The Weather Snow flurries and colder to- Jay; tomorrow cloudy and con- tinued cold. Li Aittgau gatt Editorials Unemployment Census ... Expanding Consumers' Cooperatives. r VOL. XLVIII. No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Italians Alone Balk, Chaotic Trosh Football Star Laid ToStatic s Fa SocialBlesA Tulane Flaunts I ttcsca Whitewashed tthletic Probe As 15 Nations Talk Sanctions 3 Scandinavian Nations Do Not Vote; May Join Italy And Bolt Parley Nanking In Danger As Thousands Flee While-15 nations prepared yester- day to consider sanctions against Japan as a means to end the war in the Far East, Italy was expected to bolt the Brussels Conference. Only Italy voted "no" and three Scandinavian . countries abstained from voting on the resolution which condemned Japan for her action in China and her refusal to cooperate with the conference. All four indicated they might not participate in the next session set for Nov. 22, when delegates expect a discussion of positive help for China and perhaps the withholding of credits and war supplies from Japan -virtual sanctions. The condemnatory declaration was framed by the United States, British and French delegations and was a modification of the draft which re- ceived first reading by the Confer- ence Saturday. A great exodus from Nanking, China's capital, meanwhile, was under way today as the Chinese de- fense system between Shanghai and Nanking threatened to break under the savage thrusts of Japan's legions. The government ordered all war wounded removed into the interior from Nanking, which has been the center of the army hospital system. By highways, rivers and canals the civilian population was leaving Nan- king by thousands, spurred by reports of terrible destruction inflicted on Soochow by Japanese bombing planes. The normal population of Nanking is over 1,000,000. Seven hundred bombs within 30 hours were said to have made a sham- bles of Soochow, city of 260,000 some 50 miles west of Shanghai, keypoint in China's "Hindenburg Line," for- merly one of the country's most pic- turesque and prosperous cities. Governmentrofficials remained in Nanking. The government announced determination to uefend it to the last. This raised fears Nanking would suffer punishment similar to that of Soochow. Vanguards of the Japanese armies, heavily reinforced by newly arrived troops, were reported within 12 miles of Soochow, having swept westward after the capture of Kunshan, 20 miles east of Soochow. Japanese lines still were some 125 to 150 miles southeast of Nanking, but foreign military observers predicted they could reach the Chinese capital by mid-December. Band BallotingI BeginsToday Votes May Be Cast At 3 Campus Polling Stations On Japan' Vandal Carries Off Gargoyle's Picture Of Gorgeous Legs1 Thieves broke into the Gargoyle, office yesterday and stole a picturej of Jane Nussbaum's legs, which was! to be used in the Nov. 23 issue, a nameless Gargoyle publicity director told bored reporters yesterday. "Unless they are recovered im- mediately we will have to remake the, dummy," he said. Besides the picture, a window was reported taken. Investigation which revealed repairmen were putting a ] new pane into the window at their workshop brought sneers from the publicity man. "It was stolen," he reiterated. Last year a Gargoyle issue was stolen and recovered just before it was to go on sale. Gargoyle said that wasn't a publicity stunt either. "Anyway," Gargoyle editor George Quick said,"They can steal the Gar- goyles and windows if they want to, but they can't steal our picture of Jane's legs." Hampstead Play 'Peter Pathelin' OpensTonight Professor Price Predicts! Success, After Seeing Open Air Performance Ann Arbor audiences should findf "The Comical Adventure of Master Peter Pathelin" interesting and' amusing if it proves to be as success-E fully produced indoors tonight as it{ was in an outdoor presentation last summer, Prof. H. T. Price of the Eng-f lish department declared in an inter- view yesterday. An augmented paraphrase of the first published comedy in Western literature by Mr. Harold Whitehall,1 also of the English department, theI play has been transformed from a1 medieval French farce into a species' of Elizabethan comedy. Professor Price believes that the outdoor pres- entation he saw last summer of Mr. Whitehall's