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November 17, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-17

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The Weather
Snow flurries today and
tomorrow; somewhat colder in
extreme southeast today.


41k iga


When The Bus
And Bears Weep .". .
Ho-Hum No. 2 .. .

r- -




Chlinese Fle eSlusser Praises War Posters,

AntiLnchi German RoyaltyTRIE FIE AdmN B

First Feature Of Spanish Week| Killed As Plane
From Nanking eat-eIy
Two Spanish War Films an ambulance en route from Holly-!s Crashes In Fog o Fre s h n
As Jap Forces To Complete Local Drive wood to Spain.t by The Motion PictureONExlrmoess
For Loyalist Medical Aid Artists' Committee, of which Donald A flaming Belgian airliner crashed
Ogden Stuart is chairman and which
CrcCeene EgtrLylsaosesocxhkths mn t mmesPulMnQiblfvrCrpBleinhshtedahoeaBlinInRp yB
Eighty Loyalist posters on exhibit hsmngfog today, all but wiping out the an-
in Room 103 of the Romance Lan- Franchot Tone and Nancy Carroll Halts House; Senators cient grand ducal line of Hesse bei
Martin North, Hollywood writer, will S Filibuster Rhein.
Brussels Parley Offends guage Building as the first feature of speak at the showings. All 11 occupants of the London-
JapaneseHSpanish Week are "more powerful Spanish Week will come to a close * bound plane were killed-including Schol
PgP f i and eloquent than most commercial with the presentation of "The Span- Repu five members of the former German Belgian King, British Hai
Russia Hit , Particularly and war posters," in the opinion of ish Earth" Friday and Saturday at royal family which has close blood .
Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the archi- the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The Session As Needless r f ties with every reigning house in Statesman On Visit Pre
Ambassador Davis tecture college. Art Cinema League is presenting -this Europe.
film, on which Ernest Hemingway WASHINGTON, Nov. I6.-(P)-Ad- The victims: LONDON, Nov. 16. -(,P)-KingAS
T lsThe exhibition, which will be open an 'oi Asswreit81 vemnsrtin laes epes
Talks With Russia from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from-1 to and Joris Ivens worked, at 8:15 eve- miitrati ledsphelplessly Grand Duke George Donatus Von Leopold of Belgium came to London
th Russiafromp9.m.to1y, npa fhr1toing performances on both days and watched their well-laid plans go awry Hesse Rhein, 31, grandson of Queen tonight and Viscount Halifax left for I
_____5 p.m. today, is part of the drive toata31Frdymine today and President Roosevelt's spe-Vitra
SHANGHAI, Nov. 17.-( )-(Wed- raise funds for medical aid and sup- cial-session program came to an The Grand Dukes 26 year old wifBerlin, both on state visits in the
nesday)-P-China was fighting a plies for Loyalist Spain. The drive C posters, Professor Slusser told a abrupt, if temporary halt. the former Princess Cecile of Greece interests of Europe's peace. 1I Lates
desperate, back-to-the-wall fight to- isnsponsordnbyetheePaceiCommitteth-tandDrofessorandsser told
dayopreservk-e-he-r iependencof the Progressive Club and the Ann group of persons at the exhibit Mon- In the Senate. meantime, South- and Denmark and a first cousin of Leopold arrived for a three-day Univers
day to preserve her independence day evening, in recent years is em- erners conducted an old-fashioned the Duchess of Kent. visit by which he hopes to strengthen
from Japan with the odds increasing- aphasizing more and more social filibuster against anti-lynching leg- Their sons, Prince Ludwig Ernest, the friendship between his country he, br
ly against her. - themes. islation, adorned with the usual trim- 6 and Prince Alexander George 4 and the British Empire. ,
The government already was evac- "Heart of Spain," the film about The Spanish poster artists, al- mings of full-throated oratory and The Grand Duke's mother, the A few hours earlier, Viscount Hali- terday
uating Nanking, the capital. Gener- blood transfusions in the Spanish though under great strain, did not lengthy reading fros old Congres- Vonge G Rhe6 wdowo fax left for Berlin to confer with it sough
alissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's forces war, will be shown tomorrow at 4:15 fall back to realism, Professor Slus- sional Records. .DowaeseG r hess 6liowo Cm
were striving frantically to hold Soo- and 8:15 p.m. in the Union Ball- ser said, but adopted the newer forms Block Adjournment Grand Duke Ludwig who died re- 'importance to British-German rela- h
chow, pivotal point of the main Chi- room. The movie is being brought of simplified design and cubism, the the House, while confusion H cently tionss
nese defense line, against 250,000 Jap- to Ann Arbor for Spanish Week in Continued on Page 2n the better of Speaker William H Baron Von Riedessel Zu Eisenbach Lord Halifax entrained for Berlin This
anese stretched across a 110-mie bitingly of calling a Republicans spoke marshal of the Grand Duke's court. after a last minute conference with Daily's
front 50 miles west of Shanghai. Cith o work Herr Martens, German glider ex- Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. with a
Terrified Chinese were fleeing by 'ssi cers stounciliwth norkdready tob done.dThen He and Hitler will hold "informal" telegra
thousands from the path of two Jap- n they blocked an effort to adjourn Lena Hahn, maid. conversations on colonies, chances ,
anes armies-one striking west from Ofonversations untilFriday.ies, .chvaneT
Shanghai in a drive on Nanking, Of0'38 N am ed seclares J The root of the difficulty was the Three news members. for Euroe ecurity arrangements, vealed
the other closing in on Tsinanfu, fact that, while both Houses had The news overwhelmed Prince thetRome-Bsouther
*!.Ldi VnHsebi hi h questions.
capital of Shantung province in W Ballot EInvalid agreed to take up crop-control legis- wwho
North China. lo ction 1 ation immediately upon reconvening, was waiting at Croydon airfield in I Conta
Cnrnhnr sgtheir agriculture committees were not London to welcome his mother, bro- and wi
ld to preventnthetJapanesefromready to submit a bill for considera- ther and members of his brother's Fate Of M ove to conf
gledin th preent R r th aee from Pick No Opposition Slate; IWashtenaw Protest Brings tion on the floor. family as his wedding guests. replied:
SRader Declares Farmer, Decision; Evein Votes The President had called for a farm The swift succession of deaths in Fo past sur
arre oTsnnukesiehavsae.ecae ar e, D csin°vbin oe bill, wage-and-hour legislation, Gov- tie 16th 'century family created 'hepa
tacks. And Crosman Elected Had Been Thrown Out enrment reorganization and regional three Grand Dukes Hesse bei Rhein T lition to
planning and had given a signal to go in a month. George, who was killed U TJo pTuthven ly woul
BRUSSELS, Nov. 16.-(9P)-Faced Officers for three senior classes A new junior class literary college ahead with preliminary work on tax today, just had succeeded to the title since h:
by a Japanese declaration that the were declared elected yesterday by election will be held Dec. 1, the Men's revision. aon the death of his father. Ludwig, thought
Y Ielcton il b hed ec 1,th Mn's RoraniatonWar Pt ff 29, now becomes the grand duke. 400P ito
Brussels conference had closed "for- Hugh Rader, '38, president of the Council decided yesterday when bal Onleorganization ne es the an uk Asking to Tula
ever" the door to mediation of the Men's Council, when no opposition n igayn"y government reorganization Eyewitnesses said the plane struckgIig "
Far Eastern conflict, Norman H. Da- was offered candidates who were loting of last Wednesday was thrown legislation was ready. House leaders a chimney in attempting to land at! No Classes Be Conducted' As re
vis, head of the United States delega- nominated. atby yesterday that the time was Steene airport on the outskirts of; van com
tion, conferred with Russian officials In the literary college, Douglas Party.!inopportune for considering it, and Ostend. One wing was torn off Thanksgiving Week-End made t
today on procedure at the next stage Farmer was declared president; Shirl The Washtenaw protest came after in the Senate the anti-lynching issue and the crippled ship crashed 300 scholar
of the conference. Crosman, vice-president; Katherine ballots cast in the evening were dis- was interposed today. yards away with a violent explosion, Sponsors of the request for a vaca- in the q
