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November 11, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-11

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The Weather
Partly cloudy and sonme-
what colder today.


5k& 6


Boy" Meets Man .. .
Happy Birthday
Dear Democraey . .





State Street's'
Slate Sweeps
'39 Elections
Under Protest
Evening Votes Thrown Out
As Nurses Are Judged
IneligibleIn Balloting
Robert Reid Named
The complete State Street party
slate, with the exception of one J-
Hop position, was elected yesterday in
junior literary college elections, and
Robert Reid, engineering candidate,
was named J-Hop chairman.
The State Street group was de-j
clared elected at 10:30 p.m. yester-
day by HughRader, '38, president of
the Men's Council, after ballots cast
when the polls were open from 7:30
p.m. until 8:30 p.m. were thrown out.!
The polls, which would have closed
at 5 p.m., were kept open from 7:30
p.m. until 8:30 p.m. so that members
of the junior class of the nursing
school could vote.

Mac Donald Called Opportunist;
Used Labor As AStepping Stone
Minister Likened To Hleads defeated by a "cleverly maneuvered
"re scr. hl u vhsscn

- - _

Pledges Cut
In Spending

Excessive Housing Profits
Revealed By Daily Survey;
Restaurant Cheek Stalled


Federation Of Labor
Professor Heneman

cabinet from 1929-1931, England took
the initiative in foreign affairs and

James Ramsay MacDonald came
nearer to being the "Benedict Arnold
of the British labor movement than
its Lincoln," in the opinion of Prof.
Harlow J. Heneman of the political
science department.
Born in poverty and barred by class
distinctions, this Scot was able to rise
to the position of Prime Minister of
England only by aligning himself
with trade unionism and the labor
movement. In order to maintain his
office, once he had attained it, he
was willing to desert the labor forces
that had put him there, and to com-
promise his earlier professed ideals,,
Professor Heneman said in an inter-s
view yesterday. .
" The tragedy of this pseudo-So-
cialist is that a man who might have
been a hero if he had stood by his
original principles was called a 'swine'
and a 'cur' in the House of Com-
mons by the Left, while the Right, to
which he had gone over, did not pro-
MacDonald's actions in relation to
labor are parallel, Professor Hene-
man stated, to those of AFL leaders
and to those of the German Social-

showed that she was willing to co-
operate with other nations to main-
tain peace. In fairness to MacDon-
ald, Professor Heneman said, it
should be noted that neither time
did the Labor Party have a majority
in the House of Commons.a
When the labor leadership col-
lapsed under the financial panic of
1931, MacDonald resigned for the1
Labor Ministry but immediately be-
came prime minister of a "national"
or "coalition" government, Professor;
Heneman declared, that was actually
The conservative British press at
this time hailed the Scotchman as a
hero who was making sacrifices.
Later, when his willingness to endure
practically any insult to maintain his
office became evident, he lost the re-!
(Continued on Page 6)
Teachers Open
3-Day Annual
c.- _ __. r"n nn

Pump-Priming No Longer
Required As Recovery
Policy, Secretary Claims
'Nuisance' Taxes
May BeAbolished'
NEW YORK, Nov. 10.-(P)-Oppos-j


ty Refuses Publication
Of Comparative Scores
Under New Health Rules

Coalition Men Bow Probe Of Rooming House
Incomes Shows Rents
T Dark Horse C ould BeNearly Halved
In First ShowdownE
Earnings Average

ing a revival of "pump priming" as
unnecessary, Secretary Morgenthau Sanitation Scores
pledged the Roosevelt administration A valbeAt t
tonight "to balance the budget Avaiiable
through cutting expenditures." Vjt
In what appeared to be an effort Publication of sanitation grades for I
to encourage business to pull itself eating places in the. State Street areaI
out of its current slump, the secre- appeared unlikely in the near future
tary of the treasury hinted that tax as the health department last night
"defects" would be remedied. expressed its willingness to answer all
He advocated balancing the budget questions by private individuals but
by a $695,000,000 reduction in next opposed newspaper publicity in what
year's federal expenditures. Specifi- was termed a "delicate situation."
cally, he called for less spending on These comparative rankings can alsot
relief, highways, public works and be obtained at the Daily offices.
agriculture - apparently striking a When contacted last night, Frank- h
blow at some of the farm aid pro- lin Fiske, city sanitarian, offered nod
posals slated for consideration at the explanation for the move declaring
special session of Congress next week. only that "issuing partial lists wouldc

