PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOV, 16, 1937. 6AE OR1UEDYNO.1G 18 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ ' _WSW- Mi "(N NTCMP a id clipped on off, sliding right at us, send- inm 1p a spray and a sea that almost swamped u. It was sort of fun though, because if you caught the waves just right you could use the bench as a surf board. On the train home they were Kidding Norm (Basty-Boy) Purucker about his two fumbles on two successive downs when he had gone back to punt. He had started on his own thirty-five and finally had to stand back on his own ten to kick. Someone suggested that he ought to get a ball that would hang onto him better than that. "No," said the Puruck, "just had to get a little practice kicking under pressure, that's all." So, the weekend ended with everything rosy in the Michigan camp. The Eastern alumni ap- peared to be appeased after last year's debacle, the Michigan men gave an exhibition of fierce tackling, and there was a general all-around spirit of confidence that has been lacking throughout the season. Much of this is due to the uncovering of a workable backfield combina- tion that is the most versatile of the year. Stark Ritchie's running in the first quarter was such as we have not seen since we saw the great Pug Rentner of Northwestern. It was clever open field work, with sharp cutting and fine change of pace. The twenty-five yard run for the touchdown that did not count was full of short twists and cuts and hipswinging. And finally, to climax the day in Philadelphia, it was determined by chemical and biological analysis that the mud on Franklin Field was definitely of a dif- ferent variety than that lately found in Wash- tenaw County and precluded any possibility of it having been flung there from Ann Arbor. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!j FIVE ABREAST yesterday morning, the fresh- man, the sophomore, the junior, the senior and the graduate student marched into the Base- ment Study Hall. To five corners of the room they scattered and plunked their books open before them on the table. The freshman waved to the junior. The graduate smiled at the soph- omore. The senior wriggled around until he was comfortable. Three minutes passed. The freshman looked up, his eye caught by the dic- tionary on its stand. He started at it. Across from the other side of the room the sophomore stared at the dictionary. Near him sat the junior who was staring at the dictionary. The senior stared at the dictionary. Four minutes after the fresh- man had begun staring, the graduate also was caught by the thrilling aspect of the dictionary. He was a teacher from West Keewee Junction, JI/feeinrto Me Veywood Broun According to the present schedule, this is the day on which I don't have to be mad at anybody or even all worked up on any issue.. This is let- down afternoon, which is preparatory to a day of rest. So would anybody mind very much if I spoke briefly on the universal subject of art? In particular I refer to the art of painting, since I am right now drawing a bead on a maple tree at least a hundred years old which ought to be set down for pos- Sterity. But let's keep any personal element out. The great tra- dition of the masters is cer- tified. Even the famous land- scape painters had their abode in town and commut- ed to the country only during daylight. All the artists of fiction, screen and stage have lived charmingly and unwholesomely in a studio six flights up, the fifth door to the right, and ask for Kelly. You can't have models unless you have a studio, and what would a story of Bohemian life be without the co-operation of Mimi, Suzette or Yvonne? I think that I will have to live a better life and study, so that I, too, may have a Mimi. At the moment I wouldn't know what to do with her, as I am still a General Sheridan as far as nudes are concerned. I mean twenty miles away and getting no closer, as far as my art is concerned. It might even be an extrava- gant boast to say that I am holding my own. Among The Bohemians To carry on a career with Suzette, Mimi or even Yvonne-that's a life. To sit all day in con- templation of deciduous oaks is less enticing. And the more I try to get the fading glories of the dying timber on the canvas the more I realize the validity of Joyce Kilmer's famous line about a tree. It may even be that Mimis are easier to catch in oils than maples. Skies are not as difficult as either nudes or woods. A good fat dab of white paint with a little purple looks like a cloud any day in the week if you first explain your purpose, and then get the spectator to stand at the ex- treme end of a good long room. But even that doesn't always work. Before I exhibit again all my paintings are going