A statement issued by the Japanese Johnson, secretary; and Bill Centner, carded. This gave the State Street Despite a lack of bills on which followed by flames. tion Friday and Saturday after Harm
embassy sharply criticized the powers treasurer. party a sweeping victory and left to work, the chairmen of the com-' -Thanksgiving will present their peti- the Dai
participating in the conference, par- Those named to class offices in the Washtenaw with only one J-Hop po- mittees which have charge of revenue tions, containing more than 4,000 self oft
ticularly Russia, and said that the business administration school are sitinleislationindicated that tax revision,
cidingJapanrasinot"worthoof bre . wifecouagigb usidemne s mbean'nms oPeidn u oa sity. 'I
declaration adopted yesterday criti- Wilbur Weller president; Alex Mac- The evening ballots were thrown wich has been demanded as a meaa y' him, T
cizing Japan was not "worthy of be, vice-president; Mary Bennett out after it was decided that uniof encouraging business, might be deanddiscus the situation with him,
ing published in the name of the con-! ecretary+ and Julian Goodman, class nurses, for whom the polls were ferred until January. euns " it was announced last night h local a
ference." held open, were ineligible to cast a Tax revision to encourage business Those who will confer with the charges
It said that Japan- carefully hadm bt ba'llot in the 'literary college elections. C resdeforred-uri January, two President are Frederick Geib, '38F&C,1 One
left the way open for mediation in her Declared elected in the architec- With th Congressional leaders indicated today. L en so secretary of the Men's Council, Har-
Wihte evening votes, Washtenaw y1 -sceayo h e' oniHr letes in
reply to the conference's peace bid tue school were John McDonald, had g victo, oerh Chairman Harrison (Dem., Miss.) riet Shackleton, '38, president of the Id.s n
last Friday, but that no effort had president; Florence McConkey, vice- State Steetro of the Senate Finance Committee said! "The Comical Adventure of Master Pan-Hellenic Association, Helen Jes- merous
been made by the powers to pursue president; Mary Campbell, secretary; Se that the levy on unexpended surpluses! Peter Pathelin," an augmented para- person, '38, president of Assembly, He chos
the matter. and Henry Ruifrok, treasurer. Ninety-eight votes were cast from of corations unquestionably can be phrase of a medieval French play by and Robert Mix, '40. I b u
Russian circles saw the Japanese The only election to be held today 7:30 until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, 44 of "modified so as to help business." But Harold Whitehall of the English de- Backers of the petitions have of sus
ssia ncirls sawmpt te Japaes The only teetintoeeld odayg which were those of nurses. he expressed doubt that there could partment, will be presented at 8:30 stressed in their argument for its ap- camet
statement a an attempt t drive a is that in theegneigcleeo___________
wedge between the United States and Here there are two slates, both put 'be any action at the present session' p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn proval by the administration that Mhig
the other powers before the next up by the same party. This was done of Congress. Theatre as the first production this only one session of each class will be expect
te of the conference. to let students, instead of members eFarm Leaders Called season of the Hampstead Players. missed because of the two days' va- expectt
"The power which has shown the KiSenate farm leaders called in Sec- Truman Smith, Grad., will direct cation.Ase
greatest zeal in favor of the declara-1 for class officers. retary Wallace today to help clarify the performance with Alice Whitehall Another argument offered by spon- .Aske
greatest zealol intfavor. afttheasdecodra-onfornclassThofsocers.the jo
tion, without being a signatory, is The two slates are: president, Goff Escapes the confused crop control situation, acting as production manager, The sors of the proposal is that, in view job-as
precisely the one most opposed to Smith and Fred Smith; vice presi- IaA dispute between Senate and cast includes Peter Badger, Mabel' of the fact that Thanksgiving is one -he re
