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November 20, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-20

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In Brief
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier-A Spanish government dispatch
asserted Loyalist artillery yesterday
scored hits on an Insurgent staff
headquarters at Fuentes De Ebro on
the Aragon Front in northeastern
While Government field guns'
pounded the middle Aragon Front
Generalissimo Francisco Franco's In-
surgent forces slogged through heavy
rains and mud to prepare for their
general offensive, which Insurgent
leaders have declared would begin as
soon as the weather is favorable.
While Franco prepared for the "big
push," Government forces harassed
his fortifications and communica-
tions. Today the Government re-
ported its batteries had balked In-
surgent efforts to fortify the banks
of the Basa River in the Fuentes
sector and had effectively bombarded
the Zuera sector.
Growing records of death and de-
struction today gave evidence that
Wednesday's typhoon was the most
disastrous in the Philippines in 25
The incomplete list of fatalities
stood at 123, although many towns
remained to be heard from. It was
feared the total casualties would ma-
terially exceed that figure. An in-
cow plete survey of property damage
estimated the loss at $4,000,000.
At Lansing yesterday, a State fact-
finding committee, appointed to de-
termine the extent of Michigan's na-
tural gas reserves, announced that it
was too big a job.

Insurgent Bombers Reap Human Harvest At Catalonia
------- -

Wage And Hour Bill May Lower Pay
To 40 Cent Minimum, Fuller Believes
By HAROLD L. GARN' {)If the problem of wages and hours Since the Southern starndard of livirng
If President Roosevelt's Wage and were left to the states, Professor is so much lower than the North's,
Hour Bill is passed by the House I Fuller said, many would not act at Southerners fear that it will cut too
employers may lower hourly wages all, but this bill will assure a general I greatlv into their profits and force
to the 40 cent minimum as provided uniformity among all states. The soule industries into bankruptcy.
in the bill, Prof. Richard C. Fuller'only way to insure high working stan- Professor Fuller declared.
of the sociology department said yes-C dards is to set one plan, elastic There is some sentiment in the
terday. enough to allow for differences in 'ountry which blames the present
G rnecssion in husinsscnn recent'ov

Two problems confronting the;
House in the passage of the bill are!
its constitutionality and its practical-
ity, he stated. The possibility that
the Supreme Court will approve the
hillmO~ hn v~lov~nrl htlfl'

various districts, Professor Fuller eMinent llatin and so the who
I ernment legislation and so those who
continued. "The policy of the bill in- voice this feeling are doubtful wheth-
volves working out an elastic balance er this is the proper time for govern-
of wages and hours applying to local ment to introduce a bill of this na-
industries throughout the country." ture, he explained.

Sil may be enianc
favorable decision
Labor Relations A
Concerning its
fessor Fuller said th
for uniformity an
ard of wages and
competition betwe
different states in1
product and for lab
The bill, which
ceived the approva
will adjust wages a
ing to the needs of
tries, which will be;
dards set by the
,wage of 40 cents
maximum working

es y the Court's Laboring groups are not entirely in Just as laboring groups wan
in the Wagner favor of the new bill because they fx wages, employers likewise N
Lct case, he de- fear that boards set up by the bill the privilege, he said. If the
may become reactionary at some time and Hour Bill is to succeed the
practicality, Pro- and thus act against their best in-, gional boards will have to mal
tat there is a need terests, he said. They also feel that thorough study of wage and
d a basic stand- the bill will take out of their hands problems in their districts unde]
hours to prevent something that rightfully belongs to1 supervision of the federal board,
en employers of them-that of setting a wage scale fessor Fuller concluded .
the price of their by collective bargaining.
bor. Farmers are against the bill be-
has already re- cause its provisions will not affect ART DIRECTOR TO SPEAI
il of the Senate, them. They are also apprehensive of Sylvester Jerry, State directc
nd hours accord- the higher prices that might result. the Federal Art Project, will gi
particular indus- Southern opposition against the bill gallery talk at 4 p.m. Sunday or
governed by stan- is very strong because Southern man- exhibition of modern German
bill, a minimum ufacturers feel that it will give Wash- American water colors in the N
per hour and a ington a chance to interfere with1 and South galleries of Alumni
week of 40 hours. their private industries, he stated. morial Hall.

t to

A schoolboy's mother at Leridia, Catalonia in Spain weeps over the body of her child after nine Insurgent
aviators bombed a grade school there, killing this lad and 55 classmates. More than 200 persons were killed
and 400 wounded in the bombing of the town.

