PAGE FOUR- THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY fW adMFMaImo resNM.M ?. --;;- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING bY National AdvertisingService,Ine. College Publishers Representaive 420 MADISON AVE. Nw YoRk, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANcISCO Board of Editors wIANAGING EDITOR..........JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER William SpaIler Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kliman, Edward Mag- do, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Marys Alie MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marin Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- bees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ...........DON ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG .. WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Maca, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philp Buhen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and C ssified Adverts- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Congress: In Special Session Assembled C ONGRESS is in session again. The legislators have come together in Washington, this time at the ,special behest of the President. The term "special session" ostensibly means "that the legislative gentlemen were called to-. gether to work out matters whose import to the nation does not advise waiting until the next regular get-together. This literal conception of the phrase is the reason one of yesterday's news stories impressed us. The head on the story read "Congressional Delay Retards New Attempt For Legislation.". We don't believe we are expecting too much of the legislators in thinking that in a session of this nature there shoud be no delay, but rather a smooth, well-worked-out program that would insure immediate consideration and possible . passage of important bills, bills that are of vital interest to the whole nation. A sub-head on the san'le news story read "Growing Confusion Marks Proceedings As Lynch Filibuster Continues." Perhaps we don't fully appreciate these actions of the Congressmen. Perhaps it is more im- portant to the nation that Senators deliver grandiloquent speeches on the subject of lynch- ing rather than consider business legislation. Perhaps the crying need of the country for im- mediate farm and crop bills should be subserv- lent to lengthy and somewhat obscure discus- sions of mob violence. We doubt very much, however, that the President's request for Con- gress to assemble in special session contained any suggestion that the members might innovate the proceedings with lengthy talks on the noose. Morton L. Linder. Nationalt Book Fair. .. T HE NATIONAL BOOK FAIR in Rockefeller Center has served to im- press upon us once more the role of the printed word in contemporary society. To the thousands of visitors who streamed through the spacious hallways and exhibit rooms of Gotham's Colossus, the drama, color, heartbreak and pageantry that has been so inseparably characteristic of both human existence through the centuries and the history of printed thought and emotion, must have taken on added vividness and impressive- ness. Here were the histories of the world being re- written-not in terms of bloody campaigns and victorious armies, political coups and diplomatic conniving, but in terms of men and women, hu- man thought and human existence. And to the critics who complain that our literature is un- duly concerned with ourselves, our own back- yards, and our own immediate problems, here ,olena ra fha 44n a n n T.Tna Sa a nd Plinfa The Basque Clergy EDITOR'S NOTE: In view of the often- heard charge that contributing funds to help the Spanish Loyalists is in reality aid- ing and abetting a war waged by radical atheists against established religion, par-. ticularly the Catholic Church, and all it stands for, we submit below a letter sent by the Basque clergy to the Pope. This epistle, signed by the Vicar General and 22 other members of the Basque hierarchy, 10 of them eye-witnesses to the scenes described; was published by Ediciones Espanolos, Madrid- Valencia, 1937. "Most beatific Father: "The Basque clergy of the Diocese of Victoria, submitted to the Euskadi Government, prostrated before your Sanctity, and represented by the undersigned priests, some of whom were actual eye-witnesses and all of whom were fully and absolutely certain of the evident facts which are herein related, declare to Your Holiness, with the most humble obeisance: That, since the Basque Government exercises its authority (Oct. 7, 1936) in this region of the Diocese of Victoria, the clergy have, not only been respected in their rights and priestly actions, in the exercise of their cult and in their personal life and interests, but have, at the same time received protection from the Government in every sense, as is appreciated by the organization of the Counciliar Seminary, by the exemption from Military Service in the War fronts, for priests by the guarantees and defense offered for the practice of the cult and ecclesiastical life under every aspect, although it is true that before the advent of this govern- ment, several