THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOV. 1, 1937 HE MICHIGAN DAILY i j . I I I - -C N F V sf"" O TU"* ""f"NA n - - Edited and managed by students of the University of ohigan under the authority of the Board in Control of ident Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the .versity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e for republication of all news dispatches credited t or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al ,ts of republication of all other matter herein also Served. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as ond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $4.50. 'ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 ° EPRESENTED FOR NATIONA... National Advertising Service,Inc.. College Publisho-s Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . Los AGELES SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors 4NAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES ITORIAL DIRECTOR ............TUURE TENANDER liam Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas GHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, U1dward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robet Perlman and Roy Sizemore. 'ORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor chairman Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf,IBud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. CMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staeber and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department SINESS MANAGER .............ERNEST A. JONES ,EDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER VERTISING MANAGER .. ..NORMAN B. STEINBERG OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY OMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Plailip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: EARL R. GILMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 'he Republicans ook Toward 1940. . H EYWOOD BROUN must have been out looking for sucker money when s offered two-to-one odds that either Thomas ewey, the erstwhile rackets-buster or Fiorello .,Guardia the rampaging reformer would be e Republican presidential nominee in 1940. If ever a presidential boom sprang up overnight is that for young Mr. Dewey. The Republicans aders who convened in Chicago last week are reed that the District Attorney-elect of New ork county has the makings of a political Moses, t so much because of what he has already ac- mplished in practical politics but because of s glamorous potentialities. He has the qualities cessary for mass vote-appeal. As a westerner ho took the big city by storm with the fear- ssness and thoroughness of his clean-up cam- ign, it is calculated that he will appeal to ters in every section of the country. Further- ore, he is looked upon as a man who has an ,rnest zeal for reform, yet one who will not sort to extremist methods to accomplish his ds. The Chicago delegates practically eliminated kGuardia last week, despite the vigorous cam- ,ign already started on his behalf by William len White. Mark Sullivan and Frank Kent and Ier Republican trumpeteers have already be- owed their blessings upon Dewey, but White, ho supported Theodore Roosevelt in the Bull oose campaign of 1912, and who transformed f Landon from a provincial governor into a na- nal figure, persists in his support of La iardia. It was contended by the Chicago com- itteemen however, that with the fiery mayor the Republican candidate in 1940, the coun- i would be asked to choose between two iden- al nominees, and that the Democrats whether osevelt, La Follette, Murphy, Earle or some- dy else, would have all the advantage. Besides, it was argued by the practical men Chicago, such a campaign would make it diffi- It to arouse the enthusiasm of conservatives of her party, particularly those who put up the mey with which campaigns are financed. Elliott Maraniss. amsay MacDonald asses On. . T HE UNFORTUNATE but instructive career of England's first Labor Primd nister has come to an end. Ramsay Mac- nald, apostate of British Socialism, died, an emy might be unkind enough to remark, as he ,ed-at sea. MacDonald grew up with the labor movement his country, drawing his first instruction in ial economy from Henry George's "Progress d Poverty." The land-rent theme of the great igle-taxer made a profound impression on cDonald, surrounded as he was by example: In the 1918 parliamentary elections, he suffered for his militant opposition to the forces that had brought his country into the most destructive war in history. But four years later the reaction in favor of peace not only returned MacDonald to the House of Commons, but broke the Conserv- ative majority and gave the opposition the op- portunity to overthrow the cabinet and place itself in office, with MacDonald as premier. His friendliness to Soviet Russia and his leniency to World War political offenders, however, gave his Tory opponents a handle against him, and his government was defeated in the general elec- tion of 1924. In 1929 the sweeping Labor Party victory gave the Scottish chief another chance in the minis- try. Reduction of armaments, his favorite ante- bellum program, came in for immediate atten- tion, and received concrete expression in the successful London Conference of 1930. Restora- tion of diplomatic relations with Russia, with- drawal of British troops from the Rhineland and adherence to the League of Nations were cardinal points of the Labor foreign