Carillon Broadcast Illustrates
Speed Of Radio, Abbot Declares

Announce New
Douglas Gregory To Give
Tango, Rhumba Lessons

Ready .





THE 1938

Great Difference Observed
Between Reception Time
ThroughRadio And Air

the telephone wires is 30,000 miles per,
second. The sounds leave the an-
tenna in Trenton to become radio
waves and travel back to the auto-

. wingereietengineer for the The neatest trick of the week con-
State Public Utilities Commission sists of huddling around the Baird
and chairman of the committee, de- Tower and conducting a physics ex-
elared the group would make no such peient while ound waves a
estimate but would attempt instead Prof. wiloatpas cocertne
to evolve a plan for co-ordinating cProf. Wilmot Pratt plays concert se-
interests in the industry to "get thections on the cawhn Professor Pratt
is broadcasting, Prof. Waldo Abbot,
Adrian director of the University Broadcast-
ing Service, said yesterday, listeners
Gov. Frank Murphy completed an should drive their cars to the base
inspection of the Michigan Girls' of the carillon tower, which is 200
Training School at Adrian yesterday feet high, turn on their radios and
afternoon with the comment that he proceed to observe thedifference in
was "greatly pleased" with the school the speed of sound and the speed of
and vocational' work done at the in- radio transmission.


mobile radio in Ann Arbor at a speed A new series of Swing Sessions have
of 186,000 miles per second. been planned to begin Wednesday,
The listener in his car will hear ! Dec. 1, in the League Ballroom,an-
each bell over his radio after it has nounced Jean McConkey, '38, vice-
traveled 70 miles, and a fraction of a president of the League in charge of
second later he will hear the same these sessions.
sound as it dxops 200 feet from the The new series will be open both to
bell chamber tonhis ears, since sound lthose students who were enrolled in
waves travel only 1100 feet per see- the first series and to those who were',
ond. not. The price will be $3 per couple
'for the six sessions.
]oodyear,G MThe "Little Apple," a dance for two
!couples, is to be featured, as well as
the Rhumba and the Tango, she said.
Plants Closed ;fewmore shag steps will also be
Douglas Gregory, '39, will direct
By Sit - Downs the session, and he and Marie Saw-
yer, "39, are to demonstrate the
Contin from Page 1) ew steps as they did in the first
(Coninue fro Pag_1} _ series. Charlie Zwick's Swing Tiio
will furnish the music for dancing.
Labor Relations Board. In DetroitI
Larry S. Davidow, union attorney,
said the UAW would charge the Fisher 'Angel-Face' Geary
Company discriminated against em-,.
ployes for union activities. IsJailed At Albany
The charge will be based, he said,





including Mailing Envelope....75 cents

6 :00-Ty Tyson.
6:15-Dinner Music.
6:30-Press Radio News.
6:45-Art of Living.,
7:30--Girls o the West.
8:00-Believe It Or Not,
8:30-Jack Haley_
9:00-NBC Feature.
9:30-Special Delivery.
10:00--NBC Jamboree.
11:15-Webster Hall Orch.
11:30-Dance Music,
12 :00-Dance Music.

