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November 17, 1937 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-17

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wW"L""a", NOV. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY







Top Shape


Regulars Are
Sent Through
Offensive Drill'
Stanton Regains Starting
Fullback Post; Ritchie
Stars As Passer
The Varsity gridders, finished their
second workout yesterday in prep-
~aatiorn fo-r theB uekeiprtrcP tYAiy Ae t





Chi Psi Downs
Phi Sigs; Gains
L d1 i

WANTED: A board job for
six-foot, 192 pound half-
back. Fast, shifty. Can pass,
punt and pray, if necessary.
Waiter job preferred, although
any acceptable. Please notify at
once as more lucrative offers I
I -a.it. Apply Tom Harmon.

remuneration, with nothing but
the chance to get an education,
because Michigan offers him
that chance. Literally starving}
for an education, to put it suc-
Wonder what Alex Loiko's reac-
tion to Tulane's offer would have;

entleman representing Y a 1 e
University wanted to know
where we got the information
that they had made a monetary
offer to one Tom Harmon. We
denied saying Yale had made a
"monetary offer," but repeated
the Eastern school was reported


[peeU °U t i n ]iai Back in 1926, when a Wolverine
p quarterback named Bennie Friedman
was making gridiron history, a nine
McLean And Vandenberg year old boy in Charleston, W. Va.,
Cramon "Tex" Stanton, was reading
Lead Teaml To 6-2 Win; of his exploits with more than passing
Kappa Nu Is Victor interest, such great interest in fact
that nine years later, he ended up on
Using their height to the fullest the same gridiron, playing for the
extent Chi Psi entered the finals of same team.