policy. Domestic problems were multiplied by the post-war de- pression; industry and trade fell and the na- tional debt rose correspondingly. The left wing of the Labor Party rebelled against suggestions to balance the budget by cutting the dole and in August of 1931 came the fatal party split, with MacDonald earning the scorn and invective of his former adherents after the resignation of the cabinet by remaining to form a new ministry from a coalition of right wing Laborites, Con- servatives and a section of the minority Liberal Party. On Aug. 28 MacDonald was read out of the Labor Party. At the next election the coali- tion cabinet won a decisive victory and Mac- Donald was temporarily vindicated but with the passage of years his life was increasingly em- bittered by the unforgiving enmity of his old comrades. In 1935 he resigned from office be- cause of failing eyesight and health, but was still pursued by the abuse of the members of the movement to which he had dealt so heavy a blow after so many years of untiring and unsel- fish leadership. Ramsay MacDonald was a much-maligned man, probably less evil than unfortunate. The harm he did to his country by his near-wrecking of the progressive movement, which but for him might have established a Popular Frotit govern- ment in England, is immeasurable. But it is difficult to condemn a man for a single error, and MacDonald's coalition government, still in office after two changes of premiers and grow- ing almost daily more conservative in com- plexion, was, in spite of the allegations of his foes, probably in great part, at least, only an error in judgment. If it is retained in the minds of biis successors as a warning against similar break-downs in the face of crisis, it will not have been without value. Joseph Gies. iD ET% THE CLOCK with DISRAELI EDITOR'S NOTE The editorials published in Under the Clock are written by members of Disraeli's harem, who are not responsible for what they do when they are in his clutches. One of them found today's column in the left hip-pocket of a pink hobgoblin en- countered on the way home from a League committee meeting. TWO LADS of the studious ilk casting about for pleasure of an evening hied themselves to the Armory the night before last. It was their first visit and believe you me, what a time they had. Danciig and swinging and all that delights the heart of the student during the week-end at the Union or where are you, that's just what they have at the Armory on Wednes- day evenings. A good, healthy social hour, that's just what it is. So, after the ball was over and finding themselves with two peacherinoes who had gaily consented to dance with them and share the holiday mood, they offered to take the girls home. Consent was rampant in the hearts Sof women that night, for these two were eager that our lads escort them. Down they went to the street, hailed a taxi. "Where shall I tell him to go?" asked one whom we shall call X. "Milan," said a coy one. "Milan Road?" he queried. "In- deed, no," said a forward one. "Milan, Mich- igan." Passing by the city limits of Ann Arbor, the two girls came to grips with the cab driver and emerged with a flat rate. It was ten dollars, but what price chivalry? (EDITORIAL) We are sadly hesitant in reporting the passage of an old and respected friend. Each year we looked forward to the coming of Armistice Day. When we were in high school it was a holiday and we crowded all the veneration we could into that two minutes when the traffic was theoretically stopped, silence swept the streets and in our hearts at least Taps was sounded while we faced East. That we went home and had a date that night, or casually turned off any of those programs that played "Over There" more than seven times in fifteen minutes, doesn't matter. What matters is that we did venerate and reverence for two minutes. When we came to college we found that on Armistice Day the campus was struggling for a peace 'strike' or convocation. After some dubious battle, the peace convocation became a usual business, ac- cepted and sanctioned. Today there was no con- vocation. There was a short editorial in the daily. There are no two minutes into which to crowd our reverence. Armistice Day is dead, perhaps, although we have heard 'Keep the Ifecnz tio Me eywood Broun Red baiting is service in the cause of fascism. And this goes even for those people who profess to take the attitude of "A plague o' both your houses!" Neither Hitler nor Mussolini need be bothered much by attacks about the adminis- tration of affairs in Germany and Italy if only the writer or the speaker goes on to make the assertion that the Soviet Republics are try- ing to upset every other gov- ernment in the world. And if the orator of the evening also includes some of the rigamarole about Commu- nism and the Committee for Industrial Organization, the Duce and the Fuehrer owe him a decoration It must be evident that the pact signed by the aggressor nations is less than a candid document. The drive against Communism is only a cloak. In reality Germany, Italy and Japan are trying to tip the black spot to all the democratic nations of the earth. I am not saying that Russia is a democracy in spite of some movement in that direction, but of late there has been a decided campaign in the United States to label all pro- gressive movements as "Communistic." S, , , Playing Into Fascist Hands The three-power pact rests upon a false and fabulous premise, but lip service is rendered