THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOV. I IE MICHIGAN DAILY I - / r ,','.' Edited and-managed by students of the University of Dichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning exceptnMonday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also .reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as econd class mail matter. SSubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 04.0; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 % REPRESENTED FOR NATIOnc. . ,. ational Advertsing Serice, I:. College Publish-s Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CICAO - BOSTON - LO MIMGEES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors ANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman anid Roy Sizemore PORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorsten. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT:rHelen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebier and Virginia Voor- bees. Business Department BfUSINESS MANAGER .. .........ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER .............. ..DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertisig Manager; PhilipcBuchen, Contracts ' Manager; William New nan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- l"g Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT D. MITCHELL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. When A Vacation Was Last Given .. . S% OMETIME this week, or early next week, President Ruthven will meet with the deans of the various schools and colleges to decide whether the student body will be grant- ed an extended Thanksgiving Vacation. Before the deans will be petitions bearing more than 4,000 signatures, representing nearly half of the student body, and a statement of the Mten's Council ennerating the reasons why the student body should have a longer vacation. In advance of this meeting, we wish to remind the deans of the action they took six months ago. The following article, which appeared in the Daily of April 7, 1937, tells the story: x Second-semester final examinations will end the afternoon of Saturday, June 12, two and one-half days earlier than was an- nounced in the University's general cat- alogue, Professor Harry C. Carver of the mathematics department, revealed last night. Professor Carver said the decision had been reached at a meeting of the deans a week ago because of the necessity of pro- viding rooming accommodations for Univer- sity Centennial visitors by June 14, the open- ing day of the celebration. Professor Carver supervises University schedules. He said that classes would end Thursday, June 3, and examinations begin the following morning. Originally classes were to have met through Friday. Approval of the change by the Board of Regents is not necessary, he said, inasmuch as the Regents allow the University adminis- tration freedom in arranging the University year within the prescribed days semesters begin and end. The conclusions that must be drawn from this article are obvious. Last spring a vacation was inflicted upon the students, rushing them head- long into the hodge-podge of an already cramped examination period. Now the students are ask- ing for a little let-up, a chance to see their parents or to visit friends. Students may legitimately expect an extension of Thanksgiving Vacation. Certainly it is their due. Joseph S. Mattes. pTHE FORU.M3 Scaring The Turkey To the Editor: A petition circulated on campus about a week ago was signed by 4,434 students, all requesting "that classes be suspended the Friday and Sat- urday following Thanksgiving in this and future treat, the value of which has been overlooked by the University calendar. It has been pointed out that students in the past, when given a real Thanksgiving vacation, have abused the privilege by leaving school prior to the authorized time, and have not returned to classes on time following the recess. There is a large number of students, whose homes are close to Ann Arbor, and who take cuts the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving in prefer- ence to returning to classes under the present system. Is there not the possibility that, in numbers, this constitutes a greater abuse than that caused by students who might leave early and return late if given a two-day vacation? The student body is sufficiently aware of the fact that if given a vacation it would be ex- pected to adhere to the rules. It has enough responsibility and common sense to accept the privilege and to prevent its abuse. Why should this generation pay for the shortcomings of past generations? -N.J.W. UNDER ITHE CLOCK with DISRAELI MA! LOOK AT THE SWELL MUD PIES Someone has suggested that we put the poison pen to work and squirt a few messy blots at cam- pus politics-the idea being of course, that every- one else is doing it, so why not you? It should not be necessary to say that we think campus politics are messy enough anyway without our sacrificing the purity of our daily contribution to the development of man's conscience by play- ing a serious game of cops and robbers with it. As far as we're concerned it is a dead issue, and long past the putrifaction stage, so that there isn't even a bad odor, unless wasting time gen- erates one. It is past sneering at, and only to be ignored. But our idealistic friends will of course object to this attitude. "Democracy! Democracy! My