version managed to cap-] ture some of the elusive and indefin- able Elizabethan spirit, in both its subtlety of characterization and dia- logue. and the comedy inherent in its situation.I Slated for presentation tomorrow and Thursday evenings at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the play is the first effort this season of the Hamp- stead Players, an amateur group of actors which draws from both faculty members and townspeople for its company. Truman Smith, Grad., has directed the production and Alice Whitehall has served as production manager. Incidental music will be supplied by Grace Johnson Konoid, soprano, Helen Snyder, accompanist and the Hampstead String Quartette. The complete cast, as announced in midst of dynamic changes in all fields! of. man's endeavor is the cause of world chaos today, A. Eustace Hay- th1 ceHW il don, Professor of the history of re- ligions at the University of Chicago, asserted yesterday in an address at the League. -- Speaking on "The Task of Religion Today," Professor Haydon saidthat ociety cngs tenaciously to ideals o religion, economics, and politics ren- dered obsolete by technological ad-, th Bid For Harmon's Services eeC /ul vances. All religion, through the ages, has F.D.R. Appeals To Cour had the basic function of helpingF man realize the perfect life. Religion Not To Invalidate Futur was until now the vital synthesising C Cnr T 14 force in man's life. rop C o lLr egslatio Today, said Professor Haydon. the world has need of a religion which Wage And Hour Bill will keep step with science, which will I disavow nationalisms and patriotisms Sirong ly Opp ose and the rest of the petty things which keep the world divided into bickering nations and classes. WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-Pre ident Roosevelt, through his messag to the newly convened Congress, ap Tardien Brands pealed to the Supreme Court toda not to invalidate future crop contro ~ legislation. French Fascist *At the same time, aware that man .i members were inclined to measur Leader Traitor the value of prospective legislation i Le der raiorl , trms of assistance to business, th President presented his proposals- crop control, the wage and hour bill Testifies De La Rocque Government reorganization and r Sold Support Of Party gional planning-as measures whic Frr would give such assistance. For GovernmentBr s Rising opposition to his wage an hour bill confronted majority leader PARIS. Nov. 15.- (IW) -Former however, shortly after the President' Premier Andre Tardieu, in a court- message was delivered to Congress. room alternately ringing with cheers Suggests Tax Relief and laughter, today faced Colonel The message suggested that somr Francois De La Rocque, extreme of the tax burdens on business shou] rightist leader, and called him a II be lightened, but it presented Admir "traitor." I istration followers with an irritatinj Tardieu was testifying on behalf' problem by failing to ask for imme of. 15 men whom De La Rocque had diate action on the recommendation sued for slander on the ground they The President pointed out that th. had charged him with accepting gov- Court had upheld labor and "work ernment "secret funds." ers' security" legislation, thereby su Tardieu declared these charges taining the power of Congress t( were true, that De La Rocque, form- regulate interstate commerce and "t erly chief of the disbanded Fascist tax and to spend for the general we: Croix De Feu, actually had received fare." 250,000, francs (about $8,300) in gov1 , I hope and believe," he said, "th ernment bribe money for his pledges the Supreme Court will not agai of support. He concluded his testi- deny to farmers the protection whicl mony with: it now accords to others." "De La Rocque is a traitor. He al- Asks Production Control ways has been a worker for his own At the same time he made it plaii profit. I address myself to the fine that the Administration wante( men he betrayed and affirm that in ample authority to curb overproduc telling the truth about their un- tion and overmarketing-a power oc worthy chief it is they I wish to which the Department of AgriculturE serve." farm leaders and Senate and th Tardieu said his successor as pre- House Agriculture Committee are vir mier, Pierre Laval, continued the tually deadlocked. payments to