THV MICHIGAN DAILY THU AY, NIOV. .11, ,1137 ~RE MTCHTfAN DAILY I . I _o., _,.,,.DA . ,Y . ,OV . .. ..3.7 Happy Birthday Dear Democracy. . . IT WAS just 19 years ago today that an armistice was signed in a railroad car in France, ending four years of war that had involved practically every major power in the World. Hosannas were great, and war was gone frdm the world forever. The "war to end wars" had been won, the Germans were successfully crushed, the Kaiser was sent to exile in Holland, and once again the world was "safe for democ- racy." That was 19 years ago. It is now November 11, 1937, and again the world finds war in two im- portant countries, and preparations for war in at least six others. The war fever grips the earth once again, and the fight to save democracy and to end wars seems to have been utterly in vain. Japan ruthlessly attacks the Chinese. Franco carries on mass murder in Spain. Hitler and Mussolini arm despite treaties that were signed in 1919. The fear is spreading through the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, and nearly every major power in the world. The menace of fascism strives to envelope the world in general. The United States does not know where to turn, fearing that she might "put her foot into it." Yet something must be done on an organized world basis. Horace W. Gilmore. THE CLOCK with DISRAELI EDITOR'S NOTE The editorials published in Under the Clock are written by Disraeli and they are not really his at all, but just some things he picked up on the back of old beer skim- mers at the Bell. You know how he does get around. LITERARY SCHOOL BOARD WILL INVESTIGATE RUMORS OF TERRIBLE SUBSIDIZATION 350 Phi Beta KAppas Hide Under The Sofa In Hagen's Basement That sloe-eyed wench, Dame Rumor, flounced in today and plunking her round little buttocks on our desk declared that "certain students" were receiving scholastic subsidies from Hamtramck and Ecorse alumni groups. The report will be investigated by Dean Kraus and a flying squad- ron of football coaches who want to know what the hell it's all about too. They will be assisted by a Ladies Auxiliary of the Ex-iwanis-Who- Got-Tired Of-Pressed-Ham-On-Wednesdays-As- sociation. Dr. William Brace and Miss Ethel McCormick will chaperon. When questioned, an influential member of the board stated that he -was ambushed in the tele- phone booth at the Parrot by a crowd of men with circles under their eyes and brandishing over-sized Phi Beta Kappa keys. "What you tink!" one shouted. "What you tink! We no get our pay checks thisa week. What you tink, hey?" Expressing surprise, the faculty man asked ! him what he meant. The fellow, apparently1 spokesman for the crowd, could hardly control himself as he spoke. "What you tink, hey? You think I disguise my- self as a Superior girl t'ree hours a week and I no get paid for it. You t'ink Joe, he polish knobs ona da drink founting and he no get paid? Huh? Looka what Joe do, hey! Didn't he write da history of Bolivian rubber boots previous to do Protestant Reformation? Didn't I, J. Aloy- sious Widdlziniwicz, spend tha best days of my career writing "The Cynicism of the Upper Sene- chal Buffalo Tick?" Didn't 65,000 people refuse' to reada my book? Ain't I a success? Ain't it? Do I wasta time go around builda tha stadiooms and the gymnaaz, huh?" "I was nonplused," said the influential board- member. "I was nonplussed. These people don't seem to understand the ideals of the University. As for the gymnaaz and the stadiooms. I thought they just growed, you know, like Topsy. I was impressed though when this fellow spoke to me so pitifully. "With tears in his eyes he said, 'Look, profes- sor, alla my life I am used to pick my teeth with my Phi Beta Kappa key. So what I do now? I gotta key but nothing geta stuck in my teeth anymore.' " * * * * Yesterday we received this letter which we relay to you. What you T'ink, hey? Dear Diz: I am a senior, for many years I have been a member of the football squad at the Uni- versity of Michigan. In some way my last pay check must have gotten lost in the mail. Do you think you could help me locate it? It should also cover my last month's expense account which I give to you. Three weeks pre-season practice ... . $49.00 20 tackles before the season opened (half-price) ......................10.00 600 minutes on the bench at .50 an hour..... .....................5.00 271/ tackles when I finally got in at .1 1.50 ea........................... 41.25 11 blocks at 2.00 (the premium price) . 22.00 Iifeeinr Ic Me Heywood Broun The doctor said, "Can you spare me an hour?" You see, I'd asked him what was the matter with me and my work and life in general. To make a long story short, he found that I was suffering from a common complaint, although he admitted that this was one of the worst cases he had ever encountered. It seems that I am far too kindly, which means that underneath a smiling exterior molten lava is churning around and dev- astating my nervous system. "Look at Vesuvius," said the doctor dramatically. All I could see on the wall was a painting of two or three deer, a nude lady, a sky- scraper and a bunch of grapes. It was labeled, for no particular reason, "Nocturne." It turned out that the physician meant me to look at Vesuvious in my mind's eye. "The thing that keeps that mountain going," the doctor ex- plained, "is the fact that every once and so often it erupts. You should do the same. When