democracy 'tis of thee." And they will say that here we have a glorious opportunity to train our young people in the magnificent and holy art of backslapping and double- dealing. Here we may teach them to fling themselves against wind- mills successfully so that later they may possess an idea how to upset a machine that later they may build one of their own-the rugged indivi- dualist idea, you know. But to these of our critics we rather abruptly point out that before there is rejuvenation and training for these things in a democracy, that democracy had better desire the training and rejuvenation. After all, it is the demos' right to sink into oblivion if they want to and if We are any judge-looking at the senior elections and the general lack of interest in any election on the campus, the slaps and slams that no one has been able to answer-tile demos in this case would just as soon forget about voting, or if you're going to vote, might as well have the real stuff. WE MIGHT GO FARTHER and point out that W it is a rather casual assumption on the part of the politicians and the reformers of politicians that in this school they are actually dealing with a democracy. Sometimes we wonder if they shouldn't start in reforming the boys in the back room-the self-images of, little Duces, of tiny Francos and of infinitesimal Der Fuehrers who lurk in the corners of otherwise genial minds. And then we can look at it the way the boys in the back room look at it, too. Maybe the campus is still in the first childhood stage. Maybe what they need instead of self-government is a secret organization like the Society for the Wiping of Coke Drippings from Heavy Adolescent Beards, who periodically ,will swoop into the Parrot or the Bell with brandished boxes of Kleenex. We aren't so sure that they are all wrong. Yet we do not admit that the campus is composed of eight thousand dottards who have reached their second childhood without bothering to pass through their first. We don't think that co-eds are all of them simple, nor do we believe that more than 75% of the males are morons. They are too much inclined to emulate their elders in politics, that is all. Campus politics are an out- let for bombastic egos and having seen what their betters can do, they are eager to do the old folks at home one as good. If the politics are already dirty, and there are spoils, it is only that much more convenient. Reforming evils only makes it harder to get at the spoils. That the spoil is the end in itself, you see, is the only concept we have of politics-and the condition of men's minds today, we accuse even the ideal- ists of eventually succumbing to the voluptuous charm of power given by the sovereign command of the people. We are not a nihilist-which is a nice word. We do not say that nothng can be done. It cer- tainly can, but not by emulating our more aged peers-swell checkwriters though they certainly are. We suggest that before the demos start self- governing they find out what they're seeking to govern. And the first step is to keep away from those cute little caucuses or cauci. They could either run on down and look at the Ritz Brothers or else a couple of pages of Plato. MAYBE you'll get the idea that we don't be- lieve in campus politics. Don't get us wrong. We could believe in them if people were perfect and were interested in being just as good as a gilt cigar store Indian, though perhaps just a little more animate. But nobody is that way, so why not first make them that way, then let them govern themselves. For a start on the campus we suggest that all political reformers collect their parties and take them to Shirley Temple's next picture-she is sure sweet and good, isn't she? But they might also do it by throwing open Ii feinr lo Me Heywood Broun I saw an extraordinary letter in the Times the other day in which the writer said that there was practically no such thing as undeserved pov- erty. He didn't quite go to the length of identify-j ing it as the judgment of God, but the author of the little homily contended that people were poor because they didn't save when they had a chance or because they failed to equip themselves with technial training which would fit them for skilled trades. Even if these assertions were true the business of di- viding the underprivileged and the deserving and the undeserving would be harsh medicine. After all, poverty generally falls hardest of all upon the very young, and the moralist's advice of "Let them suffer for their folly" would have to inplude the philosophy of visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children. I wonder whether -he would really care to deny assistance to some boy of 5 and content himself by saying, "You should have saved your money or studied to be a skilled mechanic." 