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November 21, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-21

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Xmas BazaarI
To Aid Chinese
War Victims
Chinese Students To Give
Articles To Be Placed
On Sale Nov. 30
As one of several projects for rais-
ing funds to aid their people at home
and their fellow students here, Chi-
nese students will hold a Christmas
Bazaar beginning Tuesday afternoon,
Nov. 30, in the League.
Approximately 400 articles have
been contributed from the personal
possessions of the students them-
selves, Mrs. Martha G. Colby of the!
psychology department announced
yesterday. These articles include
handmade wearing apparel, embroid-
erics, cloissone, lacquer ware, books,
jewelry, famous teas, and other typ-
ical Chinese products.
Production in China is at a stand-
still, and exports are practically non-
existent, Mrs. Colby added. There-
fore the bazaar affords a unique op-
portunity to buy small gifts of gen-
uine Chinese handicraft. Each ar-j
ticle is supplied with a brief legend
explaining its use, its symbols and{
materials and the province of which;
its craftsmanship is typical. The
entire proceeds, Mrs. Colby said, will
go toward Chinese aid.

The Nine Men Who Determine The Meanintg Of The Constitution Pose For Picture

This is the first group photograph to be made of the Supreme Court since the appointment of Justice Hugo L. Black. Front row, left to
right; Associate Justices George Sutherland, James Clark McReynolds, Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, Associate Justices Louis Bembitz
Brandeis and Pierce Butler. Back row, left to right, Associate Justices Benjamin N. Cardozo, Harlan Fiske Stone, Owen J. Roberts ani Hugo L.

Fcnm~t 0 rty Fo-iir.Piint

Rural Children

issing Judge Program
Mystery Case.
(Continued from Page 1)C
BeRevive Jersey; Col. Leonard P. Ayres ofc
Cleveland; Dr. Willford I.King of
NEW YORK, Nov. 20.-(P)-Mrs. New York University; O. C. Ault oft
ewGeorge Peabody College at Nashville,
Stella M. .Crater, whose politically Tenn.' B. M. Anderson, economist
prominent husband, Supreme CourtCB
Justice Joseph Force Crater, vanished for the Chase National Bank; Dr.
mysteriously seven years ago, was de- Reid L. McClung of the University o
scribed by friends today as ready Southern California, Paul Douglaslr-
to make "sensational charges" about of the University of Chicago, Abra-
ham Berglund of the University of
his unsolved disappearance. Virginia, and Morton A. Aldrich of
She will, they say, demand a new Tulane University.
and sweeping re-investigation of the Not all the economists thought that,
whole case by District Attorney- I I
Elect Thomas E. Dewey. 'Dewey va- Congress could relieve the situation.1
cationing in Bermuda, plans to fly) Some held that the remedy lay in co-1
home Monday. operation between labor and business
Meanwhile, Mrs. Crater was hidden on wages, prices and steady employ-c
in. the city by friends. She is sched- ment. Others said business could pullr
uled to speak on an NBC Red network itself out of the hole by holding prices r
broadcast tomorrow at 3 p.m., East- down and thus increasing consump-
evn Standard Time, when she intends dip. One asserted that a housing
to amplify tle charges, her represen- drive, properly conducted, would set
tative said. things going full swing.
Crater vanished Aug. 6, 1930, in the Of the experts who urged actionc
midst of the sensational disclosures by Congress, some were strong for
the henstignaltilo res giving more credit control to the
of the Seabury investigation. federal reserve board. Others con-t
He was one of the leading mem- tended credit had nothing to do witht
bens of the bench, a friend and pro- the problem. Some wanted taxes up.I
tege of United States Senator Robert Some wanted taxes down. But all
F. Wagner and other Tammany big- wanted business to get the feeling, as,
wigs. one put it, that the Roosevelt admin-
Police say: He may have gone away istration was ready to "make friends." 1
voluntarily; he may have been kid- David Friday, of Washington, D. C.,k
naped; he may have been deliberatelysmeituephicl:
S -- . ~'summed it up emphaticall:

