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November 19, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-19

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Several Strong Barristers Take
Locals May it 11 New Members
Barristers. senior honorary law so-
i Detroit Row ciety. initiated 11 Law School sen-
iosyesterday on the Library steps.
Those who were initiated were
DETROIT, Nov. 18,-A)-Action James W. Mehaffey, Anthony L. Di-
of the Detroit and Wayne County vidio. Paul A. Wright, Gerald L
Federation of Labor in expelling 14 Stoetzer, Robert C. Brouse, Norman
delegates from its ranks was ex- Fredericks, Frank B, Stone, Ed-
pected today to result in the xith-lbwg ardW.schRammFiJhnrC. and Ed-
drawals of several strong locals fromlberg J R Ftzha an E
the Federation. ward J. Ruff. Prof. Paul G. Kauper
The Federation's central body vot- of the Law School was made an hon-
ed 85 to 35 to purge its ranks of dele- ; orary member.
gates who ignored the organization's,
stand at a recent municipal election Ho! dd'eC,
and bolted to the standard of a CIO ca* ttIoNmyr
candiaete fo ayor tn n Rd nvh 1 P
Ni Me unions were representedk by ho.ce 's i actne
the delegates ordered expelled. Frankr.
X. "Martel, president of the Federa-f"0pYour Ta' it
kion, said all of them except the De- n s urs, ra V
troit Federation of Teachers, had srtwrs.
delegates in good standing in the RACINE, Wis., Nov. 18.--Gft)-It's
'Federation and that all would be in- Saturday morning. A banging gavel
vited to send new delegates to replace silences an assemblage of youngsters.
those expelled. He said two unions, "Judge" Wilbur Hansen takes the
the metal polishers and beer truckbench Racine's bicycle court is in
drivers, had already withdrawn their'i session.
del.ates who were expelled. Ten-year-old Johnny and his pal-
Those readout of the Federation in-trouble, Tom, are called.
represented the teachers federation,. Safety Patrolman Jimmy, 14, and
the printing pressmen, the metal pol- trim in his traffic policeman's white
fishers, the United Automobile Work- hat, dark blue shirtuwith-glisten-
ers, the Amalgamated Clothing ing star, and serge trousers, testifies:
Workers, the Cooks Union, brewery "These kids were riding down the
drivers, lithographers, and cap and I street two abreast."
milli nery workers.k Johnny, awed, defends himselfr:
"But judge, we didn't mean to do
Too it. You see, we were hurrying home
Is B~usinessTo Big? to play football and I just happened
Prof. Peterson Will Tfell} to think of some dandy signals. So I
pedaled up beside Tom to tell him."
The broadcast from Morris Hall at1 "Judge" Hansen-it's Traffic Ser-
3 p.m. today will be a talk by Prof. geant Hansen on the police rolls-
Shorey Peterson of the economics de- deliberates, then pronounces:!
partment, on the subject "'Is Busi- "I find you guilty."
ness Too Big?" A lecture on the perils of cycling
.Ernest Jones, '38,. will announce, in traffic and the need for care fol-
Copies of this talk and others given lows. *Sometimes it's pretty severe;


