The Weather Snow today; continued cold with west to southwest winds. L r e , t Cti lt iIat VOL. XLVIII No. 48 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 1937 Canadians Urged Akron Plants To Oppose Tariff Powers FailedrHALIFAX. Nov. 19.-(Canadian To Open Soon IPress) -opposition Leader R. B. Ben- ! nett urged Canadians in an address i At edi a o tonight to "bring all the pressure in i e IeSrk your power" to prevent loss of the p ~[ British preference through comple- j~~j1 an ~tion of an Anglo-American trade (iiuiemnO no Of China W areCoatitteey.en OfUnion __"It (the preference, which is pref- Phan Picket Line To Stop _ Pr fin1t h i I Deans Refuse Farm Burns Down As _ _ - _ ln _ s ,. Cztc ..Nd , i 70,000 s Vacation Plea Petitioners Possibility For Extension Of Turkey Day Respite Seen In Future Years Regulation On Cars Lifted Wednesday YPSILANTI, Nov. 19.-(P)-Double trouble came to Henry Traskos, 19, today. When he and his brother, Sylvest- er, returned from hunting in nearby w soods they found their farm homeI near Belleville, nine miles southeast of here, destroyed by fire. While theywere lookingeover the ruins a shotgun in Sylvester's hand was discharged and the pellets struck Henry in the foot. He was taken to the University hospital at Ann Arbor. I n l c1y*t I' n r-L?; ..1 To Battle See Soviet Prepared To Back Eastern Borders Against Aggressions Of Fascists Chiang Challenged On Nanking Policy Foreign Minister Yvon Delbos of France frankly told the Chamber of Deputies yesterday that the Brussels Conference had failed in its efforts to mediate the Chinese-Japanese War. From Moscow issued an order by the commander of the Far Eastern army declaring that Russia was pre- pared to defend her Far Eastern border against "the fascist block." China's leaders at Nanking were debating last nightwhether to de- fend the capital at all costs or, by voluntary withdrawal as the Jap- anese approached, to save it from destruction by warplanes and guns. Paris Defending the People's Front gov- ernment's peace policy from com- munist attack, Delbos declared the Conference, even though failing in its aim, had given concrete proof of the union of France, Britain and the United States against the diplomacy! of "bayonets." The French Foreign office con- firmed the fact that Japan had re- served the right to seize shipments of arms to China frpm French Indo- China after they crossed the border. The use of the French railway into Yunnan province has been barred to transport of munitions for China. Delbos told the deputies that a new step to end the Oriental War must be taken "at Geneva," but after leaving the chamber changed the official) record to read "at Brussels.",He ex- plained thiat 'Geneva" was a slip'of the tongue. Diplomats said transfer of the problem to Geneva was entirely pos- sible if the Brussels Conference defi-' nitely broke down. The Conference is in recess until Monday. Should the question of sanctions against Japan arise at that time, Italy was expected to bolt the meeting. Moscow s1(e unlessrinthe rimeMnitrWLumtnnnWek los ules hePrme instr W.L.Resumption Of Work Mackenzie King) agrees," Bennett said. "As Canadian electors, you gave G Says Pontiac him a mandate to wipe out that agreement with Britain. And do it he Strikers Peril Pacts will. "f i no nnIt Vnl il h o I is not to iate. YouUstir nave ra chanceto bring all the pressure' in your power to prevent this act." Probe Reveals Strong French Rightist Groups ChamberVotes Confidence In Premier Chautemp's Leftist Government PARIS, Nov. 19.-(P)-The People's Front Government was given an overwhelming vote of confidence to- night after Premier Camille Chau- temps told the Chamber of Deputies that investigation of secret revolu- tionary societies had disclosed a sit- uation of "terrible g'ravity." The chamber gave the Govern- ment a vote of 399 to 160 when Chautemps concluded his speech in which he pledged the cabinet to pre- serve "republican order" at home and defend peace abroad. Armed mobile guards were sta- tioned about Government buildings as police struck at what authori- ties believed to be a rightist revolu- tionary committee organized to seize power and apparently capable of waging warfare on a nationwide scale. The Radical-Socialist Premier said the Government would ask special, legislation to reinforce its swift ac-I G tion against a secret society known as "Les Cagoulards"-"The Hooded Ones"-thoughtto beoup. section of the revolutionary group. Large stores of arms and ammuni- tion, including anti-aircraft, anti- tank and even field guns, were dis- covered by police in a series of raids throughout the country. The Gov- ernment was making every effort to uncover the financial and political 'backers of the organization. State Attacks F AKRON, O., Nov. 19.