'No Technicians Today' While it is undoubtedly tre that the untrained are worse off in depressions than the highly skilled, the total problem would not be solved if everybody knew a trade. They would then glut the market just as the unskilled do today, and there are many lines of endeavor in which even proficiency does not insure a job. It was a ro- mantic notion of James M. Barrie's that any woman can go out into the world and keep her- self going the moment she knows how to use a typewriter. The heroine of "The Twelve Pound Look" had really only just begun to look when she closed the door of her home behind her and ventured into the marts of trade. By now, of course, we ought to get rid of that word "emergency" in dealing with relief. Unem- ployment in a high percentage of cases is a permanent or, at the very best, a semi-permanent problem. The quantity of "unemployables" on the rolls should end all nonsense about private enterprise taking up the slack. Recovery may come on again, but it will have to go beyond the wildest dreams before it can end the problem of the have nots. Not Even With Good Will In all fairness to private industry it could not, with the best will in the world, take over any- thing like the entire army of the jobless. What we call boom times still leave many stragglers on the sidelines. Nor do I refer to those who are unable to work, through age or impairment of health. An even greater number includes those who are not sufficiently productive to fit into the machine age. But though the picture is gloomy, something can be done about it. Naturally there should be greater opportunity for increased technical edu- cation, but there must be some relationship be- tween the opportunities and the kind of training given. The state of America would not be im- proved much if in any given year one million highly competent linotypers were thrown into the field of endeavor. Naturally the abolition of child labor would help, and so would pensioning men and women in the higher age brackets. And so will a shorter work day, but there must be large-scale planning, A brash Congressman jumped to his feet' in the House the moment the President's message had been read and exclaimed that in his district the laws of nature had not been replaced. That is no compliment to the gentleman's dis- trict, because one of the fundamental laws of nature is that anyone who cannot keep up with the procession must be allowed to starve to death without any outside assistance whatsoever, save from beasts of prey who may consent to put the stricken one out of his misery. On The :i;Lervel By WRAG A fraternity pin is a bunch of jewels symbol- ically tuck together and sold by jewelers to men who have gone through hell for a certain fra- ternal group and want some woman to wear it for them so they can go through hell together later on. * * * * Before Hell Week was abolished here, a man took a terrific beating in the posterior regions just to get a pin, and ironic as it may seem, some woman got it in the end. * * * * When paddling was in vogue, wise-cracking freshmen could always say, "Unaccustomed as I am to public spanking".. -* * * Fraternity pins come in all shapes and sizes. The Sigma Nu pin is a large star, and many Sigma Nus are embarrassed when mothers see it on their vests and think the sheriff is calling on their daughter. * * * * Some of the fraternities used to tatoo their new members with an insignia, but this was done in the good old days and had nothing whatsoever to do with the writing of "I've Got You Under My Skin." THEATRE DAILY OFFICI By NORMAN T. KIELL Publication in the Bulletin is cons University. Copy received at the offl( Fortunate Adventure until 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturday Companion piece to "Le Farce d i Cuvier given last semester by Le1 Cercle Francais is "The Comical Ad- venture of Master eter Pathelin," the Hampstead Players' presentation THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1937 VOL. XLVIII. No. 46 The Automobile Regulation will be( liff~ed fnr the Thanksiving hlida~v last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "Peter Pathelin" is the beginning at 12 noon on Wednesday, most remarkable medieval French ?.Nov. 24, until 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. farce extant, and Harold Whitehall 26. All cars brought into Ann Arbor has written an engaging anglicied for this period must be taken out be- version of it. There is no other me- fore 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 26. dieval play that has attained the Office of the Dean of Students. popularity of this amusing farce, and the performance last night is an in- To N.Y.A. Students: You are re- dication of the reason why. Here we quested to cooperate with the census have a play that has some dramatic now being taken by filling out an structure, a developed intrigue, in- Unemployment card, answering ques- stead of the usual merely comic situa- tions Nos. 1, 2c, 4 and 5. Blanks can tion. 1 be obtained from your supervisors or Peter Pathelin is a lawyer without at Dean Bursley's office, Room 2 any business, who is in dire need for University Hall. These reports should a new suit of clothes both for him- be dropped in the mail boxes before self and for his wife, Willamette. He midnight, Nov. 20. No postage stamp resorts to his neighbor, Jocelyn the is needed. draper, and by cajolery and flattery wheedles the necessary cloth out of Students Interested in Actuarial him (for which he is far overcharged) (Examinations are requested to meet with the distinct intention of never in Room 3011 Angell Hall, Thursday, 1paying for it. Peter invites the dra- Nov. 18, at 4:15 p.m. per to share the feast of roast goose that his wife has prepared, at which Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- time he will supposedly pay the ence, and the Arts: money due him. But just before Midsemester reports are due not Jocelyn gets to Peter's house, thei later than Saturday, Nov. 20. More reeve of the local