to be plainly labeled. I'm getting a little tired' of the friends who come in to my atelier and look at a picture which I purpose to call "Sentinel Cedar at Twilight" and then ask, "Is that a tree or a fat old woman in a green dress?" That annoys me, and I always answer, "That's a portrait of your Aunt Clara." x x, Sheer Accident And Not Design Some of my technique is not the result of deliberate design. In part I am an impression- ist, because I cannot keep the brushes clean. The turpentine is always running out, and the sky and the meadow all get mixed up together. Perhaps Connecticut is not the right home- land for an artist. I am frustrated by an inability to draw and by the Puritan tradition. Gauguin probably had the right idea when, at a mature age, he packed a suitcase and went to the South Seas. I wonder just how old he was and when the next boat leaves. It would be nice to have the collectors chasing after me when I am gone and saying in reverential whispers, "No one ever quite appreciated poor old Broun while he was alive." On The LevA By WRAG The Michigan football team seems to win by parental associations. First they won when it was Dad's Day in Iowa, and Saturday they won when they had to be mudders at Franklin Field. ** And the field was so muddy for the Penn game that the coaches had to wait around after the game was over to see if any of the boys had been lost in the swamps or muck-holes. By the time the last quarter came around, the ball was even more slippery than Stark Ritchie, but that's because Stark was tired from running for touchdowns that didn't count. In the last two games Ritchie has enabled Kipke to work both of his brand new play cre- ations and come out victorious. These baffling new plays have been labelled "run around left- end" and "the forward pass" by amazed sports writers all over the country. But Michigan will win half of its eight games this year, which shows that there are at least four teams in the country who haven't solved Michigan's system since 1898. This fact is odd too, because opposing coaches merely tell their teams, "Remember those funda- mentals you learned on the frosh squad? Well TuESDaY, N.v. tt., gl2'7 1 o'iL 1\1V9-A .700 g*.mu ora Teaoor at season in Detroit loom encouraging-! VOL. XLVIII. No. 43 the time of the lecture. ly in the vista. George Abbots pro- j duction of "Brother Rat" plays the First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- Events Today Cass this week. Mr. Abbot, born sity has a limited amount of fundsT d Sylvan Simon, is a University of to loan on modern well-located Ann Mathematics Club will meet Tues- Michigan graduate who has made Arbor residential property. Interest day, Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. in Roam 3201 the grade on Broadway with his fast Angell Hall. Dr. M. L. Kales will stepping shows. "Brother Rat" is t n t speak on "Tauberian Theo:ems Re- hilarious example, having for its Office, Room 100, South Wing, lated to Borel and Abel Summability." background a military school. University Hall. Next Saturday sees the Joos Balle FeDeutscher Verein: Meeting Tues- at Orchestra Hall. The Ballet crept- Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- day evening at 8 p.m. in the Micrhi- a _-- ---_-,enop- a d tho A f -1 THEATRE By NORMAN T. KIELL Road Show Prospects for a brighter theatrical DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00sL.m. on Saturdayd c t E ed a sensation several seasons ago elite' ana te Arts: with their "Green Table" lampoon, Midsemestei reports are due not a satire on political buffoonery. Thi later than Saturday, Nov. 20. More marks the Ballet's third appearance cards if needed can be had at my in Detroit. Two nights later at th3 Cass Theatre, comes a new musical, prior to its Broadway opening. "Right This Way" is its title and Tamara and Joe Lewis (but not he of pugilistic fame) are featured., Tamara is to be remembered for her "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" from Jerome Kern's "Roberta." In full swing for the Thanksgiving holidays, Tony Sarg will exhibit his puppets in "Robinson Crusoe' at the Insti- tute of Arts, a fit dish for both children and adults. 