-(P-C. C Refusing to grant a petition to ex- Business Ailded Slusser, vice-president of Goodyear tend the Thanksgiving vacation over Tire & Rubber Co.. said tonight that Friday and Saturday, the Conference ByCo m ettio the three plants closed by a sit-down of Deans in a special meeting yester- ') strike would reopen Monday "for day declared that it was undesirable yo those who want to work in spite of to rearrange the University calendar Auditors e a r hell or high water." "at such short notice." A sit-down, in protest against in future years an extended scheduled lay-offs, made 12,000 idle Thanksgiving vacation may be grant- Chicago Professor Urges today when the Goodyear plants ed, however, since the Deans' Con- That Accountants Show shut down. ference reported that it would re- Reports of the planned re-opening quest the University Council to con- Regulation Is Ne edless brought from several shop commit-' sider the matter in arranging the teemen, who refused to give their calendar for the next 10 years. Competition, still the foundation of names, the comment that a picket The petition was discussed with the American business policy, has re- line would be thrown around the deans yesterday by the committee stricted government inroads into in- plants in the next 24 hours, and that backing the request. The commit- dustry, Corwin D. Edwards of Wash- preparations were under way to pre- tee consisted of Harriet Shackleton, ington, D. C. told 200 members of vent resumption of work. '38, Frederick Geib, '38F&C, Robert the Michigan Assochtion of Certified Sixty city police were on duty atM ' '3 Public Accountants here yesterday. the plant tonight. They refused to he University automobile regula- "Both business and government allow workers to take food into the fron will be lifted for the vacation have learned something from the ex- plants. from 12 p.m. on Wednesday of next plants.week until 8 a.m. Friday, the Dean peience of the NRA so that no pro- When Slusser announced the back- of Students office announced. All posal to restrict competition has re- to-work plans, he relented in an ceived serious public consideration earlier decision to bar from the cars brought into Ann Arbor for the since then," he said. plants any workers attempting to re- before driving permission is with- Prof. Howard C. Greer of the Uni- lieve strikers. He said the ban on d versity of Chicago and Grant Chan- admittance would apply to only dler, also of Chicago, urged the or- those workers who attempted to en- The statement made by the Con- ganization to adopt a set of specific ter at times other than the hours of ference of Deans refusing the peti- accounting principles. shift changes. Earlier, Sisser had tion reads: "You must foster continued dis- said "no more men will be allowed "The Conference of the Deans re- cussion of standardized accounting to enter the plant-not even at gun grets that it is impossible to accede principles to establish the profession point." to the petition for an extension of on an even firmer basis than it is James P. Miller, regional director the Thanksgiving Day recess because now," Professor Greer urged. "Thus, for the national labor relation board of the undesirability of rearranging when you reach a solution, you can at Cleveland, traveled here from To- at such short notice the calendar show that accountants need no gov- ledo tonight to investigate condi- for the University year in accordance ernment regulation." ed tionights.o investigate condi- with which the work of the year has "And let us not be unmindful of tions. been planned. The question of the "th e t thata e uai d ul o arrangement of the calendar for the tfactitg a detailed regulation 30?next ten years, however, is now be- of accounting and accounting policies jfore the University Council for deter- cmes dangerously close to the finan- PONTIAC. Nov. 19.-()-General mination and the Deans' Conference operative functions of man- Motors Corporation warned defiant will request that the matter be given agement," Mr. Chandler added. sit-down strikers in its Fisher Body consideration." As a remedy to many taxpayers' plant here tonight that their action __errors in income tax returns, George may "make agreements valueless and W. Morris of Washington, D. C. sug- collective bargaining impossible in 11 ) Wf I gested that the public confide more practice." R olian is ori min tax advisers. Through them, he The strikers, defying both man- claimed, written records could be union, held the plant for the third ue i..l'eu e e ment at a later date questioned pay- night in protest against the com- ments. pany's intent to dismiss four union By Lafourcade "Much of the fear that the Securities men it held responsible for an earlier and Exchange Commission placed too strike. As a result nearly 15,000 much responsibility