.,c.y ga u' e oar- a BtLohautUefore reaching is amition,
urday and gave plenty of indication Let 'em Eat Cake been? Remember Alex? to have mae a bid-in what the interfraternity speedball chain- there'd been a lot of training and
that they will be in peak form for form we didn't know and didn't pionship yesterday by defeating Phi grind, training which had resulted in
the tussel with the "scarlet scourge." Although facetiousiy put, the want AN INTERESTING aside line to say-for the Gary boy. After a Sigma Delta 6 to 2. In the other af- his playing on the all-state champion
In a practice thatad above states an ironic truth. Tom Harmon's situation: His brther brief explanation, it was decided ternoon game Kappa Nu downed Charleston High eleven for his last
ms h tefhawas devoted al- ao e te a ntentered Purdue several years ago that maybe a Yale alumnus Theta Delta Chi 11 to 4 in a second Charso High elev n sl-
most wholly to offensive drills the Harmon, the center of a nation-wide, ihgetpaso lyn akt rahdtepsiiiiso l lc lyf ae two years of high school and conse-t
first string eleven proselyting controversy, reported re- ball gre Pg L b But am- EAnd then a a glme.n quently ending up with the title of
ciin fmntr nueetball for Piggy Lambert. But Lam- El And then a pause With a forward wall averaging all-state high school halfback both
sapdthrough~ cipient of monetary inducements, bert thought otherwise and cut him "Tell me," he inquird"h o ve i eti h sihdalsaehg sho afakbt
dgh needs a board job in order to stay in over six feet in height, Chi Psi had years.
running and pass the University of Michigan. .He has off the squad. Resentful of such is this fellow Dean Bates?" full power over their opponents Rated A Sure Tackler
plays with a pre- asked Coach Harry Kipke to get one treatment, Tom's brother left Pur- We explained that "Dean" was not throughout the entire game. Al- Rated by Coach Kipke as the surest
cision that has sel--for him, and Kipke has given him due, hied for Tulane, where he even- the man's first name but his posi- though their defensive strength tackler on this year's Varsity squad,
dom been apparent an indefinite answer. He has written a becamdbasktba captain. If th m me t hig showed up in the first half it was not he has played a consistent all-around
thus far this year. his mother for advice in te a r at first you don't succeed . . tion in the University of Michigan until the second half that the Chi game since his arrival on campus and
thusafarcthis.year.lhisemotherafornadvicebinuthe matter.,
T tAt any rate, he says unless one is NI)J A *1, B N Law School. A Yale fellow was on Psis brought in their points., hits the line with plenty of power
The first string mearl y flO arezUt No-.. the verge of another idignant rise. Advantage Used In Passes from his fullback position. Number
lineup used by forthcoming within the next couple;DeanvBates, inedspeechaateFlint
Coach Kipke was of weeks he will be forced to with- YESTERDAY afternoon when we Dmane abou t i t, John McLean and Larry Vanden- one replacement for Cedric Sweet last
same as the one draw. arrived at the Daily, a memo to ofpiestern Y suds, berg each scored two of the winners year, he has played in every game
call Operator 34, New Haven, Conn., tionofMidwestern "star students," points while Ed Greenwald and Dick this season.
t h a t s t a r t e d Harmon is either a youthful not star athletes. An AP wire carried Haas accounted for the other two Butler of Minnesota is the tough-
against Pennsyl- idealist of exceptional character gpit and Yale heard about it. And tallies With the height in their est player he's played against this
Janke vania with the ex- or a victim of short-sightedness. We called with bated breath. wonderment set in. But when the fall, he thinks, and Minnesota's been
ception of Tex Stanton who replaced With pots of gold apparently his .j Was this an offer to coach Yale? long-distance call had terminated, time i psi he ball ov theirm the hardest team so far. And he pre-
John Kinsey at fullback, Don Siegal for the asking, he pledges to Or did he want the dope? We he announced that "things are muchtime in passing the ball over dicts a win next Saturday and sug-
who was at tackle in place of Fred do-or-die for Michigan, without weren't long finding out. A clearer now."'n s dests watching Purucker.
Janke and Bill Barclay who filled- Putting up a strong defensive wall Yes, he admitted, football inter-
Norm Purucker's post at wingback. Phi Sigma Delta was able to cut fens with studying and that seems
Punting Receives Stress Sectional Suprem acy No Longer I-M SPEEDBALL FOR TODAY down on the passing attacks of the y
Janke suffered a slight knee injury 4:15-Pi Lambda Phi vs. Phi State Street boys, but in the last__y oiclwhnhewntota
n Monday's practice but is expected Features IhicKappaeSima. e "hrs o y
to be back in the line-up within a F c ur sI t c legia e F ot a lBet ha Pi vs. Sigma lpowerful. In he first half Manny 1
day or two. Purucker, the standout - - --- _ Alpha Mu. Slavn pushed across a goal and in
daynr two.Pnng ethsedsandobyuBy ELAFlNEB4:30-Phi Delta Theta vs. the second half he repeated this act.
ityBy MEL FINEBERG Greeley s advice and wert West in Lambda Chi Alpha. Although he failed to make a tally,
Prcedoh tep iyas classesprobably the most outstanding de- a big wy Rockne-coached Notre 5:00-Psi Upsilon vs. Sigma Chi. the playing of Ralph Read, a mem-\
velopment in the football world out- r e
Much stress was placed on punt- side of the rule changes in the last Dame, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio State ber of the ame
ing yesterday as the coaches feel that five years has been the breaking Purdue, Northwestern, Minnesota all Freshman uttagersa gWere Never In Danger
Saturday may find the field in a con- down of sectional supremacy. Now, took the football reins in their hands. In We Nver g n Danr
dition similar to that of Franklin for the first time in the long history The Big Ten became the "toughest igIn the other game Kappa Nu was
Field in Philadelphia last week when of football, no one region of the league" in football. a me in dhem of thsingrst
game. From the time of the first
sloppy conditions forced the Wolver- country tops the gridiron heap. Just a few years after the incep- kickoff until the end of the game
ines to punt 16 times from deep in It all started that memorable dayI tion of gridiron madness in the Mid- they dominated the play. Arnold
their own territory, back in 1869 when Rutgers and West, the bug hit Dixie. They too first call for freshman basketball Friedman led the winners in scoringYR