you sit down at your typewriter to do a column, think of some person or things you're mad at, and then let go. Turn on the heat; use a full swing; don't pull your punches." Inhibitions Frustrate Him "But suppose I go to work some morning andj I'm not mad at anybody in particular?" I ob- jected. "I can't write about Bill Green every day." "Don't talk nonsense," he answered. "Of course, you're mad at lots of people. Everyone of us is, twenty-four hours of the day. Without good sustaining hate, life could not go on. That's your trouble. You're inhibited." I guess he's right, because sometimes I justj can't remember anybody I'm sore at, or if I amI I've forgotten his name. My hate may be fa- miliar, but I can't seem to place it. And so at the end the doctor and I compromised. The present arrangement is that on three days out of every six I must be indignant in my col- umn. On the other three I can be my old sweet self, and on Sundays all I have to do is to kick the dog around. But there is one task added for the days of benevolence. After dishing out some treacle for the paper I am under orders to go back to my painting. The doctor thinks this may serve to release my inhibitions. The column, for instance, could be something very whimsical and charming about a dog or autumn in the country, but the minute I'm done with the attempt to impersonate Louisa May Al- cott my instructions are to go straight to the studio and paint myself a thunderstorm or a couple of venomous trees. Can't Work Up Grouch So far the system is working out terribly.- I still have sugar in my newspaper stint, and all the landscapes are benign and smiling. Unless I can pull myself together I'm going to end up by being a kind of combination of Charles Dickens and Maxfield Parrish. Almost any day now somebody is going to be calling me "the good, gray journalist," and I look out of the window fearfully to see whether a delegation of kiddies has come from the neighboring town to serenade me with "Happy Birthday to You!'" A man who pretends to be a friend has sent my name to a contest which a young folks' mag- -azine is carrying on to determine who has done the most to further the ideals of American child- hood. If I win the election I understand that I get a gold watch'and that the magazine will print my picture on the cover under the caption "Uncle Heywood." In addition the lucky man in the elec- tion will be offered a thirteen-week radio con- tract to do a "Slumber Talk'' for the tots under the sponsorship of a predigested food company. .t n.o Mistaken Diagnosis It looks as if the doctor was all wrong. There is no hope in my unconscious. Even if I get rid of my inhibitions I won't be Dean Swift. The net result will be much more like Eddie Guest. I'm 1 not Vesuvius; that's a couple of other moun- tains. What the doctor diagnosed as molten lava is really cold molasses and honey. Good night, everybody. Sweet dreams. . FORUM- We Want Pete To the Editor: Since in your columns you see" fit to"give niflrt fn DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin in constructive notice to al the WMtvrsity. Copy received at the ooma t the axtanest to the r A UtAS 3:3- 11 :0 a... e. SatwdoW. have kcal 114 w oiVU i"1" C, iLo a very grave controversy on campus, that over the custody of Pete the Skeleton, we suspect that perhaps there is some public interest in the matter. Wei wish to be heard in branding the article on this subject in this morn-f ing's Daily unfairly biased. In it there are obvious signs of editorial' favor toward the culprits in the case. As the true guardians of Pete we1 believe it only fair that our side of the case be made known. We feel that since our acquaintance with silent Pete far antedates thnf t f THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1937 VOL. XLVIII. No. 40 I Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the fac- ulty on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 4:151 p.m., in Room 348 West Engineeringl Building. Changes in curricula for4 Municipal Engineering, Transporta-1 tion, Civil Engineering, and Mathe- matics will be considered.I National Youth Administration:I .ravaa . aaaaty L GUL 1011 CLII CUCI, Ca LISCS ; of the girls of the Co-op House, we are proportionately far more com- petent as judges of what is desirable for Pete and what is not. We are certain that continuous contact witl frivolous females such as these will destroy Pete's high ideals, and lea him to forget the greater things he stands for in the trivial activity of day-to-day social life. Thus a great soul will be lost to the world, re- duced to mere insignificance. These people have even proposed that Pete go into the movies-and everybody 'knows what happens to people wh( go into the movies. The very thought fills us with horror. No, the Co-or House is no fit place for Pete. Further, disregarding the issue of the desirability or undesirability of a change of Pete's affiliations, we are sure that any court in the land would support our right to retain the custody of our adopted ward, who was taken by us from oblivion and raised to greatness. By every right, legal and ethical, Pete is our ward and our responsibility. We feel perfectly justi- fied in demanding that he be returned to us without further ado, and can- le 2- ! 