, .~ ~ ~ .W~ ~ .U..U..U. U'

o Help Business Will Get Free

construction work where it is most
needed. New taxes to replace the un-
distributed profits levy would not be
necessary because we already have
the security tax to take its place."
One of the proponents of credit
control was Prof.. Irving Fisher, of
Yale University. He said:
"The main reason for the present
recession, as well as for the original

Tuberculin Test
Five thousand rural school chil-
dren in Washtenaw County will be
given free tuberculin tests in a series
of nine neighborhood clinics to be
held throughout the county from
Monday, Nov. 29 to Friday, Dec. 10.
The anti-tuberculosis campaign is
part of the preventive disease pro-

depression, was monetary; the main gram of county nurse Pearl Haist,
remedy must be monetary. who hopes to make it a bi-annual
"Between 1929 and 1933 the na- program. The drive is designed not
tion's check-book money (demand de- only to determine which childreni
posits) shrank by eight billion dol- have the disease, so that they may
lars. That great shrinkage could not be given treatment or hopsitaliza-
help but make a great depression. Be- tion, but also to "screen" them- off
tween 1933 and 1936 that shortage from other ~children and from their
of money was more than made up. Its families so as to prevent a spread of
restoration could not help but make the disease.
"In 1937 this money supply has
been shrinking again. So far it has BROADCAST CATCHES THIEF
shrunk by one billion dollars. That' Ann Arbor police set some sort of
shrinkage could not but make a re- a record yesterday when their broad-
cession. Restoring the shortage would cast report that an automobile had
largely cure the recession. {'been stolen from A. G. Clark at 8:45
"The best method is one which p.m. here resulted in the thief's ap-
could be applied almost overnight if prehension and recovery of the car in
Congress could enact the necessary Jackson at 10:15 p.m.
"This method is for federal reserve'
banks to lend to member banks, with- EVENING RADIO
out interest, enough new bank credit
to bring present 20 per cent reserves PROGRAMS
behind, demand deposits up to 100 per
cent so as to get the volume of our!mnyudrctoladteno
money under control, and then to
buy bonds with still more credit until WJR
enough deposits shall be in circula- P.M
tion to bring back prices, business 6~0 eenner
i :30--Romantic.
and employment." 7:30-Open House.
____________________7:30-Phil Baker.
8:00-Columbia Workshop.
_ _ _ _ i 9:00--Sunday Evenine Hour.


or accidentally hurt so that he is not
in his right mind; he may have suf- "There is need of some definite;
fered an attack of amnesia; he may dramatic action to show that govern-'
have been murdered in a hold-up, or ment promises of helping business is
for political or personal motive. more than just a lot of talk."
Mrs. Crater three months ago bit- Such "dramatic action," he said,
terly criticized the office of the Dis- would be to "abolish the undistributed
trict Attorney of New York County- profits tax" he added:
which Tammany-baiting racket-bust- "If they take (it) off, business is
ing Dewey will take over next Jan- going to expand plant immediately,
uary-for its handling of the case. and that will create a good deal of




For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241

HELLO AGAIN! This is your
gadder-abouter fresh from a cam-
pus shopping tour with news, my
friends, yes news and "finds" for
all you wonderful people. Little
bits of this and that that will
really make your hair curl into
little ringlets-no foolin'.
on our social calendar we find at
last that best of all occasions, that
super-collossal good-time - Pan-
Hell Ball! Yes, it's just about
here! So let's talk and think
wardrobe for a spell! Right?
Right! Start with the hosiery,
now that seems logical! JUNE
GREY (the little hat shop near
Wikels) carries a full line of hose
-all colors-for all occasions.
Let's make this our first stop!
I also can't help noticing the
stunning rindstone, sequin, and
beaded tiaras with bracelets to
match! Now THERE'S an idea-
we've made a start-tip and toe!
DOWN STATE street's gay
white (?) way we'll stroll, making
our next stop at Milady Michi-
gan's old standby-the ELIZA-
pose--a super-sophisticated, stun-
ning and glamours Pan-Hell for-
mal. This is OUR dance, gals,
so let's make the most of it-make
that escort feel just a "leetle beet"
not normal when he gazes at the
attire-with that dash of ultra!