the above principles." dent, Jere Farrah and Al Waldchen; SYRACUSE " House sub-committees on cotton reg- Claire Gold, Ralph Chubb, Fritz of the important holidays of the year, get one
y dd Y RACUSE,_N._Y., Nov. 16.-P) ulations appeared likely to delay the Schiller, Prof. Walter L. Badger of students like to get home with their I wrote
- I secretary, David Lansdale and Sidney Trecntheirbeso he"a'wol diisrto be shet
Steinborn treasurer, Richard Wang- Three convicted members of the "na- whole Administration program for the engineering college, Robert Stan- families for the occasion.
e atersO enin and Robert Young; honor coun- tion's last organized kidnap gang," ten days. ton, and Nan Winthrow. The audi Petitioners also pointed out last now."
earpentt. armed with two guns and ready to Chairman Smith (Dem., S.C.), ence, according to Mr. Whitehall, night that Michigan State College w.
ce epenttven; We Palderiand shoot it out," left a faint trail: shouting determination to call the must reckon themselves townsfolk students will receive a n Harm
?a5®n oni t council representative, Joe Binkin- I tonight for federal and state pursuers Senate Agricultural Committee to- present in court. Incidental music day and Saturday after vansgi- fects al
Se soo ightstock and Ernest Tanzen. . er an early morning jail break. gether every day "and nights and will be supplied by Grace Johnson this year for the first time since 193. his br
ouk n restane.tveJoerBiorintheafterthanesgivig192
Balloting will take place from 3 The trio-Percy Geory, 34, John Sunday, too, if necessary" to get out Konold, soprano, Helen Snyder, ac- This vacation was obtained through certainl
luen ti .n wuntili:Olm 36, and Harold Crowley, 35- a bill, announced a conference to- companist and the Hampstead String petitions, propaganda and faculty he said
Cgp.m. and o 7h1 uti 7:gI trussed up six guards, menaced them morrow with the secretary. Quartette. support. Univ
On Unicameral Congresspemring Bo . h with smuggled guns early this morn- "We've asked Wallace and his Drawing from both faculty mem-!commit
_____Buldig.ing and fled from the Onondaga crowd up here to explain what all bers and townsfolk the Hampstead general
The first varsity debate of the j County Penitentiary at nearby these farm bills mean," he said. Players have had considerable success Age Relief Funds ers thai
men's Big Ten Conference season will Jamesville, where they were held - in the presentation of medieval and self of
be held at 8 p.m today in the Union Rebels Beaten pending appeal from Federal Prison Debating Societies Call Elizabethan plays. Prof. H. T. Price Limited State Says thrown
be heldatt8pdm.todytintheynio
Ballroom on the question, "Resolved: Sentences for the 1933 O'Connell kid- of the English department has seen board's
That the Several States Should Adopt " naping. Tryout Meetings Tonight an outdoor version of Mr. Whitehall's
a Unicameral Form of Legislature," O A ragon L ne The three men, convicted with five d play and has expressed the opinion LANSING, Nov. 16.-()-The State
Prof. Arthur E. Secod of the speech Alpha Nu and Athea, debatg that the audiences at the Lydia Men- Welfare
Prf rhrE eodo h pehIothers last Aug. 12 of abducting John societies for men and women respec-!dlsoWsoudfndteprdcio fnar Department warned today,
department, men's debating coach,' The Loyalists successfully repulsed J. O'Connell, Jr., scion of a politically tively, will hold tryouts at 7:30 P.mbothhn should find the production formal statement from the office
announced yesterday. fierce attacks and inflicted heavy prominent Albany, N. Y.. family, today on the fourth'floor of Angell b__u__gnd _ntretig. of Director James G. Bryant, that!
The. debate will also serve to re- losses on the Rebels in the Aragon drove in a commandeered car to Sy-( Hall, officers of the two groups an- available funds for old age assist-
vive the old Union forums, as a dis- country yesterday, it was reported racuse after their escape and disap- nounced yesterday eisease ance would not be exceeded in dis-
cussion and question period will fol- ,, th A i t deared. Venereal-DueTadc ate oulngtom rl.

