The Weather Rain, somewhat warmer in east portion today; tomorrow cloudy and much colder. C, 4 1 r 3k igan ~Iaitr Editorials The Federal Housing Problem'. Illuminating Irony .. . VOL. XLVHL No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 13, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Dr. Kilpatrick Professor Haydon To Lecture Cl On Attainment Of The Good Life Claims Schools _ i Fail To Teach' Social Ideals 1800 Educators Attending Conference Hear Plea To 'Learn By Doing' Haber Speaks On, Perils Of Planning School children cannot learn de- mocracy under the present autocra- tic school system, Dr. William H. Kil- patrick of Northwestern University told 1800 representatives of the Pro- gressive Education Association gath- ered in Hill Auditorium yesterday afternoon, in supporting his theory, that learning is only accomplished by doing. You cannot learn vicariously, Dr. Kilpatrick said, but you can and do learn by living and doing. If you want to improve social conditions, then you must start with the children and in- grain in them the fundamental con- cepts of an ideal community by making it possible for them to live in a miniature ideal community the school. "School people," Dr. Kilpatrick said, "are in danger of confining the fact and notion of learning to the acquisition of book content and of allied skills. In so doing they over- look several very important kinds of learning that in the strategy of life' must be ranked before this ordinary subject matter of the conventional school. "Probably the most important of all learning is that which enters into the building of the infant into a self, since it is this selfhood which most differentiates man from the beast. The personal and social attitudes built up in the child during this pro-1 cess determine perhaps more fully1 than anything else his moral and, personality traits of later life.- "In close connection wiuh the fore- going are all those learnirgs that fit the child into the surounding on- going social life process, the common1 language, the use of ordinary toolsl and implements of social life, the1 common customs, the social and4 moral standards and conceptions. 4 "As the child becomes adolescent and grows into adulthood he has to learn to deal with the wider social and economic life and accept his share of responsibility for the current social problems that emerge from the life of business and society in his time and place. "And finally is that kind of learn- ing which helps to build new social intelligence for dealing with all those especially strategic new problems, which if unsolved threaten the veryt stability of civilization itself. "In all of these kinds .of learning social participation stands foremost Speaks Sunday At 11 A.M. in Unitarian Church; MondayAtLeague Humanism, a creed of thought and action which holds that man is the 'most important interest of man, will be discussed by A. Eustace Haydon, professor of the history of religion at the University of Chicago, in a series of lectures tomorrow and Monday. "Man's Search for the Good Life" is the title of the lecture which Pro- fessor Haydon will deliver at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the Unitarian Church. On Monday, Professor Haydon will speak at the faculty luncheon at 12:15 a.m. on "Humanism" and at 4:15 p.m. will address students, in the League, on "The Task of Religion Today." Professor Haydon, considered one of the foremost exponents of Human- ism, has written two books - "The 'Quest of The Ages" and "Man's Search for The Good Life"-in which he explains the basis for a religion such as Humanism and its principles. Humanism, as set forth in the Hu-, manist Manifesto-a re-affirmation' of the ideas embodied in Professor Haydon's books, is a religion that at- tempts to square with the scientific, economic, and social changes which League, Union Student Forum Meets Today' Collegians Of Four States, Canada To Air Views; Conducted By P.E.A. College students from Michigan, three neighboring states, and Canada will have an opportunity to present their views on college education when the Student Forum sponsored by the councils of the League and Union meets at 2:15 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. The forum is being held in connec- tion with the Progressive Education Association Conference, in session here. Representatives from 30 col- leges and universities in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Ontario, Canada, will attend. Co-chairmen Th'ere will be an information desk for student representatives here for the Student Forum of the Progressive Education Association, from 1:30 to 2 p.m. today in the lobby of the League. They are asked to stop at this desk before going to the Union for the Forum. for the affair are Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the League, and John Thom, '38, president of the Union. Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, treasurer of the League, Don Belden, '39E, and Frederick Geib '38F&C, secretary of have rendered traditional religious faiths inadequate to the needs of man. The Humanist Manifesto states: "Religion consists of those actions, purposes, and experiences which are humanly significant. Nothing human is alien to the religious. It includes labor, art, science, philosophy, love, friendship, re'creational, all that is in its degree expressie of intelligentlyl satisfying human living. The dis- tinction between the sacred and the secular can no longer be maintained." Humanism affirms rather than denys life, seeks to enjoy rather than flee from it, and endeavors to estab- lish a satisfactory life for. all, ac- cording to the adherents of the tenets] of this comparatively new religion. Budget Decision Hits President's Whole Program Congressmen Find Budget Balancing Cuts Across Crop Control And TVAI WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-(IP)- Early arrivals for the special session of Congress found today that the issue of curtailed expenditures and balancing the budget cut squarely across most of the measures to be considered. It was present in the problem of determining the best method of keep- ing crop surpluses within bounds, in the question of government reor- ganization, in proposals that the TVA idea be extended to other areas, andI was inherent in the current revision of the tax structure. Some saw it lurking also in the Wage-Hour Bill, still tightly trapped in the House Rules Committee, for,: they said, administrative expenses would be involved. None had yet found it lurking behind a proposal that the Anti-Trust laws be tightened.I The special session begins at 12 noon Monday. In two committee rooms little' groups of men were already deep in the problems of the session. The House Agriculture Committee fought out the crop control controversy and the House Subcommittee on Taxes was busy at its unending task of de- termining how various changes inj the tax schedules would affect re- venues. The Agriculture Committee de- voted most of the day to a contro- versy as to whether the farm program should be financed by a revival of processing taxes similar to those in- validated by the Supreme Court in Spanish We ek Of rhee I Sing, AmericansPr s Shin, Or Beauty Propose Begins Here ForPresident To Place Duration 1N e x t ida The coming senior class literary _electionassumed an unexpected and startling angle last night when it was Drive For Funds Brings announced that Shirl Crosman, Gam- ma Phi Beta song bird with Bob Movies And Ambulancel Steine's orchestra, would be nomin- To Enlist Local Suport ated for president on the newly creat- ____ed Washtenaw Swing party ticket. C The new party, which started as Holds Center Post Chamberlain To Attempt Campaign 1 Last jest on the part of certain members British Gn N of the Theta Chi fraternity, hasa, Novem er L5-20adopted a platform, lined up many Pact To Solve Issues fraternities and sororities behind it "Spanish Week," a six-day drive to and is planning an extensive cam- Japs Battle West raise funds for medical aid, ambu- paign to win the election Wednesday. s lances and supplies for Loyalist Spain, Carl Post is the caucus chairman Of Fall Shan hai will be sponsored by two local organ- 'of the party, and he advocates for its inFalnen izations beginning Monday, Nov. 15. platform Benny Goodman for the. An exhibit of Loyalist posters will Senior Ball, and Duke Ellington to An American-drafted declaration, begin Monday and run until Wednes- put some life in to the Senior Swing supported by France and Great day. An ambulance being sent by a Out. Britain, placing responsibility on group of leading Hollywood actors to! Leaders of the paty last night said Japan for continuing the war in Spain will arrive in Ann Arbor on that in view of the fact that class of- China threatened to disturb today's Thursday with the film, "Heart of ficers are nothing more than figure meeting of the Brussels Conference. Spain." Another movie made in that heads, a beautiful person might as w On the battle front 200,000 Nip- country burning with, civil war and well be a figure head as some im- ponese troops fought 400,000 Chinese foreign invasion, "The Spanish pressivel looking male. more than 20 miles west of fallen Earth," will be presented Friday and Shanghai. Saturday. An attempt to draw Britain, Ger- The drive "to enlist the support of A any and Italy together toward a the campus and Ann Arbor in the R arleymnsn taytgtertwr thue campus nde Ann Abin i be-' settlement of Europe's pressing prob- cause of democracy in Spain" is be-<, ing sponsored jointly by the PeaceiTo Aid Frosh lems was launched in London by CPrimeMinister Neville Chamberlain and the Ann Arbor Committee foroP i in a series of informal discussions. Medical Aid to Spain with the co-' Begin Sunday'ARCHIE' KODROS