on those who is- workers were idle. Buffalo Professor Speaks sued and sold securities has been dis- William S. Knudsen, G.M. president Speakspelled by the Commission's sincerity," who conducted negotiations that set- On 'Roman FeuVe, And Mr. Chandler said. tied widespread strikes last winter, Opens French Lectures Te conference was the thirteenth sounded the corporation's warning annual meeting sponsored jointly by in a statement. He said the corpora- Romain Rolland is the father ofa the accountants and the School of tion "finds itself in the position of "RomanRoleie aterfh Business Administration. the "Roman Fleuve," or novel pub- being held up in the plant opera- lished in sequel form, Prof. Georges tions by a minority of the employes Lafourcade of the University of Buf- in he lan reusig t reognze hefalo, said yesterday at the opening I~ o TIak eting pagreem e and openly defy- of the Cerce Francais French lecture ute T ing the officers of their own union. International officers of the United series in the Romance Languages Automobile Workers, who called the auditorium.As F strike "unauthorized" and refused Rolland's idea of a series of novels _ _ the strikers financial aid, moved to presenting in unified form the life of , , lay the dispute before the National a hero or group of heroes with the 'Today's Roundtable Topic (continued on Page 6) social and political background of a Is 'Success-For What,, period was the starting point of the _ STUDENTS GET WT'A $50,000 genre developed subsequently by " LANING Nv. 9.(IP---LoisRoger Matin du Gai'd, Nobel prz "Succss-For What?" will be the LANSING, Nov. 19.-(s)-Louis o er, who w rd, "Les T prize ubjct of a talk by Prof. Wesley H. M. Nims, WPA administrator for wmner, who wrote 'Les Thibault." Maurer of the journalism department Michigan, said today that 7,183 stu- Rolland had a large school of imi- at the second session of the Freshman dents in Michigan colleges and high tators, Professor Lafourcade said, but Roundtable conferences at 9:30 a.m. schools received $50,394 last month of all du Gard stands closest to him. tomorrow in the Union. under a WPA-financed student aid Many characters in his books are The program of the conferences will program.parallel to those of Rolland, each follow the procedure of last Sundays character summing up the spiritual session. The talk by Professor Maurer ~-1* tendency either typical of the period will be followed by discussions in Speakers Give or permanent in the race or nation. whichbthe first year students and The last three volumes of "Les upperclassmen advisers will partici- ewA t Dt Thibault," written in the summer of pate. The Roundtable discussions 7 ews At e C e1914, are very different from the pre- are sponsored by the Student Re- ceding ones, Professor Lafourcade ligious Association and will continue for putting labor on the front pages said. Daily events are seen through every Sunday through Dec. 12. fr uAtg le newsp ters.ontpas dthe eyes of the main character, so "The purpose of thesFreshman that sinetesmeaf13,idh that the diplomatic and social his- Roundtables is to consider those midst of the presidential min tory is made as interesting and life- problems vital to freshman men and the defeated party tried to win labor like as a novel. The author received women and to give the members of votes from the democratic party by the Nobel Prize because of the book's the class of '41 a better opportunity an "open, front page appeal." probable influence on the minds of to meet each other and upper class- Hartung showed the growth of future statesmen and even future men," Clarenge Kresin, '38, chairman H artunaign show dct engr wnhofd i .I . 11 t i i i! . r r ) . , Gargoyle's Models Enter Wolverines Hope For 5th Politics; Chosen By Ballot Victory Over Schmidt's Democratic representation has Strong Buckeye Eleven come to the Gargoyle fashion page. Arbitrary selection of the women Nine Seniors Play who grace the Garg pages has come to an end. Beginning with the Nov. Last Game Today 23 issue, all women appearing in the! fashion pictures will be selected by YIRVIN LISAGOR ballot in their dormitories. (Daily Sports Editor) A "Gargoyle Fashion Ballot" is Investigations, insinuations and in- passed out to each girl who nominates nuendoes directed at a suspected the "most attractive girl in her dormi- football "situation" here can wait as itory," with the understanding that far as more than 70,000 grid en- "this is not a beauty contest," and thusiasts are concerned. For Ohio the girl receiving the most votes be- State's Buckeyes and Michigan's Wol- comes the Gargoyle Woman of the verines square off in the season's cli- Month. mactic battle this afternoon in the Michigan Stadium, in the 34th re- newal of a rivalry as bitterly con- Congress Gets