attempts were made against our priests and places of worship and that some were made after October 7, frustrating the vigilance of the authorities. Durango Bombed "That, on March 31st last, the important town of Durango was bombed, destroying the greater part of the town and demolishing the magnificent Parish Church of St. Mary's as well as the mod- ern church of the Jesuits; causing the death of two priests, Who were in the act of exercising their Ministry, and of a number of the faithful, who were attending Mass, ruining the Convent of the Augustine nuns and killing thirteen of them, besides causing innumerable other casual- ties. That, on April 26, the aviators, in the serv- ice of Franco's Government, did, likewise bomb and horribly machine-gun the venerated town of Guernica, setting St. John's Church on fire, partly destroying St. Mary's, reducing nearly all the buildings in the town to ruins, machine- gunning the inhabitants without compassion, while they were trying to escape in their terror from the fires and demolishment of their homes and surroundings, and causing hundreds of deaths. The planes, flying with impunity almost on a: level with the ground, could see the havoc they were occasioning and the victims they were persecuting perfectly well, and all was done with the full conscience of what they were doing. "The same conduct, causing similar effects, was observed in other villages, such as Arbacegui and Guerriccaiz, besides continuing the same work of destruction by bombardment on other inhabited places and farms. Vow Truth Of Statements "These facts which we hereby consign, bear- ing conscient, firm and just testimony of the truth of every one of them before Your Holiness are the same as those which the Basque Gov- ernment has published in its official reports, and which the authors of such crimes tried to deny, attributing the ruin and fires to the soldiers of the Basque Government and in view of this de- famation of our people, we, the Basque clergy, consider ourselves under the obligation of bring- ing before Your Sanctity the voice of truth, which we affirm and unto which we bear testimony to Your Holiness, our common Father, to whom we need tell our griefs and troubles in these days of cruel war. "In the name of all the Basque clergy, of this people, faithful to their religious tradition, even through these, the hardest moments of an ex- ceedingly cruel war, the undersigned priests, acceding to a just and respectful petition made by the President of the Euskadi Government, desirous of bringing before Your Holiness t>ie voice of truth, make this declaration, confirm- ing it freely, calmly and willingly, considering it just and reasonable and offering to Your Holiness the testimony of our most humble veneration and the most profound respect and obeisance with which we prostrate ourselves before Your Sanctity." UNDERN THE CLOCK with DISRAELI - GOT TIRED TODAY. -Mr. Disraeli. EDITOR'S NOTE: We knew you'd get you after a while. --T.T. Dr. Harvie Branscombe, Duke University, says that college libraries are still in the "horsehair and whatnot" stage. We don't know what he means, but if you're looking for an excuse to avoid study sessions at the Library, those words sound powerful enough to be it. -Ohio State Lantern. Archaeologists in Vermont have dug up ground crates indicating the presence of human beings in the state 2,000 years ago. If they prove to be I/feemns io e H-eywood Broun The most exciting play in New York and the only one which deals seriously with current po- litical issues is "Julius Caesar." This seems to be Shakespeare's answer to Mussolini and the Fas- cist International. The present success gives Shakespeare a batting average of .500 for the season, because he failed lamentably with "An- thony and Cleopatra." Some critics blamed that mishap upon the cast, but I think they were most unjust. It really isn't a good play, and at the best it is a trivial one. "Antony and Cleopatra," as may remember, is a love story. Love is all right in its way, but it has small dra- matic possibilities. I refer, of course, to the he-loves-her theme. That may be good enough for farces or light comedies, but it has little place in the field of serious dramatic presentation. Great literature must deal with something more than the clash of isolated individuals. Love Secondary With Shakespeare I am well aware of the fact that Shakespeare did pretty well once with a love theme in "Romeo and Juliet," but I have always felt that the boy and girl were largely stooges set up as background for the more fundamental tragedy of Mercutio. When Shakespeare really went to town, as he did in "Hamlet" and "Macbeth," love flew out the window. I wish to take nothing away from Orson Welles, the producer of "Julius Caesar" at the Mercury, when I say that he had the advantage of dealing with an excellent script. The lighting, the cast- ing and the pace of the production are magnifi- cent. But the play does not become timely in all its implications merely because Caesar wears a Sam Browne belt and looks like Mussolini. The1 play has been shortened, but no liberties are taken with the text. Mr. Welles has been