THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG*E THREEa '36 Speedball Champs Lose To Sigma Chi Hinckley And Cooper Star For Victors; Chi Psi Takes Pi Lambda Phi Playing off a 6 to 6 overtime tie of last week, Sigma Chi smashed through to defeat a favored Theta Chi team, last year's interfraternity champions, 13 to 12 yesterday after- noon in one of the fast moving, hard- est fought games of the fall speed- ball tournament at South Ferry Field. Paced by John Hinckleyand Bill Collette the Sigma Chi team led 6 to 0 at the end of the-first quarter, before the Theta Chis, led by Dick Shroth, all star player of last year and Colvin Gibson, garnered six points to tie the game at the end of the half. The second half showed an even fight by both sides with the game see- sawing to a 12 to 12 tie at the end of the game. With a final plunge through the Theta Chi line, Sigma Chi fought down the field and Hinck- ley kicked through to gain their one point margin in the last few seconds of the overtime. Chalking up six points, Hinckley of Sigma Chi led the scoring of the day with Shroth of Theta Chi a close sec- ond with five points to his credit. Jack Cooper played the outstand- ing defense game for the Sigs and Walker Graham led the Theta Chi defense. Chi Psi played off a two way tie to defeat a highly touted Pi Lambda Phi nine 6 to 5 in the second game of the afternoon. Leading 3 to 2 at the half, the Chi Psis kept their one point lead until the end of the game in a smooth, fast game full of plenty of action. I-M SPORTS FOR TODAY Touch Football: 4:15 p.m. Whirlwinds vs. Forest- ers. Speedball: 5:15 p.m. Delta Upsilon vs. Theta xi. Volleyball: 7:30 p.m. Nu Sigma Nu vs. Phi Psi. Phi Beta Pi vs. Phi Delta Epsilon 8:30 p.m. Alpha Chi Sigma vs. Law Club. Phi Delta Chi vs. Phi Delta Kappa. FORMAL WEAR TUXEDOES $24.50 FULL DRESS SUITS $40.00 HATS Derbies & Homburgs Dress Shirts and rnlnr Punting Gains dim Varsity Position Practice Sees A 1 1r 1 1 r-c XT 1 0 7 11 V arsity qua ad r I if a I 14 z u learemingi. On The Upturn i By IRVIN LISAGOR For Opponents Savilla Back In Uniform The Expose Smnouldiers... sylvania prep school as a train- ing ground for its football play- Michigan's ambitious freshman grid As Kipke Drills Squad 'THOSE men you didn't see snooping ers in the past, and certainly, un- squad is having a tough time this year about the campus yesterday inves- til recent policy changes, the finding opponents. On Fundamentals tigating subsidization rumors must Eastern university has resorted to Coach Ray Fisher's boys began Obviously on the up grade for the have been members of the athletic athletic subsidies for promising practice this fall with several practice firt tme hiswee, te Mchianboard. Or in fewer words, whati. material. So conclusions on these first time this week, the Michigan bad ri ee odwa men are obvious, although they games scheduled with various other football squad yesterday afternoon threatened to be a rip-snorting ex- mey ae obioaltog e pgsin schegth narious othe went through a rigorous drill inpr- pose has fizzled into nothingness- I may be entirely wrong. i pigskin aggregations notably the aration for the game with the Uni- for the time being, at least.gHarmon was the nation's outstand- i Junior Varsity and Physical Educa- versity of Pennsylvania at Philadel- To sum up the situation (if it ;ing prep gridder last fall, and re- tion teams. phia Saturday. can be done in a few words): cCame time for their clash with the Coach Harry Kipke announced that Someone with bonafide evidence, schools. He came to Michigan. Nat- Jay Vees and the frosh were antici- approximately 33 Varsity players will of shady practices among certain p,, ,pating great sport in bowling over make the trip, leaving this afternoon Michigan alumni forced the hand 'gan s grid fortunes haven't been in- the twice beaten warriors. The night following practice. of the Board. In order to ab- viting to a potentially great player. before the game was to come off, Savilla Back solve Varsity men, the Board Immediately upon issuance of the came bad news from the Jay Vee The return of Joe Savilla to uni- thought it wise to issue a state- Board's statement, people winked camp. "We haven't got enough play- form brought the squad up to full ment which incriminated, if any- wisely and whispered, "Um Hum, ers to stage a game," they said. So strength although Savilla took very one, freshmen who were or are in they've finally got wind of Harmon the frosh had to content themselves little part in the workouts. His bad' school now. We doubt if the 1 and those Kiski boys." They haven't with an intra-squad scrimmage much ankle has not healed completely and Board proper plans any further at all. But what other inferences can to their disgust. it is uncertain whether he will make investigation than that which has Jbe drawn from the Board's action? Now the latest disappointment the Pennsylvania trip. already been