tested as any on the autumn calendar. Unless complacent skies suddenly C roControl turn wrathful and mar the almost perfect football setting, the at- Plan Moendaytending multitude 'Ma may exceed 80,000 the largest crowd since the same two RFC Prepared To Assistseensmetwn :elevens met here in Building Corporations In 1933, when the H IWolverines last de- Home Investments feated their Ohio )dversaries. Farm legislation, with economic On form alone, trimmings, was virtually ready in the Buckeyes cal- Washington last night, to provide culate to end the idle and restless Congress with Michigan's four- the Special Session's first real task. FARMER game winning The Agriculture Committees of both streak thus far this season without House reported progress while the excessive effort. Their record sug- Senate listened to the soprano cad- gests a certain superiority, and they ences of its first feminine filibuster are still a mathematical possibility and promised to have crop control for the Big Ten title. A fast, ver- bills ready for consideration Monday. satile backfield, equipped with Coach The Reconstruction Finance Cor- Schmidt's intricate offensive pistols poration, it was learned yesterday, and protected by linemen as puissant is prepared to invest dollar for dollar as they are touted, presumably pro- with building material companies and vides the margin between the two other business interests in the capital teams. of giant home-building and-financing But not only does form often go associations. These associations would haywire in these Mihgan-Ohio be authorized to sell bonds or deb- State encounters, but this Wolverine entures guaranteed by the Federal team will offer more than a passive Housing Administration to raise ad- resistance. Since the Minnesota ditional millions for the mass pro- swamping, the Varsity has stirred duction of low rent homes and apart- from its defeatist funk and man- ments. aged to acquire four consecutive wins. The prevalent economy impulse True, three of them have been of the bobbed up in the agriculture com- skin-of-teeth variety, and the other mittees in both houses during the a struggle in ankle deep mud. Yet, day, to write a $500,000,000 limitation victory alone has wrought great men- upon the cost of the program and tal benefits which will undoubtedly veto proposals that the old process- accrue to Michigan's advantage. ing taxes be revived to finance it in In the Wolverine line will be an part. already appointed all-star, Ralph In addition, the foreign situation Heikkinen, "vest-pocket" guard who provided material for 'oratory. Sen- gained All-Confer- ator Nye (Rep., N.D.) announced a ence recognition meeting of interested senators for yesterday. "Heik's" next week to consider drafting leg- undemonstrative, islation to compel President Roose- though aggressive, velt to apply the Neutrality Act to performance may the Sino-Japanese hostilities, serve to lift his RFC Proposes To Aid Housing mates to the emo- tional zenith thet As officially outlined, the proposal coaches deem ne- of the Reconstruction Finance Cor- cessary for success poration with private industry in today. housing projects involves modifi- In its usual Fri- cation by Congress of legislation day tapering ses passed several years ago authoriz- ,t.s ing the establishment of national revealedthamentalt RITCHIE mortgage sedge which heartened Coach Harry None of these associations ever has Kipke no end. The undercurrent of been formed, and the new legislation rumors and accusations has left the would be designed in part to over- squad entirely unaffected. The only come private capital's objections to disturbing note was. Fred Janke's going into them. knee injury. The big tackle, a vital link in the Wolverine line, wifl defi- nitely not start and may see only 16 Reported Dead litle service Reel A Raid In Dearborn yesterday, where the In Rebel Air (continued on Page 3) MADRID, Nov. 19.--WP) - The' Ministry of Defense announced to- H osiers i t night that 16 persons were killed and M h 37 wounded in an Insurgent air raid 1 ichigan Ban on Bujaraloz, 37 miles southeast of Zaragoza.,' Brewers Act To Forestall The Insuregnts, it said, took ad- Ceck On Indiana sBeer vantage of a break in the weather to ' Check On Indiana Beer return to air operations. LANSING, Nov. 19.