1e .e h 11 ,d ie A Lt ; ,e ;e y O t p f e d e s f Checks for the payroll ending Oct. 23, are now ready for distribution at the Storehouse Bldg. To The Householders: Effective Monday, Nov. 15, the rate of pay- ment for all odd jobs, such as house- cleaning, yard and garden work, will be 40 cents an hour. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examina- tions: Senior veterinarian (animal dis- ease research), $4,600 a year; Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. not but believe that public opinion} will support our argument.+ -Hal, Ted, Chuck and Dave. --Proud Protectors of Pete. By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: Kay Kyser seems to be the only band that can rival the popularity of Joe Sanders in Chi- cago's Blackhawk. Will Osborn took a terrific flop in the spot and the stompin' band of Louie Prima dic likewise-the patrons like their mu- sic on the commercial side . . . The former Casa Loma leader, Hank Bi- agini, has changed his name foi commercial purposes to Hank Henry. Biagini had the now Casa Loma band under his wing a long while back in Detroit . . . Johnny the Call Boy, midget m.c. of the Phil Morris ciggy show, holds a life-time contract-a mighty handy thing to have right off hand . . . Dave Tough, drummer man with Tommy Dorsey, comes from a - well-to-do Chicago family. His ability to use the English language with deftness is exceeded only by his ability to drum. . . Peter Van Steeden did such a good job of being funny on the O'Keefe show that some spon- sors handed him offers to be funny for their money-he's sticking to baton wielding . . . Michigan State College is the scene of this week's "Varsity Show"-it's homecoming or some kind of a shin-dig and NBC brings its mikes to East Lansing to air the various organizations that represent the State campus . . . The ,coed's national anthem, "Star Dust" spent 6 years on a dusty shelf wait- ing until Isham Jones introduced it .. Today being Armistic Day the big 'networks are giving plenty of air space for memorial purposes. The commercial shows tonight also have an Armistice air-CBS presents army notables in a huge memorial service at 6:45 from Los Angeles and Chi- cago . . . At 2 Friday morning, a host of radio and film stars take part in an Armistice Day program from the Ambassador Hotel in Hollywood on an NBC chain . . . Bits: Raymond Scott has added a new weird tune to his library. It bears the handle "Mad Waffle Eater" -his stuff sounds weedy . . . WOR- Mutual has taken over the lease on the New Amsterdam Theatre Roof for future airings-the Mutual Sys- tem continues to give NBC and CBS something to worry about ...New York will sport 25 name bands in steady spots during the winter months, and they will all be marking time until they get a chance to go Coastward . . Red Norvo and crew have the Californians standing around with mouths open. Stewie Pletcher has returned to the Norvo fold and the band seems to be in a better groove with their old pal back in the brass section. State Street Takes Junior Elections (Continued from Page 1) 1 The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information is open for registration Thursday and Friday of this week, Nov. 11 and 12. Blanks may be obtained at the of- fice, 201 Mason Hall, hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Both seniors and graduate stu- dents, as well as staff members, are eligible for the services of the Bu- reau, and may register in the Teach- ing Division or in the General Divi- sion, which applies to those interested, in other professons than teaching, as well as in business and industry. Feb- ruary, June and August graduates 'are urged to register now, as this is' the only general registration to be held during the year and positions are already coming in for next year. There is no charge for this service, but after this week all students tak- ing out blanks are subject to payment of $1 late registration fee. Fraternity and Sorority Presidents are reminded that the monthly mem- bership lists for October are due in the office of the Dean of Students on or before Nov. 15. R.O.T.C. Uniforms will be issued between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 p.m. today. This is the last day the tailor will be here and all uniforms ' must be called for. Academic Notices History 47: Midsemester, Nov. 11, 10 a.m., Sections I, I, III, in Room C, Haven Hall. Sections IV, V, VI, in Room 103 Romance Languages. Economics 51: No lectures today., IA Selected List," Edith Thomas. Address: Dr. Cameron Haight, as- sistant professor of surgery, will give an address on, "The Use of Surgery in Pulmonary Tuberculosis," at the Hospital Amphitheatre Thursday evening, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. This will be the regular meeting of the Ann Arbor District Nursing Association. A.S.M.ES. Meeting: Thursday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Mr. James H. Herron, National Presi- dent of A.S.M.E. and President of J. N. Herron Co., Cleveland, will sneak on "Some Engineering Exper- iences." Physical Education Majors: The Physical Education Frolic will be given from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 in the Women's Athletic Bldg. for the men and women of physical education classes. Freshman Girl's Glee Club: There will be a meeting tonight at the League at 7:15 p.m. All members please be prompt. The Finance Committee of Soph. Cabaret will meet at 5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Please bring the money col- lected so far. Fireside Session: The "Associa- tion" will hold its second Fireside Session in Lane Hall at 8 p.m. to- day. Dr. Mischa Titiev of the An- thropology Department will be the faculty guest. Come around if you can. Independent Men's Organization: Meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. All committee men will meet with the heads of their committees and the executive council. All men interested in committee work are invited to try out. Coming Events Faculty Luncheon: Prof. A. Eustace Haydon will discuss Humanism at a luncheon for members of the Faculty at the Michigan Union, 12:30 Mon- day, Nov. 15. Please call Lane Hall for reservations. Junior Mathematics Club will meet Friday, Nov. 