THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1937 Spain-Bound Ambulance Here Today i Rare Collection Of Hauptmann 's Plays Displayed One of the outstanding collections; of the works of Gerhardt Haupt- mann. German playwright, is being exhibited in the show-cases in the main library. Prof. Fred B. Wahr of the Germanr department is the owner of the col-l lection. It is distinguished becauseE 'it includes every 'first edition ofj Hauptmann and several rare editions. One is illustrated with wood cuts by Gordon Craig, considered one of the best examples of book workmanship in modern times. Hauptmann's' translation of "Hamlet" is displayed, and there are several etchings andl engravings of the playwright. ! Of particular interest is an originalj drawing of the bookplate used in Pro-j fessor Water's collection, which was done in 1925 by Halfey Davidson, '25. Copies are highly prized by German collectors, and Hauptmann himself has asked for the drawing.j The collection is being displayed in conjunction with a banquet at the League Monday night on the occa- sion of Hauptmann's 75th birthday. At the banquet 70 Hauptmann admir- ers voted to establish a society for the study of his works, and Dr.; Wahr was chosen president. This %Gerhardt Hauptmann Society will meet three times a year to discuss his books. Dionnes Skeptical About Santa Clausj Dr. Dafoe Reveals Santa Claus had better watch his' step this year. according to Dr. Allan' R. Dafoe, in an interview in New York,! because there are some skeptics al-' ready among the Dionne quintuplets.- One or two of the sisters "have a' little doubt," Dr. Dafoe said, because' last Christmas they pulled at Santa's' whiskers, and they came off. The quints thought Santa looked more familiar without his beard. Union Dance To Feature To Present Second Ballet Pair On Saturday Play Performance John Heyboer and Margaret Strouse. ballet dancers from Sagi- The second performance of "The naw, will be featured Saturday at 'Comical Adventure of Master Peter the regular Union dance, it was an- nounced yesterday by Richard Fox, '39, of the Union Executive Council. This couple, which has appeared throughout the state and was recent-, ly featured at Michigan State Col- lege, will present its act at 10:30 p.m., during the intermission. Heyboer and Miss Strouse are con- sidered the best ballet dancers in Michigan, it was stated.I Pathelin" will be given at 8:30 to- night at the Llydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Enacted by the Hampstead Play- ers, an amateur troupe consisting of faculty members and townspeople. the play is a paraphrase of an old French farce, by Harold Whitehall, of the English department. MUSIC SCHOOL BROADCAST The School of Music program, under the direction of Joseph Brink- man, Associate Professor of Piano, will be broadcast at 3 p.m. today. Professor Brinkman will be assisted in this program by students from the School of Music. Myron Wallace will announce. Dr. Dafoe listed among the sisters'l assets one half million dollars in I bonds, but said it would be ten years HALL TO TALK IN PITTSBURGH or more before they could become Prof. Robert D. Hall of the geog- millionaires, as their expenses will be raphy department will address the greater from now on. University of Michigan Club of Pitts- Today they are not only self-sup- burgh at 7:30 p.m. today. He will porting-and it costs from $1,600 to speak on "The Political and Econom- $1,800 a month to maintain them, ic Setup in China and Japan." their nursery and staff-but they con- tribute $100 a month to their fam- ily and have a tidy half million in bonds. Gale Sondergaard (above) is pointing to her name on ,the am- bulance that the Motion Picture Artists' Committee is sending to Loyalist Spain. The ambulance is bringing the picture "Heart of Spain," to be shown here today at the Union. :1 _ wi sper o moucan r om an Their Influence on French Life," and Pub Is Franker In Co batin James O'Neill will, discuss the "FreeFr n e Theatre" or January 12.V "Romain Rolland :everai Aspects enereal sease Fuller Claims of His Work" will be the subject of Prof. Anthony Jobin, who will talk R on January 26. Abraham Herman Recent state venereal disease leg- Hugh Johnson on te disea es was will speak on February 23 on "Amer- islation and NBC permission for a banned by the NBC. Tuesday thej ica Seen by Some French Writers," broadcast Tuesday night on the so- i corporation changed its stand and and on March 9 Prof. Warner Patter- cial diseases reflect a growing public; permitted Dr. Morris isibein, editor son will lecture on "Vincent Voituresd Precieux Poet." Prof. Rene Talamon willingness to meet frrnaly and com- of the American Medical Journal, to will give the concluding lecture of the bat the disease problems, Prof. Rich- give a carefully worded address on series on' March 23, speaking on "The ard C. Fuller of the sociology depart- the subject. Theatre of the Comedie Francaise, ment stated yesterday. This new attitude by public and Yesterday and Today." The- state bills, however, he de- communication officials may go fur- The annual French play will be clared, seem to be more the result of ther toward a successful fight againstJ given by members of the French club ,efforts by a few leaders in medical 'the diseases than the legislation! and French classes on April 29. As yet and related fields than of a general alone, Professor Fuller said. It will the play has not been selected. 4 public demand for such legislation. open the way for more discussion by All of the lectures will be given in This leadership is backed by a fa- the public and will help organize and Room 103 of the Romance Language vorable but rather passive public win public support for the campaign. Building, starting at 4:15 p.m. The opinion. Thle practical results of the new play will be held in the Lydia Men- A venereal disease program for the bills will rest on their reception by delssohn Theatre, starting at 8:15 state as set up at the last legislative the public. If accompanied by in- p.m. session includes an act requiring ap- telligent discussion and a program of DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DURHAM, N. C. Four terms of eleven weeks are given each year. These may be taken con- secutively (graduation in 31, years ) or three terms may be taken each year. (graduation in 4 years). The entrance requirements are intelligence, charac- ter andmat least two ears of college work, including the subjects specified * *,.