conducted, and It doesn't appear in keeping comes with the cancelation of the Today's workouts will follow closely celui-ci admits of three freshmen with legalistic traditions to in- annual Frosh, Phys Ed battle, which those of yesterday which featured getting paid through a local timate first that a man is guilty, always aroused a lot of spirit among passing, punting, and fundamentals. manufacturing house for more then set out to determine his in- the two squads and interest among More time will be given today to the hours than they actually put in. nocence or guilt. But then we're football fans in general. learning of several new and unfa- All the Board's threatened action in a state of flux and one never The reason this time? It's an old miliar plays, Kipke stated. did was to provoke campus curiosity knows from day to day.Thr so m th ePhys En old Norm Purucker and Doug Farmer and invite outside newspapers in here * * * i story folks. From the Phys Ed camp left practice a little earlier with slight to find out what's what. And this Heard and Overheard: "Just' be- com t e aen " injuries received in tackling. The in- disinterested press, equipped with cause Michigan fmally wins three juries are not serious enough to keep men who are veterans at flushing outgames, they have to get suspicious." them from practice today. bad messes, may learn about some . . "If Michigan is subsidizing its Terrace Garden Considerable time was devoted to things, dating back to the summer of football players, it's sure gettingDi aerial attacks yesterday but the pass- 1932, which may shock the Board's gypped." . . . "Anyone who thinks ! Dancing Studio ing did not look as well as it might eyeteeth. But the statement may Michigan subsidizes players ought to forms. classical, social, Coach Kipke said, and would come in temporarily appease the party, or .visit the Stadium some Saturday af- dancing. Ph. 9695. for a great deal of attention during parties, who originally brought the ternoon, and see for themselves . . " 2nd Floor this afternoon's workouts. matter before the board. It'll all come out in the wash.._ __ _ +c=.SS { v.;. {. y -' : :, ' "' . '' ' . ~ >.iy1f } .. 1 6fii:lxi +!.?:: ryO:n."A4..L:'Y] Sp +L c". 'k .:. a: o :.?" .; %; { ?YiR e '}" <':. rA' %Y. " .'A" tsi ?~i; .': - Tackling Stressed John Kinsey who has been promoted from the Jay-Vees to the Varsity Fundamentals again received con- squad by vir'tue of his excellent punting is proving to be a real threat I centrated effort on the part of the to Tex Stanton by battling for his fullback post. Kinsey, a sophomore, Varsity with tackling getting the hails from Plymouth, Michigan. greatest amount of attention, fol- lowed by blocking. Lining-up in sev- eral rows and having freshman run- Despite Center Jum p Abolition, inrs carry the ball down the lines the 1 Varsity tried to impr'ove their tackling by nailing the frosh ball toters. Height Is tll Big Cae Factor With John Kinsey, Norm Purucker and Stark Ritchie in the backfield, doing the kicking, Kipke had the By BUD BENJAMIN have a chance to hold the ball; in squad go through several puntinga Don't expect to 'find a change in the old game the winning team might plays. Doug Farmer did the signal- your favorite brand of basketball this control the tip and freeze calling. The line saw Fred Janke and, contol Bill Smith at tackles, Dan Smick and ' year due to the abolition of the center Finally, it may hurt the follow UP; John Nmicholso fclesan thmc Anr- jump. It's still going to be the same Faely, citay teh olwMuph- John Nicholson flanking them, Ar- ju mwit tillgonte te mey game of certain teams, notably Mich-: chie Kodros at center and Ralph old game-with the new rule merely igan's. If a basket is made fromKn serving as a stimulus to faster play center court and the entire team Heikkinen and John Brennan in the and a stopper to some of the undesir- follows up fast as the Wolverines do, guard positions.l able features of other years. hth The team leaves at 6:41 p.m. today, Atteotedsms l eif the opposition may grab the baill{diretyfoFryFilorPla At the outset, dismiss all beliefs under the basket, step out of bounds, ectly from Ferry Field, for Phila- that the new rule will turn over the and start down the floor before the delphia. game to the little fellow. Basketball breaking team can stop its momen- I will still be ruled by the supremacy of tum. Independent Teams Vie the tall, and the little man will, as No Tipoff Plays always, be in the minority.