SATURDAY, NOV. 13, 1937 THE MICHIG AN DAILY PIGEF Fly Sarah Pierce W ill Announce I Engineers' Ba . Is Attended By More Than 700 Various Dances onignht To Give Pi-c.,slident; To ate Theme Of J.G.P . At Meeting Relief From A Though 1ast night's dances.ol-er- hliadowed by Engineers' Ball. were few in number. there will be several more l !1 P !v 7 t T 4-11 1 Roberta Chissus To Speak; To Introduce Chairmen T oWouien Thursday All.1uiiors Need Health Rechecked The annual Junior Girls Play mass meeting, at which the script and plans for the 1938 play will be an- nounced, will be held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the League ballroom,! Roberta Chissus, general chairman, announced. Dean Alice C. Lloyd and Dr. Mar- garet Bell will address the group, speaking on eligibility and health. Sarah Pierce, grad., will announce the theme of this year's production. The members of the central com- mittee will be introduced by Miss Chissus, who will also give a short talk. Charlotte Poock To Speak - Charlotte Poock, chairman of the dance committee, wlil speak on try- outs and chorus practice for this part of the production. Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, social director of the League and Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the League, will also speak. The members of the various com- mittees will be announced, but these lists. will be subject to addition later. Petitioning for the various commit-, tees will be held immediately after1 the meeting. The committees are dance; music, finance. ushers, cos- tumes, tickets, makeup, programs, properties and publicity. All Juniors Urged To Attend Director Of J.G.P. Array Of Colorful Gowns tonight. Miss Pierce Is Director Seen At Year's Second Acacia ishelding a hard-times radio party. Chaperons will be Mr.t O Aninal Class Project Formiial At Union Dance and Mrs. Russell Price and Mr. and, -Mrs. Marland Small. Fo Lad Other At tis Variety in shades and styles of Harvey Judson's orchestra will pro- vide the music for Alpha Delta Pi's, gwns spledge formal. Prof. and Mrs. Carla Sp eh Assistant Is annual Engineers' Ball. held from Hubbs and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Upson Proiiinent In Plays 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. yesterday in the will act as chaperons. J- j main ballroom of the Union. More j Sorosis To Give Pledge Formal The music for Collegiate Sorosis' Sarah Pierce, Grad., an assistant than 350 couples attended the func- pledge formal will be furnished by in the speech department, is to direct tion. Jimmy Fisher's orchestra. Mr. and the 1938 Junior Girls Play, it was an= Cathrine Lewis, of Muskegon, guest Mrs. Arthur Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. rcunced by Roberta Chissus, general of Carlton Nelson, '38E, general chair- Pearson Beebe will chaperon. charman of the production. man of the dance, was seen dancing Gamma Phi Beta will hold itse - -ot po-in a- fitted black velvet gown with pledge formal tonight at which Russ Week Of Exams ",' "upa lola - - Sigma Alpha Iota, national music Starr, '39, who are in chaige. John sorority, will entertain its national McDonald and his Campus Com- president. Miss Gertrude Evans, next manders will play. Mrs. Frederick week when she will come here to rate G. Ray and Miss Jean Keller will act the Ann Arbor chapter, which was the as chaperons. first one founded. The pledges of Phi Kappa Sigma Pledging of four new members will are giving an informal radio dance take place at the home of Mrs. Samuel at which the chaperons are to be Mr. Dana, at 7 p.m. tomorrow. Those to Ray Hutzel and Mr. Wilmot F. Pratt. be pledged are: Twila Traber, '39SM, Phi Sigma Delta is giving a radio. Betty Baxter, '395M, Ella May Bur- rushing dance from 2 to 5 p.m. today. ton, '39, and Jean Ebersole, '40SM. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Creal will chap- Monday at 8 p.m. Miss Evans will eron. according to Robert Paver, '39, attend a formal musical. Tuesday, who is in charge. luncheon will be held at the League Mr. and Mrs. Homer Heath and in honor of Miss Evans. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, both of and Tuesday afternoons Miss Evans Ann Arbor, will chaperon Pi Beta will hold separate conferences with Phi's pledge formal, at which Bill each member of the sorority at the Sawyer will play. League. i{Miss Picrce is now director 'or alli League dramatic projects. In this po- sition she directs all Children's The- ater productions. "Mr. Toad," which cpened yesterday, is also under the direction of Miss Pierce. For the past two years she has di- rected the annual Freshman Pageant. Last year she directed "Feather In1 SARAH PIERCE His Cap," the 1937 Junior Girls' Play. This year Miss Pierce will as- sist with the Sophomore Cabaret in h_ : ,connection with her position as dra- ockey e arn matic director for undergraduates.1 While an undergraduate, Miss?1 To a today Pierce was active in Play Production. -- She is especially known for her roles as the poet in "The Kingdom of; Group From Battle Creek God" and the title part in "Eliza- ,Tbeth The Queen." She was a promi- 'io Be E tertained At Tea nent member of the 1934 Junior Girls Play. She has been a member of the' The University women's hockey Michigan Repertory Players during team will meet the hockey team from the summer session and appeared asj Battle Creek today at 1:30 p.m. at the lead in Zoe Akin's "The Old" Maid." Miss Pierce was also a mem- Palmer Field. ber of the cast of "Excursion" which The members of Michigan's team Whitford Kane directed here re- will be: Mary Richardson, '40, cap- cently. a full skirt.v Betty Gatward, '38, who attended with Jack Kasley, '38E, chairman of the music committee, selected a for- mal of changeable blue taffeta. Kath- leen Mead. '41SM. as the guest of Richard Wangelin, '38E, finance chairman, appeared in a black crepe formal cut on the new sheath-like lines. Evelyn Shrock Attends The guest of Sidney Steinborn, '38E, publicity chairman, was Evelyn Shrock, Grad., who wore a raspberry Rollins will play. The chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sheperd, and Mrs. Martha1 Wentworth. Helen Newberry Residence's annual informal fall dance is scheduled for today. Chaperons will be Miss Ruth Danielson and Miss Ellen Mann, and Larry Morse's orchestra will provide the music. At the Jordan Hall dance Prof. and Mrs. Albert Marckwardt, Mrs. Wil- liam L. Morley, and Miss Nan Diebel will chaperon. t Baker Twuins Will Plav r -I--UTZEL'S I APPAREL * f -~ t 4 taffeta gown. The Baker Twins' orchestra of De- Jane Anderson, '40, who was with trait will provide the music for the Matthew Sielski, '38E, head of the Law Club's formal dance, to be held ticket committee, was'seen in a black in the dining room. Chaperons are taffeta formal. Dr. and Mrs. M. R. McGarvey and Escorted by Frederick Osburg, ',38E, Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Zahn. decoration chairman, Helen Jean, '41, Eighty couples will attend Mosher appeared in a black crepe formal with Hall's informal dance according to a gathered yoke. Mary Ellen Wilson, Betty Becherer, '38, and Mary Ann Grad., who attended with Alfred1_. ......-.. - _ ®® - Waldchen, '38E, head of programs and A iiE' patrons, chose for the occasion a A1111 thO AttendI green slipper satin gown. r ix- Its name is 'First Prize"- All Junior women are urged to at- tain; Virginia Storts, '41; Dorothyl-- tend this meeting. This is the first Cranmore, '40; Jane Grove, '40; Lola [ opportunity for junior transfers to Borgemeister, '41; Evelyn Brown, '41;1W Ai A work on a class project but they Helen Wolf '40; Dorothy Cowan, '39. must dbtain permission before they eD can work. The regular class fee of Dorothea Ortmayer, '41; and Jean rote $1 for class projects will be collected Millard, '41.( later. After the game the University'sI It is, necessary for every junior team will entertain the players from (' ming11 1 T woman to have the health recheck Battle Creek at a tea to be held in at the Health Service before she the lounge of the Women's Athletic End Of Pr may participate in Junior Girls Play. Building. Miss Laurie Campbell and- Miss Marie Hartwig, instructors of The tournam physical education for women, will meetings are in AI)ELIA CHEEVER RECEPTION Ipour. the Women's Adelia Cheever House is holding a j The hockey club, which meets every during the nextt formal faculty reception from 8 to Tuesday and Thursday, has two the outdoor sea 10:30 p.m. today. Dean Alice Lloyd teams, the Bullies and the Silly Su- '38, W.A.A. pres' heads the receiving line composed of sies. The two teams play each other During the n Miss Jeanette Perry, Mrs. Harry in order to provide practice for the of the volleybal Bacher, Mrs. Edward H. Krause, Mrs. regular games. The next regular played. This is John Bradshow, Mrs. Edward M. game will be November 16 or 18 when sororities, leagu Bragg, Mrs. Joseph M. Parsons, di- they will meet team from tories. Ruth Har rector of Adelia Cheever, Miss Char- Ypsilanti. On November 23, there torie R s Hi on, and Jane Campbell, '39, house will be a club game follo~ved by a final archery si president. weenie roast. -- .-- --~ ----.