operation of the Art Cinema League. Brkssyls Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the The first of five round-table con- i i1 The "Big Three" declaration, which architectural college will formally ferences for freshmen men and wom- Ilna. lW orollt would take the place of any further open the poster exhibit at 8 p.m. en planned by the Student Religious " note to Japan following its blunt re- Monday in R 193 of the Romance Association will take place at 9:30 Shows Varsity fusal to attend the Conference, will of the artistic merits of the posters. a.m. tomorrow in the Union. j be submitted to a private, plenary Small reproductions of the works on Prof. Howard M. McClusky of the S *I session this afternoon. exhibit will be on sale. The exhibition education school will speak for a half Sight Favorite Tokyo's announcement that her will be open from 9 p.m. to 12 noon hour on "Personality." The meeting l,_operations in China were in self-de- and from i to 5 p.m. during the first will then break up into approximate- . fense and thus outside the scope of three days of next week. ly 15 small groups to discuss the prob- Ritchie And Kinsey Named the Nine-Power Treaty coincided "Heart of Spain," dealing prin- lems raised by Professor McClusky. Backfield Choices Today with the declaration yesterday of a cipally with the blood transfusion Each group will be led by upperclass- high Japanese authorty in Brussels work under the direction of Dr. Nor- men. In Clash With Quakers that the United States acting inde- man Bethune, Canadian physician, The Student Religious Association pendently still had a "ticket of en- will be shown at 4:15 and 8:15 p.m. emphasized the fact that the round- By IRVIN LISAGOR try" to discuss Far Eastern peace with (Continue on Page 6) table conferences are for all fresh- (Daily Sports Editor) Japan from the standpoint of the men. They felt that all freshmen In this center of alleged brotherly heavy American interests involved. men and women have almost similar love and confusing one-way streets, Some move to help China defend Aragon Battle problems confronting them since en- Michigan's football squad marked herself against Japanese invasion by tering college and that being on com- me tonight prior to its intersection- sending war materials or by opening Rem ains Li ht mon ground they will be better able ad entanglement on the morrow with credit channels seemed to be the to thresh-out and solve them together. Pennsylvania's uninspired Quakers. course genrally favored at the Con- The conferences have the whole- The Wolverins were transported in ference. Franco Drive On Catalonia hearted backing of Dean Alice Lloyd from their Green Hill farm haven to Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden who believes that they will supply a Franklin Field this afternoon, where planned to make "a strong speech" Seen Likelihood Soon long-felt need of freshman students, they exhibited such elan in a cold, when the conference opens today, Also, the conferences will afford an driving rain that previously chary British circles intimated. HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- opportunity for freshmen men and critics were inclined to give them the Consensus at Brussels was that tier, Nov. 2.-,)-TheSpanish Civil women to get acquainted, though they noonsesy natue has that War dwindled today to a series of are not to be regarded as dating bu- Downtown Philly, however, seems] itary clique was supreme in Japan. skirmishes along the upper Aragon reaus. little concerned with th conflict, and Italy's adherence last Saturday to front, but Insurgent dispatches said apathetic newspapers have shunted the Japanese-German anti-Commu- it was the calm before an imminent advance stories of the game to the nist pact also was considered to have Insurgent offensive. Re ents side sport pages. 'In other words, strengthened Japan's determination Generalissimo Francisco Franco's Penn's mediocre eleven has scarcely to ignore the Nine-Power supporters. troops were expected to be ready for . ;Iprovoked hysteria among the local A conference spokesman said an the drive in northeastern Spain by Janitors Union patrons of the grid art. historical statement summarizing the Nov. 15, weather permitting, al- Varsity Rehearses work of the conference will probably though the points chosen for the B" Free from the scrutiny of holier- be issued Monday. Delegation heads jump off remained a military secret. Bargain h.ig2i ts than-thou investigators, the Varsity are expected to state the positions The massing of Insurgents at Zara- ' did growl and grunt through their of their governments today in ac- goza and rectification of their upper afternoon rehearsal. Trainer Ray cordance with instructions from their Aragon lines indicated, however, that Pardon Belives Tendency Roberts remarked, "that first outfit capitals. Catalonia was the