the rightist leader. The President's message laid dowi De La Rocque, scarcely audible in six "must" provisions for a "sour the stormy courtroom shouted: "Tar- long-time program": (1) soil conser dieu has lied!" vation, (2) an ever normal granar _________________(3) control of crop surpluses, (4) nei revenues for any additional far: ( Latest te hni benefits, (5) a fair farm share of t national income and (6) a constitu Out Wednesday lack Battle Revived The session's opening day saw revival of the battle over the nomina Magazine Features Article tion of Hugo L. Black to the Supren By Jslis Bard 38E Court. Senator Bridges, (Rep.. N.H. By JstusBair, '38 'said he would present a resolutiont alter the Senate rules so that Sen "Wage Incentives-an Engineering ators, when nominated to other o Problem," by Justus N. Baird, Jr., fices, may be called before cominitteE '38E, will headline the November to investigate their fitness. Technic which goes on sale tomor- Although farm legislation w;) row, made the first order, proponentsc Other subjects treated in this is- the anti-lynching bill argued ve sue are: "Professorand Deans," by hemently that under the agreeme: John K. Mills, '40E; "Iron Ore," by their bill must be taken up at once TiT Tf. ...nvr ...A!..... d. AlVf. 11Q-l." Congress Convenes A Open Market On Football Players e t -U RP~eeved at 122 E.iurou St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Tele}hone 4221 =e P -_- ly Y U; HEL P>AT'!",f' PtURaw SC^O:L i LL A L 'A Y DE UBJECT Th re C i °Ti:c'i. "u O wt E . Ti LL A; E E COLLECT e w7ALEY: C;I STILL ENTE THVS ZSYt:EiriM h This is a photo-engraved copy of the telegram which Tom Harmon, star freshman backfield star, received from a Tulane University repre- d sentative, soliciting his football services. s, Eastern Colleges Buy West's Star Pupils, Deans Say FLINT, Nov. 15.- IP)-Two Univer- sity of Michigan deans attributed a form of subsidizing tonight to eastern colleges-for "star students," not star athletes. Speaking before the University of' Michigan club,nan alumniorganiza- tion, Dean Henry M. Bates of the College of Law said. Yale, Harvard and Columbia enroll the Midwest's, best high school scholars through scholarships. Dean E. H. Kraus of the College of Science, Literature and the Arts, corroborating Dean Bates' statement, said Yale alone has more than $250,- 000 available for scholarships and fel- lowships. Dean H. C. Anderson of the College of Engineering, who is a member of. the Board in Control of Athletics, briefly discussed the University's cur- rent investigation of rumors thatf freshman athletes are being subsi- dized. The investigation, he said, was based entirely on rumors and begun at this time to ward off any later misleading report. N e.t 4 Not Arc-h ite t Alumni Protest, Charges Made Against Harmon Gary Organization Sends Local Board Statement To Check Insinuations By TOM PHARES In direct protest of "the thinly veiled innuendoes and implications" directed at the Chicago Alumni or- ganization and 'charges directed at Tom Harmon, star freshman gridder. from Gary, Ind., the University of Michigan Club of Gary has filed a formal statement of objection with the local Board in Control of Ath- letics. With the release of the subsidiza- tion investigation statement last week by the Michigan Board and the con- sequent national publicity given the entire matter by the nationwide press services, the Gary alumni hastened to adopt a resolution which explained the true status of all concerned. "The University of Michigan Club of Gary, Indiana, not unlike other similar bodies throughout the United States, did use its influence to prevail upon Tom Harmon and other Gary boys to matriculate at Michigan. We did rlirUih ti to ll of thnJa hn b what Wire Signed By Bill Bevan Calls Michigan 'Simon Pure' Institution MSC Is Revealed As Making Offer By IRVIN LISAGOR (Copyright, 1937, By The Michigan Daily) Openly flaunting investigations of Michigan's rumored subsidization of athletes, a representative of Tulane University has reiterated an "offer" made to Tom Harmon, - brilliant freshman back enrolled here, ac- cording to a telegram released ex- clusively to The Michigan Daily last night. The wire was signed by Bill Bevan, former All-American guard at Min- nesota and present line coach at the southern school, and was