T H E MICH IGAN D AILY WEBNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1937 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I Three Envoys Debate At Nine Power Conference CLASSIFIED AIERteNd France. England and America talked over the Sino-Japanese war in Brussels last week in the person of these three diplomats: left to right, Anthony Eden, foreign minister of Great Britain! Norman Davis, U.S. ambassador-at-large, and Yvon Delbos, foreign minister of the French Popular Front Government. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 3Mversity. Copy received at the oam at the Asoitant to the Presm t UtM 3:30; 11:00 am. an Saturday. WED}NE LAY, NOV. 17, 1937 University are due in the office of the school, Nov. 20. Report blanks for VOL. XLVIII. No. 44 this purpose may be secured from Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- the office of the school or from Room ence, and the Arts: 4 U.H. - -- . LI W .. .j .- i - went too far in this advertising of Midsemester reports are due not their institutions. Scholarships were later than Saturday, Nov. 20. More often used as enticements. Now, in cards if needed can be had at my; cooperation with colleges, high office. schools are establishing guidance pro- These reports are understood as grams and bureaus for college coun- naming those students, freshman; seling. These moves likewise are of and upperclass, whose standing at; vital interest to the Michigan Asso-1 midsemester time is D or E, not ciation of North Central Colleges, he merely those who receive D or E in; said. ;so-ca ed midsemester examinations.; Robert Williams, Assistant Registrar. Students, School of Education: 'Courses dropped after Wednesday, Nov. 24. will be recorded with the grade E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is consid- ered officially dropped unless it has nba rant d in tha f ir of the to stop at the Registrar's Office Nov. i 1. If youl will call Extension 373 plinipal wll be having interviews. " a M. Smith. Registrar. Fr h r ~an InI ructors: Principals and te.her om in70 high schools will be in t e Registrar s office on: fhunr day mwrnIng. Nov. 18. to con- fer with their fovmer students. You, are im ited to op in to meet and 'alk wth' them. Ira I. ith, Registrar. .a8 M alicn ' mninecrs: A rep- cnI atie of the Ammonia Depart- ment of the E. I. DuPont De Ne- mours & Company. will be here next week to interview men interested in the possibility of employment in this dlepaitment. For further details, consult Mechanical Engineering bul- letin board. stue-j_- nere_ din. Actuarial EL amintions :re requested to meet in Room 3011 Angeli Hall, Thursday. Nov. 18. at 4:15 p.m. NOTICES TYPING--Carefully and accurately done. L. M. Heywood. 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. 106 HOME-COOKED MEALS for men students at 420 S. Division. 179 MODERN Beauty Shoppe - Week Special fitch or drene shampoo and finger ware with lemon ring .50c End permanent $1.00 up. WANTED FACULTY family desires house for 2nd semester. Reasonable rent. Call 9803. DRESSMAKING: Alteration and repairing. Expert alteration of knit Spanish War Posters Paisedi By Slusser (Continued from Page 1) movement that began about 1906. The artists retained an aesthetic idiom even for the most utilitarian messages. Commenting en the austerity and the use of very few colors in the pos- -ters, he said that the former was largely in keeping with the character of the Spanish people and that the lack of many colors was dictated to a yrea t degree by the need for econ- omly. One poster which showed "much charm for so bitter a message," de- picted the Nationals, a cardinal, a Nazi. an Italian and two Africans, sailing in a boat that bristles with guns, carrying the motto "Up With Spain." Another work. which Professor Slusser thought very powerful, was the poster urging civilians to "Evac- uate Madrid" by picturing a group of mothers' holding their babies and looking up at the airplanes hovering ;overhead. janitor Union - iallenges Charges Of Grounds Head Continued from Page 1) stated. Other men, receiving no extra renumeration, take over the vork> while still doing their own. -They could give us two weeks if they wanted and it still wouldn't cost them anything extra," Reynolds declared. A meeting of the custodians local, which is affiliated with the CIO State. County and Municipal Work- ers of America, will be held at 7 p.m. today in Unity Hall, Reynolds an- nounced. He urged all custodians to attend. THE HAMPSTEAD PLAYERS -- present HAROLD WHITEHALL'S "THE COMICAL ADVENTURE of MASTER PETER PAT HEL N" LYDIA MENDELSSOhN THEATRE Wednesday - Thursday. November 17-18, 8:30 P.M. 50c and 35c Telephone 6300 2:00 -- 4:00 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. NOW PLAYING! -Extra-- --__ POPEYE CARTOON NEWS OF SFOWL PLAY" THE DAY %I wear. Mrs. C. Walling, 118 E. Cath- erine. Call 4726. 133 TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone! 5244. 3x CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any' old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,' $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. 2x LAUNDRY -AUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low prices. FOR SALE LOST: Mich. ward. Ch onex wrst watch near Theatre Sunday night. Re- Call Randall Price, Lawyer's Club, 4145. 178 LOST: A red Shea ffe pen and pencil set, inseribed Fleanor Miron, Re- ttinn to 411 Mosher. Reward. 181 NEW RETINA kodak, filters. 'tripod, etc. by discount- need cash. Call 2-1536. Toyoka Nagashina. 