objective. The Toward Better Condition showed more pep this afternoon than government capital has been moved I've ever seen in a Friday workout." Sh h to Barcelona, capital of autonomous Is Becoming Mamifest Even Atheltic Director Fielding H. i ,..'' ,,mC l 4A. ! IUt, Wv 1iiKi1 v iig Ag ,i a connection with the old AAA. The Tax Subcommittee discussed? methods of reducing the tax burden now imposed upon small business- men. Chairman Vinson (Dem., Ky.)' id rump nion mi ght ha k rnkrid mit E i as the indispensable condition of e Men's Council are Michigan's of- good learning and for many of any h e' oniaeMcia' f for a graduated tax at a lower level r golearning and I o may f t ial representatives. than now prevails. learning At all. It is very fortunate'I (Continued on Page 2) "This is the first time the League and Union Councils have ever par-j ticipated in the program of the Pro- Typhoon Damage Ugressive Education Association, and the first time they have ever worked $15,000 In Manila D " together on anything but a social R CN' l" '''Tili 7 xnfIIWicTTr~iraa~r "ohn I i . ddu d Yost was trisKliy engae nat Insurgent advices acknowledged The custodians' union has remained torial joust with newspapermen, as! government counter attacks on the unrecognized by the University be- he caught imaginary passes and im- northern sector of the more than cause of a Board of Regents action, pressed his victims with jarring 100-mile eastern front but said the Edward C. Pardon, superintendent of blocks. Tninraaf~cdillr~ni~anr1 he fr._ the 11ldila dni dn~ a~r oE__ . -_. Insurgentss si d ominatedth stra. u LJ~t u ngs ana grou, sauayes- tegic Gallego Valley. terday.- J en r many students will be interestedin Sign Tentative Agreement' Amending Last Year's , DETROIT, Nov. 12. - (A) - The United Automobile Workers of Amer-1 ica announced tonight that it and. General Motors Corp. have reached "a tentative agreement" on amend- ments to their agreement, signed after last winter's prolonged strike. The points agreed upon were not' revealed. Homer Martin, UAWA! president, said they will be submitted to a conference of delegates from all General Motors locals tomorrow and Sunday for approval or rejection, The union head also announced that delegates from 20 plants of the Ford Motor Co. will meet here at the; same time to consider formation of a council similar to that established before the General Motors strike. Martin said the union has enough members in Ford plants "to do bus- A iness with and we're going to do bus-i iness." He did not mention any spe- cific figure but added that the UAWA; has a larger membership among-Ford. workers than it did among General: Motors employes a year ago. Grid Offensive Needs No More Aid, Says Yost this more serious project and will at- tend the meeting." she said. The discussion leader for the Forumt will be Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the1 English department. Summaries willt be made by Prof. Alvin C. Eurich of the School of Education at North- western University.1 The discussion topic is, "Should aj college education prepare me for my professional work as an end in itself, or should it make me ready for an abundant, creative life?" Organized Alumni Deny Subsidization' Asserting that the Alumni Associa- tion is in no way connected with the alumni groups purported in recent rumors to be subsidizing certain ath- letes in the University, T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the As- sociation said yesterday, "It has never been a policy of any organized alumni, group, and has, in fact, been con-t trary to policy, to foster the subsidiz-I ation of any athlete at the University. of Michigan."l Robert.O.Morgan, secretary of the Class Officers' Council, andivision of the Alumni Association, and center of MANILA, Nov. 12.-!P')-Shattered Government sources said the Cat- On July 28 the Regents considered communication lines hampered of- alan militia had forced the Insur.- a petition from the union and de- r cm niat o tlesumered of- gents to retire from several frontline clined to authorize signature to any e ficials tonght as they surveye h positions in the Sabinanigo sector, agreement providing for collective it killed at least 15 persons and left just south of the French froatier. bargaining between any division of t .pAn Insurgent attempt to encircle the the University or the University as a s thousands homeless when it lashed Catalan spearhead was said to have whole on one hand and any group of B across seven Philippine provinces, failed. employes on the other, he said. h Casualty reports from six of the "The man who takes care of build- h provinces were lacknmg. Several towns ings should be paid a fair living wage 1 remaine isolated and main highways 1Civil Service Bill which should include not only the In Manila alone the storm caused Fbarenecessities of life but enough to a In Manlaahs lefnethom asdd For MSC Resisted; provide for old age in the way of life t 10 deaths, left 3,000 homeless and did insurance or savings. I feel that heJb $15,000 property damage. Five other . is moving in this direction," Mr. Par- t deaths were reported in Rizal pro- EAST LANSING, Nov. 12.