per-4 ceptive enough to call attention to the fact that Shakespeare was no Ivory Tower artist but a great propagandist. Whether he constituted a cell in the court of Queen Elizabeth and was bor- ing from within I could not say, but in "Julius Caesar" he got ahead of Shaw in providing "A Revolutionists' Handbook." Concealed His Objectives To be sure, Shakespeare was shrewd enough not to let the audience catch him as he slipped all the eggs of emotion into one basket. He gave the other side good speeches, too. Indeed, he may have overdone the Elizabethan spirit of fair play, for I note that there is some difference of opinion among the critics as to whether the intent of "Julius Caesar" is red or white. Of course, I think the reviewers who find in itI a defense of the march on Rome are plainly daft.I Even in high school I thought that Brutus ac- tually was an honorable man and Marc Antony a stuffed shirt. But I did not realize then just how savagely Shakespeare was attacking the well- meaning liberal who muckers up his own cause. Rome falls back into tyranny after Caesar's as- sassination, because Brutus must blow himself to a pretty gesture in favor of free speech at all costs. Where Brutus Erred After sparing Anthony's life lest he be accused of instituting a purge Brutus crowns that folly by permitting Antony to make his snide and dem- agogic funeral address. The result is a black shirt massacre vividly illustrated in the death of the poet Cinna. Brutus is the sort of man you want to have with you, and yet there is always the danger that he will be even more punishing on your side than in opposition. I have a notion that Shakespeare was thinking of Norman Tho- mas, but if so the portrait is so severe that both Brutus and Mr. Thomas might justly form a united front and jointly protest. On ThleLevel By WRAG To classify those who drink beer in the various town taverns on Friday night is nearly impos- sible. You are apt to find any type under the sun under the table. Some drink to forget, some to remember, some sip just to be seen, some sip and become obscene, and some beer because they've seen all the shows in town and don't know what to do with a date who won't dance or do anything else.[ S* * However, the shows everywhere certainly have progressed within the last few years. First they were just silent, then the movies began to talk, later they took on color, and now a lot of Holly- wood's products smell. But there are always those who can find an excuse to drink beer at any time. Either they've just had a test, or they have one next week, or they want to bolster their nerves in case some professor might pull a surprise quiz sometime. As most girl know. 1usually men hbecome FORUM Thank You To the Editor: (_unto_3:3o;_:m a.m. on Saturday. As a regular Daily reader, may I take occasion to compliment the staff; FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1937 Exception may be made. in extra- on the work of the Daily this year. VOL. XLVI. No. 47 ordinary circumstances, such as se- During the past few years the Daily ; The Automobile Regulation will be vere or long continued illness. has developed from "just another lifted for the Thanksgiving holidayRd college paper" to a significant organ beginning at 12 noon on Wednesday,!Registration: Students are reminded of student opinion. I have found the Nov. 24, until 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. that all registration blanks taken out news department so adequate in cov- 26. All cars brought into Ann Arbor last week are to be returned not later l u11r,11amlauanurore n ewsas well as local happenings that I have come to rely on it for an unbiased presentation of current affairs. Your editorials have shown an indepen- dence and social-mindedness which make the Daily outstanding among college publications. I do not al- ways agree with the opinions ex- pressed by a particular editorial writ- er, but I respect the sta-ff for takjig' a definite stand on matters of public importance. Sincerely yours, Edgar G. Johnston. f urrh For Pete! To the Editor: Pete is back. He has been returned to us unharmed. We wish to take this opportunity to humbly apologize to the girls ofy the Coop House for the unduly strong attitude we took in this matter; we can see now that we misjudged them entirely. Our attitude was based upon a complete misconception of the situation. We misconstrued their motives and intentions, and wereathroughout far more alarmed and aroused than the case warrant- f ed. If, by our statements, made in the heat of what we thought to be righteous indignation, we offendedI any of these girls, we are truly very (sorry. We wish, too, to thank those who acted upon our appeal, which, while 1 t may have been mistaken was none telss sincere. We understand1 that by them considerable pressure was brought to bear. Whether or not this had anything to do with the Skeleton's return rests a matter for conjecture, but with the better understanding of the whole case that is now ours we are convinced that the girls meant to return Pete any-,( way. Whatever the factors of causation,v Pete is back, and we are well content. We sincerely hope that this contro- versy has raised no ill-feeling. Hal, Ted, Chuck, and Dave. Loyal Knights of the Order of Os.