rESDAY, NOV. 16, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tulane Offers Harmon Rescue From Simon PAPE TEE Eures- Telegram Sent To Frosh Star rty Looks On As Frosh By Bill BevanL- . -Iff . rv 7' 7 T7 " 7 T I Onetime Minnesota Ace Negotiates For Players Via Western Union ASIDE LINES (Continued from Page 1> By IRVIN LISAGOR_ last night that Tulane's offer, as is RAMIFICATIONS, indeed, will de- provocation of a series of un- the custom among southern schools velop from the Daily's publica- rpeasant consequences. which abide by this proselyting pra- tion of a telegram to Freshman Tom* * * -tice, probably included allowances Harmon, of Gary, Ind., from Tulane THE BOARD will undoubtedly ap-1 for boad, room, tuition, laundry, University in New Orleans. The preciate the fact Tulane, at least, books,clothesandfrom $10 to $20UhiverhithinNewOrleans.Theconsiders Michigan "simon-pure." spending money a month. Excep- southern school, hearing that Michi- With football developing such queer tional athletes are further proffered gan was under righteous scrutiny for ( angles we may someday protest with a flat sum to tide them over the idle rumored subsidization, wired Har- indignant insistence that we are not summer months, these informers re- mon a reminder of its "offer." This tainted by rank amateurism, that our ported. bold effrontery on the part of Tulane players possess as high a standard That Tulane eagerly sought Har- is either a willingness to accept ulti- of living as the next. A union might mon's services is indicated by the mate professionalization of college be established to that effect. fact that Bevan informed the Gary football or an incredibly stupid move star that he 'can still enter this sy- which reveals its own character in WE REITERATE, someone mester," even though the semester the realm of big time football. with an ulterior motive is almost half spent. forced the board into its alleged Does this, one wonders, por- action, and that ulterior motive Althoug bi Harmon was reluctant to tend the future of the college was the removal of Harry Kipke. reveal other bids which he received, grid sports. Will universities It was the wrong approach, and he did name five Western Conference openly bid for ,another school's may boomerang to defeat that schools which wangled for his serv- ivorybinmmuchgthe sameamanner s h h dIinos ivory in much the same manner purpose, especially if Ohio State ices. These included Purdue,slucc as is now practiced in organized succumbs to Kipke's Wolverine Indiana, Chicago and Northwestern. l areball? What will happen adacsju Waee h Among other well-known universities when large stadia have been advances. But Whatever the that sought him were Alabama, Lou- paid fran huge gae ee eventuality, Tulane has started isiana State, Yale, Princeton, Mich- paid for and huge gate receipts something. Or perhaps the credit igan State, Southern California, Pitts- keep pouring into University belongs to our own athletic burgh, Cornell and Washington. coffers? Whither college foot- board. ball anyhow? _________ Harmon gained for himself the reputation as "The outstanding high TOM HARMON has attained more E . school athlete in the nation last than a modicum of fame for hissy VictOrleS year," an appellation given him by high school athletic prowess, and Michigan Athletic Director Fielding consequently was snowed under by Feature Swim H. Yost. An All-Stater in both foot-f invitational offers from various ball and basketball, he added further schools throughout the nation. He' honors in baseball and track as a decided to enter one which made no i M eets At I-M pitcher and dash man respectively. overtures whatsoever, which shelled He plans a feat which has never out exactly nothing in the way of been attempted in Michigan athletic pecuniary inducement, simply be- Two fraternity swimming teams' history. He has requested permission cause he was level-headed and wise stroked their respective ways to vic- from the powers to compete in four enough to weigh a school's qualities tory last night in the opening night's major sports, alternating baseball and for something more than its ability competition of the 1937 Intramural! track as the occasion demands. This to "buy" his football talents. His Swim League, and two more teams would entitle him to 12 letters, a sen- coach, Douglas Kerr, was a Michi- gained decisions by virtue of forfeit ith in Varsity competition, nine gan man and interested in getting rulings. awards being the previous high. his protege in here. Michigan al- Kappa Nu and Sigma Alpha Mu Six'feet tall, weighing 192 pounds, umni in Gary admittedly encouraged were handed easy victories by the, Harmon is fast and shifty and has