PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOV. 2C, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U SA- A, O. 0 13 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - In a yzz s n wuae r nn~~r+wny Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled, to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited 'to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, ,4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RtPRaESENTED FO NATION. _... NationalAdvertisingServiCe, Ine College Pul/ish"-s Representative 420 MADISoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors uJANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR .............TUURE TENANDER William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harod rGarn, Joseph ies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Glmore, S. R. Kleiman, 'Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice-MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees- Business Departmet BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER .................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT PERLMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. When Lord. Meets God . . V ISCOUNT HALIFAX of England yes- terday started a series of conferences with Hitler and other German government offi- cials on the subject of colonial revision. Below is presented our conception of the interpretation attached to the meeting by various journals: Voelkischer Beobachter says: "Der Fuehrer graciously granted an interview to a BritishI representative today. Der Fuehrer impressed uponj him that the Fatherland does not seek trouble, but merely seeks her just due and will protect her rights, with force if necessary. Heil Hitler!" The London Times says: "Lord Halifax, as His Majesty's representative, today conferred with Adolf Hitler. Lord Halifax impressed upon Mr. Hitler that Great Britain does not seek trouble but will protect her rights, with force if necessary. Long Live the King!" Populo D'Italia says: "England and Germany today conferred in an effort to negotiate the return of Germany's colonies. Italy will protect her right to due compensation, with force if necessary. Viva II Duce!" Pravda says: "Does Britain lean toward fas- cism? Today a representative of the British gov- ernment held a secret conference with Hitler. Will Great Britain accede to insolent Nazi de- mands for the right to exploit the African Negro? Hil Stalin!" The New York Herald-Tribune says: "Viscount Halifax today conferred with Hitler in an attempt to return to the loser the spoils seized at Ver- sailles. Keep America out of it!" We are inclined to believe that the possibility of war resulting from the meeting would have been lessened if instead of Halifax going to Hitler, Hitler had gone to Halifax. Morton L. Linder The Case Ag aist TVA.. . FEDERAL "yardsticks" for power rates are on trial this week at Chattanooga where a three-judge tribunal will pass sentence on the future of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a competitor against private power producers and distributors. But the decision reached byI Judges Florence E. Allen, John D. Martin and John J. Gore, and eventually by the Supreme Court, has more than immediate significance. It may be the augur of the reception which will be awarded a large part of the current Congres- sional program. What are the facts in the present legal battle? Eighteen private power companies in seven Southeastern states are suing TVA in a Federal district court in an effort to enjoin further "gen- eration, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric power." Newton D. Baker, a former re- form mayor of Cleveland and Secretary of War under the Constitution. They have already con- tended in Chattanooga that even if Congress had acted constitutionally, TVA and its directors- Chairman Arthur E. Morgan, David E. Lilienthal, Harcourt A. Morgan- have used illegal and un- constitutional methods of distributing and selling power. Raymond T. Jackson, a member of Mr. Baker's firm, made the opening charges that the directors of TVA "have invaded the constitutional rights of the states as well as of the private companies, by engaging in unfair competition with the com- plainants." He claimed that TVA was able to set wholesale and retail rates below the costs of pro- duction with the aid of Federal subsidization "at the expense of the taxpayers," thus "depriving private companies of their business and property without due process or law or compensation." Mr. Jackson told the court that another source of damage was the inability of the private com- panies, while faced with these threats by the government, to take advantage of current oppor- tunities to refinance outside securities. Savings of millions of dollars "which could be passed on to the public in the form of reduced rates" were thus lost, he said. In addition, he charged that TVA "cooperated" with other federal agencies to bring down the rates of the plaintiff companies "in a field that belongs to the states." In support of his thesis that the primary pur- pose of TVA is to produce electric power, Mr. Jackson called the navigation improvements on the Tennessee River a sham. Neither is the flood control program of the government bona fide in the sense of being the primary purpose of TVA, h said. Both are really incidental to power production. He pointed out that the TVA program would cost over $400,000,000 more than the low dam construction (exclusively for naviga- tion purposes) recommended by army engineers. The government's reply to the charges made by the companies, as well as an interpretation of the broader issues involved in the case will be presented in a forthcoming editorial. Elliott Maraniss. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI FRIDAY, from the locker room at Yost Field House there were coming shouts and songs. People who weren't talking to each other before-they were out for the same positions- were slapping each other on the backs-with the relish of camaraderie. Wally Weber and some other unnamed tangle of energy had hung and plastered signs all over the walls. "Arise Mich- igan and smite the scarlet scourge." "Tear down the gates of mercy." "Guts will win." Someone had somewhat reduced the effect of this last one by the addition of the parenthetical note that Guts was running in the fourth at Tia Juana. It didn't do much for the anger glands but it was tickling the sense of hunor of the many who were gathered around. High spirits prevailed. There was not the dreadful heaviness of atmosphere that bespeaks doubt or lack of confidence. That old feeling that has hung around the locker rooms before big games has gradually been lifting since the return trip from the Iowa game and was completely shed during the first half of the Penn game. What the Pu- ruck has said has been stolen from us by the Detroit News so Purucker's coolness under fire and the calm sort of good time he seems to have, had its effect on the team. Jack Brennan, possessed of a keen sense of humor, has been taut all season. But when it became evident that the Michigan team had things completely in control against Penn, he loosened up. Once he called a defensive signal on his own fifteen yard line. "One thousand-three hundred and sixty-five." The five meant that the team would go into a fiveman line for pass de- fense. Heikkinen turned around. "Hey, we haven't got any play like that on defense." Bren- nan half-whispered out of the corner of his mouth. "I know, Hike, I'm just fooling." He and Hike and Joe Rinaldi struck up quite a friendship with the Penn center, who would come out of the huddle when his team had the ball, looking forlorn and troubled. Finally at a point late in the game, he came running out a little faster than before and got over the ball, looking up at Joe. "Say, I have the officials wipe the ball off, and they wipe it off all right whenever I ask them, but gee, somehow your guards are always splashing it as soon as he puts it down again." We point out the things above because they are indications that fun is coming back into vogue as an integral part of Michigan football. When playing under pressure it is hard to remember after a game the humor that is often in it. The mental attitude of the boys in the locker room is indicative of confidence. We hesitate to say that every player will say that Michigan will win today, but we do claim that the players no longer have that sneaking doubt back in their own minds about, their own ability. They feel that they have something on the ball. Some people will call it cockiness. Most will agree that it is the only way to play any game. LAMENT All the world's a show of marionettes. Thus paraphrased, the Bard of Avon's meta- phor Makes all us men and women merely puppets Enacting plots that often lead to Love and War. I cannot whoop in exaltation, when Fate twists the strings that lead me into War I t if T har m phonip 'twimvt XrWar n JI/feeinr loe H-eywood Broun All good Americans, I imagine, are following with great interest the fate of the President's aching tooth. But to me the last report was a little disturbing. I read that the White House dentist was trying to save the tooth. Indeed, that he was treating it. Of course, this is much deeper than a dental problem. My own feeling is that in New Deal strategy there has been too much treating and not enough yanking. Certain funda- 4?mental problems have been crowned and forgotten. For instance, there is no longer any point in pretend- ing that the ache of unem- ployment can be solved by a temporary filling. Nor is it advisable to go on with the business of freezing any area and killing the nerve. There has been an overeagerness for anaesthesia and too little for frank and outright oral surgery. Temporizing Won't Do Perhaps the United States Conference of Mayors has a salutary effect in convincing Con- gress that even the most skillful orthodontia (the correction of the position of teeth if you must know) will not suffice. There are things in our present economic structure which just will have to come out. Incidentally, those newly elected or recently returned members of the House who insist that Americans want a radical curtailment of federal spending do not speak with the same authority as the Mayors of the United States, who come in closer contact with much larger groups of people. And the Mayors were unanimous in de- claring that the WPA must increase its employ- ment quotas. In all probability the judgment of any convention of