~ ..VSl " v N" '$ji ""r75,, "His Queen" Expert Inecto Hair Tinting by Miss Bell. Private Booth. Private Consultation. 4 i i for Grade A Medical Schools. Cata- logues and application forms may be THANKGIVIG CHAPERobtained from the Dean. LANSING, Nov. 17.-(P)-A state __aine___ r__m__he__ean. _ department of agriculture survey in- -~- dicated today Thanksgiving dinners Read Daily would be less expensive this year, al- _edD-y Classifed Ads though the price of turkey is higher. - BLUEBIRD HAIR SHOP 5 Nickels Arcade Phone 9616 I plicants for marriage licenses to pre-E sent certificates showing that they have had negative reactions to ven-I ereal disease tests. Last Friday thev state health department announced1 a program for the free distribution; of drugs to combat syphilis to physi-t cians throughout the state.N "Such legislation is the result of a growing awareness by the publicr that veneral disease problems can bea settled by cooperation with medical I specialists," Professor Fuller said, "but there is no groundswell of pub-E lic opinion demanding a state pro- gram. The public so far is mainlyc breaking down the old taboos andi reticence on discussing venereal dis-t ease questions. Where formerly dis-c cussion was only undertaken in scien- tific and medical groups, now it goes on in schools and is being more] frankly received by the public as a whole.; "Leaders in the state legislation are mainly social workers, medicalk men, and public health men, workingv with the help of educators and pro-4 fessional men in the communities."' The radio question presents itsa own problems, Professor Fuller de- clared, because radio discussion of the problems reaches the familys group, where as yet people are notS willing to discuss the questions free- I ly. Last week a talk by Generalt To Hold Foreign Student Dinner Local Groups Plan Annual Thanksgiving Feast The annual Thanksgiving dinner! for foreign students will be given next Wednesday night at the Union, it was announced yesterday. Speakers will be Dr. Ernest B. Price, director of International House at the University of Chicago,. Dean Henry C. Anderson of the engineer- ing college, and Miss Sarah Chakko, graduate student from Lucknow, In- dia. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chair- man' of the political science depart- ment, will preside, and hosts and hostesses will be deans and adminis- trative officers.t Local organizations cooperating with the University in giving the din- I ner are the Rotary Club, Student Re- ligious Association, the Union and League, the School of Music, and student groups of various churches. About 380 attended the function, last year. expanding educational information and facilities for disease treatment, they should be a successful step to- ward meeting present disease prob- lems. They will cut down the disease among married persons and will help to bring people face to face with veneral disease questions. Many people will probably obtain marriage licenses in other states in an effort to avoid the examination, Professor Fuller stated, mainly from a feeling that their personal rights are being infringed. This was the re- f sult of first requirements for vac- cination, but in this case public opin- ion has gradually come to accept these requirements as needed and valuable. Foresee Early Settlement Of City's Relief Complaint An early settlement of the trouble between the city and ERA officials which threatened the possibility of 400 relief clients in Ann Arbor being dropped from state relief Dec. 1 now appears probable. Manchester and Scio township supervisors have received similar complaints from Howard L. Preston, Washtenaw County relief adminis- trator, who warned that relief would be stopped in their townships Dec. 1 unless deductions in the payment of ERA bills is explained. -I Did You. Know,- 1 s I drene NOT SOAP NOT 0Oi Billowy Suds Banishes Cloudy Film Leaves Your Hair Shining Like Silk re 7c I HAT this year marks the hundred and sixtieth anniversary of THE DECLA- RATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Ironically enough the LIBERTY BELL that rang forth the birth of a new nation was cast in Whitechapel, London, in the year 1753 by Thomas Lister. Due to un- I MILLER DRUG STORE 9797 Phone 9 usual brittleness it was necessary to twice recast it. Contrary to general opinion the. bell did not crack while pealing forth the glad tidings of Independence but while toll- ing a knell for the death of Chief Justice Marshall in 1835. The young nation of 1781 was founded on individual initiative and endeavor. It has become the world's most prosperous country by adhering to this principle that the Liberty Bell heralded from its brazen throat one hundred and sixty years ago. T HE MICHIGAN DAILY believes that in- dividual initiative and effort as coordi- nated by its heads is the cornerstone of effi- cient service. It seeks to apply wherever possible individual attention to the needs of its readers and advertisers. Since 1890 The Daily has been an integral part of the University life. In that year it became a student publication under the Board in Control of Student Publications. 'Its size and prosperity has grown with that of the University and Town until today it stands as one of the best college papers in the country. The Daily is proud of its University, proud of its Town, and cher- ishes the esteem in which it is held. The Michigan Daily invites an inspection of the unusual facilities it offers in the way of news and advertising. 727 N. Univ. rnl pop%- A 040 0 04 owa m 141 o pq OR - A A PAI oft 14 ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents 11 I1 III Ernest Hemmingway's BREATH-TAKING EPIC SPANISH.EARTH Produced on the SPANISH BATTLEFRONT r~iThv ir-t~rtRtt zt4. 11 II