him by pointing out the educational failure of Beta Theta Pi and Delta impressed the coaches with his merit advantages of Michigan. That's the Tau Delta houses to put in an ap- by his play in Varsity and intra-squad story of the Gary alumni, and Har- pearance. The two aforementioned scrimmages. He runs the 100-yard mon himself. Until disproved-and teams also were awarded points for dash in :09.8. the athletic board's recently an- water polo victories on the same rul- ________ nounced investigations evidently failsi ing. Ly T " to o so-e accptg.t quad Comes Gary Alumni Club Files Protest Through Penn Against Subsidization Charges G am e Intact (Continued from Page 1) versity was aired when last Tuesday --the Board in Control of Athletics is- verse publicity and consequent local sued a statement declaring that prey- Starting Eleven To Take and national criticisms brought upon alent rumors were to be investigated. Easy Workouts; Team ororganization bythestmen - The statement, signed by Professor ferred to above. We feel that an in- Reflects Confidence justice has been done our organiza- Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the tion, an injustice which is oversha- board, made it clear that the rumors The diet of mud which seems to be dowed completely by the grave in- concerned only freshmen and while the Wolverine gridders' lot lately justice to the young boys who are not naming any particular victims, it continued yesterday as the team innocent of any violation of rules was naturally assumed by the read- started work in preparation for the governing athletics in the Big Ten." ing public that the best players w ere season's finale with Ohio State Sat- The indignant alumni then take the the ones implicated. terday. opportunity to lash the Michigan ath- Talk first concerned the four play- On a soggy, slippery field the first letic body in regard to their policy of ers from Kiski Preparatory School and second string elevens worked on making the accused prove his inno- and then shifted to the Gary star a half-dozen or so new plays, cence instead of the accuser oroving Speaking for the first group, Paul watched the freshmen run through his guilt. Kromer declared the rumors to be the Buckeye offensive set-up and "Your body may 'invoke the un- "groundless." Harmon's answer is thai polished up their own attack until American principle of declaring a which is herewith revealed. darkness forced a cessation of the man guilty before he is proven guilty' workout. within the four walls of your orgon- Rain Slows Practice ization but the airing of the i doption The freshmen, who have been re- of such a principle in the public press hearsing the Ohio State system since when it can injure only young menr the middle of last week, were divided whose future can be damaged by it into two elevens with the best of the for all time is such that we, es Mich-. .. tely, ANDi two units working against the Var- igan men and Americans, 3annot by as you smoke, sity first stringers. With Tom Har- our silence condone. permanently. mon at the key offensive position,: "Thinly-Veiled Innuendoes" matic free dre i di r 1i the Frosh displayed all that Coach "The University of Michigan Club Bennie Oosterbaan, who has been of Gary, Indiana. cannot lightly pass scouting the Buckeyes, had mapped over the thinly veiled innuendoes and out. implications directed at this and, The reserve eleven scrimmagediother alumni organizations within the against both yearling teams until Chicago area and earnestly requests] darkness halted further workouts. your body to thoroughly sift the l Neither the scrubs nor the Frosh charges made in order that the en- were able to make much headway tire matter may be cleared imme- due partly to the slippery condition diately." of the field. The resolution is signed by Robert There were no injuries suffered in W. Atkins, secretary of the club. the Penn game and the entire squad Concerning the affair, "The Gary is in good shape according to Coach Post-Tribune" has this to say: Harry Kipke. He stated also that "Included among several outsuarnd- he considered the Quaker game the ing freshman athletes reported under best performance of the Wolverines investigation is Tom Harmon, former thus far this season, even though Horace Mann athletic luminary who the playing conditions nullified much has been referred to in press dis- of the Varsity attack. patches from Ann Arbor as one of the Kip Confident finest athletic prospects ever to en- Kip onfientroll at the Ann Arbor institution. When asked about Michigan's "From reliable sources in close chances against the Buckeyes Coach touch with the situation at Ann Arbor Kipke said only that it was going to The Post-Tribune is informed no pos- be a "tough one" and that he was sible taint of subsidization can be at- hopeful. tached to the Steel City athlete, fi- The squad, however, seemed to nancial backing of his collegiate ca- reflect confidence as it showed a reer being provided by his immediate great deal of snap and pepper in the family.".