A dark horse scored the first vic-
tory in the Junior class elections yes-
terday by a walk-away as Washtenaw
Independent Coalition proved the
Max E. Hodge, '39, assistant editorI
of the Gargoyle, and John H. Over-!
ton, '40, were parading up and down
State Street with horses on posters:
"Bet on a Winning Horse; Vote for
Washtenaw Independent Coalition."
One of the posters on Hodge's horse
tore loose and fell to the ground as
he was making a turn. When Hodge
dismounted to pick it up the horse
jerked out of his bridle and walked
Ti. +..,i. v .a,.1

1.0 Per Cent In City



! ~~~~~Student Forum On Means In addition Morgenthau advocated antagonize restaurant owners." Ques- 0 Hogamorcce (
Evening Votes Cast Out Democratic Party just before the ad- broadening the base of the income tioned as to whether the grades would cycle, Model T and a taxi to catch
Ninety-eight votes were cast in the vent of Hitler. Of Improving Colleges tax structure, so that more persons be issued when inspections are com the horse far out in the country.
evening, 44 of which were those of dNeither time that Maionald heahs Will Be Held In Union would pay such levies, and suggested pleted Fiske said be opposed news-
nurses. Others were voters that abolition of some consumer taxes, paper publicity in such a delicate
didn't cast their ballots from 3 to 5 leadership characterizedby stron The third annual Progressive Edu- sometimes called nuisances levies. situation at any time and that he was xai Records
p.m. yesterday, the appointed time cation Association convention will Comparing present conditions with against any further notoriety than
for the election. open at 9:30 a.m. today in the Pat- those of four years ago, the adinin- would be given by the placarding sys-O
The evening votes were thrown out, tengill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor istration's fiscal spokesman said: tem. He refused to predict a date u eA
Rader said, because it was found that enate Presses High School with a lecture on "The We deliberately used an unbal- when this system would go into effect, I F i St
the nurses have their own election, Influence of Pressure Groups in a d declaring it would be "soon." I Fy
and therefore are not entitled to vote * Democracy," by M.wat G. Fraser of Fiske Declines
Of bfoa G rsro r andofeder a uget erig enpscyFseDelnsJ*7)
in the literary college. However, they Investigation the education school. four years to meet a great emergeicy. The situation was precipitated by
will be given one position on the J- 1 Taking as its theme "Community hat policy has succeeded. The emer- the demand on the part of the Daily Iidpedents Collect Old
Hopo commttee. T gency that we faced in 1933 no longer In ependet olc l
Hop commte. a r a ters Schools-An Objective in Democ- exists." that the city health department, hav-
The Washtenaw Party was victor- racy," the three-day convention this ing completed a survey of the restau- Ouizzes To Aid Students
ious in the election until the evening year is being held jointly with the He disputed the contentions of rants in the State Street area, release
ballots were rejected. LaFollette's Group Gives eighth annual Parent Education In- some persons "that another great a list of those establishments at which repare or uebooks
BefG thue 's ballotingitheestitute. e- spending program is desirable to ward students could eat with safety. Fiske
voting machines weie opened by Ra- ManufacturersINames; off the risk of another business de- declined to release such a list. After several months of workthe
Bfrthevnn'baltnteI Mnfcues Na e; Asconoth cofrned-pression"IneednMe'Oraiaonls
der and James Leavanworth of the Study Prompted Probe signed especially for students is the He was supported in this position Independent Men's Organization last'
Automatic Voting Machine Co. Re- student forum on "A More Effective "I claim," he went on, "no pro- by Dr. John A. Wessinger, executive night announced that a limited file;
sults tabulated then, were used in . WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.-4P)-The College Education," at 2:15 p.m. Sat- phetic insight into the future. But I health officer of the city. Dr. Wes- of former examinations is now avail-
determining the victorious nominees Senate Civil Liberties Committee an- urday in the Union. Student repre- have reached the firm conviction that singer declared final results would be able to studets at the Main and
the domestic problems which face us released "soon." Mayor Sadler when Engineering libraries.
after the State Street protest. nounced today that it had summoned sentatives from 30 Michigan, Ohiohpssyisneng hrariesb
Electi Contested * representatives of the National As- Illinois and Ontario colleges and today are essentially different from contacted also said results would be This is one of the first tangible re-
e tn t d 1sociation of Manufacturers and a Iconte o page those which faced us four years ago. apparent "soon." Neither odldenom- sults of the newly-formed Indepen-
astnght taitwouar giteanumber of ~other organizations to fMany measures are required for their ment further.dents organization and is largely the
last night that it would register a u h s solution. One of these measures, but "No One Dead Yet" work of a one-man committee, Ed-
formal complaint with the Men's pblic hearings. mauebt"oOeDadYt, oko 3E
Councl agmnaint ith r e o e s SntsLo e(rg, s)S only one, in the present juncture, is a When Fiske was asked whether ward Page, 39E.
Council against the removal of the Senators LaFollette (Prog., Wis.) 'determined movement toward a bal- public policy did not require that the Copies of exams given by the lit-
evening's ballots. and Thomas (Dem;, Utah) issued a O'Brien Retraction anted budget." health department inform restaurant erary college may be obtained at the:
John Thompson of State Street -joint statement saying the commit- patrons as soon as possible of those Main Library reference desk and are