Governors would go in the same direction. When people urge the national administration to balance the federal budget im- mediately they seem to forget that this would unbalance practically every State budget in the nation. * * * * Shuffling Responsibility In "I'd Rather Be Right," Mr. Landon has a line in which he says in effect, "I know I was lousy on the radio, but, after all, I did balance the budget." This sally always gets a hand, but the first statement is more accurate than the second. The budget of Kansas must be balanced. That is the law, and the effect of the law was that relief in Kansas came to be the job of the fed- eral government. There would be no great gain in adjusting the budget at the top only -to shake the financial structure of all our States and mu- nicipalities. O n T h e Level By WRAG With snow and ice having hit Ann Arbor in time for the last game of the season, the largest crowd of the year slipped into town today to watch Michigan try to put the skids under Ohio State. Both teams have slipped before Big Ten op- ponents earlier this season on dry fields, so there is no telling what will happen when the two get together on today's ice. The Columbus team arrived here yesterday expecting to win, but the Buckeyes may be crossed today. The home team has kept even Kipke guessing all year with its streaks of inspired and expired football, so it may fool everybody and get hot on an icy field. It is odd that the first team Michigan meets after the recent subsidization investigation is O.S.U. Two years ago they had such an inves- tigation in Columbus when someone found out that almost all the bruisers on the Ohio State team were being salaried as page boys in the Ohio legislature. But Ohio State has since turned over a new leaf and dropped the page-boy idea. Nevertheless, one can expect to hear a lot of new yells from the stands today. When a Mich- igan man fumbles, those who don't know that the fellow is freezing for nothing will blat out, "Whatcha think yer gettin' paid for?" or "Which side's payin' ya, anyway?" This will be just as unfortunate as the new "Who's Who-and So What?" book that will be sold on campus today. However, this booklet will at least accomplish something. Those self-appointed big shots on campus who have either been described in the book or have been omitted entirely, will at least get hot under the collar no matter how cold it may be at the game. * * * * It is also unfortunate, and rather difficult to realize that today's is the last football game of the season. Basketball will be the next sport to come, and there are a lot of people on camous MUSIC DAILY OFFICI By WILLIAM LICHTENWANGER Publication in the Bulletin is con University. Copy received at the oil RICHARD CROOKS until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday The ever-popular Richard Crooks,' tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Continued from Page 2) Company, appeared last night in the - ____ _ _____ third of the season's Choral Unioi' gan Union. All faculty members in- concerts. The program, pregnant terested in speaking German are cor- with popular appeal, was more varied dially invited. than unified, comprising selections from Bach, Bizet. Rachmaninoff, Geology Journal Club: Meeting Ireland, La Forge, and including a Monday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. in Room Strauss group and the "Adelaide" of 3065 NS. Reviews of two papers: Beethoven. Numerous encores added "Cambrian and Ordivician of Ver- to the general good humor and en- mont" by Chas. Schuchert reviewed joyment of the evening, as well as to by Kenneth G. Brill, Jr. and "Igneous its length and miscellaneous aspect. Rock Structure" by Robert Balk re- As usual. Mr. Crook's performance ;viewed by Dr. A. J. Eardley. Refresh- was that of a fully-equipped, compe -_ments at 8:0. tent artist of the first rank. His tonaln quality is highly refined, pleasing, Polcnia Literary Circle will meet and well-controlled, although not at the Michigan League, Tuesday and ellconroled, lthughnotevening, Nov. 23, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. overly rich in variety. His whole Raymond Kontrowicz will give a vocal style, lyric and sensuous rath- special piano recital, which will be er than deeply dramatic, is obviously followed by bridge. most friendly to the French operatic mode and to pieces of such tender- ness as the Rachmaninoff "To the The Graduate Outing Club will Children," the most beautifully done meet at Lane Hall on Sunday a'- in an evening of charming rendi1- 2:30 p.m. for a trip to. the Saline tions. The entire concluding Eng- Valley Farms. Those who desire to lish group was to us the most en- do so will go out by bicycle. A pro- joyable on the program, and af- gram of hiking, games and supper forded the greatest evidence of the has been arranged. singer's exemplary diction. Mr. Crooks' lyric style was also Graduate History Club: All grad- well-suited to the beloved "Adelaide" uate students in history interested of a master whose greatest fame lies in the formation of a history club with his instrumental, rather than are cordially invited to attend an his vocal, compositions. The Strauss organization meeting at 4 p.m. Sun- favorites, while sung immaculately, day, Nov. 21 in Room 