-Many people hold a lot of illusions ForcTouch Title Today "You can't beat the big guy," Coach about the discarded tipoff. Accord- The championship of the men's in- Franklin C. Cappon commented yes- ing to Cappon, it was not a scoring dependent touch football league will terday. "The little fellow shoots once, maneuver. "No Conference team in dh be decided today when the Whirl- and he's all through. It's the big boy the last ten years," he stated, "built winds and Foresters pair off at 4:15 that's under the basket controlling an offense around the tipoff. It was p.m. on South Ferry Field. the rebound or leaping high to block too much trouble and useless against Neither team has been defeated in a shot." a good defense. The aim of the tip eigemhtstbeethis feat.dBoth Will Cause Changes was to get possession of the ball. league competition this year.d Both Despite the fact that the new rule Once a team had the ball they set' are high scoring combines and will be is now new lease on life for the little up their plays-not before the center shooting the works in order to win the fellow, it does have its implications, jump" tdepartment. The D.D.'s are the pres- and it will cause a few changes in' A popular complaint against the eent champions. the game. new rule is that it will prove exhaust- ____champions. Briefly stated here is the way the ing to the players. The center jump CORNELL ADOPTS CODE new rule works. After a field goal was abolished three years ago in the ITHACA, N.Y., Nov. 10.-(P)- the ball is to be put into play by the Pacific Coast Conference, however, Cornell University today made public team scored upon in the same manner and experience with it there seems to its adoption of a code of athletic el- as after a personal foul. The official disprove this assertion. adotin e o atntic el- is not to handle the ball, and op- iigibility designed to maintain bar- ponents are not permitted to inter- Red riers against football subsidizing and fere with the ball after it comes Read .Daily ClassifiedAd, recruiting. through the basket. At the begin-- ning of each half and overtime pe- riod, as well as after technical and double fouls, the ball is to be tossdcenter. ProbableE ffects _ A ll But be assured, although the matter may smoulder for the time being, there's a live spark WE REC beneath, which-when sufficient- ly fanned-may result in a smelly conflagration. The Board stuck its neck out and narrowly avert- 324 South ed getting it nicked. It would be _______ a pity for the callow Board to be -- exposed to some of the shocks contingent upon stadia football. Unjus"ly Singled Out... Unfortunately, five freshmen were placed, unjustly perhaps, in the lime- Hight. They are the four Kiski Prep : gridders, Paul Kromer, Ralph Fritz, Jack Meyer and Howard Mehaffey, and Tom Harmon, the Gary, Ind., backfield star. These boys; are ob- viously the ones singled out by the Board in its incriminating statement, although they are not mentioned by name. As far back as early October, when it was learned Kiski boys A COMI were here, people began to arch their eyebrows knowingly and wonder what Michigan offered them. Else why would they come here, instead of say 'to Pitts- 727 Nortl burgh? Pitt has used the Penn- OMMEND MILANO PIPES FOR A SATISFYING SMOKE. CALKINS - FLETCHER State 818 South State r' What are the probable effects of DRESS TI ES the new rule? First, it is bound to result in higher scores due to the playing time that will be added. Second, it will end the jostling and I MU FF LERSroughing around the center circle after a jump. This is a much de- sired improvement. H OS I E RY Third, it's going to mean a faster and more exciting contest especially during the tail end of the game. It STADEL & will certainly mean a lot of down court action in the closing minutes W ALKE of a tight battle.+ A LK R FourthAid Losing Teamj lBank Bldg. eFourth, it will have an equalizing 1st Nal effect. A team that is behind will You're DRESSED UP 1 k* evenwhen/ it's dampi FIT EACH FIGURE ... " There are figures of many shapes in each size. put now, with Coopers two-piece Y-Front under- wear, we can fit contours of each figure. Also, by means of simple silhouette charts, we are now able to assist women in obtaining a correct fitting for their husbands when they're not along. Bring waist and chest measure. The patented Y-Front insures snug, comfortable fit as well as buoyant masculine support. "Longs" by Coopers keep you evenly warm all over, and eliminate colds caused by sudden changes of temperature as you go in and out of doors. This two-piece Y-Front underwear offers many other advantages. No buttons. Wears longer be- cause uppers or lowers can be replaced sep- arately. Provides extra back protection. Will not bulk or bind. Makes outer clothes fit better. Y-Front opening convenient yet cannot gap. Gives energy- saving support. Whatever und6 wear style he 0now wears, you can get the same r model and fabric weight in these new garments. All the advan- tages of this modern styling are there, too-no buttons, no bulk, no-gap fly; plus energy-saving sunnort! maw S.EPMOUS CONS 0 I.fI/y -1 If O a z AP 4At pPf MIM; REAR iX"u XEE1S 1f L.P;Ep 4.11081 Ip.R ItE VAT Tuxedoes of de luxe imported weaves - faced with distinctive grosgrain. Double-breasted. $45.00 $65.00 $85.00 SHIRTS . . $3.00 upward TIES . . . . . . $1.00 upward I * Here's smart style and quality I I I r I I 1