-(,?)- do s hn . vince, in which the capital is located. The State Board of Agriculture served dTnsend.d i Scores were missing, among them notice today it would resist any at- "These men who are charged with t 16 fishermen believed drowned when I tempt to place employment at Michi- the responsibility of keeping the p their boats capsized. gan State College under jurisdiction buildings clean and comfortable for Red Cross surveyors said damage of the state civil service commission. the occupants have in the past fallen p Red rosssureyor sad daageinto the class of what might be termed u was not as great as at first believed, { The board ordered' that the civil 'forgotten men.' No one has paid c but that some areas would require aid. service director be notified that coun- much attention to their problems as sel for the college has prepared an long as their buildings were in a live- opinion that the institution is respon-I able condition. excep m in case it 1s Academy Of Arts Elects sible only to the board of agriculture, was necessary to reduce the budget, L Ten Additional Members under the Michigan constitution. when they were the first to be no- a William Brownrigg, state civil serv- ticed. When the time comes to in- u NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-(P)-The ice director, has requested attorney crease the wages they are the last to. American Academy of Arts and Let- general Raymond W. Starr to deter- benefit," Mr. Pardon said. ters today elected 10 new members to mine whether the college and the Average pay of the janitors is now fill vacancies caused by the deaths University of Michigan fall within the 47.6 cents an hour with the men us- of such persons as Elihu Root, Childe terms of the civil service law enacted ually working eight hours a day, he Hassam, William Gillette and Edith by the 1937 legislature. stated. In 1929 the average pay was W harton. stated.ents n d9 er e rul get y ewas Among those named were Charles' 45 cents and before July 1 of this year McLean Andrews, of New Haven, 5 Subsidiaries To Merge the mean was 42.9 cents. The budge- Coach Harry Kipke plans to start ohn Kinsey at fullback tomorrow,1 jith Stark Ritchie and Norm Pu- ucker at the halves, and Doug Farm- r at quarter. Kipke qualified his intention by announcing that a reacherous turf might induce him to upplant Purucker with either Bill Barclay or Hercules Renda at wing- ack. Norm isn't completely sure on is right halfback assignments. Ritchie Replaces Trosko Stark Ritchie replaces Fred Trosko' it left half as reward for his two- ouchdown spree last week, which beat Chicago in the last minutes of he game. Kinsey will be making his initial start in the veteran Tex Stan- on's post chiefly because of his su- perior blocking. - On the line, Hunk Anderson is ap- arently satisfied as the same for- ward wall that opened against Chi- ago will start against the Quakers. Here, where filial affection is pre- umably rife, the Quaker Coach, Har- vey Harmon, obviously lacks esteem. Local observers contend the Quakers are potentially powerful, but strangely wanting in certain departments, (Continued orn Pave 2) Best Man Takes Bride In Wedding-Day Mix-up BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Nov. 19 UP' '-TP hi-f m n af c t~nrir As Japanese troops completed their occupation of Shanghai, all signs pointed toward an early Nipponese drive on Nanking, China's capital. The Chinese, unable to withstand the terrific pounding of Japan's mod- ern weapons, retreated slowly toward their "Hindenburg Line," approxi- mately 30 miles west of the front and 50 miles from Shanghai. Nanking is 125 to 150 miles beyond that line. London Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's insis- tent demand for colonies and Premier Benito Mussolini's desire for recogni- tion of his Ethiopian conquest were believed to be the subject of the in- formal negotiations that followed Chamberlain's Tuesday speech calling for better relations among the three powers. Conferences in Rome and London were considered by diplomats as a new approach to the Anglo-Italian understanding which is the corner- stone of Chamberlain's peace policy. The visit of Lord Halifax, Lord Pres- ident of the Council, to Germany where he will see Hitler was re- garded as an important diplomatic gesture to Germany. Swiftly moving events included a decision to convoke the Noninterven- tion subcommittee next Tuesday by which time, informed sources said, favorable replies might be forthcom- ing from the two factions in Spain on the plan to withdraw foreign troops. Prof. Aga-Oglu To Speak IOn IslaiciieArt In Snain1'