Included in the punting drill were Princeton got together in a slightly wanted their share of fame, money, practice at W aterman Gym this week. er'ith five tallies, while right behindthfivetallies,_hilerightbehin
Kinsey, who was brought up from modified form of mass murder which All-Americans, stadia, and bonds. The squad was divided into 11 him with four points was his team-
the Jay Vees because of his punting the former finally won 6-4 (points The 'Crimson Tide of Alabama be- teams by Coach Ray Fisher and they mate Phil Fields.
ability, Fred Trosko, sophomore tail- not killings). From that day down came a name to be feared; Duke, have been engaging in sets of scrim- Bob Harrison and Max Lerner ac-..
back and Wally Hook. through the '90's and up to the be- Tennessee, Georgia, Vanderbilt and mages for the last two nights, with counted for the other two scores of * **,<
Try Ohio State Plays ginning of the '20's the East held Tulane all had to be reckoned with one squad doing double duty. As the winners, while Doug MacFarland
Stark Ritchie continued to get the the football sceptre in its hand. Wal- in picking the top team of the na- could be expected for the first scrim- led the Theta Delts in pints with
call over Fred Trosko at the tail- ter Camp's selections came from tion, mage of the year the shooting was.two.to.his....d...
back post and seemed to justify within the cloistered walls of Yale, Becomes A Roling Ball ragged and the passing badly timed. __________'_____________
Kipke's choice by completing a num- Harvard, Princeton and Pennsyl-' But the ball had just started to dThe first cut will be made at the All members of freshman boxing
eropassaantarertO-roll. It picked up more momentum end of the week. sudarisedt ee3oayi{ .
position nd showing lotsr ofspe. Then They Went West and went to the Coast. Who pan for Practice will continue the first four boxing room in Waterman Gym at
on ground plays. Of course there were exceptions to;get the power teams of Southern nights of each week at Waterman 4:30 this afternoon.
The second string eleven spent the astern stranglehold notably the California of '31 and '32? They Gym for about a month. About
most of the afternoon polishing their Michigan-Yost point-a-minute teams were unbeatable in those days. Stan- Christmas time those remaining n Vern Larson.
defensive against - of 1901-1905, the California teams of ford, the Washingtons (State and the souad will move to the I-M for
Ohio State plays 19191921, and the Notre Dame squads University), Santa Clara, St. Marys afternoon workouts. COOPER-LITTLE LEA MEET
dish ed up by of 1919-1920. craze took Mrall captured more than their share of ----PINEHURST, N.C., Nov. 16.-(AP)-
Coach Ray FishThen the football football victories. S Harry Cooper and Lawson Little
er's freshmen. - To complete the cycle the South- s
A series of newa Gwest put in their bid. The flying cir- Hd to register a one-stroke advantage at
plays designed by Jay V ee Guard cus of S.M.U., Arkansas, T.C.U., Bay- Mid-Su thte half-way tnark in the 36-hole
the coaches for the lor, Rice, and Texas took the country Md-South golf tournament.
3uckeye t uss sle IIby storm by their daring type of Six first-round matches opened the
again received a -sInjured, M aplay. The range-hardened boys' Interfraternity handball tournament
great amount of + " from the sage country were playing last night at the I-M building with i
attention. INot Face Alm a basketball on the gridiron to the ac- play continuing this week.RA D
The motion pic- companiment of college swing bands Tau Kappa Epsilon defeated Delta t
tures taken of the ., while the staid East still thought Upsilon 3 to 0 in the opening match.
Quaker game Sat- Ritchie Michigan's Junior Varsity football the fourth down pass was a worse Phi Sigma Delta whipped Theta Chi
urday have not been made available team, beaten in its first three games gamble than the stock market. 2 to 1. Sigma Alpha Mu beat SigmaSE V IC
as yet but the coaches have been this season will make its final start Phi Epsilon d
workin on those weaknesses that of the year against Alma College Satll this is over now. Every played contest. Kappa Sigma nosed DAY or N ITE
were most evident in the game. ur day morning at Ferry Field prob-!!f
section has top notch teams. No one out Trigon also by the score of 2
Pass defense drills which were ably without the use of one of its n1
heavily featured in the workouts; regular guards, Jerry Belsky. rgon run arouh sho overy teamsappo Tau whitewashed Sig- I
from other parts of the country. Phi Kappa earlier this season have come into Although the team came out of the
Prominence again as the Buckeyes Michigan State game in good physical Take the top teams of this year for ma Alpha Epsilon 3 to 0. Sigma Chi
earler hisseaon hve omeint Altoug th tem cae ot o th a striking example. The sports writ- won on a forfeit from Phi Gamma Poe224
are expected to display quite an aer- shape, it may take the field against Phone 2-2644
ia game Saturday. Alma without the services of Belsky ers pick Pitt in the East as the coun- Delta. The Phi Kappa Psi-Phi Sig-
'ractice today will be more or less because of a fractured wrist he re- try's best. California in the Far ma Kappa match was postponed un- Rufus-
stenuous with the remainder of the ceived. After playing almost a full West is their choice for the second Ph ea
sessions this week tapering off as far game against the Spartans and cof- slot and Alabama is in the show po-t Phi Beta Delta, defending cham-i I Winchester O
as hard work is concerned. ing out none the worse from it, Belsky sition. Three teams from the East, pions, drew a bye in the opening
was injured on his way home from two from the South, one from the round. They will meet Phi Kappa CORates R E
RAIN KEEPS OHIO STATE IN the game when he was thrown from Big Ten, and one from the Coast Tau Monday in the first defense of 211 East Liberty Street
RAINKEESOHIO( STaTin kepthis bicycle. rounded out the first ten. their title.
COLUMBUS, O.,--P)-Rain kept
Ohio State's gridders under shelter
today where they practiced for their
game against Michigan Saturday.
End Charles Ream was at Alex WIf you can't go home for Than
Schoenbaum's ankle is injured. Keith W ESTC H EST1 E R E L TSthe folks. Lw night and Sund
Bliss took over Reams position. FRIENDLY SHOES effect to points within the Uni
~ ~ giving Day this year. Rates fo
Uf- T are shown below. For rates tc
(l3 ( " _i 7:_

. -
a. a:> i
'1 .



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