evidently prompted by Michigan's athletic board's recent statement to the ef- fect that certain freshman gridders were under suspicion of being sub- sidized by alumni groups. Harmon, a graduate of the Horace Mann high school in Gary, Ind;, was one of the freshmen which campus Editorial comment on the offer to Harmon will be found in Aside Lines on the sports page, gossipers associated with the rumors. By virtue of'his enviable record as a prep star, he was the recipient of bids from more than a score of universities located in every corner of the nation. Labelling Michigan a "simon pure school," Bevan's wire suggested that Harmon may be completely exon- erated .of the charges leveled at him by covert whisperers. The Gary youth has been vehement in his denials of aid, pecuniary or otherwise, since the rumors received official cogni- zance by the athletic board Nov. 10. He admitted being encouraged to en- ter Michigan by his high school coach, Douglas Kerr, a former Wol- verine athlete, and alumni in Gary whose only overtures consisted of a lecture on the educational advan- tages of the local institution. Supporting Harmon, the Michigan alumni of Gary forwarded a pre- pared statement to the University's athletic board, which stated, as evi- dence, that they merely influenced the youth's' action by extolling the school's virtues. Moreover, they as- serted that his means were derived wholly from his parents. Reliable informers told the Daily (Continued on Page 3 A plea for campus-wide support of the program, consists of Peter Bad- the poll to determine the most pop- Continued on Page 2 ular orchestra for the Sophomore. apicture to ai of Lose goys what ,,.° ° Tiv we believed to bethe advantages of 1 To Give Lecture our school." Haber To Talk The statement continues to further T a HeetrelTtsdydr:tns rumors in the At Labor Forum "They have all been advised that scholarship comes first at Michigan, Natural Science Building that Michigan is primarily an educa- AFL-CIO Representatives To BeScen Of ectue. 'tional institution with facilities sec- o e ene ecture Iond to none for such purpose. We did Will UpholdViewpoints By Frank Lloyd Wright j enlist the aid of the parents of (these boys. We succeeded." Prof. William Haber of the ec- Frank Lloyd Wright, considered When the statements says "boys" onomics department will preside and America's outstanding present-day it refers to several other prominent speak at a forum on "The AFL-CIO architect, will speak on "Contem- athletes who were outstanding while Controversy" at 8 p.m. Friday in porary Architecture" at 4:15 p.m. competing for Horace Mann High Unity Hall, corner of State and Hu- hrdayAritectur"a:Science Au- School in Gary, and who are now also ron streets. ditorium. The talk is part of th enrolled here at the University as Walter Reuther, president of De- University Lecture series. rfreshmen. troit's West Side UAW Local, who Mr. it L sres. "We are extremely resentful," con- recently ran for councilman in De- M. Wright is best known in the ; tinue the Gary alumni, "of the ad-tri'elconwlluhdteCI field of functional architecture where atroits election, will uphold the CIO bhahrnA., tn VA side of the s m Aosim uxu vl~luula1VtlllC J\Jlil~llLI H H Richard S6teding, Prom, Dec. 10, which is being con- Professor's Mother itbdd.t Want Television," y ducted today by the music committee By Auto On State St. mer, '38E; "Training of the affair, was voiced yesterday by tive Engineering," b Cruzan Alexander, general chairman, Mrs. Sara O'Neill, mother of Prof. ivMeade. Mr. Meade i and Charles Frost, chairman of the James O'Neill of the French depart- rector of the research music committee. , ment, suffered a broken leg and pos- General Motors Corp. Ballots listing the names of the sible other injuries when she was will be Prof. John five available bands with open dates struck on Sate Street by an automo- "Streamliners." on Dec. 10, appear on Page 3 of to- i bile driven by Wallace Ebaugh yes- j_ _ day's Daily and will also be available terday. SEDRDA at the three polling stations located Mrs. O'Neill was taken to St. Jo- SPEEDER DRA in Angell Hall lobby, the Diagonal, seph's Mercy Hospital and later Pleading guilty to and the Engineering, Arch. transferred to the University hospital, speeding 40 miles pe The bands listed on the ballot are I which reported late yesterday that the Washington Street, W v Child J extent of her injuries had not yet ! 