San Sta
[arship Was Offered
rmon For Services,
ss Statement Reveals
.stance is Legal'
Southern School
t developments in Tulane
ity's attempt to lure away Tom
n, freshman footballer enrolled
ought a candid admission yes-
from the southern school that
it his services because "we had
hat he planned to transfer of
volition to another school."
reply was precipitated b the
copyrighted report, together
photo-engraved reprint of a
n sent to Harmon by Bill'Be-
ulane line coach, which re-
an "offer" to enroll in the
n school.
Brother At Tulane
cted by metropolitan papers
e services, which were anxious
irm the original wire, Bevan
"We tried to get the boy this
miner and we had heard that
ned to transfer of his own vo-
another school. We natural-
d have liked to have him and
is brother is in school here I
he might want to transfer
ne if he were leaving Mich-
gards a reported "offer," Be-
nmented: "The only offer ever
o him was that of an athletic
ship which is perfectly legal
Southeastern Conference."
ion released the telegram to
ly in an effort to absolve him-
any allegations that he might
en subsidized by the Univer-
hese allegations grew out of
ounced investigation by the
thletic board into rumored
of subsidization.
of the outstanding prep ath-
the nation last year, the Gary,
uth was the recipient of nu-
bids from large universities.
se to enter Michigan, he said,
e I don't believe in that kind
ff (subsidization). Besides I
school for an education, and
in answered that purpose. .I
to go to law school."
Needs Board Job
I whether he needed a board
reported in yesterday's Daily
plied, "You bet I do. If I don't
I may have to leave' school.
my mother about it, and may-
told my brother, Gene, who is
all captain down at Tulane
on was solicitous about the ef-
l this publicity might have on
ther's status at 'iulane. "I
ly hope it doesn't hurt him,"
ersity bigwigs remained non-
tal in the entire matter. It was
ly agreed by unofficial observ-
t Harmon has exonerated him-
the proselyting charges and
cold water on the athletic
projected probe.
vey Planned