170 FOR RENT ROOMS for men. Shower bath, steam heat. Phone 8544. 422 East Wash- ington. 177 LOST AND FOUND - _______- -- Students electing our courses, but 1JceII ipJr Ucz iLne oriceo'Ln registered in other schools or col- Registtrar, Room 4, University Hall. lichigan-Ohio Grad leges of the University, should be re- ported to the school or college in Freshmen from the following Smoker Is Tonight which they are registered. schools are reminded of the confer- _______W. R. Humphreys, Assistant De.Iences with their principals in the The 24th annual Michigan-Ohio ssistant ean. Registrar's office Thursday, Nov. 18: alumni smoker will be held onig Students, College of Literature, Addison, Albion, Amherst (N.Y.), in Toledo. From Ann Arbor will go Science, and the Arts: Courses Ann Arbor High School, Ann Arbor Coach Wally Weber, Robert O. Mor- dropped after Wednesday, Nov. 24, University High School, Battle Creek, gan, secretary of the Class Officers' will be recorded with the grade E. Bay City. Benton Harbor, Birming- Council, and center on the Michigan Exception may be made in extra- amCt Bnton CHarsor rng-k team in 1930 and Ernie Vick, All ordinary circumstances, such as -se-hae- American center here in 1921. ,vere or long continued illness. Culver M.I. (Ind.). Dearborn High hgd k School, Fordson at Dearborn, De- Ohio State 'delegates include Jack - troit, (Cass, Central, Chadsey, Den- Fullon, Ohio State alumni secretary, Students, College of Engineering: and Fritz Mackey, Ohio coach. J. The final day for removal of incom- by, Cooley, Eastern, Mackenzie, Fred Lawton, '11, composer of "Var- pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 20. Northern, Northwestern, Redford, ______Southeastern. Southwestern, Wes- sity," and Eddie Howell, a Michigant sh, alumnus whose chief claim to fame, Freshmen in the College of Litera- 1Icern), East Grand Rapids, Ecorse. according to Morgan, is that he sings ture, Science and the Arts, who have Fenton, Ferndale, Flint (Central, "The Victors" standing on his hands,I not received their five-week progress Northern and Flint Junior College) are-to be on the program. reports may obtain them in Room: Fort Wayne Ind.). Grand Rapids 107, Mason Hall, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Ventral and Ottawa Hills, Grosse of the Ohio-California and Ohio-n and 1:30 to 4 p.m. according to the Pointe, Hamtramck, Highland Park diana games, while Morgan will show following schedule: £owe School Ind.). Howell, Jack- pictures of the Michigan-Pennsyl- j Surnames beginning P through Z, son, Kalamazoo, Lansing Central and vnagm.Monday, Nov. 15. Eastern. Marine City, Milan, Monroe, Surnames beginning H through O, Mount Clemens, New Trier (Ill.), Oak Tuesday, Nov. 16. wark and River Forest (Ill.), Onsted, Goudsmit To Talk Surnames beginning A through G, Oscoda. Owosso, Plymouth. Pontiac. Wednesday, Nov. 17. Port Huron, River Rouge, Royal Oak. On Radio Activity; School of MusiCllege of Archi ' L HighSchool and Arthur Schol f usi, ollge f rch iHill, Libbey (Toledo, 0.), Walled' Lake, Wayne. Ypsilanti High School The University branch of the I and Roosevelt at Ypsilanti. semester reports indicating students American Institute of Electrical En- 1 enrolled in these units doing unsatis- Upperclassmen: Former students gineering will conduct a meeting in factory work in any unit of the of the schools listed above are invited Morris Hall at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow.-.----- ----- ------ night. The meeting will feature a -- _ -_ talk by Dr. Samuel A. Goudsmit of the Physics department. The subject of Dr. Goudsmit's talk will be "Artifi- cial Radio Activity." A.S.M.F.: All members who signed up and paid their dues before Oct. 29. 1937 may secure their copies of' Mechanical Engineering and theirC membership cards in Room 221 Westj Engineering Building. Pins will be available shortly. Thse who signed; up after Oct. 29. 1937 will receive; (Continudc on Page 4) 1 TOMORROW! HO DEP MenSiona THAT TO ACCOMMODATE TH E CROWDS {{ WE FEATURE THIS EVENT IN BOTH Main Floor andBsmn S HOE D EPA RT ME NTS I r i Brush Your Teeth AT LEAST TWICE A DAY - but be sure to do -it with a rcliable brush and powder signified by- RACCE'71 at his SEAL eansto IIO S Ti Am rce : '-C1alA ocia- +vir 1S~ CO mombrs Sol o rooP _c1, r d C it ~or'bearngiflhave c o y i,.ccouncil o clingejeth. 'Pr-rPf4ofe-tic BRAND TOOTH POWDER Heres a tooth powdrd yucntr o wh confidence, knowing that it wil clean your teeth thorou iy and safely. For Pro-phy-lac-c Tooth Powder has been awarded the sea of the American Dona soito and accepted- oci teeth by the Associaion's CounciTOOT of Dental Therapeuti p Add ne... sparkling alr oyu rkeb rsigyu et tlat i rnoby Orass in y e e c tice a day wth a Tooth Powder GetacnfrmuI Soa!_pecial Sale I'I I E I ,' I A '' e -'' ' . r 7? * . . 'Q - CORONA eFloating shift, touch selec- tor, piano key action. Amaz- ingly smooth, easy running and durable. As low as $1.00 a week. Free carrying case (makes splendid over- night bag.) Pro-phy-lac-tic Combination. A 75c Value of POWDER and BRUSH for 49c Dr. West Combination. A $1.00 Value of CALOX POWDER and DR. WEST BRUSH for 59c j~ Visit our drug department for most reasonable values in tc We take extra precautions to that your desires are efficie and thoroughly satisfied. the own. see ntly I. - L'n Q* D. MORRILL 314 South State Street Dealer: New L. C. Smith, Corona and all makes and models of new Portables. Used and Reconditioned typewriters, in a j. a I i a a irll 1 'Wt w t e 3e~ I I Ili,( POlPLAR OF ALL STYLES at UN- 3l 3l