304, Michigan were somewhat lacking in a Teutonic Union. virility which one associates with Strauss. Here the singer'stno Electrical Engineers: The first addiction to "scooping" and sliding Electrical Engineering Colloquium Sover his intervals, and to dropping this year will be held Tuesday, Nov. to a half-voice which did not always 23, at 4:45 p.m. in Room 153 West seem logical, was particularly in evi- Engineering Bldg. Don H'ughson dence. A frankly amusing and styl- will discuss "Sound Measurement." All students are invited. Ref resh- istically clever note was sounded by Ans For dai see Eecrical the apt rendition of James Hutche- sons's Handelian parody on "Old Engineering Bulletin Board. Mother Hubbard." Physics Colloquium: Dr. C. T. Frederick Schauwecker was Mr. Zahn will speak on 'The Bucherer, Crooks' deft accompanist, and also Experiment for Primary Beta-par- contributed a piano solo group with ticles' at' the Physics Colloquium encore. n.... ,+,, v [AL BULLETIN structive notice to all members of the ice of the Assistant to the President of a series of three forums on the subject, "Love, Courtship, Marriage and Home Building." Mr. and Mrs. Pickerill will lead the forum on Nov. 21. Professor Howard Y. Mc- Clusky will speak on Nov. 28. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. I Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject, "Soul and Body." Golden Text: Psalm 62:5. Sunday school at 11:45 after the morning service. First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m. Sunday Rev. R. Edw~ard Sayles, Min- ister of the Church will bring a mes- sage on "The Law of Increase." Church School at 9:30 a.m. in charge of Dr. Logan. Roger Williams Guild: Noon class omitted on account of absence of Mr. Chapman. 6:15 p.m. Guild members will meet and a Thanksgiving Service will be observed conducted by the students. A social hour will follow the pro- gram when refreshments will be served. First Congregational Church, ; Corner of State and Williams. 10:45 a.m., Service of Worship. Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on 'Four Great Questions." 8:00 p.m., After supper at 6 o'clock, the Student Fellowship will have the pleasure of listening to Mr. William Woodard speak on "Christianity in Japan Today." Mr. Woodard has spent 16 years in Japan, traveling ex- tensively both in the rural and urban sections, and only this spring visited Korea and Manchuria viewing con- ditions there. The public is cordially invited. First Methodist Church: Morning Worship Service. Dr. C. W. Bra- shares will preach on "What's Good?" at 10:40 o'clock. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. A Curley Defeat ! londay, Nov. 22 at 4:15 p.m. inI Room 1041 E. Physics Building. A gallery talk on the exhibition of American and German water colors One result of the recent mayoralty in the North and South galleries of Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. election not sufficiently noticed was Alumni Memorial Hall will be given Miss Sarah Chakko of India will the decisive defeat of James M. Cur- on Sunday, Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. by speak on "Problems of Christian Stu- ley on the occasion of his attempted Sylvester Jerry, State Director of the dents in India." Fellowship hour tomeback in Boston. Time was when Federal Art Project. and supper following the meeting. the eloquent Jim Curley could have: All Methodist students and their almost anything he wanted, either n Eta Kappa Nu. Initiation and Din- friends are cordially invited. in Boston or in Massachusetts as a ner, Sunday, Nov. 21, at Michigan whole. After four years in Congress, Union. Room 325 at 5:00 p.m. Din- First Presbyterian Church meeting he served three four-year terms as ner in Founders' Room at 6:00 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Mayor and went on to the Governor's Professor Bailey will speak. Fourth Ave. chair in 1935. 10:45 a.m., "Wisdom That is Oth- But Boston and the Bay State Meeting: Suomi Club, Lane Hall, erwise" is the subject of Dr. Lemon's finally had its fill of his spoilsman- Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m. sermon at the Morning Worship ship and fostering of class feeling. Service. Music by the student choir When he sought a seat in the Senate Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold a under the direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. a year ago, his opponent was one of compulsory meeting Monday even- The musical numbers will be as fol- the few Republicans elected to the ing, Nov. 22, at 7:30 in the League. lows: Organ Prelude, "Nun danket upper chamber. Now he surveys a; alle Gott" by Karg-Elert; Anthem, 24,000 margin for his leading oppon- Lutheran Student Choir will meet "O Praise the Lord,' by Arensky; ent for mayor and doubtless is com- on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. in solo, "Thanks be to God" by Dick- ing to realize that, politically, he is Trinity Lutheran Church at the cor- son. through. And Massachusetts and ner of Fifth Ave. and Williams St. 