court enters and cards if needed can be had at my tries to seduce Willamette with food' office. and wine. The scene provides the I These reports are understood as most hilarious farce of the evening. naming those students, freshman Peter and Willamette eventually get and upperclass, whose standing at rid of the sot. When the draper fi- midsemester time is D or E, not nally enters, he finds Peter raving, merely those who receive D or E in babbling nonsense, flinging himself so-called midsemester examinations. all over the room. The shopkeeper is Students electing our courses, but terrified and flies home. registered in other schools or col- On his way he meets his shepherd, leges of the University, should be re- Dickon Lambling, whom he hales be- ported to the school or college in fore the judge on the charge that he which they are registered. has killed and eaten his sheep, where- W. R. Humphreys, upon the shepherd appeals to Pathe-! Assistant Dean.I lin to plead his cause. On the advice of his counsel, he pretends the fool and answers nothing but "baa!" to Students, School of Education: all the questions put him. And when Courses dropped after Wednesday,1 the draper sees Pathelin defending Nov. 24, will be recorded with the the shepherd, he is stupified: for grade E except under extraordinary Pathelin is the man who has stolen circumstances. No course is consid- his cloth and he has just seen him in Bred officially dropped unless it has a raging fever! Confusedly, Jocelynb oeensreported in the office of the mixes up the two affairs of the cloth Registrar Room 4, University Hall. and the sheep, and the judge, sup- posing he has to do with an idiot, dis- Stdents, College of Engineering: misses the court. Pathelin demands The final day for removal of incom- his fee from the shepherd, but the pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 20. latter, remembering his counsel's in-' structions, answers nothing but shme rom the following "baa!" schools are reminded of the confer- The characterization and dialoguences with their principals in the Th"Mer etdiahl"alcouetRegistrar's office Thursday, Nov. 18: of "Master Peter Pathelin" account AdN ) for the great charm of the play. And Adis, Albion, Amherst (N.Y.), it is generally well enacted. Peter Ann Arbor High School, Ann Arbor Badger; in the leading role of Pathe- University High School, Battle Creek, lin, is an impish rogue. His gay aban- Bay Cty, Benton Harbor, nbrook donment is infectious. As the duped ham, Charlotte, Chelsea Cranbrookg draper. Ralph Chubb had his mom- Culver M.I. (Ind.), Dearborn High ments. His pathetic stupidity and troit, Fordson at Dearborn, De- general bewilderment were readily troi, Casse, Cetr. haekeni, beidr et w r edl G sC nrlC aecredible. W. L. Badger, in the role by, Cooley, East ern, Mackenzie, of the causticjudge, providedsome Northern, Northwestern, Redford, of the gayest moments in the play. Southeastern, Southwestern, Wes- Truman Smith has directed the tern), East Grand Rapids,(Ecorse, play with a deft and spry hand. The Fenton, Ferndale Flint. (Central, performance rolled along nimbly and Flint Junior College), sprightly, especially after a slow first Frt Wayne (Ind.), Grand Rapids act. In reverting to the original me- ,Central and Ottawa Hills, Grosse dieval stage technique of the scenes Pointe, Hamtramck, Highland Park, following eachnother without inter- Howe School (Ind.), Howell, Jack- fuption the multile s ttingi son, Kalamazoo, Lansing Central and rt on, tres u t p ledu tagsettin gsi Eastern, Marine City, Milan, Monroe, the present production garners a MutCees e re Il) a good deal of the medieval temper.'Mount Clemens, New Trier (Ill.), Oak There will be another performance Park and River Forest (Ill.), Onsted, of Dr. Whitehall's English version Oscoda, Owosso, Plymouth, Pontiac, of the play given tonight. Port Huron, River Rouge, Royal Oak, Saginaw High School and Arthur Crooks, tenor, will give a concert in the Choral Union Series. Friday night, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi- torium, Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents an exhibition of modern American and German water colors from the collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, in the North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. Open daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., always free to students. AL BULLETIN structlvo ntee to r l re-br- cf the cc of the Assistant to the President Lectures French Lecture: Professor George Lafourcade of the University of Gre- noble will give the first lecture on the Cercle Francais program tomor- row at 4:15 p.m., Room 103 Romance Language Building, on "Quelques maitres du Roman-Fleuve: Martin du Gard, Lacretelle, Duhamel, Ro- mains." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan- guages (112 RL) or at the door at the time of the lecture. Illustrated Lecture: W. M. Potter, Illuminating Engineer, General Elec- tric Co., will speak on "Illumination of the Garden," Friday at 11 a.m. in Room 231 Angell Hall. Illustrated. 'Public invited. Events Today University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. Prof. Joseph Brinkman. Music Class. German Journal Club: There will be a meeting today at 4 p.m. in Room 304 Michigan Union. Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 today in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. W. Carl Rufus will speak on "Recently Discovered Original Notes, Computations, Correspondence, etc., by James Craig Watson." Tea will be served at 4:00. Graduate Engineering Students: Iota Alpha meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3205, East Engineering Building. The meeting is open to all grad- uate students in engineering. Profes- sor Avard Fairbanks of the Institute of Fine Arts is the speaker of the evening and will illustrate his talk with sculpture demonstrations. Omega Upsilon, national honorary radio sorority, invites all women in- terested in radio to try out for mem- bership at 7:30 p.m. today at Morris Hall. Bring your own script. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting of the University of Michigan Student Branch of the Institute of the Aero- nautical Sciences tonight at 7:30 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium. Motion pictures on airflow, as taken by the Army Air Corps, will be shown. All interested are invited to attend. , t ,, i A.I.E.E.: Meeting tonight at 7:15 p.m. at Morris Hall. Prof. S. A. Goudsmit of the University Physics Department will speak on "Artificial RnrlinA *ivit "1Refreshments will be FORUM Scaring It Again To the Editor: This letter is in the form of a mes- sage to those who wish to know the stand, taken by students living quite a distance from Ann Arbor, on the Thanksgiving vacation. Considering the fact that I am from New York, I believe that I am qualified to express these views. h I know that Eastern students are{ in a minority in this institution, and it would be foolish to think, or even expect, that if we were given the right to a real Thanksgiving vacation that we would all take advantage of the privilege. I don't believe that more than one hundred students. from the east would travel all the way home. 'The most that they could hope for, spending a Thanksgiving vacation with some friends or relatives nearby (I know that this is true in my case). The argument has been advanced against the proposed vacation, that there are many out-of-state stu- dents who could not take advantage of it. Let me say, that this argument is wholly selfish since a large major- ity of the student body is from Mich- igan. It should be in all fairness that they, who can take full ad- vantage of such a happy and joyous holiday should not be denied the privilege on the flimsy argument that. many cannot capitalize on the "priv- ilege" of a Thanksgiving vacation. In fairness to all, let's have a real Thanksgiving. J. Leonard Brandt, '40. Refuse Michigan Indians Free Hunting Permission LANSING, Nov. 17.-(A)-Conser- i H ill, Libbey (Toledo, 0.), Walledi * ASr'..AX Lake, Wayne, Ypsilanti High School served. and Roosevelt at Ypsilanti. _ _International Relations Club will Upperclassmen: Former students meet tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan of the schools listed above are invited League, the topic for discussion be- to, stop at the Registrar's Office Nov. ing "The Conflict in the Far East." 18. If you will call Extension 373 you can learn at what hours your principal will be having interviews. Ira M. Smith, Registrar. Freshman Instructors: Principals and teachers from 70 high schools will be in the Registrar's office on Thursday morning, Nov. 18, to con- fer with their former students. You are invited to stop in to meet and talk with them. Ira M. Smith, Registrar. A new section in speech-reading, is forming for students in the Univer- sity whose fractional hearing makes it necessary to do speech-reading. .The first meeting will be held Thurs- day at one. Schedules will =be ar- ranged, subject to the individual, for additional practice hours. Anyone wishing the work, and unable to come on Thursday, come to 1007 East Huron and make arrangements., Professor Bessie L. Whitaker. Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union in good stand- ing, who call personally, will be given pass tickets for the Richard Crooks concert Friday night, at the School of Music office between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4, on Friday. After 4 p.m., no ticlets will be given out. Academic Notices Naval Arch: I shall not meet the) class in Naval Architecture 1 at 11 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Association Fireside: Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Student Re- ligious Association, will discuss with us some of his experiences in India. Come and chat with him in Lane Hall, tonight at 8 p.m. The Associa- tion FiresideSessions are open to all members of the University. Scimitar: There will be a meeting of Scimitar tonight, 7:30 p.m. at the Union. All members are requested to be present. Reading Hour: The classes in Oral Reading will give a program of well known poems tonight at 7: p.m., in Room 302 Mason Hall. Men's Physical Education Club tonight at 9 o'clock in Room 323 in the Men's Uhion. A brief business meeting with important matters up for discussion. All Physical Education students are urged to attend. Independent Men's Organization: There will be a meeting of the pub- licity committee in Room 318 of the Union tonight at 7:30 p.m. Freshman Girl's Glee Club: There will be the usual meeting tonight at the League at 7:15 p.m. Members are invited to stay for the party af- terwards. Coming Events There will be a meeting of the En- tertainment Committee at 3 p.m. Friday in the rehearsal room of the i-