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 201 Angell Hall. Mr. L. J. Savage vill discuss "Pathological Functions." All interested are invited to attend. Economics Club: Members of the taffs in economics and business ad- ninistration, and graduate students n these departments, are invited to ear Dr. William Haber speak on he subject, "The Paradox of Unem- >loyment and Recovery" at 7:45 in ~oom 302 of the Union on Monday, Tov. 15. Educational Tour: All reservations :or the tour to the Saline Valley arms, offered by the International ouncil next Saturday, Nov. 13, must e made by Friday noon. The Stour s planned especially for foreign stu- Lents, but a few places are regularly 'eserved' for American and Canadian tudents interested. American Institute of Chemical ngineers: Mr. W. R. Collings of the )ow Chemical Company will speak t 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 12, in he Chemistry Amphitheatre on "In- eresting Properties of New Cellulose )erivatives" with special reference to he plastics which the Dow Company s developing from cellulose ethers. kll students interested are invited ,o attend. There will be a dinner t the Union at 6 p.m. at which Mr. dark E. Putnam of the Dow Chemical 3ompany will speak briefly of his visits to chemical plants in Germany uring the past summer. The price >f the dinner will be 75 cents. Grad- ate students and student members f the A.I.Ch.E. are invited to at end the dinner. Reservations should je made in Room 2028 E. Eng. Bldg., Phone 454, by Thursday afternoon. Freshman Round Table: All men nd women of the freshman class ire invited to the Freshman Round 'able to be held at the Union Sun- Jay morning at 9:30 a.m. Prof. How- ird Y. McClusky will speak on '"Per- onality" followed by round-tabtle .iscussions led by upperclassmen. Seniors, School of Education: The inance committee of the senior class m the School of Education, consist- ing of Clarence Metzger, chairman; Dorothy Rupper, Margaret Morrow, Ann Gordon, Arthur Weiner and Edwin Knudson, will meetFriday, gov. 12, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2436, U.E.S. Alpha Kappa Delta: A special meeting will be held in Room B, Ha- 'en Hall, Friday, Nov. 12, at 4 ;p.m. :t is important that all members be >resent. The Outdoor Club will sponsor a ii nrnl a I hir n CRa *iriIa a ffnprnnnn Directed in physical today. teaching class for men education will not meet R. W. Webster. ! OnThe Level By WRAG (Editor's Note: Yesterday's "On The Level" was found in a waste-basket last night. It was accidentally mislaid). (Night Editor's Note: Dat wasn't no acci- dent!). Today is Armistice Day and all the R.O.T.C boys will be dressed up in their best uniforms so they can go to whatever Peace Meetings that will be held. - * * * But the newspapers will be so full of happen- ings along the battlefronts in China, Japan, Russia, Spain, Italy, and Germany that they won't have much space in which to remind read- ers that The Armistice was signed 19 years ago. The fact that the University will not dis- Exhibitionsj Exhibition, College of Architecture: Competition drawings for the Ryer- son Scholarship offered by the Lake, Forest Foundation for Architecturel and Landscape Architecture. Partici- 1 pating schools: Universities of Il- linois, Ohio State, Cincinnati, Michi-1 gan, Armour Institute, Iowa Statel College. Open daily except Sunday, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14, third floor. exhibition room, Architectural Bldg. The public is invited. The Ann Arbor Art Association presents an exhibition of modern American and German water colors; from the collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, in the North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 11 to 24, inclusive. OpenI daily, incuding Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m., always free to students. r Lectures Public Lecture: "Islamic Art inz Spain'" illustrated lecture by Prof.1 Aga-Oglu. Sponsored by the ResearchI ' Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, Nov. 15, Alumni Memorial Hall, Room D, 4:15 p.m. The lecture on "Modern Egypt" by Mr. Enoch Peterson sched- uled. for this date will be announced later. Lecture: Prof. A. Eustace Haydon,} noted humanist from the University of Chicago will speak at the Michigan League Monday, Nov. 15, at 4:15 p.m. on the subject: "The Task of Religion Today." Fred Osberg, Fred Space. Edward EvToda Lebeis and James Easterly. Wes Warren was named to the Michigan Dames: The Book Group Engineering Council, defeating Rob- will meet tonight, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. at ert Hartwell, and Chuck Evans was the League. elected to the Honor Council over Pater Thsan ' TTniiypr'itv BroaIdcast: 3-3:34 m.