Filibuster Is Caused By Their Bill

Three Indians
Remains Found
Brought To University



'*" From Caseville County ! Lans1"" disease. The act dos not :cover ac-
g ____-cupa tiona diseases contracted before
Tt haTHANKSGIVING IS A HOLIDAY it became effective.
The skeletons of three Indians were Governor Murphy said yesterday, ask-
excavated this week in the Caseville F rance
cbontpark in the thumb-area and !ing residents of Michigan to observe
bruh oteUiest uem;the holiday. DOWN INTO THlE SEA sank the
for study purposes by Dr. E. F. It is meet that on the approachgItaiin freighter Bocc 1o yestr-
Greenman of the Museum of Anthro- day of national thanksgiving, in the day in the English Channel 20 miles
pology, words of our chief magistrate, we: southeast of Brest within, an hour
should 'forego our usual occupations after violent explosions occurred
Aording to Dr. Greenman, the and in our accustomed places of wor- aboard.
skeletons are believed to be reburial'ship, each in his own way, humbly One member of the crew was lost.
I becauieofatheidisarrangedapositionlo
because of the disarranged position of acknowledge the mercy of God from The others were rescued by the Neth-
the bones. They are 300 to 600 years~ Whom comes every good and perfecterad moo feihr Tajandoen
old and are of the same type exacv- g "G
ed by University anthropologists near "Therefore, I Frank Murphy. gov-
Mt. Clemens during the summer ernor of the State of Michigan.here-1 ME ATgh S an saw PAW-
Gnmonths. MEAT kEi n dIGN
1 pbykdesignate Thursday, the twenty- WEAK, Clyde M. Cox, official of the
The skeletons were discovered fifth day of November, 1937, as a dayC.Saginaw Steering Gear Local of the
when the Caseville County Park be-I of public tani United Automobile Workers, said to-
gan excavations in a sand ridge: NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST day. He said that UAW members
which was formerly an Indian burial hwernd r fnId eis
ground. About 100 skeletons have STATE EMPLOYES in regard to the reo idng abandoning their
s been removed from the sie Dr. recently enacted occupational disease "meatless week" campaign against
CgGselaw was pledged by the State depart-s, high prices and starting a UAW-
sieesHofstg Canere ment of labor and industry yesterday. I owned meat market, buying direct
igpieeunces ossrovered. anbRcraFpir(wdre George A. KrogstadE head of the from the farmer.
f : :"Dr. Greenman will study the skele-I department, said it would not permit Detroit,
Yk F k n y d .tons and return them, with a record compulsory medical examination of
hi e tte employes who were on payrolls whenCOAL HEAD SHOOTS SELF
' ofhsosegvationasbeingthe Cvlleoa tt tee nteCmu
Couty(ark the law became effective last Oct. William Firth, assistant salesmanager
d29, with dismissal as the penalty for of a Pittsburgh coal company was
those who appear to be in danger of found shot to death today in his
S t ea u n becoming affected by a compensable room in a downtown hotel.
Congress settled to business.. In the Senate, Southern member staged an HoirC nfrn eN W T LSFRSTWL '
old-fashioned filibuster against anti-lynching legislation. Shownrhere;Ho sg on SheEErOURSEWARO H I
stalking it over are two sponsors of the bill, Robert F. Wagner (seated) of
The nivrsit ma hae it swm- Bo ae Aso T Atend Pro f elldennettd tof sthe Ar-
New York, and Frederick Van Nuys, of Indiana. WILDWelsI.&eneCOMPANY A-
'chitecture college, is attending a con- WL OP N
TA o Ps ference of the National Association
Talk About Pools- ~~~of Housing Officials being held today SaeSre nteCmu
Polo10ToFa k through Sunday in Cleveland to con- t_______________________________
Engineering School Atoceste sider the Wagner-Steagell Low-Rent
SAtg CiteUnLeaten e-Housing Bill m of 1937.
Has One Of Its Own; City The purpose of the bill, primarily,!
l _mfr h is to provide a long-term, permanent:
e on e a tteind program of Federal aid to state and
mTg pol Tnk Itam buil d-n9 teNtinag InIci Leage nlocal governments and other docal G ordon
mi ng inpooglin e n g.amu Itbild- The tr dayImn eingR hich a tsaencies for the provision of decent
i ng and the Union, but the engineer-td housing for families of low income
ing school has a pool all its own; Profs James K. Pollock and Aithurn and for slum clearancefmjratn
not meant for the engineers to W. Bi omage of the political science sL( beacpedu lne"we
swim in, but rather to test ship department left Ann Arbor yesterday- he<i e Ona yeuacam puseyh oors
moels 'to attend the 43rd annual meeting D dr d n ne s n
The Naval Tank was built in 1906, the National Municipal League in Ballots Next Weeki
and is located on the east side of theRocihstrn N. Y
move ~ ~~ h ithnir egt.gv reedsy meetingwhicDalay.
West Engineering building. It is 300 rh he a etn hc at Ballots on subjects for the Ann:
hfeet long and 22 feet wide. The from today until Sunday will bring TAbor Junior Chamber of Commerce
wooden test models are madeina together state and local government, three year program of major actin-
shop at the end of the tank. officials, and college professors and ities will be accepted until next week d
mnlythedhullofthshmonehlssstudents of government, who will dis- when they will be tabulated, it was:
unly the hull onghzipnmodelsgis"e announced last night.
Iactl bui ese hus melsore cuss means for making better ad-ews ntn gin;kem n":t'"
tested by the use of a movable car A copy of the possible subjects was
that spans the tank, and is able to' ministration of state, county and city pulshdi teTusaro
move its entire length. g governments. !Michigan Daily.}
Much valuable work has been done:PoesrPlokwl edpprTe Chamber wants a representa-
in the field of boat hull designing i on Michigan's personnel problems.! tive referendum and requests gn
!with the,' use of the tank. It ex-: Discussion sessions will deal with! eral cooperation. Those voting should:
perimented with submarine hullsI such probiems as municipal finance,'vote for 10 projects and number their't>,
for the United States government' administration adponl and choices according to preference-put-M#
during therwaonhoesingaoning ting, a "1" by their first choice and
A oh r srie i ha pefim d Pi fesi ro a e as a fim rcontinuing in a like manner up to 10.!
-- -- -m-
ship designers has been in the X de- member of the League's committee on
'partment of yacht r acing. county government. "