A microphone is placed in the bell
chamber of the Burton Tower and
is connected with an amplifier in
the control booth. The sound of the1
bells is carried from this microphone
to the telephone exchange in Ann Ar-
bor, thence to the Detroit exchange
and over a wire to the control booth
on the 28th floor of the Fisher Build-
ing in Detroit.
These electrical impulses, continued
Professor Abbot, are then conveyed
by telephone wires to the WJR trans-
mitter at Trenton, Michigan. The
speed of the electrical impulses over
Worley Damage Suit
Moved To Dec. Term
Trial of the $5,000 personal injury
damage suit brought by Prof. John S.1
Worley of the transportation engi-
neering department against Mr. and
Mrs. John Hoban of Ypsilanti, arising1
from an automobile collision Aug. 31,
1936, was adjourned Thursday to the
December term of circuit court. 1
Witnesses Judge Clyde I. Webster'
and Mrs. Webster of Detroit, were un-
able to testify this term, Professor
W)rley's counsel stated.
Professor Worley is a defendant in;
a cross-bill action brought by theI
Hobans. Mrs. Hoban is asking $5,000i
for injuries received in the collision'
and Hoban is seeking $2,000 to re-
cover his wife's hospital expenses.

103 North Main Street 316 South



. .



6:00-Day in Review.
6:15--Mark Weber Orch
6 :30--Football Scores.
7 :00--Message of Israel.
7:30-Town Talk.
7 :45-Sandlotters.
8:00-Al Roth Orch.
8 :30-Linton Wells.
8:30-Fray and Braggiotti.
8:45-Victor Arden.
9:00-National Barn Dance.
10 :00-NBC Symphony Orch.
11:30-Sandy Williams Orch.
12 :00-Graystone.
12:30-Rudy Vallee Orch.
6 :00-Turf Reporter.
S:15-Vincent York Orch.
.:30=-Dance Orch.
7:0--Palmer House Ensemble
7:45--Dance Orch.
8:00-Hi, There. Audience.

on the cases of George Method,
chairman of a union negotiating com- 1
mittee, Arnold Rolling, Thomas
Welch and Lester Cismas, all shop
committeemen. E. R. Leeder, plant.
manager.,, said the Fisher Company
"would insist on suspending" the men
for their part in a 'sit-down which
halted plant operations Monday and
LANSING, Nov. 19.- (A')--The
Lansing office of the United Auto-
mobile Workers disclosed today it
had mailed notices to 3,000 unionl
members employed in the Fisher
Body Corporation's branch here call-
ing them to a meeting Saturday at 3
p.m. when a strike vote would be
Lester Washburn, president of the
local and regional director of the
'UAW, said the strike vote meeting
was being called at the request of
Fisher Body workers to protest the I
discharge of a union member last
Wednesday. He charged the cor-
poration had violated the terms of
a recent agreement.

ALBANY, N.Y., Nov. 19.-- (A') --
Percy (Angel Face) Geary was locked
up tonight in the "escape proof" Al-
bany County Jail, 'along with John
Oley and Harold Crowley, his jail
breaking, convicted kidnaper com-
He was brought here from Syra-
cuse after being hustled off a New
York Central train at Schenectady,
15 miles away.
Engineer And Inventor,
Class Of '87, Dies Here
Earl Porter Wetmore, '87E, of Con-
cord, 74 years old, internationally-
known engineer and a member of the
first regular class in mechanical en-
gineering to be graduated from the
University, died Thursday in Univer-
sity Hospital.
Lifelong friend of Dean Emeritus
Mortimer E. Cooley, Mr. Wetmore
was associated with the development1
of electric railways in this country
and in Europe. He held more than a
dozen patents on inventions.