was elected president, defeating Clif- te would continue a study of "em- DETROIT, Nov. 10.-U)-Richard places at which they could safely given out as regular reference ma-
ford Wells of Washtenaw by a vote 'ploye associations and so-called W. Reading, mayor-elect of Detroit,' A / F Ieat, he replied that it had no duty terial.
of 168 to 153. Margaret Cramm of vigilante groups in various sections today forwarded to Patrick H. .To Uear beyond seeing that the establishments Engineering college copies may be
State Street was named vice-presi- of the country." O'Brien, whom he defeated in the city were sanitary. He maintained that obtained at the Engineering library
dent over Zivia Seltzer, Ralph Erle- "The scope of the committee's election Nov. 2, demands for retrac- Its H ead Today the restaurant situation was not to by the same method.
wine, the State Street candidate, was study," the statement added, "will in- tions of statements made during the ./ be feared since no one had gotten According to Page, a circular letter
chosen secretary over Helen Owston elude the groups which have as a campaign that he regards as libelous sick yet. "We haven't had anyone die was sent out by the University late
and Wallace Bash of State Street purpose the defeating, or influencing and slanderous. National President S eaks yet," he said. . / last semester, asking the heads of the
was selected' treasurer over Fred the right of labor to organize and Similar demands also were sent to r "As long as there is no publicity various departments to cooperate by
Thomson. I bargain collectively, or which tend to the publication known as the Wayne Here At 7:30 P.M. the restaurant keepers will cooper- contributing copies of their final ex-
On the J-Hop committee, Arthur influence, or repress the rights of free County Democrat. ate," Kiske continued. "but they are aminations and any other quizzes
Colman, Barbara Heath, Marie Mc- 'speech and assembly." In the letters, Reading asserted James H. Herron, '09, national pres- getting sick of having newspapersI they had on hand.
Elroy and Betty Shaffer of State LaFollette said subpoenas had been that the statements were false and ident of the American Society of Me-! meddling. It makes for uncertainty." "Most department heads are will-
Street and Marvin Reider of Wash- served on the following: demanded that they be retracted on chanical Engineers, will speak on Mayor Sadler explained last night ing to donate copies," Page said. The
tenaw were elected over Waldo Ab- The National Civic Federation of, or before Nov. 25. Reading referred "Some Engineering Experiences" at that final results will be available chemistry department arranges copies
bott, Marietta Killian, Joe Osbrn, New York; the Constitutional Edu- to charges that he wps affiliated with the local chapter's meeting 7:30 p.m. to the public. Dr. Wessinger who is of its former quizzes and exams in
Jack Wilcox and Jean Bleecker. cational League of New Haven, Conn.; the Ku Klux Klan and had profited today in the Union. directly responsible for the city polcy booklet form for the use of students.1
s The National Association of Manu- personally in city land deals through An associate editor of Hool and refused to comment. Page pointed out that the supply is
Ihipoiinas City Clerk. AnssociteedtoroHooland_ very limited and is to be cumulative.
Ken Evanson was elected presi- facturers, New York City; The Johns- his position y Johnson's Handbook'of Building Con- Lry ials have
dent on the junior engineering class, town Chamber of Commerce, Johns- - struction, contributor to the hand- Lthatithey wil a e anonibu-
defeating Don Percival by a vote of town, Pa.; League for Industrial City Launches Drive book on structural engineering, Iron Art Exhibition tionsfrm udenforthecrie s
141 to 96. Robert May defeated Dick 'Rights, New York; New York State Age and the Iron Trade Review, Mr.
Roemer for the vice-presidency, Phil Economic Council, New York; George For Red Cross Fund Herron is active in Cleveland's civic T dfrn age issued a request to all
waslims &Co.,New York.__organizations.ndsoroitis heenixts
Whittemore was. chosen secretary Williams Co., York. ganizations. Begins Today copies of quizzes to turn them in at
over William Buchana and Fred LaFollette and the committee's Among Mr. Herron'nsaree Library. So far, he said, physics
Wtit197qoafxda$4200 I'A umthal
Luebke was elected treasurer de- study was an outgrowth of surveys inaWith is 1937 qutafixedatb$4, air compressors and inlet valvedun-s In Aluni Hail udents have made mostsuse of the
fetn nyPse ihgn inst n eny-and 2500 members, Ann Arbor will1 loaders. Mr. Herron is the president fie
Reid defeated Harold Spoden for vania in recent months. launch its annual Red Cross roll call of a firm bearing his name.
the chairmanship of the J-Hop, and with a house to house campaign forn exhibition of 50 modern Ger Fd D
AsKte $SUSualAt 11 Window displays in stores and film Japs Threaten man and American water colors will e ars
Belden and Jack Collins were elect-i Cassesd features in the theatres will focus open today in Alumni Memorial Hall.I Its Goal Of $53,110
(continued on Page tomorrow as usual, Dean of Stu- activites while solicitors canvas the Nanking Drive Tecoion, lnttoheAnr-
dents Joseph A. Bursley announced city for members and funds. Booths bor Association by the Detroit Insti- Ann Arbor's Community Fund drive
yesterday. toeowrsyetra sill be opened in the banks for sev-' SHANGHAI, Nov. l.-(Thursday) teofA, will be on exhibit fom neared completion ysedya
Band Brke, ant There will be no peace demon-era days during the campaign tJs.d$dB-h for se- Hs 2 to 5 p.m. daily, including Sundays,' total of $41,775 was pledged toward
Attend iPenn Game strations. . convenience of the enrolling mem- of Shanghai today indicated immin- through Wednesday, Nov. 4. the goal of $53,110.
bers. ent offensives to wipe out the last This group of water colors includes The University has pledged $5,352.-
Chinese resistance here and to launch work by most of the principal figures 3 i as part of its quota of $8,000. TheI