--Crop and Sad( ing club, willc weekly rides d weeks. There w in golf. The da tinue work on it A hockey game club game are p .To Open r Season wo Weeks Sees esent Activities cent finals and last store for members of Athletic Association two weeks, the last of ason, Mary Johnson,. ident, explained. next week the finals l tournament will be a tourney between, e houses, and dormi- r m n 'Q in r m r lt Betty French Wears Black ""llu -'-4)'"u,- _U - - ll i Betty French, '39, who attended with Jack Young, '38E, committee Two parties for alumni and alum- member, wore a black gaberdine silk i nae of the University attending the formal. Carl Gerstacker, '38E, had as; Pennsylvania ;game at Philadelphia his guest, Marjory Coe, '38, who was will be held Friday and Saturday seen in tourquoise moire gown. Fran- nights at the Benjamin Franklin ces Orr, '40, who attended with Ed- Hotel in that city. ward Lebeis, '39E, a committee mem- Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost. ber, selected for the ball blue change- Coach Harry G. Kipke, Emory J. able taffeta. Hyde, president of the Alumni Asso-I ciation, Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, execu- Ruth Dillman, '40, who attended tive secretary of the Alumnae Asso- with Cruizan Alexander, '39E, com- ciation and T. Hawley Tapping, gen- mittee member, wore a peach bro- eral secretary of the Alumni Associa- cade formal, while Edith Johnston, tion will attend from Ann Arbor. '40, the guest of Charles Roach, '38E' A smoker for men at which Coach committee member, selected for the Kipke will show motion pictures will occasion a pink princess gown, be held Friday night and at the same I time the alumnae will meet under . the chairmanship of Marie Winsor 1 Phi Lambda Theta Holds Stebbins of Marshall, Mich., president Initiation Of 14 'Wome of the Alumnae Association. and it goes a flare for a date for the next foot- ball tea dance. Crepe Mar- gale-with row upon row of tucks for a yoke and gold kid bows for a climnaz. Froin our football week-end ward- robe of Cartwrights, de- signed by Martha Gale. Sizes 9 to 17 *0 Many other styles in the Cartwright family from $16.95 to $39.75 to the girl with originality and rtman, 3y, intr-amur al charge of it. Also a hoot will be held. idle, the women's rid- continue to have its uring the next two ill be no more activity ancing club will con- ts Christmas pageant., with Ypsilanti and a lanned. . Phi Lambda Theta, national hon- ROGER WILLIAMS GUILD orary fraternity for women, initiated The Roger Williams Guild of the, 14 seniors and graduates yesterday in Baptist church will hold a splash the chapel of the League. :party at 7:30 p.m. today in the In- Those initiated were Mary E. Al- tramural Building, according to Ar- bright, '38, Mary Helen Bowman, '38, thur Kratzman, '39, social chairman. Marjorie Curdy, '38, Ruth Carr, '38, Grace Snyder, '38, Sally Kenny, '38 Mary Redden, '38, Fannie Balch, Grad., Ruth Cunningham, Grad. Frances Carney, Grad., Hazel Her-} ringshow, Grad., Elizabeth Noyes, Grad., Frances Quigley, Grad., and Verna Sparling, Grad. The formal initiation was followed ! /'4 A 1>_ I'" A4 Y ,." f ,. -- -- - . . . .. . MOSHER HALL COUNCIL ' The Mosher Hall house council has' appointed Betty Becherer, '38, dance J.aiecue~d 9ictrw r1k chairman and Florence Keaven, '38, by a dinner at which Mr. Katharine co-chairman of teas and open houses B. Greene of the faculty of Ohio State to work with Myrra Short, '39. University, was the speaker. IUU.00 e. "ROBESw ... -for Lovely Ladies Who combine luxury With practicability - At GCOODYEAR'8 you'll find flannel coats Which will ful- fill your desire for the beau- tiful, and yet appeal to your practical side, too, beca use they seem almost never to wear out, and are warm as well as flattering. THE STYLE sketched is piped with ivory corduroy just one of this season's stunning new versions. Strawberry PDusi and Royal-Blue Saturday's Specials -i Maybe you hadn't thought of 1t E bui t..s news- paper has one department of 100,000 i.sdividual. That depa-r- -nt is The A' I P~e~ Raspberry Ruby Turkey-Red Aqua DRESSES at$89 Tailored Wools --- Silks - Knits Dressy afternoon dresses and even- ing dresses Velvets - Satins and Laces values to $22.50 at $ 05 Splendid values in wools, knits and This cooperative world-wkde staff collects, veri- fies and distributes each day's news over 285,000 miles of leased wires dirret to member newspapers. Its credit line, "By The A ssociated Press," guar- antees accurate, swift and impartial coverage of the news wherever it breaks. Navy Brown Black $6.50 to $15.00 Daniel Green's Fur Cuoed Pecict rcmpanion for vour rob in '1 F; crepes value to $1695e Read the # WLs daily in !m ®1 a Sizes 12 to 16 I i I®