9 :0-J.ohn Steele. R(
9:15-Chicago Symphony. - Radio Class To Present
9:30-Hancock Ensemble.
10:00-Dramatic Program. Fifth Episode Of Serial1
10 :00--DermaticenPrch.in
11:00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11:15-Horace Heidt Orch Joan and Jack at Michigan,' thel
11:30-Billy Swanson Orch. dramatic skit written and presented
12:00-Isham Jones Orch. by students in . Prof. Waldo Abbot's I
12:30-Wayne King Orch. radio course, will be on the air from'
WJR 9 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. today over station
6:00-Football Jamboree. WJR. This is the fifth in the serial
6:15--Stevenson News, presentations.
:00-NrtsCmeis to Life. From 9:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., the
7:30-Carborundum Band. class in Radio Reading and Drama-?
8:00-Your Unseen Friend. tics, under' the direction of Prof.
8 :30-Phillip Morris.
9 :00--Professor Quiz. Louis Eich of the speech department,
S:30-Saturday Night Serenade. will be heard.
10:00-Your Hit Parade. The program at 5:45 p.m. will pre-I
1 :45-Radio Soap Box.
11:15--Bunny Berigan Orch. t sent Prof. David Mattern of the'
11:30-Benny Goodman Orch.
12:00--Emery Deutsch Orch. School of Music conducting the
12:30-Bob Crosby Orch. University Glee Club in a quarter
hour of singing.
Stocks continued weak in the New TO TEST DOG FOR RABIES
York market yesterday, with most of A dog owned by Dean Edward H.i
the leaders in fast relapse. Bonds Kraus of the literary college was re- 3
were reported lower, the same condi- ported Thursday to have bitten Davidj
tion existing on the Curb Exchange, I Nelson, 1708 Geddes Ave., on the leg.
a w ge of renewed selling hit the Deputy Sheriff Thomas Knight or--
lea ders. Foreign exchange remained dered the dog tied for 10 days to
steady. 'determine whether it had rabies.

The finest book,
no matter what the
I. the Ensian ..

East University and Oakland. Dial 3779.
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director.
2:00 P.M. - Popular Concert.
8:00 P.M.-Student symposium, "Morals-
Law or Convenience."
Speakers: Bernard H. Fried, '39 Med.
Erwin Elman, '38 Law .
512 East Huron.
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, MinLter.
10:45 A.M. - Rev. R. Edward Sayles will
preach on "The Law of Harvest."
12:00 Noon. Student Class omitted.
6:15 P.M. Roger Williams Guild. A
Thanksgiving Service in charge of stu-
409 South Division Street.
Sunday morning services at 10:30 a.m. Sun-
day school at 11:45 a.m.
Free public reading rooms at 206 East Lib-
Stalker Hall - Student Headquarters.
State Street between Washington and
9:45 A.M.- Student class at Stalker Hall.
10:40 A.M. - Worship Service. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares' subject is "What's Good."
6:00-8:00 P.M. - Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing and fellowship supper. "Problems
ofgChristian Students in India" by Miss
Sarah Chakko, Instructor, Isabella
Thoburn College, India.
Meeting at Masonic Temple, 327 South
Fourth Avenue.

(Missouri Synod)
Liberty at Third
Carl A. Brauer, Minister
9:30 A.M. - Church School
9:30 A.M. - Service in German.
10:45 A.M. - The morning worship. Ser-
mon: "Thoughts at the Close of a
Church Year."
6:00 P.M. - Supper for the Student club.
6:30 P.M. - Hay-ride Party. Come pre-
Thursday, Nov. 25, 10 A.M. - Thanksgiving
Day Service.
(American Lutheran Church)
Washington Street and Fifth Avenue.
Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn, Pastor.
9:00 A.M. - Sunday school.
10:30 A.M. - Service in English language,
with sermon by -the pastor.
5:30 P.M. - Meeting of the student club
at Parish Hall.
East William at South Fifth Avenue
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor.
10:30 A.M. - Church Worship Service
Sermon: "Scorned Love" by the pastor
4:00 P.M. - Lutheran Student A Capella
Choir practice at Trinity Lutheran
5:30 P.M.-Lutheran Student Club meet-
ing in Trinity Lutheran Church for
this week only. Speaker: Rev. C. F.
Schaffnit, supt. of Lutheran Charities
of Detroit.
432 South Fourth Avenue, Dial 7840
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
Morning Worship: German at 9:00 A.M.
English at 10:30 a.m.
Sermon topic: Life's Final Goal g
Young People's League at 7:00 PM.. Moving
Pictures of summer camp activities will
be shown.

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