to the legend created by the Fascist countries when- ever any American publicist begins to see revolu- tionary spooks behind the New Deal. It is well to remember that in the last election in New York the charge was fonally made that Mayor La Guardia had been a buddy to Lenin. No member of the Nazi propaganda machine could have thought up a wilder one than that. And when liberals and even some mild conserv- atives are hailed as reds by American reaction- aries, Hitler and Mussolini can afford to rub their hands in glee and say, "We told you so. The Reds are everywhere. That is the justification for our pact with Japan." The imperial designs of the International Fas- cist League are now palpable. Nor is the bandit without much warm support in the United States. I am not thinking of the beery legions of York- ville or any of the more preposteous vigilante or- ganizations. They can be used to ill effect. * *1 * * Where Revolution Breeds The point is expressed satirically at the very opening of "I'd Rather Be Right." Two gentle- men are walking across the park, and one com- plains that under the present system of taxa- tion about the most he can expect to retain of his income, een in a good year, is $100,000. "Sure," says his companion, "Communism!" and the playwright's gibe is not really a very great exaggeration of the attitude of some of our fi- nancial leaders. And readjustment of the na- tional income seems to them actually revolution- ary. And there are many places in New York where, after the second or third cocktail, men of prominence are prone to declare that "there's a good deal in what that fellow Mussolini says." If you are looking for subversive activities Union Square is not your spot. Prowl along Park Ave. This is the breeding ground of revolution. Here the Red bogeyman designed to affright- the middle classes are manufactured. Here the stories about "Moscow gold" are put into the kettle. The wedge is forged to keep the democratic nations apart from one another and suspicious of a natural ally. Whether one likes the political and economic system of Russia in whole or part or not at all, there is no getting away from the fact that the first line of defense of existing democ- racies against an aggressive and avaricious Fas- cism is the Soviet army. On The Leve By WRAG When an ordinary news story headline is laughed at, a copy-reader or a typesetter is us- ually the one who has made the humorous mis- take, but this was not the case concerning the Daily's story on athletic subsidization in Wednes- day's paper. * * * * People all over campus roared out loud at a well-written and frankly stated headline about Michigan's salaried athletes, Wednesday, because it seemed so preposterous that the Board investi- gated those who are now being paid instead of looking around for more outstanding athletes that they could lure to Michigan with a few shekels. * * Some of these people took it for granted that Prof. Aigler's statement did not regard the football team, believing that few of the boys on it deserved a salary. , * * * * If those students pecking away at typewriters in the Publications Building can draw down salaries ranging up to $400, the boys tearing their shoulders loose on Michigan's gridiron ought to do at least as well. Last year Alex Loiko and several other un- named outstanding athletes dropped out of school because they found they couldn't practice hard five hours a day, work for board and room, and then get any studying done. Football players are human beings; they aren't mere mechanisms who show up on Saturday before a crowd of FORUM Question And Answer To the Editor: I am interested in knowing the Daily has begun inserting not-responsible paragraph at why that the v IA 1V 1 727 head of the editorial columns every morning, and printing the name of the writer of each editorial. Can you1 explain, please? - -Reader. !! EDITOR'S NOTE: The para- graph regarding responsibility and the names of the writers of the editorials have ieen inserted per order of the Board in Control of Student Publications. A Detroiter Speaks To the Editor: Born and raised in Detroit, I have established the habit pattern of read- ing the Detroit News and the Free Press. Being an idle college boy un- concerned with, and eager to avoid, the world's headaches, I contentedly while away my time in scanning edi- torial pages. I occasionally am aroused by the apparent stupidity of the editorial "we," exemplified by his criticism of impractical professors and Michigan football'teams. What right does "we" have to criticize sages spend a lifetime in the promotion of knowledge and those boys who work hours every day, who suffer for the Alma Mater before thousands of bloodthirsty spectators once a week.