- c [RADIO 1k By JAMES MUDGEV Air Lines: Will Coffman, manag- s ing director of the East-West All- e Star game, announces that the Mu- C taal System will carry the New Years' s tussle with exclusive rights. . . Fred c Allen and Portland Hoffa began their fifth season on "Town Hall Tonight" a when they returned to the air waves p this week . . . Jimmy Dorsey has g NBC air now from the Windy City w and the Congress. Mr. J. began his t jazz career with the bands of Red d Nichols, Jean Goldkette, and Vin- e cent Lopez. In 1934 he and brother a Tommy got together a fine group of r cats and the rest is well-known-two li bosses were too much. Jimmy's great v pal, Bing Crosby, gave him an ele- p gant chance to amount to some- thing big by putting the Dorsey band o on the Kraft Music Hall show . . p Tito Guizar flew to Hollywood from t Argentina to make his appearance in P "The BY Brnr d t .f 1938" Atr . for this period must be taken out be- than Friday, Nov. 19. If blanks are fore 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 26. not returned on time, the late regis- Office of the Dean of Students., tration fee is required. University Bureau of Appoint- To N.Y.A. Students: You are re- ments and Occupational Infon- quested to cooperate with the census mation. now being taken by filling out an Unemployment card, answering ques Academic tions Nos. 1, 2c, 4 and 5. Blanks cans be obtained from your supervisors or Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory at Dean Bursley's office, Room 2 Course) will meet Monday, Nov. 22 University Hall. These reports should at 1:00 in Room 2552 East Medical be dropped in the mail boxes before Building. midnight. Nov. 20. No postage stamp Each student should come provid- is needed. ed with a $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory Coupon procurable at the Treasurer's Chinese Students Attention: Chi- Office. hese students who will have financial trouble in near future please fill the Biological Chemistry 121, Section B information sheets in Room 9 The first meeting of Section B will University Hall before Nov. 25. be held in Room 319 West Medical Building on Monday, Nov. 22, at 1:00 Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.: p.m. Students should provide them- Elections of courses for the second selves with a $5 Biological Chemistry emetern murs esapporvesurindcash ticket which can be obtained semester must be approved during at the Treasurer's Office. the period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in Room 9, University Hall. To prevent congestion in the office of the cou- Concerts selors. individual post cards will be Choral Union Concerts: Richard mailed daily to a small group of stu-C sor, UiC s dents. Each card will be dated seven C hor, Ungive a concertin days after the day of mailing. To be n Chora830Union Series. Friday admitted to a conference with a ighaclock, in Hill Audi counselor, a student must present his r . card not later than the date it bears. If he comes after this date an inter- Exhibitions view will be granted only if there are The Ann Arbor Art Association no others waiting at the office. In order to makk an intelligent se- presents an exhibition of modern lection of courses each sophomore American and German water colors should give careful attention to his from the collection of the Detroit next semester's elections before meet- Institute of Arts, in the North and ng with his counselor. South Galleries of Alumni Memorial J. H. Hodges Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. Open E. A. Walter daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 A. Van Duren p.m., always free to students. Students, College -of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses Lectures dropped after Wednesday, Nov. 24, French Lecture: Professor George will be recorded with the grade E. Lafourcade of the University of Gre- noble will give the first lecture on the Cercle Francais program tomor- row at 4:15 p.m., Room 103 Romance Language Building, on "Quelques By THOMAS CURTIS Maitres du Roman-Fleuve: Martin du TWENTIETH CENTURY COMPOS- Gard, Lacretelle, Duhamel, Ro- ERS, by David Ewen. Thomas Y. mains." Crowell, 1937, $3.00. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary The great fault we found in the re- of the Department of Romance Lan- ent concert by Artur Rodzinski and guages (112 RL) or at the door at he Cleveland Symphony Orchestra the time of the lecture. was with the program maker. If nusic is to be regarded as a living art, Illustrated Lecture: W. M. Potter, e must not allow ourselves to be Illuminating Engineer, General Elec- 5atisfied with the music of two gen- tric Co., will speak on "Illumination :rations ago; and the newest work of the Garden" Friday at 11a.m in n the program was 61 years oldG Room 231 Angell Hall. Illustrated. one of the three composers repre- mPublic invited. ented having survived into the 20th Pu__mtd entury. This neglect of modern musical Events Today chievement was the more disap- University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.rh. sointing