-VP)-Harry H. Three persons were wounded in an Mead, of Detroit, attorney for Indiana Insurgent raid on Sarinena. brewery interests, presented a com- Government troops in the Aragon promise proposal today which the In- sector machine-gunned enemy troop diana brewers believe will forestall concentrations. The Ministry re- a threat to ban Hoosier beer from ported the firing caused munition this State. explosions with undertermined cas- The Michigan Liquor Control Com- ualties. mission has stated it would place Valencia suffered considerable an embargo on all beer made in In- property damage in a hurricane but diana uness that state wiped a law no casualties were reported. Ship- from its liquor code which Michigan ping was endangered, while in the believes to be discriminatory against city buildings were unroofed and Michigan-made beer. "We declare before the whole So- viet people," said order No. 330 is- Social Disease sued by Marshal Vassily K. Bluecher, S "that the Far Eastern army and Pa- cific fleet will not allow the fascist LANSING, Nov. 19.-(AP) -The bloc to violate a single inch of the State Health Department instituted Far Eastern border." new rules and regulations for the (The Far Eastern Army is sta- control of venereal diseases today. te ar Est er Am is u- Dr. C. C. Slemons, State Health tioned along the Siberia-Manchou-r Commissioner, said the regulations, said recently by foreign observers in 1 chohe Tokyo to have from 500,000 to 600,000: State Council of Health, have a men concentrated.) three-fold aim: 1. To determine the prevalence of The order, published in the news- these diseases. paper Pacific Star at Khabarovsk 2. To provide adequate curative Nov. 7, said: treatment. The order repeated the assertion 3. To prevent communication of in- frequently made by Klementi K. fection. Voroshiloff, Commissar of War and Dr. Slemons said the regulations, Navy, that "the Soviet Union is fol- effective immediately, require physi- lowing an unswerving policy of cians to report all veneral disease peace" but "if compelled to abandon cases. This information will provide our peaceful work for war we would a basis for assuring continuance of carry it beyond the frontiers of the medical care as long as it is neces-j socialist fatherland." sary, the Commissioner explained.1 Shangha CIO And AFL In Nanking, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and his military associates '* were understood to favor defense of Con11 ct1ng t the city at all costs, but a grouigg faction advocated withdrawal before the Japanese arrived. i A young CIO organizer placed faith This discussion delayed official an-;i his organization to live for a long thunement Jof tse rremoal fatn time by virtue of its internal policies, nouncement of the removal of the while a long standing leader of the government from Nanking. Americanwhlat loAFL stadingd eaheCOoldh and other foreign diplomats held up1 state AFL predicted the CIO would pans e for eacutinipendms uhfall by the wayside in a short time, plans for evacuation pending such last night in a debate before more announcement, which officials indi- tiagn 100 people in Unity Hall at cated might not come for some days. IState and Huron Streets.y Japanese asserted their legions BeStat e ironudiees n drew closer to Nanking as hammer pBefore their audience last night blows against China's "Hindenburg appeared John Reid, state secretary Line" weakened that defense systemd of the AUL, and Frank Hartung, a some 50 miles west of Shanghai but graduate of the University and or- approximately 125 miles from Nan- ganizer in the West Side local of king., the United Automobile Workers of k aeng.p e America, who replaced Walter Reu- A Japanese army was reported ther, president of that local, at the within three miles of Soochow and last minute. preparing for an assault on that cen- Prof. William Haber of the eco- tral strongpoint. Kashing, 35 miles nomics department was called away to the southeast. was already in Jap- to Boston and instead Prof. John anese hands and its defenders in F. Shepard of the psychology de- flight. Changshu. 25 miles to the _- t 1 1 r i ) i f Y _ 1 American industry from small scale, "horse and buggy days" to the mod- ern large scale mass production sys- tem. "Together with this develop- ment," he pointed out, "employers as- sociations grew, but the craft unions did not change fundamentally." In addition the, nature of work in the industry was changed resulting v in fewer skills, Hartung said, neces- sitating "a more unified and militant form of labor organization to meet the powerful employers' associations." Hartung said that the internal pol- icy of the unions under the type of g, . Co-Op Society Holds Forum Tomorrow The Ann Arbor Co-operative So- ciety will hold a membership meet- ing at Lane Hall at 3:30 p.m. tomor- row. Prof. Robert B. Angell of the sociology department will preside at a forum which has for its theme, "Counting Our Blessings, One By o the Studtentc ommittee on Relig- ious Education, said yesterday. More than a hundred first year students participated in the first session of the conferences last Sun- day when Prof. Howard M. McClusky of the education school spoke on "Personality." Ku Klux Klan Plans Meet For 10,000 At Detroit TOLEDO, Ohio., Nov. 19.-(IP)- _i