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu- Boston are the better for it. The 1 dent group, supper and fellowship Curleys, the Pendergasts and the Chhour. At the meeting which follows Crumps, the Hagues and Kellys and at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Lemon will speak Big Bill Thompson vary in manner Church of Christ (Disciples) : on the topic "Religion in Current and surface methods. Underneath, 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Events." they are essentially one and the Fred Cowin, Minister, same, and their afflicted communi- 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: ties are always benefited by their H. L. Pickerill, Leader. Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 removal from power. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 am.. -The St. Louis Post-Dispatch 6:30 p.m., Program: The beginningChurch School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder- garten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Ai and Sermon by The Rev. Frederick WhereinA Revee r Goes W. Leech. 1 r r s 1 v r i J To The Fore For Propaganda THE SPANISH EARTH, produced by Joris Ivens with narrative by Earnest Hemingway. showing at 8:15 p.m. today iri the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under the auspices of the Art Cinema League. HEART OF SPAIN, presented Thursday in the Union Ballroom tinuity and plot and less blood and weeping than "Heart of Spain." And while it is true that both picturesI have used exactly the same scenes in spots, the latter does attempt to r rh vii hor ri rv -+1, , Harris Hall: Sunday night at seven o'clock, Professor John F. Shepard of the Psychology Department of the University of Michigan, will speak at the Student Fellowship on the subject, "What is Belief?" All Epis- copal students and their friends are cordially invited. If you plan to go on the Hay Ride. Saturdav Nnv 97 freach your nears stringsmr hnkl 163a r1c aU~rru By ROBERT PETRLMAN ..uI.uu icL.trii nr an '' " "'..Jy * of your head. Flashing Hitler and, at 8 p.m., please notify Mr. Leech and The pro's andhcon's of "Heart 'Mussolini on the screen and then Imake your reservation for an evening Spain" and "The Spanish Earth' showing a child killed by fascist; of fun. have forced your reviewer to climb1bombs is either "powerful" or "too over the ropes into a ring that is emotional." It depends on whether St. Paul's Lutheran, Liberty at 3rd. steadily being filled by those who you are Tom, Dick or Harry. The minister, Rev. Brauer, will have seen the pictures and who are Verly likely the lover of "pure art" speak on "Thoughts at the Close of rending the air with cries of "art,", and thlifely tho e e a a Church Year" at the morning serv- 'propaganda" and "emotional slop." "good movie" came out disappointed ice beginning at 10:45. Both movies were produced and The Student Club has planned a Perhaps they felt, with rather goodha-iefrtsevngSpr circulated with the object of gaining; reason, that they had seen only aha-iefrtsevng.Spr moral and financial support for the rifd nwsreel wih will be hadrat the church at 6 p.m. Spanish Loyalists in their fight agrunwieh.mith n t Following the supper they will leave against Franco and his imported1 at unity, which might have been at- Folioaupper theyhowill leave Mrs gtamed by more skillful cuttingnand by cars for the home of Mr. and Mrs. fascist cohorts. Some persons main-'ting Ed Brassow near Dexter where facil- tathat with this objective both editing. tanth But there was little opportunity ities are waiting. Come prepared for films are propaganda. Some say for the directors to execute a care it. Lutheran students and friends "The Spansh Earth is art and fully worked out plot. They didn't are invited. "Heart of Spain" is mere propaganda. have professional actors; they used dThursday, Nov. 25, a Thanksgiving Some say both are art. And some be- savn isad eevdmtesday service will be held. at this lieve that it is impossible to draw They couldn't follow one person church at 10 a.m. Sermon by the pas- the line between art and propaganda, thyou nt fopct we; eper tor' because no real division exists. Your through the picture; perhaps he orto reviewer enters the ring to slug in tor or machine-gunned to death. Trinity Lutheran Church, corner behalf of those in the last group. of Fifth Ave and Williams St. We challenge our opponents to lIn the finalhanalysis a reviewers Services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by draw a straight line between convinc- can only give his personal reaction, I the pastor on "Scorned Love." ing a movie audience that fascist ag- for he too is either Tom, Dick or gression must be stopped and con- Harry. Both films confirmed this Lutheran Student Club will meet vincing someone by means of a reviewer in his belief that the Span- Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in church mural in a medieval cathed- ish people are fighting a heroic Trinity Lutheran Church on the ral that man must submit to the will battle against tremendous odds, corner of Fifth Ave. and Williams St. of a supernatural force. among them many thousands of Dr. Schaffnit head of the Lutheran To return to the two pro-Loyalist Italian and German invaders. The Missions in the city of Detroit will be pictures, one may say that The; appeals seem to have had a similar the speaker. Dr. Schaffnit is an Spanish Earth" is less revolting and se ohv a iia 1a~ato an ~a an experienced man in his field and is