- A man of 40 knows nothing about football and lacksthe experience and knowledge to pass judgment on a youthful enterprise. Being outside the University, he can know n thing of what goes on in academic cloisters. If I only knew their names. When will editors of the Detroit News, the Free Press, the Times, the Chicago, Tribune fight off their cowardice and follow Michigan's example and sign their opinions? If I knewkwho they were, besides throwing bricks through their windows, I should see to it that they were not elected to the same or any like post for another year, so that such disturbing pieces would not 'again interfere with the calm pro- gress of the University of Michigan. -"Crackpot." RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: AlEGoodman, musical director for a whole field full of com- mercial shows ,says: "Like a team of perfectly matched horses, or a string of pearls, musicians in an orchestra have to be selected with painstaking care." . .. Feddy Martin and his band 'continue to please the patrons of the Aragon ballroom in Chi-his is the type of band that could follow Wayne King down the row of corn stalks without missing a beat. The Martin crew will continue to see the sights of Chicago's North Side until the first of December.. . W. C. Fields does not haunt Joe Barley Corn-because of his poor health and rigid radio schedule, the movie funny-man is in a strictly teetotaler groove . . . Rudy Vallee was the man who started Alice Faye on the long road to fame-just another star the man-who-sings- thru-his-nose has placed in the firm- ament. Ed Wynn will not be heard this year on the air. His loss will not be great- ly noticed and he can stay with the Broadway show for a long time-the air lanes will then continue to be better . . . Marvin Fredericka, former campus leader, is now up the fame- ladder a couple more rungs. At pres- ent he is leading his band in Atlanta, Ga., and gets air many nights of the week. At a later date he will go into Milwaukee's Schroeder Hotel and will be heard via WTMJ . . . Amos 'n Andy now use the old offices of the late Will Rogers on the Coast . . . The .young man who took Alice Faye down the long middle aisle a bit back is known to radio audiences as Tony Martin-his pappy knew him as Alvin Morris. Hal Kemp's funny-guy and tenor sax man, Saxy Dowell is going to still be unattached. His almost-bride-to- be wanted to wear both rings in a \hurry but he wanted to relax for a while longer-the young woman now wears NO ring . . . The Mutual Sys- tem now ranks up there with NBC and CBS. The network programs are plenty okay as a whole, but the local optlet, CKLW, sounds like Roar- ing Gulch's rawdio station what broadcasts every night fur two hours and twice on Sunday. Late at night when the great bands are on the air, CKLW comes thru with a corny com-. mercial announcement at the 15-min- ute mark, and a few new recordings could be added to the present col- lection of 10 that they play most of the time. Joe Gentile seems to have collected-all the good waxings but he must carry them to and from work with him. Chebatoris' Execution Day May Be Announced Today DETROIT, Nov. 11.-(OP)-The date and scene of the execution of An- thony Chebatoris, condemned slay- er of Henry Porter, Bay City truck driver, will probably be learned to- r1JAYLi, NOV. 1, 1937 ouiUuago, win speax a eVMichigan VOL. XLVIII. No. 41 League Monday, Nov. 15, at 4:15 The Bureau has received notice of p.m. on the subject: "The Task of the following Civil Service Examina- Religion Today." tions: Senior veterinarian (animal dis- Events Today ease research), $4,600 a year; Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of University Broadcast, 3-3:30 p.m. Agriculture. "Tax Delinquencies in Michigan," R. For further information, please call, S. Ford. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al memb r5 of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Pn!ident until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday of Ohinorrn brill CYNXIalr r + tha Affinhi"a" at the office, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. University Bureau of Appointments, and Occupational Information: Stu- dents are reminded that Friday is the last day to take out registration blanks without 'fee. Beginning Mon- day, Nov. 15, there will be a late registration fee of $1.00. Blanks may be obtained at the of- fice, 201 Mason Hall, hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Both seniors and graduate stu- dents, as well as staff members, are eligible for the services of the Bu- reau, and may register in the Teach- ing Division or in the General Divi- sion, which applies to those interested in other professions than teaching, as well as in business and industry. Feb- ruary, June and August graduates tare urged to register now, as this is the only general registration to be held during the year and positions are already coming in for next year. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern wellilocated Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. To The Householders: Effective Monday, Nov. 15, the rate of pay--! ment for all odd jobs, such as house- cleaning, yard and garden work, will be 40 cents an hour. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Fraternity and Sorority Presidents are reminded that the monthly mem- bership lists for October are due in the office of the Dean of Students on or before Nov. 15. I should like to get in touch with an, NYA student who can read Italian' for work in the Dictionary Office in 206 University Hall. M. P. Tilley, 2213 A.H. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts who have not recived their five-week progress reports may obtain them in Room 107, Mason Hall, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. according to the following schedule: Surnames beginning P through Z, Monday, Nov. 15. Surnames beginning H through O, Tuesday, Nov. 16. Surnames beginning A through G, Wednesday, Nov. 17. Alpha Kappa Delta: . A special meeting will be held in Room B, Ha- ven Hall, Friday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. It is important that all members be present. Delta Epsilon Pi: There will be a meeting Friday, 8 p.m., at the Union. Junior Mathematics Club will meet Friday, Nov. 