Notoriously high rents in Ann Ar-
bor's approved rooming houses as-
sumed new meaning today ag a survey
by the Daily disclosed landlord's pro-
fits last year averaged 10 per cent and
in some cases skyrocketed to an 18
per cent return upon the capital in-
vestment. The average rate of profit
on single houses outside the Univer-
sity area is estimated by city real
estate experts to be between two and
three per cent.
These figures mean that students
could obtain rooms in the 22 houses
considered for slightly more than half
their present rents and still allow
rooming house proprietors a six per
cent return. Moreover such a return
would be from two to three tithes
that obtained upon property in any
other section'nf the city.
Figures Checked
The following resuhs were bared
by the Daily's investigation:. The total
revenue earned during eight months
by the 22 houses selected at random
for the test was $29,923.50; total ex-
penses for 12 months were estimated
at $13,200; the total value of these
properties according to corrected city
assessments is $166,688. On the basis
of these figures the annual return
is 10 per cent.
The figure for expenses alone, is
subject to variation. Income quota-
tions are those reported to the Uni-
versity by the rooming house proprie-
tors. The valuation of the property
is the corrected city assessment fig-
ure. (Assessments represent 60 per
cent of the value of the land and im-
provements according to the city
The figures for expenses, while only
estimates, have been checked by the
economics department and by ex-
perts in Ann Arbor real estate.
Income alone is calculated upon an
eight-months basis, all expenses are
for the full year. No account has
been taken of the sizable returns
from summer school students. Prop-
erty valuation also tends to be low.
The city's property valuations are
drawn up to average 60 per cent
throughout the city. Yet it is well
known that assessments upon the east
or university side of town are, in
many cases, higher, ranging up to 70
per cent. The use of these figures
makes the percentage return upon
the investment appear smaller.
Expenses Allowed
Expenses were allowed as follows:
Coal bills for average size houses, ac-
cording to leading coal companies,
are about a ton and a half per room.
Where houses are draughty or poorly
insulated as much as two tons may


'be necessary. With due regard to
the condition of rooming houses, two
tons were allowed. With seven as the
average number of rooms, coal bills
were calculated at about $120 per