more! And since suggestions are
in order, I vote the chiffon evening
handkerchief, with a touch of the
sequin border or rindstonetrim-
ming, definitely "in." There's one
particularly ingenious one at the
ticed in my gadding. - a little
rindstone finger loop or bracelet
made as a part of the hanky-no
loss!-no trouble! Then there are
always plain ones too-all colors
NEXT-let's outfit the formal
puarse with all those little fem-
inine necessities (incidentally,
don't make your "date" pocket
it-sometimes the remarks are
a bit disastrous) Outfitter: CAL-
KINS-FLETCHERS. outfittings:
a new Dorothy Gray compact,
rouge, and lipstick! Just a good
idea for touching up our out-fiit-
tings (O-0) Now there's a brushed
gold and ivory, black and gold, or
an all gold one, set off by a few
little gems-in a celophane case,
if you please! In fact any com-
bination suitable to the lady and
the attire!
AND NOW that we're all set
even up to the velvet wrap-let's
add the final finishing touch- a
pair of "Muffy Mits"-the softest,
fluffiest, most adorable things that
have hit this campus. It's the
COLLINS SHOP crashing through
again! They're for evening, my
friends,-or for those gay coast-

'ongress ee
o geesnee n
After Recovery
But Not Reform
(Continued from Page 1)
come tax to low income groups never
before reached.
The Senate, unhampered by re-I
strictive rules that make House re-
volt against Administration leader-
ship difficult, closed a week of talk-
fest tactics to stall off a vote on thej
anti-lynching bill. There were inti-j
mations that some step might be
taken there soon to assure business
and the country that tax revision,
budget balancing and any other pos-
sible action to reverse the recession1
cycle would be given right of way in
the next regular session. Possibilities
of attaching tax revision riders to
unrelated House measures were ex-
plored, but there were pessimistic
warnings that House jealousy of its
revenue initiation rights would com-
pel the Senate to wait up on House
Senator Bailey (Dem., N.C.), spar-I
ring for time in the anti-lynching'
blockade of words, raked Roosevelt
policies fore and aft as contributing1
to the business recession. He invited'
"somebody" to offer a resolution de-I
claring that the undistributed profits
and capital gains levies "ought to be
repealed without ceremony at the
first opportunity."
Committee sentiment is understood
to be virtually unanimous for revision
if not repeal.

10 :00-Musical.
i10:15-Comedy Stars.
10:30-President Roosevelt.
i10:45--Hermits Cave.
1 :30-Cab Calloway.
12:00-Henry King.
6:00-Catholic Hour.
6 :30-Smoothies.
6 :45-sports.
7:00-Jack Benny.
7:30-Fireside Recital,
7:45-Interesting Neighbors.
3:00-Charley McCarthy.
9:00-Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.
9:30-Familiar Music.
10:00-Rising Stars.
11 :00-Dance Music.
11:30-News, Music.
6:00-George Jessel.
6:30-Hour of Dreams
7:00-Dinner Concert.
7 :30-Ozzie Nelson.
8:00-Orchestra, Soloists.
9:00-Hollywood Playhouse.
9:30-Walter Winchell.
9:45-Irene Rich.
10:30-President Roosevelt.
11:00-Jimmy Dorsey Orch
ii:30-Eddie Varzos.
12:00-Freddie Rivard.
6:00-Rhythm Men.
6:30-Tim and Irene.
7:30-Ted. Weems.
8:00-Stardust Revue.
8:30-H-appy Hal.
9:00-Passing Parade.
9:30-Pontiac Baptist.
10 :00-Goodwill.
10:30-Gospel Services.
Read Daily Classified Ads

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- =- I

On Your Way
Bring your shoes


N .






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