ly to earth in two concluding for- ing of the Social Committee Monday The Student Club has planned a tisioh measre Thddy-"Menuetto" atn7:30 p. m. in Room 306 of the4 hay-ride forathis evening. Supper finale has all the ruddy-cheeked vig- Union. wilbhaathecuhat6pm or of a German country dance, and Following the supper they will leave presents interesting melodic alterna- The Congress-Independent Men's by cars for the home of Mr. and Mrs. tions between the oboes and strings Organization: There will be a meet- Ed Brassow near Dexter where facil- ing of the Publicity Committee Mon- ities are waiting. Come prepared for JOHN KRELL day at 7:30 p. m. in Room 306 of the it. Lutheran students and friends WILL BE SOLOIST Union. are invited. OLLOWING the Seniors John Thursday, Nov. 25, a Thanksgiving F Hiawatha Club Meeting: tomorrow, day service will be held at this Krell, flutist, will be the soloist in evening at 8 o'clock in the Union. church at 10 a.m. Sermon by the pas- Mozart's D major Concerto, num- Itor. bered 314 in Koechel's Catalogue, one Churches of several works featuring the flute Trinty Lutheran Church, corner Church of Christ (Disciples): of Fifth Ave and Williams St. which Mozart wrote in 1777-1778 for j10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Johann Wendling, the great flutist of Fred Cowin, Minister. the pastor on "Scorned Love." the famous orchestra at Mannheim, 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class, where the composer was visiting at H. L. Pickerill, Leader. Lutheran Student Club will meet the time. The Concerto is tradition- 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in al in form, with three movements, 6:30 p.m., Program: The beginning Trinity Lutheran Church on the the first Allegro introduced by a full of a series of three forums on the corner of Fifth Ave. and Williams St. exposition for the orchestral tutti subject, "Love, Courtship, Marriage Dr. Schaffnit head of the Lutheran before the appearance of the solo and Home Building." Mr. and Mrs. Missions in the city of Detroit will be flute. The slow movement is in gent- Pickerill will lead the forum on the speaker. Dr. Schaffnit is an ly flowing, cantilena style, and the Nov. 21. Professor Howard Y. Mc- experienced man in his field and is finale is a vivacious rondo which Clusky will speak on Nov. 28. sure to have a vital message. calls for a brilliant technique on First Church of Christ, Scientist, the part of the soloist. 409 S. Division St. Unitarian Church, State and Hur- .rness - .-. T HE DISPUTE over the union repre- sentation of employees of the Con- .idated Edison Co. of New York comes at an un- rtunate time and augurs little good for the Ity conference shortly to be resumed between e American Federation of Labor and the Com- ttee for Industrial Organization. The tactics the AFL leadership in this case have been un- vory both from the point of view of tne welfare labor and the benefit of the general public. Several years ago the employees of Consoli- teV Edison, refusing to be regimented into a nl ny union. formed an independent organi- ion of their own, later affiliating with the AFL otherhood of Electrical Workers. In 1936, dis- uraged by the stagnant top leadership of the