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November 18, 1937 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-18

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THURSDAY, N017. 18, 293'7




Conference Lacks Contenders For

All-America Grid Eleven

Recent Publicity Hasn't Included
Every Frosh G6ridder Of Repute

Injury Ridden
Junior Varsity

ung Star Guard

Clint Frank Is
Sure To Retain
His 1936 Berth


By3 TOM PHARES the All-State amateur team. Most i M IYeet AI
Although Michigan's freshman observers rate Evy as a real threat
football team has been "investigated" to Archie Kodros and his regular cen- When the Junior Varsity football'
rather thoroughly of late, strange asI ter job next 'fall. tem coe't sao audy
it may seem, there still remain a few It Of Course There's Strong gteam closes its season Saturday
good prospects whose lights have been ( In the backfield of course there is against a strong Alma College elev-
allowed to remain hidden under a Dave Strong whose kicking, running, en, its chances of breaking into the
bushel. and passing speak for themselves and win column for the first time in four
Inasmuch as the name of Harmon already have at Illinois as many Wol- games, will be reduced to a minimum,
has become a household word and i verine fans can't help but remember.
those of Kromer, Mehaffey, Meyer, Another Hercules Renda may with the knowledge that two of its
and Fritz have been bandied about exist in the person of little Harry;n
quite freely by even the street urch- Kohl, spunky wingback from Dayton, halfback, and Jerry Belsky, guard,
ins, it may not be too much to as- Ohio. Harry is only five feet, six will probably be confined to the side-
sume that other significant names inches tall and weighs but 146 jines.
will find listening ears. pounds and yet rates high among Although Gates, who is out with a
80 Hopefuls Report the excellent frosh backfield talent. Althoughbac iuwhs beenwthe
Yes, there are actually more than He is fast and shifty and also can' severe back injury, has been the
a half dozen men on Coach Ray use what weight he has in effective spearhead of the Jayvee offense in
Fisher's frosh grid squad. In fact blocking. each of the previous three games, it isI
at the opening of practice this fall Quarterback Les Persky must also likely that his absence will not be as
more than 80 hopefuls reported, and be rated among the good prospects severely felt as that o4 Belsky. Re-'
although that number has dwindled who have yet to be involved in de- placing him at his tailback position
somewhat, there still remains quite a tective story rumors. Les is an All- will be Derwood Laskey, borrowed!
sizeable crew. City Cleveland star who throws just from the Varsity squad, who in his
But to cite cases, take for example about the best pass of any back on brief Varsity appearances this year
that of Forest Evashevski, promising the team and is also good when it showed that all he needed was added
yearling center. Even though it is comes to the blocking assignments. experience to make him a good back.;
barely conceivable that the rumors Wingback George Clark of Car- Laskey is probably the fastest man
could have missed an outstanding thage, Illinois and fullback Charlie on the .whole squad being a track
prospect, the fact remains that Evy Ross of Middlebury, Vt., have both star as well as a gridder and is also
is just that. Standing a trifle over seen a lot of action on the first squad ;one of the surest tacklers. However
six feet and weighing 195 pounds, in scrimmages and will both make he is much lighter than Gates, is not
this husky Detroit lad demonstrated I their bids for a chance next season. as good a passer, and is not quite as
real ability and strength at backing The linemen who rate first string capable on pass defense.
up a line. During scrimmages it is action besides Evashevski and Fritz
seldom that a line play fails to find are George Thomas a guard from,
Evy at the bottom of the heap on top Detroit, Valmer and Grant at the S
of the ball carrier. tackles and Ross and Czak on thel Nrona

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Spartans Hold Indoor Workoit
EAST LANSING. Nov. 17.()-P ,Coach Charley Bachman following
Snow drove the Michigan State Col. the Spartans' conquest of Carnegie
lege football squad indoors today to;Tech.
drill for the Nov. 27 invasion of San The workout on the tanbark floor
Francisco to play the' University of; of Demonstration Hall slow ed the
San Francisco.I tempo of the drill. Bachman pver-
The practice marked the end of a imitted the entire squad to slide back
two-day layoff granted the squad by into harness slowly.

Ralph Heikkinen, sturdy little
Michigan guard, was recently
named as one of the unsung heroes
of the present Big Ten season. He
blocked the try for points after
touchdown to win both the Chi-
cago and Illinois ganes and re-
covered an all-important lateral in
the Penn encounter.
May Surprise