because Dr. Rodzinski's "Is Big Business Too Big?" Shorey ;enius at their interpretation is so Peterson, Associate Professor of Ec- idely known, and because, during onomics. he preceding week, we had been _nmics. leeply absorbed in an important book Slide Rule Session: Instruction in valuating present-day composers the use of the slide rule will be given nd many works which seem to be of by Prof. A. D. Moore today, 4 to 5 eal worth. The book, recently pub- p.m., in Room 348 West Engineering. shed by Thomas Y. Crowell, is Da- Only the main (ordinary) scales will id Ewen's Twentieth Century Com- be considered. Open to anyone in- osers. E terested. All should bring slide rules. Mr. Ewen, well known as a liaison ____ fficer between those who write and A.S.C.E. Initiation banquet and erform music and those who read joint meeting with the Detroit Sec- he English language, writ9s in the I tion of the A.S.C.E. will be held Fri- opular style characteristic of Cor- day NoA, 19 at 6:15 p.m. at the net, Esquire, and other such fash- tTnion. unable magazines, which had pre- iously featured some of these essays; There will be a meeting of the En- te seems likewise to be approved by tertainment Committee of Sopho- ;he more specialized journals, for more Cabaret at 3 :00pm.ith thers of the articles have appeared pReaaro t he Lem. in the n Musical Quarterly and in the Lon-Fridash DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President i , f 1 i 1 l 3 1 i "ice g oa 9 rsncas o . y " vw Barthell, former CBS songstress, is a Mrs. now and picked a quiet China to live in. Band Bits: Jerry Jerome, former tenor man with some local bands, took a big jump from here and joined the ranks of Harry Reser's Eskimos. p V t] 0 iT a !don publications, Chesterian, and Now he is with the band of Glenn iMonthly Musical Record. Moreover, , Stalker Hall: Class in "Through the Miller in N'Orleans . . . Rudolph he is personally acquainted with most Old Testament" with Dr. Brashares Friml, Jr. is in a New York spot now of the men of whom he writes; his as leader, at 7:30 p.m. Party fol- and paid a fine tribute to the Senior credentials appear to be thoroughly lowing the class. All Methodist stu- recently . . . Name bands throughout in order. ' dents and their friends are cordially the country have an eye on BIG Col- SEVENTEEN COMPOSERS I invited to both the class and the lege proms and the J-Hop is no ex- ARE INCLUDED party. ception. Of course, it is not always A brief chapter is devoted to each possible for a band leader or booker of the 17 composers chosen-not the Roger Williams Guild: There will to decide their band ought to do the 17 greatest of our time, Mr. Ewenj be an open-house at the Guild to- turn dte goou nand c hastens to assure us, but the 17 night as usual. Come and bring your nob-but future bookings can be ar- whose work represents most ac- friends. ranged so that the band is in the Hop curately a cross-section of modern territory near the time of the affair' music." These composers are Stra- CoE MCA tries to sell the bands that they vinsky, Strauss, Elgar, Sibelius, Ra-E can make the most money an and vel, Profofieff, de Falla, Loeffler, Bar- Freshman Round Table: All mem- some campi chose a band or bands tok, Bloch, Delius, Hindemith, Schon- bers of the Class of '41 are invited from a very small offered-selection. berg, Malipiero, Roy Harris, Vaughan to hear Professor Maurer speak on Tommy Dorsey and Will Osborne Williams, and Gershwin; although "Success: for What" at the Fresh- would make a likely pair of units on we regret the omission of Rachman- man Round Table at the Michigan any bandstand. Anyway, bands of inoff, Deems Taylor, Leo Sowerby, Union Sunday morning at 9:30. Fol- the Kassel and Weeks caliber aren't and others who are certainly worthy lowing the talk, there will be discus- worth over $400 (sum total for both) of inclusion, we are forced to recog- I sion groups led by upperclassmen. . ..The Hudson-DeLange orch gets nize that the choice is probably as a star in the billing for the Para- comprehensive as possible within the A gallery talk on the exhibition of mount pic "Big Apple" ... Ozzie Nel- i limits of three hundred pages, and American and German water colors, son is in New York for the year and we can hope that a succeeding vol- in the North and South galleries of will stick strictly to commercial ra- ume will continue this useful work. Alumni Memorial Hall will be given dio work . . . Another name band Mr. Ewen begins each essay with a on Sunday, Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. by gets in the cinema-Herbie Kay, the "human-interests" account of the Sylvester Jerry, State Director of the man who won Dorothy Lamour of composer's life, the influences which Federal Art Project. the movies, leads his crew in a new have shaped it. and his personality as - Paramount production . . . Little Jack revealed in his works, his hobbies, his The Graduate Outing Club will Little brings his band to the Michi- philosophy, and his contacts with meet at Lane Hall on Sunday at gan in Detroit soon. Originally the other people. Wisely-chosen anec- 2:30 p.m. for a trip to the Saline