during the course of the year, may
be obtained by sending requests to
Waldo Abbot,
+i BOOKS +;.
(Continued from Page 4)
the description of an "explosive trick
called 'the seasick Chinaman,' per-
formed with a napkin and an or-
ange," with which the French com-,

always it's solemn. Then the sen-
"Write the bicycle regulations 151
times. Report next Saturday for an!
examination on them."{
Thus functions one part of Ra-I
cine's traffic safety machinery. It
pays dividends. Hansen says acci-
dents involving bicycles have been
reduced a third in the court's six-
month existence.
The safety patrol of 25 boys be-
tween the ages of 13 and 16 is re-
cruited from the most able of the
junior traffie nolie whn wath nh r

poser frequently convulsed his 'L"""' pv ~ was wa c over
friends their playmates at street crossings
near school.
WRITER IS A The patrolmen are concerned only
MASTER OF CLICHE I with violations of bicycle regulations
On the other hand, the author em- j by children smaller than themselves.
ploys too often such outworn striv- There's a reason for this-"One big
ings-after-effect as "- strangely bully jumped on a smaller boy who
enough!-" when what he is saying had called him for an infraction,"
is not at all strange; and one is Hansen explains.
amused more by the effort than by "Our court is patterned after a
the humor in bizarre metaphors like regular court," he went on "we have
the sentence with which he opens the a two-fold purpose: to convince the

chapter on Serge Profofleff: "If-as
in the descriptive phrase of the poet
-music is the 'heavenly maid,' then
one is strongly tempted to say that
with Serge Profofieff she has lost her
virginity." It may be funny, but it
is too selfconsciously so; one can'
easily imagine Mr. Ewen still pat-
ting himself on the back for having
thought of it.

children rules must be obeyed and
teach them habits of safety. Some
of the proceedings are broadcast.
"This is serious business, but when
you deal with little codgers you can't
be too severe."
Second offenders are deprived of
use of their bikes. Third offenders-
there have been none so far-are to
be taken into juvenile court.



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7:45-Rube Appleberry.
8:00-Mary Jane Walsh.
8:15-Harold Stokes Orch.
8:30-Happy Hal's Housewarming.
9:00-Black Horse Tavern.
9:30-Barnes Opera House.
10:00-Dance Rhythms.
0:30-Musicale Moderne.
11:00-Canadian Club Reporter.
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12:00-George Olsen Orch.
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6:45--Lowell Thomas.
7:00-Football Forecast.
7:30-Lone Ranger.
8:00-Grand Central Station.
8:30-Death Valley Days.
9:00-Varsity Show.
9:30-Tommy Dorsey Orch.
10:00-Russian Rhapsody.
10:30-Light Opera Company.
11:00-Lowry Clark.
11:1 5-Ed1die Bratton.
11:30-Eddie Varzos Orch.
12 :00-Graystone.
12:30-Jesse Hawkins Orch.
6:00-Ty Tyson.
6 :30-Bradcast.
6:45-Musical Moments.
7:00-Amos 'n' Andy.
7:15-Radio Extra
7 :45-Bughouse Rhythm.
8:00-Lucille Manners.
9:00-Waltz Time.
9:30-True Story Hour.
10:00-First Nighter.
10 :30-Jimmy Fidler.
11:15-Northwood Inn Orch.
11:30-Dance Music.
12:30-Don Bester Orch
6 :00-Stevenson Sports,
6:15-Melody and Rhythm.
6:30-George Jessel.
6:45-Clem and Tina.
7:00-Poetic Melodies.
7:30-Victor Arden Music.
7 :45-Boake Carter.
8:00-Hammerstein Music Hall.
8:30-Alice Faye; Hal Kemp Orch.
9:00-Hollywood Hotel.
10:00-Kitty Carlisle; Gus Haenschen,
11:00-Headline News.
11:15-Week in Review.
12:00-Emery Deutsch Orch.
12:30-Ted Flo Rito Orch.

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