lo h eua eae rdrc y Gae ssoc a ed ress. The Alpha Nu meeting will be heldi, tributing tha omo eif
lowth reular dbe. Frederic The Loyalists captured and forti- The escape was led by Geory "with in the Alpha Nu room and the Athena Talk Is Broadcast "Actual grants to individuals have Gravy
Geib. '38F&C, will be in charge of the fied the mountain positions near apparent outside help,"' H. H. Pad- meeting in the Portia room. All can-Ihed
meetng and in the future all mensBatanero several days ago. The po- dock, jail superintendent said didates interested are urged to tryout. YOUNGSTOWN, O., Nov. 16.-() basedrupon need and approved uoif prin
debates will be conducted by the' eitions dominate the valley of Campo I-The National Broadcasting Coin- lag atbytesca seuiy
Union and the speech department in Cr party the social security Joh
conjunction. Corona and include valuable stra-pany presented the problem of social! board," the statement said. Jn
Robert V. Rosa, '39. and Harry L. lgic points.t h Janitor nen H diseases to its radio audience tonight' is not the intent of the depart-, was na
Schneiderman, '38, will debate on an From the Teruel front. farther in a carefully worded address by Dr. ment in any sense to deny assistance 'study a
agis nua-south, the loyalists reported intensive Of '1J ( ec Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal, to the needy aged person. There islinquer
affirmative nucdngv team ta gis rma h nnUi artillery activity. They said theii'; ~ ~ ~ IIs'i u u of the American Medical Association.
ned negaive team from the -atties rhadomsrded M nta aents Of GroundsO fficialn
Fisbei 'smesag wa tht:however, a limit of funds available'cle
versity of Chicago. batteries had bombarded Mt. SantaDr. Fishbein's message was that and to go farther than the appro- meetin
The judge for the debate will be Barbara and main roads in the Te- By STAN SWINTON !ne of them i o 30 '' venereal diseases were curable and tato go fry t ao- eere
Thejuge orthedeatewil b ,priation is not only folly but on-~ e e
ruel-Alcaniz-Zaragoza area. SeveralB Statements made by Edod C. stIe s ony3years old,"he that scientific knowledge, with the trary to law." agencie
Dr. K. G. Hanc of Albion College. nationalist supply convoys were de- cooperation of the public, was ade--A__ _
No admission will be charged. stioyed, the reports said Pardon, superintendent of buildings Comparison of wages which quate to bring them under control. utAM
Friday a negative team for Mich- 10styd st reports saidt and grounds, do not show the true showed those paid Michigan custo-, His remarks were broadcast at the U tute w
igan composed of Marvin Reider. '391 Nationalist reports said that 10: conditions confronting University dians to be above the average paid invitation of the radio system "to UAW Propagandists passed
adRbrSher40wiltaetoRsinofcrskleinthe move- csoinDnRyld,00
and Robert Shuler, 40, wi rave t Rsn offsueliess and four Czecho- custodians, Don Reynolds. president at four other schools did not take into emphasize the NBC sympathy with 1 $36,000
Columbus to meet an Ohio State af- men offppies and our of the local custodians' union, said account the fact that living costs the current campaign against social Arrested By Police was ap
firmative team on the same question.! slovakian officers entered loyalist
irmti mnt. Spain from France Nov. 10 and 11.Yesterday.in Ann Arbor are much higher than ciseases and to illuminate its policy."andc
The reports asserted that the officers Challenging Pardon's statement elsewhere, Reynolds stated. Last Wednesday, NBC banned a: DETROIT, Nov. 16.-- ( ) -The meth
Slusser Given Prize would be engaged chiefly in opera- I that 50 per cent of the University "A recent poll of students which broadcast by General Hugh Johnson United Automobile Workers head- iLd.
l. ions during the anticipated nation-! custodians had outlived their use- the Daily published showed that on the same subject. quarters charged in a statement to- ltoe
At Detroit Exhibit ais "big push" in eastern Spain. fullness at other occupations and those attending school here are -Ynight that eight men, engaged in dis-y th
!_came into janitorial work because the aware that prices of lodging, food Ericson Will Head tribution of union literature at the hinstitu
Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the Col- buildings and grounds department and cleaning are much higher here Ford Motor Company's Highland Api
'Me And Shakespeare wished to "pension" them. Reynolds than elsewhere. Government sta- CooperativeGro Park plant, had been arrested by eapi
a s rd s te -brought forth a survey made two tistics show that Ann Arbor has T'Highland Park police this afternoon.xami
artists awarded prizes at the Mich-1 Is The Shaw Version years ago to prove that Pardon was among the highest living costs in the '20 will
igan artists' exhibition which openedwrong. country," Reynolds declared. Wayne Ericson, Grad., was elected Larry S. Davidow, UAW attorney, sion o:
in Tvrnit va+riU T mTT Nn r. ( wroarnsaidgthe.men tr

es Made Investigator
Guidance Institute
Graves, University gradaate,
med field investigator for the
and prevention of juvenile de-
cy in Michigan under the so-
"Orr Plan" yesterday at a
g here of an advisory commit-
presenting public and private
es working in the field.
ichigan Child Guidance Insti-
as provided for by an act
by the last legislature and
a year for the next two years
propriated to finance a survey
demonstration of scientific
ds in treating the problem
rs are to be dispatched short-
every school administrator in
ate outlining the policies of the
oximately 40 children will be
Zed monthly and one in every
be sent to the pediatrics divi-
,f the University Hospital for


ul L7C i Vl4 yC7UCtliz4y. ( '

i VfV1llilV, iVUV. ,t Q.-(i 1-17 Ui ,'e
"Ahmit twn vaarc non a raiiahtal

Pointing out that custodians re- chairman of the Associated Coopera-!

*~~-'A ~IAJU wtywer Iintensive study and treatment. The

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