TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. NOV. 21, 1937 Talks On India, Japan Highlight ChurchProgram (Continued from Page 1) ~- school will be at the console and will direct the Choir. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Wesley- an Guild will meet for supper and toI hear Miss Sarah Chakko, instructor at the Isabella Thoburn College in India, speak on "Problems of Chris- tian Students in India." "Scorned Love" is the sermon of Henry O. Yoder, Pastor of the Trinity Lutheran Church, for today's service at 10:30 a.m. The Lutheran Student Club, meeting at 5:30 p.m., will be addressed by the Rev. C. F. Schaffnit, superintendent of the Luther an Mis- sions in Detroit. The Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, has ( chosen as his sermon for the 10:45 !a.m. service the subject "Wisdoml That is Otherwise." The studentl choir, under the direction of Dr. E. W. IDuty, will render the following-8 musical selections: Organ 'Prelude, "Nun Danket alle Gott" by Karg- Elert: Anthem, "O Praise the Lord" by Arensky; and solo, "Thanks be to God' by Dickson. Dr. Lemon will speak at the meet- 6:30 p.m., on the subject "Religion ing of the Westminster Guild, at A'OVERTISIN'G NOTICES MODERN Beauty Shoppe - Week Special Fitch or Drene shampoo and finger wave with Iemon ring. 50c End permanent $1.00 up. DRESSMAKING: Alteration and repairing. Expert alteration of knit wear. Mrs. C. Walling, 118 E. Cath- erine. Call 4726. 133 WANTED AGENTS wanted to sell calling cards and bookplates. Moderately priced. Liberal commission. Chestnut Press 6019 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. 164 FACULTY family desires house for 2nd semester. Reasonable rent. Call 9803. To England amid much fanfare, this week came youthful King Leopold of the Belgians (left) to seal his country's friendship with Grcat Britain, while Britain's Viscount Halifax went to Germany to corifer on the Reich's demand for colonies. ing~ JoL in conferenceUcicles ti 1"' -"^ "' ing itself threatened by Japan in the in Current Events." the powers would not give China the__ _Far East, had told the Loyalists that 1 At 2 p.m., there will be a popular' material support she asked for her'. ;.ew Iuu~ they could no longer 'expect material cocritteHle onain h struggle against Japan. UAW C hief Will Discuss te ol olne xetmtra concert "at the Hlillel Foundation, The strger as ttt Japan.he AW *.AIW ~support from Russia ii their war topic for the student symposium, at Neither was it believed that the 1 ciiautlorliZed Sit-DoWn against the Insurgents. The report 8 p.m.. is "Morals, Law or Conven- conference would impose economic was uncofirmed7 measures against Japan-measures li Fisher Body Plant w un ience." The speakers will be Bernard' asurey ainth apn-measrs he Speed and mobility will be the or- H. Fried. '39Med, and Erwin Elman, that Tokyo warned the powers she idr o hsnwavnei San 3Lw would consider hostile acts. (continued from Page 1) ders for this newr advance in Spain '38Lav __________and few military leaders are as able --- - - - - would do if the strikers continue to to direct that kind of advance as ---- Graziani. DIY 0IFIT TITAT L disregard pleas to call off their sit- IFrzihiree A IULY FF C L *,Iarinr 'd"T tih For three months at the beginning Nig IdwMrireleThtsithof the Ethiopian war he, fretted be- d ~ I~we BULLETS future. We won't talk about it now." hihetrenchmn at Dolo on Indicating the concern felt by the the border of Italian Somaliland. Fi- T DAY - o SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1937 union's high command, a call went nally, in January, 1936, when the Italian advance from the north was VOL. XLVIII. No. 49 out Qday for a special meeting of the being slowed down by the strongjj The Bureau has received notice of the 24-member international executive Ethiopian armies, Graziani was give-A following examination: Royal Oak board at Detroit tomorrow. Tele- permission to start up from the sout CivilService Board: Chemist in Sew- grams instructed the members to in the hope that he could harass I age Disposal Plant; degree in Chem- travel by airplane, if necessary, to Haile Selassie's troops enough to make istry or Chemical Engineering andlat mandatory the immediate shift of x one year's experience as chemist in tend the meeting Ethiopian troops from the north to sewae tratmnt pant ope to Before he left Flint for Pontiac,' the south. sewage treatment plant; open to,'Tastae}'< residents of State of Michigan. howeker, Martin said there were no That strategy was more successful For further details, please call at plans for expelling from the union than the Italian high command had,. the offtce, 201 Mason Hall; 9-12; 2-4. the several hundred men whose defi- first believed possible, for Graziani University Bureau of Appoint- ant strike in the Fisher plant Wed- gave one order to his "Hell on ments and Occupational In- nesday night closed that plant and Wheels" column, and that was to formation. the Pontiac Motor Co. factory, throw- keep moving. - ----Surrounding ing 14.700 men into idleness. Graziani, now 55 years of age, has 1; "LITTLE HIAWATHA "G Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.: Concerning unauthorized strikes been a colonial soldier since even SILLY SYMPHONY Elections of courses for the second 'Martin said, "there are always rea- 8before the World War and after the I semester must be approved during sons for such outbreaks and the Pon- 1918 armistice he went back to Africa NEW SHOW STARTIN the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in tiac case is not all one-sided. to conquer Libya. It was in thisTy- ng sl 9, University IHall. To prevent William S. Knudsn pdet of latter campaign that he first became Thursday - Fri Roo 9 U iv rsty Hal. o re en W llam S. nu se , reid nt of famous in m ilitary history for his DION AM ECHE --I congestion in the office of the coun- General Motors Corp., said last night ability to move an army against the i "LOVE UNDER FIRE" --A selors, individual post cards will be "irresponsibility on the part of locals tynenemmywith incredible speed. "- ---------. - mailed daily to a small group of stu- and unauthorized strikes" jeopar- -nmyihnrebped dents. Each card will be dated seven dized collective bargaining. days after the day of mailing. To be admitted to a conference with a exMartin said today the international counselor, a student must present his!I executive board was called into ses- c olatde han thmustpesitntearssion to discuss "the entire General card not lter tha te ate iMotors situation" as well as the Pon- THANKSGIVING TIME(S If he comes after this date an inter-.fostie view will be granted only if there are tiac strike. no others waiting at the office. Sage Dressing Time In order to make an intelligent se-Enjoyae.iSagecDressihgoTime lection of courses each sophomoreEno a should give careful attention to his F a next semester's elections before meet- F u Course ing with his counselor. AND NOW'S THE TIME J. H. Hodges Evening DinnerTI E. A. Walter A. Van Duren Choice offo SD rse -- ___ forTV% fSageT DressersT V TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you, Phone Sam. 6304. 2x L A } N DR SPECIAL STUDENT SERVICE Cal for further information Ph. 4303 1212 S. Univ. ghts and All Day Sunday - - 25c ek Days until 5 P.M. - - - 20c - TUES. - WED. ndering Drama I Program-- OLF - MISTAKES" FOX PETE SMITH NEWS THANKSGIVING DAY day -- Saturday LORETTA YOUNG n-- "RUSTLER'S V ALL EY" ___ _._._.w_._ ..,___ _ __.____..___ __,d ' ( I Ann Arbor's ONLY Cleaner offering the faultless shaping of the famous new HOLLYWOOD FORM- ALL blocking equipment. Don't Delay! Call at once for Thanksgiving Service. I PnfhuLhI!!Crf A