435 ThompsonStreet. -.4--.-- --.3 Th ---------reet 4UE; "6 YOUI Jerome Weis-; for Automo- I y Kenneth A. s personnel di-E department of Also featured S. Worley's, WS FINE I a charge of r hour on W. Mendell Stuber, was fined $9.551 In pounded Chinese Finally Bound For Home Sweet Home DETROIT, Nov. 15.-UP)-The Chi- nese freighter Win On weighed an- chor here today and coasted down the Detroit River on the first leg of al voyage that members of its crew hope I will take them to their native Shang- hai. ne nas peen prominent since thne start of the century. R~e was one of} the pioneers in functiona. architec- ture, and it was is work that first influenced European architects and' '2d to the sapid development of mod~ British Envoy John Reid of Lansing, secretary of the Michigan Federation of Labor, will discuss the AFL side. Jolnny Hamp, Reggie t s, jug Haymes, Husk O'Hare, and Carll "Deacon" Moore. The polling hours I will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. World Teetering On Brink Of War, Slosson Declares Symptons of a new world war aret both widespread and acute, Prof. Preston W. Slosson declared in an address titled "The World between Two Wars" Sunday at the St. An- drews Episcopal Church.L T' TTnited States should coon-e been ascertained. yesterday by Justice Jay H. Payne. The crew of 26 Chinese sailors had e- architecture abroad. been impounded on the ship here All of his designing is done with a esince August under orders of U.S. im- the objective of fitting buildings to University Custodians Allowed migration authorities. their particular needs. He has de- The Win On was converted from signed residences, factories, commer- the old lake steamer, Lake George, cial buildings and a modern com- But W eek Off, No Sick Leave! by the Win On Steamship Company munity. Among his best known of Shanghai. It was delayed here buildings are the Larkin Building in awaiting sailing orders, long delayed Buffalo, the Unity Temple in Chicago, University custodians are among the 20 schools which set stipulated because of the undeclared war in the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, one of the very few in colleges throughoutI limits is 12.7 days. It is cumulative I China. Sailing orders finally were the few building to survive the great the country who are allowed no sick at only two. received last week. I earthquake and the Coonley and leave with pay and have only one Sixteen days of paid vacation is l Capt. A. R. Smith said he hopes Barnsdall residences in Chicago and week of paid vacation, a national the ayerage at the 25 schools con- to make Cleveland Tuesday morning, Los Angeles. survey made in May reveals. sidered in the survey, with Nebraska where he will pick up a load of coal. He has also done much work in Officials of the local custodians' being the only school which gives its From Cleveland the Win On will go architectural research, conducting an union have stated that this lack of custodians no vacation. Michigan, to Halifax, where it will take on a apprentice school and having writ- sick leave with pay, along with the along with six others, allows one load of scrap iron, Capt. Smith said, ten several books and magazine ar- t i :1 d# d n! _ i _, To Meet Hitler Senior Swing Party Lord Halifax To Discuss Jams On To Oblivion German Colonial Question The Washtenaw Swing party has I collapsed! LONDON, Nov. 15.-(P)-Viscount lFounded last week upon the in- Halifax will leave London tomorrow stigation of several members of a for Germany to hear on behalf ofj Washtenaw fraternity, this new sen- the British Government Chancellor ior party advocated Benny Good- Adolf Hitler's plans for changing man for the Senior Ball, Duke Ell- the map of the world.-I ington for Senior Swing-Out and The announcement today that had nominated Shirl Crosman, Gam- Lord Halifax, Lord President of the ma Phi Beta songbird with Bob council, would begin his journey a Steinle's band, for president. day earlier than scheduled set at rest When contacted last night, leaders rumors it might be called off be- of the dead party said, "It was a gag cause of Nazi resentment of British shoved down our throats. We guess press speculations. ; women wnldn't standl hinz ruir