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. L. J. Savage will discuss "Pathological Functions." All interested are invited to attend. American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Mr. W. R. Collings of the Dow Chemical Company will speak at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 12, in the Chemistry Amphitheatre on "In- teresting Properties of New Cellulose Derivatives" with special reference to the plastics which the Dow Company is developing from cellulose ethers. All students interested are'invited to attend. There will be a dinner at the Union at 6 p.m. at which Mr. Mark E. Putnam of the Dow Chemical Company will speak briefly of his visits to chemical plants in Germany during the past summer. The price of the dinner will be 75 cents. Grad- uate students and studentemembers of the A.I.Ch.E. are invited to at.. tend the dinner. Reservations should be made in Room 2028 E. Eng. Bldg., 1 Phone 454, by Thursday afternoon. School of Music Juniors: Class elec- tions will be held in the School audi- torium this Friday at 4 p.m. Sophomore prom committee meet- ing at Jordan Hall Friday, Nov. 12 at 4:30 p.m. All committeemen should be present to this important meet- ing. Church of Christ (Disciples). The Disciple Guild will have a game night at the church recreation hail, Hill and Tappan Streets, Friday night 'from 8-11 o'clock. The special fea- ture will be a hobby hour from 9-10 o'clock. Students are asked to bring their hobbies or tell about them. HillelsFoundation: Services at 8 rp.m. this evening. ° Cantor, Alvin Finkelstein. Speaker, Rabbi Leon Fram. Topjc, "What I Saw in Germany and Poland." Social following services-Hostess, Mrs. Reuben Kahn. Coming Events A i na1 i l tI kinnUI f T nhnhoa~r . 7 i E 4 american rFeeration or Teacners: Dr. George E. Axtelle, Professor of ma embersip cardes: stll aai- Education, Northwestern University, many membership cards still avail- 'kill give an address on "The Prospects able for the matinee showings. The of the Academic Profession" at an entire series will be shown to hold- of t he n mesion t an ers open luncheon meeting of the Ann esof matine cards. They are on AbradUiest fMcia se at the Union League and Vahrs Arbor and University of Michigan e at thes n L e ad Wh. Chapter of the American Federation The "Comedies" will be shown this ;yof Teachers, Saturday, Nov. 13, at Sunday. _112:15, in the Michigan Union. A .e .jSpecial invitation is extended to those A cademic Notices attending the Progressive Education "Anthropology 157, Evolution of Association Conference. Ann Arbor Culture." Mid-semester examina- fteachers, m mbers of the University tion, Tuesday, Nov. 16." faculty, and others interested will be Iwelcome. Political Science 107, 11 o'clock section, will meet in Room 205 Ma- son Hall today. H. B. Calderwood. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Competition drawings for the Ryer- son Scholarship offered by the Lake Forest Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Partici- pating schools: Universities of Il- linois, Ohio State, Cincinnati, Michi gan, Armour Institute, Iowa State College. Open daily except Sunday, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14, third floor exhibition room, Architectural Bldg. The public is invited. The Ann Arbor Art Association presents an exhibition of modern American and German water colors from the collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, in the North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. Open daily, incuding Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., always free to students. Lectures Public Lecture: "Islamic Art in Spain" illustrated lecture, by Prof. Aga-Oglu. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, Nov. 15, Alumni Memorial Hall, Room D, 4:15 p.m. The lecture on "Modern Egypt" bymMr. Enoch Peterson sched- uled for this date will be announced later. Lecture: Prof. A. Eustace Haydon, noted humanist from the University aE N N Bw Rooks Adcddu e . Freshman Round Table: All men and women of the freshman class are invited to the Freshman Round Table to be held at the Union Sun- day morning at 9:30 a.m. Prof. How- ard Y. McClusky will speak on "Per- sonality" followed by round-table discussions led by upperelassmen. Seniors, School of rEducation: The finance committee of the senior class in the School of Education, consist- ing of Clarence Metzger, chairman; Dorothy Rupper, Margaret Morrow, Ann Gordon, Arthur Weiner and Edwin Knudson. will meet Friday, Nov. 12, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2436, U.E.S. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will have a potluck supper at the home of Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, 1008 Oakland Ave., on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m. The Outdoor Club will sponsor a bicycle hike on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 13, leaving Lane Hall at 2 p.m. and returning by 5:30 p.m. All stu- dents welcome. Mixed group. Westminster Guild of the Presby- terian Church will hold a Scavenger Hunt Saturday, Nov. 13. Meet at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. Fee of 20 cents per person includes ref resh- ments at the conclusion of the hunt. Stalker Hall: Class in "Through the Old Testament" tonight at 7:30 p.m. Party following the class. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited to be present. r -nhaw Qmdant'"nhwillhnlr