'VICTORIA REGINA' COMING TO DETROIT office. These reports are understood as naming those students, freshman and upperclass, whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, should be re- ported to the school or college in which they are registered. W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- With all houses dark for the fol- pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 20. lowing two weeks, the Cass will re- open on Dec. 13 With Helen Hayes Seniors: College of L.S. and A., starring in Lawrence Hoq~seman's School of Education, School of For- "Victoria Regina." There has been of Music. Tentative lists of seniors a flood of Victorias-on the stage, in Ientry and Conservation, and School the movies, and in novels-thrown have been posted on the bulletin on the public ever since Miss Hayes' board in Room 4, U. Hall. If your triumphant portrayal of the little name does not appear, or, if included lady. Miss Hayes is well rewarded there, it is not correctly spelled,i by this flattery; she still remains please notify the counter clerk. the one and only modern counter-I part of the Queen. Freshmen in the College of Litera- Dec. 20 brings an interesting team'ture, Science and the Arts, who have to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic not received their five-week progress March, the latter better known as reports may obtain them in Room Florence Eldridge, will play, prior to 107, Mason Hall, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Broadway, "Yr. Obedient Husband." and 1:30 to 4 p.m. according to the Another movie star to return to the following schedule: fold of the legitimate theatre is Joan Surnames beginning P through Z, Bennett who replaces Margaret Sul- Monday, Nov. 15.' lavan in the stellar role of "Stage Surnames beginning H through O, Door" to be presented Dec. 27, again SuTuesday, Nov. 16 at the Cass. "Stage Door" has al- Surnamesbegning A through G, ready been made into a movie with Wednesday, Nov. 17. Katherine Hepburn and Ginger Rog- 1938 Mechanical Engineers: A rep- ers, both of whom, prevue reports resentative of the Ammonia Depart- say, give the performances of their ement of the E. I. DuPont DepNe- careers.metfthE.LD onDeN- carerE ANmours & Company, will be here next MAURICE EVANS week to interview men interested in IN RICHARD IL' :th nribilitv of nnyan "+ 7 I What will probably be the high-( light of the Detroit theatrical sea- son is Maurice Evans' titular role performance of "Richard II" on Jan.1 3. With astonishing clarity, Mr.1 Evans has captured every nuance of the weak-willed and self-pitying king. His Richard has been rated the best since Edwin Booth's his- tory making performances in the 1860's. Of interest to Ann Arbor theatre- goers is the fact that Whitford KaneI is opening this Wednesday night in New York in Stanley Young's drama of life along the Ohio in the 18th century, "Robin Landing." Along with Mr. Kane will appear Ian Keith,. another actor well-known to Ann Arbor audiences. Of moretimmediate interest is to be noted that the Federal Theatre of Detroit will bring to Ann Arbor, at the Masonic Temple, its produc- tion of Albert Bein's "Let Freedom Ring." Dec. 3 is the date and should witness the performance of al re possiouy of :empioyment im this department. ,For further details, consult Mechanical Engineering bul- letin board. A.S.M.E.: All members who signed up and paid their dues before Oct. 29, 1937 may secure theircopies of Mechanical Engineering and their membership cards in Room 221 West Engineering Building. Pins will be available shortly. Thse who up after Oct. 29, 1937 will their cards and magazines Iearly date. signed receive at an gan League. There wiil be a short illustrated talk on "German types and costumes." Everybody interest- ed is invited to attend. Faculty Women's Club: Reading section will meet on Tuesday after- noon, Nov. 16, at 2:15 p.m., in the Mary Henderson Room of the Mich- igan League. The Association Book Group will meeteat the Michigan League Tues- day, Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Robert Hammond will review "New Fron- tiers of the Mind" by Dr. Rhine of Duke University. Psychic phenomena in religion will be discussed. Seniors School of Education: The Finance committee of the Senior Class will meet Tuesday, 4:15, in 2436, U.E.S. Pi Tau P1 Sigma has a regular meeting this Tuesday, Nov. 16, in Room 301 of the Engineering Build- ing Annex. Actives report at 7:30 p.m. Initiates report at 8 p.m. with paddles. Attend in uniform and be prompt. Sigma Rho Tau Regular meeting tonight in the Union, at 7:30. Two representatives from the Toledo -chapter will speak. All members should attend. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m., League Chapel. Students., alumni and faculty invited to attend the services. Badminton: Open hours for men and women students wishing to play badminton to be held in Barbour Gymnasium Monday, Tuesday and Friday evenings, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Medical rechecks for this year essen- tial. Register Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Coming Events Research Club, Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 8 p.m. in Room 2528 East Medi- cal Building. Prof. Preston W. Slosson: "The People's Choice in England and America." Prof. Kasimir Fauns: "Some theoretical and experimental investigations in the field of strong electrolytes." The council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- gan League Building. Cafeteria serv- ice. Bring tray across the hall. Prof. Charles F. Remer of the Economics Department will speak informally on "Economic Aspects of the Far East- ern Situation." Michigan Dames: The initial meet- ing of the Child Study Group has been postponed from Nov. 18 to Nov. 30. Michigan Dames: Drama Group 7:45 Wednesday night, Michigan League. Reading of the play "You Can't Take It With 'You." Faculty Advisor is Mrs. Carl Weller. Chair- man is Mrs. Sidney M. Quigley. Quadrangle: Nov. 17, 1937, 8:15 p.m. Offerings in Poetry and Prose -Some Humorous, None Sad. A. D. Moore. Faculty Women's Club: Song re- cital by Hardin Van Duersen in the Michigan League Ballroom, Wednes- day, Nov. 17, at 3:15 p.m. Important. The Cercle Francais meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday night has been post- poned for two weeks. Druids: Important membership 'meeting in the Druids Room Wed- nesday night at 10:15 p.m. The Forestry Club will meet Wed- nesday, Nov. 17, at 7:30 p.m., Room 2054 N.S. Bldg. Mr. Robert S. Ford of the Bureau of Government will speak on "Tax Delinquency in Mich- igan." Fraternity Presidents: There will be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 7:15. All house presidents are urged to at- tend. Room 306 Michigan Union. The Inter-Guild Morning Watch will be held at the League Chapel, 7:30 a.m. Wednesday. After the 'service, those who do not have classes will have breakfast together. League Social Committee: There will be a very important meeting Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 4:15 in the League. Those unable to attend must be excused. I stirring contemporary play. "Let Freedom Ring" is to be sponsored by various local organizations. R A DIO By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: The rotund and genial "King of Jazz," Paul Whiteman,' comes to the Drake Hotel soon andj will air exclusively via the Mutual System. Included in the Whiteman troupe will be Marion Manners, Jim-' my Brierly, Jeanne Ellis, 10-year-old singing sensation, and the three Bad Habits. brilliant instrumental trio ...Jean Dickenson, NBC singing star, certainly has great power of deduction. She says that at least j half of the popular tunes are builtI around romance-every bit of the Phi Kappa Phi: Members of the general honor society of Phi Kappa Phi from other chapters, who have recently come to Ann Arbor or local members who do not appear in the Student Directory, are asked to send their names to the secretary for in-, clusion in mailing lists. 308 En-' gineering Annex or University phone; 649.1 R. S. Swinton, Secretary., Academic Noticess History 143: Midsemester, 10 a.m.,I Thursday, Nov. 18. Sections 1, 2 and 3 will meet in Room B, Haven Hall; sections 4 and 5 will meet in 205 Mason Hall. Naval Arch: I shall not meet the class in Naval Architecture 1 at 11 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Henry C. Adams, II. Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents an exhibition of modern American and German water colors from the collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, in the North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. Open daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., alwvays free to students. Lectures i truth.J Milton Cross used to sing as well as announce. He is an oldtimer on the NBC staff of word-readers now, but occasionally renders a ditty on the Singing Lady program . . . A talent map of the world, which shows the location of the great names of radio, is one of the many adjuncts of the Magic Key of RCA; show. The purpose-to be able to spot the artists on the Sunday show from any part of the globe. ..Charley Margolies, trumpeter of Jack Miller's band and Tommy Dorsey both own chicken farms. Each began selling the cacklelobes to their musicianI chums. Tommy D. has the drop onI Margolies as he autographs each egg and sells to his public. I University Lecture : Mr. FrankI Lloyd Wright, the distinguished arch- .tect, of "Taliesin," Spring Green, Wisconsin, will give a public lecture znder the auspices of the College of Architecture at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, November 18, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited, Chemistry Lecture. "Spectrograph- ic Methods in Industry" is the title of the lecture to be given by Mr. Charles C. Nitchie of the Bausch and Lomb Co. at 4:15 p.m., Thursday Nov. 18, in Room 303, Chemistry building. The lecture is sponsored by the local section of the American Chemical Society, and is open to the public. I