- 'Spartan Harriers Take I.C.4-A Cu NEW YORK, Nov. 15.--(P)-How- ard Welch of Cornell upset the field to win the I.C. 4-A Varsity cross! country run today, but favored Mich-? igan State, won its fifth trophy which has been in competition for 23 years. Welch raced to victory in the five- mile Varsity in 26:54, a second fas- ter than Chuck Southard, runner-up! from Syracuse. The Michigan State team totaled 59 points, or 10 less than Syracuse which finished sec- ond. Manhattan was third at 75 with Penn State fourth with 126 points. TULANE'S telegram grew, of course, out of Michigan's athletic board's statement that it would probe charges of sub- sidization here. Harmon, along with others, immediately became the cynosure of inquiring eyes. Why would the man Athletic Di- rector Fielding H. Yost -called, "The nation's outstanding prep school athlete last year" come to Michigan if he hadn't wran- gled some attractive induce- ment? This query was an- swered with sly winks and whispered nuances, and Har- mon was concerned no end. Now he's absolved, but the board can hardly be condoned for its ChUi Psi and Phi Gamma Delta had I to take to the water to be the win- ners in their scraps with Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Tau, but each had little difficulty attaining afternoon's workout. their successes. The eleven which started against The Chi Psi's scored 40 tallies Penn and which will probably get against their opponent's 21, while I the call against the Buckeyes will the Phi Gammas finished on top not be put through any very stiff with a 47 to 12 margin of victory. drills this week, All-merian Bevan Still RBevels In Stiff Co mpetition And I ntriguie #O!!! A DRY SHAVER THAT l~fifTS ATTHE CLOSE SHAVE OTHERS FROM its very name, Remington Rand Close-Shaver, you know that its promise of close, clean shaves will be performed. And behind that name are these exclusive precision shearing head... double cutting surface ... combing bar that lifts flat hairs...special Westinghouse motor ... year's guarantee on ma- terials and workmanship. Say "good-bye" to blades, soap, lotions and other expensive shav- ing nuisances. Here's a dry shaver that really shaves- close, clean and comfortably. Come In and Try It- RI DER'1% l By BUD BENJAMIN Who's Bill Bevan? The man who reprimanded yearl- ing Tom Harmon for remaining at "simon-pure" Michigan, and who re- opened his offer of more lucrative surroundings, is a headlines veteran. Publicity is old stuff to Bevan. In 1933 and 1934 Minnesota had a cracker-jack guard, Bill Bevan by name. His playing reknown was so widespread that in 1934, his name was among those honored by Grant- land Rice in his All-American selec- tions. Commented Rice at that time: Bevan takes his place as one of the best guards the mid-west has ever known, Big, quick, and powerful, he carried a slashing charge that was hard to stop. His defensive play was one of Minnesota's features. Bevan belongs to the cool, relaxed school of competition-always keen but never caught in the grip of ten- sion." Then came the stench. On Dec. 5, 1934, the Western Conference Faculty Committee on athletics investigated football conditions at Minnesota. And Bevan's papers were found wanting. It was revealed at that time that f he had attended the University of Oregon in 1932 and played freshman football. When Coach C. W. "Doc" Spears left the coast, Bevan came back home. He played for the Gophers in 1933 and 1934. after which period he was a junior in GOOD EATING THANKSGIVING standing and ready for another year of competition. But at Oregon, Bevan had played inter-freshmen b a 11, competing against yearling teams of other Universities. This violated a Big Ten rule, which made this type of competition count as a year in col- legiate circles. With Stan Kostka, Art Clarkson, George Svendsen, Vernon Oech, andC brother Jay Bevan inauspiciously ended his playing days. In 1935 he was line coach at Iowa State Teacher's College, and in Jan- uary of 1936 became line coach at Tulane under Lowell "Red" Dawson. $27.50 $4.00 -5.00 The Homburg by Mallory Our stock is complete in sizes for Tuxedos and Full Dress. We carry a com- plete line of Formal attire. - The Success of that Thanks- giving dinner depends on the pots, pans and dishes. You can't serve a perfect meal with- out the necessary equipment. S We rent Tuxedos $ n l ' mriinn m Is' m 11 III III