Climax Gaines This Weekc
To Have Vital Bearing;
Ritchie Is Listed
NEW YORK, Nov. 17.-UP)-The
All-America debate for 1937 ap-
proaches the semi-final stage with
the contest for most positions on the
mythical collegiate gridiron squad
still very much in doubt. Climax
'games this week and next will have*
vital bearing on the outcome of the
race for all-star honors.
Of last year's two All-America
holdovers, Yale's mighty captain,
Clinton Edward Frank of Evanston,
Ill., seems a certain repeater. Frank
has played amazing football this sea-
Ison under all conditions as well as
,heavy pressure.
The East, with five unbeaten teams
in the nation's "First Ten," has pro-
duced an outstanding crop of backs,
;tackles and ends this year. By con-
trast the Middle West and especially
the Big Ten has not contributed as
much material as usual to the all- I
'star debate. The old South has pro-
duced exceptional ends and linemen.
The Southwest has developed a flock
of fine backs and ends.
Here's a partial sectional summary
of the principal prospects:
East-Pick of the "Ivy League"
talent includes Cornell's Brud Hol-
land, Negro end; Dartmouth's Bob
MacLeod, fleet halfback; Pittsburgh's
Marshall (Biggie) Goldberg, power-
house halfback, Tony Matisi, tackle,
and Frank Southak, end; and Fords
ham's Alex Wojciechowicz, center,
and two superb tackles, Ed Franco
and Al Babartsky.
Big Ten--Minnesota lost a poten-
tial All-American back, Andy Uram,
who broke his wrist in mid-season,
but the Gophers have three stand-
'outs up forward in Captain Ray
King, end; Francis Tweddel, guard;
and Lou Midler, tackle. Harold Van.
Every, sophomore Minnesota back,
has shared Conference ball-carry-
ing honors with Jim McDonald of
Ohio State, best known for his block-
ing; Corby Davis, Indiana; Cecil
Isbell, Purdue; Don Heap, Northwes-
tern; and Stark Ritchie, Michigan.
One of the most promising sophomore
backs is Nile Kinnick of Iowa. George
Miller, Indiana center, has been con-
spicuous for his place-kicking.
Colleges, AAU
Share Power

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A. C. Barth

Forest hails from Northwestern flanks.
High School in the motor capital!' After reflection on the matter, it
Where he was an All-City player. He seems hardly fair that an investiga-
Viso played on Jack, Heston's ama- tion shouldn't be started for these

With StraightFootball Offense

- - _ -,


teur eleven and was given a place on boys. They are pretty good too By BUD BENJAMIN blocker. Both are good pass re-
__-Ohio State's slightly discolored ceivers.
Scarlet Scourge, minus some of the Tackles Hefty
belligerency, confidence, and pub- The tackles are hefty bruisers. AtI
licized invincibility of former years, the left side is junior Alex Schoen-
may disappoint the lovers of razzle baum, a 215 pound killer and highly
and dazzle when they tackle Mich- regarded in Conference circles. His
igan's underdog crew at the Sta- mate at the other side of the line
diun this Saturday. is Carl Kaplanoff, who weighs a mere
The old "toss-me-another" game, 235 despite his five feet eleven. Botl1
popularized in the Midwest by Coach are hard chargers and tough men
Francis Schmidt, is still an integral to handle.
part of the Buckeye attack. But its The best of the linemen is Gust
Selection oproportion in the Ohio retinue has Zarnas, senior guard. He is a roving
35 E FALjLandjWINTERjbeen diminished this year, and type of player, an extremely fast
straight football has found a place man, and a hard hitter. He even
in the Schmidt curriculum. roves into the backfield at times to
Less Circus Stuff shoot long passes in the Whitey Wis-
Ohio State's ponderous line, aver- tert manner. The other guard, Sol
where yardage is LIMITED to only ONE or aging 205 pounds from end to end, Maggied, falls behind Zarnas but is
and their comparatiyely light and dependable.
TWO garments, are offered to our customers fast backfield, 178 pounds in average, Good On Defensive
at a REDUCTION which will SAVE you 'on may find the old orthodox game to At center Co-Captain Ralph Wolf
their liking Saturday. If it works, cir- holds fort. His long suit is on de-
your buying budget. cus stuff will take a back seat. fense, and when the Buckeyes go
The Columbu's gang has had an in- into the seven man line watch for
TWO GROUPS and-out season. Defeats at the hands him on the weak side.
of erratic Southern California, part- Shifty Nicky Kasylik is the starting
$39.50 and $49.50 ly accountable to the effect of the quarterback. He does the Buckeyes',
Vaues to $65.00 long trek out to the coast, and an passing and is a distinct open field
overdue Indiana crew mar their rec- threat. If State shakes him into the
Do' t C M N whilethc selec - 'ord. Browsing over their personnel open on Saturday, he'll be a tough3
Don't Wait...C Mit's hard to understand. They defi- baby to stop.
tions are complete. nitely have the man power, the bal- Mike Kabealo, the left half back,
ance, and the experience necessary is a hard runner, a good blocker, and
to produce a winner. an excellent punter. The right half-
C ANTO N - DEG ENER InC Fred Crow, six foot three inches, back is Dick Nardi, who does a good
189 pounds, and a three-year veteran, share of the Buckeyes blocking and
W ILL IAMS AT STATE pairs with Charley Ream at the ends. line plunging and has accounted for
Ream, an ex-tackle of 208 pounds is a good share of their points this,
!not a fast man but a good offensive year.

Our Alteration


partnent has facilities
for carrying out to an
Nth degree your strict-
est demands. .

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InOlympic Say
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-(P')-
Colleges won equal representation
with the Amateur Athletic Union
today on committees controlling
American competitors in eight major,
sports at the Olympic Games.
The American Olympic Associa-
tion gave the A.A.U. and the National
Collegiate Athletic Association six
members each on committees in
charge of men's track and -field
events, men's swimming, men's gym-
nastics, boxing, wrestling, basketball,
field handball and ice hockey.
It provided also that a thirteenth
member should be appointed by the
Olympic Association's president, sub-
ject to approval by two-thirds of the
other committeemen.
In the past the A.A.U. has had the
main say concerning almost all Olym-
pic teams. Colleges have been turn-.
inlg out more and more of the point
winners in a number of sports, and
accordingly demanded increased com-

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