Lighting posts based upon figures
given out by the Detroit EdisonCo.
for a number of houses considered
were listed at $60.
Telephone bills were allowed for at
$42 a year, the price for a private
line. The water bill was entered at
A figure for depreciation and main-
tenance was entered at $250 and in-
cluded $100 a year for repainting and
plumbing, $100 for furniture replace-
ment and $50 for depreciation of the
(Continued on Page 2)

The Varsity Band will not go to;
Philadelphia for the Pennsylvania}
football game tomorrow because ofI
insufficient funds, Prof. William D.
Revelli of the School of Music, di-
rector of the band, announced yes-'

Males Beware! Women, Hungry
For Love, Plot You -Conquest'

a major drive toward Nanking, j
China's capital. '
Japan's army and navy appeared
to be massing power in the Nantao
area, bordering the French conces-
sion on the south of Shanghai, to end
the resistance of an estimated 6,000

in the Expressionist movement. Some University Hospital has contributed
of the painters represented are Nolde, $1,110.49, 65 per cent of its budget
Heckel, Schmitt-Rotluff, Pechstein, of $1,710.
Kirchner and Paul Klee. Prof. Robert Briggs of the econ-
The American collection includes omics department and Prof. Arthur
work by Gifford Beal, Hayley Lever, Bromage of the political science de-
Richard Lahey, Louis Eilshemius and partment are chairmen of the Univer-


terday. NEW YORK, Nov. 10.-(P)-A ser-
Last year, the band used not only ious "sex battle" with women emerg-
the funds it got at the first annual ing as rulers of the nation 1,000 years.
Varsity Night, but also the funds from now was predicted today by Dr.
which the University allots for its One William Maulton Marston, noted psy-
trip a year. This year, the band :as chologist, formerly of Harvard Uni-
already gone to the Northwestern versity.
football game. Man as the "boss," he said, is
"The next 100 years will see the
Spanish War Film beginning of an American matriarchy
a nation of Amazons in the psycho-
To Be Given Friday logical rather than physical sense.
I"In 500 years, there will be a ser-
ious sex battle. And in 1,000 years,
"The Spanish Earth," film of war- women will definitely rule this coun-
torn Spain photographed by Joris try."-

the nerve strain, the poison of em-

Syphilis Check
Seen In Spread
n~ 0 T T-

tional conflict has been eliminated Chinese soldiers left there when the Charles Burchfield. A marine com-1
and the human body has become main defense forces withdrew to the position by Winslow Homer is also
mentally and physically balanced, West. exhibited.-
human beings will be able to live Farther South, the Japanese land-
ten centuries with ease." ed reinforcements on both sides of . .s
But to get back to the women- Hangchow Bay. University Raises
"Women have twice the emotional The objective of the landing forces F
development, the ability for love, that was said to be Hangchow, main city Rates For 0(1(1Jobs,
of Chekiang Province, capture of j
man has," he explained, leading up which could sever one of two rail-
to his theory of an amazonized Amer- roads ld Shaga nd ai- Students getting odd jobs through
ica. "Thus women have been driven iroads linking Shanghai and Nanking.the University will receive 40 cents
to loneliness or naughtiness. an hour because "we consider it a
"Today, realizing that their love SRA To Sponsor Chat fair rate of pay with living costs as
motive has no sustaining force, noth- On Primitive Religions they are now," according to Dean of
ing to feed on-in fact," he inter- Students Joseph Bursley.

sity division of the fund.



Defer Brussels Meeting Of Free Drugs
On Japanese Indecision L
BRSSLS Nv.10-()-ur 'e LANSING, Nov. 10.-- (iP).--the
BRUSSELS, Nov. 10.-RI)-Further'1 State aimed a new blow at syphil-
sessions of the Brussels Conference s.todaym a n gl ansfyph e
were deferred until Saturday after , today, announcing plans for the
advices from Tokyo today that Japan free distribution of drugs employed
has not yet decided whether to par- in treating the disease.
ticipate. Dr. C. C. Slemons, State
The Japanese Cabinet was expected Dr.mCsC.one en t health
to draft a decision on the Confer-
ence's second invitation at a meeting ing session of the 17th annual Michi-
Friday night. It rejected a first in- gan Public Health Conference, dis-
vitation to enter the deliberations closed a five-point program for con-

# ian+ar7 «th n:>>>+a it cf niTf of 7jinb ac

I--- ~

I Th.+i~,r,'+ A11_ithr.N o t'Jaccord- I jectecQ, 'teyre Just outL01 luck asI

Dr. Mischa Tatiev of the anthro- The increase, which was announced


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